#skylander gigants
shippyo · 8 months
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i love skylanders,,it made a huge important part of my childhood,so i draw Swarm cuz he was one of my favourite boys<3
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mightyart · 6 months
Thinking about renaming Hotdog too something like Hotpaw or Volcanine
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kobalttheelemental · 3 months
Map of Elementia
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did a little redesigned of the map
🎆 Arcania: one of the most magical land of Elementia, the land here is breathtaking with giant crystals, friendly fauna species, and strange exotic flora. the towns and Kingdom have everything like potions, spell books, wands, pets, magical silk clothing and many more! the land is home to warriors called the Shade Hunters who's job is to hunt and kill shades and protect Elementia from danger.
🌋 Volcania: a scorching hot land of active volcanoes, lava lakes, ash fall, and fiery faunas! it is also home to gigantic fire breathing dragons roaming the volcanic land! what's strange is that the plants not only need water but needs lava to grow!
🏜️ Gusano Desert: a dry desert land with searing hot temperatures it may look empty and dull but it has beautiful rock formations like deep canyons, tall mesas, and shifting sand dunes. if you want to visit the desert towns or cities make sure your well prepared and bring plenty of water. Warning! this land is home to giant sandworms that will eat you alive! so be careful and stay safe!
🌊 Thalassa Ocean: a mysterious underwater world timing with aquatic life, colorful reefs, amazing underwater cities, and hidden treasures scattered around the sea floor. it may look peaceful yet the ocean of Elementia is dangerous and home to large leviathans that swim around the deep oceans and can capsized ships and devour sailors! also watch out for pirates!
🌪️ Windshear Skylands: hidden in the clouds is the windshear skylands a majestic land of floating lands and stunning views, the only way to get up there is by airships or flying creatures. just like Arcania the land here is home to the fiercest warriors called the Wind Warriors whose job is to create life on uninhabitable planets and fight of shade attacks.
⚡️Thunderia: a land battered in everlasting thunderstorms and is to dangerous to live, yet Thunderlings(Lightning Elementals) find this place home where they build futuristic cities and technology. the land here also creates energy crystals that have enough energy to power an entire city or used in vehicles and technology.
❄️ North Polaris: a winter wonderland of fresh powdered snow, snow-covered conifers, and aurora borealis dancing in the night sky. many elementals come here to have fun and play winter games or take a relaxing vacation and drink some of the finest hot coco of Elementia. not to mention the Iceclaws(Ice Elementals) make the best frozen treats like ice cream, popsicles, slushies, and more!
❄️ South Polaris: the opposite of North Polaris, the land here is harsh and freezing cold, living in this frigid land will be very hard unless you have the right equipment and plenty of food to survive.
🍃 Viridian Wilds: a lush green land of forests, jungles, taigas, gardens, exotic faunas and more! plus it is one of the most highly diverse ecosystems of Elementia, Warning! cutting down trees will cause Tree Crawlers(Nature Elementals) to get angry and hunt you down! always ask permission before cutting down trees.
🪨 Metallic Badlands: a metallic barren land where small volcanoes spew molten hot metals, a perfect place for miners to mine up rare metals and craft them into weapons, armor, jewelry, and more!
☢️ Toxic Bayou: probably one of the most toxic land of Elementia! the land here is very dangerous with acidic waters, poisonous plants, toxic fumaroles and venomous faunas that can kill you in seconds. but before you enter this toxic land always bring protection and plenty of antidotes.
☀️ Solaris: a warm sunny land and calm weather, the lands here is a perfect place for farmers to grow their crops or have a nice picnic. there are also ancient marble buildings from millions of years ago scattered everywhere.
🌌 Nycto Caverns: deep in the Sunny Plateau Biome is a gigantic sinkhole that is an entrance to Nycto Caverns, a dark scary cave where blind creatures and giant bugs roam around some friendly and some not. not to mention different kinds of fungus grow inside the caverns. Warning! the deeper you go the more dark and dangerous the cavern gets, always bring weapons and protection!
💀 Dragon Graveyard: one of the terrifying and scary land of Elementia where ancient dragon bones are scattered everywhere, dangerous fauna species and spirits haunt the land. there are many legends of why the land looks like that, some say this used to be normal land oo lush flora and crystal clear waters until the land has been cursed, while some say this is a resting place where old dragons go in peace yet no one really knows.
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emuwarum · 1 year
Ok . "I like dragons alot." Talk ablut dragons? Please.
Finally remembered to answer this ask!
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I have a few of the dragonology books, and one of them has cardboard figures of all the dragons! The pieces to the figures are in a box somewhere but I might find them and try to put them together soon
Also skylanders. There are quite a few dragon ones and I was obsessed with them when I was little. I just found all my skylanders again and we have at least 16 of the dragon ones (multiple of a few, and different versions of the figures too) they're cool.
I don't remember the very first time I watched how to train your dragon, but it was great. We had most of the episodes of the first show too, and I watched them all the time. Still have a lot of the toys too, a barf and belch figure from the first movie which is missing most of its legs and one of its wings but it is gigantic.
Also going to mention the inheritance cycle, read that series many times, and the httyd books, and all the random books with dragons from the library I don't remember the names of. Also the last dragon chronicles by Chris d'Lacey. I don't remember half of it but I still have the books.
And then wings of fire, I was very obsessed with that series and that is sort of where my first oc (still have her) came from. Don't know if I still have any drawings of her, I do have an origami dragon coloured like her but she was white with black spots down her sides, four wings, and long spines (with blue on them). She is very different now but that is still her origin
And also I have a ton of little ceramic dragon statues. They are awesome and I keep them on a shelf in my room, one of them is wearing a tiny flower crown I made from an everlasting.
I was drawing dragons every day for a long time some years ago.
And also my dragon arts
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And also flight rising, many pretty dragons :) https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/686955 here are mine if you want to take a look
I did try to add a few more of my dragon art but the post editor broke
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ecargmura · 1 year
Hirogaru Sky! Precure Episode 11 Review: Tsubasa and Ageha
The way the writing was forcing the viewers to see a possible bond between Ageha and Tsubasa went about it terribly wrong. It’s supposed to be cute, but it’s not.
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First off, Ageha’s personality shows off its negative aspects here. In the beginning, she gets up all on Tsubasa’s face and never once apologized for her lack of personal space. Tsubasa clearly did not enjoy being smothered by her and she’s too ignorant to realize that. His uneasiness towards her clearly shows but no one ever tells her this. She keeps calling him “boy” and he clearly dislikes being called that, but she never did call him by his name in this episode. Remember that Ageha’s trying to be a nursery school teacher. A teacher, regardless of where you teach, always needs to be considerate of their students’ feelings. She was doing everything that a future teacher should not be doing.
Sora and Mashiro do not notice this at all and just tell Tsubasa to deal with it in a way as Ageha’s just that sort of person. I feel like they were just gaslighting him in a way. Imagine meeting this sort of person in real life. I’m sure you’d be annoyed as Tsubasa. I just feel like no one was on his side here and it frustrates me. I wonder if this is due to the “respect your elders” custom in Asian countries. I know how frustrating that custom can be as someone who grew up in a Korean community in America. If the writers were using this as a basis of their friendship plot, they did it so terribly.
Like, the way they were forced to solve riddles together were so forced too as Ageha clearly knows the answers, but she never once confides with Tsubasa on his opinions on what the answer could be. He’s from another world, so he’s not too familiar with a lot of things like tanuki or mountains as such. Tsubasa deals with the athletic course, but Ageha never once told him that doing it is unnecessary. In the end, Ageha got away with everything she shouldn’t be doing and that irks me a lot. Though, on the positive note, I do like how she outsmarted the Ranborg and forced it to play Rock-Paper-Scissors knowing it would let go of her if it did paper.
Other than the frustrating portions of this episode, there are some other things I want to talk about that confused me. First off, Tsubasa can purify Ranborgs with his Wing Attack. WHY WASN’T THAT A THING IN EPISODE 9? SINCE WHEN COULD HE DO THIS? Gosh, the writing in this episode was bizarre. On top of that, the animation quality was wonky as some characters faces become rounder for a moment and then reverts back to normal. 
Kabaton gets scolded by his boss and it seems that this could be the end for him. Please let it be the end for him. I’m tired of seeing him. If he’s from an Empire, there clearly should be more goons and not him.
The best part of the episode was Princess Ellee getting all excited for the Puni Bird Soragoro. It seems as if she’s a fan of him. That’s super adorable. I wonder if he lives on Earth or on Skyland. I assume it’s the former with the way he made an obstacle course and such?
Overall, the writing for this episode was a gigantic miss for me. I know it’s supposed to be episodic, but the previous episodes had decent writing so why was this a mess? Why did they have to make it so that Tsubasa has to get adjusted to her and not the other way around? I just hope this gets resolved better in a future episode or I’ll not like Ageha simply because of writing issues.
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foximator-blog · 10 months
if spyro were able to swap elemental breaths they would still be dealing magic-elemental damage no matter what
and the top upgrade path would need adjusting at that
I feel like I can make it work. The top path would be called "Dragon Breath Master" and would probably go like this:
Upgrade 1: Elementalist: Each of Spyro's three breath types (Fire, Ice and Electric) will gain a minor boost in Fire, Water and Tech zones (To match his fellow Starter pack skylanders) however it's not as big a boost as he'd get in a magic zone for all three.
Upgrade 2: Dragon Shield: Spyro gets an orbiting shield of elemental energy while using his breath attacks.
