#sksw gully
tortilla-of-courage · 1 month
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timeskip designs of the skyloft children. because i think about them a normal amount
+ bonus
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link. dont encourage this behavior,
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skyward-children · 2 years
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Summary: Link discovers caffeine.
A/N: instead of working on zelinkweek prompts I wrote this. so originally this started out as a fic based off of a line in sksw-- "you! the adorable boy with the golden hair!" but it quickly escalated into a complete crackfic XD read it as you will, it's weird. not sure whether I'll post it to ao3 :P
Steam rose from the bowl of pumpkin soup in front of Link, tickling his nose with a delectable scent. Yet, even as the savory smell filled his nostrils, he couldn’t help but release another giant yawn, slumping forward and propping one cheek against his fist. As the yawn trailed away, he gave a long, sleepy blink, the bags under his eyes accentuated by his face, which was paler than usual. 
Link stared into the reddish-orange depths of the soup, topped with herbs and melted cheese, but couldn’t bring himself to raise the spoon to his lips. He had been awake for perhaps twenty or so minutes, and had rushed to the dining hall only for Henya to tell him that breakfast had been served an hour ago and he was too late. His stomach pierced with hunger, Link had hurried back to his room, grabbed his wallet, and then made his way to the bazaar, where he knew Piper would have some food already cooked up and ready to serve. 
Sure enough, she had just finished preparing a giant batch of pumpkin soup, and Link had purchased a bowl for a blue rupee, then sat at one of the nearby tables to eat. But he was now so tired that he could scarcely process what was happening, let alone that he was supposed to be eating his soup. 
He yawned for perhaps the twentieth time that day and shifted in his seat, blinking rapidly in an attempt to wake himself up. He stared the bowl of soup down for a moment, then determinedly grasped the spoon that rested halfway in its depths, taking a first bite of the soup. 
The voice caught Link unawares, and he widened his eyes, looking around the bazaar. After a moment he spotted Zelda, rushing towards him. He raised a hand in greeting, just as she plopped down in the seat across from him, leaning breathlessly against the table.
“Link, are you okay? You weren’t at breakfast, then when I had the chance I looked in your room but you weren’t there.” Zelda paused for breath, brushing hair out of her face. “I figured you’d be here, and I was right, but you look awfully pale. Are you feeling all right?” 
Link nodded, taking another bite of soup. “Just tired. I stayed up really late last night working on a carving and then had trouble falling asleep.” 
Zelda scowled. “You could have worked on the carving today, you know.” 
“Yeah, but it was just sitting there, and I really wanted to work on it.” He scooped up a bit of melted cheese, leveling Zelda with a tired look. “It’s like….I dunno, I just couldn’t stop.” 
She shook her head, but a smile tugged at her lips. “So what’s the carving of?” 
Link shrugged. “Just another Remlit. Kukiel saw the one I made for Gully and wanted one too.” 
Zelda grinned. “That’s nice.” She glanced behind him for a moment, a slight frown crossing her face before she turned to look at him again. “Heads up, the potion seller keeps looking at you. Luv, I think she’s called– she and her husband moved her recently from one of the outer islands. But yeah, she’s been staring at you for a minute or two.” 
Link sat bolt upright, his eyes widening. “What do you mean? Does she look upset? Did I do something?” 
“No, she’s not upset,” Zelda answered. “She’s got a neutral expression.” 
“Oh.” Link’s shoulders tensed. “I hope nothing’s wrong. Did I put my shirt on backwards? Or maybe I forgot to comb my hair–” 
“When do you ever remember to comb your hair?” Zelda laughed. “But no, it’s not that.”
Link swallowed, his mouth dry. “Well then why?” 
Zelda hummed, shaking her head. “I have no idea. You could always–”
The voice startled both of them, cutting through the natural murmuring that filled the bazaar. Link jumped, sloshing his soup, and then stared at Zelda, his lips parted slightly. “Is she–?” 
Zelda nodded. 
