#slasher!orc x reader
ameliathornromance · 2 days
Are you the Final Girl?
Slasher!Orc X Reader
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Chapter 2
Masterlist <--- Check for TWs
The rest of the day went without incident, despite the bubbling anger in your stomach.
You didn’t speak to Jennifer, Jack or Sydney for the rest of the day and turned your phone off the moment more of those horrible texts started coming in from your Instagram. You never read them anymore, they were all along the similar lines of ‘you’re awful, why don’t you just die.’
Classes passed by quickly and before you knew it, they were over. As you left the lecture hall, you turned on your phone. As soon as it had loaded in, your phone was a buzz with texts from your acquaintances. They were mostly from Jennifer.
She was begging for you to talk, to arrange a time to call so she could explain herself. A part of you was inclined to tell her no, that she needed to sort her own shit out before she spoke to you again.
But, your long history together is what made you believe you should text her back.
So, you did. There had to be some kind of explanation for this, right? Malike was a quiet kind guy, he’d never so much as hurt a fly. Maybe there was some other reason that Jennifer had taken such a strong dislike to him. You had never heard her talk badly about other creatures on Campus before, let alone Orcs.
You called Jennifer the moment you got back to your dorm room.
“Hey.” You said, as Jennifer picked up the phone.
“Hey.” She said back. Her voice held a resigned tone, as if she was a scolded child. “Listen, I… just wanted to say sorry about what I said earlier.”
You fought the urge to tell her that it isn’t you she should be apologising to. But Malike, who most likely overheard her in the park.
“...I never told you this before,” She continued as you set your bags down beside your desk. “But I grew up in the same town as Malike. Everyone knew him.”
“Really?” This surprised you. But when you thought about it, it did make sense. You met Malike and Jennifer at the same time, since they were standing beside each other and talking to each other in quiet toned voices.
“Hmhm… I knew he was a nice guy and everything, but there were… rumours back home.” Jennifer’s voice became hushed, as if she was worried she may be overheard. “That Malike liked to pull apart bugs as a kid. Like spiders and things like that… but he was a child, and kids do weird things like that right?”
“Of course,” you agreed.
“Well, according to some people I knew at home, when he was a teenager, apparently Malike had strangled a squirrel with his barehands… and that he’d had a smile on his face the whole time. His mum caught him doing it.”
Your eyes widened. “Are you serious Jen?”
“Yeah. That’s why I was a freaked out when you rejected him. I knew it had been a long time since any of that stuff happened, but I didn’t know what he was going to do. If he’d happily kill a squirrel… then who knows what he’d do to another person.”
“Why were you hanging out with him on the first day if you knew this?” You asked.
“Well, I didn’t want to believe any of the rumours, so I thought I’d get to know him. But… I don’t know, when you told me he asked you out, all that gossip I heard came flooding back to me and I felt like I had to get him away from you.” Jennifer explained.
You looked over your shoulder, as if there was a presence standing behind you. “Does anyone else know about this?” You thought of Jack’s harsh words about Orcs too.
“No. Just me and him, most likely.”
“I… I didn’t realise he did any of that stuff.” You admitted, lamely. “But, you can’t just brandish all Orcs with the same brush like that.”
“I’m sorry about that too. I had no idea what I was thinking when I said that. Malike’s mum’s an Orc and she’s so nice. She used to do charity bake sales and everything when we were younger. I don’t know how Malike turned out to be so creepy.” Jennifer’s voice shuddered through the phone.
“Well, thank you for the explaining.” You said, truthfully. “I had no idea about that stuff Malike did as a kid. That’s psychopathic behaviour.”
“Definitely. So, you’ll stay away from him from now on, right?”
You hesitated. Jennifer sounded like she was telling the truth and, you really didn’t want to believe that she would lie about something so serious as animal cruelty just to get you to believe her.
And if she wasn’t lying about what Malike did as a kid, then you could get yourself into a lot of trouble if he ends up approaching you again. Perhaps it is best to stay away from him.
“Yeah, I will. Thanks for telling me Jen.”
“Okay, good.” A sigh of relief breathed down the phone. “I’ve got to get going to my night class now. They want us to go to a runway show to see how the make up gets done on models in a rush, so I’ll probably be sleeping in late tomorrow okay?”
“Alright. Have fun Jen.”
“Will do, sleep well (Y/N), goodnight.”
And with that, you hung up the phone. You bit your lip.
Malike didn’t have any other hidden tenancies like that… did he?
I have a 7 day free trial on my Patreon! Come and see what I've been writing :)
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n1ght0f-nyx · 5 days
Your last fic was so good! I return once again, i meed more of my husband.
Can we get some soft fluffy smut with per'tah? Maybe the first time they are finally intimate with each other? Can be part of the series or stand alone.
Love ya 😘
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woven bonds- pert'ah (orc oc) smut
part 6 of woven bonds and smut
pert'ah x fem reader
water-lillie you keep me sane
tags/warnings- over the time you two have been together his english has gotten better, arranged marriage, human female x male orc, gentle giant, your together!, smut, very gentle man but hes huge so its still rough, heavy illusions to the idea of pregnancy, no condom obvi, virginity taking (on both sides) hes actually a total tease, pert'ah has a frenum piercing
also, feel free to request non-woven bonds-related things that involve pert'ah or my other ocs (see my masterlist) i love writing for all these characters and seeing the mass of support I've gotten over the last month!
i need to learn to stop writing so much- 3739 words
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The night was quiet, save for the soft rustle of the wind outside the small home you now shared with Pert’ah. The hearth had died down to embers, casting a gentle, warm glow across the room. You could still hear the faint crackling of the last burning logs as you sat on the edge of the bed, feeling the woven blankets beneath your fingers.
Pert'ah was quiet, too, standing near the window, his broad back to you as he gazed out into the night. The silence between you both wasn’t the uncomfortable kind it had once been. After weeks of tentative conversations and quiet gestures, the distance between you two had shrunk. And yet, tonight felt different. Intimate in a way that made your heart race.
“Are you… ready for sleep?” Pert'ah’s deep voice broke the stillness, the hint of uncertainty in his words unusual for him.
You nodded slowly, your eyes drifting toward the space beside you. “Yes....im tired"
The truth was, you had grown used to Pert'ah sleeping on the floor beside the bed, wrapped in his own blanket. He had never pushed for more, always respecting the distance you’d initially demanded. But tonight, you had quietly asked him to sleep beside you. The words had caught in your throat, but they had come out, and he had agreed without question.
Pert'ah approached the bed cautiously, as if not wanting to spook you. His steps were quiet for someone his size, his large, rough hands moving carefully as he pulled back the blanket and slid in beside you. The bed felt smaller now with him in it, his presence all-encompassing and warm.
You lay on your back, staring up at the ceiling, feeling the heat of his body beside you. His breathing was slow, steady, and somehow calming.
After a few moments, you turned to face him. “Pert’ah?”
He shifted, turning his head to look at you, his golden eyes glowing faintly in the dim light. “Yes?”
“Tell me more about your past,” you said softly. “We’ve been together for a while now, but… I still don’t know much about where you come from.”
Pert’ah let out a slow breath, his eyes flickering with something you couldn’t quite read. “My past… is not so interesting. I am… simple man.” He paused, his hand resting near yours on the bed, his fingers curling slightly as if he wanted to reach out but wasn’t sure if he should.
“I was born into weaving,” he continued. “My family, we make many things. Cloth, art. From when I am small, I learn to use my hands to create.” His voice grew softer as he spoke, a far-off look in his eyes. “My father, he teach me much. Say that strong hands can create just as much as they can destroy.”
His gaze shifted to you, and the look in his eyes made your heart stutter.
“And you?” you asked quietly. “What do you want to create… with me?”
For a moment, the only sound in the room was your combined breathing. Then, Pert'ah’s large hand slid across the blanket, covering yours gently. His touch was warm, comforting, and his fingers entwined with yours as if they were always meant to fit together.
