i gotta sing praises for these little nasal dilators real quick
i genuinely don't remember a time when i regularly got good sleep in the past decade. chronic fatigue has been my constant companion, and it's interfered with every aspect of my life.
at some point i also started having mild chronic sinus inflammation, especially at night (it didn't help that i had started smoking weed regularly)
for a while, i tried the adhesive strips you put on your nose bridge, but they didn't always last the night and eventually started damaging my skin
a couple of weeks ago, after several months of waiting for gravity to open one nasal passage every night so i could sleep, i finally realized that i was also probably waking up a lot during the night. i kept waking up exhausted and no amount of sleep medication helped.
so i dropped some of my remaining money on these little nasal dilators
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these were the cheapest i could find, and it took a couple of nights to get used to the sensory weirdness of it. it's not the most pleasant thing to shove something up your nose at first, i will admit
but y'all i have had two weeks of the best fucking sleep in my life
these little gizmos literally prop your nasal passages open and let you breathe
it didn't take long at all to adjust to it, and now i barely notice that i'm wearing it. they're also supposed to be antibacterial, and all you need to do to clean them is (GENTLY) wash them with soap and warm water (don't use hot water, it will warp the plastic)
i'm astounded that such a simple thing has had such a huge impact on me. combined with my current prescription cocktail of vyvanse, prednisone, sleep meds, and pain meds, i feel like a functional human being for the first time in??? i don't even fucking know.
i'm also weirdly grateful now for my fucked up knees, because it has forced me to take off work and take care of myself. so now i am operating on a schedule that works for ME for the first time in my entire fucking life
i'm rested, i have energy, and i've made more art in the past month than i have in years.
and i can breathe when i sleep
anyway. i highly recommend this nasal dilators for anyone who can't seem to get good sleep. it may not fix your problem completely but it could very well make it a little easier
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