#slicy product
supermaaad · 4 years
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visual identity & merch for Rider.404 project.
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xxrevengefrommarsxx · 3 years
i feel very slicy lately. i wanna cut but i dont want to get into the habit of just cutting when i feel it. maybe i should paint with my blood again tonight to do something productive with that action. ive been sad and not doing my art so this could be a motivator. i have lots of negative feelings inside me that i dont really want to act on but my heart does. i think taking that pain and making art from it is a better option. id have something to show for myself too and maybe someone who also feels like that will see it and feel less lonely? i dunno. i jus gotta do something with this energy
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thequietmanno1 · 4 years
Thelreads, Vigilantes 5, Replies Part 1
1) “But, let’s forget about that, and look ahead, towards Chapter 5: Bee.
Must… resists… copy-pasting the entire bee  movie script…”- Well, you’re a stronger man than most, not sinking to the level of a wicker man joke at least.
2) “Now I’m wonder how this kid got hold of that thing, I wouldn’t expect the drug to be handed around like candy to unsuspecting kids.
Jesus, its like the drug PSAs of the 80s always warned us.”-Actually, that’s honestly not too far off the mark. Shame the fact that they need to keep the drug’s existence low-profile to cut down on the potential market buyers means that they can’t put out their own anti-drug PSAs
3) “We saw how the vigilantes are facing the drug problem, and now it seems like we’ll be seeing how the cops are investigating it. Darn, I thought this chapter was going to be about Barry back there….”- Sort of? It’s kinda like the investigation side of things that Cole leads in the future when trying to track down the league, or the preliminary work that Nighteye put in when investigating the Hasaaski- though it mainly serves to give us the detailed information that Knuckleduster and Koichi can’t spend time interrogating the users to get about the dealer, giving us a better idea of who’s behind things, especially ocne it’s revealed that the Doll-Dealer was a red herring to distract us from the real people higher up the chain.
HE LOOKS LIKE HE’S 13 AT MOST”-Well, he may be physically 19, but the way he talks about himself his mental age might be slightly behind his physical development- though experiences like this are probably good to help people mature and grow some self-confidence like Teruo needs- get them on a positive line of thinking about their future and all after a brush with the law like this.
5) “And funnily enough, we already know who is selling the stuff around: Overhaul and his good pals, although it will take a few years until it actually reach a critical point.”- Actually no, Overhaul was more focused on developing his anti-quirk bullets than perfecting an quirk-boosting drugs, especially since his overall goal was to remove quirks entirely from the opposition. At this point the Hasaaki Boss is likely still around and running the show, since it’s implied that Eri and the overhaul situation came to a head with him only a few months of so from the beginning of the story, so Overhaul is still just a deadly enforcer for the Hassaki, and hasn’t yet started his mad science experiments. 
It is likely, however, that he was inspired on his course of action by the Trigger Dealers and the situation that resulted from them spreading their products around like this to adopt a similar course of action with his own Unique brand of hot product to be put in demand. It’s very probable that, rather than make the quirk-boosting drug, he actually had a stockpile of the stuff stored around, perhaps left-overs from when Trigger was still a hot new drug on the street, and he managed to secure enough samples to provide the Hassaki an edge in territorial disputes, or provide good bargaining tools when dealing with rival gangs and build goodwill with them to try out his new weapon on the street. 
In essence, his strategy mostly cribbed off what others had been more successful in doing beforehand, and he sought to emulate them as a means to rise the Hassaki to its former level of glory. Thinking about it though, I seem to recall that the drug variant used by slicy the hedgehog wasn’t explicitly called trigger, but rather an off-brand knockoff that achieved a similar effect. It’s therefore unknown if he had trigger samples and diluted them for mass distribution at weakened effects, or if he instead got a bunch of similar drugs provided by somebody trying to compete with the trigger dealers in the drug market.
6) “Alright, so this place where Koichi lives isn’t actually that good, a perfect place to get small fries that want to take petty revenge on society. A testing grounds for the drug, with a lot of potential test subjects. “- You didn’t think he’d get that swanky rooftop apparent for such a dirt-cheap price in an upstanding neighbourhood, did you? In any case it does explain why Koichi kept running into the Dumbass Trio all the time in the earlier chapters, if the area he lives in is relatively small and overlooked for small-scale crimes such as theirs- at least till they met Pop anyway.