“With you?” he repeated, his voice low, thoughtful. “I want to create… peace. Home.” His thumb brushed the back of your hand, his touch tentative but sincere. “I want to make you happy. Want you to feel safe with me.”
The vulnerability in his voice made your chest tighten. You shifted closer to him, your fingers tightening around his as you rested your head on his shoulder. For so long, you had resisted, keeping him at arm’s length, but now, lying here with him, you couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.
“I think… I’m starting to feel that way,” you whispered, your breath warm against his skin. “With you.”
Pert'ah’s arm wrapped around you slowly, carefully, as though he feared breaking the fragile moment. His hand rested on your back, holding you close. You felt his heartbeat, steady and strong beneath your ear.
“I never thought I would end up here,” you murmured. “With you. I never thought I’d…” You trailed off, unsure how to put your feelings into words.
But Pert'ah understood. He always did.
“We are here now,” he said softly, his hand rubbing slow, soothing circles on your back. “We can...make future together.”
You looked up at him, meeting his golden eyes. “What kind of future do you want?”
His eyes softened, his tusked smile gentle. “One where you smile more. Where we work together. You and me… mates.”
It was a simple answer, but it made your heart swell. The life you had imagined for yourself before seemed distant now, irrelevant. What mattered was the man beside you, the quiet strength in his words and the way he held you like you were the most precious thing in the world.
You shifted again, tilting your head up until your lips brushed his. The kiss was slow, tentative at first, but it quickly deepened, the space between you disappearing completely as his arms tightened around you.
When you finally pulled away, your breath mingling with his, you smiled softly. “I think… I’d like that future, too.”
Pert'ah’s smile widened, his rough fingers brushing a strand of hair from your face, his sparkling golden eyes looking down at yours he leans down, and when he doesnt see you pull back, connects, pressing his lips to yours
you kiss back, his tusks feel uncomfy against your lips, but you'll manage, its all worth it for him, you lightly press your hands against his leather sleep tunic, he had sewn two matching ones for the both of you so you had a more comfortable rest on the furs.
you pull back, looking up at him with a sweet loving smile, but one that would never compare to the one he gave back, all that man did was love you
Pert'ah's eyes lit up when you kissed him back, a warmth spreading through his chest at your acceptance. He could feel the slight discomfort of his tusks, but the way you willingly leaned into his touch, despite them, filled him with a deep longing to cherish and protect you.
As you pulled back and smiled up at him, Pert'ah's gaze followed yours, drinking in the sweetness of the moment. His smile grew wider, mirroring yours, but the intensity behind it made you feel like you were the only person in the world. His hands framed your face, gently tracing the curves of your cheeks with his thumbs, as if to memorise every detail. "You are beautiful," he said, the words coming from a place deep within his soul, his voice filled with a sincerity that left him breathless, He leaned in once more, this time tenderly pressing his forehead against yours, savoring the closeness.
The softness of the moment hung between you, a palpable energy that seemed to fill the air with anticipation. Pert'ah's heart pounded against your chest, a rhythmic reminder of the love he felt for you. His lips grazed your temple, leaving a trail of gentle kisses along your jawline, seeking permission to continue exploring the contours of your face.
And then, there was no hesitation; his mouth claimed yours, demanding nothing but surrender as his tongue danced with yours in a sensual waltz. Time lost meaning as the world narrowed to the two of you, suspended in a sea of desire and affection. When he finally released your lips, Pert'ah's chest rose and fell rapidly, his breath hot against your skin.
"I love you," he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "More than anything, I need you."
In that instant, Pert'ah knew that he would move mountains, cross oceans, and defy fate itself to ensure that you remained by his side forevermore. Your love was his anchor, his guiding star, and his reason for existing. As he cradled your face in his palms, Pert'ah vowed to spend eternity cherishing and adoring you, unwavering in his devotion to the mate he had found in you.
you pulled lightly on his tunic, and with a look into your loving eyes, he gets the hint, pulling his shirt off, pulling your lips against his again
Pert'ah's tunic fell away, revealing the strong contours of his chest and the softness of his skin beneath. The warmth of his body radiated towards you, drawing you in like a magnet. As you pressed your lips against his, the sensation of his skin against yours sent shivers down your spine, igniting a flame of desire that threatened to consume you.
Their lips moved in tandem, a sensual dance of tongues and breaths that left them both gasping for air. Pert'ah's hands cradled your face, his thumbs caressing the delicate skin of your cheeks as he deepened the kiss. The gentle touch belied the intensity of his emotions, the love and longing evident in every caress.
As you kissed, Pert'ah's fingers danced over your body, exploring every curve and contour as if mapping your very soul. His hands roamed under your nightgown, finding the soft flesh of your stomach, your breasts, and your thighs, sending waves of pleasure coursing through you. He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling the scent of your skin and burying his nose in the tender spot between your collarbone and shoulder.
"Mine..my wife" he whispered, the single word echoing through your mind like a promise, a vow, a declaration of love. In that moment, you belonged to him, and he to you, bound together by threads of passion and devotion.
As the kiss lingered, Pert'ah's grip on your waist tightened, pulling you closer until you were flush against him. your bodies molded together seamlessly, fitting like pieces of a puzzle designed specifically for yours alone. The contact sparked a firestorm of sensations, each brush of skin against skin amplifying the intimacy and urgency of your embrace.
Time stood still as you clung to each other, lost in the swirling vortex of desire and affection. Nothing existed beyond the confines of your little bubble, where the world melted away, leaving only the pulsating rhythm of your hearts beating as one.
you kiss at his jaw and temple, playing with his hair as his kisses your neck, bruising your throat with marks, you pull your own tunic off and if he could be any more excited, he would explode, looking down at your body, your tits, your waist, your tummy, thighs and what laid between them, your sweet core
The sight of your exposed skin seemed to hypnotize Pert'ah. His eyes traveled over your curves, drinking in the beauty of your naked form, his breathing growing more ragged with each passing second. The bruises on your throat added a depth of color to the canvas of your neck, a testament to the intensity of his emotions.
His fingers traced the outline of your waist, tracing the shape of your belly button, and the gentle rise of your thighs. He couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of your body, every inch of which he had come to adore. Each kiss, each touch, each whisper of breath against his skin sent waves of desire crashing through him like a tide.
Without breaking eye contact, Pert'ah slowly lowered his head, his lips grazing your breast. His mouth closed around your nipple, sucking softly as his tongue began to circle the bud, drawing it into the wet cavern of his mouth. The sensation sent a jolt of electricity straight to your core, your inner muscles clenching in anticipation.
As he explored your body, Pert'ah's hands roamed over your skin, mapping every contour and valley, tracing the lines of your veins and the tender curve of your collarbone. Every touch, every caress, every kiss sent ripples of pleasure through you, building upon themselves until you felt like you might burst apart from sheer joy.
Lost in the haze of desire, Pert'ah didn't notice when needy tears pricked at the corners of your eyes, nor did he realize that your nails dug gently into his scalp as you arched into his touch. All he saw was the radiant beauty of your face, bathed in moonlight, illuminated by the pure, raw emotion emanating from your very pores.
"pert'ah…please…more" you plead, squirming, tugging at his hair lightly, you needed more than gentle licks, nothing about this would be light, no matter how hard he tried, but you were okay with that
Pert'ah's ears perked up at the pleading in your voice, and he lifted his head to look at you with a question in his eyes. Seeing your desperation, he smiled, a mischievous glint in his golden eyes. He knew exactly what you wanted, and he was more than happy to oblige.
His tongue flicked out, teasing your nipple with slow, deliberate strokes, drawing out a sharp intake of breath from you. You arched into his touch, your body aching for more, and Pert'ah responded eagerly.
