#sledgefu week
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lamialamia · 6 months ago
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Love of my life, don't leave me. You've taken my love, and now desert me.
(Love of my life - Queen)
For @sledgefuweek prompt "Lies and Promises"
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rockpaperscissuhs · 6 months ago
Day 5: Different War AU for SLEDGEFU WEEK 2024
(P.S. Here's a Sledgefu Vietnam AU edit and fanmix I made a while back, too)
Footage & Music Credit List Below
All Along the Watchtower covered by Jimi Hendrix
Forrest Gump (1994)
Full Metal Jacket (1987)
Good Morning Vietnam (1987)
Hamburger Hill (1987)
Platoon (1986)
The Pacific (2010)
Vietnam in HD (2011)
We Were Soldiers (2002)
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theweirdgoodbyes · 6 months ago
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sledgefuweek · 7 months ago
Sledgefu Week 2024
Thanks to you guys we’ll be doing our seventh Sledgefu Week from August 30 to September 5 and for that we need prompts!
Each day of Sledgefu Week will feature a prompt you can create something for (fanfics, moodboards, fanvids, poems, edits, art, playlists, anything is possible) and those prompts will be suggested and voted for by you :D
In this first round it’s all about suggesting prompts which typically work best when they are broad, so think of some single words or short phrases that could be interpreted in many ways, but please keep them SFW (your creations later on can be explicit!).
In the form itself you’ll find a list of past prompts so you don’t risk submitting doubles since we like to do new prompts each year. Those past prompts will also give you an idea for what you can submit if you are unsure. If in doubt, submit the idea anyway, it might work out after all :)
You can also always ask us here on tumblr, if you have any questions, or you can join our Discord server and chat with us there :)
You have until August 1 09:00 AM CEST to submit your prompts.
After that we will sort through the submissions, remove doubles, group prompts that are very similar and then we’ll post another form where you can vote which of the submitted prompts you wanna see during the week :D The form is anonymous btw!
Click here for the form. We can’t wait to see what you guys come up with!
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bossboudicca · 6 months ago
bad for you//the steeldrivers
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alcordraws · 2 years ago
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Sledgefu Week day 1: powers
Fox boy and fire boy!
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eugeneshelton · 2 years ago
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drawn for sledgefu week 2023 (day 1: powers)
a spiderverse take on our boys because i'm lazy and this seemed like the easiest way out <3
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baberoe-archive · 2 years ago
bit early w this (sorry!) but here is my submission for sledgefu week 2023 day 5 memories!
archival footage on ao3 : three scenes from the war in 35 mm
T, 1851 words, no content warnings
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gluteus-canis-familiaris · 2 years ago
haven't had time to make anything new for our baby bois but reblogging for the Sledgefu Week prompt Social Media ;)
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chaos campus couple
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lesbians4kurt · 3 months ago
City That Care Forgot - Chapter 8: Just A Little Overcome
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Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans, and miss it each night and day? I know I’m not wrong, the feeling’s gettin’ stronger the longer I stay away.
Following the catastrophic aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, tens of thousands of displaced New Orleans residents are dispersed throughout the United States. One of which is Merriell Shelton, Eugene's newest classmate in French III, who he finds himself increasingly drawn to.
aka the intensely researched hurricane katrina au that nobody asked for lol
+ chapter 8 has been posted :D
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lamialamia · 6 months ago
Different War AU - To fight a hurricane
@sledgefuweek - E - 16087 w
Hillbilly didn't look amused, "Having sex in the Jaeger pit is not allowed. One strike and I'll personally stuff your mouth with a blue ticket."
Snafu raised his hand, "So making out is okay?"
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rockpaperscissuhs · 6 months ago
Burgie's POV: You left your mortar squad unsupervised for one (1) night, and Sledge and Snafu had a verbal altercation, which then tipped Peck over the edge into a mental breakdown and got Hamm killed
Day 2: Outsider POV for SLEDGEFU WEEK 2024
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belovedastolove · 1 year ago
hbo war couples as the neighourhood songs
webgott - reflections
where have you been? do you know when you’re comin’ back? since you’ve been gone i’ve got a long, but i’ve been sad. i tried to put it out for you to get. could’ve, should’ve, but you never did. wish you wanted it a little bit more, but it’s a chore for you to give.
baberoe - pretty boy
even if my heart stops beating, you’re the only thing i need with me. even if the earth starts shaking, you’re the only thing worth taking with me.
winnix - compass
you listen to my lectures on the phone. you help me find the treasure in the hole. you’ll tell me if i’m acting like a fool. i know you’re not something to lose, now.
luztoye - alleyways
if things were different, we were young, skinny dipping, having fun, i remember. all i wanted would become everything i ever loved, i remember.
spierton - tobacco sunburst
looked in those brown eyes, i thought i found myself. damn, it’s been awhile looking in your blue eyes, never knew i’d lose myself, in the tobacco sunburst sky.
sledgefu - void
i’ll fight just to do somethin’, i’ll fight cause i got nothin’. even if i lose again, i can’t quit. i wonder how i got by this week, i only touched you once.
