nicolefirekitty · 1 year
Hmm, what if when the Skyloftians left the sky they vaguely still looked like Zonai. Like they had much longer ears, little markings that resembled a closed third eye, and slightly sharper teeth. But after a few generations they turn into Hylians while those that stayed up in the clouds turned into the Zonai we know.
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linkvcr · 8 months
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braids :]
idea from @arecaceae175 [ty :D]
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Your art is so clean and crisp and fantastic, and I just wanted to tell you that you’re amazingly talented and I love your art :)
😳 oh wow! Thank you so much! I absolutely adore your writing! You do such a great job with the dynamic of the Chain but I especially love your fics featuring Twilight’s and Warriors’ dynamic (Beautiful and Snow are two of my faves!).
Thank you again! 🥰🥰
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candy8448 · 1 year
Sky's dark world form would definitely be a remlit
I am so convinced of this
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Like, they are adorable, soft little guys who just sit there all day
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But then they can be really angry and demonic feral gremlins
I mean, how is that litterally not the definition of Sky's character?!?
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Edit: i ended up drawing it
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skyward-floored · 6 months
C-can I make a request…? (Please feel free to ignore if you’d rather not!)
HDW parent-child comfort? Maybe Volga gets a chance to comfort Link, or Impa can comfort him? Idk girl I’m just starving for comfort and warm fuzzy vibes and cuddles lol
Yes you may! (though I will say requests are closed so nobody send me more thanks <3)
It took me a while to contrive a situation where Impa would feel comfortable snuggling but I think I made it work! You’ll have to forgive me for the angst there ended up being, but there is comfort and cuddles I promise 😂
It’s not a dangerous wound.
Head wounds always bleed a lot, and almost always look worse than they are, so there’s no need for her to panic.
Yet despite how many times Impa tells herself these words, she can’t seem to banish the dread in her gut at the memory of seeing Link get slammed to the ground by an aeralfos’s shield, and not get up even after it had been killed by another soldier.
She shouts his name as he goes down, but the battle is a mess, and Impa is stuck in a fight of her own and can’t immediately get to Link. She manages a glimpse of him through the hordes, blood all over his face, and her heart stops as she fights even more viciously.
By the time she finally forces her way past the monsters in her path, Link is already being carried out of battle by a handful of medics. Impa wants to stop right there and follow them and demand to know if he’s okay, but they’re at a crucial point in the battle, and leaving now would be disastrous.
They wouldn’t be carrying him off if he wasn’t alive, he’s alive, calm down, she berates herself, but for some reason her hands won’t stop shaking.
The moment Cia’s monsters retreat and the men raise up a cheer, Impa makes a beeline for the medical tent, ignoring the questions lobbed at her by various army personnel. Link has certainly been injured before, but there’d been so much blood on him...
The medics are expecting someone to come looking for Link apparently, and the moment she steps inside the medical tent, she’s whisked off to a more private corner, curtains blocking the area from both the sounds and sights of anyone walking by.
And immediately sees Link lying silently on a bed, nearly as pale as the bandage around his head.
Impa exhales as she goes to his side, and watches his chest go up and down for a moment. The blood has been cleaned from his face at least, but he’s unnaturally still, and pale.
But he’s breathing.
“How is he?” Impa asks, and the medic beside Link hums.
“He has a concussion along with the laceration the shield left, but we’ve stopped the bleeding. He woke up enough to handle a potion about fifteen minutes ago,” she reports. “He’ll likely be disoriented for a while while the potion works through him. He may need another at a later point, but overall, he should be fine with some rest,” the medic smiles. Impa nods, still trying to ease the fear constricting her.
See, he’s fine, they said he’ll be fine, he just needs rest. He’s fine.
Link’s chest goes slowly up and down again, and Impa swallows.
“I’ve got some other patients to check up on, I’ll leave you to visit,” the medic says, seeming to sense her presence isn’t wanted, and she slips out from the curtain, leaving Impa alone with her son.
