thegaybachelorsims · 4 years
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DAX- “So, Jodi, I really find you fascinating and would like to get to know you better. Do you have a date to homecoming?”
JODI- “Are you asking?”
DAX- “Actually yes, I am asking, but there is something you need to know first.”
JODI- “Okay if your asking, I will accept, but what do I need to know?”
DAX- “I do find you very attractive, and I think you are well put together, but I need to be open about my sexuality. I do not want you to get the wrong idea. I identify as pansexual.”
JODI- “Uh... okay not sure what that means.”
DAX- “You know what bisexual means, right?”
JODI- “Yeah, someone that is attracted to both male and female.”
DAX- “Correct, pansexual is a little more diverse as far as who they are sexually or romantically attracted to. I am more attracted to the individual, regardless of their gender, their sexual orientation or how they identify themselves. “
JODI- “So if you were attracted to a guy you would date him, or if you were attracted to guy that identifies as female that would also be someone you would date...if you were attracted to them that is?”
DAX- “Exactly. I was attracted to you when I first saw you and I really would like to get to know you better. So if you are okay with that....”
JODI- “Of course I am okay with that. I mean it is a homecoming dance, right? It’s not like we are getting married. And I will have the hottest guy in school as my date!”
DAX- “I wouldn’t go that far. But thanks for accepting.”
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LOGAN- “Jamie I don’t recall anyone inviting you out here to sit with us. Where are your buddies?”
JAMIE- “Still inside eating lunch. I just thought I would hang out with Cassie here and say hi... Hi Cassie.”
CASSANDRA- “Hey Jamie. What do you want?”
JAMIE- “Wondering if you have a date to the dance?”
CASSANDRA- “Seeing how my girlfriend has been expelled from school and she can’t go to the dance, I would say that is a no.”
JAMIE- “So how about we go together. I mean not as a couple but you know?”
LOGAN- “What?  What do we know, Jamie? Cassie is gay, why would she want to go to the dance with you?”
CASSANDRA- (Totally ignoring Logan’s comment)“Sure Jamie, why not, it beats going by myself. Just don’t try anything, you got it?”
JAMIE- “No worries there, I want to live to see my graduation.”
LOGAN- “You two are just weird.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 4 years
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SETH- “Penny, we are so sorry, this must be just terrible for you and the kids, but rest assured anything we can do, we will.”
PENNY- “Seth, just allowing us to stay here until we can find a place is more than we even imagined. The kids seem to be doing okay, at least all outward appearances are showing that. Just not sure if they are dealing with it emotionally though. Mark gave us a referral to an amazing therapist so I am sure that will help.”
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PENNY- “So do you guys know of anything in the area that is for sale?”
SETH- “Daniel and Ian bought a place over in Founder’s Cove. It is just a few blocks away actually. It was a rehab and they were able to secure a renovation loan I heard there were a couple of other places in the same neighborhood that are available.”
PENNY- “There is no way I could do a rehab, I would need to get one all ready finished.”
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MARK- “From what I gather, these places over there come with builders that will do the work for your specifications. They even supply blueprints of what you want. The developer is working with residents to secure financing. You might want to look into it. They are selling these houses at a pretty reasonable rate.”
PENNY- “But how long does the rehab take? I couldn’t expect you guys to keep us up here while they renovate an entire house.”
SETH- “Penny, you take as long as you need. If this would be something that you want and you can save money doing it, our home is yours for the duration. We want what is best for you and your family.”
MARK- “Seth is right. Call them and see what is available and if you decide that is what you want to do, we are here for you guys.”
PENNY- “You both are amazing friends. I will call them tomorrow, first thing.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 4 years
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PERRY- “Deacon, what are you doing out here all by yourself? Where is Logan?”
DEACON- “Not sure where she went, but she and I did not finish the night so well.”
DAX- “sounds like that is the theme of the night. Jodi and I didn’t either.”
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JONAS- “So what happened with you and Lo?”
DEACON- “Not sure, she wanted us to become “official” boyfriend and girlfriend, and I tried to explain to her that asking her to the dance was not a prerequisite for becoming a couple. She became upset and left.”
JONAS- “Sorry, my sister is not fond of rejection, but she will be fine.”
PERRY- “Yeah she can hand it out but can’t take it!”
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DEACON- “Well the night shouldn’t be a total loss, what do you guys say about all coming back to my place for an after party. We have a nice game room, and a small movie theater.  We could hang out for a while. Want to?”