Upgrade 3: Dragon Fury: Hold down attack 1 to charge up a special breath attack that changes with your breath type. Fire will give you the classic Day bringer flame, a miniature sun that explodes. Ice will give you the Arcane Blizzard, which doesn't travel as far, but spreads out over a wider area. And Electricity grants you the Mega Bolt which is faster and narrower, but hips between multiple enemies after it lands the first hit.
Since we're on the Subject, let's add elemental traits to the Blitz Charger Spyro path too.
1. Enchanted horns: Enemies are knocked back and given an elemental debuff when hit with a charge attack. Burned by fire, Slowed by Ice, and Stunned by Electricity.
2. Comet Dash: Spyro's charge attack lasts longer, and the elemental effect of his charge attacks become more potent the longer he runs.
3. Dragon Rage: Charge for long enough and soon gigantic projections of Fire, Ice or Electric horns will form in front of Spyro as he runs, and an elemental trail is left as well.
As a bonus, his ground pound is now a basic upgrade where his "Flight" upgrade used to be so now he has a new Soul gem:
Aether Breath!
Spyro now gains the power to shoot pure magic as a breath type. With special abilities based on the path you chose.
Breath path: your charged attack is called "Star Storm" which makes Spyro breath out six stars that home in on enemies
Charge path: The elemental trail left behind by your Dragon rage charge leaves purple energy orbs that explode and knock enemies back
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ffprecurespain · 1 year
[Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure]
Imágenes del episodio 15 de Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure, "¡¿La gran explosión de un Ranborg súper gigante?! ¡Proteged Skyland!"
¡Sale hoy! Revisa el post de Facebook con las fechas y horarios del episodio semanal ¡y no te lo pierdas!
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There are a variety of Cyclopses, including Snowclopses, who reside in the cold areas of Skylands, and Ruins Guardians, gigantic Cyclopses with cloven feet who lead others to plunder the Distorted Dimensions.
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benjaminthewolf · 2 years
Evil Never Triumphs (Vore Story)
Don’t worry though, setup and payout are pretty much equal, six pages to five.
(I hope sincerely that “view post” is on both the mobile and browser versions of Tumblr…)
This is basically the “bad ending” of the story, BUT, a good ending will be posted completely separate of this, so no it won’t have the 11 pages of prior context on it in the post. I preface that, because “heavily implied fatal” leaves the door open to a rescue scenario, and what’s the next logical step after you rescue someone who was almost killed by digestion? Why, healing vore of course! So make sure you stay tuned for that!
Also, hey, I finally wrote another furry pred, so…yay!
“All clear!” Dr. Krankcase called out to Wolfgang behind him as he gazed intently around the corner. There didn’t appear to be anything down this particular stony passageway, and despite the fact this was a very large and interconnected cave system, there wasn’t exactly anywhere that an intruder could be hiding, so unless Kaos had managed to recruit a minion with the ability to turn invisible, for now, the two of them were safe.
The moment that the academy got the signal of trouble inside the caves of the Molekin, one having even reported hearing the iconic sound of Kaos’ laughter echoing around the tunnels, Master Eon had naturally alerted that any Skylanders who were currently near the area should go check it out immediately. It just so happened to be that the two former Doomraiders Wolfgang and Dr. Krankcase had been hanging around the region at the same time the distress signal was received. Thus, onwards the two of them scouted, making their way deeper and deeper, down into the dark.
However, as had been rationally suspected by the two reformed villains, knowing quite well the habits of the little, bald man, they were not, in fact, down here alone. Peering with a rather furrowed brow through the magic portal-hole that constantly kept an eye on the two Skylanders, Kaos gave a scowl.
“Out of all the ones who could have come…” he murmured to himself under his breath. He still remembered getting mercilessly betrayed by the Doomraiders when they were still an active villain group, only to have them kidnap him again so that they could go into the future via his portal master magic as a part of their plans, and held a rather visceral hatred for all its former members as such. “...don’t you think I forgot getting trapped in that stupid goo barrel of yours…” he continued on rambling while glaring at Dr. Krankcase through the portal. “...and then having that stupid fleabag right next to ya scoop me up and use me like a toy in order to get his way- HEY, GLUMSHANKS, DID I TELL YOU TO STOP STIRRING?”
“Y-YES LORD KAOS, I MEAN- NO LORD KAOS, OF COURSE NOT! OF COURSE-” Glumshanks, Kaos’ tall, lean, green-skinned troll minion who was the singular voice of reason that the shrimpy, deranged portal master ever had in close proximity to himself, frantically stuttered out as he instantly went right back to stirring around the giant bubbling mixture of Kaos’ newest evil plot that lay slightly simmering inside a gigantic, black cauldron whilst using a comically large spoon and standing on top of a rickety, wooden ladder in order to be able to reach it all in the first place.
“SILENCE, FOOL!” Kaos aggressively snapped back. “Now, where was I? Oh yeah!”
Evilly rubbing his hands together whilst gazing excitedly into the portal, the stubby, bald dark portal master let out a soft chuckle to himself, before the inevitable villain monologue at last began to flow.
“They all think that after I failed to evilize Mount Cloudbreak, petrified darkness would be useless to me! WELL THEY’D BE WRONG!” Confidently turning around in order to face his pot once more, Kaos let a cruel, toothy grin seep its way across his face as poor poor Glumshanks only continued to lose the remaining feeling in his arms.
“THIS TIME, THIS TIME, I have FINALLY managed to distill down this stuff, INTO ITS MOST PURE AND EVIL FORM! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Gleefully whipping out of his pocket a medical syringe that was filled all the way to the brim with the stuff, Kaos gently caressed the thing in his hands.
“Oooooooohhhhhh….” he sensually shuddered out as he glanced back over at the portal, his eyes practically locked upon Wolfgang whilst he and Dr. Krankcase ventured further into the cave. “...and here we do indeed have THE PERFECT TEST SUBJECT! GLUMSHAAAAAAAAAAANKS!”
“Y-YES LORD KAOS?” Glumshanks called out from his position above the ladder.
“You can stop stirring now! My other minions will know how to handle it from here!”
Glumshanks, though he wished to a downright painstaking degree to feel relieved, was quite simply unable to be so as he shakily set the comically large spoon down upon the brim of the pot. Fumbling precariously with his arms as he desperately attempted to use every single last bit of strength left within them to haul himself down the ladder, the moment he finally touched ground, the poor troll literally collapsed to the floor, losing consciousness almost instantly, taking him fully out of the picture for the moment as a result.
At the sight of this fiasco, Kaos could only scoff before turning, again, back towards the portal. If everything went well, this little experiment could have potentially GINORMOUS ramifications, and it all boiled down to this.
“As long as those idiots remember what I trained them for…” Kaos mumbled to himself whilst keeping close watch on both the former villains. “Then I might just, FINALLY, have a single chance at last!”
Dr. Krankcase’s iconic wooden spider legs scuttled their way across the cold, stone floor as the two former Doomraiders apprehensively moved forth through the tight, underground passageway. In order for Kaos’ plans for the two of them to work, at this point it was imperative for them to somehow be separated down there.
Thankfully, however, it was indeed for that particular reason why the bald-headed, eensey-weensey little villain had chosen this particular cave in the first place. Not with these two specifically in mind, of course, the overall plan would work regardless of who came in, just as long as it was two or more people, but regardless, Wolfgang and Dr. Krancase were the two who had answered the distress call, and as a result, the plans would now have to be adapted specifically for them and their abilities.
“Looks like the tunnel splits paths here.” Wolfgang growled under his breath. “That might mean we’ll have to split up.”
Narrowing his eyes as he gazed attentively down one of the passageways, Dr. Krankcase eventually nodded his head in agreement.
“Yeah, yeah, they go in completely different directions. We’ll have to strike it out on our own.”
Wolfgang gave a scowl. “Alright then, but you do remember what the emergency call is just in case there’s foul play involved, right?”
“Of course, it was… ‘Scrump Muffin’, yes?” Dr. Krankcase calmly replied, with a rising hint of humor in his voice.
“Yeah, since if you just hear me screaming ‘help’, you can’t really know if it was actually me or not, but something like that?”
“Oh yes, absolutely.”
Wolfgang smirked. “Heh, if somethin’ actually does happen after we break, those poor enemies are gonna be in for a surprise.”
The two reformed villains jovially shared a casual bout of laughter with each other, before at last, it was time for them to get going.
“Alright. Welp. I’ll see you on the other side I suppose.” Dr. Krankcase concluded with a nod as he began to make his way down the right passageway.
“Eh, just as long as neither o’us have to scream out ‘Scrump Muffin’, of course.” Wolfgang responded soon after.
Still rather amused over their chosen emergency phrase, the two Skylanders only continued to chortle to themselves as they at last parted ways, Wolfgang being naturally able to see in the dark, whilst the wooden-legged doctor utilized the light emulating from the canisters upon his goo guns to look around.
“I know I can go pretty fast on these babies…” Dr. Krankcase noted to himself, referring of course to his legs. “I just hope that Wolfgang can manage to achieve the same…”
“Is he here yet?”
“Do you see him?”
Kaos’ troll minions chattered amongst themselves inside the left passageway as they awaited in the dark for one of the two Skylanders to walk obviously into their trap. Knowing that the both of them would naturally be on high alert, the trolls had all drunk an invisibility potion before getting into place, ensuring that the naked eye had absolutely zero chance of detecting them. Thus, within the middle of the passageway they stood, silent and at the ready for the inevitable fight to ensue.