It’s rather quiet with her gone.
Impa exhales again, and looks at Link, pale and quiet, seeming unusually small under the thin blanket that he’s tucked under. There’s still blood matted in his hair, and Impa hesitates, then reaches forward, gently teasing some of it out.
It falls almost dust-like onto his pillow, and she brushes it off, intent on not thinking about how close Link came to dying and how she couldn’t do a thing to help him.
She can still see hear his cry as he’d fallen to the ground.
“Link?” Impa asks immediately, leaning over him as his face twitches.
It takes him a minute, but he blearily opens his eyes, pupils unevenly sized as he blinks up at her. The sight of his blues, even dazed as they are, eases the fear in her chest somewhat, and she swallows as he stares.
“‘mpa?” he slurs, and she nods, unable to stop her exhale. He’s fine, see, he’s awake, relax. “Wh’...?”
“You were injured, Link. You got hit rather hard in the head with a large metal shield,” Impa explains slowly. Link scrunches up his face like he’s trying to remember such an event happening. “You’re currently in the medics tent.”
Link slowly blinks at her, not a whit of comprehension in his gaze.
“Yes, a shield hit you. Hard.”
The memory of blood flashes in Impa’s vision again, and she very pointedly ignores it as Link’s eyes scrunch in confusion.
“Where’s... m’ shield?” he mumbles.
“It’s with your other gear, Link. It’s safe.”
"Oh..." he trails off, and slowly blinks. "...Wh' happen?"
Impa sighs. The medic had said he’d be disoriented. "You were injured, Link. You're resting in the medical tent."
He hums in reply, and slowly rolls his head to the side so he can look at her more easily, eyes trailing hazily across her face. The unsure, almost guarded look that’s been on his face whenever he’s looked at her lately is completely absent, nothing but open trust and bleary confusion.
It’s... almost more painful, in a way.
Impa swallows, and sits on the stool that’s been left beside his bed, Link’s eyes flickering at the noise. He stares at her again, and blinks, a little frown pulling at his cheeks.
“Don’t cry,” he murmurs.
“...Link, I’m not crying,” Impa replies slowly, and Link stretches a hand in the vague direction of her face, obviously rather uncoordinated.
“Eyes’r red,” he says worriedly, and somehow manages to land a hand on her cheek. “Looks like... if you’re cryin’.”
Impa can’t help letting out a soft chuckle as he clumsily tries to wipe away an imaginary tear, and she gently pulls Link’s hand off her cheek, setting it back at his side. “I haven’t been crying, Link. My eyes are naturally this color.”
Link squints at her, face disbelieving, then he frowns.
“I want red eyes,” he says in a sad voice, and Impa brushes his hair away from where it had fallen in his eyes.
“Blue eyes are just as nice as red,” she says patiently, gently picking some more of the blood from his hair. She's talked to her share of concussed people, but concussed Link is... especially curious to speak with. “I’ve always liked blue, actually.”
“Oh... okay. I guess blue... 'r nice."
Link leans into her touch, and Impa holds her hand there longer than she would have otherwise, his eyes slipping closed again. He doesn’t speak for a minute, and Impa almost thinks he’s fallen asleep when he softly grunts.
“I don’t feel good,” he mumbles. “C'n you fix it?”
The way his voice wavers makes something squeeze in her chest. “I’m afraid not. The red potion should help fix you up soon Link, but it’s going to take a little while. You’ll just have to be patient.”
“Head hurts... ‘n stomach.”
“You have a concussion, that’s not surprising,” Impa sighs. “But the red potion should help with that. They’ll both fade, you’ll be all right.”
“Left,” he mumbles, and Impa raises a confused eyebrow. “‘M left-handed. Not right.”
Impa breathes a soft chuckle. “That you are. My apologies.”
Link goes quiet again, and Impa watches him, his face slightly pinched in discomfort. She’s unable to stop herself from studying his face as the silence stretches between them, idly picking out the features he shares with her and his father.