Link twisted in his seat, nervousness thrumming in his chest as he spotted the potion seller. She was indeed looking at him, her eyes narrowed slightly. He gulped and pointed a finger at himself. “M-me?” he squeaked, his voice barely audible. 
She nodded, gesturing with one hand. “Yes, you. The adorable boy with the golden hair. Get over here.” 
Link’s jaw dropped, and across the table from him Zelda snickered quietly, although her cheeks turned a peculiar shade of red. Link threw her a desperate glance before standing and weaving through the crowd to the potion table, halting in front of the woman. Luv– was that what Zelda said her name was? He clenched his hands, not meeting the woman’s gaze. “Uh…you wanted something?” 
“Yes.” Luv stared at him for a long moment, then dropped to her knees and dug in a box beneath the counter. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a lad look as tired as you! Clearly what you need is a special fix-up.” 
“Oh– n-no, I’m fine, I don’t–” Link stammered, clutching the counter. “I swear I’m okay–” 
“Ahah!” Luv declared, ignoring his protests and holding up a bottle full of a mysterious liquid. “This should set you up right quick. Here, have it on the house, sweetie. You sure look like you need it.” 
Link stared at her, not comprehending for a moment, before dazedly he took the offered bottle. “Uh…thanks? What’s in it?” 
Luv smiled and tapped a finger to her lips. “That’s my secret. Run along, now. Go back to your little girlfriend.” 
“She’s not my girlfriend–” Link stammered, his face turning bright red, but Luv shooed him away, then pounced on a potential customer. 
Link stared at the cryptic bottle in his hands before wandering back to Zelda, scratching the back of his head. “Uh…” 
“What is that?” Zelda questioned as he sat down again. 
“I have…no idea,” Link replied after a moment, setting the bottle cautiously down. He resumed eating his now-lukewarm soup, eyeing the bottle warily, as if it might explode. “She said she’s never seen anybody look as tired as me and that I needed a…a fix-up. She wouldn’t tell me what it was.” 
“That’s…weird.” Zelda grabbed the bottle and uncorked it, sniffing it hesitantly. “It smells good. Kinda has a burnt smell. Like chocolate, almost, but not quite.” 
“Huh.” Link took the bottle from her, examining it for a moment. “I guess it can’t hurt to try it, at least.” He took a cautious sip. 
“Well?” said Zelda anxiously. 
Link coughed a little before drinking some more. “It’s…good. It’s kind of bitter, but it’s good. It does taste a little burnt, though.” 
Zelda’s brows furrowed. “She said it would help you wake up?”
“Basically, yeah.” 
“I guess we’ll see, then,” Zelda remarked. “Finish your soup, okay? I wanna go flying in a bit.” 
Link nodded and began to eat the rest of his soup.
Around fifteen minutes later, Link was bouncing off the walls.  
It came on suddenly. He and Zelda were wandering through the bazaar, examining some of the things inside before they headed off on their flight, when suddenly Link grabbed Zelda by the shoulders and shook her before pointing excitedly to a shield. “LOOK! Look at that!” he wheezed. “It’s so prettyyy!!! So shinyyyy…”
Zelda gave him a weird look. “Are you feeling okay?” she asked slowly, gripping his arm. 
Link giggled, giving her a slightly crazed look. “Yeah! I feel greeeeat! Fantastic! Amazing!” 
“Ah.” Zelda watched as he picked the shield up, turning it over in his hands and beaming at his reflection in the polished surface. “Um… Link….” 
“Are you gonna buy that? I don’t think you can afford it right now.” 
“Well, I–” He frowned, looking back at the shield. “I guess not. Gosh, 500 rupees?? That’s outrageous! Why I oughta–” 
“Liiink!” Zelda snatched the shield from his grasp and set it down, throwing a nervous smile to Rupin, the man selling the shield. He watched Link warily, his eyes narrowed. “Link, maybe we should go now, don’t you think?” 
“Yeah,” Link scowled. “I guess so.” 
Zelda all but dragged him out of the bazaar, having to stop every two steps to pull him away from another shiny object. “Link, I’ve never seen you like this. Maybe you’re getting sick or–” Her eyes widened. 