His mouth closed around your nipple once more, this time applying gentle suction, then harder and harder, until the pressure became almost unbearable. He pinched the other nipple with his fingers, the dual sensations sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body.
Pert'ah's hands slipped down your stomach, his fingers dancing over the tender skin, exploring every dip and curve, before finding their way to the swollen nub between your thighs. He pressed a finger against you, and you gasped as he applied gentle pressure, circling the sensitive tissue in rhythmic motions.
The world narrowed to a pinpoint as he continued to tease and taunt you, the sensations building to a crescendo within you. The tightness in your abdomen coiled tighter and tighter, threatening to unleash a torrent of release.
Just as you teetered on the brink, Pert'ah withdrew his fingers, leaving you panting and desperate for more. A wicked grin spread across his face as he watched you writhe in frustration, knowing full well the effect he had on you.
"Don't worry..my love," he purred, leaning forward to capture your lips in another searing kiss. "I haven't forgotten about you."
you squirm in his touch as he pulls back, sitting back to look at his work, the glistening slick that covered your cunt like a thin film, watching you pant and plead with your eyes, he leans back on his knees and takes his cock out from behind his loin cloth, giving you a show as he pulls his foreskin back, revealing his sheen-green tip which leaked precum down onto his silver frenum piercing
Pert'ah's showy display had you squirming in place, your eyes fixed on his erect member as he stroked himself slowly, the motion drawing your gaze to the glisten of precum that trickled down his shaft, pooling at the base of his penis.
The sight of his erect cock made your mouth water, your inner thighs slickening further in response, the need to feel him inside you reaching a fever pitch. Your fingers involuntarily drummed a rhythm on his leg, urging him to take action.
His golden eyes sparkled with mischief, a challenge in his gaze that he knew you wouldn't be able to resist. He leaned forward, his hand wrapping around your thigh, fingers closing around your calf as he gently but firmly drew your leg up.
"I'm ready when you are, my love," he purred,
you nod, spread and ready for him, he his breath hot against your neck as he slowly dragged his member through the slick folds of your pussy, the tip parting your labia and brushing against your clit.
The sensation was overwhelming, every nerve ending in your lower body singing in delight as he began to rock his hips, slowly pushing his cock deeper into your depths. The sensation of him sliding inside you, the feeling of him filling you completely, was indescribable, aside from heaven and a little (alot) painful
Pert'ah's movements were slow and deliberate, allowing you to adjust to his size, his cock slowly sinking deeper into your slickened core. He knew he had to be gentle, careful not to push too hard, too fast, not yet. He could feel your body tensing up around his, the gentle pain of entry easing as you began to relax.
With a tender touch, Pert'ah cradled your face in his hands, gazing into your eyes, seeing the mix of pain and pleasure there. "You okay, love?" he asked softly, his voice a gentle rumble as he paused in his movements, waiting for your response.
You nodded, taking a deep breath, the pain giving way to pleasure as he started to rock his hips again, his cock sliding in and out of your depths in a steady rhythm, each thrust deeper and more precise, easing you into a comfortable cadence.
Pert'ah's fingers began to trace the outline of your breasts, his touch soft and soothing, drawing your attention to the sensations building within you, making it difficult to focus on anything else besides the pleasure coursing through your body.
"Good girl," he praised, his voice warm and encouraging as he continued to move inside you, filling you completely, stretching you deliciously tight around his shaft.
Pert'ah watched as you stared down at the scene below, your eyes widening as you saw his cock moving in and out of your depths, leaving a trail of wetness and evidence of your shared pleasure. A lump formed in your stomach, and Pert'ah's heart skipped a beat as he realized you were struggling to process this new sensation, this newfound intimacy between you.
His movements slowed, and he lifted your chin, forcing your gaze back up to his. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked again, concern etched in his voice, his golden eyes searching for any sign of distress or discomfort.
As he spoke, Pert'ah continued to move inside you, gentle but insistent, sensing that he needed to ease your mind, reassure you that everything was going to be alright. He wanted to be sure you knew that this was a good thing, that he was here for you, with you, and that he was going to cherish and love you for as long as you'd allow him.
His hands continued their gentle exploration of your breasts, the softness of his touch a stark contrast to the hardness of his body, yet somehow perfectly balanced, creating a rhythm that was both soothing and exhilarating, keeping you grounded as you navigated this uncharted territory.
"Y-you're doing...oh fuck..youre doing amazing," he whispered, his breath hot against your ear, his words dripping with sincerity, encouraging you to continue embracing this new aspect of your relationship, to revel in the raw power of your physical bond.
Slowly, Pert'ah began to pick up speed, his thrusts becoming more deliberate, more purposeful, driving deeper into your depths, filling you entirely, stretching you in ways you hadn't experienced before. Every stroke brought you closer to release, building pressure in your core, threatening to unleash a torrent of pleasure unlike anything you'd ever known.
As he reached the brink of climax, Pert'ah stilled, his body tensing, his hips locked tight against yours, his eyes fixed intently on yours, waiting for permission to finish what he started. "w-where...where can i..?" he huffs, squelches echoing through his cabin with each heavy thrust, his eyes were heavy, lidded as he glanced down at the imprint he formed your stomach as he thrusted inside
"shit...your...you're so gorgeous...gonna..fi-fill you up...make you a mama.." his word go straight to your core, and it just gushes, you spray all over his stomach and cock, showering him in your squirt
the room around him seemed to melt away, replaced by the primal urge to claim you as his own, to brand you with his mark, to show the world you were his and only his.
As Pert'ah watched, mesmerized, the sight of your gushing fluids splashing against his stomach and the base of his cock, his mind was reeling. This was real, this was happening, he could have a family. The thought was both exhilarating and terrifying, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and possessiveness course through his veins.
He let out a satisfied grunt as his orgasm washed over him, his body jerking in reaction, his cock spilling its load deep inside you. The warmth of your inner walls enveloped him, milking him dry, and he collapsed against you, spent but elated.
In that moment, nothing else existed except the two of them, lost in the throes of passion, bound by the threads of their desires and needs. Pert'ah's thoughts swirled with visions of the future, of growing families, of children playing under the sun-kissed skies, of laughter and tears, of memories forged in the fire of their love.
you cry out as he overflows your cunt with his seed, pert'ah heaves and drops down on top of you, panting and whispering praises in aftershock of his first time, you smile softly, snuggling into the bed once again, not caring about the sticky between your legs, you would clean in the morning
As Pert'ah's breathing slowed, his weight shifted, and he curled around you, enveloping you in the warmth of his body. His arms wrapped tightly around your waist, pulling you closer, as if to keep you from ever escaping, to make sure you stayed right where he wanted you.
He nuzzled into your hair, inhaling deeply, filling his lungs with the scent of you. "Mine," he whispered again, the word becoming a mantra as his lips brushed against your scalp.
You felt his heart beating against yours, a steady drumbeat that echoed the rhythm of your own. The comfort of his embrace washed over you, chasing away any lingering doubts or fears. In this moment, there was no denying the power of his claim, the intensity of his possession. You were his, and he was yours, bound together in a dance of love, lust, and desire.
As the silence deepened, the only sound the soft rise and fall of your shared breathing, Pert'ah's hands roamed your body, tracing the curves, the contours, the lines. Each touch was a reassurance, a promise of the pleasures to come, of the life they would build together.
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fearthesilverferret · 2 years
So, I’ve been feeling like shit again and was trying to figure out what could make me feel like my ‘old self’. The one that writes and draws... So, anyone have suggestions? like, some kind of request or stuff like that.
I wanted to try and contribute to the slasher fandom or the monsterfuckers or something but I don’t really know where to start.