He’s got Volga’s hair, though it’s paler then his, a hint of his Sheikah blood coming through. His nose is hers, as is the overall shape of his face, but his eyes are solely how Volga’s used to be, blue and bright.
Looking at him, you'd never guess he had such unusual blood.
Link must feel her gaze on him, as he opens his eyes and looks at her again. His eyes are eyes half lidded, but focused on her face, and a frown appears on his lips as pain suddenly ripples across his expression. His forehead crinkles, discomfort suddenly more obvious as he shifts in his bed, and Impa leans forward, looking at him with worry.
He squeezes his eyes shut, then opens them again, looking at her with a truly miserable expression.
“...Hurts,” he whispers.
And maybe it’s the time of voice he uses, maybe it’s the mixture of tears and dizziness in his eyes, or the fact that he just looks so young and small and hurt lying there, but Impa abruptly gives in to the side of herself begging to do something other then just sit here.
He likely won't remember any of this tomorrow anyway.
She stands up from her stool as Link lets out a soft groan, and sits herself on the bed, gently sliding him over so she can sit beside him. Her plan was to merely provide comfort by sitting there, but Link almost immediately latches onto her, curling himself halfway on her lap.
Impa can’t really breathe for a few seconds as her son nestles up to her, face still pained, but more relaxed then before. She watches him as he tries to get settled, but he seems to be having trouble finding a comfortable position for his head.
So Impa throws her remaining caution to the wind, and does something she hasn’t done since Link was a baby.
She slowly, carefully, slides him up, shifting him around so his head is resting on her shoulder. Then she begins to gently pet his hair, her fingers trembling a little.
Link goes still, then relaxes, the pain easing on his face.
“There you go...” she says quietly, still slowly running a hand through his hair. She’s careful to avoid the bandages, making sure her fingers only card through hair, and Link about melts under her touch.
A soft sigh escapes him, and Impa swallows, the fact that this is the first time she’s held Link since he was tiny not lost on her.
She quickly blinks back the sting in her eyes.
A sound almost like purring suddenly vibrates from Link’s throat, soft and faint, just loud enough that Impa can hear it. She blinks at him in surprise, but Link doesn’t notice, well on his way to falling asleep.
Impa keeps petting his hair as he dozes against her, the little rumbly noises still coming from his throat. He nuzzles up to her a little more, and Impa pulls his blanket up around his shoulders, holding him just a bit tighter as he finally drifts off.
It's unlikely he'll have any memory of this occurring, Impa quietly soothing him as he falls asleep in her arms.
But that's okay.
Holding him again after so long, gently teasing the last bits of blood from his hair, his head resting under her chin as he softly rumbles... it's enough.
She closes her eyes, and Link sighs again, fully asleep.
It's enough.
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vaathnaos · 1 year
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Hey i just wanted to say that Breath of the sky, the fic writen by @skyloftian-nutcase, is awsome and you should read it if you haven’t yet!!
Anyway i really liked that scene from chapter 9 where Link just poses on the throne with Zelda. The drawing is loosely based on that and i wanted to make’em look cute.
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majorproblems77 · 6 months
Festival of Light - Skyloftian New Year
I had some interest so here it is! Now I cant draw to save my life so this is very much a wall of text. That's why I've got a read more for you :)
What is it?
The Festival of Light, or Skyloftian New Year's, is an event that takes place around the longest day of the year. (summer solstice for us. - So June time But in our case the skyloftian calendar begins here.)
What it's for?
It's the celebration of the year thats past, as well as looking to the year ahead. The skyloftians do this to remember where they've come from and where they are yet to go.
What happens on the main day? (Run down)
Loftwing riders 'bring the sun' from beyond the horizon. Rituals are performed by not only the riders but the townsfolk too. There are skyloftian dances, and a huge feat to celebrate the coming of the sun.
Skyloftians are expected to stay awake for the duration of the entire celebration. (The 24 hours after the riders leave). Families create lanterns to decorate their houses and the town with food for the feast that feeds the whole town.