The trolls had no idea which of the former villains were coming down their path, but it ultimately didn’t matter, as long as it was one of them, the plan would continue just fine. Knowing that they were listening for either the sound of footsteps or scuttling, the trolls strained their ears. Thus, as soon as the unmistakable light plodding of Wolfgang’s feet began to echo throughout the walls, the trolls silently nodded amongst themselves. Perfect. Kaos had told them that Wolfgang was the ideal test subject, and low and behold, here he was.
Knowing due to their training what they needed to do next, the trolls thus proceeded to tighten up their muscles in preparation to strike whilst keeping their eyes locked tight on the bipedal wolf trodding forth. It would not be very long, however, before Wolfgang swiftly stopped dead in his tracks.
And it was right then and there, upon what the former evildoer did next, that the trolls came to a realization. As while the reformed wolf sure was the perfect test subject for this evilizing serum, he was absolutely not, the perfect target for an ambush, a fact which, in the end, boiled down to one, simple fact. Wolfgang’s sense of smell.
“Something smells… off, here.” the two legged wolf mumbled to himself whilst ferociously sniffing the air. “Almost like…”
The trolls forcefully suppressed a sudden gasp of shared panic, as they at last understood that their time was finally up.
“TROLLS!” Wolfgang snarled out whilst using his Skylander magic to make his bone-harp appear in his hands. He had chosen his harp over his bow because the cave was a very enclosed space, and he would need to attack multiple enemies at the same time if he were to get out of here successfully. “AWOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”
Allowing his howl to reverberate around the cave, compounding in upon itself before at last reaching the trolls’ ears, the group of enemies at last gave in as they collectively gave an searing cry of pain from the anthro wolf’s attack, the musical note for pain echoing around inside their eardrums as Wolfgang went on to make use of his claws to slice the trolls into submission upon the floor. Despite their blood being invisible too, the unmistakable metallic tang practically emulated off the bodies as the poor, defeated minions let out wincing groans of agony before they at last disappeared into visible piles of experience orbs, that which were casually absorbed into Wolfgang’s body as a result.
Once he was sure that there were no more enemy trolls around, Wolfgang gave a scoff.
“Didn’t even manage to land a hit. How pathetic.”
Allowing his bone-harp to disappear back into hammerspace, Wolfgang began to think.
“...alright then. Trolls. What could that mean?” he mumbled to himself whilst placing a finger under his chin. “Well there was a report of Kaos’ voice down here, and he has used trolls as minions in the past, so…”
Upon at last fully comprehending just what this might mean, Wolfgang made his bone-harp re-appear in his hands.
“...*tisc* I have no idea what that hairless, empty-skulled fool is thinking about doing this time, but-”
Wolfgang’s heart instantly leaped to the sky as he rapidly attempted to pinpoint the exact origin of that cry. “WOAH!” he instinctively called out in his shock.
“Woah is right, my former furry friend. For it is I! Kaos. Who has arrived here to- HEY! WHAT THE-”
Instantly switching his harp for his bow before using one of the arrows to pin Kaos against the wall via his cloak, Wolfgang promptly slammed his fist around the miniature villain’s throat, before giving a deep growl.
“Comin’ in to clean up your minions' mess after such a pitiful display, hmm?” he rumbled out directly into Kaos’ ear. “Well I frankly don’t care WHAT kinds of dirty tricks you’ve got up your sleeve, THIS TIME, when we trap you somewhere, YOU STAY TRAPPED IN THERE, DO YOU HEAR?”
“UH..OH UH-I MEAN-I-!” Kaos began frantically stuttering as he attempted to reach into his right cloak pocket without it seeming too conspicuous. “WELL YOU SEE, I-YA!” As the seconds ticked by, only that final cry out of the infamous portal master’s mouth had managed to echo its way around the tightened, cavern walls, as the grip around his throat was slowly released out of horror.
Wolfgang’s heart froze. He knew he had just been hit by something. That much he knew. His pupils dilated ‘till they strained as a single tear began to well up inside his eye. “Wh-what…what did you just do to me?” he softly whimpered out.
Tossing to the side the now empty syringe, Kaos promptly tore the arrow off the wall and out of his cloak, allowing him to move freely again, as the poor bipedal wolf began rapidly wincing in agony, whilst tensely grimacing upon the floor.
“It's over now, wolfie…” Kaos teasingly stated. “That was liquified darkness that I just injected into your blood. There’s no way for you to resist it. You might as well just give it up now.”
Upon being delivered this information, Wolfgang gave a yip, as the gears within his head that still held the capacity to function began rapidly turning.
“...y-you mean you were TRYING to get up close to me?”
Kaos let a seering, cruel grin creep across his face, whilst giving the poor wolf a nod. “Oh…but yes…yes I did!”
Kaos almost instantly theatrically threw back his head. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YES, YES! FINALLY FIGURED IT OUT, FOOL, HAVEN’T YOU?”
Able to feel the darkness deeply infiltrating his veins as he sputtered, coughed, and spat, poor Wolfgang’s mind began to rapidly dissipate, only able at this point to yowl out one last phrase amongst his anguish, as the darkness at last overwhelmed him, and his body gave in as such.
Kaos couldn’t help but give out an “Eh?” as soon as Wolfgang had said it, but of course, he paid the strange cry no mind. After all, how could any phrase as meaningless and downright sickening as “Scrump Muffin” ever be of any concern to such a meticulous plan such as this?
Simply shrugging the moment off as the transformation finally began, Kaos was indeed soon after able to feel the heavenly euphoria of victory flowing generously through his nerves, causing him to give a pleased shudder of pleasure, and turn his way back towards the rapidly shifting Wolfgang as such.
Kaos knew that Wolfgang couldn’t hear him, but that ultimately didn’t matter. The first phase of the plan had been a resounding success, and as the villainous grin on his face only continued to grow wider, the tiny dark portal master began evilly tapping together his fingers as he enthusiastically prepared himself, as well as his newfound darkness-infused tool, to move forth to phase two. Positively overwhelmed with his joy, Kaos gave one last lament to his well-planned, perfectly executed win, his absolutely brimming being seemingly just about ready to burst.
Dr. Krankcase had indeed received the signal. He had also received the quite possibly unintentional signals resonating from Kaos’ throat as well. Due to his rather cautious, scientific nature, the lime-green skinned, trenchcoat wearing doctor had been meticulously examining the walls around the area with each scuttle he took deeper into the cave, just to be sure there weren’t any hidden cameras or booby traps anywhere along their length. Because of all this, the moment the distress call was sent, it had come from ahead of him, relative to his position within the tunnel. As a result, the spider-legged man had only one direction to go when it came to helping his friend, and that was, of course, forward.
“Gaaaaaaaaugh, I swear, if there ARE any hidden traps down here that I miss and thus activate because I’m rushing to help Wolfgang, I will…uuurgh…” he grumbled to himself as he ran.
Increasing his speed to about as fast as he could go whilst holding forth a goo gun just in case he needed it, the reformed doctor’s gaze hardened as he was suddenly able to discern some light resonating out of the end of the tunnel. Nodding his head as such whilst preparing himself for a fight, Dr. Krankcase soon burst forth out of the opening of the tunnel and into the chamber beyond.
The area was extremely spacious, in complete contrast with the considerably narrow tunnels before it. The ceiling and walls were undetectable by anyone standing in the center, and even the faintest of breaths could be heard echoing their way across the dark, as the cautious man gazed around intently, not daring to make any noise, searching vehemently, for any sign, at all, visual, audio, or otherwise that, could give him any clues whatsoever as to what was going on.
Eventually, after a good few minutes of inconclusive waiting, the now considerably less on-edge doctor began to wonder if Wolfgang was still trapped in his tunnel, and he wasn’t able to tell because he had been running so fast. He was just about to turn himself around in order to go check out that possibility, before all of a sudden, out of quite literally nowhere, a warm, misty breath was heaved directly onto the back of the poor doctor’s neck, the resulting shock and panic forcing the man into absolute sensual overdrive once more.
Instantly swiveling his being around in order to face the source of the breath head on, holding out both of his guns in preparation to fire, Dr. Krankcase was, in the end, granted by the circumstances just a few seconds to get back his grasp on reality, before at last, a dark pinkish light swiftly erupted into ignition, the fierce, resulting lumination revealing the secrets at last.
Dr. Krankcase instantly froze, both of his arms inevitably locking up as the facts of the matter began to shakily settle in. The poor man had absolutely no clue what had happened to his friend back in those tunnels for any of this to be the case, the spectacle itself had given him basically no hints, but all that he could discern from the scene, was soon to be expressed in one simple sentence the moment the quivering doctor finally regained control over his voice box once more.
“W-Wolfgang?” he quietly stammered out in horror as he shakily scuttled a few inches back.
The shuddering man absolutely knew that his former fellow Doomraider wasn’t able to respond. No in a state like this. And yet, the word still came out, most likely by instincts, as he began to examine the scene.
He knew for a fact that Wolfgang had been evilized, this was of course because of the distinctive dark purple and pinkish colors currently present upon his fur and body, the newly obtained crystals on the top of his head shining out a brilliant, searing light, as well as how his demeanor was now considerably more wild and aggressive, the frothing, evilized wolf giving out many spiteful hufs towards the man as a result.
That much was just about as concrete as a claim could possibly get under these circumstances. In addition to all that, however, the darkness had also massively altered his physiology, turning him into a relatively gigantic four-legged wolf, with the anatomy and proportions indicative of such a form, his massive, hunkering body completely towering over the doctor, a body so huge that it almost caused him to scrape his head against the now visible ceiling a few times as he shifted his being about, the now rather tiny man slowly gaining back his composure as he let a few more simple sentences softly escape from his mouth.