 Even in a hero society, there’s got to be places where heroes are more prevalent and less, locations where housing and the neighbourhood isn’t top class, and those of a disreputable personality might conjugate, though they can’t even act out lest they get arrested. Koichi’s living in a fairly unsavoury location compared to Izuku’s house, which makes the area prime real estate for the Trigger dealers to field-test their drugs on ‘volunteers’ who are more than willing to use the drug to liven up their lives and stave off the constant oppression they feel.
7) “THE DRUGS AGAIN? AND FOR THOSE BASTARDS? GODDAMMIT DUDE, AT LEAST FIND SOME DECENT VILLAINS”-Actually, the whole point is to find disposable villains to field test the drugs on for whatever purpose, so for that reason Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest fit the bill perfectly. Kinda reminds me of Overhaul’s attitude to the Hassaki in that respect.
8) “Oh wait, is that dollman?”-Yeah, Doll-Dealer’s apparent higher connections to the drug ring were a red herring to mislead us in the initial chapters, due to his smarter attire and method of hiding the drugs compared to the other users. Though it does make me wonder. The Flashback here shows he apparently got given the case by the real supplier, so does that mean they scoped him out beforehand and specifically presented the case full of concealed drugs in dolls to appeal to him? Or did he only get his doll fascination after he’d started taking the product? 
Either way, it was hinted way back when that he wasn’t actually as important as he seemed, specifically because he took the drug and transformed into a massive kaiju in plain sight of everybody. The dealers work best hidden from view and their greatest defence is the fact that nobody knows who they are, or can positively identify them. Mario going one-winged angel and drawing the attention of heroes to himself just showed that he wasn’t suited to covert operations like the actual trigger ring runs by
9) “WHO THE FUCK IS SELLING THIS STUFF IF ITS NOT OVERHAUL?!”-His predecessor, the one who inspired him to take a similar course of action to achieve greatness from afar, though who this person is, is very much still an enigma. It’s perhaps best to think of the relationship between them as similar to how Spinner was Inspired to take up the cause of Villainy through Stain’s actions, regardless of his actual intent. Nonetheless, the fact that overhaul based his plans upon theirs implies that the trigger ring’s operations had a real effect upon him, enough that he thought he could use their tactics ti improve the Hassaki, meaning things like causing a mass apparent villain ‘riot’ is only the start of what they have planned with the drug….
10) “Well, I mean, its not like the person that gave him the drug once will go after him to give him more, that was clearly a one-time deal, this boy was just too naive.”
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Chapter 5: Are you Sure about that?
11) “AND THE WORST THING IS THAT I CAN’T EVEN SAY THIS WON’T LEAD TO ANYWHERE, SINCE NOW THAT YOU’RE IN THE CASE, I’M SURE IT WILL ACTUALLY GIVE YOU SOME GOOD CLUES”-They probably did the exact same thing with the other drug users- or at least I assume they did so off-screen, but it didn’t lead anywhere. The alternative option is that, since Teruo is the 6th user that’s been caught involved with trigger, it’s clearly not a bunch of isolated incidents anymore, so they are tailing him as the freshest lead they have that’s been in contact with the trigger dealers in the hopes they can catch wind of them before the situation escalates. Fat lot of good that did them.
12) “ALSO WHAT THE FUCK COLE, THAT’S NOT TAILING HIM FROM A DISTANCE, YOU’RE ALMOST BREATHING DOWN ON HIS NECK THE HELL KIND OF HARD-BOILED DETECTIVE SCHOOL YOU WENT TO?!”-In Fairness, Teruo doesn’t seem to be fairly observant, and he self-admits he’s a little dim-witted, so the idea that the police might be following him after interrogating him might not occur to him. Plus, Cole actually wasn’t the one interrogating him- he was watching through the one-way mirror, but Teruo never saw him, so he might not pick up that the guy walking behind him was another police officer.
13) “Oh god, they contacted Pop☆Step to tell about the kid that almost devoured her. Oh god the email is such a treat, but I can’t help but laugh that they wrote aaaaall of that just to inform their boss that they have a way to talk about the drug user, without needing to beat him up first that is.”-I’m more impressed that they got away with officially writing down ‘blog’ and ‘twitter’ in the official translation, rather than some off-brand variant like ‘qwitter’ or something. Guess with how prevalent they are in the modern age it’s weirder for kids to not use the in-trend communication methods everybody else is doing, even in a fictional manga
14) “They basically bribed him so he could reveal some info. It’s not a bad deal, he deserves a bit of happiness because in all fairness, that’s just a kid that was handed a dangerous drug, he didn’t knew what he was doing.