After the riders have left is a moment of reflection, with gentle music to remember the year that's gone by.
When the riders arrive, the feast is had and as the sun continues to rise toasts and wishes for the new year are had.
Sky's place in the festival
Sky has performed in every part of the festival, his most noteworthy being the flight path the year of demise defeat. (As you can imagine that went down a treat with Zelda, who tried to fight the result of the choosing of Sky right after his journey. But Sky insisted on performing the flight.)
He was granted the green harness and it was decorated with the exploits of his journey, with feathers from Zelda, Groose and the headmaster. (Though almost everyone in Skyloft offered a feather which Sky made into a separate sash which he wore the day of the flight.)
Sky performs in the flight of tomorrow at least once while with the chain, but is exempt from being chosen for the sun flight due to this adventure he is on.
More detail about the stages of the festival are below. Including preparation stages, As the stages begin almost six months before close to the shortest day of the year.
Six months before
Day of Free Spirits (Winter Solstice festival) - I'll happily talk about this one too but the important part is this.
On the day of free spirits, all suitable Loftwing riders (over the age of 18) are chosen to select a box. Three of The boxes contain a blank night harness while the others contain normal loftwing harnesses.
The three-night harness riders are those chosen three riders for the Festival of Light. And must begin preparations with their loftwing to prepare them for the sun flight.
The harnesses are, Red, Green and Blue. (The green one is recent)
(To allow for fairness, the one's who flew in the year before are not given a box - due to being the ones to prepare the boxes)
Six month time span before festival - night flight training
Over the six months, these three riders are given night-time loftwing flight training, (even experienced riders are given this.) They often take up nightshift above Skyloft to get themselves and their loftwings used to flying for extended periods of time.
During this training, the riders hand off the night harnesses they were given to family and friends. To decorate the harnesses with the stories from the person from the year.
Key items added to the harnesses are loftwing feathers from the flier's closest relatives. They are often embroidered with names of loved ones, key events ect etc.
Harnesses are not given back to the riders until a week before the celebration is set to begin so exploits are added to the harness until this point.
(So, For example, Skyward sword Link, (Sky, because this spanned from an LU fanfic) was handed one of the harness boxes the celebration following his defeat of demise. So his harness was decorated with the tales of his adventure to defeat the demon king.)
During this time they also practice the flight path a few times.
Three months before the festival - Ceremonial outfits
Sun Riders are fitted for their ceremonial outfits. these are knighthood outfits based on the colour of the harness they received.
What's key about these outfits is that they are imbued with golden thread, in skyloftian terms this is an indication of the goddess's blessing over the garments to protect them from the darkness as they bring the light.
I see them as more, refined Knight Academy outfits. Embroidery often includes loftwings and the sun.
Three months before the festival - The secondary flyers
At this time, volunteers are chosen to perform the Dance of Tomorrow, A flight 'performance' performed after the main flight team returns to the skyloftian settlement.
This dance is a set performance that the skyloftians have been performing for generations. It's designed to depict the passage of time from the past ( the flyers grabbing the sun) To the future.
Week before festival - lanterns and feast preperations
Skyloftian families create lanterns, each house has three decorating their doors and then they make several more to string across the town.
Each one is decorated with family memories, loved ones key life events etc. (Normally parents and children will make separately but this differs from family to family)
The Knight Academy creates one per student to decorate the halls with. (Apart from the flight riders, theirs are made for them)
This is also the time to begin preparations for the feast. Each family creates a dish for the collective town to share. Could be food, drinks etc.
These are agreed upon amongst the community. So there's not a bunch of pumpkin pie/ soup.
Day before festival
Tables and lanterns are set up, with the main grounds for celebration, the riders are given time to tack up their loftwings with the ceremonial harnesses to check they fit etc.
Riders are given their favourite foods and packs for the journey. As the trip is a long one, filling water skins and food packs etc.