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sledgefuweek · 6 months ago
Sledgefu Week 2024 - prompt explanations
Hello, everyone! We sincerely apologize for publishing this so late into the preparations and hope that despite this delay, your work is going smoothly. Without further ado, here's a small deep-dive into this year's prompts!
This is pretty self-explanatory. How would a reunion between our boys go? Would one of them be angry with the other? Would they jump into each other's arms? This prompt doesn't have to be used in a canon-compliant/post-canon fic, of course. Maybe it's a Modern AU - one of them leaves for college and they reunite in Summer? Or, if you decide to write an angstier fic, they reunite in the afterlife? The choice is yours and the possibilities are endless.
A very interesting prompt that lends itself to some character analysis as well! Think how the relationship between Sledge and Snafu looks to other people. Take into account the personality of the person or people whose point of view you're writing from, and the environment in which the characters find themselves. This prompt is quite versatile and has a lot of potential for a fluffy fic.
This one will lend itself well to angsty fics. Perhaps one of them failed or refused to fulfill an important promise made during wartime? Maybe someone is hiding a secret that, if revealed, would significantly change their relationship? This prompt may also involve miscommunication and lots of emotional confrontations between Eugene and Merriell. Still, it's not impossible for them to have a happy ending, even with such an ominous prompt.
To put it in very simple terms, this theory posits that one’s soulmate is always present in one's life, even if they haven't met each other yet - they are tethered to each other by an invisible, unbreakable string. How would this impact Sledge and Snafu? Would they be annoyed, or would they find themselves unable to fight back against this cosmic connection? Either way, the Universe seems to put them in each other's way no matter what. This can work with very sweet, romantic fics as well as comedic ones - just imagine the shenanigans!
This prompt is actually combined from several prompts that were similar to each other: Masters of the Air AU, European Theater AU, Iraq War AU, and World War I AU. You may choose from any of those individual suggestions, or pick something completely different, including a fictional war. In fact, neither Sledge nor Snafu (or any other characters, for that matter) need to be combatants for this AU to work. Think about how different it would be if one or both of them were medics or civilians. This is a rather difficult topic, so don't be afraid to do research or ask for help!
We all know that Eugene Sledge was an avid birdwatcher. The question is, how does that figure into your work? Maybe he ropes Snafu into it and they turn it into a date? Maybe they search for tropical birds during their time on Pavuvu? This prompt is well-suited for fluffy works and all sorts of scenarios (as long as birdwatching, or attempts at it, are involved in them somehow).
A fan favorite! Do whatever you like, including reusing prompts from previous Sledgefu Weeks. The world is truly your oyster with this one!
Once again, thank you all for the suggestions! Our Discord server is always open to new members and we'll gladly answer any other questions you may have about the prompts. We wish everyone luck with their work!
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blood-mocha-latte · 1 year ago
Gurl. Sledgefu Valentine-day drabble! Make it fluff, make it angst, make it heart-shaped! *guitar riff*
LINH you’re a genius truly. i had way too much fun with this; enjoy some modern au sledgefu for the Number One sledgefu pal <3
“‘m just sayin’. You broke up with me.” 
Merriell flicked at Eugene’s ear, staring up at the ceiling in something that could almost be amusement, if he wasn’t almost flat-on-his-ass fucked out. “I did it for good reasons.” He muttered, bringing his smoke to his mouth with the fingers that weren’t running through Eugene’s hair, lank with sweat and darkened to a burnt carmine. 
From where he rested his head at his chest, Eugene stretched, reaching his own nimble fingers up to take the cigarette from Snafu, bruised lips wrapping around it absently. The sight of him hollowing his cheeks out to pull at it made the corner of Merriell’s mouth quirk up, an almost helpless smile, and Eugene arched a pale eyebrow, unimpressed. Snafu shook his head.
“Just rememberin’, ‘s all.” He said, smooth, tugging at Eugene’s hair. “Gimme my smoke back.”
Eugene released it easily enough. “What in the hell’s a good reason.” He muttered, not a question, temple sticky with sweat where it rested against Merriell’s bare collarbone, shifting slightly.
It was goddamn hot, in the room, because Merriell’s AC broke a week and a half ago and he hadn’t gotten along to getting it fixed, even though he could easily, and he wasn’t expecting this. Not anymore.
“A good reason is realisin’ that all we had in common wasn’t good enough, cher.” Snafu said. Because Eugene might have been his ex, now, but he was always just Sledge, first, and Merriell didn’t lie. He never would. 
Eugene didn’t seem insulted, by his reason. Instead, he just snorted, pale and freckled nose wrinkling up delicately. “Why do you say it like that?” He asked, his own accent curling queerly around his words, and Merriell wrinkled his nose right back.
“Like what? Cher?” He asked, and Eugene huffed, leaning forward to peck at his lips in what was more of a bite than anything else. 
“My sister-in-law’s been learnin’ French.” He said, clever mouth leaving Merriell’s own to suck a gentle mark under his jaw. “And it doesn't sound anything like that. Y’sound like you’re sayin’ the first syllable in Shawshank Redemption.” 