But, unfortunately, he won’t have any useful info, as we already know.”- It’s neat that Koichi and Pop’s lookalike take steps on their own to try and progress the trigger search without Knuckleduster’s input. Sure, that may be because they’re trying to avoid him causing more violence in their search, but it shows they’re being proactive in trying to combat the drug trade, rather than getting dragged along by Knuckleduster from villain fight to villain fight. Plus, it’s also a cool means of deepening the mystery behind trigger, letting people with inquisitive minds investigate and try to guess the purpose behind the rise of Trigger and the ongoing field tests before the next incident.
15) “Alright Koichi calm down, I know that guy has a few loose screws, but I doubt he’d be that violent with the kid now that he’s out of the drug and isn’t a threat.
Actually, the more I think about it, the more I see that you’re probably right on the money by thinking that.”- Knuckleduster: No Violence!? Then what the hell am I even doing here!!? Teruo: GYYYYAAGGHHH! Koichi: Master! That’s not what I meant when I asked you to give him a warm and friendly handshake!!!
16)“Alright, ease there Koichi, I know you mean that in a friendly way, but she will most definitely not see it like that, going by some previous implications of her behavior.’- Not that she seems to mind at all….
17) “Well, of course she got recognized, she’s wearing a overcoat with her name on it.”- Hmmm. In Hindsight, was she recognised because of the coat, or because Kuin saw her and Koichi- who are already ‘in costume’- fighting against the trigger users beforehand, and figured they’d be an easier mark to get close to that Knuckleduster? She seems to employ much the same tactics when convincing Teruo to follow her into the alleyways, which might imply she’s taken an interest in these new vigilantes snooping around her ‘part-time job’….
18) “Alright, this girl is DEFINITELY going to be part of the cast, her design is way too unique to be just a one-time deal.”-Part of the cast? Yes. Part of the heroes? No. Very much no
19) “Also, we need more people on the team, and she a fan of Pop, so…. The perfect opportunity for her.”-yes…. Though probably not quite so coincidental a meeting as she might have you believe, given the implications she can spy on things from afar through her bees
20) “And Koichi, as expected, just shot her down the millisecond that she tried to take off.”-one of the other side of the romance tropes is that, no matter how obvious the attraction towards them, one side of the relationship will always have the mental acuities of a brick when It comes to recognising the signs that somebody’s interested in them. Though Koichi, at least, has his self-esteem issues preventing him from recognising that somebody like pop would like him, much like Izuku in that regard, though unlike the main story, their hero activities being a part-time thing for Pop and Koichi means that they’ve more time to devote to building a growing relationship, rather than letting it get in the way of their professional career, like Uraraka decided to avoid by focusing on being an excellent hero before she decides how she feels about Izuku.
21) “And off the eye patch girl goes, until a few pages later when she’ll be saved by the team and she’ll wonder if she can join them to help others.”-Swing and a miss, though you were mostly correct about how the chapter would proceed up to that point. Looks like your ‘plot prediction crown’ might be up for grabs. Don’t let your sister steal it- she’s probably read ahead to know what’s coming.
IF THEY ARE BRINGING THE KID TO KOICHI AND POP, THEN PHELPS WILL FIND OUT ABOUT THEM”-  Kuin unintentionally helped Koichi and the rest dodge a bullet there- or perhaps intentionally, given her interest in the vigilantes and need to make the cops loose Teruo’s trails so she could spirit him away. This is her personal affair between the interlopers in her part-time job and herself- the law has no room to intrude.
ALSO HOW THE HELL DIDN’T ANY OF YOU NOTICED HIM UNTIL NOW?! ITS NOT LIKE HE BLENDS IN WITH THE CROWD.”- Even more hilarious is that fact that we’ve seen that Knuckleduster has a civilian identity that blends in better with the crowds than his hero getup, yet here he is, just chilling out in full costume and ordering extra-black coffee, hotter than the fires of heel and darker than the deepest night. Sure, in a superhero society, the café owners might be used to serving people in colourful costumes all the time like it’s no big deal, but for a man that blatantly breaks the law, Knuckle sure isn’t going out of his way to hide from it either
24) “You two are really some assholes, talking about her like that when she’s jsut standing there. And here I thought that Kai was alone in the bastard-tier of terrible friends.”-Those two were probably spared a gruesome ending via Kuin’s bee arriving just there- you can see the exact same dead-eyed smiling look on her face there that Re-Destro got just before he snapped Miyashita’s neck. Sure, Kuin would probably be a lot more subtle about it, given she needs to keep a low profile, but yeah, she’s a lot more dangerous that she appears, precisely because she’s so good at hiding murderous intent under the façade of a goofy high school girl. I didn’t even catch that myself on a first-time readthrough.
