sylvia-blatt · 5 years
i can't believe i came back to tumblr to write again. Yes. Hello, Friends
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sylvia-blatt · 6 years
me trying to motivate myself to study Russian: do it for the cat memes
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sylvia-blatt · 6 years
Do you have any links to books/pdfs for Russian? Not like literature but more learning Russian.
I have so many books and links. I hope the following are more than enough.
The New Penguin Russian Course (my rec for beginners)
60 Lessons in Russian
10,000 Russian Words by Frequency
A Basic Modern Russian Grammar
A Comprehensive Russian Grammar
A Living Russian Grammar
A Reference Grammar of Russian
Assimil Russian (with audio)
Big Silver Book of Russian Verbs
Colloquial Russian (with audio)
Colloquial Russian II + Audio
DLI Basic Russian
DLI Intermediate Russian
DLI Intermediate-Advanced
DLI Russian Binder I
DLI Russian Binder II
DLI Russian Phase I
DLI Russian Phase II
DLI Russian Phase III
DLI Advanced Russian
Essential Russian Grammar
FSI Russian Fast Course
How to Pronounce Russian Correctly
Hugo’s Russian in 3 Months (with audio)
Intermediate Russian: Grammar and Workbook
Just Listen n’ Learn Russian (with audio)
Linguaphone Russian (with audio)
Living Language Russian: Beginner-Intermediate
Michel Thomas Russian (with audio)
Oxford Russian Verbs & Grammar
Peace Corps Russian Language Lessons
Peace Corps Russian Language Competencies
Peace Corps Workbook
Pimsleur Russian (with audio)
Routledge Modern Russian Grammar
Russian - A Self-Teaching Guide
Russian For Dummies
Russian SEELRC Complete Grammar
Russian in Exercises 
Russian Verbs of Motion: An Intro
Russian Verbs of Motion
Schaum’s Outline of Russian Grammar
Teach Yourself Russian 1996
Teach Yourself Russian 2003
If you want to know which ones I like, here is a link to it.
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sylvia-blatt · 6 years
me: *reads a sentence and understands each of the words
me: *tries to understand the sentence as a whole
me: *crying in target languages ?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿
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sylvia-blatt · 6 years
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sylvia-blatt · 6 years
concept: I’m able to fluently express myself in a wide range of languages. The eyes of native speakers lighten up when they hear me speak their language, complimenting me on my skills. I have now access to culture and people in a way I never had before.
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sylvia-blatt · 6 years
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mood this week. 
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sylvia-blatt · 6 years
Let’s stop the stigma that German and Russian are “violent” languages thank you
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sylvia-blatt · 6 years
Reblog if English isn't your native language
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sylvia-blatt · 6 years
when you hate your legs  remember that they carried you through the hardest parts of your life. they get you out of bed every day and take you to what you love.
when you hate your stomach remember that it helped you gain strength. it holds the memories of deep laughter and great meals. it is full of warmth and joy.
when you hate your arms remember that they are strong, which makes you strong. but they are also soft and can be used to cuddle and hold the ones you love.
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sylvia-blatt · 6 years
studieren vs. lernen
The difference between studieren and lernen can be difficult for students of German to understand, especially English speakers. 
Usually, it would be accurate to translate studieren as to study and lernen as to learn. 
Meine Freundin studiert Biologie. My girlfriend is studying biology.
Alex muss lesen lernen. Alex has to learn how to read.
However, in the context of studying a specific chapter, studying for an exam or revising, native German speakers will say lernen instead of studieren.
Ich studiere lerne seit drei Stunden, weil ich morgen einen Test schreibe. I have been studying for three hours because I’m writing a test tomorrow.
Studieren implies both visiting a university or college OR reading/examining/watching something with scrutiny. The following sentence would be a correct use of the latter meaning:
Der Anwalt runzelte die Stirn während er die Akten studierte. The lawyer furrowed his brows while he studied the files.
Even in English you can see the difference here between studying notes for class and studying a file. I hope this helped you to differentiate the two verbs a little better! 
