#slice bnha
novaneondream · 3 months
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I could watch 10000000 filler episodes of just them
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iamknullu · 6 months
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todorokis-girl · 3 months
A cozy afternoon for a busy hero - Hawks
@chantelleyy The fanfic you wanted, I hope it's a little sweet and comforting. You didn't really specify what you wanted, so I made it simple
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The city buzzed as the sun set, casting warm hues across the skyline. Y/n stood by the large window in her high-rise apartment, nestled in a quiet corner of the bustling metropolis. Her eyes traced the city lights flickering to life, and she couldn't help but smile as she thought of Keigo Takami, known to the world as Hawks. To her, he was just Keigo, the man who made her laugh and filled her days with unexpected joy.
The familiar rustle of feathers broke her reverie, and she turned just in time to see Keigo swoop in through the open balcony door, his wings folding neatly behind him. His amber eyes locked onto hers, a grin spreading across his face.
"Hey," he greeted, crossing the room with his usual confident strides. He pulled her into a warm embrace, and Y/n breathed in the comforting scent of him—a mix of his cologne and the crisp air.
"Hey, yourself," she replied, her voice muffled against his chest. Pulling back slightly, she looked up at him with a fond smile. "Rough day?"
Keigo sighed, his expression softening. "Yeah, but being here with you makes it all better."
They stood like that for a moment, wrapped in each other's arms, savoring the rare peace. Keigo gently brushed a strand of hair from Y/n's face, his touch a silent promise of love and reassurance.
"I'm starving," he declared suddenly, breaking the quiet. "How about we cook something together?"
Y/n's face lit up. "Sounds perfect. What do you have in mind?"
Keigo shrugged, a playful smirk on his face. "Whatever we can find in the kitchen. Let's get creative."
They moved to the kitchen, rummaging through the fridge and pantry. Y/n grabbed some vegetables while Keigo found pasta and a few other ingredients. They laughed and chatted as they cooked, Keigo occasionally stealing kisses and making funny faces to keep Y/n entertained.
"You're not helping," she giggled as he snuck a piece of carrot from the chopping board.
"I'm moral support," he retorted, eyes twinkling with mischief.
Once their impromptu meal was ready, they set the table and sat down to eat. The aroma of the homemade pasta filled the room, and they savored each bite, enjoying the simple pleasure of a meal shared together.
"This is really good," Keigo said between bites, looking genuinely impressed.
"Not bad for a couple of amateurs," Y/n replied with a grin. "Maybe we missed our calling as chefs."
Keigo chuckled. "Who knows? We might have a future in it."
After dinner, they cleaned up the kitchen together, their movements synchronized in the comfortable routine they had established. With the dishes done, they settled on the couch, a cozy blanket draped over their legs.
Keigo grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, flipping through channels until they found a movie they both liked. As the film played, Y/n snuggled closer to him, resting her head on his chest. He wrapped an arm around her, his fingers absentmindedly playing with her hair.
"I love these moments," Y/n whispered, her voice soft and content.
"Me too," Keigo replied, his voice equally gentle. "It's nice to just be together, without any of the craziness."
They watched the movie in comfortable silence, the warmth of their shared presence making the small apartment feel like the coziest place in the world. When the credits rolled, Keigo glanced down at Y/n, her eyes heavy with sleep.
"Ready for bed?" he asked softly.
She nodded, yawning. "Yeah, I am."
They got up and made their way to the bedroom. Y/n changed into her pajamas while Keigo quickly checked his phone for any urgent messages. Once they were both ready, they climbed into bed, the familiar comfort of the sheets and each other easing them into a state of relaxation.
Keigo pulled Y/n close, his wings draping over them like a protective canopy. "Goodnight, Y/n," he whispered, kissing her forehead.
"Goodnight, Keigo," she murmured back, her eyes already closing.
As they drifted off to sleep, the sounds of the city outside faded into the background, leaving only the steady rhythm of their breathing and the quiet assurance of their love. In the simplicity of their home, a feathered hero and his beloved found solace in each other's arms, their hearts forever entwined.
