5un51n3 · 7 years
Good song suggestion:
Sleep in the heat by Pup
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frankenbaby · 8 years
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A passport sized sketch inspired by @puptheband and @finnwolfhardofficial #art #illustration #artistsoninstagram #illustratorsoninstagram #pup #puptheband #sleepintheheat #dog #dogs #finnwolfhard #drawing #sketch #instaart #instaart #igers #igerartist #igersbirmingham
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Sleep in the Heat!
read: 1 | 2 | 3
Inspired by Pup’s “Sleep in the Heat”
A/N: Hello!!!!!!!!
I’ve decided to write a new fic (NOT CLICKBAIT),, beware this is really fluffy :3 I legit have no plans for this, and no goals at all so just go with it.
DESCRIPTION: Beverly Marsh was cursed with her hit being hard enough and her dad coming back to  consciousness after being bashed in the head with a glass tray. The abuse only gets worse until the losers respond to a distress call and walk in on Mr. Marsh suffocating his own daughter. Things get out of hand when a huge fight breaks out between the six boys and a grown man ending in murder. The losers were forced to pack up and leave their home on a road trip to find a place to breathe,,,
DISCLAIMER: I tried to write in songs during the situations so if you could, I suggest changing the song as the losers do in the story to add more effect :O
Pairings: Reddie!!, stenbrough, benverly (Each chapter will feature more of one)
a list of the songs for this chapter 1  in order:
In between Days - The Cure
Heroes - David Bowie
Reddie shippers anthem (Africa) - Toto
just a btw- There’s a lot of angst and fluff and a decent amount of swears ;)
and without further ado,
Eddie's eyes were slowly falling down so he could be finally put to sleep after being up for nearly 24 hours. It was 6 am and the losers club was still on the road in the van wagon they stole from Richie's parents. It was really worn out since no one used it for years, but it sure was gigantic.
Stan was driving and Bill was in the passenger seat sleeping next to him. Mike sat in the middle seat in the back with a map open. He wanted to sit in front but he understood Bill wanting to be next to Stan. Ben and Beverly were in the seat on either sides of Mike probably sleeping. Eddie wanted to sleep, but he wouldn’t. He and Richie were in the very back where they took out three rows of seats and replaced it with Eddie’s mattress, topped off with a buttload of blankets and pillows. It was way more comfortable than anyone gave it credit for.
Eddie was wrapped in a soft blanket, leaning on a pillow laid against the wall. He kept brushing his hand through his hair and fidgeting with his hands to try and stay awake. Across from him was a sleeping trash mouth. He had fallen asleep a couple of minutes ago. The small boy was replaying everything that had happened the past day? couple of days? he wasn’t sure. It was all confusing and just the thought made him want to scream and cry, but he kept quiet. In fact, everyone did. The only sounds were the humming engine, the rain tapping the vehicle and the song being switched to “In Between Days” by The Cure playing on the radio. The ride was pretty smooth so far as they drove across the state and up mountains to find somewhere to hide. To Eddie, the whole idea was crazy and he was surprised everyone agreed to just get up and leave, but the reasons were understandable-
the car swerved but Stan was too late and the car bounced off the divot in the road.
“Fuck…” Richie jolted awake after a 10 minute slumber but everyone else stayed asleep. The trash mouth was a really light sleeper and to be honest he didn’t sleep that much at all.
“Welcome back,” Eddie said tiredly.
“You’re still awake, Eds?”
“Yeah,” he yawned out, “and don’t call me that.”
“You look disturbed.”
“Take a left,” Mike said quietly.
“Well what do you expect? This is kinda crazy,” He said waking up a bit at the thought.
“It’s been a whole day. Go to sleep.”
“You’re acting like you just slept for 12 hours. You were literally out for 5 minutes!”
“First of all, chill out okay? Second, insomnia my guy, it’s a blessing and a curse.”
Eddie frowned. He knew insomnia was a symptom of ADHD and he felt guilty for bringing it up.
“Stan!” Mike said.
“Goddamnit!” they hit another pothole but this one woke everyone but Beverley up.
“Stuh-st-st-stan…” Bill tiredly spoke from under the blanket covering his body and Stan's legs as he woke up and looked for Stan’s hand with his own, eyes slowly adjusting. Stan found his hand and held it softly.
“Do you need a break Stan?” Mike said.
Ben just mumbled gibberish.
“Yes, yes you seem to be fallin’ asleep at the wheel my good sir,” Richie said from the back.
“Shut up Richie,” Stan said then Bill squeezed his hand and unintentionally gave him puppy dog eyes, “Let’s juh-just pull over into the-th-these woods and tuh-take a ruh-r-rest,”
“Okay, fine.” he reluctantly turned the wheel and went off the road. They slowly maneuvered through scattered trees and found a place in the woods where he parked the slender vehicle.
“No need to get the sleeping bags this time,” Mike said referring to the rain.
“Yeah there’s no way i’m sleeping out there,” Eddie replied as he slowly sunk into the bunch of blankets and pillows in the back “seat” and slowly drifted off.
Eddie shot up at the sudden noise that disrupted his dream and shook the car. The radio station was to the end of David Bowie’s “Heroes” and it accompanied the silence well. He searched the van to see if anyone else heard it. The front windows had covers over them to keep the sunlight out and the rest had blankets doing the best they could, but since it was really cloudy the sun wouldn’t peek through anyways. He scanned the losers until his eyes met the empty seat next to him.
