#sleipnir is obsessed with him in every universe
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sawyarts · 2 months ago
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chthonicgodling · 1 year ago
What’s the furthest Loki has gone to protect a kid or to get revenge on someone who’s wronged them ?
thank you!! (attention everyone I am right now accepting eLoki’n’kids questions, pre-Elysium, past-Elysium, current-Elysium— pls humor me ty ty)—
there’s two big answers for this! there’s an entire essay in here of COURSE. firstly though Lemme just — Mission Statement — a quote from eLoki himself!! From way back in (checks notes) 
..oh LITERALLY just two weeks ago (wonder what that’s about) -
“My children, they prophesize to end the world, to bring about apocalypses[
] You know I’d choose them any time. Every time.”
so bearing that in mind what’s the furthest Loki would go to protect/avenge one of his kids? UHH
PRE-ELYSIUM FIRST — as we’ll recall Loki’s upbringing was [looks directly at the camera] and despite Odin’s direct series of one million cruelties against Loki’s first six children, Loki’s relationship with his own father was. umm. complicated. getting direct revenge on odin himself seemed impossible, though also held back by the confines of being conditioned to both fear him and somehow STILL crave some sort of approval from him— until uhhhhh Loki finally completely snapped and those confines vanished (rather — warped then vanished?listen
. Listen. Yknow. cmon we. all. know what happened then) lmao BUT that’s not what I’m talking about
Odin’s confiscation of first born Sleipnir was of course traumatizing but many years later, having Hela, Fen, and Jör ripped away from him — all at once — PHYSICALLY — with begging and screaming involved — was further traumatizing enough for Loki to snap for the first time. He easily could have slaughtered the field of armed guards who Odin had sent to tear away the kids (well, teens at the time) but had stopped solely because they’d threatened to harm the three of them. Okay, fine he’d “let” them go, so long as they wouldn’t be injured. They weren’t at least, just separated and banished far away.
So instead thoughts turned to retaliation - not upon Odin himself ever untouchable and despite it all, his own father (the Loki of today LAUGHING at this sentiment, he probably should have just fuckin killed Odin then lmao).
Loki in the action of spiraling paused thoughts of revenge by.. accidentally becoming pregnant with Vali and Nari, but when he moved with them and their mom Sigyn back into the palace, he was in a DARK place only made worse by the constant cruelties of the palace whispering about those three banished kids behind his back. What better way to get revenge then to rip away a son himself, make Odin feel what he’d felt????!

..okay well. Despite it all Loki couldn’t bring himself to try to murder Thor (yet), who had nothing to do with any of this mess and was— ok I dont need to pontificate about their relationship we know all about that. Instead he fixated and obsessed upon the god Balder — NOT Odin’s actual offspring, but LIKE a son to the king and queen, universally adored by all, a second golden child to pose with Thor (forget the fact that Odin had two children!! Nope THESE were the two golden boys! AAHUHHGHGGH—)
As revenge for what Odin had done to Hela Fen and Jor, Loki killed Balder in cold blood, though secretly (he framed someone else). However— Odin, All-Seeing, All-Knowing, and now thoroughly irritated that his problem child was continuing to ~act-out~ — knew what Loki had done. and retaliated right back, murdering Vali and Nari mere days later.
sssighssss he hadnt been there to protect them - and there was no revenge that time. not right away. this was so completely shattering, utterly completely devastating, it broke him entirely. this loss— NOW THE FIFTH AND SIXTH IN A ROW, and the most horrifying of them all— was enough to shock Loki into numb and dazed acquiescence. stifled rage simmering quietly ever after, but dulled by grief and numbed horror.

ahem anyway two movies later
the second big one - was way back DURING Elysium canon - but years ago! after Loki had first ended up down there and taken steps to not be so supervillainy. He’d done the Memory Theater with the palace and they’d all seen the horrible beats of his past, both done to him and done by him. Tory got the spirits of Vali and Nari and returned them to Loki. Loki began to believe he was in a relatively safe place, with people who he could tentatively (under his breath and behind their backs) call his friends. He relaxed— slightly.
He had some fun escapades with Jesse and Laphi — ended up pregnant — panicked and vanished, returned with an egg, hatched baby Fjöer successfully, was assured over and over and over again that Fjöer was loved and protected and nothing bad would ever happen to him, not ever again to any of his children. Fjöer was one of them — LOKI was one of them — they were both safe.
Aaaaand then Fjöer was kidnapped.
Turns out that due to Loki’s previous list of crimes — specifically the uh, GIANT one in New York immediately preceding his Elysium entrance — the Underworld was chock full of shades, y’know ghosts who had DIED during that specific
. adventure. Ghosts who were real bitter about the circumstances of their death and real suspicious of the fact that known supervillain Loki was just hanging around now and — had created a little CREATURE to presumably do nefarious things with???? Several of those ghosts proceeded to haunt the upper world to give a certain,, government agency that I surely do not need to name, some TIPS about where exactly to find and locate this new secret weapon that Loki was harboring and— right under anyone’s noses— baby bird was whisked away.
