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snowyhyena · 11 months ago
Goofy ahh sona update
Gonna give her magic and jacket the ability to change colors based on mood and scenery like a cameleon, so I can have more fun with him
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bruisedark · 5 months ago
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i miss 2011 fashion 😢
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movelikeyoustoleit · 2 years ago
Bruh he’s fucking beautiful 🧡
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Ian dreaming about Mickey
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usamey · 11 months ago
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being sooooo normal abt him 😋😋🤭🤭
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spacerockwriting · 2 months ago
Galladrabbles: Crystalline
I managed to get one done. The last one of the year! Thank you @galladrabbles and thank you @crossmydna for the prompt. My 102 fever has finally gone away, leaving me to start to see clear again. I wish all a wonderful new year!
It’s the worst part of the sickness. Wondering if the reality is real, if the dreams were true. Everything feels achy and awkward, like he’s been runover several times.
 Mickey presses a kiss to his husband’s forehead, watching as green eyes blink awake slowly. Ian’s the softest when he’s in this state, hair rumpled and eyes blinking away sleep. He takes a fist to his eye to wipe at the various sleepy seeds, and runs fingers through greased strands.
Mickey watches as Ian sits up. He takes a sip of Gatorade and wraps his arms around his husband.
“Hey Sleepyface.”
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iandarling · 1 year ago
Mickeys nicknames for Ian:
Firecrotch, red, sleepyface, mumbles, handsome, tall fucker, james dean, little orphan annie, pippi long-stocking, monster cock, love of my life, gorgeous, lover, dickbreath, asshole, sex on legs, dumbass, glee club, motherfucker, prince charming, dicksucker, raggedy anne, princess, pretty face, casper the ghost, cupcake, fruitcake, tooth fairy, freckles
Ian’s nicknames for Mickey:
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lupeloto · 1 year ago
“the best thing to ever happen to me” ficlet
so ian is struggling with a down and mickey does some reasssuring
Mickey stands at a still in the doorway for a bit, the lowering Sun peaking through the small crack in the curtains. It’s shining on Ian’s body, glistening against his pale-freckled skin, like it was made to illuminate him.
Mickey stalls in the doorway a moment longer, his heart slightly weighed down at the sight of Ian in the same position he left him in this morning… covers draped loosely over his stomach, arms curled underneath his chin, back turned towards the door
“Hey sleepyface,” Mickey shakes himself, forcing a smile on his face as he makes his way to Ian’s side of the bed.
Mickey crouches down in front of him, bringing his hand up to gently caress his cheek as Ian’s eyes flutter open slowly.
A small, almost unnoticeable smile tugs at his lips at the sight of Mickey, “Hey,” he says in a barely audible whisper.
“Hey,” Mickey grins, “Can I make ya something to eat? I’ll see what i can do with the fuckin’ pizza rolls and pop-tarts we got.”
Ian doesnt respond, simply shifting the comforter back on the spot next to him, signaling for Mickey to join him. Although irritated at being ignored, he feels a rush of relief flood his body. Ian wanting company was a good sign.
“Alright softie, gimme a minute,” Mickey tugs off his work uniform before grabbing a pair of sweatpants from the drawer. He pulls back the comforter, a sigh of relief escaping him as the cold sheets hit his bare chest. It had been a long day taking on deliveries himself…not that he would ever complain.
“Ya wanna turn around? Haven’t seen that face all day,” Mickey touches Ian’s shoulder lightly.
Ian slowly turns his body around, a certain sluggishness plaguing his movements, “Telling me you miss my face and i’m the softie?” He speaks slower than usual, a lag in his joke delivery but a small smile on his face anyways.
“Fuck off,” Mickey says through stifled laughs. He revels in this moment, that sunset now revealing a dusted pink through the curtains that shine on Ian’s face, perfectly complimenting the dusting of orange freckles.
“I’m sorry,” Ian whispers, facing Mickey, hands curling up under his chin again.
“I know it’s hard. It doesn’t just happen to me,” he hesitates, stumbling slightly over his words, “It-it’s happening to you, too. And i’m-“
“Hey,“ Mickey leans his face in closer, eyes staring up at Ian, “Shut the fuck up for me.”
“Don’t wanna hear any more of that shit. You happening to me was the best goddamn thing I could’ve asked for,” Mickey rolls over on his back, slightly insecure at the level of intimacy in the statement.
“Hey,” Ian touches Mickey’s chin, turning his face towards him, “You’re the best thing to ever happen to me too.”
“Yeah?” Mickey asks, flashing that one-smile he does paired with a flush of his cheeks. Ian fucking loves that smile. From the minute he first saw it he never wanted it to leave, promising himself to make him smile like that every single day he could.
“Yup. Known it for eleven years of my life,” Ian says, a slight higher register in his voice that lifts a small weight off Mickey’s chest.
“Alright, enough of this shit you sappy-ass. I’m starvin’, want some pizza rolls? Pop-tarts for dessert?” Mickey questions, raising his eyebrows sarcastically as if he had just offered Ian a five-star meal.
“Sounds perfect.” Ian says through a satisfied sigh.
Mickey fumbles out of the bed, leaning over the place a quick peck on Ian’s forehead, moving to his lips for a slightly longer one.