“What the fuck?” he whispered to himself.
He got up slowly and noticed the stupid blankets that had covered the back windows on the doors had fallen off. he crawled to the window and squinted out of it. He saw Richie?
“What the hell is he doing?” he grabbed a thin blanket that he could ruin so he wouldn’t get any of their only nice blankets dirty and wet. He shivered at the touch of the cold door as he quietly forced it opened until it ripped from the other door to its side.
“Fuck Richie! What the hell are you thinking!” he whispered to himself as his feet made contact with the wet patches of dirt and grass and the droplets began to deep into his skin, hair and clothes. But it felt good. Why?
He got goosebumps from the chilled air accompanied by the rain despite him wearing worn, gray sweats and his own shirt under Big Bill’s navy blue sweatshirt hat said “GEORGIA” in white letters. He would never admit it but his true intentions were to see if Richie would give him his hoodie even though Eddie didn’t like the band “Guns n’ Roses” which was plastered on the front, but when Bill offered his jacket first he couldn’t just say no.
The blanket got the first coat of rain soaked in pretty fast while Eddie listened to the song switch to Toto’s “Africa” and he walked towards Richie who had stopped in the middle of the trees.
“Richie?!” He yelled when he was about 20 feet from the boy. His glasses weren’t on and his curls had been flattened from the rain. His lips were slowly turning purple and his skin pale, making the freckles pop out even more.
Richie shook his head and snapped out of his daze, “Eddie? What are you doing?!” Richie sounded concerned.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Eddie yelled as the both slowly shuffled towards each other.
“I- uh- I just needed to-“
“To what?! You’re gonna get a cold!” but Eddie didn’t move. He stood there and stared up at Richie.
“I know, I know, it’s just- I felt guilty…” He got quieter as he finished the sentence. Eddie went wide-eyed. The memories flowed in as if Mr. Marsh was standing right in front of him again hold Beverly against the wall by her neck. The look he gave was almost as bad as It’s.
“Go back, Eds, you’ll catch a cold.” he said as he turned away from the short little boy with a tinge of jealousy that he was wearing Bill’s sweater.
Richie turned to him again, “What?”
“It feels good out here. It feels-“
The boys all had blood on their hands that night when Beverly woke up from being suffocated. The bruise was still on her neck. She was trembling as Ben held her in his arms while they all told her what happened.
“It’s okay. You’re safe now.” Ben’s words replayed in Eddie’s head a lot while they had driven out of the town without telling anyone. They were just some missing kids now.
Eddie remembered that look Richie had on his face when he frantically waved around the faux missing poster. That thought disturbed him considering Richie was ready to leave that toxic house, not that Eddie didn’t sigh in relief at the thought that he was free and in charge of his own life every now and then. Richie seemed to be deathly afraid of going missing (or dying? Eddie wasn’t sure since they never spoke of that summer) and now he was forgotten across the border of Derry, Maine.
Eddie stared at him with sympathy. He was still unsure the reason he was easiest to convince to leave but he didn’t need to be sure.
“You know it’s kinda fun,” Richie said quietly.
Eddie was taken back, “What?!”
“You know being a missing kid,”
Eddie just looked down.
“You know sometimes I look back and think, why didn’t you run away Tozier? You wanted too, you could’ve..” He sniffed
“Richie, you wanted to runaway?”
“Everyday, Eds. I walk downstairs to see my parents fighting or my mom passed out in the kitchen. Everyday I walked outside to see you guys. This gang was the only thing keeping in Derry and now look where we are.”
“Come on, Rich-“
“I told myself, are you just gonna let pennywise win?” Eddie’s expression went dark at the name, “Are you just gonna let them for-“
“Richie!” Eddie was crying now, “I would never let that happen!”
“It’s what happened to everyone!”
“Richie! You matter! Okay?! You fucking matter! and if you think for a moment that you don’t then…then-“ Eddie kissed him. He missed the perfect spot, but it was a kiss. Richie stumbled back with wide eyes that went closed as he wrapped his arms around the small boy. After a few seconds, they pulled back.
“Let's go back,” Eddie motioned towards the van wagon.
Richie showed his dimples while he weakly smiled, looking out to the forest, “Let’s go, Eds.”
The taller boy wrapped his arm around the worry-ridden teen. The two boys were both soaking wet and smiling. Eddie thought to himself,
I bless the rains…
A/N: HEY HEY HEY! I wrote something decent! are you proud of me mom?! anyways,, i’m pretty excited because i’ve always loved the idea of a couple living on the road with some good friends and yeah that’s what this is,, i’m gonna wait a chapter to get into the deeper stuff and more into detail about what happened, but no worries, i’ve been procrastinating posting this so long that the second chapter is already done and will be posted tomorrow (hopefully)  so yeah!
If you ever wanted to make art/aesthetics/playlist/etc I would be so happy and surprised tahaha
send an off anon ask to be the first on the tag list!!1!1!1!!!1!1!1
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amandalemora-lulh · 8 years
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zonecassette · 8 years
sleepintheheat replied to your post:are there any good free android music player apps...
not in my experience lmao :/
damn lol uhh...know of any CHEAP ones?
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