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plural-culture-is · 3 months ago
For the playlist we’d like to submit SAHARA by Ivycomb; they’re a system themself and a lot of their songs have plural vibes, but especially SAHARA in our opinion
A couple lyric excerpts:
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playlist link
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ivyloveheart · 24 days ago
Staring at you wide eyed and shaking (positive)
The Dandy’s World infection spreads? :D
yessss 😁😁😁 I’ve been seeing fanart of it for a while and thought the characters are really cute, and I started playing the game itself recently ^_^
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ofowlsdinosaursanddragons · 8 months ago
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alterhuman-art · 28 days ago
[Image description: Gaster Blaster Sans sitting at the edge of an floating island topped with purple grass looking out at a night sky filled with stars and other floating islands. Each of the floating islands hosts a different environment. One has a snowy pine forest, another a cluster of crystals and a waterfall that falls straight over the edge into space, and another island has a single fruit tree with a yellow banner depicting a sun tied around its trunk. End description.]
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Introducing our headspace (plus Night enjoying the view)! We sketched this out at school a few weeks ago, and finally got the motivation to color it! Not 100% happy with it since the islands aren’t toooo accurate and the grass looks funky, but it gets the idea across!
Pretty much, our headspace (which we have dubbed Star Space because why not) is kinda a mix between Outertale and Sunny’s HEADSPACE in Omori. There’s a large central island that’s our main area, then a bunch of smaller islands around it that are different areas that are important to each of us. The sky also has some constellations connected to each of us too; we just didn’t draw them.
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tealmaskmybeloved · 2 months ago
Happy anniversary to my blog!
To celebrate, I figured I'd do a drawing of a whole BUNCH of Toxic Chained Kieran designs that I've seen over the past year.
I'm sorry if I wasn't able to include everyone.
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Credits and AUs under the cut
From top left to bottom right:
Dokukieran by me (the one at the very top)
@urich11 's design
PechaRot: @false-savior
@yes-asil 's design
Power Comes At A Price: @ofowlsdinosaursanddragons
rjames.the.v's design (now deleted)
@geodraws04 's design
@grismavessel 's design
Mist-the-moth's design (now deleted)
@donutdrawsthings 's design
Pkmnhell's design
Pen Paladin's design
Umagon's design
CardnlH's design
@agentc0rn 's design
Project Venus: @mooflettes
Toxic Consequences: Me
Bridged Toxicity: @skyedancer2006
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noiverns-den · 1 year ago
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Various Kieran and friends™ AU sketches for my good friends on discord ft my own kibby kieran haha having so much fun interacting with these awesome creators!! AU's in order belonging to @basilcatchup @foxzutheone @angelabsol @marisol124 @skyedancer2006
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indigodiskmybeloved · 5 months ago
Okay YOUR TURN! What aus do you like?
Sorry for tagging yall but HERE-
@fvturum AU/Designs of Turo and Sada!!! We have had entire hours worth of conversations talking about our AUs, and their designs are AWESOME!!
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@ofowlsdinosaursanddragons Kaijuimorph AU! They were the ones who made one of the very first fanart for my au, and made AWESOME DESIGNS FOR THE CHAINED TRIO-
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@skyedancer2006 and their Bridged Toxicity AU! I'M A SUCKER FOR GIANT CREATURES-
And their BT! Dragon Kieran design is awesome, and the AU explores interesting themes, such as the line between human/nonhuman. Really recommend checking it out!
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@tealmaskmybeloved Toxic Consequences AU! There is no way we can forget the very AU that made me want to make a toxic chain AU in the first place! His art is amazing, his ideas are cool, and I love the designs!!
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@treasuresofruinmybeloved with the Ruinous Warriors AU! I feel like the Ruinous Quartet are underrated, so it is AWESOME to see content for them! (Expect fanart soon, ehehehehehe)
@thesillyexpresser GHOST TURO
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I love the shenanigans with Ghost Turo and AI Turo in the AU, with Ghost Turo being a silly little guy. After everything he has been through, can you really blame him?