The potion. 
She let go of his sleeve and ran back inside, up to the potion seller. Luv looked at her with a broad smile. “Hellooo, dearie! What can I do for you? A heart potion, perhaps? A guardian potion?” 
Zelda slammed her hands on the counter and glared at Luv, who blinked, taken aback. “What did you give to Link?” 
Luv stared back at her, seeming confused, before her face cleared. “Oh! The cute boy with the fluffy hair, yes?” 
Zelda’s cheeks burned tomato red, and she cleared her throat. “Y-yes, the cute boy with the fluffy hair. What did you give him?” 
Luv smiled, sticking a long wooden spoon into a vat of purple potion and stirring gently. “Oh, nothing dangerous. Just something that would wake him up. Don’t worry! It’s perfectly safe.” 
“Safe?” Zelda exclaimed. “He’s gone haywire. He’s acting really weird and obsessing over everything he sees. He–” She swallowed, her face heating even more. “When I went outside with him he tried to pick me up. He never acts like that. What was in that potion?”
“You really want to know?” Luv said, tilting her head. “All right. It’s not technically a potion. I made it out of some weird beans I found.” 
“Yeah. They were brown and kinda weird. I tried some different stuff and finally had success! I tried it on Bertie two nights ago. He hasn’t slept since then.” Luv began stirring another potion. 
“So you decided it was a good idea to give it to Skyloft’s resident sleepyhead?!” Zelda bunched her fingers in her hair, teeth clenched. “He’s always tired! Giving him a crazy bean potion isn’t going to help!” 
Luv looked apologetic. “Well, I’m sorry, dear, but it was the best I could do. I was worried about him as soon as he came in, looking like he’d been run over by a Loftwing.” 
“Ooooooooooh this is bad,” Zelda groaned, pacing in a circle before glaring at Luv again. “Well, hear this. Don’t you ever give him that potion again, okay??” 
“Okay! Okay! I won’t, you can trust me!” Luv hesitated as Zelda turned to walk away. “You’re sure you don’t want any potions yourself?” 
“Oh, I’m sure,” Zelda huffed, and then dashed out of the bazaar. 
Link was gone. 
He wasn’t in the spot she had left him in, nor was he anywhere around the bazaar. In fact, after a careful search across Skyloft, Zelda didn’t find him anywhere. 
That could only mean he was flying.
While under the influence of this horrible new potion Luv had invented. 
Zelda quickly whistled for her bird and flew off in search of Link, eyes wide in panic. He had to be somewhere, didn't he? He couldn’t have just disappeared! He couldn’t have–
Up ahead, she spotted a telltale splash of crimson. Upon flying closer she could see that Link’s Loftwing was swooping near the Lumpy Pumpkin, gliding loops around the clouds. Her heart in her throat, Zelda leaped off her Loftwing, tucked into a forward roll as she had been taught, and popped safely to her feet a moment later. She sprinted towards the door of the Lumpy Pumpkin and tore it open, dashing inside. 
Absolute chaos. 
Several tables had been overturned. Jarring music filled the air. Customers were clapping their hands and stomping their feet, shouting and cheering wildly in encouragement of…of Link. Link who was atop the only upright table, twirling wildly about, his arms flailing crazily, his boots scuffing against the tabletop as he danced, out of control and laughing like a lunatic. His eyes were sparkling, his golden hair bouncing up and down, a feral grin on his face as he careened rowdily across the table. 
Zelda’s jaw hit the floor. 
Link spotted her just then and stopped dancing, out of breath as he called to her. “Zelda! Zelll!!! C’mere!” Before she knew what was happening, he had seized her hand and pulled her onto the table with him, where he swung her in a circle before pulling her close to him again. “Hello,” he giggled at her, clasping her waist and spinning clockwise, sending Zelda’s feet flying off the tabletop. 
She whirled around with him, hair flying every which way, before leaning forward and hissing in his ear, “Link, you need to stop, okay? I’m worried about you! You never act like this!” 
