aphony-cree · 1 year
I like how season 4 Spike referred to Buffy's friends as the Slayerettes. They should have kept that as part of his character forever
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it’s endlessly amusing to me how gullible the Scoobies are when it comes to Spike. he’s such a bad liar and it’s so obvious when he’s being a shit and manipulating people. yes yes i know there’s always a kernel of truth to it (or it at least speaks to his victims’ fears) and that’s why it works. but they’re still pathetic for listening to the obviously evil little gremlin monster who openly admits he hates them all.
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Buffy book review "Sweet Sixteen"
I really loved this one. This book is moreso focused on Dawn, Buffy, and a new friend of Dawn's (Arianna), than anyone else. And I definitely appreciated the change of pace, in seeing more of Dawn and getting to know what her life is like.
But one night when Buffy is somewhere akin to a 7-11, she's attacked by a group of monsters. Pretty much everyone else runs out of the store in fear, except for this one young girl, Arianna, who's frozen in shock. When one of the monsters steps up to try and kill her, she instinctively punches at its chest to try and defend herself, and pretty much ends up ripping its heart out. And since these things had, like, this super-armored skin, it then becomes clear to Buffy that this girl has super strength. Buffy wants to try and talk to her, but Arianna flees from the scene before she can.
Arianna is Dawn's age and goes to school with her. And during parent-teacher night, when the popular kids bully Arianna by pouring punch onto her, Dawn befriends her by being the only one to stick up for her. And it's when Dawn invites Arianna over to her house, that Buffy sees her and realizes that she's the same girl from the 7-11 or wherever. And eventually, after a Scooby meeting, it's agreed that Buffy should begin training Arianna to try and control her strength. (A big thing in this book is that Arianna is the age that Buffy was when she found out she was the Slayer. And while Buffy didn't have a choice in what happened with her, Buffy wants to make sure that Arianna does.)
The thing with Arianna, is that she's been abused by her mother her whole life, the poor thing:( So that's greatly messed her up. And her father's been absent the whole time, because he's a demon who didn't even know he had a daughter until Arianna's burst of super strength in the 7-11 alerted him to her presence. Her father then shows up in Arianna's life, and becomes desperate to turn Arianna into this prophesied warrior of their kind: " the Reaver," and to trick her into tuning out her humanity.
And Arianna, who's been desperate for parental love her whole life, buys into his lies so easily. You really blame her for that at all.
An issue comes up, where Buffy doesn't want to confuse Arianna with any of the grays in their world, since she's so new to it all (like Spike with his chip, Anya having been a vengeance demon, etc.). She wants to keep it strictly "all demons are bad, and as the Slayer I have to defeat them."
Which creates a problem when Arianna learns she's half-demon and her father tricks her into thinking that Buffy killed him.
I won't spoil this whole book--because it's definitely a journey any Buffy fan should have, imo--but I thoroughly enjoyed this story, all three characters and their relationships (it was really great seeing more Buffy and Dawn interaction), and feeling like I really know Dawn now. And I'm so headcanoning Arianna into things with Dawn now:)
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buffysummers · 3 months
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You're the Slayer, and we're, like, the Slayerettes!
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campanulafield7 · 11 months
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You're the Slayer, and we're, like, the Slayerettes.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1.03 Witch
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greatcheshire · 6 months
ooi what's the problem with Kennedy? I haven't watched season seven in a while and i can't remember objecting to her much beyond the fact that she isn't Tara*, but you seem to really dislike her?
* i have a vague memory of either plotting or reading a fanfic featuring her pre-slayerette when she's a rich kid living in upstate new york and interacting with doctor who in some way, of which i remember very little beyond that
Sorry I would love to answer your question but I need to know more details about this Kennedy and Doctor Who crossover fic
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girl4music · 8 months
This is why Willow Rosenberg is such an important character in ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ and why she’s so relatable and resonatable. Imposter syndrome may not be the only mental condition she has but it is arguably the first one she has - which means that every other stems from it and is manifested because of it. Power corruption, addiction, repressed sadism, consent issues, OCD, anxiety disorders,… the lot.
All of it is informed by her simply believing like she doesn’t belong and doesn’t deserve and isn’t worthy. This condition is a problem for her right from the start of the show. In her very first interaction with Buffy she is already in that state of mind where her extremely poor self esteem is informing everything she does and says about herself, about other people, about the world and her involvement in it. She doesn’t have any friends besides Xander and the soon-to-be-dead Jesse. Xander is also someone who is viewed as a geek and a loser and so she feels comfortable with him. She knows that she belongs in his friend group. But as soon as Buffy comes along - it’s a different story because she comes along with Cordelia. The most popular girl at Sunnydale High and her bully. Before Willow knows anything about Buffy being the Slayer she already automatically understands that Buffy is off-limits and she has no right to be around her. Internalizing her geek and loser status as “wrong” for her. And so when Buffy comes up to her and asks her for help later, Willow just thinks she wants her to move. That she wants her to disappear so she can sit in her space. She already and immediately thinks that Buffy is “someone” and she isn’t. She is just nothing.