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sylvia-blatt · 6 years
WO? (= Where?) - immer mit Dativ!
liegen - to lie (like on a bed/ground)
stehen - to stand/*be standing
sitzen -  to sit/*be sitting
stecken - be inserted, slipped (e.g. when the key is already inserted in the lock)
hängen - to hang/*be hanging
All of these verbs mark actions, that are already happening and the process still lasts.
WOHIN? (= Where (to)?) - immer mit Akkusativ!
legen - to lay/put down (”I’m going to put this thing down.”)
stellen - to place/put (uprightly)
setzen - to sit down (”You are sitting your guest down.”)
stecken - to insert (”You put something somewhere.”)
hängen - to hang (to hang a pic on the wall)
All of these verbs mark following actions, that are going to happen or which are we going to do.
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sylvia-blatt · 6 years
It’s sad that toxic game culture is so prevalent cuz like. As someone who has ended up in random matches with kids before, I can attest to how fucking easy it is to reverse and un-teach shitty attitudes in kids.
Example: I downloaded Friday the 13th because it’s free on psn. I dunno how to play, so I just enter quick play and I’m matched with 3-4 kids on mic. Immediately on mic they’re shitty and disparaging to each other. They laugh at each others deaths, they actively work against team mates and self sabotage, they call each other “fags”, etc. From the sounds of the voices they cannot be older than 13-14.
I put on my mic and just decide I ain’t havin it. I am nice. I thank them for barricading doors or leaving me items. When they break free from Jason’s grasp I say “good job!” or I try to help them. One kid survived for most of the match by himself. When he dies, I tell him he did a fantastic job.
The mood shift is practically INSTANT. These kids almost immediately stop being dick heads. They start encouraging each other and being kind. After the match all of them try to friend request me. Which should tell you a couple of things:
A) kids want to be kind, and they want to have a nice time playing games. But encounters with adults like me or so rare that they’ve trained themselves to instantly put on a toxic, shitty, defensive veneer when encountering any new person online. It’s literally just THAT EASY to not groom a horrible gaming community, it’s just that NO ONE does it.
B) the speed of which they all tried to friend me was cute, but paints for me such a sad picture? Like these kids are SO desperate to find people to play with who aren’t crappy jerks. They played with me for 10 minutes TOPS and all instantly tried to reach out to me.
tl;dr: The kids are alright. Adults are shit heads.
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sylvia-blatt · 6 years
not to hop in on the Hottest Discourse but:
age gaps aren’t inherently bad between adults, but they are incredibly suspect in instances where one party has significantly more agency and experience due to their age. a thirty year old dating a forty year old, for instance, isn’t all that big a deal. but an eighteen year old should be VERY suspicious of a thirty year old wanting to get with them. they’ve had twelve years to establish themselves as an adult. an eighteen year old has had maybe a few months to do so.
i’m saying this as a person who briefly dated a thirty year old at age 19 (it wasn’t good lol), and also as a person with happily married parents who have a 12 year age gap. the difference is that my mom was in her thirties when she met my dad; she’d had plenty of time to find a career and a name for herself in the world.
stay safe, love urself, try to make good decisions but don’t beat yourself up if you’ve ever been the victim of an unbalanced or abusive relationship
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sylvia-blatt · 6 years
Asked my mom for a binder for Christmas
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No, mom, that’s not….
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Oh I see what you did there
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sylvia-blatt · 6 years
thank god nobody on this website was horny for the main character from cloudy with a chance of meatballs
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sylvia-blatt · 6 years
Sometimes I think about YOI like oh yeah that was a fun anime about ice skating that had good music and a diverse and likable cast of characters and a super cute dog mascot! …and then I think about it for more then ten seconds and I remember how much it fucks up my heart as a mlm love story about two lonely people who didn’t know how much they needed each other until fate brought them together and how they learned and grew through their love and how much it healed my bitter gay heart that was so used to baiting and tragedy and instead we were given an uplifting and happy ending with two men in love and wearing engagement rings in a world almost exactly like our own except there’s no homophobia because fuck you we deserve a nice happy fantasy
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