They pull away, a smile on both their faces, “Now get your ass in there, Gordon Ramsey,” Ian grins lightly, poking fun at Mickey’s five-star dinner proposal, feeling a blanket of warmth settling over him.
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coelhocarente · 11 months ago
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Sleepyface 😴
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yourbelgianthings · 1 year ago
"now i'm gonna grow"
a very short ducknerva fic (500 words), it's really just one scene, i wanted to write duck actually asking minerva to come to brazil with him since we never get that part in the show
Duck Newton laid on his back in bed, staring at the ceiling as if the texture of the plaster there would suddenly transform into some kind of message for him. It did not. Minerva was next to him, with her arm gently rested across his collarbone. He shifted around slightly, something didn’t feel right. Not just right now, but it had been off somehow since he and Minerva had been able to return to Kepler from Sylvain. Having lived in Kepler his whole life, everything about the town was comfortable and familiar to him. However, after coming back and everything he went through with the Pine Guard, it had been difficult to return to his regular routine, especially without Arlo, Aubrey, and Ned. He had been entertaining an idea of what to do now, and each day he went back and forth on it, but now, Duck finally decided he would ask Minerva about it in the morning. With that, he rolled over, cuddled closer into Minerva, and finally drifted off to sleep.
Shockingly, when Duck woke up, he was not alone in bed.
“GOOD MORNING, SLEEPYFACE!” Minerva greeted him.
He chuckled. “I think you mean sleepyhead, and anyway, what are you still doing in bed?”
“That’s real nice Minerva, and funny enough, I don’t either.” Their hands found each other and squeezed, holding on as long as they wanted to; the only thing that was waiting was breakfast.
Sitting on the couch with their omelets and toast, Duck figured now was as good a time as any. He cleared his throat and asked casually,
“Hey, how would you feel about getting out of Kepler for a while?”
Minerva looked up at him, mid bite of toast, with a worried expression.
“No, no, nothing like that. I just want to go see somewhere else. We can go help plant trees in the biggest forest in the world if that sounds good to you.” She set her plate on the coffee table and scooted closer to Duck, putting her arm around his shoulder.
“Well, I really appreciate that, Minnie,” Duck murmured as he snuggled closer into her. “I was talking to Juno about this too, I’ll give her a call and let her know the plan’s all set.” He made no effort to get up right now though, it had been a long few months and there was finally time. Time for lazy, soft cuddles on the couch with the woman he was realizing he loved, and anything else could wait. Minerva smiled gently at Duck as he rested in her arms, although his eyes were closed so he didn’t notice. He had never called her Minnie before, and she liked it. It felt nice to be included in having a nickname. Against her instincts, Minerva allowed her eyes to drift closed too, letting herself trust in Duck’s reassurance that there was no danger anymore.
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gardenerian · 2 years ago
To add to the breakfast in bed thing, imagine Mickey going to wake Ian up once he's done but he ends up not being able to do it because Ian is just too cute when he sleeps. So Mickey lets the food get cold because he's too busy watching Ian's freckles dance on his face as the sun rises
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hey...... HEY. what the fuck???? i don't even. i have nothing to add here i am at my LIMITTTTTTT 😭 that is.... unfathomably sweet 😭 he'll go out for some sweet susan's when ian's lil sleepyface finally wakes up 😭
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snowyhyena · 1 year ago
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bruisedark · 9 months ago
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still hungover from my step-sister’s wedding 😵‍💫
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lingy910y · 2 years ago
thanks for tagging me @liamgallaghers 😻 love u
what’s your name? Ling
your sun sign: Virgo
the last song you listened to: Motion Sickness by Phoebe Bridgers
what are you wearing right now? yellow cable-knit sweater & warm black pants with with some white as a pattern
how tall are you? 162 cm/ 5'3''
piercings? none
tattoos? none
glasses? contacts? yes, glasses. i just got a new pair recently! they have big lenses and have peach colored frames :)
last drink: water
last thing you ate: hawaiian sweet rolls
favorite color: red. specifically red violet/ magenta
any pets? none
do you have a crush on anyone? no. but my crush for 6 years finally faded away 😀
favorite fictional character: firecrotch, carrot top/ boy, orange boy, sparky, rectum boy, curtis, howdy doody, mr. millagher, sugar tits, army, mary poppins, cinderella, that chick from the movie brave, sleepyface, tough guy, dom top daddy, gay jesus, ianna.
a movie you think everyone should watch: idk by “everyone” cause everyone has different tastes and this one is very nsfw, but The Handmaiden. lesbians being gay and scamming men + plot twist after plot twist
a book you think everyone should read: we are the ants by shaun david hutchinson. literally shaking crying throwing up
the last place you traveled: connecticut 6 yrs ago
something you’re looking forward to: gallavich’s wedding anniversary on march 21st duh
tagging: seems like a lot of ppl has been tagged and i don't wanna bother ppl again but i hope u guys like tag games as much as i do? anyway @ms-moonlight-inn?
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goodsmeller · 3 months ago
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good morning sleepyface
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arccanine · 4 months ago
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HD sleepyface pic
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Comfy girl found a new place to sleep
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7x10mickey · 2 years ago
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