#sleepy edd
wyrmapalooza · 1 year
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I’m giving you my trigger but you better never pull it
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jsrenjoyer · 1 year
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Beginning to contemplate the consequences of his actions
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codexu · 3 months
Oh my god make it stjop pljeasf
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Eddsworld shipping is popping OFF I tell you. I made this at like 3AM and it kinda sucks but thats okay
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mysticbeaver · 7 months
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(edit: animated version here)
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kurevniik · 6 months
reeeeread the child pond edd au :3c
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dirtlvr · 23 days
why did we as a society stop dressing like this
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lahmajun · 2 years
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eddsworld headcanons real
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tired-masochist · 2 years
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sleepy kitty
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razorbleeder · 1 year
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Just one of those dayz keeek
Sleepy Dee is so cute 😭
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422kit · 6 months
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mindless tord&edd doodles i did while i was very very sleepy
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ezgurple · 1 year
i’m pretty sure you’ve answered this already.. but do i have voice claims for ur turtles? bc i was reading leo’s part in the sleepy mikey comic as early 2012 leo and it got me wondering
oooomg 2012 leo’s voice from like the first two seasons is like one of my fav leo voices ever ! but the voice i imagine my leo having has always been roger craig smith’s natural speaking voice •_•
i do have this old vid i made for their voice claims so ill share it again since a lot of ppl have been asking.
FUN FACT! my first voice claim for raph was actually eddy from ed edd and eddy and mike’s was some twitch streamer named tyler1
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c0la-queen · 7 months
Could you ever so kind and provide some general dating Headcannons for all the four boys?? 🥺👉👈
Maybe some extra with red leader or someone else if you’re fine with that??? 🥺💜
Mwah mwah you have amazing work <3 /p
Oh my gods I am SO sorry that this is so late!! For some reason, Mr. Tumblr decided not to notify me about your ask?? And then I was at my bestie's house this weekend, so I haven't checked my inbox until now. Begging for your forgiveness rn Anon!!
Also literally kissing you for asking for Red Leader!! Mwah, mwah!!
If you are dating Edd... girlie I am so sorry for your sanity.
Don't get me wrong, I love Edd! He was my first Eddsworld love, my pookie bear for real! But he's the biggest bastard of the entire gang and I stand by that.
Calls you dumb pet names to try and make you laugh. Sugar Tits (regardless of gender or lack thereof, might I add), Baby Doll, Sexy.
He WILL grab/slap your ass all the time. Even in public. Only grins when you glare at him.
This man is a horrible influence. It will be so hard to get your shit done if he has decided that you need to be spending time with him. Why worry about work or chores when you could be all cuddled up with him and Ringo on the couch?
Will sulk if you reject his attempts.
If he's trying to get shit done and you're pestering him for attention? He will drop his basket of laundry or the dishes in his hands in a millisecond.
If he's working on a commission or animation, he'll let you sit in his lap in his chair, let you sit all pretty for him while he works. When he finishes, if you've fallen asleep by then -which you usually do - then he'll carefully move you both to his bed and snuggle up to you and take a nap with you.
Speaking of cuddling, he does naturally run hot. Comes with being a big boy <3 But if you don't enjoy that, then he'll use his powers to cool down his skin for you. Anything to keep cuddling!
He also uses his powers whenever possible. Will abuse them without shame. He puts things on the highest shelf, just so you have to him for help. He'll put patches of ice on the floor under your feet, just so he can catch you before you fall (he'll never let you actually get hurt), and uses his super strength to scoop you up randomly and carry you around.
You cannot show your text messages to ANYONE. He will say filthy things, just to fluster you. Horny Bastard. Finds ways to turn even the most mundane conversations into teasing.
He'd do cute couple things with you, like painting together and swapping canvases every 5 minutes. His favorite is going to cat cafes. The cats literally love him, its like he's made of catnip with how they swarm him.
Physical affection is a huge thing with him. Even little touches throughout the day, like ruffling your hair as he passes by, or a big hug from behind while you fix food.
Overall, big teddy bear that just likes to see his darling blush.
As I've stated in previous works, Tom is a secret romantic.
He's not a traditional romantic like Matt, but he's romantic in his own way.
Likes parallel play a lot. Finds it relaxing to just sit in his room, testing new songs on his bass while you lay on his bed reading a book. Or in your room, lounging on one of your plush beanbag and organizing his Spotify playlists while you fold your laundry.
Dates with him consist of record stores, concerts, and late night walks.