Thank you for reading~
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karlachismylife · 1 month
What I need is x afab!reader where reader is as agressively masculine as they get. Where they are just as crass as the men if not worse. Where they get into real fights and have a short temper, with a kind heart, sure, but it's almost overriden. Where they don't have pretty lingerie or heels or dresses, where they cut or even shave their hair off, where they wear fucking axe or sauvage instead of flowery perfumes. I need them with a loud, obnoxious laugh, military boots and wrinkled oversized shirts. I need them manspreading with a beer in hand. I need them with their disappointed mother saying they'll never get a man behaving like that. I need everyone around them to be absolutely sure they are into women only because well they're just a walking stereotype. I need a butch that's gonna step on these big scary men's balls, peg them and ride their face only when they promise to behave.
Don't get me wrong, I love soft reader, feminine reader, crybaby reader, mommy dom reader, lady reader, capable farmer reader, bimbo reader, cute assistant reader, military but girly outside work reader, competent and elegant reader, tough reader, housewife reader, business owner reader, submissive reader. I fucking love reader (saw a post that called them the ultimate Barbie and hell yes), I love women, I will be fighting their men to be with all those above. I will respect the hell outta reader who is the perfect balance (I guess Squeaks by @charliemwrites is like what the balance looks like to me? or maybe it's as close as it gets to what I'm trying to describe here... I dunno, I jut love her. man I'd kill to be with Squeaks, honestly, that's the dream woman. too bad I ain't her type lol)
But I need a tomboy that is kind, but doesn't go suddenly soft and docile, won't put on an apron after the Big Strong Men show them a good time. I need a fucking menace that is just a tad bit too much, there is nuance obvously, but it doesn't change them at core. I need a Lisbeth Salander (without Mikael bullshit) reader, I need a Terminator 2 Sarah Connor reader, I need Mass Effect Jack reader, I need Marvel Nebula reader.
Doesn't apply to COD only either. Give me Gale and Astarion with a huge barbaric orc Tav. Give me slashers that get beaten the shit out of them with a crowbar when they try to attack that punk. Give me Peaky Blinders that have seen their fair share of strong and powerful women, but they are not sure they can even call that creature a woman (make her worse than Kate Leigh and Tilly Devine combined, honestly).
Unwomanly, unfeminine, gender-fucking violent foul-mouthed menace. Yes, I have a type.
If you know any works like this, PLEASE send me the links. Thank you.
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chubbyreaderchan · 2 years
... would y'all be interested in original monster romances/short stories? With my own characters x reader? Including Yautja and such of course but I'd like to spread myself into some original content to help myself continue with my novel... Maybe an original slasher or orc or vampire?
A take on Dracula would be fun or the seelie court?
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Hey hey hey!! It's Athena here! How are you today? Hope you're doing well!
So— I decided to open my goddamn doors and take up
because I feel like, I need to challenge myself somewhat and keep me busy (an excuse to multitask, my mind would spiral out to new ideas and I need to keep me well-fed...in order to make progress and improve) and so here we go!
I tried to be short and concise as possible but here are my request rules and conditions:
— For now, I will focus on character x fem!reader and monster x fem!reader. Maybe in the future I would be good enough to write for other genders! Stay tuned until then♥
— I will mostly accept exophilia (I'm a monster lover, they hold a huge place in my heart)
— send them in my ask box please!
I will accept and write (for):
— Monsters/Non-human race
Which include:
Orcs (top one spot woohoo)
Werewolves/Were-animals (mhm)
Minotaurs (love me taurs)
S-Shark mermen (talking sharks with legs and arms yes)
Aliens (Y E S)
Gnolls (I'll try! I love their cackling)
Dragons ( I swear this list ain't ranked—)
Golems (works about them are pretty rare and I've only read one or two about them and they're pretty 🔥 I love them)
Robots (they're not monsters but they're non-human)
What else hm — oh and Eldritch horrors!
There are others but my memories' foggy right now so just send them in and I'll answer if I'll do them or not!
— Cryptids
— Slashers (I'm still new to the fandom but I'll write for Jason Voorhees and Pyramid Head <3 )
I will:
— Write smut; just be nice... idk how good I am at it. Though I must admit I did write smut for my first fanfic lmao (and it was sum heavy steamy stuff woo!)
— accept anonymous requests <3
— write romantic and fluffy scenarios
— ...do headcannons? I'll try. Depends on what you request, either I'm comfortable with it or not. Just send em!
— write for any time period and au
—do headcanons to an extent of my knowledge :D
I will absolutely not:
— write anything that has to do with incest, r*pe, s**cide, eating disorders, ab*se (any kind), yandere and s3lf h4rm
— do anything heavy on angst
— write p*dophilia!
— write about extreme kinks (I don't feel like naming them, I totally respect if you're into them, but if I don't answer your asks then you'll know why)
— write about degradation (please, I respect if you're into that, but in this safe bubble of mine, we praise the fuck out of our babes)
Additional stuff:
It will seriously depend on my mood and what I'm comfortable with writing. I will try to post as soon as possible, but if it falls down into one of my hyper-fixations then I might get carried away and take longer than expected (tis a secret, it's up to you guys to find that out).
Please be detailed as possible if you want something specific.
Oh, or you can just send in some prompts! You can find a lot of prompt lists in other Tumblr blogs (they specifically post prompts for writers) or when I reblog some!
Other than that anything is welcome!
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littlebitoffanfic · 6 years
Master list (2 of 4)
Victor Crowley x reader Their Woods Their Woods part 2 – Together
Duke x reader A Little Bit Jealous
Pinhead x reader The Hell Priests Bride The Hell Priests Bride part 2 - Home
Jan valentine x reader Lifeless
England x reader Promise Kiss
How the Bowers gang would ask you out How the Bowers gang would defend you How the Bowers gang would react to realising you have a crush on them
Henry Bowers x reader Dating Henry would include Storm Never Lost Broken Study Together Once In A While Gentle Heaven Tutoring
Patrick Hockstetter x reader Fast
Pennywise/IT x reader Circus Act Circus Act part 2
Reginald ‘belch’ Huggins x reader Being in a relationship with Belch head cannons Together His Girl Happy New Year Aint Such A Bad Guy Eventful Evening
 Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wild:
Sidon x reader Afloat An Embarrassing Service
 Little Nightmares:
Roger the janitor x reader Never
 Mafia (2):
Lincoln x reader Eyes Eyes Part 2 Savour
Paulie x reader Found out
Vito x reader Penniless with you
Lee Pace x reader Soup
 Original Works:
Alien x reader Three Knocks (Alien/Kalar x reader) Three Knocks part 2 (Alien/Kalar x reader)
Big Foot x reader Moonlight (Big Foot/Bear x reader)
Orc x reader Emerald Eyes (Orc/Garekk x reader) Emerald Eyes part 2 (orc/Garekk x reader) Right (Orc/Karu x reader)
Eddie x reader Perfect Struggles I suppose it does My Home
Junkrat x reader Arms
 Pirates of the Caribbean:
Barbossa x reader Aye Captain Honourable Honourable part 2 Honourable part 3 Fairy Tale Fairy Tale part 2 Eventful Evening Eventful Evening part 2
Norrington x reader Rum Rum part 2 (forget) Worthy Engagement Celebration Take A Seat
 Pitch Perfect:
Benji x reader Magic
Norman bates Anything for her
 Rick and Monty:
Rick x reader Cookies and Innuendos
 Robin Hood:
Little John x reader Telling The Truth Missed Too Right I Can
First Day
Fitz x reader: Reassurance Mission Accomplished
Mycroft x reader Bored
 Silence of the lambs:
Hannibal lecter x reader Addiction
 Slashers (headcannons):
How the slashers act when you get hurt Falling Asleep Scenario (Thomas Hewitt, Lizard, Chameleon, Jason Voorhees)
 Sofia The First:
Cedric x reader Magic
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ameliathornromance · 4 days
Are you the Final Girl?
Slasher!Orc X Reader
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Chapter 1
The first month of University was always chaotic and stressful. The first time you had returned back to your accommodation from Summer Holidays, were the most hectic and confusing time of the year – ignoring essays and exams of course – and did nothing to help you settle in. However, for your third and final year of study, you had arrived at your accommodation fully prepared and organised.