When they become friends at the end of the episode and she is now following her around and being her “Slayerette” she makes herself useful to her however way she can. But the feelings of doubt that she actually cares about her and wants to be her friend still linger. And they linger all the way up until we get a proper look-in to her mind in Season 4 with ‘Restless’. In her dream we are privy to things we wouldn’t ever be otherwise. The way she truly thinks and feels about herself and everyone else. The way she perceives of herself and everyone else. She’s not the heroine that saves the day. She’s the damsel in distress. She’s the helpless victim. She’s not the one everybody relies on. She’s the one everybody stares and laughs at. She’s the one exposed for being nothing at all. She’s just a sham, a fraud, an imposter. She’s just playing a role.
This condition is never resolved in her arc in the show even though it’s an on-going condition right up until the very end of it. Willow’s arc is never fully concluded. She has a good endgame. Don’t get me wrong. I really did like what they did with it. Had her settle with being the “BIG GUN” only by activating all the Potentials. I thought it was good. But it wasn’t enough. That big gaping hole of where and why her insecurities and anxieties started was never addressed properly and therefore not explored to make her endgame earned. Willow’s initial and foundational condition was imposter syndrome and because they didn’t address and explore this, then ‘Light Willow’ or whatever THAT Willow was was just a symbol and not an evolution.
The thing about the condition of imposter syndrome is that the person is never an actual imposter. It’s just that they believe that they are and it only affects their whole life because they believe it. It’s a self-corruption and self-sabotage. It is a mental condition. It doesn’t exist in external and objective reality. It’s made up. And it’s true, people can become the worst of people because of that of which they believe of themselves. They can destroy their whole life - their relationships, their environment, their well being - because of it. But the honest truth of it is that it is not real. And if it is not real than it is not you… Because you are real. You exist. You are an external and objective existence. You can only do the best you can in the moment. Let go of control and let somebody else carry you for a change. There’s nothing wrong with you other than what you let be wrong with you. Other than what you believe is.
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Bangel fans, we want to hear from you! As we celebrate this year's IWRY Fic Marathon, we're getting to know each other through our Meet the Fandom series. Answer the questions here to join in.
What is your name?
Casen or MeTheMermaid on ao3
Where do you hang out?
Mainly tumblr. I have been on that hell site since it began! My handle is @casenpoint
Do you create any fan works?
Fics! My first fic was for IWRY 2020 and I would love to make time to write more. Last year I wrote a tv pilot in the Buffyverse with all OCs. You can find all my stuff on my site www.casencombs.com.
Funniest Bangel/Buffyverse moment?
I love the opening scene of Some Assembly Required. Angel epically failing to hide his jealousy of Xander and Buffy falling into the grave in the middle of their fight! Gets me every time.
What Buffyverse opinion would have you chased through the village with pitchforks?
Probably that Spike and Buffy’s relationship was not good for her. I think our love for James Marsters (warranted) and his co-creation of this really interesting character clouds judgement. Spike crossed many lines, he totally took advantage of her depression… great character but bad bad bad bad relationship. Not healthy.
Share a headcanon you have about Bangel or the Buffyverse?
I don’t think they have children. Between Dawn and Connor I think they both feel like parents already. Not to mention they probably pseudo parent some younger slayerettes over the years. I think they protect their sacred alone space/time at home after all they’ve been through and how long they’ve had to wait.
How would you have given Buffy and Angel their Happily Ever After?
This year’s IWRY fic "I Can’t Remember". Some Shanshu and some angst and two people who can’t help being in love.
Last fic you read?
"It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" by thecarlysutra.
Fill in the quiz so the fandom can meet you!
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slut-jpeg · 9 months
btvs rewatch
season 1 episode 3: the witch
* giles calling cheerleading a cult lmao
* the dancing the girl (amber) does before she starts on fire always made me laugh for some reason
* “you’re the slayer, and we’re like… the slayerettes” I like that, but scoobies is better
* poor buffy she just wants joyce’s attention
* “she put HERSELF through cosmetology school” always makes me laugh I don’t know why.
* it’s kind of ironic what becomes of amy knowing how she starts and her mom’s history and everything
* every rewatch I have a different opinion on joyce. I’m remaining neutral as of right now.
* buffy saying xander is one of the girls after he told willow she was one of the guys. excellent.
* “i know a really good cauldron. do you actually ride a broom?” I bet willow looks back on saying that and cringes given her reaction to people dressing up as witches for halloween
* “it was my first casting so I might have done it wrong” giles you liar (ik they just hadn’t developed his character yet but still)
* thinking about when oz points out later on that the eyes of the trophy follow you
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coraniaid · 1 year
🔥Scooby Gang
Unpopular opinion ask game
(Better two months late than never?)
So … my slightly flippant answer is that I think “the Scooby Gang” is honestly not the best of names for the group of Buffy’s friends who know about her being the Slayer and help her out sometimes.  Partly because I think it’s a bit clunky to actually say it, but also because, well, try googling it.  Any group name where you have to specify the name of the source material is just a bit rubbish, I think.  