“Wolfgang…please…if you can still hear me…please…try and fight it out…” he began practically pleading with the canine. “...I don’t want to hurt you…I-I know you would never hurt me…well…in this era at least, but…the darkness…” Dr. Krankcase was barely even able to get halfway through his sentence before the evilized wolf gave a low growl and promptly narrowed his eyes.
“...please don’t pounce…please don’t pounce…please don’t-POUNCE! AAAA!”
Quite unfortunately for the panicking spider-legged doctor, Wolfgang’s evilized mind was firmly in control, and as a result, before the gunslinging man even had the chance to pull the triggers, his body had taken the leap.
“GAAAAAH! NO!” Dr. Krankcase cried out in terror as he was squashed beneath a paw pad. His wooden spider legs naturally folded inwards upon themselves as the reformed villain’s head and chest were aggressively forced to the floor, pinning him underneath as a result, and leaving him unable to fire his goo guns, that which were also crushed under the force, possibly even shattered, as the now trapped man painfully let out a gasp.
“WOLFGANG! WOLGANG! PLEASE! PLEASE FIGHT OUT OF IT!” he frantically squealed in desperation as he fruitlessly squirmed about beneath the paw. “NO, NO, NO!”
It did not matter how much Dr. Krankcase screamed. It didn’t matter how much he struggled. It didn’t matter what actions he took in order to try and break himself free. No, all of that was rendered completely and utterly null, all precisely in the moment where Wolfgang, at last, fully revealed his maw.
Seemingly realizing this, the poor doctor’s body almost instantly froze up as his consciousness went blank. It wouldn’t take very long, however, before the color in his eyes steadily began to return, and he finally understood everything.
“NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! PLEASE, YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO THIS, YOU DON’T HAVE TO-MMMMMPH!” Swiftly getting shut up by a light stroke of the tongue, Wolfgang retracted the dark purple muscle for a while before he began generously salivating, giving a rather slimy lick across his chops before his paw slid down so that it was now only covering the man’s wooden legs, leaving him therefore able to give the man’s remaining biological parts a quite thorough examining via the flavor having seeped through onto the outside of his clothes.
Flopping the sleek, heated muscle onto the pinned doctor’s back before slowly dragging it across the trenchcoat’s leathery exterior, Wolfgang’s body gave a pleased shudder as the opened maw continued to blow front after front of warm air onto his writhing prey below. Dr. Krankcase was no longer even able to verbally resist as he was gently flipped over upon the floor, causing the man to come face-to-face with the ravenous, beastly creature, before the hot, thick form of the tongue positively slathered its saliva upon his shirt-covered chest, eventually making its way up to his face, the sticky, dousing fluids soaking into the man’s skin and hair as he desperately sputtered and coughed.
Having had enough with the sampling, Wolfgang’s evilized mind now knew that it was at last time for the reformed villain’s journey to commence, and upon giving his prey a preemptive sniff just to be sure he wasn’t going to be ingesting anything harmful, the ferocious, giant wolf swiftly took his paw all the way off the doctor’s form. Before the shuddering man even had the chance to pick himself up off the floor, however, Wolfgang’s opened jaws came viciously crashing down above him, slamming full-force their weight into the floor and causing multiple shockwaves to go reverberating by, before the jaws cautiously closed around the man, hauling him up, wooden legs and all, into the air, teeth clenched gently around him, before said teeth as well as his tongue began working together to maneuver the doctor back into the center of the maw. Slightly tilting his head towards the roof as he did so, Wolfgang could feel Dr. Krankcase’s body on the inside sliding effortlessly onto the middle of his tongue, his wooden legs still in their folded position that allowed the man to lay flat against the ground. Fiercely clenching down his teeth in order to fully seal his prey inside, Wolfgang allowed a low growl to rise up from his throat before calmly laying his body against the cold, cavern floor.
Dr. Krankcase’s brain had all but completely shut down at this point as he was able to hear the soft, constant breaths being heaved in and out of Wolfgang’s lungs all around him. As his partially broken goo guns were now located outside, his only remaining hope at this point was to pull himself together enough to use his leg spin move to get Wolfgang to spit him out. Rather unfortunately for him, however, This possibility was rendered all but null as the giant wolf’s sleek, purple tongue folded over on itself and once more pinned the doctor down.
Taking his time in order to savor the immaculate taste upon his prey’s being, Wolfgang proceeded to slowly swish the man between the tight, bulging pockets of his cheeks before he sent him down to his doom. As the reality of the situation only compounded in on itself within the mind of the poor doctor, Wolfgang at last unraveled his tongue from the man, before tilting his head back once more, and allowing the slide to commence.
Dr. Krankcase knew rather well that once he had gone beyond the gullet, he had quite possibly gone beyond the point of no return. It was mostly likely for that reason, then, that the formerly quivering brain of the man finally snapped back to attention. Able to feel his upper body slowly slipping down the tongue’s sloped surface, he frantically swiveled his head around in an attempt to find a way to get out, as he understood implicitly that trying to climb back up the tongue would only end in disaster. Luckily for him, as soon as his wooden legs were wedged somewhat cleanly into the entrance of the evilized wolf’s throat, the plump, dangling sack of flesh that was the uvula appeared in his peripheral vision above him. Not wasting any time in frimly grasping onto the thing with his hands, Dr. Krankcase was thus only able to hang there precariously as Wolfgang suppressed a gag.
Not taking very kindly to his prey attempting to resist, Wolfgang let a rather aggressive bark rattle its way up the doctor’s body as the poor man on the inside instinctively gave a shudder of fear. Giving a hard gulp in an attempt to get the spider-legged doc off his uvula, Dr. Krankcase’s grip began to slowly slip off. Tightening his hold in pure desperation as a result, the relatively tiny man, though he obviously couldn’t feel it, was able to tell his wooden legs were getting squelched into Wolfgang’s esophagus as his hold on the uvula only continued to grow stronger.
Feeling Wolfgang gulp once more, causing the dark purple piece of flesh to be tugged further downwards as a result, Dr. Krankcase was able to tell that part of his upper body was wedged inside the evilized wolf’s throat as well, causing his eyes to well up a little as his fingers began sliding off the continually stretching sack. Now, only one more gulp was needed in order to send him down into the tightened tunnel below, and it wouldn’t take very long before Wolfgang did just that.
Poor Dr. Krankcase was thus forced off of the uvula, that which practically slingshotted itself back up and into place as a result of all that stretching, as the now slightly weeping man was fully squelched in. Still holding up his hands just in case of a miracle, the former villinan-turned Skylander would receive precisely nothing to aid his being as his hand was at last slipped through the upper esophageal sphincter along with the rest of his body.
Wolfgang on the outside gave a rather satisfied sigh as he could feel the slight bulge traversing its way down his throat. Still able to detect some of the man’s flavor upon his tongue, the humongous canine proceeded to give a lick across his chops before nonchalantly allowing the thing to dangle outside of his maw, and drool its way onto the stony cave floor as a result.
Meanwhile, Dr. Krankcase on the inside was once again desperately trying to resist. Practically pounding and banging his fists into the side of the evilized wolf’s throat, the great wolf on the outside only gave a scoff and an eye roll as the the pathetic punching and squirming did basically nothing other than send light vibrations up the thing whilst the spider-legged doctor at last disappeared behind Wolfgang’s collarbone.
Dr. Krankace’s tears began to rapidly pick up as he was finally able to sense Wolfgang’s deep, pounding heartbeat throbbing inside his chest. The echoing thumps booming all around his ears, the poor man gave a shudder once more as the overarching baseline was suddenly joined in by the rising melodic choruses of the grumbles and groans emulating out from the awaiting stomach chamber below.
At last, though, again, he couldn’t feel it, Dr. Krankcase was able to hear the lower esophageal sphincter opening itself up as all five of his wooden legs were effortlessly squelched through, leaving only his upper body left to be squeezed out.
The force of gravity aiding the process quite nicely, Dr. Krankcase instantly closed his eyes and scrunched his nose against his face as he finally took the plunge. Being thankful for once in his life that he couldn’t feel his legs, the poor man, for the moment, dared not open his eyes, as he knew that the instant they were to be opened, his heart would sink to his core.
Wolfgang was able to sense the fellow reformed villain landing deep inside his guts due to the resulting sloshing of the liquids within, causing the area to start picking up its activity, churning and gurgling the recently entered prey around whilst the acids slowly trickled in. The hefty, solid sensation of the man weighing down inside his stomach was downright heavenly for Wolfgang, as suddenly, all of the air that had been swallowed down along with Dr. Krankcase came rising back up in his throat, causing him to let out a great, echoing belch which rang its way across the giant cave and caused the magically enlarged canine to form upon his face an exceedingly cruel grin.
Smacking his lips a few times as he positively reveled in the moment, the poor spider-legged doctor on the inside of his guts was beginning to realize the acids were at last searing their presence around him. Since he could touch the bottom of the relatively shallow chamber with his wooden legs, he was able to stand all the way up so that they weren’t searing away any of his biological flesh. Still, he knew it would only be so long until the things gave way, and as a result, let out a suppressed wince as he squished himself deeply into the walls surrounding the deathly liquid pool, as the one source of comfort he could possibly have left, in the face of doleful reality.