JONAS- “Sounds fine to me.”
DAX- “Perfect, why let the girls destroy our night, right!”
PERRY- “I didn’t have a girl problem tonight, well I have it all the time, but sure, let’s go party at Deacon’s!!”
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thegaybachelorsims · 4 years
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JONAS- “So are you two wearing matching outfits to the dance?”
DAX- “You’re funny Jonas. It’s a dance, it’s not even a formal dance. So do you even have a date?”
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JONAS- “Me? A date? Not a chance. Going stag, Perry and I are both going stag, that way we can pick up the pieces when all the other guys fail with their dates.”
JODI- “Sounds like fun, Jonas. Hope you get lucky.”
JONAS- “Not luck, Jodi, it is inevitable that one of these guys will screw up and Perry or I can swoop in and take over for them.”
DAX- “Hope that plan works.”
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JODI- “Well it is certainly not going to work with this couple. Dax and I will be the new couple of Willow Creek High after the night is over. Right Dax?”
DAX- “HUH!?”
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thegaybachelorsims · 4 years
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While Mark and Seth are talking with Penny in the kitchen, Logan is getting acquainted with her new temporary room mate, Dakota Johnson.
LOGAN- “Okay kid there are going to be rules, and it would be a good idea to pay attention. First off you are not---
DAKOTA- “I have a name.”
LOGAN- “What?”
DAKOTA- “I said...I HAVE A NAME. It’s Dakota D-A-K-O...”
LOGAN- “I know how to spell Dakota.”
DAKOTA- “Okay then use it.”
LOGAN- “You are a little feisty, I like that. However there are rules Dakota. You have your side of the room, which is over here. You can have control of the television, as I have no use for it. You are not to come onto my side of the room, for any reason what so ever.”
DAKOTA- “What if I need to go to the bathroom, the bathroom is off of your side of the room.”
LOGAN- “Rule #2, this is MY bathroom, you are not to use it it. You can use the bathroom outside my door in the hallway.”
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DAKOTA- “You are kidding me right?”
Logan goes over and sits on the twin bed that her fathers had set up in the room for Dakota.
LOGAN- “You have a problem, Dakota?”
DAKOTA- “Yes, I do. I have no need to ever go onto your side of the room, and I have no intention of doing so, but if you think I am going to go out into the hallway in the middle of the night, or at any other time of the day to do what needs to be done in the bathroom, think again.”
LOGAN- “Fine, you can use this bathroom, but you had better keep it clean. If not, it’s the hallway bath for you, kid.”
DAKOTA- “DAKOTA... my name is Dakota, not kid!”
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thegaybachelorsims · 4 years
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After a quick tour, the boys made their way to the game room, where Perry and Deacon played some ping pong.
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And Dax and Jonas shot some darts.
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After that, they made their way to the theater that was in the basement of the mansion.
JONAS- “This place is amazing!””
DAX- “Yeah, for sure, but not quite as amazing as you are Jonas!!”
JONAS- “Stop... let’s watch the movie!”
DAX- “I have seen this one before.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 4 years
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JONAS- “Perry!? There you are. Why are you sitting in here all alone. You said you wanted to talk to me about something. What was it?”
PERRY- “Nothing.”
JONAS- “Dude... what is wrong? Did I do something to upset you or something?”
PERRY- “No, Jonas, I just needed to get out of there. All this people out there all acting. Cassandra Goth going to the dance with Jamie Garrettson. What is that? I mean seriously.”
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JONAS- “Jamie just wanted a  date, and Cassie’s girlfriend can’t be on school property... but why does that upset you? Something else is wrong, isn’t there?”
PERRY- “Then your sister. Coming with that Mahone guy, she barely knows him, and then Dax taking Jodi... it is all a farce. And then there is you and me.”
JONAS- “Just what are you getting at, Perry?”
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PERRY- “I was in the locker room, Jonas. I heard you and Dax. I saw him kiss you! I mean I am your best friend, and not once, NOT ONCE have you ever even mentioned that you were into guys. Not that I care, I don’t, but I thought we were friends. No, you and him are going to be all into each other and you know where that leaves me? Your best friend? Left hanging out to dry”
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thegaybachelorsims · 4 years
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JODI- “So you know who he is right?”
LOGAN- “He is Deacon Mahone. What else is there to know?”
JODI- “Beatrice Ainsworth’s grandson, and the heir of the Ainsworth fortune. Before you date him, you will have to pass through her and several background checks, Lo. You had how many guys ask, and you chose him?”