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honeybuckin10 · 28 days
Hello and welcome to my page! I am a lawyer by day and fic writer by night. This is a side blog to my F1 page (sbdskate) for other interests. Currently hyperfixated on MHA, but open to expanding my horizons. While I've been on the platform for a while, I only started contributing my own content recently. This is all still new to me, so please feel free to drop feedback via comments, asks, or DMs. Or use them just to say hi :) Thanks and enjoy!
Code Blue (Hawks x fem!lawyer!reader one shot): Pre-Meta Liberation Army Arc. A hero’s birthday party on a night off blurs the lines of professionalism between the Commission’s rising junior prosecutor and a certain winged hero.
Hospital Beds (Hawks x fem!doctor!reader one shot): Hawks heals more than his wings after the Paranormal Liberation War attacks.
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thisisxli · 3 months
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(n.) Metanoia - the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life, spiritual conversion.
Rs: Tenko Shimura x Mom!reader
angst, bittersweet ending,
traumatized Tenko, scratching,
foreshadowing of death but it's caused by old age
summary: You, someone who doesn't stand out too well with sort of a decent job come across a damaged boy. You take him in your care, watching him grow as you forget you were growing too.
wc: 1.7k
A/N: there's a lot of fluff here guys dw it's just the thought of it that makes it nostalgic and sad.
Suggested song:
The sky was covered in dark clouds, light rain pouring down on the dampened streets, street lamps dimly illuminating the umbrellas of passerbys. The air seemed so grim and so blue, not a lot of people were outside.
You were in your early thirties and you had a casual job, nothing too special with high-income or low-income; to be frank, you were a nurse. You were walking down the sidewalk from work, light rain drops dribbling and rolling off your umbrella, heavy steps of your boots filling up the thick silence in the air.
You were never too outgoing or very quiet either. Neither did you stand out. In the world full of people with superpowers, you were simply in the background.
Your quirk wasn't very too extravagant either. Your ability to control one's circulatory system didn't seem to be very useful out in the hero world, so you just figured it'd be best to stick to the normal life. It wasn't really like you wanted to be one anyway. You realized being a hero can be a lot on a person when you were nine, thinking long and hard about it.
Your thoughts and feet quickly come to a stop at the same time, faintly hearing a child's cry.
It doesn't take you one single thought to quickly rush over in a empty alley to find a child. Your eyes scan over the dark place before spotting a pale blue-haired boy crying to himself.
"Hey... Are you okay?"
The boy whimpers in response as loud hiccups and sobs escape him. Your heart wilts at the sight, crouching down in front of the boy. "Are you alright?" You repeat, quickly scanning over the alley again. "Do you have parents? Are they around?" The boy looks up at you with lachrymose eyes, shaking his head. Your face droops a little. You notice irritation and scratch marks around the eyes and small wounds on his eye and lip.
You didn't want to take the boy so suddenly because what if he did have guardians? What if there were people looking for him?
Then again, there was no one around and you couldn't handle the heartbreak if you left the poor kid out in the wet and cold. You hesitate for a moment before bringing your hand on top of his head, ruffling the wet matted hair. "Why don't you stay at my place, kid? Get you cleaned up, yeah?" The pale boy hiccuped, nodding as soft sobs and short-repeated inhales erupt from him. Surprisingly, the kid was reluctant. You felt really bad. You suddenly felt this strong urge to protect and take care of him.
You gently place your hand on his chest, using your quirk, doing what you do best. You usually do this at the hospital you work at, when patients have panick attacks or when a patients' family start to break down after their death. You start to hear his breathing slow down and stay steady. He wasn't scratching all that much either. You stand up, bringing your hand out in front of you for him to grab. He also stands up, nearly stumbles over his own feet though, looking at your hand warily. Instead of grabbing it, he moves close to your leg. He was sort of resting his head on your thigh and it made you smile warmly. As you both walked, he stayed glued by your side under the umbrella.
When you got to your home, your first thought was to give him a bath.
