#slayd bridger
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thunderhead-mybeloved · 8 months ago
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haljeexyee · 3 months ago
Scythe meme’s day: ???
Characters: Greyson Tolliver, Jerico Soberanis, Scythe Morrison — Arc of a Scythe by Neal Shusterman
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cowardly-cowboy · 1 year ago
Guess who's jamming to Will Wood and crying over Scythe Curie
It's still me
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only-a-moment-ago · 7 months ago
Greyson Slayd: How do I make a date really romantic? Purity: Be mysterious. Later, while on a date with Jeri. Jeri: So where are we going? Greyson: None of your fucking business.
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better-dead-than-in-hell · 2 years ago
I think you should draw purity viveros arcofascyhe <33333333
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her <3
this is probably not canon at all but it’s how i always saw her in my head : shrug :
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eversoslightlyburnttoast · 1 year ago
HELLOOOOO PURITY ENJOYER ‼️‼️ she was robbed fr I’m obsessed with her. I could talk abt her for hours why is she Like That I. I NEED her
Like yeah yeah what she did was a really terrible thing but, to be a true unsavory, she had to go beyond what was allowed. And honestly, it was genius because the thunderhead quite literally could not intervene
I kinda wish we got a similar scene to scythe rand meeting up with the tyger hologram, although it would probably just break greyson more with her "confirming" that he was a fraud
Also greyson is the best at being a fraud i will say that-
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spl-central · 1 year ago
I'll gather Greyson's stuff, and will hopefully remember to come back to this to do more characters. He both has a lot of descriptors, and not that many. Whatever. I'll be covering all three of his …iterations, I guess you could say. As he's mainly involved in the last two books of the original trilogy, I'll quote/source those books using either "TH" for "Thunderhead" or "TT" for The Toll." Here we go.
Greyson Timothy Tolliver is 18 years old upon his first appearance into the series. Although he's apparently 6 months older than Citra, he looks younger [TH 105]. (Of course, this all changes after Endura, and then he's 20 or 21 when Citra is still 18, but... You catch my drift.)
We don't get an official pre- or post- dye hair color for him. What we do know about his hair, however, is this:
When going by Slayd he dyed it "obsidian-void" black. This is so dark it appears to absorb light [TH 168].
He shaved it off per curate Mendoza's request upon being given religious sanctuary [TH 295].
It's longer (enough) again in TT -- he's mentioned having bedhead a few times. His hair was also long enough to be blown around in the wind before he shaved it.
So yeah. No official hair color for him. At least none that I could find.
Onto his eyes! Funnily enough, these are given the most elaboration as to what they look like. Literally no other physical trait he has gets described or mentioned as often as his eyes do. I find it hilarious. Anyways. As far as I can tell, I don't think he gets any pigment-shifters (fairly certain these are a real thing within AOAS and if not then they're an Unwound thing and for that I'm sorry) injected to change his eye color. I'll go off of the assumption that he kept his eyes normal.
Citra mentions that his eyes are "dark" [TH 286].
Citra calls his eyes "desperate" twice after his car-splat, and then later doe-innocent after researching his profile.
Purity, nearing the end of their first date, likens his eyes to those of a "puppy-dog's."
When masquerading as Slayd, his dark dye job and his pseudo horns (more on these later) make his eyes "seem deep set in inscrutable shadow" [TH 168].
Citra comments on his eyes as Slayd. "And his eyes. An odd cross between a deer in headlights and a wolverine about to attack" [TH 275].
After some experience as The Toll, Citra comments that "his gaze so direct as to be invasive" [TT 436].
As the Toll, his eyes occasionally convince people to follow him. "…Convincing, when all else fails," according to The Thunderhead [TT 445]. Jeri commented on this. I'm also fairly certain that one of his consultations as The Toll has the Tonist who's seeking guidance mention his eyes. I could be wrong.
In terms of his general appearance, there's a few scattered mentions here and there. He's been remarked to have a relatively thin build a few times over both books, and more than one character comments on this when comparing the real Toll to the version of him they had in their heads. Most everyone expected him to be some 'crazed and wizened old man with a crazy beard.' They all remark on the fact that he's… not that, and that he looks really, really mundane.
When he's Slayd, his frame stays the same. Citra and Constantine can still recognize him. Along with the vanta-black hair he rocks, however, he also has miniature horn-like protrusions. He refers to them as "artificial horns" on page 168 of TH. They're metal inserts underneath his skin at both his left and right temples, making it look like he's growing small horns. He's apparently recognizable enough, though, despite all this. Or maybe it's just Scythe intuition?
"His hair, his clothes, and those baby horns at his temples might have fooled someone else, but his slim build and body language gave him away. And his eyes. An odd cross between a deer in headlights and a wolverine about to attack. The kid lived in a constant state of fight or flight." -Citra [TH 275]
According to himself, the combination of the hair and the horns (+ the way the two make his eyes look) make[s] him look "otherworldly and vaguely diabolical" [TH 168 (?)].