He'll sing for you if you ask him to.
Very down to earth, both as a person and as a boyfriend. If you have problems, he'll listen patiently until you're done, then help you brainstorm solutions. He doesn't downplay or ignore your feelings, but he doesn't jump to emotions like others might.
He tends to sleep in late on his nights off, since he's more of a night owl than anything. You know that, so you've made it a little tradition to fix him coffee around 11. You know exactly how he takes it, and he always thanks you with a kiss on the cheek and a sleepy, mumbled "you're the best."
Very caring. He'll make sure you've eaten and had water. Will usher you to bed if he can see that you're tired, or do your chores for you if you can't do them for whatever reason. If you can't sleep, he'll make you a mug of chamomile tea and sing you a little lullaby.
When it comes to his monster tendencies, he tries to keep you away from it all. He's bitter about what he is, and he thinks that you're better off separated from that side of him.
At the start of relationship, he'd get angry if you tried to push it. He'd snap at you, distance himself, not talk to you for maybe a couple of days. Further on in the relationship, though, if you push the issue and reassure him that you love every side of him, even the monstrous one, then he'd be more willing. Willing to let you in, to let you see that part of him. He'd be nervous about it, but he'd do it because he loves you.
He is a traditional romantic! His Mama raised him right, and he drinks his Respect Juice.
Makes sure you two have date night at least once every week. Dressing up nice, going out to dinner or a play, taking a walk through the town to wind down the night. Heading back into the house, changing back into comfortable clothes. He'd wipe your makeup off for you, if you wear it.
Absolutely the kind of guy to get down on his knees in front of you and unbuckle/untie your shoes or high heels for you. He's just so devotional.
If, for whatever reason, you guys are unable to have your date night, he'll make it up to you in some way. A bouquet of your favorite flowers sitting on your bed with a little note. A passionate kiss before one of you has to leave the house. A heartfelt love letter sealed with wax.
Makes sure to text you throughout the day with sweet messages. Compliments, "I love you"s, selfies, updates on what is happening at work. Or just reminders that he's thinking of you. Misses you.
Likes to cook meals for you if its just the two of you at home. Breakfast is his forte, but he's not the worst at following a recipe.
Always amazing for advice. He'll let you talk to him while he hugs you from behind. If it's something sad, he might cry. Just the idea of you going through something negative makes him sad, too.
If he doesn't have advice for you, he'd do anything in his power to find someone who does. One of the other roommates, or even his mother, if you're comfortable with it.
Speaking of his mother, she absolutely adores you. Since Matt has such a good relationship with her, he's already told her so much about you. She thinks its wonderful that her baby has fallen in love. After a while, Matt will even bring you along to his lunches with his mother. You two hit it off instantly.
If you're okay with it, then Matt would love to show you off on his social media. He thinks you're so gorgeous, the entire world should know that he managed to land you. Its never anything invasive, and he always gets your permission before he posts things. Blocks any weird or gross comments.
Loves going on shopping dates with you. Most of the time, its at the mall or a mall in a different town, because he loves walking around and window shopping. Occasionally, he'll take you to more expensive stores. It doesn't bother him, he loves spoiling you. No matter where you two are, he'll buy you anything that you want. If you are adamant to spend your own money, he won't put up too much of a fuss, though he does prefer to pay for you.
He'll do that couples trend with you where you find nail polish that matches the other's eye color.
Gift giving is just one of his love languages in general. It makes him so happy to give his loved one things that he bought. For you specifically, he'll also throw in hand made gifts. He may not be the most talented artistically, but he'll stay awake late into the night, sitting on the floor with a YouTube tutorial playing, paper and cardboard scattered around, a pencil between his teeth, paint on his hands and smeared on his cheek. The end result may look a little crude, but he'll still present it to you with pride. And, of course, you always love it.
Tord is probably the most romantically stunted of the four. Its not that he doesn't love you, far from it really. He just grew up in an environment where love wasn't freely given, and was often limited for appearances.
His father, as the Red Leader, insisted that he keep a professional and feared image. So, Tord never saw him being affectionate with his mother.
It might be hard at first. You'll struggle. You two may fight. But you'll always make up in the end. He'll listen to you, try to understand your point of view.
He's not against physical affection, but he's able to live without it. Will indulge you whenever you ask. If he's busy, which he usually is, he'll let you drape yourself over him from behind while he sits in his chair, letting you rest your cheek on the top of his head and watch him work.