The soft, cushiony walls churned and shifted against his being as the constant white noise only continued to ring within his ears. Feeling the natural warmth and wetness upon the walls soak into his cheek as his left eye squeezed out a tear, Dr. Krankcase was soon able to recognize the sizzling noises of the acids below him as they began to work away at his legs. The soft, wooden exterior was starting to melt away, their molecules being released out into the acidic broth as nothing but mere goop. The poor doctor winced. He could indeed sense the irony, and the irony absolutely was not pleasing him. Knowing that now, it was only a matter of time before all which remained of his flesh and blood body was to meet the same fate, he grimaced. Half of himself was already six feet under. Perhaps, now was the time for the formerly separated two halves of himself to at last meet back up.
Back on the outside, Wolfgang at this point had rolled himself over onto his side, and was currently making use of his front paws to knead and glomp over the slightly bulging belly that protruded from his middle. The area was rising and falling at a gentle, consistent pace, as the evilized wolf casually rubbed his pads around its form. There were a few audible groans and grumbles that would occasionally echo around the cave, as Wolfgang gave a sigh whilst slowly closing his eyes. When he opened them up again, however, instead of bearing the now expected presence of pleasure and relaxation, they instead bore the perhaps completely opposite presence that was, deep thought and seriousness.
He absolutely knew that victory was in his paws, that much was absolutely true, and yet, he also knew that Dr. Krankcase down inside of him was indeed smart enough to be able to delay this victory until backup inevitably came. Yes, he wouldn’t be able to keep his biological body above the acid line very easily after his wooden legs ceased to function, but it could definitely still be done, and figuring out how to do such things on the fly was, in fact, one of the reasons the doctor was such a valuable asset to the Doomraiders back when they were a cohesive team, and now that very same ability, provided Wolfgang couldn’t find a way to counter it, was to be used back towards the cause of the Skylanders, and against the wishes of the one who had evilized him. Wolfgang, in his evilized state, plain and simply, could not have that. As a result, he concluded that he had to bring the doctor somewhere much tighter than his stomach and with barely any room to move around at all. And it would only take a few more seconds of deliberation on Wolfgang’s part before he figured out where, in fact, that place may be.
From his place on the inside, Dr. Krankcase was still desperately attempting to hold it together, staring down in rapidly compounding mortal terror at his rapidly melting legs. Layer upon layer of the tan, wooden material constantly sizzled off, as the poor doctor desperately attempted to maintain his upright position by pushing downwards against the squishy, flexible nature of the walls with his arms. This maneuver ensured that his biological upper half would remain uninjured for as long as he could hold himself to this state. And since he wasn’t making any easily detectable verbal noises nor any sudden movements, Dr. Krankcase, his brain continually rushing with overstimulation, did indeed have a brief, tiny, minute flash of a moment where, for a split, singular instant of time, he almost, almost came to the conclusion that there was a good chance of making it out of here alive. As was rather clearly alluded to, however, this feeling was absolutely not going to last.
The formerly villainous doctor was only able to feel it as a gentle shove against his hands, but ultimately, regardless of the amount of power that the motion was sent out with, the effect was all the same. Far too paralyzed with fear in order to properly respond, the poor man was only able to react once more upon his body giving an instinctive yelp once its biological nerves at last made contact with the acids. Now merely working on his impulses, Dr. Krankcase swiftly shoved both his arms forwards in order to catch his fall, as while said arms and the hands attached to them were covered in leather clothing (his trench coat sleeves and gloves), his face absolutely was not, and though he was forced to grimace a little as the liquids still found a way to seep around those barriers and into the fleshy contents therein, since he hadn’t yet sustained any critical damage, there was still a chance he could haul himself back up into the position he was once in, and maybe, just maybe, the hope for survival would live.
Fiercely grinding his teeth in order to work through the agony as he painstakingly inched his body back over towards the stomach walls, Dr. Krankcase was able to hear some sort of squishy, echoing noise resonating throughout the chamber, but merely brushed it off in favor of focusing more on survival. It was only until the moment that he realized there was currently some sort of active waterflow as well, did he finally understand that he now had to stop to fully examine the scene.
Sensing himself getting dragged backwards by the current as it hauled his wooden legs further into its grasp, Dr. Krankcase finally had enough incentive to turn his head around in order to clear the mystery that was the current situation, thus leading him to shakily swiveling it around to finally confirm what he had been subconsciously thinking this entire time.
Alas, unfortunately for the poor doctor, upon having done exactly that, his body instantly froze once more. That was indeed the duodenum that Wolfgang had just opened up, and the meticulous evilized wolf was indeed, (perhaps once he had realized that the man inside of him wasn’t screaming or resisting at all), rather intent on bringing him deeper in, squelching him into an area where he had absolutely no hope of living, the gigantic canine’s now rather ironically named small intestine.
Dr. Krankcase practically gagged from terror as he desperately, though ultimately vainly, clawed his gloved fingers upon the bottom of Wolfgang’s stomach, in an attempt to maintain a grip, as he only continued to be dragged downwards into the entrance of the dark purple intestine, the perhaps one single area in the entirely of Wolfgang’s digestive system that pretty much guaranteed he would not be getting out alive upon entiering within, regardless entirely of how hard the poor doctor proceeded to struggle.
Quite sadly for the doctor, however, as he was only further and further tugged back, the harder and harder it became for him to resist the flow. Seeing his very last attempt to maintain a grasp on the stomach’s floor being released right before his very eyes, his fingers still being held in a gripping position despite all of his efforts having been in vain, Dr. Krankcase was barely even given time to take in a deep breath, perhaps the final bit of oxygen the poor man was going to get in the totality of his life, before he was, at long, long last, fully sucked within, the entrance to the duodenum closing itself in upon sensing the entrance of its prey, whilst the now extremely satisfied evilized Wolfgang on the outside gave a few self-approving nods, knowing very well that, unless something unpredictable went horribly, horribly wrong for him, his ultimate victory above his former villainous partner was all but guaranteed.
Now that his body was fully submerged inside the acids, Dr. Krankcase’s plight for survival had all but moved from “attempting to keep himself above said acids” to “attempting to keep himself awake”, for he knew that if he managed to succumb to the ever-present singeing torment constantly being endured upon his body, he was, by all reasonable probability, never to wake up inside his dorm room designated specifically for him within the beloved walls of the one and only Skylander Academy ever again.
Not daring to open his eyes as that would most likely just result in his corneas getting burned off, the poor, suffering man instead focused all available resources on his brain, doing his very, very best to block out any and all signals of pain that his nerves shot straight to the organ, as well as all the equally agonizing screeches coming deep from his chest that urged him to take in a deep breath. As a result, though he certainly knew that the process of digestion was happening to him all around his form, he was, perhaps quite thankfully, unable to see it, and, if he managed to keep his resilience up, feel it. Though of course, if the current situation only continued as it was, pretty soon, he was of course, never going to feel anything, much less the stinging burns of the acids all around him, ever again.
Within the outside of his self-limited perception, then, the acids toiled in joy. Swishing their way around the man’s thick, leathery trench coat, and tricking their way down into his gloves, the epidermis of the poor doctor began to rapidly sizzle away, as the cellular goop swirled out into the acidic, deathly broth and subsequently homogenized into a shushing cellular goop, not that far off from the distinctive glowing green goop that the man himself used in most of his attacks, in fact. If only Dr. Krankcase was even able to sense the irony, as his consciousness continually wavered, dangling seemingly by a single, remaining, easily snappable twig that was the poor man’s sanity.
Meanwhile, in the part of his body that, could he feel it, would have probably added so much to his current pain that the moment the dermis was pierced he would have passed out instantly, the acids had done absolutely nothing short of a remarkably good work in dissolving down the wooden legs as well. At this point, the wood had been completely grinded away in some areas as the mechanics inside were finally exposed to the slush. Naturally folding in on themselves as the electronics holding them in the “standing” position the man had been utilizing back in the stomach were finally fried away, a similar excursion of the doctor’s biological flesh was only continuing forth as, at last, at the inevitable, oncoming moment that Dr. Krankcase knew deep down was to happen at practically any second, finally came over him at last. The acids breached his blood vessels.
Barely any of the sweet, crimson liquids at all had spilled out into the great, evilized wolf’s small intestine before Dr. Krankcase’s brain, having held out for so, so long, ceased to properly function. All of those previously blocked-out nerve signals had finally breached into his mind. It was all over. There was nothing that could be done. As the numerous, softly swaying villi casually soaked up all of the delicious, nutrient soup wading about in their presence, the villain turned reformed Skylander Dr. Krankcase was only squelched deeper into Wolfgang’s small intestine, where, as had been the predicted outcome by the poor doctor merely the second he had been swallowed down into the throat, unless the Skylands’ gods decided to smile down on him today, and grant him a second chance at life, this was at last the end. And as Dr. Krankcase was not the one to regularly consider such miraculous activity when weighing the likely outcome of an event, it did indeed seem, in that very moment, that the poor man’s prediction had indeed been correct.
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mjgauthor · 2 years
Here's a ten-second video showing the books, movies, and games that helped inspire my debut novel, SKY'S END. And the video has some fun, old school JRPG battle music, too!
SKY'S END is getting published in Spring 2024 by Peachtree Teen. It is pitched as The Hunger Games meets Attack on Titan but with skyships, treacherous crews, duels, and gigantic sky serpents.
Add it to your Goodreads TBR!
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animebw · 4 years
Reading One Piece: Chapters 251-252
-”Y’know... it would’ve been easier if I stretched.” dskfjhsdfkjh you’re not wrong
-I wonder what this “mantra” stuff is that everyone’s talking about. Obviously it represents some sort of power, but is it a physical thing, or just a literal mantra?