As The Toll, Greyson appears most often wearing a "long, rough-woven purple tunic, covered by an intricately embroidered scapular that drape[s] over his shoulders like a scarf and flow[s] neatly to the ground." [TT 132]. This sound pattern is, of course, a snippet of "Bridge Over Troubled Water," pointed out to us (and Greyson himself) by Sister Astrid. [TT 148]
His ideal version of casual-wear seems to be jeans and a T-shirt [TT 250].
He wears satin pajamas and slippers upon his midnight treks in The Cloisters [TT 256 & 259].
He appears and acts a bit more confident and mature in "The Toll" : "His jaw seemed harder, his gait more confident, and his gaze so direct as to be invasive" [TT 436].
He has a habit of cocking his head to one side when listening to The Thunderhead speak to him via his earpiece.
And that's kind of, like, it. He's mentioned as relatively boring before Shit Goes Down a couple of times. There are, of course, head canons of Greyson with grey hair and whatnot, but for all we know he could very well have brown hair or blonde hair before he decided to dye it as Slayd. His eyes are ...probably brown? Since it'd be hard to have "dark" blue eyes, but maybe in AOAS you can customize your baby and his parents decided to give him the mystical Tumblr Violet eyes, just darker or something.
He's not really mentioned as really tall or short? Again, most everything about him is gonna be average. Kindof vaugely sortof most of the point of his character. That's all I could find?? I have read "Gleanings" and there's no Greyson appearances. So, uh. If you still need this... enjoy.
Question for Scythe fans: Anybody have specific page numbers for character descriptions? This question applies to Scythe, Thunderhead, Toll and Gleanings (although if you talk about Gleanings, pls keep it spoiler free- i havent read it yet!)
I ask this because I'm trying to make a drawing of each notable character from the series. I'll do less notable characters too if I don't lose motivation, lol.
On my drawings I want to cite the pages where their descriptions are included, but unfortunately, I didn't mark the pages as I was reading. I'm trying to go through the book right now, but it's mostly skim reading since I don't want to reread the ENTIRE book. Any help finding descriptions would be greatly appreciated!!
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f3v3rdreamz · 7 months ago
I love having headaches.(/s)
Grew up wondering why she couldn't see her father and why she was a 'secret'
Saw Goddard as a chance to be a father figure, that certainly didn't end well.
Still chubby throughout the years but does eventually start eating healthier due to her mom
Lives with Jerico after the events in The Toll
Occasionally wonders how the thunderhead is after everything
Has a pet pigeon
Found out about Greyson's 'slayd bridger' phase and laughed
Styles their hair to look super curly sometimes
Goes on occasional dates by the sea with greyson
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wish-i-were-heather · 7 months ago
or just Heather if ur only doing oneX3
YESYESYES OFC U CAN HAVE ALL 3 this response might get long lol
HEATHER~ i'll give you an outfit specifically with a sweater i think you'd wear, hence the song
okok i can imagine you in something like this but with either dark red or dark pink instead of green
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LOOKALIKE~ i'll assign you a fictional character that you/your blog reminds me of and explain why!!
OKAYOKAYOKAY so i gave an arc of a scythe character to like the one other moot i have whos also a fan... but omg okay i was looking at your blog and suddenly it came to be- slayd bridger. not greyson tolliver, but slayd bridger. idk it just came to me and i was like YESSS. its less of your personality and more of your theme but idk. like as much as i love grayson (hes my favorite character) i also love when he gets to have his little unsavory moment and stuff, so honestly this is kinda a compliment lol. sorry if that was really random but thats who i thought of for you <3
and last but not leastt
LONELY DANCERS~ i'll give you a song based on the aesthetic of you/your blog!!
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bzlgrmpf · 3 years ago
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Greyson Tolliver aka Slayd Bridger overthinking his life desicions, because there isn't enough fanart of him
(and I'm like 3 years late to join the fandom...)
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drawingdullahan · 4 years ago
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Heyo! At it again!! I currently don't have a job and commissions are the only way I can make money. I've messed around with the prices a bit so they're more even and I've updated with more recent art!!
Currently I'm doing a special offer on commissions:
Sounds wack right? Which means if you get a full lineless painting for 40 dollars, you can get a whole other one for only 20!!! This applies to everything except comics
All payments will be made through PayPal, and if you have any questions feel free to message me!!
I also do oc writing commissions for $3 per hundred words up to 2.5k!
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arcofacatboy · 3 years ago
Do you think Morrison and Greyson ever explored each other's bodies
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haljeexyee · 3 months ago
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Okay they’re a little fun to draw together 👉👈
What’s Scythe Morrison saying that’s got Greyson so flustered? Probably just inviting him to spar..
Characters: Greyson Tolliver, Scythe Morrison — Arc of a Scythe by Neal Shusterman
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thunderhead-backbrain · 4 years ago
Every now and then I think that maybe scythe doesn't have a huge hold on me anymore and then I remember [WHO DO YOU SERVE] and I shudder
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embodimentofwtf · 5 years ago
The Toll by Neal Shusterman
Or as I call it
Everyone is in love with Greyson Tolliver
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ccandyccrab · 4 years ago
Okay like hear me out, Slayd Bridger wore black acrylic nails. Nothing can convince me otherwise. Thank you, good night.
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