When Loki found out Fjöer was gone he knew immediately who had taken him and didn’t bother to inform the rest of the palace or ask for help,, he was immediately so consumed with utter blind fury that he just hhh. lost his mind again and set off to fucking kill, and get his baby back. EXCEPT LOKI WAS WRONG??? ABOUT WHO HAD TAKEN HIM!????
due to some unfortunately timed misheard conversations mere days before, Loki blamed Fjöer’s kidnapping on, solely, a uhh one (1) Tony stark instead— he (and the rest of the avengers) legitimately had nothing to do with it, but it didn’t matter, as Loki managed to corner him alone and. left him quite literally on the brink of death. he’d stopped just RIIGHT before— as the smoke

. Blood

. cleared— realizing in horror what he’d done but also realizing in utter panic he was no closer to FINDING Fjöer, Loki did retreat to the palace ONLY then, AFTER attacking Stark. which Tory was. not happy about. 
actually furious about. Well. he had tried to hurt his baby :( what was he supposed to do!!! no more would he be letting anyone get away with taking his kids from him!!!
**except Stark hadn’t DONE anything OOPS! Jesus christ well the summary aftermath of all that is - KEEP IN MIND all of this happened completely at once in a glorious horrifying cacophony of drama and chaos — Tory managed to track down Fjöer being ACTUALLY kept by SHIELD, after getting into a huge argument with an out-of-his-mind with-rage-and-panic Loki; Loki feeling INCREDIBLY guilty for retaliating against tHE WRONG PERSON but Tory refusing to let him slaughter the entire shield team; instead redirecting his energy to healing Stark back to liiife and retreating at Tory’s furious insistence—
Tory getting Fjöer back unharmed and negotiating Loki’s safety from consequence by agreeing to keep him in the underworld forever. This was then the direct lead up to Loki being imprisoned, then being pissy enough about that to take over the magic of the Undrworld which I have spoken about at length
can’t get much further than any of that. fortunately everyone’s BEEN actually safe ever after so no more revenge murder attempts Loki!!!
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alirhi · 4 years ago
chapter 7 (the end? I'm not sure yet)
Title: Winter's Frost Chapter: 7/? Fandom: MCU Rating: R to be on the safe side Pairing: Loki/Bucky Summary: Loki never told anyone the real reason he became so obsessed with Midgard. Much better to let them think he wanted to hurt his brother than draw their attention to the one thing in the universe that makes the God of Mischief truly vulnerable.
WARNINGS: m/m, reference to rape Notes: since I don't read comic books and am a huge Loki (mythology) nerd, I'm pulling on some actual Norse mythology in this one. I've referenced Loki's shapeshifting/gender-bending abilities before, but here I go into something a bit more specific, and take a teensy bit of creative license in the process. so if you're reading and are like "wtf that didn't happen in the movies/comics!" that's because that's not the source material I was using.
The Bifrost was his last resort. The Destroyer had failed to even keep Thor in line or take out the bumbling idiots who didn't even know they were harboring HYDRA within their ranks. Loki had some power, but no allies, and it would take too long for him to ferret out every HYDRA operative hiding on Midgard, but if he could simply wipe SHIELD off the map, that seemed like a good start. But first he needed to know just how destructive the Bifrost really was. Could it be used for a surgical strike? Could he take out one building at a time, or would it truly destroy an entire planet?
Bucky would never forgive him if he destroyed his entire home world just to ensure that his captors were dead.
The obvious solution was, of course, a practice run. It was a good thing he had the perfect target in mind. He would destroy Jotunheim entirely, ensure there was no one left to avenge Laufey, and see how long it took to erase the planet from the cosmos. If the destruction took a while, if he could center it on one thing and have the damage radiate out from there, then after his cursed birthplace was eradicated, he could turn the Bifrost on SHIELD's headquarters. Then, all that remained was to go down, grab Bucky, and then come back and destroy the bunker in Siberia. There would be no more torture, no more Winter Soldiers. No more trauma for the man he loved.
Oh, who let bloody Thor out of his desert cell? The meathead always had to complicate everything. Loki lacked the time, and frankly the patience, to deal with his self-righteous adoptive brother's newfound life purpose, which seemed to be 'annoy Loki by any means necessary.' Not so new, then, he supposed. Simply a new method.
I don't have time for this, you oaf! "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to destroy Jotunheim!"
For all that it lacked delicacy, he really felt this plan was a perfect win-win. His father would wake to find his oldest enemies eradicated, his heir apparent revealed as the reckless idiot Loki had always known him to be, and a new heir standing proud and ready to take his place. Bucky would be safe and sound, and since all of his friends and family were likely dead by now, there would be nothing to tie him to Midgard any longer. Perhaps he could be convinced, finally, to come home with him to Asgard and rule by his side. With Loki's shapeshifting power, they could even have a family. Hopefully Odin would stop keeping Loki's children as pets. Truth be told, he was still a little bitter about Sleipnir; unintentional though his conception had been, he was still Loki's son.