Your friends were in shock that you were so relaxed upon moving in, as they had not been as prepared as you had. That and almost all of them took radically different courses from one another, which meant that trying to find times where you could all meet up was difficult to do.
Apart from that, the year went off without a hitch and September passed quickly and without incident… almost.
Finding the time to be with your friends and moving back into your accommodation weren’t the main reasons for your stress. At the start of summer, you had been getting these degrading messages from a blank Instagram account. The users name was just a jumble of letters the profile picture remained blank as per standard issue of every new user that signs up to social media, so there was no way to find out who the person was. You had blocked the account at first, but you soon found another account had been made and continued to send you the same awful messages.
After blocking more and more accounts, seemingly created by the same person, you just resolved to ignore them. No matter what you did, they just seemed to keep coming back with full force.
And now, the messages were coming in faster and stronger since the start of the new year.
As you sat in the park, biting your nails as you examined the messages, wondering what you should do, a well manicured hand snatched your phone from your hand. “What’s this?”
“Jennifer!” You yelped as your friend slumped onto the park bench next to you and began to scroll through your DMs with this person. “Give me my phone!”
But she didn’t, instead, she shuffled further up the bench as you reached for the mobile device. Her heavily makeuped eyes skimmed the messages, her acrylic nails clacking as she scrolled.
“(Y/N), what is this?” Her eyebrows furrowed together as she pointed at you accusingly with the phone. “Who is this person?”
You scoffed, “I wish I knew. They just started berating me at the start of last summer.”
“And you blocked them?”
“Do I look stupid? Of course I did!” You snatched your phone back and turned it off, stuffing it back into your jacket pocket.
“What’s up slags?” Joining Jennifer on the other side of the bench and sitting on the floor, sat Jack and Sydney, your two other friends.
“(Y/N)s getting bullied.” Jennifer said to Sydney.
“What?” Jack whipped his head around to look at you from the floor, his thick eyebrows furrowing in concern.
“I’m not getting bullied.” You sighed, annoyed. “You make it sound so childish when you put it like that.”
Sydney dropped her gym bag on the floor beside her as Jennifer added, “well what else do I call it? Someone pushing you around? Shaking you down?”
“You need to report them to the university then,” Jack said, like it was that simple. Luckily, Sydney explained before you could, “there wouldn’t be any point, if you’re getting picked on, you need to know who’s doing the bullying to stop it. The university won’t do anything otherwise.”
You sighed, sinking back into the bench. “It’s fine. They’ll get bored eventually.” Although that’s what you said, you had little hope for it. What was the likelihood that the messages were going to stop after six whole weeks of sending you degrading messages every day? Blocking clearly wasn’t enough of a deterrent to stop them, so what else would?
“What a pathetic little freak.” Jennifer huffed, crossing her arms. “Who sends messages to someone everyday telling them stuff like that?”
An uncomfortable silence washed over the group. Jack broke it, “hey. This is the first time we’ve all been able to meet up since we got here, right?”
Sydney perked up, “you’re right! Now’s the perfect time to make Halloween plans!”
“Halloween is weeks away.” You said, flatly. It was the final few days of September, but your point still stood, “isn’t it too early to be doing something like that?”
“Oh you’re such a party pooper.” Jennifer gave you a dismissive wave, “we should plan something for the 31st. C’mon, everyone, let’s have a look for events!”
Simultaneously, everyone took their phones out from their pockets and began to search for local events.
“There’s a bar opening all night for the 31st.” Jack suggested, looking up at the other members of your group. “Thoughts?”
“Hmm, let’s make a note of it.” Jennifer said, thoughtfully. “Oh, oh!” She nearly jumped out of her seat. “What about this? An open air film night, right here, in the park.”
“What film are they showing?” You asked, curiously.
“It’s down to a poll,” Jennifer explained, “It’s between Scream and Happy Death Day.”
“Won’t it be too cold?” Sydney raised a thin eyebrow.
“Well, they say to bring a blanket.” Jennifer pursed her glossy lips and frowned. “But it sounds like so much fun.”
“What’s so fun about being cold out in the middle of the night? Wouldn’t you be much rather in a bar and warmed up with alcohol?” Jack gave a chuckle, “personally, I’d take the-”
“Oh no.” Jennifer had turned her attention away from her phone and to the park entrance. “It’s him.”
You looked over your shoulder, following Jennifer’s gaze.
In walked the Rugby team from your university… and amongst them was Malike. He was a tall, broad shouldered Orc with deep, mossy green skin and pitch black hair. It had been pulled back into a high ponytail and slicked back with some kind of product. His tusk on the left side of his face had been chipped, leaving it’s base jagged.
“Jen, you’ve been weird about him since he asked me out.” You said, looking away from him. “Malike took it really well, you don’t have to be so…”
“So what?” Jennifer asked, wrinkling her nose in disgust. “I’m allowed to be worried about who’s asking you out. Especially him. Orcs have awful tempers, who knows what would have happened when you rejected him!” Her voice rang out through the park.
“Jennifer keep your voice down!” Sydney hissed.
But it was too late. Malike had already looked around at your group. He saw you, smiled and waved.
You waved back at him, returning his smile.
“Jennifer’s right.” Jack said, looking at the Orc as if his wave was some kind of offensive gesture. “They’re really violent creatures. And he ditched us after you refused to go out with him.”
It’s not that you disliked Malike by any means. He just wasn’t your type.
Although it was true that he went to go and hang out with his classmates rather than his original friendship group that was you and your friends, you felt like you could hardly blame him.
First, you said no to going out with him and that’s when he began to distance himself from the group. You felt bad at first, but understood why. Soon, Jennifer and the others started asking questions.
You wanted to keep what had happened between you and Malike a secret; the last thing you wanted was to make the friendship between him, you and the others awkward. But it became difficult when all Jennifer could do was complain about his distancing from the whole group and ignoring all of them when they were together. She found it strange that he was fine talking to everyone individually, but not together.
Finally, you got tired of her complaints and told her what happened… and, she went nuts. She told you that you could have gotten yourself killed by rejecting him, then proceeded to have a go at Malike for ‘putting you in a difficult situation.’
Jack told you that Malike’s behaviour was ‘psychopathically guilt-trippy’ and Sydney would just snub him during PE classes they shared.
He stopped talking to any of you after that. He was still friendly with you, even though you didn’t talk anymore. You were the only one who tried to apologise for their behaviour. You truly had no idea that they would react the way that they did, but Malike just gave a sad smile. “No, it’s okay, I get it.”
Jack’s comment brought you back to reality, made you snort. “Jack, you literally asked me out and then ditched me at a bar.”
Jack instantly flared up. “I already told you I was sorry! It’s not my fault that I ate those super spicy-”
“Look, the point is,” Jennifer huffed, “is that you shouldn’t even be nice to him. Who knows what he could have done to you.”
“Where are you getting this from?” You asked her incredulously. “It’s not like he was ever violent when he was friends with us and you only started acting like this after I told you what happened.”
“He also plays rugby.” She added, “y’know rugby players screws get a bit more loose when they hit each other on the heads, right?”
You stood up. “What the hell is wrong with you!? He didn’t do anything wrong!” You gave Jennifer a disgusted expression. “Why are you getting so caught up in what could have happened instead of what did?”
“Because I care about you!” Jennifer rolled her eyes. “You’re being so dramatic, (Y/N), sit down.”
You looked around at your other friends, hoping that they would say something to shut Jennifer down. You knew Jack would be no help, he was on the same page as Jennifer, so you looked to Sydney.
But she was adamantly staring at her phone screen, scrolling through some text messages. It was like she’d never even been listening in on the conversation.
“I can’t believe any of you.” You knew that they were protective of you, but didn’t know that they would be so harsh towards one Orc.