Link grinned down at her, his eyes shining. “Well, I’m acting like it now! I’ve never felt more…more….” 
“Deranged?” Zelda offered. 
“Alive,” Link finished, before he lifted her in his arms and swung her around. Zelda yelped, watching as the room flew dizzily around her, and then Link pulled her safely back against his chest, holding her bridal-style. The room cheered, and the music got faster. Several customers began to dance as well, pulling each other wildly around the room in time to the music. 
Zelda tried to catch her breath, one arm slung around Link’s shoulders. He smiled down at her. “Isn’t this great, Zel??” 
“Um–” She gulped in air, looking around at the crowd of dancing Skyloftians, then back at the beaming boy holding her gently. “Yeah. It’s…great. It’s great.” 
“I knew you’d like it!” he said with a laugh, spinning around again, the room whirling past. When he came to a halt, he glanced down at Zelda again, then leaned down and pressed a clumsy kiss to her cheek. 
“W-what was that for?” 
“Just for being you,” Link answered, before he clasped their hands together and swung their arms back and forth, laughing. “And for being my best friend.” 
Zelda smiled. 
Later, after they had flown back to the academy and some of the potion had worn off of Link, the two of them curled up on the roof of the school, watching the clouds. “I told Luv never to give you that stuff again,” Zelda remarked wryly, glancing at Link. 
“Yeah….” He coughed, scratching the back of his head. “I was pretty crazy, wasn’t I?” 
“More than crazy,” she laughed. 
“Sorry,” he mumbled, looking embarrassed. “I, uh, don’t know what came over me. I just felt…really, really energetic.” 
Zelda hummed. “Just so long as you’re back to normal now.” 
“I think…I think so,” he murmured, “although my hands are kinda tingly.” He shrugged. “Oh well.” 
“Luv told me Bertie hasn’t slept since he drank the potion two days ago.” 
Link’s eyes widened for a moment, but then he grinned. “Yeah, but he isn’t Skyloft’s famous sleepyhead, right?” 
Zelda beamed, linking her fingers with his. “Right.” 
Link leaned his head against hers, and they fell silent, watching the sky. Zelda thought back to the day's events and couldn't help thinking that Luv was right in her description of Link.
He was adorable.
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tortilla-of-courage · 3 years
Skyward Sword - comparing NPC names in English and Spanish
For this I’ll be comparing mainly 2 (technically 3) translations of SkSw: English (ENG), Spanish (Latinamerica) (ESP-LA) and Spanish (Spain) (ESP-SP). If available, I’ll add the Japanese (JP) too. The spanish ones might be the same in some cases, which will be marked as (ESP). (I might also add an extra translation or two if i know them)
Link (リンク - Rinku), Zelda (ゼルダ - Zeruda) and Impa (インパ - Inpa) stay the same in all translations. Some of them have some minor changes tho (beware of slight spoilers for SkSw)
(Special thanks to @sunnylaurels for sharing the Japanese names for the Skyloft NPCs! And to @attllhak for sharing some French ones! - Really Long post under cut)
Main/Important Characters
Fi (ENG) - Fay (ESP) - ファイ (Fai) (JP)
These are basically the same, just different spelling. There’s a lot of speculation as to what Fi’s name is based on. For some reason I like to think it’s because of “Wi-Fi” but anything goes
Ghirahim (ENG) - Grahim (ESP) -  ギラヒム (Girahimu) (JP)
This one’s interesting because both ‘translations’ are technically right. English follows it more “to the letter” doing “Gira” as “Ghira”, while Spanish interprets it as “Gra” since Japanese doesn’t do the two-different-consonants together thing, but overall both are the same
Groose (ENG) - Vilán (ESP-LA) - Malton (ESP-SP) -  バド (Bado) (JP)
Groose, Groose, Groose. Probably the main character with the MOST changes. “Bado” seems to be referencing the Japanese pronunciation of “bird”, but could also be interpreted as “Birdo”. LA Spanish’s “Vilán” is sometimes seen as referencing the english “Villain”, but recently @/deerdroo pointed out to me it’s most definitely referencing the “Gavilán” bird, which resembles a little eagle (Wikipedia calls it a “sparrowhawk” in English). Not sure what Spain’s doing with “Malton” but I like it. And of course “Groose” follows the bird naming theme most of Skyloft has (referencing grouse and goose). Also his name in French is “Hergo”
Demise (ENG) - El Heraldo de la Muerte (ESP) -  終焉の者 (Shūen no Mono) (JP)
Okay this guy. “終焉の者” could be translated as “The One Who Brings The End”, according to @/sunnylaurels. So, in a way, I guess it makes sense for the English translation to just grab “Demise” for the name but also I feel it REALLY takes away from how it’s a Title rather than a name? He’s an ancient being, him existing as a “concept” and having no name adds a lot to his character imo. Anyways, “El Heraldo de la Muerte” would translate as “The herald of death” or “the messenger of death”, which is like really ominous i think - imagine having to fight some guy and everyone on earth calls him the messenger of death. I’d be so scared. Yes I’m very aware Demise means Death i just think it’s silly he just gets called that and that’s it. Also i keep reading it as Denise so really, who’s losing here? Not me. 