-And just like that, we’re in the midst of another revolution. We’ve got a strange habit of showing up just in time to watch them take off, don’t we?
-Oh SHIT! This island literally used to be part of Jaya, and it was ripped into the sky right through Cricket’s house! That’s what Noland was searching for; he was just looking in the exact wrong direction!
-”A Paramecia user!” Well, hello. Guess the skylanders have their own term for Devil fruit.
-Eesh, not even the Shandians trust the straw hats. We’re really on our own up here.
-Man, there’s this whole gigantic battle going on just offscreen, and our heroes are lazily rolling down the river to the second challenge. What a contrast.
-Woah, never mind! We just all made our way back to the altar to pick up the Going Merry! Wasn’t expecting that.
-”I’m gonna become a big, strong, reliable man!” Lmao, Chopper’s great.
-Okay, I really like how the story bends to the characters. The Kami’s goons tried to railroad the straw hats into a four-part series of challenges, but instead, they re-united after the first challenge and completely changed tracks to go after the treasure they now know is on this island. The story was setting them up for one thing but they decided to switch to an entirely different thing because that’s what interested them the most. That’s some quality Hunter x Hunter storytelling chops there.
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mightyart · 9 months
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Been working on a Gargoyle character for a theoretical game inspired by Skylanders, Gigantic and League Of Legends
Her names Teska
Please don't Repost or Use my Art
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kobalttheelemental · 9 months
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Finally get to post more of my art here and more will come! anyways here’s a world map called Elementia! a world home to Elementals, this is where my oc characters live!
Planet Name: Elementia
Size: Super Earth
Number of Moons: Two
Core: Elementia’s core is unstable and causes volcanic eruptions all over the world, luckily the Fire Crystal and lava elementals keep Elementias core stable
🌀Elemental Lands🌀
🎆 Arcania: one of the most magical land of Elementia, the land here is breathtaking with giant crystals, friendly fauna species, and strange exotic flora. the towns and Kingdom have everything like potions, spell books, wands, pets, magical silk clothing and many more! the land is home to warriors called the Shade Hunters who's job is to hunt and kill shades and protect Elementia from danger.
🌋 Volcania: a scorching hot land of active volcanoes, lava lakes, ash fall, and fiery faunas! it is also home to gigantic fire breathing dragons roaming the volcanic land! what's strange is that the plants not only need water but needs lava to grow!
🏜️ Gusano Desert: a dry desert land with searing hot temperatures it may look empty and dull but it has beautiful rock formations like deep canyons, tall mesas, and shifting sand dunes. if you want to visit the desert towns or cities make sure your well prepared and bring plenty of water. Warning! this land is home to giant sandworms that will eat you alive! so be careful and stay safe!
🌊 Thalassa Ocean: a mysterious underwater world timing with aquatic life, colorful reefs, amazing underwater cities, and hidden treasures scattered around the sea floor. it may look peaceful yet the ocean of Elementia is dangerous and home to large leviathans that swim around the deep oceans and can capsized ships and devour sailors! also watch out for pirates! 
🌪️ Windshear Mountains: a land of tall mountains, strong winds, and scattered skylands. many come here to mountain climb or visit towns on top of mountains or skylands. just like Arcania the land here is home to the fiercest warriors called the Wind Warriors who's job is to create life on uninhabitable planets and fight of shade attacks.
⚡️Thunderia: a land battered in everlasting thunderstorms and is to dangerous to live, yet Thunderquills(Lightning Elementals) find this place home where they build futuristic cities and technology. the land here also creates energy crystals that have enough energy to power an entire city or used in vehicles and technology. 
❄️ North Polaris: a winter wonderland of fresh powdered snow, snow-covered conifers, and aurora borealis dancing in the night sky. many elementals come here to have fun and play winter games or take a relaxing vacation and drink some of the finest hot coco of Elementia. not to mention the Iceclaws(Ice Elementals) make the best frozen treats like ice cream, popsicles, slushies, and more!
❄️ South Polaris: the opposite of North Polaris, the land here is harsh and freezing cold, living in this frigid land will be very hard unless you have the right equipment and plenty of food to survive.
🍃 Viridian Wilds: a lush green land of forests, jungles, taigas, gardens, exotic faunas and more! plus it is one of the most highly diverse ecosystems of Elementia, Warning! cutting down trees will cause Tree Crawlers(Nature Elementals) to get angry and hunt you down! always ask permission before cutting down trees.
⚙️ Metallic Badlands: a metallic barren land where small volcanoes spew molten hot metals, a perfect place for miners to mine up rare metals and craft them into weapons, armor, jewelry, and more!
☢️ Toxic Bayou: probably one of the most toxic land of Elementia! the land here is very dangerous with acidic waters, poisonous plants, toxic fumaroles and venomous faunas that can kill you in seconds. but before you enter this toxic land always bring protection and plenty of antidotes. 
☀️ Solaris: a warm sunny land and calm weather Solaris is a tranquil land where ancient and a perfect place for farmers to grow their crops or have a nice picnic. there are also ancient marble buildings from millions of years ago scattered everywhere.
🌌 Nycto Caverns: in the center of the island is a gigantic sinkhole that is an entrance to Nycto Caverns, a dark scary cave where blind creatures and giant bugs roam around some friendly and some not. not to mention different kinds of fungus grow inside the caverns. Warning! the deeper you go the more dark and dangerous the cavern gets, always bring weapons and protection!
💀 Dragon Graveyard: one of the most terrifying and scary land of Elementia where ancient dragon bones are scattered everywhere, dangerous fauna species and spirits haunt the land. there are many legends of why the land looks like that, some say this used to be normal land of lush flora and crystal clear waters until the land has been cursed, while some say this is a resting place where old dragons go in peace yet no one really knows.
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screpdoodle · 3 years
Duality - Chapter Ten (The Grumbletown)
Kaos struggled to fully unfold the gigantic map in the cramped space he and Glumshanks were holed up in. The two sat crouched at a low, wooden table. It looked to be homemade, with knobbly legs and indented sides. A lone lamp was strung from the slanted mud ceiling, wooden cross beams seeming to be the only thing keeping it up. Even Kaos felt slightly cramped as he wrestled with the huge slab of crumpled parchment, twice the size of the table he sat at, if not more. The sound of crackling fire, rambunctious trolls and electronic music outside was muffled by the poorly fortified clay walls, flecks of dirt falling down from the ceiling with every thump of the beat. Kaos’ attention wandered as he watched stout silhouettes run past the clouded windows, followed by a loud CRASH as one of them came catapulting through the glass, rolling across the floor before coming to a stop, beady eyes spinning in their sockets. The troll shook their head, locked eyes with Kaos, then scuttled out of the room through the unlocked front door, leaving it open behind them. Kaos huffed, then slid off of his stool, peering out into the chaotic street. Trolls of all shapes and sizes looked to be having the time of their lives; some were sprawled out across barrels (the ones they weren’t smashing at least), enjoying bottles of ‘soda’ and other treats Kaos didn’t quite recognize. Others were chasing each other around the winding dirt paths, or chasing what Kaos assumed to be the previous residents of the commandeered village - Rats. Kaos didn’t mean that as an insult, no, they looked like literal rats, with matted grey fur, long snouts and worm like tails. Judging by the architecture, the assumption seemed to track. Kaos pulled his head back in as someone threw a cart of wrinkled produce against the wall, the wooden cart splintering and fruits splattering into a multicolored mess of foul smelling slop. Kaos slammed the door shut, looking back to Glumshanks, who had managed to tame the wild map.
“What in Skylands are they even doing out there?” Kaos asked, brushing a few hanging roots out of his way as he walked back to Glumshanks’ side.
“Christening.” Glumshanks answered plainly, sighing. “They do this every time. Make a mess of the place to show ‘dominance’... or something. ‘Cause running out an entire settlement doesn’t do that already, I suppose.”
Kaos frowned, then looked down at the map, trying to pick out any details he might recognize now that he could more easily look over it. But the more he looked, the less he seemed to recognize. Noted landmarks and island formations he had first thought were possible leads were nothing but red herrings. How had he gotten himself so lost?
“If this one doesn’t work, I should have a few others.”
“No no, I’m sure this one is fine. I can’t have gone that far from home.” Kaos waved Glumshanks off, squinting at the map. He tapped one of the sepia-toned islands, frowning. “This is where we are, right?”
“Uhh, I think it’s here actually.”
“Troll. I’m pretty sure I know the location of a place I’ve never been on a map in a language I don’t know.”
“...please tell me that was sarcasm.”
Kaos just looked up, a deadpan expression on his face, before looking back down without another word. He scanned the map once more, mumbling incoherent words under his breath. This wasn’t right. Kaos winced, rubbing his temples as he felt a throbbing pain start creeping its way in, followed by the feeling of a damp rag pressed against his forehead. Kaos opened one eye, looking up as he watched Glumshanks gently dabbing the dried blood away, a concerned look on his green face.
“What do you think you’re doing, troll.”
“Cleaning the wound?” He phrased it more like a question, rather than a clean cut statement.
Kaos furrowed his brow, but didn’t object, simply squirming in his seat as Glumshanks began inspecting the small, albeit quite bloody, cut in his forehead. It didn’t quite hurt, but the sensation wasn’t all that nice either.
“...Maybe if we go back you can find the route you took?”