“You know what?” You said. “Forget it.” And with that, you stormed out of the park and away from the group.
“Leave it Jen.” Sydney told Jennifer.
How did you wind up with such a bunch of judgemental loons like them?
I have a 7 day free trial on my Patreon! Come and see what I've been writing :)
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ameliathornromance · 5 days
Are You the Final Girl?
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Slasher!Orc x Reader Masterlist
TWS: Murder (obvs), bullying, really awful friends, masked killer, mentions of viscera and descriptions of bodies, typical slasher stuff, mentions of: animal death and cruelty, drugs and getting high.
Divider by @strangergraphics
Chapter 1 - 1/10, 8PM BST
Chapter 2 - 3/10, 11AM BST
Chapter 3 - 8/10, 8PM BST
Chapter 4 - 10/10, 11AM BST
Chapter 5 - TBA
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ameliathornromance · 13 days
Sooo, Halloween is coming up!
I'd like to do something Halloween themed, but I don't have many ideas HOWEVER
I was thinking of doing a Slasher!Orc x Reader, but I'm not sure how up for that you guys would be.
And if I did do this, would you want it to be a one shot or multiple parts spread over October?
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ameliathornromance · 8 months
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Amelia ✧ 20s ✧ infp ✧ 4w5 ✧ she/her ✧ MDNI
BYF/DNI , About Me, Patreon, Click to Support Palestine, Instagram
The Manor House: A Vampire Romance Masterlist
Slasher!Orc x Reader: Are you the Final Girl? Masterlist
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Divider credit
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Of Ice and Blood
Part 8
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Supposedly everything I post consecutively is one part, but I always reach the 250 block limit everytime so I am forced to cut it off! It's all good though, I just hope you don't mind that.
Anyways, enjoy reading! I'll be working on my requests after I post this and the slasher fic in my works.
Edit: Holy sh*t I thought it wouldn't fit but it did! (And I meant the word count you dirty lil thing—) This will be the longest part in the series yet (since 4.3k words fit perfectly)
Pairing: Tai'chi Kashharzol (Orc) x Pearl Blackbell (Fem!Human/Reader)
Word count: 4.3k
Warnings: None :)
Contains: f l u f f (and maybe too much blushing but I have no regrets)
You let the student call the police as you tied up four unconscious men using their clothing. You left when you heard the distant sound of sirens and trusted her to explain what had transpired in the alley. You bid her farewell, resuming your walk to your destination. You breathed out your exhaustion, the little energy you got from a short nap earlier got spent punching people again.
"So...that was..."
"Expected." The orc supplied when you trailed off.
Expected, both disappointing and frustrating. You did your best not to snap at the kid for it and only hoped she understood and learned.
The sun had already sunk long ago, but there was still a myriad of warm colors. Very subtle, but there. Each passing second transitioning it into a darker shade until little specks of light became visible. The sky...black in a matter of minutes. Street lamps lit your path as shops both closed and opened for the night with people saying hello and goodbye.
"Thank you, by the way. For uh, earlier." You got careless. Too careless than you usually are.
You shivered at the thought of what might've been the outcome.
He only nodded, along with a grunt of affirmation beside you.
"Are you mad?" you whispered. Was he angry at you being a stupid idiot and rushing straight into danger?
"No, just, "—he sighed, rubbing his forehead with his fingers—"worried." His scent was clearly not just of worry. He was also scowling.
Tai'chi was very worried about you, he always had ever since you met, which wasn't long but he felt a strong need to protect you, even if you could handle yourself well on your own. Oh, but he was angry, enraged within at those men who harmed the poor student, especially at the one who almost stabbed you at the back. If they were in his stronghold they would've been fed to the wargs.
No, he would've torn them apart himself.
You didn't speak again until you arrived at your place, finally. You're not rich and even if you were you have no desire to live in those luxurious and super expensive condos. You preferred to have something homey, small, as long as it had what you needed for comfort and safety, you were content.
It also saves a lot of money for future expenses and emergencies.
"So, uhm, welcome." You said as you unlocked your door after several tries on putting the key in. Tai'chi ducked considerably under it, his large frame barely making it through.
You took off your shoes, placed them on the side, and kept your socks on. He followed suit, taking off his boots, coming out barefooted.
It wasn't smelly, which was pretty surprising.
You headed to your kitchen and prepare dinner for both of you, but a hand on your shoulder stopped you in your tracks.
"I will cook." Tai'chi spoke and you immediately replied, stuttering.
"I-I should be the one cooking for you! It's not right. I'm the host and you're the guest it shouldn't be—"
"Pearl, I will cook." He asserted, his voice deep and confident, you sighed as it made you relent. You'd make a mess if you did anyway, might chop your hand off with a knife or dunk your head in the pot.
"Fine. But next time I'll do something for you instead," you groaned.
The orc grunted once before he stepped past you and into your kitchen while you plodded to your room.
Tai'chi paused for a moment to take in the details of your house. It was fairly small. From where he stood, his head was a foot away from touching the ceiling. To his left was an open way to what he assumed was the living room where he could make out half of a brown couch facing away from him. He also noticed a couple of framed photos hanging on a faded orange wall. Tai'chi glanced in the direction where you disappeared, he could hear the faint sound of the shower going on.
Not wanting to waste any more time, he started preparing dinner for the two of you, making use of what was present in your humble home. You had a similarly humble kitchen with a simple stovetop and double-door cupboards.
A decent-sized (a/n: everything is small to him okay) refrigerator sat in the corner where he found some meat in its freezer, quite a huge portion for such a small person like you, but then again he witnessed firsthand how much you could eat, and eat like an orc you did. Tai'chi reached inside to grab the meat but met resistance. He subconsciously yanked the frozen thing off, his eyes widened when he realized what he did, nearly topping over the whole appliance. Tai'chi sheepishly adjusted the refrigerator back in its place, before he looked for other ingredients while he carefully moved around to avoid any more mishaps.
You went inside your bedroom, groggy and disgusting as you pulled off your clothes and threw them in a basket just outside your bathroom. You stepped inside and took a long, hot, well-deserved shower to get that dried sweat and blood off of your body. After you rinsed down, you sunk yourself in your little tub, sighing in content as you tried your best not to fall asleep. You shuddered and trapped yourself in a daze, enjoying the hot water around your naked form, relaxing in the aromatherapy you made for yourself as you hummed a tune, letting your thoughts wander.
The precision of that throw was simply scary. But also cool...mm. Awesome.
I wonder what happened to the Silverstones...
Courting, huh...who would've thought I'd be courted by an orc. I wonder what that entails...
Wait, I'll be courting him too, right?
You got out when the wrinkling started. Your muscles were still aching but less so than before. You used a towel to dry down before wearing a black oversized shirt, you had about 6 of them in your wardrobe 'cause hey, not one to dress up fancy and flashy. Plus blood gets splattered on your clothes a lot, it would be a waste of time and money. You also slipped inside your favorite pair of dark grey joggers, the one you always wore when you were at home. They were comfy!
You let your hair fall over your shoulders and back since it was still damp. When you got out the scent of cooked food engulfed you, wafting from your right.
Oh, how mouth-watering it was.
You tiptoed to your kitchen to peek at what Tai'chi cooked up. Unfortunate when you couldn't see anything with his broad physique was blocking your line of sight on the table.
"I could smell you, you know."
You almost, almost let out a yelp. You wiped your drool with the hem of your shirt.
"I- uh-"
He chuckled, "You must be starving. I—" Words died in his throat when he turned around to look at you.
He gawked.
You surprised him for the nth time today. There you stood before him, relaxed and freshly cleaned up, a whiff of mint reached his nose, your shampoo perhaps, mixed with your scent. You didn't have your mask on, which gave him a full look at your face, your lips were a little chapped, half-lidded eyes showing your exhaustion.