Also the reference itself doesn’t really work, does it?  The original Scooby Gang travels around the country, proving that supposed supernatural hauntings are actually hoaxes being carried out by mundane criminals and property owners, and they don’t really have an obvious leader.  The Buffyverse Scooby Gang … are all stuck in one place, the monsters they investigate are real, and they do have an obvious leader.
They should’ve stuck with Willow’s original suggestion of the Slayerettes.
A bit less flippantly … uh. I don’t think I have an unpopular take on the Scoobies as a collective, actually.  I mean, I think people who complain about them being bad friends or not really caring about Buffy are wrong – or at least viewing their actions in a deliberately uncharitable light in a way I don’t agree with – but at the same time I don’t think this is actually a majority opinion.  Or at least I curate my dash well enough that I see people arguing against it more often than I actually see the take itself.
So quick fire unpopular opinions about each of them, in no particular order, below the cut:
Jenny: I like Jenny a lot, but I kind of hate the retcon that she was sent to Sunnydale to spy on Angel and make sure he didn’t get his soul back.  Partly because of the jarringly racist way this retcon is presented and handled, partly because it’s so obviously nonsense (Jenny mentions Angel all of … what, once, before this retcon?) and partly because it ruins the much more interesting version of Jenny Calendar the technopagan with a life of her own that the show had implied existed before this.  And for what?  To deliver some exposition that the show could have presented dozens of other ways?  So that Giles and Jenny can break up again and Giles can be sad when she dies? 
Oz: I was genuinely surprised to see how well Oz did in the recent character polls because he is just kind of flat and boring to me.  He’s one of the more laid back people in the show, sure, and if he was a real person I think he would be fun to hang out and exchange terse monosyllables with, but he doesn’t really have any character arc to speak of until … well, whatever off-screen stuff actually happened that ended up with him getting written out in Season 4.
(I think there is a potentially interesting character to be made out of the fragments of Oz we see, but I don't think the show ever puts them together in a way that means anything.  He’s just Willow’s Nice Quirky Boyfriend, then he decides he needs to leave town and he’s gone forever.)
Cordelia: I like Cordelia, both on Buffy and on Angel, but she’s often really genuinely unpleasant in the early seasons of the show and it’s kind of grating when people pretend she isn’t?
I mean, I think I get why people talk about her the way they do (it’s partly that people are instinctively prone to like the character because of what Charisma Carpenter went through because of Joss Whedon; it’s partly because Cordelia gets a lot of character development and emotional growth and does become one of the most well-realized and heroic characters in the setting; and it’s partly because as early as Season 1's Welcome To The Hellmouth we are primed to sympathize with Cordelia because of the way Jesse acts around her).  Cordelia is always somewhat likable.  But she’s not nice.
When Cordelia bullies Willow for dressing badly or not having any friends, or when she brings up Xander’s abusive family or poverty in order to humiliate him in front of his friends, or when she ostracizes and shames Buffy for being different from everyone else (“I have to call everyone I have ever met, right now”), it’s not because she’s just a pure-hearted innocent who isn’t afraid to tell the truth.  It’s because she’s trying her best to be hurtful and being good at it.  It feels like it’s belittling the actual character growth she goes through to pretend that this isn’t what’s happening.
Tara:  Uh.  I don’t think I have any unpopular opinions about Tara.  Honestly I’m not even sure what unpopular opinions about Tara a person could have.  Tara’s great.
Okay, not an opinion about Tara herself as such, but I get kind of irked when people try to talk up Buffy/Faith by talking down Willow/Tara.  I mean people who complain about the latter being boring or being censored by the network.  (The latter take especially is weird, because however sanitized one thinks Willow and Tara’s relationship is, it’s a lot more textual and explicit than whatever Buffy and Faith have going on.)  
I don’t actually know how common that is outside of my dash, but I’ve seen it a few times and it just feels kind of tacky to me.  Sure, Willow and Tara have a different dynamic than Buffy and Faith, and it’s not quite as compelling from a narrative perspective to many people – including me! –  but they are nice.
Anya: I like Anya; I think she’s often poorly served by the narrative and I think her death is really stupid and unsatisfying but … well, I guess those aren’t unpopular opinions. 
I do think the frequent jokes about Anya being an ardent capitalist are kind of grating and don’t really make sense.  Anya isn’t some time traveler from The World Before Shops: she’s centuries old and clearly spent a lot of her time as a vengeance demon blending in with ordinary humans, as we see in Season 3's The Wish and then again in various flashbacks.  She shouldn’t suddenly be surprised by how the 20th century works, because she lived through it.  If she’s weirdly obsessed by capitalism (or what the Buffy writers think capitalism is), that should be an interest going back centuries.  She can’t possibly just have noticed it after becoming human. Her very first scene in the show, while she's still a demon, establishes she knows things about fashion and buying clothes! Well enough to impress Cordelia!
(Yeah, a lot of this is just that the Anya from Season 4 onwards isn’t really the same character as Anya from Season 3, I know.)
Giles: So it annoys me a little to realize this about myself, but the truth is that Giles is one of two characters in the show I’ve accepted that I like quite a lot less because of how the fandom at large talks about them.  I don’t particularly like being a contrarian, and I do still like Giles as a character, but I don’t like either flavor of Fandom Giles (either Giles the Perfect Dad or the Giles Who Is Compelled To Do Bad Things But Is Just So Sad About Them).