“That’s just the issue, troll.” Kaos slouched in his seat, resting his chin in his hand and elbow on the table. “I didn’t take a route. One minute I was in my backyard, the next I was here. I remember falling, but that’s about it.”
“Maybe you fell off the edge?”
“Impossible. I was nowhere near the…” Kaos trailed off, then sat forward with a start, the gears turning in his mind. “Glumshanks, are there any islands above this one?”
“A few, but-”
Before Glumshanks could finish his sentence, the sound of splintering wood cut through the muffled ruckus of outside, the sounds flooding in as the two looked over to see the door hanging off of its hinges, a clearly intoxicated Thropp staggering his way inside. Kaos instinctively got up off of his chair, taking a step back. Glumshanks just sighed, looking down.
“So, this is the-” a small hiccup interrupted Thropp’s sentence, “the boghole mama sent you to claim? Man, and I thought the other ones were bad. At least they had real walls.”
Thropp trailed his massive fingers across the clay wall, scraping a good amount of dirt off with his yellowing fingernail. He let out another hiccup before finally setting his beady eyes upon his brother, a tipsy smirk twisted across his face. He lumbered forward, paying no mind as his bare feet stepped over the shards of broken glass that lay across the ground, towering over Glumshanks. He hadn’t seemed to have noticed Kaos quite yet, despite him being right there.
“It was the best one I could find.” Glumshanks mumbled, trying to muster up an air of confidence, albeit to no avail. “You know how hectic it can get. Especially since you tend to be one of the ones causing most of it…”
Glumshanks’ voice grew quieter at the last part. Thropp’s ears twitched, but he didn’t seem to register it. At least not enough to care.
“You better hope there’s enough room in here, or you’ll be sleeping in the ‘doghouse’ again.” Thropp sneered.
If Kaos had thought his breath smelled bad before, it was nothing compared to the stench now. Sour and sickly sweet, like decay. Kaos couldn’t help but cover his nose, the smell all too familiar to him. At this movement though, Thropp’s eyes darted over to the small human, finally noticing him standing there at Glumshanks’ side. It took Thropp a moment to recognize him, the two merely standing there, locked in an unofficial staring contest.
“What. The hell. Are you doing here.” Thropp seemed to sober up almost immediately, his voice taking on a deadly tone.
“Well, cleeaarly ruining your ‘school project’ just wasn’t enough for me, so I had to hunt you down and ruin your homelife too.” Kaos explained, sarcasm dripping from every word he spoke.
“Kaos, I’m not sure if now is a good time to-”
“I knew we should have dealt with you on that- hic- that stupid ship!” Thropp raised his voice, raising his hands up. “At least I have a chance to fix that mistake now!”
Before Kaos knew what was happening, Thropp slammed his fists down, Glumshanks grabbing the small human out of the way at the last second. Kaos squeaked, his heart pounding in his ears. Thropp barely took a second to collect himself, his glare burning holes in Glumshanks’ skull.
“You dingweed!” He spat, slurring his words. “You two talked like, what, once?? And you’re already head over heels for this twerp! You wouldn’t believe how much he yammered on about you, human!!”
Kaos blinked, opened his mouth to ask what exactly Glumshanks had talked about, but before he could even get a word out Thropp threw a right hook at the two of them. Kaos ducked, pulling Glumshanks down with him. Thropp's fist slammed into the side of the staircase, the entire house practically shaking, bits of clay and dirt raining down. Kaos scuttled out of Thropp's line of sight as he quickly shook off the pain of his bloodied knuckles, shouting something Kaos assumed was in trolltongue. Glumshanks quickly scrambled to his feet, dragging Kaos up with him, practically carrying him to the door before his brother could come barreling after them. The two ran out into the night air, the pathways lit by smoldering embers, the trolls outside too busy partying to notice the scene that had unfolded. All but a few, at least. Glumshanks looked up from trying to catch his breath as a large troll came towards them, heavy feet thundering down the crowded street, three smaller trolls in tow. Three smaller trolls Kaos recognized almost immediately; the three lackeys Thropp had dragged along on the ship, the three ‘other brothers’. Which meant the one in the middle was…
“Glumshanks, thurhaakum duruth gorotu ishoing?? gu’vuth shrakeebag hakookinor azverywheruth guoum gorou!” The stout troll ran forward, the three others clambering along behind her, cooing and cackling about how Glumshanks was apparently in ‘hot water’ and how much trouble he was in.
“Mama, I-”
Glumshanks started, only to get cut off by the woman yet again, grabbing him by the sleeve and dragging him back towards the house, paying Kaos no mind whatsoever. Ascral, Haldir and Zhoark trailed off at the sight of him, on the other hand, words turning into hushed whispers as they followed their mother to the door. Kaos hesitated, then followed after them, a curious tilt to his head as he tried his best to listen in.
“I usholmar gorotu ushug ashtazag shrakzag ushhuth gulouse! gorotu dol-noiz ushhiakun athlacuth guakun ishangerous, thurhaakum thuroulmar thuruth ishug guir gorotu duloakum hakost, inium thurorse!!” The mother’s voice was sharp. He couldn’t understand a word she was saying, but Kaos could tell she was... less than pleased. Glumshanks kept trying to speak, but couldn’t get a word in edgewise. It was almost amusing, if not a little sad. They didn’t even seem to notice the door barely hanging on its hinges, simply walking inside as if they did this every day. The trio of smaller trolls threw their knapsacks to the ground as their mother dragged Glumshanks to the table, sitting him down as she continued to lecture on about ‘ushhuth gumportancuth iniir guamilzag gobalueakun’, whatever that meant. Thropp had passed out in the little alcove beneath the loft, his soda-induced stupor leading to a sound slumber. Kaos was amazed he was able to sleep through the shouting, but then again, if he had grown accustomed to his homelife, maybe this was normal for Glumshanks’ family too? Kaos stood in the doorway, watching the trolls acting like they had lived in this house for their entire lives, the chaos from outside now filtering into the lantern-lit room. Zhoark, Haldir and Ascral raced each other up onto the loft, laughing and jeering as their mother verbally berated her stringbean of a son, grunting and snarling as she threw her hands around to punctuate her sentences. Kaos couldn’t help but watch, picking up on details he hadn’t noticed before; like her graying ginger hair tied in a messy bun, the dirtied apron wrapped around waist, the fact that despite her tone, her cool grey eyes were soft, worry creased across the wrinkles in her face rather than anger. Kaos furrowed his brow, then tensed when he heard her voice trail off, gaze now locked on him. She said something to Glumshanks, then quickly walked around the table, standing before Kaos with her arms crossed across her chest, staring down the bridge of her nose at him. Kaos took a step back, looking over his shoulders as if expecting her to be looking at someone else there, before mustering up a hangdog smile.
“You.” She spoke sharply, jabbing a finger at his chest. “Thurhaakum ishug gorotu ashpeauku.”
“Mama, he-” Glumshanks cleared his throat. “Guluth ilabag ininlzag ashpeauku gulumabag.”
The woman looked back to Glumshanks, scrunched her face up, then gestured to the table. “Ashiakum. Ashiakum.”
Kaos just blinked. Before he could figure out a way to respond, she had taken him by the sleeve, dragging him to the table and sitting him down with more force than really necessary. Kaos winced, then rubbed his shoulders, his discomfort creeping up his spine like a clutter of spiderlings. Glumshanks merely offered him a sympathetic smile.
“Kaos, this is our caretaker, Oyana.” He gestured to the troll woman. “Mama, this is Kaos. He’s my, uh-”
“Ishug gorotu azaakum ashugarbaakum.” She interrupted, paused when she noticed Kaos’ look of utter perplexity, then spoke again. “You. Eat dinner?”
“...yes?” Kaos didn’t quite understand the question, but before he could ask her to elaborate, she had already shuffled off into the back room, closing the moth-eaten curtain that covered the doorway behind her. Kaos let his posture slump, breathing a sigh. “Well, your mother sure is... something.”
“Hm? Oh, she’s not my mom.” Glumshanks rested his chin in his hand, his arms resting on the table.
“But you call her mama? Is this, like, a cultural thing I don’t understand or…?”
“Kinda. I think she’s the equivalent of a human grandma to us? Something like that.”
Glumshanks traced his finger across the table’s surface, drawing little swirls in the light layer of grime that covered it. In the back room, Kaos could hear the clanging of utensils, firelight crackling out from beneath the loosely hung drapery. Up in the loft, he could hear the trio talking in hushed grunts, saying things he could barely hear, let alone understand.
“...I guess I’m staying for dinner?” Kaos managed a laugh. “I’ve never had troll cuisine, so this should be fun! Then maybe after we can give that map another look, eh?”
“Yeah, fun.” Glumshanks chuckled, a hint of sarcasm sprinkled over his words, though he cracked a smile nonetheless.
Kaos grinned back, letting his guard slip, if only a little. From the kitchen, Oyana called Glumshanks’ name, causing him to jump up with a start, calling back before rushing into the kitchen, probably to help with the cooking. Kaos sighed. The pounding techno music outside was almost a comfort now that he was used to it. Thropp let out a shuddering snore, then fell silent again, the three upstairs sniggering at the noise. Kaos looked out the window, to the islands past the edge of the village. He needed to get home, but staying here a little longer couldn’t hurt, right?