More than anything, his love language is words of affirmation. Despite being a man of few words, he'll always give you praise. He'll make sure you know that you are his, he is yours, and he loves you. Nothing will change that.
Scary dog privilege. He'll always walk just behind you in public, keeping a guiding hand on the small of your back. Stays alert of you surroundings and the people around, so that you don't have to. You don't even have to worry about people approaching you in public. One piercing glare from Tord is enough to deter anyone.
Not the best at giving advice to problems. He'll listen, but sometimes he can't quite understand why something is an issue. Doesn't invalidate your feelings on purpose, it just happens inadvertently at times. Always, ALWAYS apologizes and holds you close when he realizes what he did.
His preferred dates are nights in at home. Cuddled up on the couch with takeout watching shitty rom-coms. Cooking food that he ate growing up in Norway while you sit at the kitchen table watching. Going to the convenience store at midnight to get Ben and Jerry's in the middle of anime binges.
You become his crutch. When he's having bad paranoia on nights that are too quiet, he'll seek you out. Just having you lay in bed with him, warm and solid and breathing, always calms him down.
He will never let you meet his parents. You are one of the very few good things in his life, and he wants to keep that away from his fucked up home life. Might let you meet his little sister, but not for a long time.
Surprisingly, he does tend to talk more when its just the two of you. He allows you into his head, verbalizing his thoughts to you. He'll ramble about his projects, tell you about the history behind his culture, or rant about things that annoy him. Denies it vehemently in front of others.
He is a huge tease, second only to Edd. What's dangerous is how casual he is about it. Loves making you squirm, and he'll never even change his expression. Sometimes he won't even be looking at you, but rest assured that he is swimming in satisfaction over how flustered you are.
Red Leader
I have so many thoughts about him. Oh my lord.
This is going off the scenario where Reader is a Red Army soldier and met him through the army, after the events of The End.
I want to clarify that this is NOT following the events of TBATF!!! This is my own Red Army timeline, what I refer to in my Eddsworld bubble as "The Bad End"
There are two ways that you'd be able to catch Red Leader's attention. Either you are an extremely talented soldier that does well among your peers, enough to earn the praise of your superior officers and eventually Red Leader himself. Or, you were assigned as his personal assistant to help with paperwork and meetings, but you were so good at handling his temper and attitude that he found himself surprised.
The latter of the two is my favorite, so I'll be working under that one.
Before you, Red Leader had been through several assistants. None of them lasted more than a month. By nature, he was a moody, temperamental man. The stress of the army and oncoming war only made that worse. He saw those previous assistants as nuisances, only getting in his way. He would yell at them, berate them, drive them to the brink until they beg Paul and Pat to transfer them.
When they assigned you to him, they expected the same thing to happen. The two even made bets on how long you'd last. On your first day, Red Leader was nasty to you. Gruff and rude. But... you bit back. That took him by surprise. Instead of taking the insult and shuffling out like a puppy with its tail between its legs, you pursed your lips and gave him a stern look and talked to him in a way that nobody dared to. He should've been angry. Should have screamed at you, discharged you from the army in a heartbeat.
Instead, he found that he quite enjoyed it. He enjoyed your spitfire. Not that he'd let you know. He only gave you a noncommittal hum and dismissed you with a wave of his hand. But... he kept you around. Even found excuses for you to come into his office more than necessary. His penchant for teasing came back full force. He'd poke and prod, finding ways to make you react with that fire he so loved.
It takes a long time for him to finally make a move. Probably takes a near-death experience for him, or an injury to you for him to realize that he wants this. He wants a future with you.
At first, he may seem a little cold in public. Not to the degree that his father was - he promised himself that he would never be like his father. Simply a more... professional air about the entire thing. It was more out of anxiety than anything. He didn't want to make you a target, didn't want to cause you to get hurt. As his army grows more powerful and takes over more and more countries, he grows more comfortable with PDA. He knows that when he is the most powerful man in the world, he doesn't have to worry about anyone hurting you.
He would probably treat you more like a spouse than a girlfriend/boyfriend right off the bat. He's older now, thinking more about the future than the present. He already knows that he wants to be with you forever, so why go through the formalities and hassle of dating?
Always makes time for you whenever he can. If he's in a meeting with his generals or another world leader, he'll sneak text messages to you. Doesn't give a shit if he's caught. What are they going to do to him, Red Leader?