You turned on the water, dipping your hands in to check the temperature. You hold out your hand towards the boy again which he.. doesn't take again, sadly. You chuckle silently before beckoning him to take off his clothes.
"You'll get a cold if you keep them on. But don't worry, I won't look. I'm only gonna help wash you, okay?"
You look away, covering both your eyes with your hands. You hear him step into the tub, feeling a tug on your pants. You turned your head, seeing the boy's bare back facing you. You warmly smile before turning off the water, grabbing a bowl that was on the side.
"Shh, it's okay," you reassure the boy, trying your best to gently dump water on his head. He starts to scratch his eyes. His scratching had you worried but there wasn't much you could do. You couldn't just tell him to not do it anymore. You definitely need to do something about that scratching.
You pour a good amount of shampoo in your hands before gently spreading it all over his head, making your way to scrub his scalp and untangle parts of his hair. His hair seemed kind of unnatural. Of course it was pretty common for some people to have vibrant colors for their hair naturally but something about the kid made you feel sad. The boy nearly falls asleep in your hands, receiving a light-hearted laugh from you.
"So what's your name?"
The boy fiddles with his fingers underwater, blinking hazily at his reflection. "Tenko... Tenko Shimura."
"That's a nice name! My name's (Y/N) (L/N). You can just call me whatever you want, okay?" You warmly smile at him, taking a scoop of water in the bowl. "Close your eyes, Tenko."
As he does so, water pours over his head, soap running over his face. You pour water again, making sure all the soap was gone. Tenko watches all the dirty gunk and hair float around him, frowning when he starts to think about the past events that occurred not too long ago.
You pour conditioner in your hands, rubbing it in the ends of his hair. You let it sit there before grabbing some bottle, pouring some of it in the bath, swirling and moving your hand in the water to create bubbles. Tenko grabs at the foam of bubbles but when he does, it doesn't decay? His vision starts to get blurry when he doesn't see the bubbles decay. He almost jumps when he feels a warm wet sponge on his back, also coated in soap and bubbles. You scrub over his arms, under, his body, etc. You then pour water over his head, making sure to wash the conditioner away from his hair.
When he was all dried up, he was changed into the clothes your ex left behind. Sure, the clothes were large on him, but luckily you had safety pins for that. You put a safety pin on the boxer and shorts but the shirt.
You nearly squeal because he looked so cute.
About a week later, you find yourself signing papers. Officially adopting Tenko.
You had to or you couldn't get him treated. He seems to have allergies or eczema, any of that sort. And it seems to be because of his quirk, you think. A few days after meeting, he tells you about his quirk, how it destroys anything he touches. Why he couldn't take ahold of your hand. You didn't judge him though, you ruffled his hair when he explained it to you.
You scheduled an appointment for the next week, going over his symptoms. He currently seems to also have insomnia. It broke your heart because he was just too young.
A month goes by and you're applying lotion on his skin before applying cream around his eyes and throat. It seemed to have spread to his throat too. Tenko's lips also tended to become very chapped so you bought healing jelly for that too.
"There, all done Tenko!
How do you feel?"
He shyly looks up to you, fiddling with his shirt. "'S nice.." You give him a tender smile, ruffling his hair gently.
"Tenko Shimura! You get your butt here, right now!"
Tenko grumbles, stomping his way to his room. He recently had turned fourteen and it seemed he'd been having mood swings lately. But you let it slide, you knew how it was being a teenager. When you heard about what happened before he met you, you broke down in front of him. His past broke you so bad, you couldn't imagine how unbearably hurtful it was to have experienced that. But right now, he had nearly started a fight at school. Now he has detention.
You sigh when you hear metal music blast from his room, continuing to fold the rest of the laundry.
"Tenko... I'm so proud of you, my boy," you gazed at the now taller-than-you boy, holding his diploma. He was quick to pull you in for a hug, careful not to touch you with all five fingers.
"I love you, mom." His voice wavers, clutching onto you tightly.
Your eyes widen at his words. That was his first time telling you he loved you and calling you his mom. A cry rips from your throat, clutching onto him tightly. "I love you too, Tenko!" You hiccup, drowning in tears.
