ourdawncomes · 4 years
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@skyheld​ asked: ✵ for Ameridan
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Their first impression of your muse: “I read about Ameridan, long before I’d ever got to-- you know, meet him. Considering his place in Chantry history it was surprising there was so little. I mean, think of how much we know about Andraste. Humans don’t keep the Memories like dwarves, but when something’s important they usually write it somewhere. In hindsight, I see why that was.”
Current impression:  “He’s nothing like I expected. I’d figured him to be a man of faith, the rumours that he was shirking his duty never made sense, but...  I always expected the last Inquisitor to be someone who felt different. From me, that is. It seems to me we have more in common than we don’t.”
Are they attracted to your muse?:
Something they find frightening about your muse: “It’s not so much anything he’s done, but I can’t shake the fear they’ll do the same to me as they did to him. My family name’s already been stricken from one people’s history, after all.”
Something they find adorable about your muse:  “Uh, adorable? It’s sweet how he gets along with dogs, I guess.”
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  “He did the same for us. How could I do any different?”
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  “It’s tempting. The stories he must have... but I wouldn’t want to press him. I imagine it’s takes a toll, remembering what he does.”
One word my muse would use to describe yours:  “Hero.”
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: “Are you kidding me? He tried to take on a dragon by himself. I’m not starting that fight.”
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: “He could probably use a hug, but I’m not sure he’d appreciate one from me.”
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