25) “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? IS THIS YOUR QUIRK? ARE YOU SAID BEE THE CHAPTER TITTLE IS TALKING ABOUT INSTEAD?”-Well, yes, but more like the ‘kuin’ bee, controlling the soldiers whilst she watches from afar, maintaining her façade as an innocent bystander, thus allowing her more insidious means of distributing the drug whilst avoiding detection from the authorities. Kuin’s simply too low-key to be noticed by heroes who arrive to the scene of an ongoing incident, it’s only people like Knuckleduster, who have their ears to the talk on the streets, who can pick up the hints of her trail.
26) “OH GOD WHAT THE FUCK IT JUST WENT ISINDE HER EYE?!”- So, you know what the inside of a bee’s hive looks like? Yeah, it’s probably safe to say that she doesn’t have an eye there, just a cavity with a lot of nesting bees inside, waiting to be unleashed. Sorta like being born without depth perception. It’s one sucky quirk, even though it’s pretty useful for spying and espionage.
27) “Oh fuck no, I think I got what this will be about. That bee just informed her of something, and my first guess is that its something about the drug, either someone that is using it or about the person handing it around…”-Or about the fact that the local police are tailing her last ‘client’ nearby and she needs to get ahold of him asap, before they find something relating to her and start following the trails to unmask her civilian identify.
28) “She’s not going to have a epiphany that will make her want to turn into a vigilante.
SEE I KNEW THIS DESIGN WAS TOO UNIQUE FOR A ONE-TIME ONLY CHARACTER”- So close- sooo close L. You were one word off- you even started with the correct letter!
I GOT EVERYTHING BACKWARDS I CAN’T BELIEVE IT”-Koichi describes his vigilantism as ‘part-time herowork’. Meet the evil counterpart to that- a Villain who delves into villainy for her own amusement, not for serving some greater cause, but just because it lets her drop the mask of normalcy and feel ‘free’ in a restrictive hero society. It’s what she wants to do, and serving the trigger ring lets her have some ‘fun’ at other’s expense, shaking up the regular routine of innocent civilians by inciting others to use trigger and cause chaos around them. 
You can’t have a compelling drama vs a faceless organisation like the trigger ring, where the identify of those involved is their most closely-guarded secret, so a ‘sub-commander’ like Kuin here in the drug supply chain takes the part of the direct antagonist against Koichi and the rest, the true mastermind behind her out of their reach until they manage to take her out and find more clues to who he is and what he’s planning, or who else is involved besides her.
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apisonadora60 · 6 years
Via Ferrata on a Mountain Bike - DOLOMITES | MISSION EP.4 | Kilian BRON
Du VTT sur les Via Ferrata des Dolomites! Abonnez-vous | Kilian BRON ► https://bit.ly/2JMwqdi Revivez mon trip avec Red Bull Bike ► https://www.redbull.com/fr-fr/kilian-...
« Un dernier épisode intense pour clôturer comme il se doit la saison. Une nouvelle expérience aussi stressante que passionnante qui m'a permis de découvrir bien plus que de simples paysages. À chaque voyage, tu en découvres et en apprends surtout davantage sur ta propre personne! »
#MISSION  #BIGMOUNTAIN #Dolomites #ViaFerrata #MountainBike #Cliff #Lines #Italian #Alps Merci  à Antoine Montegani 💪 
Avec Intense Cycles USA, Inc., Mavic, Racer Gloves, SRAM MTB, La Clusaz, GoPro, ŠKODA We Love Cycling, Oakley, Hutchinson Tires, Bluegrass, Crosscall, CamelBak, Slicy, Selle San Marco, HT-components, Joe's No-Flats, Renthal Cycle Products, Feedback Sports, Salomon, Pit Stop 
Filmé et édité par Pierre Henni
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uiuxstudioblog · 3 years
Top 14 UX Software For UI/UX Designers
UX Software 
UX Softwares is responsible for creating user-centered designs that focus on accumulating requirements. It designs and improves the usefulness and usability of products on part of the end-user.