"My son! I love you.. my son, so- hck - so much!"
You open your eyes to the sound of a monitor beeping, the sound of the cold air leaving the AC drowning the room. You feel someone's warm hand against your own, their thumb rubbing across your wrinkly knuckles.
"T-Tenko? Is that you?" You warily look over to the side, seeing your son's sad expression. He smiles though. Just for you. "Tenko.. Tenko.."
"What is it, mom?" A tear falls onto your hand.
"When did you- when did you grow up so quick.. I..."
Your eyes dart around, looking him up and down. "Let- let me take care of you, Tenko.. Give you your first bath..."
He laughs with a lump in his throat before leaning down, gently kissing your knuckles. "Mom... It's okay. Just rest, okay?"
You nod, drawing your gaze to the blank wall, light rain tapping against the window. You think of your son, the first time you met him and all the other special moments. Caring for him for his first time on a bike, first heartbreak, first girlfriend, first job, advice for everything, high school graduation, marriage, divorce, and everything else. You feel your chest slowly rise. You notice your breathing is starting to slow and that your body felt a little numb, mind a little hazy.
"Mom?" You move your head to the sound of your son's quivering voice, his glossy red eyes staring back into yours with hurt and love. You watch his lips twitch upward before laughing heartedly, clutching your cold clammy hand tighter than before.
"I love you, mom."
"I love you too, Tenko."
My poor baby Tenko deserves the world. :(
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marimeeko · 2 months
Pro Hero Katsuki and Midoriya Sensei fics where Katsuki is secretly working on funding Izuku's super suit are gonna be so 👌
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underratedmhapoll · 1 year
Best Female Villain
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Yeah, I want to know how Edgeshot and Jeanist's embroidery project is doing, very much so, but I'm equally curious about whatever Ochako has to say to Toga about love. I feel like it'll be important to the grand scheme of things.
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mysteriesmuse · 1 year
Lil’ Gauntlets
———————————————— Katsuki has absolutely massive shoulders, a small waist, and a tight booty that gives him an undeniably sexy appeal as he saunters away in that sleek black outfit and gauntlets. And those shoulders don’t come easy. So Katsuki usually throws on his gauntlets and gloves, and a tight tank top that shows off a little bit of side pec. Except, not in that order, but then he’s out the door swaggering around the block with these massive grenades strapped to his arms. He’s big and intimidating already, but sprinting around the block with those things and his earbuds blasting makes the local pedestrians move out of the way pretty dang quick. And once you started dating him you started joining on little jogs around the neighborhood. You usually taping out halfway through and heading back into the apartment whilst Katsuki continued on his treck for another few laps. Passing by you splayed on the bench and chugging water, another bottle sitting on the bench next to you for when your boyfriend decides he’s finished enough loops around the neighborhood. And he always looks like such a grump when he runs around without you. Sometimes wearing that hair band he’s stolen from you to keep sweaty bangs pushed out of his face.
Always a big grumpy pants. Except for when he rounds the corner and you’re in view. Then Katsuki’s grouchy expression lightens up with a dazzling lopsided smile and devilish smirk as he makes a blazing-fast pit stop to peck your lips and triumphantly mummer out the number he’s on into your mouth. It’s a lovely routine. Truly nothing better than watching him do his sexy little jog and breathe into your mouth all smug and cocky.
And it’s incredibly rewarding when you receive a package in the mail with your own little surprise: ankle weights. Not any regular ankle weights, but ankle weight that are also be worn around the wrist. And you bought them in a pretty pretty pink strapping them around your wrists before skipping out the door after your boyfriend for your warm-up lap. A causal stroll around the block. It’s just after you fall into step with Katsuki he notices your the way your arms are swaying.
Katsuki nods, jutting his chin out at them, “What you got there, babe?” You beam, swinging your arms in even bigger archs, “Just a pair of little gauntlets. To match yours!” And Katsuki scoffs and shakes his head with a boyish smile, his adams apple bobbling as he tells you, “S’ cute lil’ gauntlets.” —— And even after your numerous charades and imitations of his signature pro hero scowl and walk he still thinks they’re cute lil’ gauntlets.