Whenever I see posts that focus exclusively on how tragic it is for Giles that he just had to drug Buffy and lie to her about it and almost get her killed, or how awful he must have felt when he abandoned her in Season 6, or how Jenny’s murder was so sad because of how it made Giles feel  I just think … okay, you’re not exactly wrong, but you wouldn’t talk about a character who does half the things Giles does in this way if they were a middle-aged woman.  And I know that for a fact because I’ve seen the way the fandom talks about Joyce Summers. 
Xander: I think the idea of Xander as a (very) repressed bisexual teenager makes a lot of sense of what we see from the character: things like his constant interest in how attractive Buffy’s boyfriends are and his repeated attempts to prove how “manly” he is.   It is a reading I believe is at least somewhat intentional, it is a reading that I like, and it is one that (combined with the hints we get about what his family are like over the course of the show) makes some of the way he behaves in the early seasons a lot more sympathetic.
However. I simply don’t believe there was ever any chance of the show having Xander actually come out.  I know that the official line is that one of Willow and Xander was always going to be gay, and that the decision as to which of them it was was made very late on, but I think that’s just a (fairly obvious) self-serving lie.
Look at how the show treats Larry – literally the only out gay man on the show in its whole seven seasons (except, maybe, Scott Hope).  Comes out in season 2, dead by the end of season 3, never once seen dating or expressing romantic or sexual attraction to another man, never mourned.  There are several other characters (Ethan Rayne and Andrew Wells being the obvious two) who are strongly implied to be attracted to men, sure, but this is always, aways played for laughs.  (Even Larry coming out is treated like a punchline.)
I think the chance of the writers having Xander ever start seriously dating other men (or even talking about finding them attractive in ways that couldn't be played off as a joke) was always basically zero and honestly it’s a little disingenuous to pretend otherwise.  The show is simply too mired in the period-typical homophobia of late 90s network television for things to be otherwise.
Willow: Sort of an inverse of the Oz take earlier: I was surprised by how badly Willow did in the recent character contests.  I think she’s pretty clearly the second-best written character in the show (just after Buffy herself).
That said, I guess my most unpopular Willow take is I think it’s kind of sad that she doesn’t go to a better college than Sunnydale U?  I think it is entirely in character that she would go to the same college as Buffy, and even that she would try to convince herself this wasn’t just because she was trying to help Buffy, but I still think it’s a mistake that she comes to regret.  If I were Willow’s friend in Season 3 – or, perhaps more to the point, one of her teachers – I would have tried pretty hard to talk her out of it. 
The show tries to present Willow’s decision to stay in Sunnydale as being an unquestionable positive, at least in Season 3’s Choices – and not just an excuse for Alyson Hannigan to stay on the show – but I’m not really convinced.  Okay, Willow doesn’t just want to help Buffy, but wants to “fight evil, help people” and “what better place?” is there to learn magic.  Let’s pretend to believe this is why she's staying in town.
The thing is though – as Season 4 makes clear – Sunnydale U is actually a terrible place to learn magic.  It’s only by luck that Willow meets even a single other witch, while off in England there are whole covens who would be delighted to teach her.  And the idea that fighting evil means staying in Sunnydale is a bit hard to defend too, given that this is the season of the show that establishes that there are other Hellmouths (in The Wish) and given that the season ends with Angel leaving town for LA to … uh, fight the forces of evil.  Which it turns out you can do pretty much anywhere.  Including, presumably, in places like Harvard or Oxford (where, in reality, there’s quite a lot of evil to be fought).
I don’t think this is an intentional reading of the show, but I do think you can see this choice as a sign of how little positive adult guidance there is in Willow’s life.  (We see just enough of her parents to know how neglectful they are.)   The show tells us that Giles wants Buffy to be able to go to Northwestern and get out of Sunnydale, but he doesn’t bat an eye at Willow turning down the chance to leave?  Other than Buffy, does Willow have anybody to discuss her choice with, even if she wanted to?
Yes, sure, in real life you don’t have to go to the “best” colleges just because you can and academic prestige isn’t the most important thing in the world and blah blah blah.  I agree!  And I know some people think this choice the show makes is empowering or inspiring.  But I think Willow personally would be happier somewhere where she was actually academically challenged, or somewhere she could actually be taught magic properly rather than illicitly teaching herself against the advice and wishes of her girlfriend and her ex-librarian.)
Again, I’m not saying the show should have had Willow leave.  I understand why they didn’t (even though part of me loves the idea of a spin-off Willow series where Willow goes to Oxford and the Bullingdon Club play the role of Wolfram & Hart).  But I’m not really on board with the popular idea that Willow going to the same second-rate college that Buffy is forced to settle for (and that Buffy gets to be sad about having to go to!) is actually a good thing.
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lesbianboyfriend · 9 months
“you’re the slayer and we’re like the slayerettes” willow i love youuuuuu
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twosomeofcuteness · 10 months
They should've been the Slayerettes. Like that's such a fun name. Scoobies is equally as good but like Slayerettes????