LOGAN- “HELLO!!?? Have you not seen him? He is beautiful Jodi. And rich! I mean what more does a girl need?  But in all seriousness, he is the first guy that I have met since moving here that can hold a conversation for more than 2 minutes, and stimulates me. Mentally. Have you seen the guys here, Case in point, your brother...Hell or my brother even!”
JODI- “Your brother is cute, just a little backward is all. But he is nice. And yes, Deacon Mahone is beautiful, I will give you that, and smart, but---
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LOGAN- “But what?? Because he is Bi-Sexual, that is obvious, and I don’t care. As long as he is with me, he is WITH me, you know what I mean, that is all that matters. It’s all about me, Jodi.”
JODI- “Well then you are going to have some stiff competition.”
LOGAN- Competition? With whom?”
JODI- “With Deacon Mahone, because in his world it is all about him. So if you can refocus his attention to you, you will be one lucky girl.”
LOGAN- “not a problem, Jodi, not a problem whatsoever.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 4 years
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Jonas wasn’t lying when he told Dax that Willow Creek High was small. It was one of the smallest high schools in the tri-county area. The junior class alone (which both Jonas and Logan were juniors, as well as the other students in this shot) was only 36 students. They had three homerooms of 12 students each. This was Mr. Johnson’s home room.
CASSANDRA- “I have a biology test today, that of course I didn’t study for. Have you taken it yet?”
DEACON- “Opted out of biology, had it last year at my old school. I am in chemistry.”
CASSANDRA- “Well, well, aren’t you smart.”
DEACON- “Yep, that is why I am going to be class valedictorian next year.”
Over in the next row, Logan and her bff Jodi Garrettson are talking until the bell rings to start their day.
JODI- “I can not wait until today is over!  So has Perry asked you to homecoming yet?”
LOGAN- “Ewww and why would you think he would ask me to homecoming?”
JODI- “No reason, I mean.....
as she starts to complete the rest of her sentence, Dax walks by and distracts her...
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JODI- “HOLY SIMOLICIOUS!  Who is that!?”
LOGAN- “Who is what??”
JODI- “That... whatever it is. That has to be some kind of god sent from above just for me...”
LOGAN- “No, trust me, he came from San Myshuno and he is no god sent from above.”
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JODI- “Are you telling me you know him??”
LOGAN- “Known him all my life, and believe me when I say he didn’t always look like that. He used to be really short and pretty heavy. So much that I called him Dax Truck. You know like Max Truck?”
JODI- “Have no clue what you mean by that Lo. And I don’t care what he USED to look like. He looks like a heaven sent god now. What is his name?”
LOGAN- “I just told you, it’s Dax, Dax Johnson.”
JODI- “Even his name is sexy....You HAVE to introduce me!”
LOGAN- “Fine, come over tonight after school and I will.”
JODI- “Wait...are you telling me that HE is part of the family that is staying at your house???  So when were you going to tell me that you had the finest looking man ever living in your very own house!!?? I thought you were my friend Lo?”
LOGAN- “Contain yourself, Jodi, he is not all that. All he talks about is lifting weights and football.”
JODI- “OMG!!  Does he workout at your house too? I am definitely coming over right after school today! Does he work out in the evening, or the mornings?  Maybe I could stay the night Friday night. I don’t care what he talks about as long as I can watch him”
LOGAN- “No worries, Jodi, he works out ALL the time. You can wipe the drool from your chin now.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 4 years
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I was amazed at how much Logan aged up to look like her father Seth. Of course I had to fix the hairstyle, add the freckles and some eyelashes, but that is all I had to do for her look. You can also see the Matthews DNA in there as well.
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As for Jonas, I am not sure who he really looks like. He came out with the blue eyes and the longer face, but other than that he really doesn’t resemble either dad, at least IMO. I did change the hairstyle added the freckles and eyelashes.
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thegaybachelorsims · 4 years
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After his special dance and photoshoot with Logan, Jodi came in for the kill, wanting to take a very “intimate” photo.
JODI- “Our first picture as a couple. Dax, this is the beginning of something very---”
DAX- “Uh...Jodi I don’t think ---
JODI- “I think we make the perfect couple, lets show everyone that we are meant to be...”
DAX- “No... Sorry I think you got the wrong idea, Jodi.”
Dax leaves here standing there, confused.
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Jonas is standing watching the spectacle, feeling for his friend.
DAX- “Time for your help here, Jonas. She is crazy.”