As a fun add-on to this, in German his name can be translated to “Death-bringer” (thanks @/aureateart), while in French it’s Avatar du Néant, which would translate to “Avatar of the Void” (thanks @/attllhak)
The Imprisoned (ENG) - El Cautivo (ESP-LA) - El Durmiente (ESP-SP)
“El Cautivo” basically means The Imprisoned, but “El Durmiente” means “The Sleeping One”, which... fits, but also i find it a bit funny, not sure why. Fight the sleepy avocado everyone
Deities + The Surface’s Main Places’ Names
The Goddesses stay the same in these translations too:
Din (ENG, ESP) - ディン (Din) (JP)
Nayru (ENG, ESP) - ネール (Nēru) (JP)
Farore (ENG, ESP) - フロル (Furoru) (JP)
Hylia (ENG, ESP) - ハイリア (Hairia) (JP)
The dragons, for the most part, too. The only one that really changes is Faron, which changes to “Farone” much like in Twilight Princess with the Light Spirit of the same name.
Eldin (ENG, ESP) - オルディン (Orudin) (JP)
Lanayru (ENG, ESP) - ラネール (Ranēru) (JP)
Faron (ENG) - Farone (ESP) -  フィローネ (Firōne) (JP)
Levias (ENG) - Narisha (ESP)
I couldn’t for the life of me find Levias’ name in Japanese, but considering EVERY translation EXCEPT English has him as Narisha? i’m gonna take a wild guess and say it’s ナリシャ (Narisha) or similar. His name Levias is based off the word Leviathan. And Fun fact! Did you know the spaniard Zelda Wiki lists him as being one of the dragons? as in, him being a whale-shaped dragon? yeah.
The Surface (ENG) - Las Tierras Inferiores (ESP)
Las Tierras Inferiores would translate as “The Lower Lands”
Faron Woods (ENG) - Bosque de Farone (ESP)
Eldin Volcano (ENG) - Volcán de Eldin (ESP)
Lanayru Dessert (ENG) - Desierto de Lanayru (ESP)
These ones mean the same for the most part, just with the change of Faron to Farone.
