#slight ennodai
it’s been a while hasn’t it?
times have been, rough yeah? how bout a fluffy ship post because i’m feeling emo for haikyuu!! and i haven’t had a chance to watch season four yet. and i am v sad ab it rn k? k. 
prompt: Person A: “I have something to tell you.”Person B: “Oooh~ Are you about to profess your undying love for me?”Person A: “Yes, I am.”Person B: “.....What?”
Iwaizumi Hajime x Oikawa Tooru
Hajime and Tooru have been friends for the better part of ten years, to the sound of twelve. Tooru would always be grateful for that. Even when the two of them going in very different directions wit the rest of their lives, they are still there at each others sides. No amount of banter or ill-timed joke can separate the two of them. Tooru can be as overbearing as he wishes and Hajime can be as collected as he wants and the two balance each other out well-enough.
No stone can be left upturned with them.
Well almost no stone.
One year into university and a new found friendship in his roommate, Hajime finds himself sitting in his shared dorm eating plain Capn’Crunch talking with his roommate in question.
 “Daichi what am I doing with my life?”
 “Besides eating my cereal?” he asked, laughing looking up from his book.
 “Hey now, I’m serious about this one Dai.”
 “Hajime what do you actually mean then?”
Hajime sighs and puts the box down on the bed side table and looks at him.
 “I’m still in my home town, my best friend, no offense, is like four hours away, and I’m not even playing volleyball right now.”
 “First off, you are recovering from an injury. Secondly, Oikawa understands and he tries to talk to you as much as he can. But you’re at the school for the best physical therapy because of your best friend. Thirdly, I accepted the first time Oikawa and I properly meet I knew I was never going to be your actual best friend.” Daichi replied putting his book aside and taking off his glasses.
Hajime smiled at him, but his eyes look sad and unconvinced. Daichi knew he was over thinking. Daichi was smart enough to realize there was something more on his mind.
 “You don’t have to talk to me, but I’m here.”
 “I’m about to make a mistake.”
 “What do you mean?”
 “Daichi do you know when the buses start and stop?”
Daichi knew this was a bad idea from the start, but he saw the look on Hajime’s face he knew he was in this for the long haul.
 “Let me make a few calls.”
Hajime picks back up the box and Daichi walked away to make a few calls and do a bit of Google searching. Daichi was calling three people, Suga, Kuroo, and Ennoshita to make sure that he wasn’t be irrational. Ennoshita replied no, helping a friend in love was a very chivalrous. Daichi laughed, he wasn’t sure if that’s what he was doing or not, but he did feel good about it all.
 “You need more cereal.”
Daichi sighed. He needed to help him. And get him to stop eating his cereal.
 “Buses to where you want to go start at 7:20 and stop running at like 2 in the morning.”
Hajime looks at the clock. It read nine am. He jumped out of bed and started throwing together a backpack. Daichi nodded and followed along.
 “How’s your boy?”
  “He’s fine. School has been rough but he’s doing great.” 
Hajime holds his bag close and picks up keys and wallet. He looks like a kid in a candy store for the first time. Daichi picks up his backpack and keys as well pocketing his phone. 
  “Well come on now before I loose my nerve.” 
  “What are you going to do? Confess to him?” asks Daichi. 
Daichi sneezes. He’s not sure why his body’s response was sneeze but he looks at Hajime like are you insane? Hajime isn’t looking back though, he has the dopiest smile on his face paying the other no real thought. Daichi rolls his eyes and locks up their dorm room. 
Hajime just follows with his jacket thrown over his arms and smiling to himself. Daichi sends a quick text to Chikara that they’re leaving and will keep him updated. Then he texts Suga to tell him that he’s on his way. Suga responded with a series of obscene emojis. Daichi nearly gagged and pocketed his phone. 
  “What?” Hajime asked. 
  “Suga is just being himself you know?” 
  “Not well enough no actually.” 
  “He is a beast in his own right. And that is all I can say on that.” Daichi responds. 
Hajime laughs and opens the stair doors. The two of them walk down the stairs together and burst through the doors together. 
  “Are you sure you are okay with this?”
  “For you? Anything.” 
Hajime nods to show his approval and that he would do the same. Daichi nods back and offers a fist bump. Hajime responds and slips his earbuds in as does Daichi and they walk side-by-side. Once at the station Hajime bought Daichi’s ticket, ‘for coming with him”. 
Daichi just shook his head. He set himself up to read by the window while Hajime just watched the scenes pass in front of him. His phone was buzzing on his lap and every so often he would tap away, messaging someone back. 
  “His sister actually. Turns out Oikawa like flowers, lilies.” 
  “You told his sister you were going to confess?” 
  “I told his mom and she told her.” 
Daichi snickered. He shook his head and goes back to reading. Hajime smiles to himself and goes back to watching. He was so excited for this. He’s been waiting for months figuring out what he needed or wanted to tell him.His mind was racing what he could say. 
Haijime wanted to be as straight as possible so Tooru never questions it. LAy it all out on the table for him. Four hours is a long time to think. An even longer time when you don’t remember falling asleep till you’re being kicked awake. 
  “We’re hear.” 
Hajime nearly bolts up and runs off the train. Daichi has to stop him before he hits a little lady in front of him. Hajime nods and waits for the isles to clear. 
  “I will literally buy you all the ramen you can eat for this.” 
  “No need. I love being here for you.” Daichi replied looking down at his phone. “Okay they leave like four blocks from here.”
Daichi guides Haijime around the corners and up to the apartment building. Hajime shakes his head.  
 “I can’t do this. Daichi what if he-”   
“Iwa-chan, Dai-san? What are you two doing here?” 
  “I missed my best fried.” Daichi reaches for Suga and pulls him to a choke hold. 
Suga coughs a bit and tries to wiggle away and Daichi. Tooru laughs a bit and looks at Haijime with a twinkle in his eyes. He offers a hug and Haijime with out hesitation squeezes him. 
  “What bring you here as well them?” Tooru asks. 
  “I have something to tell you.” Haijime smiles pulling away. 
  “Oooh~ Are you about to profess your undying love for me?” he teases wiggling his eyebrows. 
  “Yes, I am.” 
  “.....What?” Tooru backed away panicked. 
Hajime nods smiling awkwardly. Tooru sniffs and shakes his head. 
  “You’re lying. This isn’t- no.” Tooru smiles, “You love me?” 
Hajime nods and moves closer to him cupping his face. He’s smiling and kisses his softly. Tooru kisses him back. Suga and Daichi are watching. 
  “Why don’t you kiss me like that?” 
  “Because I’m not dating you?” 
Tooru pulls away laughing looking at the two. 
  “Are you two always like this?” 
  “Yes, I even did this when him and Chikara got together.” 
Tooru and Hajime laugh pulling each other in again. 
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