UI UX software manufactures highly faithful prototype products that allow us to design products for existing users for usability testing. We can use it before starting projects, so it saves lots of money for stakeholders.
How can the best prototype tool be found?
We know that so many different kinds of industries work. Every industry has its target audience and always has a different preference. The software of UX design also agrees with projects. Therefore, the design process is unique for most customers.
Designers always search for the best prototyping tool by-product, choice, and other factors. It depends on the projects and guidelines of its customers. The designer selects advanced instruments most of the time according to a client niche.
UX Wireframing & Prototyping Tools Design
A lot of advanced UI UX design software is available on the market. The best way to give any project a fresh look is by using the right UX software.
We discuss some new, trendy tools that contribute to the stylish development of websites or apps. It helps the websites to look at their organic traffic and to improve it easily.
Adobe XD
Adobe XD allows vector-based user interface tools to create interface-based prototypes and mockups. The UI UX software is renowned for designers who used other products from Adobe.
It comes with a real-time partnership, which offers many UI designers a solution. Another one of the unique design platforms that connect various disciplines is Adobe XD with advanced tools for UI UX designers.
Figma was the first browser-based interface design software that makes software building for teams simpler. These tools can be used easily because uploading, downloading don’t need to worry.
It allows us to develop design systems with related UI factors that can be used by the entire team. UX software reduces the interference of visual concepts in code and allows us to be flexible and controlled.
The sketch is a lightweight UI UX UI software for UI/UX designs based on macOS. It comes with many new features such as infinite zooming, 2x export, and styled vector forms that are suitable for different resolutions to help you achieve professional results.
The 'Export All' column is provided by Sketch to enable designers to easily export PDF, JPG, and PNG files.
As dynamic as any other prototype UX software, MockPlus is as accurate. This software can easily be used because it is free of code, provides a simple drag and drop option, and forms a link to interactive pages and factors.
It has 3000 UI icons and 200 components parallel to Android, iOS, and PC programs, which is an impressive UX software solution. Our teams, group projects, collaborative development, online review, and other features are available.
However, in searching for a practical prototype compatible with our Android device POP POP (PROTOTYPING ON PAPER) is useful. It is a UX design software that is easily used for the development of mobile prototyping from paper to digital prototyping. There is no visual restriction in the app because we have chosen a prototype suitable for a device.
UXPin is an absolute UX software wireframing and prototyping. They are equipped with an interface and features that help us to understand a design and create highly interactive wireframes and prototypes.
UI UX designers are able to make design decisions, test usability, count users and their clicks, and submit team results.
It has a dynamic software kit with various design elements and patterns for brilliant scratch designs. We can edit all UXPin images and modify their luminosity, sharpness, contrast, and transparency with convenience.
It makes prototypes very attractive that need to look and feel connected with our mobile apps. This UX design software can be used to test your prototype designs on different devices.
Proto.io has a nice feature in which we increase the application's efficiency. The program includes Dropbox synchronization, Adaptive UI libraries, UI Material Design and Offline mode, and many more features. It is an app for designers to organize fast changes and co-relate easily with other team members.
It is a plugin and Web application adaptable to Sketch and includes in a concerted specification sheet all the characteristics of the selected elements, explaining the handoff between the design and the developer’s teams. It is the best example of UX design software.
Zeplin is effective because it is not necessary to wait until the end of the design process to hand over the developers' contributions. It improves the entire app development process.
It is the best UI UX wireframing software for websites and applications. it is a zero-coding program.
Axure includes all documentation software needed for the design choices and layouts of documents. The standard edition or pro edition can also be selected as required.
It is the largest application developed for state-of-the-art Prototype solutions and is the best prototype feature of reactive websites and mobile apps.
It's incredible UX prototyping software that allows us to make prototypes for mobile apps and websites better and quicker. JustInMind has a magnificent widget library to enter HTML, video, online widgets, documents, interactive maps, and many more.
UX designers can also add UI library factors for perfectly building master pages. This tool makes it easy for designers to create websites for advanced management and to use apps to boost customers' business.
The powerful UX prototyping software for wireframe uses a wide variety of mobile apps that require a special user interface. The interactive feature of UI UX software design enables one app designer to work together on a single wireframing application project.