Skyloft / The Sky - Places and Animals
The Sky (ENG) - El Cielo (ESP-LA) - Celéstea (ESP-SP)
“El Cielo” literally means The Sky, while Celéstea would be a play on “Celestial” (From the Heavens/Skies). Fun side note - “El Cielo” also means “Heaven”, so when i was younger everytime i went back to the sky i’d be like “rip Link he’s dead :/”
Skyloft (ENG) - Neburia (ESP-LA) - Altárea (ESP-SP)
Neburia, from what I learned after a 4 am Wikipedia dive, could be based off the word “Nébula”, which can mean “Cloud”. It basically means “Cloud Town”. Altárea, I think??? would be based off the word “Alto” which means “High (Altitude)” so basically, “A Place High Up”? If anyone wants to comment on this i’d appreciate it
The Lumpy Pumpkin (ENG) - La Calabaza Flotante (ESP-LA) - Calabarza’s (ESP-SP)
“La Calabaza Flotante” literally means “The Floating Pumpkin”, while “Calabarza’s” is a really clever play on Calabaza and bar. I’m not sure what the name of the island itself is in english, but in Spanish it’s “Isla Calabaza” (Pumpkin Island) (ESP-LA) and “Calabia” (word play on “Pumpkin Place”) (ESP-SP)
Loftwing (ENG) - Neburí (ESP-LA) - Pelícaro (ESP-SP)
Neburí would also come from Nébula, so it’d translate to something like “Cloudy (thing)”? possibly. Pelícaro seems like a play on the word “Pelícano” which means Pelican.
Remlit (ENG) - Lémury (ESP) - Remuri (JP)
Lémury is a play on “Lémur”, probably because of Remlits’ ringed tails. Remuri might be the same play of words. 
Skyloft/The Sky - NPCs
(I might revisit some of these at one point since some of the references they could have flew over my head!) (haha get it? flew? the sky? ok)
Batreaux (ENG) - Mursego (ESP-LA) - Batolo (ESP-SP) - Morusego (JP)
My friend! my buddy! Batreaux is an obvious play with “Bat”, since he kind of resembles one. This is kept in both Spanish names - Batolo seems like a combination of “Bat” and “Bartolo” (a spanish name), and Mursego is based off the spanish for Bat “Murciélago” (as well as being the closest to the Japanese “Morusego”!!). Keeps the “flying animal” theme in all three languages.
Beedle (ENG) - Terry (ESP) - テリー (Terī) (JP)
The man, the myth, the legend. Beedle’s name is similar to “beetle”, the insects he loves in BoTW and SS. Not sure what the deal with “Terry” and similar is. He keeps the “flying animal name” theme with Beedle, sort of, but loses it in every other translation (which, btw, is also Terry or a variant in most languages)
Bertie (ENG) - Arín (ESP-LA) - Alfred (ESP-SP) - Arin (JP)
This poor man. Working all day and all night. Bertie’s supposed to reference a type of sparrot called “lovebird” (the bird part). For Arín, besides being basically the same as Japanese, could reference the word “Cantarín”, which means “singsong” and is used to describe birds that sing a lot. Alfred... no clue.
Cawlin (ENG) - Corvy (ESP) - Ras (JP)
In the same way “Cawlin” references “caw”, which is the sound crows make, “Corvy” references this same bird, called “Cuervo” in Spanish. In french he’s “Orbo”, which if i had to guess also references crows.
Croo (ENG) - Gurriaco (ESP)
“Croo” could reference both the “cooing” of birds and “crow”, like Cawlin above. Gurriaco, if I reach enough, could be referencing “Urraca”, a type of bird in Spanish.
Dodoh (ENG) - Dodo (ESP) - Dodo (JP)
Referencing the extinct bird of the same name in all languages, I guess. 
Dovos (ENG) - Dombo (ESP)
Dovos feels like it’s referencing “Dove”. Dombo gives be “Dumbo” vibes - probably could reference it because he flies? not sure
Eagus (ENG) - Aquilo (ESP) - Igurusu (JP)
Eagus, Aquilo, and Igurusu are referencing Eagles. It’s more obvious in Eagus. The spanish for Eagle is “Águila”, which is just two letters off from Aquilo. 
Fledge (ENG) - Gruyo (ESP) - Sebasun (JP)
Fledge is referencing Fledgling, a young bird. Gruyo comes from “Gruya”, which is Crane in spanish. In french his name’s “Célestin”.
Gaepora (ENG, ESP-LA) - Gaépora (ESP-SP) - ゲポラ (Gepora) (JP)
Pretty much the same. His name is also a combination of the Owl from Ocarina of Time’s name “Kaepora Gaebora” (ENG, ESP) - ケポラ・ゲボラ (Kepora Gebora), probably because he looks a lot like the Sage of Light Rauru and the owl he turns into. One of the few Skyloftians not named after a bird in English, though technically he is if we consider the above?