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spnae · 2 years
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Chapter 23 Bye Bye Baby
The seven of them returned to the altar room again that night. They had left early, before the sun had set fully. Angel was still grumpy about using a blanket to get to the door. Spike called him a Nancy.
Buffy, Wendy and the three girls under her, Myra, Cho, and Thea, all followed Angel and Spike through the tunnels emerging once again in the altar room. Where they found the thirteen elders once again. This time accompanied by the Minch couple Buffy and Spike had seen in the tunnels just days before.
Now that she could see them better, Buffy could see the baby’s strong resemblance to the stocky demon standing next to the mother. He stood with his arm wrapped around the demoness. Her long dark dreadlocks had been pulled back from her face and Buffy could see a number of facial piercings similar to the elders. Her’s seemed to add rather than detract from her appearance. Including at least seven piercings running along each eyebrow. One small ring through her nose and three studs spaced evenly along her bottom lip. Buffy imagined that she was probably considered a great beauty among her clan. The child’s father had similar piercings although not as extensive. As though in contrast to his mate, his piercings made him look formidable. Suddenly she understood some of the old tales she had read about Minch demons and their relation to merpeople. Years ago they had been known to pull entire ships under. Now they generally seemed to keep to themselves. Buffy eyed the Minch demons again. The truth was that she was finding them fascinating. Especially the interesting piercings (plural?) they displayed and wondered if they were some sort of social status indicator.
The mother’s face had been set in stone as they had filed into the room carrying their gifts. At least until Wendy came in with the baby. The demoness clasped a hand to her mouth, showing off the short webbing between each finger. She turned slightly towards her mate. He murmured something in her ear and she turned her eyes back towards their child. Although she kept silent, Buffy had the distinct feeling she was doing everything in her power to keep herself from charging towards Wendy and the baby. After several moments her gaze landed on Buffy. She was studying Buffy just as intently as Buffy had studied her moments before. It was only fair. Her eyes flickered between Buffy and Spike. Her face passed through a series of subtle emotions from surprise to understanding as her gaze settled back onto Buffy. It was an odd moment.
Buffy turned her attention back towards the podium where Angel stood talking with Elric again. She turned her head to glance at Spike and had to choke down a laugh. He was having to peek through the long vertical leaves of the large potted snake plant in his arms almost like Kilroy. He shifted the plant in annoyance and caught her eye as he did so. It was clear he couldn’t wait to get out of there as fast as possible. She couldn’t blame him, she was feeling the same. Unease was rolling off him despite his cool demeanor. Suddenly Spike’s head snapped to attention turning towards Angel.
“We’re up, Love,” he murmured.
Buffy caught Angel’s eye, he gestured his hand towards her and reached down for the gift he had been charged with. Buffy nodded once, adjusted the basket she carried then fell in line behind him, Spike and the Slayerettes behind her. Wendy brought up the rear with the baby.
They stepped forward slowly, passed the elders who were standing in a row on their left. When Angel reached the parents of the Minch child he bent down low holding the gift out in front of him. He stayed low until the mother nodded and the father took the gift from him. Angel stood up, nodded his head once and continued around the back of the room.
When Spike presented the plant, her eyes lit up in wonder and both parents started talking excitedly, discussing their apparent appreciation of it. Spike bowed once more and went to follow Angel.
It went on just like that until Wendy’s turn with the baby. When she stepped forward, Elric blocked her path. Angel stepped up next to her and spoke with Elric then turned to Wendy. From where they stood Buffy couldn’t hear what they were saying. Not that she would have understood it anyway.
Elric led Angel and Wendy over to the child’s parents. Wendy positioned the baby so he was visible and held him out towards his parents. Elric addressed the room at large in the demon language saying something that sounded very official. Wendy waited with her arms outstretched as far as she dared while holding the small blue child. After what seemed like an ice age, Elric finished and the mother reached out for her son, taking him from Wendy. She hugged him to her chest. Wendy and Angel bowed again and rejoined their group.
The demons let out what sounded a lot like a loud streaking war cry. Buffy shifted her stance ready to fight if necessary. She glanced around to Angel and Spike noticed they had both bowed again. Bowing along with them, she allowed herself to relax. The other girls had a similar reaction and she could see four sets of eyes turning towards her for guidance.
The demons applauded as they stood from the bow. When they did, the demon’s started clapping. Several of the elders gathered up the gifts and started heading out of the altar room. The baby’s parents were so engrossed with the safe return of their son that Elric had to signal them when it was time to go. He gave Angel a little wave of his hand and started to leave.
Before they had a chance to exit the room, the mother of the child rushed over to Buffy. In perfect English with a slight Scottish brogue, “I am grateful to learn my son was taken care of by such a skilled warrior,” she said gesturing towards Buffy’s earrings, “And for the beautiful plant.”
Buffy was taken aback, “Ahh sure, it was no problem, he was great. I- I thought none of you spoke English.”
“Not many of our clan do.”
Buffy dug in her pocket for her business card, “I’m Buffy, you can reach me here. Just call. If you ever need a babysitter, got a whole bunch of girls willing to take the little guy for a night or two.”