Without restricting the browser or operating system, we can work on our wiring project anytime.
It turns raw paper sketches into attractive, tappable prototypes that allow designers to demonstrate our approaches to apps and to build up feedback from others.
It works well with.psd files, which are easy to change before you upload. In the background, Marvel maintains the changes in testing times.
It allows designers to import from Sketch, develop prototypes of app interactions, animations, transitions, and advance these prototypes with stakeholders and developers.
It includes special features like workflow, collaboration, and prototyping of UX software, which transform our static apps into fully interactive prototypes.
Prototypes contain animations, transitions, and actions for Android, iOS and responsive web apps is the most impressive feature of this program. It helps us provide the first-hand navigation experience and convert sales to proposed customers.
The product is supplied as resources for our Website or application with reactivated Photoshop cutting and export PSD factors. Policy exports groups of layers individually, giving full freedom to operate, overlap or hide design items.
It focuses entirely on the export of services to GIF, JPG, PNG, and image formats from Photoshop PSD. We know that drag and drop a Photoshop file that exports files automatically makes exporting assets easy.
There is numerous UX software that helps us to create websites or applications in the best possible way. Each design agency or team of designers has its preferences.
It depends most of the time on the project type. Each project has its UX software design preferences. Our designer makes websites and apps more engaging with the latest designs.
We help you if you are new to the company or wish to redesign your website or mobile apps. Call for more information or drop a query.
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vojarodic · 4 years
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Posted @withregram • @smalltree_svetcaja Da započnemo ovaj dan kako dolikuje. . 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 . . Čeka nas mnogo izazova sa ovim novim početkom i preko potrebni su nam napici koji će našem organizmu pomoći da održi energiju ali i da ojača imunitet. Ko je probao zna o čemu pričamo, ko nije, ne znamo šta čeka!! 🤷‍♂️ Matchu (Maću) možete piti ujutru kako bi pokrenuli svoj organizam ili nakog odličnog ali iscrpljujućeg treninga. Većina nas oseti u toku radnog dana trenutak kada energija opadne i kada poželimo da posegnemo za brzim rešenjem poput grickalica i slatkiša. Upravo za taj trenutak izaberite Matchu zeleni čaj! 🌿💪Da li ćete se odlučiti za varijantu čiste ili kao na slici sa sojinim ili kravljim mlekom to prepuštamo vašem ukusu, mi je obožavamo u svakom obliku. 💚 Foto @emagreenwood @smalltree_svetcaja Ukoliko želite da uživate kod kuće u ovom čaju možete pritiskom na link na početku stranice posetiti našu online prodavnicu.🛒 https://www.smalltree.rs/product/matcha-asagiri/ Želimo vam dobar početak i uspešnu radnu nedelju! 🍀🍀🍀 #matchaubeogradu #ukusbeograda https://www.instagram.com/p/B_ws3UlpwQ_/?igshid=yh0m86czq169
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bushgearcouk · 8 years
The Best Knives For Bushcraft
What is the best knife for bush craft - the one you have with you!
It may be an old adage but it is a good one. Ultimately, most knives will do many useful jobs, but are some better than others - of course they are! It just depends on what you are trying to accomplish. For example, you wouldn't use a small penknife to baton wood. Equally you wouldn't use a machete for fine detailed work (although it is possible). It's always best to use the right knife for the job.
So, with regards to bush craft and choosing a bush craft knife, it is important to think about what type of tasks you may need to complete with the knife. Some typical tasks that you can reasonably expect to achieve with a bush craft knife could be ; carving and shaping wood, cutting cordage, cutting and processing plant stalks, cutting meat, skinning and gutting animals and fish, foraging, hunting and more. For a closer look on how to choose a bush craft knife, please see our blog post here -
So, armed with this knowledge, here is our top 10 list of bushcraft knives:
1) Mora Companion - An affordable entry level knife, with large comfortable handles, equally admired by experienced users. The companion is the successor of the Mora Clipper made famous by Ray Mears. It features a Scandinavian grind and is available in either stainless or carbon steel. It is relatively light weight making it very usable over longer periods. This knife is ideal for all manner of bush crafting tasks including light batoning (wood splitting). It is also easy to sharpen and maintain. Cost is around £11.00 making it extremely good value for money. Very little to say about this knife in terms of criticism. Get one, you won't be disappointed!
