courtneysdollparts · 4 years
Politically Incorrect
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Authors Note: This one shot was influenced by the episode of ‘Politically Incorrect’ hosted by Bill Maher which featured Slash and Dolph Lundgren and takes place right after this episode was filmed. Our boy is completely off his face but stuck up majorly for the ladies about equality. Video is linked at the bottom.
Politically Incorrect  Slash One Shot
Much to my mortification as I stood there wide eyed in my old rugby shorts and a loose oversized singlet with no bra leaving little to the imagination, side boob and all. Dolph Lundgren, whom I had seen in countless action movies and just 15 minutes ago on TV with Saul, starred back at me with a small polite smile – sympathetic as he saw my embarrassment. Saul grinned at me “Hey babe, Dolph’s is going to stay for a bit”. Saul casually stated before pecking me on the lips, his fingers threading through mine loosely as brushed past me completely unbothered by my lack of clothes.
After uttering out an awkward greeting and quickly slipping on one of Saul’s flannel shirts that was tossed over a chair in the dining room, covering myself up as I slunk back to the kitchen to continue cooking dinner while the boys sat out on the back patio with a few drinks. Our rental home was a small two bedroom house, every room looking like it needed at least another three feet of space as we tried to cram everything in – Saul ended up having set up all his music gear in the garage as the second bedroom has been taken over by all of his snakes in their tanks (much to my relief). As much as I love animals, reptiles have always scared me since a young age especially snakes, Saul has been slowly getting me used them especially Pandora since I have known her longer than the other snakes he now has. Pandora’s tank sits proudly on display in lounge so that everyone can see her beauty, occasionally he will move her to another tank we have set up in our bedroom, it never fails to make me adore him more than I already do when I see him looking after his snakes with such attentiveness.
Glancing out the window above the sink I chuckled as Saul was patting down his pants, digging through his pockets looking for a lighter as an unlit one dangled from his lips while Dolph laughed at something he said, while our dog was eating up all the attention Dolph was giving her. I swear he goes through a handful of lighters a day purely because he loses them everywhere, he denies that he lost the zippo lighter I had engraved for him for his birthday last year “I’ve just tucked away somewhere safe babe” somewhere as in he lost it – though I will give him credit for managing to hang onto it for a couple of months before it went missing. “Babe” I grabbed his attention as I tossed a box of matches through the open window.
Dolph eventually wondered in to grab another drink, walking past the mountain of textbooks and numerous drafts of my analytical essay for uni splayed out across the dining room table next to the kitchen counter. “What are you studying?” he asked as he rounded the counter “Psychology, just about to head into my third year but it’s kicking my ass so far” I laughed. Dolph chuckled as silence settled over us so I busied myself putting all the food on the plates. “What are you doing hanging around a guy like him?” Dolph asks softly completely catching me off guard not expecting such a personal question and one that devalues the relationship Saul and I have built together. “What do you mean?” I fake confusion. “Come on, you’re a smart woman. . . I have no doubt that he’s a great guy but he was completely drunk on the show tonight and from what I’ve heard that’s was pretty tame to how he usually is” Dolph explained gently given the frustrated expression forming on my face. Running my hands down my face already tired of this conversation after having it numerous times with other people “he’s trying, despite what people think, he is. He’s cutting back on the heroin, it may not be much to everyone else but its massive for us. Do you want gravy on your potatoes?” I dismissed our conversation, which Dolph either ignored or didn’t catch onto “He’s compensating with booze sweetheart. When you decide that this life is not suited for you give me a call”. With that Dolph strode back outside, leaving me with my jaw on the floor completely dumbfounded at what I just heard. What the actual fuck! Saul came in not a minute later to feed our dog ‘Atti’ that happily trotted in behind him. “Hey babe, I’ve barely seen you all night” his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me close as my arms loosely draped over his shoulders, giving him a pout in response to his statement to which he leaned down for a proper kiss. Sinking into him, my hands threading under his wild hair, cupping his neck pulling him in deeper. We reluctantly broke apart as Atti started to whine and scratch at our legs for her food.