If he's cooped up in his office all day, his door is always open to you. Loves having you drop by unannounced to bring him food or coffee. He'll let you climb into his lap while he works, or sit behind him in his chair and cling to him. Even if you're just sitting in a separate chair nearby, working on your own stuff. He's happy.
If you want to continue being a soldier, or his assistant, he'll let you. But he's also perfectly happy to have you simply be his partner and not have a care in the world. You could sit all pretty in his quarters waiting for him to get off duty, or use the time to pursue your own hobbies and interests. As long as you're happy and cared for, it's okay with him.
Spoils you rotten. You're Red Leader's, so of course you only deserve the best things. Anything in the world you want, you only have to ask for it. It's yours. He would raze entire cities just to see you smile.
He does enjoy taking you out on dates. While also spending time with you, he sees it as a way to show you off to the world. Dressing you up in the finest clothes that he got you, the prettiest jewelry that he bought. Taking you to restaurants and operas where everyone can see you hanging on his arm. It makes him puff up with pride.
When the two of you are alone, he's so adoring. Loves snuggling. It's a struggle to convince him to let you out of bed in the mornings, he'll just be clinging to you. If you do somehow manage to escape his grasp, he'll catch you around the waist and drag you back to bed. Won't stop until Paul or Pat message him to get his ass out of bed. He always grumbles about how "it's my damn army, I should get to sleep in as long as I want".
Sometimes, at night, he has pains in his right shoulder, the side where he's burned and amputated. It can range from a dull ache to excruciating pain. On nights that it hurts too much to move, you'll scramble out of bed and get his medication from his nightstand, gently coaxing him to take it. You'll hold him and comfort him until the pain subsides and he falls back asleep.
He doesn't like to talk about it, really. It feels weird, letting anyone see this part of his life. Letting you see his vulnerability. Letting you see him.
But he does.
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Drew this fella to show a buddy how ms paint brush tool works
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But we all liked him so much so I just kept drawing hum
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Quite the fella
The guidelines to drawing him is that you have to draw him with your mouse not a pen and you have to draw reeeeally slow
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greenandsorrow · 5 months
You're my best friend
✨Eddie is in love with his best friend (fem!reader)✨
feelings of inadequacy, fluff, comfort, light angst
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"Damsel I'm back!!!! It's so excruciating going grocery shopping..."
It's the melodramatic entrance and the small pout at the end of his sentence as he kicks off his stinky shoes that makes you chuckle.
"Glad you survived Edds."
You two used to talk at school and were on good terms. After he failed to graduate twice you became classmates and got so so so so so close. The truth is that he always had a crush on you, but regardless of that your friendship is real and runs deep.
When you were looking for a place to stay after deciding you needed some time away from your family, Eddie told you that you can stay with him -his uncle is barely at home anyway- as long as you do the cooking. Least to say, you accepted the offer.
You listen to him playing his electric guitar, he keeps you company while you study, you have laughed and cried together. He doesn't mind you're not a complete freak like him, but more of a black sheep at school. There have been rumours you're dating and at first you liked being dramatic about it. Unfortunately for him, you're actually dating someone now so the "being dramatic about it" has stopped. Eddie doesn't enjoy your romantic interest taking your attention away from him, but he respects you too much to say anything that could even remotely throw you off.
You are roommates, you have your rules, your movie nights... and he's a gift from God you can't lie. He has learnt and accepted your every little quirk and peculiarity.
Sometimes you make hot chocolate and play Scrabble with Dustin and him. Sometimes you play with his hair while he's stoned. He has significantly cut down on smoking all this shit since you moved in.
Eddie isn't the jealous type, but the pit at his stomach envious type, the delicate disappointment that he can't have you the way others do type.
You'll be his first and last kiss.
Eddie drives you everywhere with his trashy car. He's the best company you could have ever asked for. You love your friend. You wish more people could see him the way you do.
The night is uneventful with you falling asleep on the couch as per usual. In the morning, Eddie wakes you up by ruffling your already messy hair and singing "you are my sunshine" in an ear bleeding frequency.
You're too sleepy to care and just stretch, your lack of a bra not going unnoticed. An awkward giggle is all he lets out, but internally he's so grateful for his hair covering his ears. They're burning too intensely for this time of day.
You get ready for school. It's all routine.
After school, you have your shift at the same place Mrs. Wheeler works in. At least it's quiet.
At this point you feel too bored for your own good, not to mention how your date canceled on you a third time in a row. You return home so done with life. Your hero, Eddie, has prepared the hot water just for you. He welcomes you in by telling you that you're late and have missed the DnD match, but he quickly realizes you're not in the mood.