@g1ga-byte Disk Guardian AU
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With Geeta being the protector of Area Zero, it is SUCH a cool concept and I love it to bits!!
That should be all, so GO CHECK THE AUS OUT! THEY'RE REALLY GOOD!!
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mooflettes · 7 months ago
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This is probably one of my favorite artfight attacks/defenses to do, as I had never peoperly messed around with gloopy texture
I really hope you enjoyed this one, @skyedancer2006 ! Thank you for having a Kieran I could experiment with! /gen
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itsvae10 · 8 months ago
Ok ok- um here’s pt.2 of me drawing the Kieran’s aus
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Toxic Consequences - @tealmaskmybeloved
Selkie Kieran - @basilcatchup
Bridged Toxicity - @skyedancer2006
Blind Arven au - @c0stiffen
Online Friends au - @cursed-rattatas
Again pls follow and look at their amazing work they have these aus! They are genuinely really amazing and interesting :)
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localfinnfan · 2 months ago
This took a few days to make, but here’s a (mostly) comprehensive Dandy’s World Starter Guide! We made it since a friend wanted to get into the game and we wanted to give them a resource to learn the basics, and thought it would be useful to other people too!
It has everything a new player needs to know about DW’s gameplay mechanics, from floor types to item functions to each Twisted’s unique gimmicks. We may have gone a bit overboard on the details in some parts, but we were having a lot of fun making it so whatever!
We’re planning on updating it as more stuff gets added to the game; right now it should be accurate for everything up to and including the Christmas event.
If anything’s inaccurate, missing, or could be worded better, please tell us so we can fix it! We want to make this as accurate of a resource as possible ^^
Also feel free to share this around wherever! It has credits written into it.
(A heads up; we made it on PC so some of the formatting may be a little wonky on mobile if you don’t switch it to page layout mode!)
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interstellarchaosss · 7 months ago
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We loved doing the glowy effects + gradient on this one, and we're really having fun with the space backgrounds. Attack on @skyedancer2006
Please do not use our art without our permission. Feel free to ask to use for icons and similar things, but we have the right to say no.
Program: Firealpaca Approx. Time: 50m Original Date: 27.07.24 Commission/Trade/Collab status in bio/pinned! Art Of: Art Fight 2024 Attack! (System Member Artist: Riddle)
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my-names-kris · 9 months ago
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i am SO sorry to my other friends who i couldnt fit in this. i might do another one just for you guys. maybe.
anyways featuring: @mothnoir @horizontalsplash @bubbleberryuniverse @tk-o @neon-draws-sometimes @mcnotok @kawaiifreshypara @rainbowrosegames @skyedancer2006
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transparent image for those who want to do this also! i found the original version was too small so i remade it.
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ivyloveheart · 1 year ago
Thank you for all the objectum-related reblogs..! They really helped us realize we’re POSIC and some flavor of objectum (platonic/queerplatonic specifically) ^^
Yay!! I’m glad you were able to figure that out for yourselves :>
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ofowlsdinosaursanddragons · 4 months ago
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Probably one of my favorite gens out there along with Alola and Hoenn tbh. Like, sure, the graphics weren’t great but the story is probably been the best it’s ever been!
Like first off:
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Team star is amazing as a evil team with lovable characters like Eri and Giacomo along with the gym leaders as well like the cold hearted Grusha, the streamer Iono or even Larry!
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And while Geeta isn’t the best battle wise, she serves as a penultimate boss for the gym trials and a shows how strong Nemona is.
Honestly, for me, the best thing about Scarlet/Violet is the final part of Paldea: AREA ZERO.
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A place full of unknown creatures roaming around where beast of the ancient past/distant future dwell. Kinda harkening to the works of Pellucidar, Doyle’s the lost world and even the most recent Godzilla movie’s hollow earth!
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And the Final Boss. EVERYTHING about this fight is EPIC, the ethereal music, the Ai professor and the atmosphere of stopping a region-wide cataclysm in stake!
