#sky colt eden
rat-rosemary · 1 year
Another thing!! Why is heaven so fucking white now???
Wait I'll rant under the cut just in case because spoilers
Like, the area after you die in the eye of eden, why are they making it brighter and brighter every time I go there???
It literally looks so bad, its so bright that I doesn't give you any time to look around and enjoy the details
And it must be horrible for moths!! Like, I remember my first time doing eden, I sat in that area just thinking about what had happen and enjoying how beautiful it was for a good half an hour
Now you already arrive blinded, you don't get a second before that fucking door is shinning a light directly into your eyes and asking you where you were August 11, 2022
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lumienshitposting · 2 years
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I had 200 candles and used most of them to finish the candle part of all my consolations RIP, now I gotta get them all back. I want to finally get to finishing my consolations at one point. As I have been playing now for like soon 2 years but so many other cool things were going on so it was hard to get to it. Plus that is the one thing that does suck with solo playing is the problem with hearts and getting them really slowly. I have tired to bargen with other players for hearts and stuff but we always end up being confused on who gave when and how much someone gave, and normally ends with me giving more in the end. So I don’t want to do that anymore. Instead I just made myself another account which farms hearts for me! Which I got the idea from a friend of mine who also does the same thing.
Also tbh after the initial shock of the changes to Eden I now reeeeeally love going to Eden. I dunno why but that fact that it is a lot harder kind of but still not impossible hard made me have to start using different potions to get through it and make the trip a lot more exciting and also a lot more fulfilling instead of annoying. So I have been going to Eden a lot more lately. So even tho I was mad at TGC first About changing eden I do love it now XD it is way more fun. 
If you want to know my method for eden:
Going through eden as normal in stage 1 and 2, making sure to light all the lights You can, and pay close attention to the rocks in 2 to make sure To not get hit. scout out were to hide before you start to run to the next hiding spot and go in between intervals, don’t rush it. I also am a tall sky kid which is pretty much needed in eden so if you don’t want to permanently go tall you should stock up on growth spells for eden. And use them any time a growth spell stops working and you are in a safe spot.
3 is pretty easy as the path is very clearly layed out but I do recommend jump running to each hiding spot in this one and keep an eye on the Krills intervals, inside that little house type area take a break to recharge if you don’t have a prop that helps you recharge. If you do have a prop you can use to recharge take that with you to eden.
Stage 4 is the hard part, first not so hard, just keep an eye on the rocks, hiding spots and light all spots you can just for safety if you do end up getting hit. At the start towards the end of stage 4 we’re the krill is, activate a “ward off krills” spell this makes so a krill can’t hit you. If you are new to eden you can also use this spell earlier but remember it is only active for 1 minute. Then you just have to look out for any rocks and get through. At this point if you do get hit and start crawling around use a charge spell and then get into the tunnel as fast as you can.
Once you get to stage 5 where you have to charge up all those dead Sky kids just go from closest to furthest, here the goal is to die anyway so if you do die here and don’t get all it is fine, it happens. Make sure to light all the lights on the way, and you can also use a charge spell when you need. when you get closer to the end tho when red rocks are constantly falling I do recommend once you start to crawl just stick to that and don’t try to charge up, it will not work properly and just slows you down. So just crawl your way to other dead Sky kids and get as many as you can. Here you can relax tbh, it might feel stressful but once you are at stage 5 it really doesn’t matter much how far you are able to go, you will get the hang of how to best light all the Sky kids after a while of playing.
Also you can go with a friend, but be careful if you go with more then 1 you might risk having one of you be hit behind the more narrow hiding spots which causes chaos.
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wanderingskychild · 10 months
Well I did say I’d die for you, time to honor my words huh.
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Remember, do it for Hope. DO IT FOR HOPE!
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metsaahenki · 9 months
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light source ✨
might take a scan later
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beigetiger · 10 months
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awkwardpossum0 · 1 year
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Drew my sky kid sitting with @artistdove's Kurro, they are silly together
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ash-dino · 1 month
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wonderr-skyy · 5 months
Eden skip: Go through the window on the left and then just fly up.
I haven't seen anyone explain this. Just mostly Vets I've talked to know about it but don't explain how to do it, so I decided to make a vid to showcase.
It saves a lot of time, and I believe everyone should know how to do it now since Sky is more and more event-money hungry (which I disprove of and have already sent a complaint about it).
Basically they've reduced the amount of time for event currencies to be obtained: Before, events lasted more time than currencies needed to buy items (examples are previous birthday celebrations where if you did the currencies everyday you'd have more than enough to buy all the items in case you couldn't make it every single day).
And Eden candles are now used, more than ever, to buy event currencies since the time for events has been shortened by a lot, so much so, that if you miss even 1 day you may not be able to complete all event currencies without buying some...
People have jobs and schools and cannot spend every single day completing every single event to make sure they don't miss out.
Us Sky fans want to make sure Sky stays available for everyone, and doesn't become ableist like other games. We do this for the love of the game.
If the devs do not want players to have to rely on skips to complete their missions, they shouldn't give us impossible deadlines.
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inkyams · 4 months
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Been a while since I played Sky and the first thing I did was go to Eden
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aestheticskykid · 1 year
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If that’s the Eden then what’s the other?
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dilfslayer69 · 1 year
Eden Rule 1: Every moth for themselves.
Eden Rule 2: Run. Run. Run. Run-
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rat-rosemary · 1 year
I fucking hate the new eye of eden, it's so slow and painful to get through
Like, I get they wanted to try to keep eden interesting for veterans but it's not! I just have to slowly crawl all the way through it and it makes me want to avoid even so much more
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wanderingskychild · 1 year
It’s been a long while since I actually did an Eden run & I caught this krill bugging through the ruin.
My Heart Nearly Leapt From My Chest! 😩
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Also became a parent again. This is Moof. Caring for them here is a challenge.
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oriskid · 2 years
A child! Ö
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beigetiger · 10 months
Did the newest quest for season of revival (😭) and got some screenshots
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This guy is me fr ☝️
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And from the effort of getting back my wing-light…WHAT ARE THESE???
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