He followed the honey-words with a sharper bite at Merriell’s jaw, and Snafu hissed slightly as his tongue soothed the mark. “Y’ever even seen Shawshank Redemption?”  He asked, fingers still teasing through Eugene’s hair, tugging none so gently. Eugene made a discontented sound as he did, releasing Merriell’s skin to bat away the hand in his hair.
“No.” He said, eyes still dilated, lips a cherry-soda red. Merriell hummed, tugging on his hair slightly to force him forward, another biting kiss. 
And if they were still dating, and if Merriell thought he had any sort of permission to have Eugene in any way other than this, he would make promises.
Would whisper them against Eugene’s bruised and blood-welled skin, would bite them into his lips. Would promise to show him movies, or teach him phrases, or show him how to break a copperhead’s spine just right so it became like a scaly rope in his palms.
But they weren’t still dating, and Merriell wouldn’t promise him anything. Not when he had any right to. Never did, even, maybe.
When they were, they didn’t call it that, and Merriell taught him different things, anyhow. Like how to best read a map. Keep sand out of his rifle carbine. Line up the sights just right, leading a running man on, and squeezing the trigger—
Merriell’s skin almost crawled. 
He didn’t want to think about that.
Instead, he pressed lips to Eugene’s tacky-warm skin, an unspoken, unpromised prayer. Eugene leaned into him, a near affectionate cat, before pushing away from Merriell’s chest to lay back on his mattress. Snafu only had one pillow, so he closed his eyes against his sheets with a soft hum, eyes slipping shut.
Merriell was helpless to only watch him, heart somewhere in his throat and somewhere in the sand, the sky, the ocean.
“All we had in common wasn’t good enough.” Eugene murmured, lips forming the same words that Merriell had said seconds before with none so much of a whisper. “I think that’s bullshit, Mer.”
Merriell released a soft, hoarse sound in the back of his throat, maybe a protest. “‘s a good reason.” He said, as convincingly as he could. He wasn’t sure who he was trying to convince, anymore. “All we had was a secret. That was it.”
Eugene stretched, back arching against the mattress, eyes staying closed. Midday sun streamed through wooden blinds, striping him like a gold-red tiger, freckled and warm and tacky with sweat.
“Mutual frustration over the DADT.” He murmured thoughtfully, and Merriell hummed.
“And the DADT’s been repealed, boo.” He said, like it wasn’t obvious, like they hadn’t fucking celebrated it, like they both hadn’t known that it was going to be their end. 
Eugene rolled over onto his stomach like he didn’t know. “Bite me.” He said, and, as always, the phrase in his mouth made Merriell smile. “Not like it matters. What’s my favourite colour?”
“Green.” Snafu said unthinkingly, the word on his tongue like it had always been there. Eugene hummed, reaching out a single reddened, freckled hand towards him, running light fingertips over Merriell’s cheekbones, the wedge of his nose.
“And what’s your favourite colour?”
Snafu huffed, impertinent, but responded to him all the same. That was another problem; he couldn’t fucking refuse him a thing. “Green.”
“See? There you go.” Eugene sounded almost entirely too smug. “I should come down here and visit more often.”
Coming down and visiting was more akin to Eugene tracking Merriell down through Burgie and then threatening his address out of his boss, and visiting was more like jimmying the lock on his door and not letting Snafu push him out. 
“You broke down my fucking door like we were still in Iraq, Genie.” He said, his words slurred by Eugene’s trailing fingers across his lips, and Eugene leaned forward further, kissing at the mark he’d left under Merriell’s jaw heartbeats beforehand.
“Well, you ran away like we were still in Iraq, Merriell, so all’s fair.” He said evenly, smugly, and Snafu turned to squint his eyes at him.
“If this is what college is doing to you,” he said, in reference to the general rebuking and smugness, “you need to quit immediately. It’s not good for you.”
Eugene’s laugh was a huffing exhale, breathed across the side of Merriell’s face. “On the contrary,” he said, “I’m gonna start bringing you with me.”
“I don’t know how to read.” Snafu said immediately.
“Mm. That would make sense, you never responded to any of my emails.”
“Yeah. My reading dog is only down here every other month to go through my taxes for me. ‘s a real delicate system, Gene. My brain would burn outta my skull ‘f you brought me anywhere near a school.”
Eugene hummed, a low, playful rumble, and shifted up to press his lips to Merriell’s again, tongue tracing the seam of his lips.
“Best just keep you here, then.” He muttered, and Snafu hummed, hand shifting up to run through Eugene’s hair, again.
“Alright.” He said, in between bruised and gentle kisses. “But just remember—” Eugene pushed up and over him, laying directly on top of him, their legs tangling together, and Merriell brought his other hand to press against the back of his neck. “I broke up with you.” 
Eugene hummed, and it sounded amused in a way that Snafu’d never heard, anywhere else. 
“I hear you did it for good reasons.” He mumbled against Snafu’s lips.
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alcordraws · 2 years ago
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Sledgefu week day two: royalty
Snafu doesn’t even use the right title. They’re both dumb of ass, your honor
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