You're so mentally exhausted, fed up and frustrated with your canceled date that you try to kiss him, wrapping your arms around his neck. Eddie gets a little hurt because the rules say no pitty fucking amongst pals.
When there's no reaction from him you just pull back and shrug. You won't show how embarrassed you actually feel. Not in this already pitiful state. Eddie knows about the canceled dates.
He does try to move on and get some snacks and a movie ready. He is flustered... your breath was so hot on his face... good thing he has time to shake the feeling off while you shower.
"The grime has been washed off!"
"We can talk about it, ...if you want to that is?"
Eddie is genuinely worried about your emotional state and he makes you open up and even break down in his arms. You have been living in denial but your love interest has been distancing themselves from you.
After this crying session, with you holding onto Eddie's warm body and wetting his Hellfire Club shirt with mascara tears, you put on a horror film. He even lets the fact that you're wearing your now ex's hoodie drop. Even though the revelation makes his chest tighten and his breath canal feel like it's been blocked.
You fall asleep on him.
He can feel the outline of your curves and your breasts pressing against him but the way he's holding you is gentle, like he's afraid you'll break into a thousand small, sharp pieces if he squeezes you too hard. You're even snoring softly, completely drained from all the crying.
At least you can't notice the silent tears running down his face. It's unfair. He's choking up in all the unsaid things. He had to see you crying over someone that doesn't even appreciate you while he was there. Exposed to you, ready to give you all he had.
Is he not your best friend? Who is there painting your nails and giving you scalp massages when your period headaches torment you?
Maybe if his mother hadn't abandoned him he would have been able to ask her for advice. He feels like crap now. Are you really that blind? Do you take him for granted to such an extent as you showed him tonight?
Another morning comes, but insecurities gnaw at Eddie. He can't fake a smile when you yawn and open your eyes, realising you're still wrapped around him.
"You look like shit."
Normally he wouldn't mind your choice of words at all, probably finding something even worse to say to you, but in his fragile state... Eddie snaps.
"It's not funny y/n! Do you think it's funny when someone spends the night sleepless?!"
You tilt your head, your mouth forming a straight line.
"I didn't mean to-"
"Oh no, I don't wanna hear it! Are you really as insensitive as you let out?"
"Edds I... I-"
"Shut up! Just shut up! I can't take it anymore! You have me wrapped around your finger y/n, feeding me hope and baked goodies.. but I've never heard a single I love you Eddie, not a single I actually care for you Eddie... Nothing!"
His big eyes are glassy now, tears threatening to spill down his freshly shaven cheeks. It breaks your heart to see him like this.
"B- but I do... I do love you!"
Your voice cracks as you feel your own eyes swelling up with tears.
"Then prove it! Prove it goddamn it! Wear my hoodies, worry over me for a change... Just please... Please-"
All the energy and anger have vanished from his expression and tone. Your gaze has softened as well and he feels like he's melting under it.
You extend your arms, wrapping them tightly around him. Eddie returns the embrace like you're gonna vanish into thin air if he doesn't hold you close enough to be able to feel your heartbeat against his own.
"Have I been so blind?" you ask without breaking the hug.
"Yes you glorious idiot of a girl..."
The pout... the melodrama. He's okay now. You stay like this for a while, missing your classes but at least settling into the conclusion.
You two belong together.
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my masterlist
I found all my shifting scripts from quite some time ago, so since I'm still in this stupid writer's block I thought it'd be fun to work on some pre existing material. I had to edit this ALOT, but it came out cute ngl✨
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finniestoncrane · 11 months
Your One True Nemesis
Chapter 33: also on AO3 Masterlist Here Arkham!Riddler x Female!Reader, word count: 1k just a lil soft push in the right direction for my idiots 💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: i really am just living vicariously through this, like sorry i self-inserted myself into the reader role so i could live out my emotional edde fantasies, it will happen again
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You felt foolish, almost, as you tiptoed through the living space towards Eddie’s bedroom. It was such an obvious plot, so uninspired, so typical, like it was written for a bad porno. But it was the only thing you could think of, short of just asking him for what you wanted. And this way, if it backfired and he rejected your sexual advances, you might still be allowed to spend some time with him.
Knocking on the door, you whispered his name, loud enough that you hoped he’d hear. From behind the walls, you heard a loud snort as his snoring was cut short, and then a sleepy, grumbling ‘what?’ as he answered you.