“I might have to take you up on that one of these days. I'm glad our peoples can be friends now. I wasn't too sure when we saw him,” she said, waving a hand towards Spike.
“Spike? He’s with me, he won’t give you any trouble as long as you’re not causing it.”
“It is expected that you would defend your bond-mate. But also good to hear. My grandmother had humm… dealings with him many years ago. I’m glad to see that he didn’t handle this negotiation.”
“Yeah he said he messed up the last time and he didn’t wanna make that same mistake.”
“You are lucky to have a bond-mate who can learn from his mistakes; it's an honorable quality.”
That was the second time she had mentioned their bond, “How did—“
“I have a gift for water magic. I can sense the bond-mark the Asmodeus demon left upon you both. It is a strong bond that continues to grow. I can see it is far from complete,” she paused, glancing at the baby. Then she extended one delicate, slightly webbed hand, “I believe this is your custom, yes? My name is Lilias.”
Buffy took her cool hand, shaking it before Lilias continued. “If you or yours ever need anything, you know where to find us. You can also go to the water and call my name three times. I will help in whatever way I can.”
“Thank you Lilias. Please don’t hesitate to call. Even if it’s just for babysitting.”
Lilias shot her a white smile showing off delicately pointing canine teeth, then turned away. Her mate wrapped an arm around her and the baby before guiding them through the tunnel the way the elders had left. Buffy turned towards the tunnel where Spike stood waiting for her.
“Bird speaks English?” he gaped at her.
“Yeah, Angel must have said some pretty nice things about me too. I think we might be friends now. Oh and apparently you had a run in with her grandma.”
“Bloody hell, thought she looked a bit familiar. Now you two are all chummy, bet I’m never going to live that one down.”
“She didn’t give details.”
“No?” He arched an eyebrow at her as they walked along the tunnel.
“Something I need to know?” She teased.
“Just one of my more brainless schemes. Thought I’d try selling Grindylows from Landcaster to the Minch in the highlands. Didn’t work out so well.”
“Grindylows? I thought those were just a Harry Potter thing.”
“No, Love, they’re real alright. Rare but real.”
“Something else eating at you, Pet?” he asked as they walked.
“I was just thinking about something else she said. She called that demon we took out in Paris something weird.”
“Weirder than ‘Love Demon’?”
“It was something different than Willow called it too. Lilias said it was an Asmodeus.”
“Makes sense.”
“It does?”
“Sure. The original seven deadly sins. Asmodeus was all about lust. Makes sense that our love demon was named after him, or maybe one of his progeny. My guess is that she was using it as a general term. Like Big Cats. That could mean a lion, tiger, panther, what have you.”
“She said that our bond wasn’t done growing.”
“Sort of already figured that, didn't we?”
She took his hand, “Yeah, it’s just weird how she could pick up on it like that. Kinda gave me the wiggins.”
“Seemed friendly enough.”
“She was… it was just a little weird.”
The two of them continued on. The girls were pretty far ahead of them with Angel hanging back, half waiting, half keeping tabs on the girls. Buffy and Spike caught up to him in no time at all.
“Where were you?” Angel grumbled.
“Making friends. Talking with my lady,” Spike said tilting his head slightly, “That ok with you, Peaches?”
“I just want to get back.”
“What’s got your knickers in a twist?” Spike asked.
“It’s nothing. I’m fine, just tired.”
Buffy glanced at Spike, What do you think? She thought towards him.
Dunno. Pretty normal for Captain Broody-pants. You’d think he’d be all proud of a job well done, but not him. Got to act like someone pissed out the candles on his birthday cake.
“Now there’s an image!” Buffy laughed out loud.
Angel turned towards her, “What are you laughing about?”
“Just thought of something funny,” Spike said, failing to suppress a grin.
Angel narrowed his eyes at the two of them holding hands, “I don’t need this. I do not want to know what’s going on between you two.”
“Never thought a great poof like you would become such a prude. Sort of thing never bothered you before.”
“I’m not a— You little shit,” Angel growled as his temper flared.
“Now, now, Liam. No use losing your temper now mate,” Spike said cooly, the slightest hint of a growl in his voice.
Angel turned around and continued through the now familiar tunnels ahead of them, “Shut your mouth before I shut it for you, William.”
Did you really have to do that?, Buffy thought as Angel pulled a little further ahead of them.
Didn’t have to, but it was pretty fun. Wanker deserves it from where I’m standing anyway. Spike thought back to her calmly, but Buffy could tell he was anything but calm.
Why do I feel like I’ve missed something?
Not important, Love. Just giving him a hard time.
What happened to civil?
Spike snorted, “Oi, Angel!”
Angel turned around glaring at him. Spike continued, “What are your plans now that little mess is cleaned up?”
Rome, Connor. Dawn. Remember? Also, rude! Buffy chided him silently.
Spike squeezed her hand and shot a thought back, Ain’t rude if the ponce has already started making plans to leave. Bet you a shag he’s already looked into it.
You’re on. But only because you’re already getting laid tonight anyway, especially if you are still taking me out.
Got to make it a little interesting. A little oral stimulation to the winner then?
I’ll take that action.
Yeah you will.