Honestly, I could go on and on on these three but you all know how I love these guys
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But y’all get my point. This is a goated game with a goated region
@indigodiskmybeloved @skyedancer2006 @tealmaskmybeloved @electronicrunawaypesent @guthrie-odonto
@treasuresofruinmybeloved @sp1derc1der
For a two year anniversary of the amazing region!
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the-new-pokespe-futures · 1 year ago
The Korrosion Klan: Members, Allies, Neutral and Enemies:
Members (Confirmed):
Project Venus (PV) Pecharunt (by @milliemuus)
Caramarunt (C) Pecharunt (by @alatlus)
Members and Allies (Pending Invitation):
Toxic Consequences (TC) Pecharunt (by @tealmaskmybeloved)
Azure Dive (AD) Pecharunt (by @suguaotruther) (Name: Dokupon)
PechaRot: Chained Vessels (PR:CV) Pecharunt (by @tenrec-racer-7)
Mochi Desires (MD) Pecharunt (by @indigodiskmybeloved)
@marisol124 Pecharunt (No title given as of writing this)
Various corrupted pokemon and trainers
Hoshi and Dalmo (neutral to bad terms)(by shibuyatoastedcursor)
Bridged Toxicity (BT) Pecharunt (by @skyedancer2006)
Kieranrunt (by @marisol124) (name: durazmito)
Kieranpon (by @shima-draws)
Florian, Juliana, Paldea Trio, Kitakami Twins and BB elite 4 from all previously mentioned Aus.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IT'S A MUTI-CROSSOVER BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!
In all seriousness, I want this to actually happen. I don't mean it as 'canon' but it's still a fun idea to think about. If you want your Pecharunt to join the Klan, just reblog or comment on the post then I’ll change it accordingly. HOWEVER! There is 1 condition the Pecharunt must fulfill:
If they are antagonists or villains on their own and not being controlled by someone else. They are placed in members and allies
If their morality spectrum needs work, but not outright evil, they are in neutral to enemies
This is sort of why I put Kieranrunt in enemies since maybe he does not agree with the rest of the Pechas? He probably gets some identity crisis later on, mainly whose side to join, he makes up his mind later on. BT doesn’t seem to be evil according to his lore which is why he’s not part of the Klan and he’s not exactly against them yet, which is why I placed him in neutral. Also, I just wanna thank myself (and being a bit kind to myself) for coming up with the AU names for TC and BT Pecharunt. This list is subject to change and will be changed accordingly through and through if people want to add their Pecharunt au to it. Also, they all have a human/humanoid forms as they learnt it from my au Pecharunt, (not fully fleshed out in his au so he's not here yet) their forms are related to them but also being related to how Possessed Kieran looks like in his Au. If you don't want any of your AUs to be involved, I'll remove it
With all that said, this is me, signing off!
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tealmaskmybeloved · 2 months ago
Tomorrow is my one year anniversary for this blog.
It does not feel like it.
And yet, it does at the same time.
Just one year ago, there were theories and discussions about Kieran being possessed by Pecharunt/Dokutaro, people were sharing their designs and AUs, it was super fun.
It still blows my mind how my Toxic Chain Kieran design went from this:
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To this:
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Making this blog allowed me to meet so many cool people with their own AUs and ideas!
People like @angelabsol @skyedancer2006 @mikabeean @ofowlsdinosaursanddragons @labselkie @marisol124 @the-new-pokespe-futures @geodraws04 @shinysmolivgarden @dusk-the-ghost-trainer @wizard-anon2 @kitakami-kid @mooflettes
Yall are SUPER cool and really amazing!!
I genuinely don't think I would have made it this far without you all, yall kept me going when it came to making Toxic Consequences, and I'm super glad I've met everyone here.
I'm also grateful for all the support I've received, not just for the AU and ideas, but also when life decides to kick me down, your support helps a lot.
There's gonna be a drawing tomorrow (hopefully) to celebrate.
So yeah
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