Kaos folded up the comically large map best he could, eventually giving up and thrusting it against Glumshanks’ chest, letting him deal with the crumpled mess of parchment. This was the spot. Kaos stood before the well, then looked up, glaring at the empty night sky above. That couldn’t be right. He had fallen from one well into another, so surely, his home had to be above this one. Kaos huffed, trying to wrack his mind for any possible landmarks he may have passed, something to jog a possible path to take. Anything to prove he was merely misremembering what had happened. He winced, holding his temple, the bandages Glumshanks’ mama had fixed in place scratchy against his fingertips. Had he really hit his head that hard?
“You’re sure this is the place?” Glumshanks cleared his throat, a frown on his face.
“It has to be. How many odd, intricately carved wells could there be in a single area?”
Glumshanks adjusted his worn jacket, then took another look at the map, peering at it from different angles to try and see if they were missing something. Kaos grumbled under his breath, pacing around the well, his hands folded behind his back. This wasn’t adding up.
“You said you were in a forest, right?”
“Yes. A two-toed greeble stole my scarf so I chased it right into those lumberous leviathans’ lair.”
“The trees, Glumwad. Keep up with me here!”
“...riiight.” He looked down at the map again. “There should be a forest not too far from here, if you follow the path you should come to it in no time.”
Kaos paused his pacing, ten pulled the map down to his height, peering at the section Glumshanks was on. Sure enough, it seemed to portray a densely wooded area, though none of the surroundings seemed to spark a feeling of recollection. Still, it was at least a start.
“Well, I guess I’ll head that way then...?” Kaos tried to hide the hesitancy in his voice, to no avail.
Glumshanks looked up the way of the tread path. “If you want, I can walk you there, but Mama wants me back before ‘moonset’, so I can wash the dishes… and make the beds…”
“Let me guess, if Thropp doesn’t have his pillows fluffed he throws a fit?” Kaos snickered.
Glumshanks managed a dry laugh. “More or less…”
Kaos frowned, then wacked Glumshanks on the arm playfully. “Well, we’ll just have to have you back by moonset then, eh?”
“Before moonset.” He corrected.
“Yeah yeah, whatever. You’ll be back to do your menial labour before you even know it.”
Kaos turned, putting on a brave face as he started down the beaten trail. He lingered as he passed by the well, still slightly suspicious of its carved walls, though he did his best to shrug the feeling off. Now wasn’t the time to let his active imagination get in the way. He picked up the pace, trying his best to keep in stride with Glumshanks, who was managing to overtake him even with his slower, meandering speed. Curse those long legs. It didn’t take long for the two to notice the foliage getting denser, the previously vacant planes of boulders and browning, patchy grass now overtaken by thorny roots and dense, red bushes. Kaos hopped over a small break in the island, his frown worsening. He had a faint sense of familiarity, but it felt like he was grasping at straws. It was a few moments before Kaos noticed the troll was no longer by his side. He paused, then looked back. Glumshanks stood at the edge, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
“I… I should be heading back.”
“Yeah- yeah of course. Don’t wanna keep them waiting.” Kaos laughed awkwardly, his spine prickling.
“Stay safe, okay? Don’t go getting eaten by a Gargantula or anything.”
“No promises.”
Glumshanks gave a small, tense wave, Kaos trying his best to reciprocate before turning to face the forest. Knowing Glumshanks wasn’t by his side, the trees seemed to loom over him, branches reaching and leaves rustling like razor blades ready to slice at him if he got too close. Kaos took a step forward, then looked over his shoulder, watching Glumshanks walking away, his heart sinking further with every step the troll took. Kaos took a deep breath, turned to face the path ahead, then began walking.
Kaos was nearly bowled over as Glumshanks came racing up to join him, branches and dry leaves crunching beneath his bare feet. The troll skidded to a stop, wringing his hands together.
“I-I’m sure Thropp can survive without me for a little longer. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t help out?”
Kaos smiled, his eyes lighting up. “A piss poor one, that’s what.”
Glumshanks laughed breathlessly, then ducked under a low hanging branch, walking along into the looming shadows. Kaos took a moment, then followed, keeping his hand on his rusty pruning shears. Just in case.
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la-noche-cae · 5 years
977 Words.
No warnings needed. Summary: A short conversation between Nightfall and Mystic (an OC) after tending to an additional mission of hers underwater. Note: Pretend the Sea Shadow has two seats just for a moment.
(I decided to start posting my completed fics… I also posted this on Archive of our Own, recently made an account there ^^ my username is Elafrum) 
- - - It’s been a long day for Mystic. They didn’t expect Nightfall’s mission to take so long, they thought she just wanted to get this over with. They completely forgot that submarines have a limited supply of air, and each time they got anxious they consumed more of it, then made them even more anxious. But at last, they were arriving to the surface, at least, that’s what Nightfall said. Mystic didn’t notice anything different other than more pitch dark. But surely there was a change of pressure, and the Sea Shadow decompressed, that, they did realize. Soon after a while of silence, and Nightfall glancing occasionally at their spooked face, she offered to open the hood so they could get fresh air once they got there. The kirin nodded, said “Yeah”, and looked to their side of the hood, waiting. Why were they so quiet? Were they holding their breath, afraid the two would suffocate? The kirin saw her, and just waited to be looked at to show a small sympathetic smile. She simply blinked as a reply. She looked up. They arrived. The ocean was quiet, surprisingly. Nightfall opened the hood, and not only air came in, but warmth. The familiar scent calmed them, and the warmth made them happy. Mystic opened their mouth again, “Thank you.” The hood was open all the way, and Mystic looked around. It was night-time, and the place just had a different feel to it, with the invisible sea, the stars, and no land in sight, yet. Mystic felt their body ease quickly and dropped back to the seat. “Are you coming to the academy as well?” The dreadwalker asked, turning the vehicle to another direction. “Yeah, we going to the same place.” They nodded and looked at her shyly. “I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable…” Mystic commented, choosing to converse again. Nightfall accelerated, the hood still open. “…You didn’t.” She considered asking them the same, she felt wary of the newcomer given they alone experienced the mission with her. She understood they were okay despite the shyness. “Okay, I just want to make sure. I know you’re used to going on these alone.” They finished saying, the wind making it harder to be heard. Some water sprayed on the two, but Nightfall didn’t care too much. “I didn’t mind your company.” She replied, still as cautious of her surroundings as she was underwater. Again, Mystic looked up, staring quietly at the stars and admiring the scenery. It was pleasant to the eyes, and every time they looked, they saw more stars, sometimes, they even reflected on the water. The dreadwalker chuckled to herself, “You’re definitely going to be a magic skylander.” Embarrassed, Mystic crossed their arms and looked at her, smiling. “Why, is it because I like to look at the stars? I know you’re enjoying this too. You’re a dark skylander.” Nightfall tilted her head, “True, I am nocturnal. But I mean that you are a rather reserved version of the archetype. You like stars, mystery, you’re curious, and lost in thought.” “Why reserved? I mean, I know I’m quite introverted…” “Reserved because apparently, magic skylanders are proud and powerful. With you, though…” This was starting as a normal conversation, was she really going to attack them now? “You’re not yet aware of your powers.” She finished saying. Mystic judged too soon. “Oh… Well, in all honesty, I haven’t used my powers for things requiring a lot of focus, neither. But I’m glad you don’t just blindly believe in me. What you said makes sense.” Nightfall knew they were talking about Stormblade and her endless positivity. She probably said “You can do it! You can be a Skylander, I know it!” Barely knowing the poor kirin. Of course, Storm was being nice, but she knows all too well how that can put someone off. At the moment, she had a weird relationship with Stormblade, somehow, Mystic had been with her less time and already knew how to treat the dreadwalker. Or perhaps, it was natural to them, and they react the same way to other people. Either way, Nightfall was more at peace with them than her teammates and appreciated the change of pace. However, she felt they were too quiet sometimes. For her liking. She wondered what they were thinking, but they didn’t usually start the conversation. Perhaps she thought that because they were saving their breath for most of the mission, though. She looked at them to call their attention, they were leaning on the hood with their arm supporting their head, and the wind was ruffling their hair. “Hey,” She spoke up, “I would like to keep what we saw down there secret. I feel I’ve been onto something for a while and telling other people might make us suspicious.” “That whole place looked suspicious, but if you ask me to keep a secret, I will.” Mystic nodded and burrowed their brows, starting to think of things they should ask her. “What do I tell people we were doing then?” “Hmm… Looking for a shipwreck. To find evidence of a fight with the kraken.” Mystic couldn’t help but laugh, though Nightfall seemed serious. “What? An octopus or a squid that size can be real. You’ve heard of deep-sea gigantism?” “Yeah, I think I know what it is.” “The deeper into the sea, the bigger an animal can grow. I rest my case.” She said and lifted her head with triumph. Mystic chuckled, then went calm again “But…” “I wonder what those big sea creatures are doing on the surface then… Right? It isn’t their natural habitat.” Mystic looked afar into the sea, for the first time fearing it. They couldn’t begin to imagine what kind of battles Nightfall had. But she just sat in silence… “That’s what I’ve been asking myself all this time.”
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ffprecurespain · 1 year
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[Hirogaru Sky! Precure] ¡Títulos de los episodios de Mayo! (14-17)
14: ¡Hacia Skyland! Reunión con la persona que más admiro. (07 de Mayo)
15: ¿¡La gran explosión de un Ranborg super gigante!? ¡Proteged Skyland! (14 de Mayo)
16: La caza de demonios del grupo Elleetarou. (21 de Mayo)
17: ¡Entrega el mejor relevo! La seria carrera de Mashiro. (28 de Mayo)
Otra tanda de capítulos y Butterfly sigue sin dar señales de cuando aparecerá. A este ritmo, ¿será ella la cure de media tempo?
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