Spike grinned, then said out loud to Angel, “Don’t mind taking you to the airport, mate. Probably get you to Rome in record time.”
Angel sighed unnecessarily, “Subtle.”
Wait for it, Slayer.
Buffy rolled her eyes, “Angel, you can stay as long as you need to. We’d have to check flights first anyway.”
Angel cleared his throat, “I already did. The Earliest one I can get is the night after next. I’ll probably just take the train leaving tomorrow,” Angel said flatly.
“Second thought, mate, take all the time you need. No need to rush off. Is there, Pet?” He said turning to Buffy with a smug cat-ate-the-canary look on his face.
Angel raised an eyebrow at Spike, “Humm, thanks. I think I’m just going to call Connor before I decide anything.”
“That’s right, do the father/son bit proper.”
“Humm yeah… I thought I’d give it a try.”
“What do you think, Love, ready to hit the club or go straight to bed?” Spike said as he pushed a little of his desire towards her through their psychic link.
Buffy cleared her throat. Suddenly feeling too hot in the underground tunnels and resisting the sudden urge to rip his clothes off and shove him against the tunnel wall, “Club yes. Bed, not yet. Maybe we should patrol.”
“Don’t you have Slayers out there already?” Angel asked.
“Maybe we should just go out. I’m just restless,” Buffy replied as she picked up the pace.
Spike turned his head towards her a little curiously. He caught a whiff of her increased scent, her desire, in the air. Did I get you all hot and bothered with that one or something? He asked without opening his snarky mouth.
Buffy squeezed his hand, We seriously need to get a better handle on this thing. She thought.
I’m quite enjoying it myself. I’m sure I can help you work out that restlessness. Maybe a nice massage.
Warmth pooled low in her belly, That sounds seriously amazing. Definitely later.
I know I got you interested. What’s with the stall?
I think I just want to go out.
I’d love to take you out, feels like it’s been ages since I had you dance for me.
You better be doing more than watching mister.
When have I ever disappointed you?
Definitely going to need to lose the jacket and the sweater.
Putting on something sexy for me?
When have I ever disappointed you? Her inner voice responded with a little purr of desire.
God, you get me so damn hot.
Spike let out a low growl and his eyes flashed yellow as he suddenly stopped. He pulled her to him forcefully as he pressed himself to her. They kissed passionately right there in the tunnel. Buffy arched into the kiss encouraging him with a little sigh of pleasure. They broke the kiss, gazing at each other. He hadn’t vamped but his eyes glinted gold in the low light.
“Are you alright?”
“A little hungry, little randy. That can wait though.”
Buffy arched an eyebrow. Before she could respond though, Angel called back from up ahead, “Can you two knock it off back there?”
Spike grinned, “Bet your sweet scent is driving him mad. Know it’s doing a nice number on me,” he added as he pressed the front of his jeans to her.
Buffy let out a little gasp, making him grin, “Nearly there now, Pet. Take care of things good and proper before we head out for some nightlife.”
“I really doubt we have time to take care of everything,” she winked.
Buffy kicked off her boots and dropped her sweater onto the back of one of the chairs in their room. Spike had gone into the kitchen to get something to eat while she was changing for the club. She pulled out the little green silky halter top she had bought at Callum’s mother’s shop, the one with the raven printed on the side of it. She paired it with a black skirt that hit a little above the knee. In the bathroom she twisted her hair up into a simple knot at the back of her head and darkened up her eye makeup just a touch. She stood back looking at herself in the mirror. Yeah that would get his engine going, she thought. Not that he needed encouragement, she grinned to herself.
A moment later she strode back into their bedroom where Spike was feeding his belt into the loops on the leather pants he had just changed into. He had taken off the dress shirt and was standing there shirtless in all his pale glory.
“Now that’s a good look.”
Spike looked up with a half grin, “I’ll say. Like the top. That new?”
He picked up the dress shirt and went to shrug it on again. Buffy looked at him a little curiously, “You’re not gonna change?”
“Don’t really have many wardrobe options. Sort of this or a t-shirt. Thinking I might be a bit under dressed with such a vision on my arm,” he shrugged.
“Maybe we should work on that.”
“Could. You gonna take me to play dress up, Slayer?”
“And now it sounds totally dirty.”
His grin spread wider as he stocked towards her, “Wouldn’t mind getting you alone in a dressing room now you mention it.”
“You would do it anywhere.”
“Good point,” he leaned in for a kiss. “You ready Slayer?”
“Humm hum,” she shook her head a little, “Angel and Faith coming?”
“Faith is, says her boy is meeting us there. Dunno about Captain Forehead. My money’s on, Not. Unless Faith can talk him round to being the fifth wheel.”
“He doesn’t do fun so well.”
“Didn’t used to be that way. Course that was a very different kind of fun.”
“Yeah, I’m not encouraging that.”
“His problem is that he got so used to only ever having fun being evil that the bastard never embraced any other kind of fun. Something I could never lose sight of with Dru. She might’ve been barmy but at least she kept things interesting.”
“We have fun don’t we?” she asked.