Cute lil’ gauntlets for his cute lil’ buddy (*≧∀≦*)★彡
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splo0shh · 2 months
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Also bonus doodle :DD
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tomatorabbitsticker · 4 months
You just KNOW that when Class 1-A watches this war back as a business course produced movie that Katsuki is gonna be embarrassed as hell and the class will never let him live any of this down. Bakugou? Our Bakugou??? Did all that??? Alexa play down bad by Taylor Swift.
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sparkles-and-trash · 2 months
Long fics where things are happy in mha recs?
Dabihawks, 1A centric, tddk, tdbk, momojiro, togachako, shinkami, erasermic, LOV centric, any type of AU, I’m not too picky!
Preferably finished but not a must!!
reblog appreciated!
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scarlettcryptid · 1 year
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spinner is watching shigaraki play sonic and dabi is editing an endeavor cringe compilation on capcut
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bibibbon · 2 months
Hi, I just came across your account and wanted to ask about characters with wasted potential, which I love to do already. This may come as a surprise, but the antagonists of the second MHA movie (Nine, Slice, Mummy and Chimera) are my favoriteHA characters, both in terms of design and small characteristics, so it was sad to see how the movie made their while goal be "remake the world into a Social Darwinism-type world where there is only survival of the fittest. I have my own headcanon on how I would change the group into revolutionaries who try to use their power to expose the unjustness and corruption of Hero Society, ideologically challenging Izuku, who know that what Nine is doing is the right thing, but it clashes with his own dream of becoming a Hero, which cannot happen when the Hero System is abolished once those injustices are brought to light. I would still like as to what you think about the four and how you would change them.
Hi @patrickowens86 👋
Iam going to be honest my knowledge of the MHA movies is honestly limited as I haven't watched them in their full entirety and the ones i did watch I probably forgot about.
That saying I actually enjoy your idea of making nine,chimera,mummy and slice into a revolutionist group and its a headcanon/rewrite that many have for the leauge of villains instead.
Nine is probably my favourite character in that movie and if Iam correct it was poverty that drove him to do what he did. Honestly I think it would be interesting if nine and his group had a team up with the league of villains and both were there to challenge Izuku and other characters views.
The abolishment of the hero system isnt inherently bad but it's definitely something that izuku may have difficulty in grasping because society has made him believe that to save a person you must be a hero.
Izuku's views and beliefs are ones that don't perfectly conform to the status quo but are different to the views of nine and the others. Izuku definitely needs many characters to challenge his views and vice versa. Izuku understanding that hero society is incredibly flawed is needed for his development and nine/ leauge of villains understanding that targeting kids won't get their point across and that heroes can also be victims of the system is also crucial.
Nine and his teams goal is something that I disagree with. Building a society based on only power so the most powerful are at the top and the least are at the bottom is a huge flaw within their thinking and ideology that they could develop out of.
I think the interesting thing is that all of these members have been ostracised by society due to their quirks and that's something that can connect them with either the leauge or some of the hero members.
Chimera was ostracised due to his mutant quirk which can connect him to spinner, shoji and koda.
Nine was driven to do this due to poverty which is something that both twice and ochako have experienced.
Slice was ostracised due to her powerful quirk which can connect to characters like lady nagant and hawks who were exploited due to their powerful quirks.
Personally I would build on their team dynamic and even have them offer nine help, question him and show that they're a strong team.
Checking from the wiki it's stated that slice and chimera worry about nine. It's also stated that nine shows his much more compassionate side to them so I would like to see more of that.
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yokai-girlie · 2 months
“what’s your favorite my hero headcanon?”
That Matilda is Eri’s favorite story/movie. Miss Honey is her favorite character.
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nyc3 · 5 months
Nine and his crew cameo in TUM chapter 9.2.
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Wish the whole chapter was just about them, so we could see more of their life together. Unlike the movie here we can see them in casual clothes.
Also this chapter shows again how much Chimera, Slice and Mummy care about Nine.
I really miss them.
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