Dinner went by smoothly as we all sat outside on the patio. Dolph forwardness earlier in the kitchen left me very annoyed, Saul noticing how uncomfortable I was pulled my legs across his lap so that I was sitting sideways with my head nestled on his shoulder, placing a kiss on my head as the boys continued their conversation. His warmth relaxing me and making me tired, wrapping my arms around his waist as his hand ran down the leg of the thigh back and forth to keep me warm. Atti eventually jumping up onto the end of the couch by my feet resting her chin on my foot as she dozed off – this is exactly where I need to be. 
Athuors Note: Bit of a longer one guys, but I hope you all enjoyed - feel free send in asks and let me know what you think. -courtneysdollparts
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courtneysdollparts · 6 years
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A Concept
Late 1986 - early 1987
Saul glanced over at you again before quickly averting his eyes to the cigarette dangling between his fingers, nervously digging his thumb nail into the tip of his middle finger completely clueless as to what he should say to you.
I guess you could call it your first official date together that didn't include a overcrowded bar and numerous people you both knew unexpectedly pulling up chairs to join at your table. Although the idea was nice in theory and sweet of Saul to insist on taking you out to the popular and classy restaurant, he was pestering himself not to turn into a nervous wreck and you could tell.
"Hey, so I hear that the owner has a soft spot for foreigners. Want to see if I can cut the bill in half with a few suggestive looks?". Soft and velvety Saul heard you and chuckled at your slightly cheeky smile attempting to make him laugh at feel more at ease. Quite frankly all you would have to do is bat an eyelash at the owner, dressed in a classic fitted knee length dress, killer heels, long dark cascading hair and red lips - you were drop dead gorgeous.
"I wanted to take you out to a nice restaurant but f**k you look stunning and this! This is just..." Frowning at the deflated expression covering Saul's face, you were felt bad that he was feeling uncomfortable. Quite frankly you were too a little bit, the restaurant was classy - completely out of both your lueages and pay rate. People were staring with disapproval at the wild untamed appearance Saul had despite the loose dress shirt he wore - either that or Guns N' Roses reputation was travelling quicker throughout L.A. than you thought. "There's a small diner two blocks down. How about we get out of here, grab a burger and go for a walk somewhere?"
With a smile gracing both of your lips, Saul tugged you closer wrapping his arm over your shoulder with your linked hands as you make your way down the street, comfortable with one another and no nervous cigarette ticks.
- courtneysdollparts
Not sure how this copyright thing works but seriously don't copy my work
Would love to hear feedback :)
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courtneysdollparts · 6 years
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Room No. 164
Warnings: Swearing
Set three years after "A Concept".
The harsh flow of hard whiskey poured down my throat before finally slamming the bottle down on the table. I fucking hated him.
"Where is she?" I asked, trying to plaster on the most bored look I could while Bret just smirked. Fucking asshole is always so cocky and proud everytime he's got her next to him, knowing how much it pisses me off. "You tell me" he swung the door open further revealing her dead asleep, tossled bed sheets covering her naked form but leaving her back exposed.
Not even burying myself in meaningless pussy is going to soften that blow. I just can't get that image out of my head - all the scenarios of what they were doing minutes before I knocked on their door burns through my brain. I knew they were having sex but shit, seeing her layed out like that - for him.
After drowning myself in as much hard liquor I could find and contemplating a shot of herion, the phone brought me out of my numbless state. Slaming the bottle of JD down on the table, I stumbled over to the phone. "Hey, I uhh - Bret mentioned that you stopped by to talk to me?" fuck. "Yeah, I just....don't worry about it" telling her would only make things worse, its obvious shes not interested.
An awkward silence followed, a glass of whiskey dangling from my fingers as I sat forward in my seat, tension settling into my shoulders as my nerves kicked in - itching to light a cigerette. "I Miss you" It was faint, quiet and caught me off guard but I heard her. "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be telling you this but I need to". "Babe what the fuck are we doing then? This whole thing is just bullshit" despite the relief washing over me - knowing that we could work this out, fustration seeped in. "Just come back home with me and the guys tomorrow" "I can't, I want to but I just can't. I might be p- everythings just really complicated right now.....I'm sorry".
Not 100 perccent happy with this piece but I hopw you guys enjoy. Feedback is always welcome :)
- courtneysdollparts
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courtneysdollparts · 6 years
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Working on piece with this photo in mind - angst is building ✌
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courtneysdollparts · 6 years
Just had my next Slash side piece saved in drafts, ready to post and half of it is bloody gone 😤
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