Departure (24 hour period of wakefulness begins)
The riders are sent in the late hours of the night before. With the whole town sending them off with quiet goodbyes.
The final thing said to the flyers before they depart is
"May you bring Hylia's light on the back of your loftwing's"
During the dark of the night while the flyers are away, the skyloftian people undergo a period of reflection. Its a quiet time for the normally bustling town, the light of the lanterns the only light permitted over the few hours the flyers are away.
Quiet conversations occur and set up for the dance of memories. A slow dance with little music used to remember the times in the year that are harder. And how they persevered through it.
Dance of memories -slow
A slow dance, with no music to begin with. Used to reflect. Various members of the town perform this dance, depending on the events over the year.
The riders arrive over the horision with the sunrise behind them. And the music then begins again. Begining with the harp more instruments enter as the riders get nearer and nearer before they land back with the town. The sun risen behind them.
Those performing the dance of tomorrow then mount up and begin their flight.
Dance of Tommrow - upbeat
The Dance of Tomorrow is a flight which shows the past changes to the future, it is a dance that has been done in skyloft for generations and requires at least three riders. It is performed to upbeat music by the people on the ground while the riders of the sun flight are allowed time to rest before the feast.
The feast lasts the remainder of the day, with singing and dancing as the skyloftians celebrate the first day of the year. Before taking the second day to sleep.
I hope you liked it! :D
Please feel free to ask my questions I will happily answer them.
Tagging people who showed interest, @vaathnaos, @fortheloveofhylia
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illegiblehandwriting1 · 3 months
ok but what if battery acid was just the equivalent to energy drinks to Four and Sky.
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snail-studios · 1 month
It’s “appreciate yourself” hours! Pick five pieces of writing/art that you’ve done that you love and talk about them! ❤️❤️❤️
Umm ok!!! 🥺🥺
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I really like this picture of mipha specifically!! I feel like the emotion is shown really well and even tho there are a lot of things I can't do with her to make crying more realistic (nose to go red and run, ect) I think I've shown it as best as I can ^^ I also love the way her top showed up and am proud of the little star <3
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I really like this sketch. My first miphlink kiss I've drawn :D the hands look better than usual and I like the green/pink gradient. I like the looseness of the lines, too. I was really just having fun with it and not putting too much pressure on myself
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Even if this didn't turn out as I'd hoped it would in colour I like how mipha turned out :'^) still disappointed with the overall outcome so won't be sharing unless prompted, sorry T.T
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This animation still impresses me when I look at it XD I did that????? What???
Mipha dropped her bag onto the table with a thud. Her hands trembled on the sink as she poured herself a glass of water. She bit her lip hard, choking down a sob as she lifted the glass to her lips. She wiped her mouth, her hand coming back red with a spot of blood, mixed with lipstick. Her eyes burned with tears and she let them fall, shoulders shaking with each quiet cry. Oh, she’d messed everything up, she’d let everything fall apart and now everyone was in danger.
In the dim light of the empty safehouse it was hard to see. The window above the sink stared out at a concrete wall, a cruel mockery of what she could be looking at instead. Even from deep underground she could hear the hail thundering onto them, a constant pitter-patter with the occasional thud as a particularly large ball of ice fell.
She faintly heard the door upstairs open, multiple pairs of footsteps coming down the stairs until Gaddison, Bazz and Rivan burst into the kitchen, rosy cheeked and smiling fin-to-fin. They chatted amongst each other for less than a minute, before seeming to realise Mipha was standing at the sink and turning to her.
“Oh, Mipha. Hey.” A gentler smile curved Bazz's lips, and he picked the bandage on his cheek. Her heart rate picked up. He was, like Gaddison and Rivan, absolutely covered in bandages. A thick one was wrapped around his bicep, a blood soaked gauze was taped on Gaddison's knee, and Rivan was covered in small, shark patterned band-aids. 