He pulled her closer, “Course we do, Pet. Loads. When we’re not stopping this or that evil thing… No, that ain’t true, cause most of the time that’s pretty damn fun too. You know me, I love a good tumble. Love watching you work even more, Slayer. And now it’s even better because when you come home after a good slay—“
“You get the lay?”
“Leave the poetry to the poets, Love.”
“But puns are my thing. I’m very punny.”
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, June 29 – Thursday, June 30
Buffy: You guys don't have to get involved. Xander: What d'ya mean? We're a team! Aren't we a team? Willow: Yeah! You're the Slayer, and we're, like, the Slayerettes!
The Sunnydale Herald is still looking for at least one new editor. Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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In Dreams by badly_knitted (Buffy/Angel, PG)
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Podfic: The Chosen by ChokolatteJedi recorded by Ravin_Pods (Buffy, T)
From Dawn till dust by julikobold (Dawn, G)
Sharing is Caring by FanFreak611 (Fred & Cordelia, G)
Make it Something Good by TheologyDiscography (crossover with Leverage, Lindsey, M with many warnings)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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The Sin That Binds Us - Chapter 1 by bramcrackers (Buffy/Spike, not rated)
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The Slayer and the Vampire, Ch. 37 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG)
Seven, Ch. 24 by Holly (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Valentine's Slay, Ch. 4 by Holly (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Anything We Want, Ch. 21-23 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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A Legacy of Chaos: A Ship of the Line Story, Ch. 12 by ajw (multiple crossovers, Xander, FR18)
Lady Elizabeth, Ch. 3 by DouglasLHemmingway (crossover with Highlander, Buffy, FR21)
Left Behind to Start Again, Ch. 3 by calikocat (crossover with Stargate, Xander, Scoobies, FR15)
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Last Days of May, Ch. 13 by Myrabeth (Buffy/Spike, T)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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More icons by screensland (Buffy, worksafe)
Icons by screensland (Buffy, worksafe)
Icons by seriesluticons (speaksnw) (Buffy, Willow, Anya, worksafe)
the masterpiece by spikedru (Drusilla, worksafe)
Artwork: tarot cards by spuffylesbo (Buffy/Spike, Drusilla, probably worksafe)
Giles enjoying a quiet evening in his apartment by flummoxedangel (0)
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Artwork: 👿 412. A New Man👿 by tmcarlee (Giles, Spike, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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GOD s6e13 of buffy DESTROYED ME [Dead Things] by antidepressantswhore
2.6 Halloween by handsofabitterman
2.7 Lie to Me by handsofabitterman
Buffy training with Giles: I really, really love this scene by isagrimorie
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Video: WolfBite Reviews: Buffy the Vampire Slayer S3 E9 Wish by Biff the Werewolf
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Buffy Season 4 & Angel Season 1, First Watch by sempermiror
Once More, With Feeling: which song/dance scene is your favorite? hosted by i-sew-a-lot
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PODCAST: 7.16 Storyteller | Buffering the Vampire Slayer
PODCAST: Pop Culture Role Call: Compliment Sandwich - Angel S02E18 - Dead End
Buffy & Spike Are Getting One More Chance to Start Again ("The Vampire Slayer" #3) by Francesco Cacciatore (Screenrant)
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Top 10 Spuffy fics I’ve read (June 2022) by mcgnagallsarmy
[Community Announcements]
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1999 Yearbook Giveaway at fanreviews.com
[Fandom Discussions]
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Xander gets a bad rap by herinsectreflection, earhartsease
Re: There any way to make the Master like . . . good? Interesting? by herinsectreflection
Re: why does Buffy take and use handcuffs on Faith in 3x21? by herinsectreflection
The only reason Buffy survived her Cruciamentum by kyliafanfiction
More Giles thoughts by rachaeljurassic
Why I think Giles and Angel were friends by rachaeljurassic
[Drusilla, Spike and Angelus reached PEAK batshit character dynamics] by rimonoroni
[How about we put Slayers onto a governmental payroll?] by takaraphoenix
When Larry dressed up as a pirate... by vampir4te
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Discussion of 2.22 "Becoming Pt. II" (cont'd) by famicommander
The Trio, if they aspired to be superheroes (cont'd) by afanofbuffy
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In "Five by Five" why didn't Dennis the Ghost attack Faith after she punched Cordelia? by jdpm1991 and others
Buffy and Ford (Buffy left Ford to die) by Anya1509
What are your favorite cheesy/ outdated elements from the show? by qwerty8755
Gay/Bi Buffy fans, who are your crushes in the Buffyverse? by jdpm1991
So many people hate “Double Meat Palace”, but I like it! Emotionally it’s very realistic. by CuteFruitandPumpkin
I’m a first time watcher and I’m noticing some funny stuff lol by Kahli_Elliott
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rossisrad · 4 months
Stuff I miss, being a fictkin of Spike [from buffy the vampire slayer]
Being able to go all "vamp-face"
The slayer
The slayerettes
My crypt
Being biologically male
My clothes, especially my leather trenchcoat duster thing.
The watcher. I miss him a lot. [strangely]
0 notes
earhartsease · 10 months
yes we love that Buffy's friends end up calling themselves the Scoobies but we still think it's a shame they didn't end up calling themselves the Slayerettes
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