"Is there something on my face?"
"N-No." He stuttered as he tried to get something out. "Ehem, no. You just look... I'm done with dinner, you— we should eat, and then we can talk." Tai'chi said as he moved to take a chair and sat across you. You let that go, in favor of sating your hunger.
His cheeks were a bit darker in shade than his skin, but that slipped away as the dinner in front of you grabbed your full attention. It looked and smelled like pork curry. Was it pork curry? It's like something straight out of a Ghibli movie.
Bite-sized chunks of meat, diced potatoes, and carrots coated with a rich syrupy brown soup together with a modest –at least to both of you– portion of rice next to it. It was simple, but the way it tempted your senses implied that there was something more than what meets the eye, and your nose.
Or it's your gluttony speaking, probably.
You picked up your spoon and wondered if it's as good as it appears to be. You gulped, audibly.
You brought a small portion into your mouth, nearly falling off of your seat as you resisted the urge to make any sound that would outright embarrass you, but lo, as you took another spoonful, you couldn't stop yourself from letting out a moan. Your eyes widened and immediately covered your face with two hands as you felt it heat up.
You chewed and swallowed before you squeaked out, "I-I-I'm so sorry! It- It's just so yummy and tasty and I— it's amazing, and uh..." You trailed off and groaned, at a loss of words in your embarrassment. You risked to part your fingers and peek at him. He met your gaze and you hid again. His cheeks were in a darker hue than before. Was he flustered like you? Oh no, you shouldn't have done that, now he will think you're being weird!
Tai'chi cleared his throat and you removed your hands but refused to make eye contact with him, your face still hot.
"We... We should eat." He said, stiff and trying to seem indifferent. But that sound you made would forever be engraved into his mind, it was both cute, and, well, sensual.
Okay fine, it was somehow arousing, but he has it under control, he will keep his damn urges in check, even if it means jumping out of the window just to make sure he won't scare you away. He's an orc of honor for goodness' sake, he swore an oath, he will keep it.
You ate fast but paused to savor the food, minus any embarrassing noises, thankfully. The curry was rich and a bit spicy, the pork was soft and tender as you chewed at it easily, juicy as it is, along with the potatoes and carrots, both cooked and prepared with obvious care. You almost cried from the combination of flavors you nearly forgot it was just curry you're eating.
But damn, this is the best curry you've eaten your whole life.
It was minutes later when you finished your fourth heaping plate of food. Tai'chi had five. He made a lot which was great, considering how your plates were wiped clean as if they weren't used in the first place.
Damn, you ate like you didn't eat for a week.
With some regained energy, you stood and took the dishes before Tai'chi could even stop you, putting them in the sink and washing them, quick and thorough. Once you were done with that, you went back to your seat, ducked your head, and stared at your lap.
"I... Thank you for the food. It was really delicious and great and everything! And, uhm, you made the pork curry like a pro and I never tasted anything so fulfilling, —my mother will beat me if she heard that—and it was a simple curry but I, it's just so, so—" you huffed, "mind-blowing!" You were rambling, you knew. You looked up when he didn't say anything.
H-He's grinning...
"Thank you. I pride myself in my skill in the kitchen and I'm happy what I made for you was satisfying." Tai'chi thumped his chest, showing that he was very honoured to hear your words. He's never telling you he almost broke your fridge though.
"It was great!" You exclaimed right after him, throwing your hands up. It was truly great. He grinned even wider at this, that dark shade still present in his cheeks, though you were no better as you could feel the warmth on your own.
"Then I am beyond happy and honored to hear that from you," liga lul, he stated, only saying of the last part in his head.
You smiled at each other.
"Is now a good time to discuss my kind's courting rituals?" Taichi asked after a minute of sitting there in silence.
"Y-Yes, please," you replied. "So, how do orcs court someone?"
He straightened up in his seat.
"We show off to the one we're interested in, basically speaking. Ranging from skills in fighting to proving that we could provide for our...mate." He paused, watching you closely.
You nodded for him to continue. Not gonna lie, that last part made your heart skip a beat. Mate, huh.
"We," he coughed, "we also chase or fight off other suitors, be it threatening them or engaging them in battle. And if they attempt to kidnap or hurt the person courted in any way, they will suffer the wrath of an orc."
"So, they'll...die?"
"Yes, or so that's what it usually was back home. Here, in this city, it's a crime to kill someone just for that reason, but it is law among us. No one would bat an eye if someone gets beheaded just because they were foolish enough to insult the person an orc is courting."
"Oh," pretty brutal but okay. "Is there an option where they don't get murdered or..." You asked, waving your hand around. Killing because of an insult is going overboard, in your opinion, but then again, anyone would be furious if their potential partner gets slandered or taken away forcefully.
"When the courted wills it. It is always up to them to decide the fate of those who tried to harm them, and the orc must take their words into action."
"Oh, good. I really don't want you getting in trouble just because someone called me a freak and all," you said. You looked at your hands, calloused and a little rough from experience. Scars were littered over your body and you hid them well from any curious eye with your long sleeves and pants. Though right now, some of the scars on your arms were visible.
You jerked when you felt his large hand grab your arm and moved along to yours, rubbing his thumb on the back of it, his brows furrowed as he looked at you.
"They are wrong to call you that."
"And everyone's a piece of shit to call you a beast, a savage, or a murderer," you followed up in an instant.
His expression softened, and you smiled, ignoring how your heart hammered in your chest as he continued to caress your hand.
Tai'chi could feel your pulse, beating so fast he was scared for your health. But he was happy to know he could make you feel this way, his own heart was thumping loudly in his chest too.
"As I said before, we would show that we could provide for our potential partners. We would bring to them our best kills from hunts, offer gifts crafted by ourselves if we have the skill, if not, we will buy them tokens and things that remind us of them or what pleases them."
"Wait," you interrupted, "when you insisted on cooking dinner, was that a part of courting?"
He gave you a small smile as he scratched his sideburns, sheepish like a little child caught stealing candy.
"Yes." He answered, rather quiet than his usual booming voice.
"Uhm, I must say, it was really amazing. Your cooking, I mean. And thank you, again."
"The pleasure's all mine," he replied. "Building houses or fixing the courted's current one is also a part of it."
"You're not gonna build me house right away, are you?" You joked, but then he didn't reply. "Wait, you're serious? But we're still studying and—"
"I am serious about building a house for, uh, the two of us," he interrupted, "but yes, I understand our current situation won't allow that to happen...yet."
"H-How long does the courting last?" You couldn't help but ask. He's talking about building you a house someday and you don't even know how old he is! No connection to what you're fumbling about but yeah, your mind is messed up. You are curious though...his age.
"It usually lasts for six months, to give time to get to know each other but also not prolong the courting stage so they could proceed to the next, but there are times when it lasts longer than that. You will have absolute control over how fast or slow we proceed in the courtship. That means it's up to you on when to end it and decide whether you'll...take me as your mate, or turn me down."
"Sounds pressuring but okay." You want to, like, combust right now.
He chuckled.
"Pressuring? No, no, please do not be pressured. Your word is law and I will face death by my family's ax if I disobey your final decision."
"Again with the death thingy!" You were appalled at how extreme orcs were.
"Us orcs are very strict and firmly tied to our traditions, but I can say we are changing. It is slow, but change nonetheless."
"I have a question," you raised your free hand out of habit.
Tai'chi nodded.
"I hope this is won't offend but how old are you?"
There, you said it. Oh fuck, you hoped it wasn't offending. Shit it was— asking his age, seriously?
"How old do you think I am?" He questioned, teasing you, a smirk on his lips catching you off guard.
"What? Noooo that's not an answer! I can't guess, you might get angry."
"I won't," he supplied right after. Why would he be? In fact, he is pretty much enjoying himself just watching you fidget with your ears slightly tinted pinkish. By the gods, he wants to touch them.
You sighed.