“What…” She gulped, reaching backwards to steady herself on the kitchen bench. She was used to the sight of blood, but that, coupled with her exhaustion and the way they had messily covered their wounds sent a wave of light headedness to her head. “What happened…?”
Im proud of how quickly I wrote this Fisheye Lense snippet :> I really enjoy writing Mipha with a lot of people who love her and am excited to show that more in the fic 😌
Thank you so much for this! I really needed it and it made me realise how much stuff I've created recently that I'm proud of!!!
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uncleskyrule · 1 year
thanks for the tag, @chatwiththeclouds! posting on my LoZ/Sky: CotL blog bc why not ^^
(i added a couple more entries that i thought would be fun)
favorite color: wait i answered this question ages ago in a kind of poem. ok here it is. short answer, dark blue
last song: "Bewitched" by Laufey
last series: the last one i finished was Spy x Family
last time outside: yesterday evening rip
last meal: homemade barbecued pork chops with rice and salad
sweet, savory, or spicy? SOUR!!! but if i can't have that then savory ig
currently working on: my Linktober fics! idk if i'll get to them all (still haven't finished last year's) but i have some really fun ones planned
currently playing: Sky: Children of the Light and Tears of the Kingdom
currently wearing: black sneakers, oversized gym shorts i got from my quarantine in Korea (long story), Korean language program shirt, circle glasses, and my wrist braces bc these ligaments are WEAK
currently reading: LoZ fanfic, The Two Towers, my printed version of The Grueling Task of Becoming Right-Handed (BotW Link fic), the Gospel of Luke, AND something i forgot in my last tag game post--an ASL dictionary lmao
no pressure tags: @hallofharmony , @tigers-eyes-26, @adrift-in-thyme , @awkwardpossum0, @skyloftian-nutcase, @charbies, @telemna-hyelle, @fatefulfaerie, @whyoneartheven, @cervideity, @blossomingwaters
plus whoever wants to join!
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noorahqar · 5 months
It's so embarrassing when you reread one of your favorite fics of all time, click "kudos" and don't immediately get the dreaded
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What do you mean. WHAT DO YOU MEAN
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zelda-of-hyrule-tloz · 3 months
Echoes of Wisdom Headcanon Countdown
༺ Day 30▪︎ 71 Left
A side of Hylia that I feel doesn't get enough recognition is the side that was a powerful war goddess. (I blame mostly the Pre-SkSw manga for the common understanding of her. Seriously, giving all the credit of Hylia's actions to a Link they just made up? You're better than this, Himekawa!) By no means was she the villain everyone misinterprets her as, either. She was a fierce warrior for the forces of good, fighting for the protection of the land she grew to love more than just protect. And even if she was only ordered by her sisters to protect humanity, she valiantly fought alongside the people of the Surface World that she did not have time to save with the sky islands. Athough she could not use the Triforce, she was gifted with Din's incredible power. I imagine she had a collection of abilities that rang similar to that of Fairies, but also abilities like Recall, shapeshifting, and obviously the Sealing Power. She was capable of wiping out armies of beasts with a wave of her hand, striking them down with beams of sunlight - but Demise was her equal, and he would not be destroyed so easily. Among her efforts to stop him (Including the forging of weapons alongside human Sages, passing on her knowledge and forming the Sheikah Tribe from her most devoted followers), she even tried her hand at the creation of sentient robots like the ones her people made from the timeshift stones she gave to them. Granted, this was one of her creations that definitely wasn't as cute as the others... she ended up creating Guardians, to serve as a ruthless trial to the hero she predicted would come. Perhaps she even trained among them, in hopes that one day a knowledge in swordsmanship would benefit her successor?
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kikker-oma · 11 months
Warriors: That’s cute!
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Blushy War boy🥰 he saw you and had to smile
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ixtaek · 7 months
You know what would be messed up? If the Zonai’s closest relative was the Oocca.