JONAS- “I could have told you that.”
DAX- “I need to get away from here!”
JONAS- “We can hide out in the boys locker room.”
DAX- “That sounds perfect. Hurry before she spots us!!”
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thegaybachelorsims · 4 years
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CASSANDRA- “So, Schrieber, just what are your intentions with Deacon?”
LOGAN- “What are you talking about, my intentions? I am going to homecoming with him, that’s about it. And why do you care?”
CASSANDRA- “He is my friend, and I do not want him to be hurt, that’s all.”
LOGAN- “And why would I hurt him. Or even HOW? I am just going to a dance with him.���
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CASSANDRA- “Your reputation proceeds you. He is way out of your league Schrieber, so if you have any other intentions other than a dance partner, you should think twice.”
LOGAN- “And you think you are in his league? You should take a look at yourself, I don’t think you stand a chance.”
CASSANDRA- “I am not interested in him in that way, or what you think. Just know, if he get’s hurt and you are the culprit you are not going to like the end result.”
LOGAN- “Sounds like a threat.”
CASSANDRA- “No threat, a promise.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 4 years
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Over the next few weeks, the Founder’s Cove project came to completion.
Penny and her family moved into the brick modern and Jackson Schrieber and his young family moved into the 1 story ranch.
Ainsworth Real Estate and Ainsworth Enterprises brought the residential area back and made a large profit. 
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thegaybachelorsims · 4 years
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JODI- “OH, it’s you, sorry.”
DAX- “Hey, I am sorry I really didn’t mean to bother you. I’m Dax, Dax Johnson.”
JODI- “Hi... I mean Hello, nice to meet you. I am Jodi Garrettson. You didn’t bother me, really.”
DAX- “Oh, okay. Garrettson? So you're Jamie’s sister?”
JODI- “Yes, unfortunately, Jamie is my twin.”
DAX- “Must be something in the water around here.”
JODI- “Why do you say that?”
DAX- “All the twins in this town, and the sisters are all smokin hot.”
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JODI- “Yeah, there are a couple sets of twins here. I know you live with the Schreiber’s so you know Logan and Jonas? So you think she is hot?”
DAX- “I know them, yeah. She is okay, but I bet you are much nicer.”
JODI- “You could say that, yeah. Lo is kind of stand-offish. She can be rough around the edges sometimes. But we are good friends, best friends actually. You know good cop, bad cop thing.”
DAX- “I know the good cop, bad cop thing, but how does that relate to the two of you?”
JODI- “She don’t like guys coming on to her, so I play the good cop with the guys she is not interested in and she plays the bad cop for the guys I am not interested in. Works for us.”
DAX- “I see. Since she is not coming over here to save you, I can assume that you are interested?”
JODI- “Let’s talk some more, and find out?”
DAX- “Sure want to go outside after you get your soda?”
JODI- “Don’t need the soda actually...”
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CASSANDRA- “Deacon...  DEEK!? We don’t have much time before our next class, can we go outside?’
DEACON- “What about you, Logan, want to join us outside?”
LOGAN- “Sure! This is fascinating...”
CASSANDRA- “Yeah.  I am sure it is.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 4 years
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The boys made their way in Jonas’ car to the Ainsworth mansion. For Dax, Jonas and Perry being new to Willow Creek , it was their first time seeing this elaborate home.
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DAX- “Damn this is your house?”
JONAS- “I don’t think I have ever seen a house so huge before!”
PERRY- “I think they call this an Estate! Do you have ghosts???”
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DEACON- “Not sure about ghosts, at least I have not seen any evidence of any. My Great Great Grandfather Ainsworth built this house ages ago, when my grandfather died last year he left the home to my mother in his will. It will either fall to me or my sister when my mother passes.
DAX- “Ainsworth? Your family is the Ainsworth’s?”
DEACON- “Yes, my mother was an Ainsworth before she married my Dad. They have been here in Willow Creek, almost as long as the Goth family.”
JONAS- “Well, I’m impressed! Just how rich are you Deacon!?”
DEACON- “To be honest, I really have no idea. It is all set up in trusts. Come on in, I can show you all around.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 4 years
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LOGAN- “They are asking for us to take pictures. Are you in?”
DEACON- “Of course, I mean years down the road we will have to embarrass ourselves by showing our old high school homecoming photos to our kids, right?”
LOGAN- “Well you can, I am not having kids. Watcher help me if I do!!”
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For prosperity’s sake.
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