“I can’t sleep. It’s freezing. Unless you want to get up and find another radiator that I can plug in somewhere, could I please just come in there and share-”
“Hurry up.”
Giddy at his quick agreement, you opened the door and ran to the bed, hopping in as fast as possible in case he changed his mind. But to your surprise, you found that he was more than welcoming, wrapping his arms around you and curling his body to the shape of yours, blanketing you in his warmth. And without realising it, you let out a small, satisfied sigh, as you wriggled into him. For a moment, you hoped he might not have noticed, that the slight note of affection and comfort at his touch might go unnoticed, but of course, nothing ever was with Edward.
“You know, I truly must be amazing.”
“And so humble too.”
You teased, but it was a facet of his layered personality that you found truly intriguing. His unshaken confidence in himself. It was something you admired, something you strived for in yourself. You didn’t think that you had the right qualities to pull it off, but it was hard to argue otherwise about Eddie. He was every bit as amazing as he thought himself to be.
“I tease. You are though, Eddie. You’re amazing.”
You slid your arm along his, resting your hand over the top of his own, stopping short of linking your fingers together. Too much, too soon you feared. An unfounded concern, you realised, as Eddie intertwined his hand with yours.
“I feel you have mistaken this as a statement of my self-confidence. I meant, I must be amazing… to have won the favours of someone like you.”
You were stuck in shock, unable to speak. Tears prickled at the corner of your eyes and you tried to swallow back the sudden wave of emotions that swept over you. In a bid to distract yourself, you rolled over to face Eddie, hoping that seeing his face wouldn’t send you into wailing, grateful, sobbing and instead would bring the familiar smile that he always inspired.
“A genuine compliment, Edward? I’m surprised!”
Laughing, with a wide grin pressing upwards the corners of his mouth, Eddie leaned in, his lips tantalisingly close to yours before he blinked and pulled back. Surprised by how close he had come, you instinctively pressed his buttons, teasing him for the slight hint of romance he almost displayed.
“Edward Nygma! Were you about to kiss me?”
“I was. I caught myself though.”
It was hard not to smile at the self-satisfied smirk he wore, pleased with himself, happy that he had managed to prevent any emotional depth from entering this intimate scenario. But when you tried to turn back around, he spoke, bringing your attention back to him.
“Would it have been so bad if I did? Kiss you, I mean.”
Your heart seemed to stop. Nothing there, nothing beating. Time itself joined it, a never-ending moment of bliss, exposure to yet more of Edward’s vulnerability and his true feelings towards you.
“Not at all.”
“Then why haven’t you said so before?”
Interesting, that he would push this on to you. You could feel his anger rising, as it did in moments of uncertainty, or when he felt he had been tricked into exposing himself for what he truly was; human.
“Beg your pardon?”
“I mean, no doubt you didn’t say anything because you imagined I might say no. You probably thought you lacked the relevant appeal. But I assure you that-”
“Are you pleased with how this is going, Eddie?”
Past the irritation he felt that you had interrupted him, he was actually grateful. It was beyond his control, his inherent need to place the blame on others when he felt he had made a mistake. Because Edward Nygma didn’t make mistakes. Although, he feared he had made so many since meeting you. The greatest one being that he hadn’t spent every waking moment kissing you. His eyes began to water at the prospect of lost time, but he blinked back the dreaded reveal of the intensity of his feelings.
“No. I’m not.”
“And would you like to kiss me again?”
“Yes. I would.”
“Well, then. You’re lucky I want to kiss you just as much.”
You leaned in once more, lips against his, dry and soft, surprisingly so. They were thin, shallow, but they felt sweet and tender, and the mere sensation of them on you felt perfect. It felt right. And when you pulled back, the desire to keep going almost pushed you forward once more. But it felt better to end it there, to let those soft, romantic seconds linger, to give them long enough to become memories.
“Good night, Eddie.”
“Good night.”
Instead of turning over, you rested your head against his chest, wrapping your arms around him, his arms around you in return. Breathing softly, slowly, you tried to lull yourself into a sleep, trying hard to rest the giddy beating of your heart, the goosebumps which covered your skin as excitement filled you. So good were you at trying to calm yourself, that Eddie thought you had already drifted off peacefully into slumber, soothed by his presence, if he allowed himself to imagine he held such calming properties.
You weren’t quite asleep though, which meant you were completely aware when he placed a tentative kiss to your forehead, in on the secret that he thought was just for him.
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