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gryphonlover · 1 month
It’s “appreciate yourself” hours! Pick five pieces of writing that you’ve done that you love and talk about them! ❤️❤️❤️
Oh boy, I was not expecting this when I opened my inbox. 😅 At this point, I've got 25 works tagged under Linked Universe (including the translations), which feels like a lot. But I think 5 works makes a decent sampler.
Light a Candle is definitely one of my favorites. It was actually supposed to be a gift fic for you, but I was too shy to tag it as a gift fic at the time, so I just posted it and hoped you saw it. It's also a very sentimental piece for me because it's based off of a personal experience I had, and I wanted to capture that beautiful moment of friendship and brotherhood in writing.
The Doll of Resurrection was my first mature fic. I was very nervous at first, because I hadn't written or posted something like that before, but I think it came out very well, and now I've got a companion piece in the works. I don't know what else to say about this except that I plan to keep writing death scenes that emphasize gentleness and loving kindness.
Dead Weight is part 6 of Emotional Support Loftwing, and probably my favorite of the series thus far, simply because I think I did the best on it in comparison to the others. I've been pretty pleased with the response in the comments because there were a few things I did on purpose there, and they noticed, which means I was successful.
Troubled Waters was very self-indulgent. I just wanted to write something where I could drown Hyrule, so I did. Personally, I feel like it's one of my more unique pieces because I haven't seen many angsty fics set in Wind's era. I was also able to avoid the topic of cremation, which I'm quite proud of given the existence of Hyrule's blood curse thing he's got going on.
It's Fine, Don't Worry About It, is my main ongoing project at the moment. It's not actually finished yet, but it's one of the fics I've enjoyed working on the most so far. Around July, I started feeling a lot happier and more confident with my writing, and I like to think that it shows in this piece. Especially since I've been trying to convey a lot of complex emotions and hint at some of my headcanons through different characters' POVs.
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skyward-floored · 1 month
I’m sorry to be pestering you about this but now that it’s in my head it won’t leave
Oma and I were laughing about Power and Dragon Warriors and just… Peggy, before Power realized that Volga could turn into a Hylian he’d be doing so many things to try and figure this out 🤣
Warriors flicks his scarf a little to move it and Power immediately hones in to see if he’s hiding a tail under his scarf and tunic.
They’re sitting by the fire and Power tosses an extra log on with more gusto than he should so that embers fly everywhere to see if it affects Wars at all.
The stink eye he gives Impa every time she walks by. He won’t even talk to her, he’s so baffled by everything about her decisions. His Impa would never find a lizard attractive and abandon her kid.
The amount of times Power wanted to ask if Wars hatched out of an egg but held himself back.
Power watched a little salamander basking on a rock one time and just cringes and Warriors is like “uh u good bro”
When Volga does finally show up and Power gets all the relief in the world at learning who he is, he just subtly trails the guy all over camp because how is he a dragon?? He uses transformation magic too??? But Link’s magic doesn’t change his anatomy, it just fools others into seeing something that isn’t there!
Power’s way too polite to ever specifically ask anyone, but he’ll just stand in dark corners and blend into the shadows and observe so he can figure out what the frick is going on. Warriors thinks he’s being really weird.
Wars: Uh… Zelda. That new Hero…
Artemis: Yes?
Power, in the dark, red eyes glowing: 👀
Wars: Idk man. He’s kind of weird.
Power, internally: Everyone here is insane
My Mom walked in right as I was reading this and wanted to know why I was laughing and I couldn't just tell her without explaining twenty different things so I was like "you know, the... the internet..."
The thing is, like, some of that stuff wouldn't bother Warriors. Like he is moderately fireproof, and sometimes he does sun himself, so like... not super obvious dragon things. but enough to drive Power even more insane. Thank goodness he wasn't there during the steak thing LOL
I also think Volga would know full well that this weird kid is stalking him (can probably scent him or something) so at some point he wanders off somewhere more private, then whirls around and is like "is there something you need, Sheikah child??"
and Power Link, being caught in the act, is a little flustered and just blurts something out like "HOW ARE YOU A DRAGON BUT ALSO NOT"
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