Even if Odin didn't see reason when it came to Thor, now that the idiot had fallen in love with a human of his own – after a weekend – that could at least pave the way for Loki to come forward about his own star-crossed love, and maybe be accepted at last. At the end of the day, he had no real interest in ruling Asgard, only stepping out of his brother's shadow and not facing ridicule for who his heart chose. He didn't even know anymore what he was more afraid of; Odin finding out he'd fallen for another man, or Odin finding out he'd fallen for a human.
"Loki, you can't kill an entire race!"
"Why not?" He laughed, though he was more confused than anything else. Since when did Thor care? "Oh, what is this newfound love for the Frost Giants? You could have killed them all with your bare hands!"
"I've changed."
In three days? He doubted it, but he supposed stranger things had happened. It didn't really matter; all he wanted in that moment was to prove to Thor, and to himself, that all his years of practice had meant something; that he was truly every bit the warrior his brother was. Mostly, though, he wanted to kill time and keep Thor from breaking through the ice barrier to stop the Bifrost. It was taking its sweet time tearing Jotunheim apart; that was frustrating with Thor there waiting to muck things up, but encouraging for his true purpose.
"Loki, this is madness!"
"Is it madness? Is it?!" You have no idea! "Come on, what happened on Earth that's turned you so soft?! Don't tell me it was that woman!" I've spent years mourning a love I built and cherished and could tell no one about, and you get to parade around proud as a peacock after spending three days with her?! That is madness!
The look on Thor's face told him everything he needed to know, and he almost vomited. It wasn't just the ridiculously brief time he'd spent with her; Thor could do no wrong in their father's eyes. Even if he marched right up to Odin and announced that he intended to marry this woman and make her his Queen, he would suffer no consequences. No one would dare to speak against the heir apparent; the witless wonder could have anything and everything he wanted! Meanwhile Loki was raped in the service of one of Odin's pettier schemes, and he was ridiculed as weak and a pitiful clown, the son he bore taken from him to be ridden into battle like he was little more than another expendable tool for Odin to use and discard.
The more he thought about how differently their father treated them, the more embarrassed he felt for having been surprised to learn he was adopted. Stolen, really; like everything else Odin thought might one day prove useful. And still, Loki loved him. Still, he looked up to Odin as a father and wanted his love and acceptance. Odin had tormented and humiliated him for most of his life, and Loki still wanted to make him proud. How pathetic.
He was too distracted; too lost in his own spiraling thoughts. Thor kept getting the upper hand, and it was only thanks to Loki's talent for illusion and duplicate-casting that he hadn't outright lost yet. At least he did have those things going for him.
Damn. Too stunned by how hard he'd landed to move, he could only watch helplessly as his adoptive brother approached, certain Thor would kill him. Instead, he sat Mjolnir on Loki's chest. The blasted thing weighed a ton! He could feel it crushing his chest, preventing him from moving and making it harder and harder to breathe. The painful weight of it was too much to bear, but he refused to suffer in silence.
"Look at you," he taunted with what little breath he could muster. "The mighty Thor! With all your strength... And what good does it do you now, huh?!" He could swear the stupid hammer was getting heavier by the second. He could feel the weight of it cracking his ribs, and he winced, gasping for air.
"Do you hear me, brother? There's nothing you can do!"
And suddenly it was gone, and the bridge was shaking. Stunned, he lifted his head to look, and saw Mjolnir back in Thor's hand. "What are you doing?" No, no, NO! He sat up, horrified as he watched his brother smash his hammer down over and over again. "If you destroy the bridge, you'll never see her again!" I'll never see him again!
No, he couldn't let this happen! Never mind all his desperate half-thought-out plans to save Bucky and destroy HYDRA... He couldn't bear the thought of losing him forever! It'd been hard enough to go on living when he'd thought his beloved was dead; knowing he lived but was a helpless slave, alone with no one to protect him, to rescue him? Loki would rather die.
It hurt to move, but he had to get up. He had to stop Thor! If he destroyed the Bifrost, Bucky would be left alone in the clutches of his enemies forever!
The world was a blur for a moment. He was running at his brother, the bridge was shuddering beneath their feet, there was a blinding flash, and then suddenly Loki was dangling over an empty void, his only tether to solid ground his grip on the end of Odin's staff. Thor held the other end for dear life, though he, too, dangled precariously over open air. How had they not both fallen yet?
Odin. Odin was holding onto Thor to keep both of his sons from flying off into oblivion. Did he know what Loki had done? What he'd tried to do? Was he finally proud?
"I could have done it, Father! I could've done it! For you!" For Bucky... "For all of us!"
"No, Loki."
He didn't care. No matter what he did, Loki would never be good enough; would never be Thor's equal in their father's eyes. And worse, now his only link to Midgard and to the man he loved was gone. Now Loki didn't care. To Hell with them all.
A strange sense of peace, of surrender, came over him and, without a single thought nor care for what might happen, he let go. The sensation of falling with nowhere to land was strangely comforting. Perhaps the next life would be kinder to him than this one had been.
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