Available from us here:
2) Condor Bushlore - Essentially, this is a clone of the famous Ray Mear's Woodlore knife. It features a fairly substantial 3mm thick blade with a full tang. The grind is a classic Scandi making it an ideal knife for the woods. Not the prettiest or most interesting of knives but makes for an extremely reliable no fuss companion for the woods. Steel - 1075 High Carbon.
Available from us here:
3) Fallkniven F1 - The official survival knife of the Swedish air force. It has been partially designed as an escape tool to punch through aircraft fuselage, so you know it is tough! The knife features a 5mm thick blade but due to the precise convex grind, it is surprisingly good for wood work, as it tapers down very nicely. The F1 is available in several powdered steel choices including laminated VG10 and 3G. These steel are very high quality and very difficult to work with and this is reflected in the price. This one is a friend for life.
Available in the UK here:
4) Cold Steel Pocket Bushman - As the name suggests, this is a folding knife. In fact, this is the folding version of their fixed blade knife "The Bushman".  From a safety and durability perspective, a fixed blade is nearly always going to be the smarter option. However, if you need to save space and would like something a little easier to carry, a folding knife may do the trick. The Pocket Bushman is a large folder that features a very secure and tough locking mechanism. The blade is made from a cryo quenched, German made, stainless steel and in our opinion, is top notch. We suggest this knife is suitable for a more advanced user, who is familiar with operating folding knives. Nevertheless, this is a seriously good bush tool. One for the big of hand.
Available in the UK here :
5) Opinel No9 Carbon - A true classic design that is reliable, practical and looks great. These French made knives have been around for over 120 years. They are available is many different sizes with a choice of premium,  stainless or carbon steel. Opinel knives feature a unique locking system which is reliable and safe and which can also be used to keep the blade in the closed position. The classic version features a Beech wood handle but other woods and materials are available. The blades are relatively thin meaning the knives are not suited to heavy duty tasks such as batoning but are excellent for whittling, carving, scoring and more. The spine of the Carbon steel blades also make for great fire steel strikers.
Available here in the UK here:
6) Helle Lapland - A very traditional Norwegian/Swedish style blade, fashioned after the Leuku design. Traditionally, this knife would have been used for game preparation, wood processing and many other camp tasks. The blade is large by most standards and is over 8 inches long, meaning the functionality borders on that of a machete. Few tasks are too much for this knife. The blade is made from cold rolled stainless steel.
Details here:
7) Bison Bushcraft Woodsman Knife RWL34/G10 by Roger Harrington - Definitely not a knife for beginners due to the high price point but you do get a lot of quality and function for your money. Not too dissimilar to the famous Woodlore, the Woodsman Knife is a forest king. Features a substantial blade that feels like it could go on for ever.
Available here:
8) Spyderco Endura 4 - A rather left field choice for the average bush crafter. The Endura 4 is predominantly considered to be a tactical knife but we would argue that due to the steel used, the overall design and the full flat grind, it's uses reach far further afield. The blade is actually very "slicy" and travels through wood surprisingly easily whilst the back lock system provides a good level of safety.
Details here :
9) Mora Bushcraft - Mora have been making knives for over 125 years, specifically for outdoor tasks. It is no surprise therefore, that we had to include another of their great designs. The Mora Bushcraft features a 3.2mm spine so is more suited to heavier tasks as compared with the Mora Companion (see above). It is equally good at finer, more detailed work. Overall, bearing in mind steel choice, design, handle, aesthetic and functionality, this is probably the best value, true bushcraft knife on the list.
Available here:
10) The Jacklore Knife - Established in 2012, Sandy has been making and perfecting his "Jacklore" for well over 5 years. It has been specifically designed for the art of bush craft and is an ideal companion for the woods, valleys and moors. Very high attention to detail and craftsmanship throughout. Sandy only turnsout a knife when he completely satisfied with every aspect of the build. He only makes an average of 2-3 knives per week.
Available directly from Sandy here:
And finally...
11) The Ray Mears Woodlore - Generally thought of as the pinnacle of bush craft knives, the Woodlore was designed by Ray Mears and British knife maker Stephen Wade Cox. The Woodlore has now been replaced by the "Ray Mears Bushcraft Knife". The Bushcraft Knife is made from 01 high carbon tool steel and is definitely a tool for life.
Available here:
So, which is the best knife for bush craft? The one that suits your usage style the most AND... the one you have with you!
Happy hunting!
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elcolmadonyc · 5 years
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