You stared at him, avoiding eye-contact as you tilted your head to get a good look at his features. He had a long and narrow scar you didn't spot before, in a lighter green color on the left side of his face. It wasn't noticeable if you stare at him up-front. It went down his neck and ended just above his collar bone. You wondered what caused it.
The orc was rough, his double tusks sharp and intimidating, even horrifying to another set of eyes but to you, he was attractive and rugged, his scent alluring and you only found him more fascinating each passing second. The scars he had enticed your curiosity but you weren't gonna ask about it, yet.
You always thought the standards set by society are rather absurd. You looked back at the time when someone asked you what your type was, along with showing you different pictures of men, human men, which were deemed "hot" (with quotation marks, yes) by most people. You didn't answer because; one, you don't know them; two, you couldn't tell what their personality was because you can't scent them; and three, it only annoyed you. People found you even weirder after that. Ironically deeming you senseless for not having an eye for beauty. No taste or missing out, they said.
But one's beauty wasn't found in sight alone.
You hummed to yourself. His hair was rich black, no trace of graying, so maybe he's not so old? 30s? How fast do orcs grow up? Do they even age? What do they look like when they were children?
You were brought back to the present when he gently squeezed your hand.
"Oh— uh, 35?" You blurted out, a bit panicked. As far as you know no one is as....buff as him in your age— but wait he's an orc!
"Oh no wait that's—"
You were cut off by a loud snort followed by a boisterous laugh coming out of Tai'chi, making you more embarrassed than you already are. His guffaw shook your apartment you swear your neighbors are filing a noise complaint tomorrow with how much he was laughing and you raising your voice.
"No," he said, "no actually, I'm still in my 23rd year. Do I really look that old?" He questioned as he chortled.
"23rd?! But you're— you're," you gestured at him. He's just five years older than you (which isn't long period of time you think) but he's— he's fucking huge! What the hell did they eat up North?
"Yes," he laughed again, amused by your reaction. "Believe it or not I am. Orcs begin training at age 6" he shifted the topic, "The adults would let them choose their desired weapon and craft to pursue, but also allowed them to experience all selections, from swords, battle axes, hammers, and many more, along with skills and crafts like hunting, blacksmithing, combat, construction, even basket weaving.
"I went on my first hunt when I was 12 and brought a stag back home. I tamed my first warg at 15, named him Nadul, Orcish for 'night'."
"6 year old me snuck out of the house during nap time to collect twigs in the woods while you were wielding weapons and—"
"That is correct,"
"And you had a pet warg?" You knew what wargs are, you read about them when you were in high school, along with other animals that fascinated you. They looked like large wolves with the stature of an adult grizzly bear and can carry a full-grown orc into battle.
"Have," he corrected, his fluffy buddy was still very much alive and well the last time he went back to visit his home, which was three months ago. He doubted anything could take down Nadul, not even a Frostbear, he was the one who trained him after all.
"I still can't believe you're 23. You look so..."— you were not gonna say old, no— "mature."
"At a different rate from humans, yes."
Of course they do. You got so much to learn about orcs, and him.
"And you? How old are you?"
"Oh? You look 13 with how little you are,"
You didn't expect him to be playful like this, but you went along.
"Hey! I'm only small compared to you, you giant!" True, you were a tad shorter than most girls your age but it has its perks! You'd save a lot of money from buying clothes just because you grew rather slowly. "And in fact, I'm still growing!"
"So am I." He grinned, smugness painted all over his face.
"Noooo, if you keep growing you won't fit through the doorway!" You whined, pouting at how much of a tease he was being.
He found it adorable, the way your lower lip was upturned as you looked at him. The sudden urge to pat you rose but he didn't act on it.
"Do not worry, us orcs stop growing in our 25th year," or not. "And I will make sure to feed and treat you good so you'll become taller!" he stated confidently. Tai'chi was about to laugh again, but he froze with his jaw open when you turned real red, your ears tinted and your lips quivered, unable to speak out anything.
That last part, made your face feel like fire just kissed it, twice. Panicked and having no idea what to retort, you let your head fall on the table with a thud. You gripped his hand tight and took silent breaths to calm your thumping heart down.
"Y-Yeah... I..I l-look forward to that, Tai'chi." You were able to say that at least.
He gave a soft grunt as he looked at you on the table.
You were very flustered, he scented. His comment-sort-of-declaration was clearly the reason. But oh, he had no regrets. He will make sure you're healthy and well-fed, and it's just one way of showing off with his skills.
That's only the beginning.
You were in for some Orcish surprises.
You sat in comfortable silence again for a while, just taking in each other's scents, soothing and calming your hammering heart. Tai'chi continued to caress your hand, gentle for such a big orc like him. He could snap your neck with two fingers alone, but he remained careful like he was holding a thing so delicate.
Tai'chi could feel your pulse slow down to a normal rate, your scent shifted to that of a relaxed state and something fuzzy. He can't call you his yet, you just met today but you already got him wrapped around your tiny fingers. First, he will court you and show his admiration, prove his worth. And you, yourself, turning it into love the more you spend time together, he knows it will.
And he'll surely be damned to let this chance slip. Not once did he took interest in getting a mate before, his mind too busy and filled with his responsibilities along with studies in other kind's culture, and taking care of his siblings.
But back then and there, something pulled on his heart, the way your eyes stared into his for seconds that felt longer than eternity itself. An exaggeration, but that's what he felt.
He found you.
You were about to doze off so you removed your head from the table and tried to blink away your sleepiness, the light hurting you a little. You should get to bed soon, your first class starts at 8 in the morning. You stared at Tai'chi, admiring that blue eyes of his, its hue similar to that of lapis lazuli, you thought.
"I should take my leave now. We need to rest, especially you." Tai'chi said when he saw how tired you appeared, you were barely keeping your eyes open. He stood up from his seat, lightly pulling you up with him. You shook your head, rubbing your eyes as you led him to your door.
"Keep safe," you bid once he was ready to go.
"You as well... I will see you tomorrow."
"Mm, g'night."
Tai'chi breathed through his nose before he placed a kiss on your forehead. It was brief, but it sent a pleasant warmth all over your body. You were too sleepy to even bother being shy now, so you only smiled at him.
"Goodnight, lak'mar lul." He gazed at you, sighing before he stepped out of your apartment.
You stood there for a moment before you checked your door and made sure it was deadlocked. You killed the lights off as you sluggishly trudged to your bed. Darkness enveloped your home, a welcome one. You crawled to the middle and tucked yourself under the dark blue cotton sheets.
You were out like a light once you settled down. Much too many things happened right after another, draining you to an exhaustingly low point. You only prayed you'd feel better in the morning.
Your last thought was about how warm the orc was, and how, for some reason, his scent, his presence, felt like a home you never had, which was saying something since you had encountered a lot of scents in your life, both good and bad. You hugged your pillow tight as you succumbed to a dreamless slumber.
I'm putting this off for a bit to give time for requests and other WIPs. But if a random continuation pops out I'll have to write it down and set it aside for editing later.
Thank you for reading!
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littlebitoffanfic · 6 years
The one that contains those fics you're currently about to write.
I have the following to write:
Currently in progress:
Creeper x reader (Jeepers creepers) 2 x Slashers x reader headcannons (various) Abe sapien x reader (hellboy)TMNT x reader scenario (TMNT) Vincent x reader (house of wax) Percy x reader head cannons (harry potter)
In Line:
Roger x reader part 2 (little nightmares) Wilt x reader (FHFIF) Jane the killer x reader Nubbins x reader (TCM) Blue eyes x reader (Planet of the apes) Lizard x reader (Hills have eyes) 4 tmnt x reader scenarios/fics (TMNT) Riff raff x reader (rocky horror)
I have a few other ideas that have been suggested for some ‘monster’requests, mainly orcs. And I might have some that ive not saved in the correctplace but im pretty sure this is it for now.
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