Gondo (ENG, ESP-LA) - Dorcon (ESP-SP) - Doruko (JP)
Not sure what Gondo might be referencing bird-wise exactly? though i think “Gondo” is similar to “Gonzo” (from Wind Waker), with who I think shares some design aspects. Dorcon in Spain’s Spanish seems to just take from the original Japanese. In French his name’s also “Dorco”!
Goselle (ENG) - Alani (ESP) - Otaka (JP)
I’ll be real, not sure what’s going on with her names in either language. Goselle gives me bird vibes but i’m not sure. Alani reminds me of the spanish “Alaja”, which means Jewel
Greba (ENG) - Ornella (ESP) - Miho (JP)
Ornella reminds me of the word “Hornilla” (mute H), which is basically the hole where the heat comes out of in wooden ovens... but! according to the dictionary it also means “(a) hole where pigeons make their nest” so i guess it’s bird related too!
Gully (ENG) - Gabio (ESP-LA) - Gabi (ESP-SP) - Garu (JP)
Gully most definitely references a seagull. Gabio and Gabi references the same animal, but in spanish obviously - “Gaviota”. 
Henya (ENG) - Galina (ESP-LA) - Zenona (ESP-SP) - Heena (JP)
Henya references Hens, as does Galina (Hen being “Gallina” in Spanish). Zenona... uh.. not sure where that came from? I’m halfway through this post realizing i’d gladly accept comments from any spanish speaking person who wants to give an input on these things im missing 
Horwell (ENG) - Asteus (ESP) - Hoonelu (JP)
i’ll be real im not sure what Asteus is referencing. Horwell seems to be pretty close to the japanese for the most part though
Jakamar (ENG) - Carpín (ESP) - Geran (JP)
Carpín is most definitely referencing Wood Peckers (“Pájaro Carpintero”/Carpenter Birds)
Karane (ENG) - Grusi (ESP-LA) - Gracielle (ESP-SP) - Kuranu (JP)
Karane seems to be almost the same as in Japanese, while Spanish went crazy and gave her a completely different name, tho at least they’re kinda similar between each other. Also in french her name’s “Grida” (another Gr name!!)
Keet (ENG) - Pío (ESP-LA) - Pitxi (ESP-SP) - Michiru (JP)
Pío is, quite literally, the sound birds make (or the way we’d write that sound in spanish), especially chicks. Pitxi is a mystery to me
Kina (ENG) - Calabel (ESP-LA) - Calabelle (ESP-SP) - Panan (JP)
Calabel/Calabelle is referencing the spanish for Pumpkin, “Calabaza”, giving it a more feminine name-esque ending (like in Anabel/Anabelle)
Kukiel (ENG) - Picalia (ESP-LA) - Cuqui (ESP-SP) - Kuuko (JP)
Cuqui could be referencing that exact same word (often spelled “Kuki”) that just means “cute”. Picalia seems like a play with “pícara” which basically means “gremlin” (google translates it as “sassy” but im not sure if that word fits)
Luv (ENG) - Mandi (ESP-LA) - Amanda (ESP-SP) - Manda (JP)
Mandi and Amanda seem to stay close to the Japanese name, both of them being common spanish names. Luv, like i mentioned in Bertie’s part, would reference “love bird” (the love part)
Mallara (ENG) - Pati (ESP-LA) - Patty (ESP-SP) - Rubia (JP)
I only now realized Mallara is referencing mallard ducks. wow. Pati/Patty are just a common name in Spanish. Lil fun fact related to her Japanese name! Rubia means “blonde” in Spanish
Mia (ENG, ESP-LA) - Miwi (ESP-SP) - Mi (JP)
mia my baby girl. i love her. im yeeting her off Skyloft. seems they all reference meowing in some way
Orielle (ENG) - Corina (ESP) - Kuina (JP)
LISTEN. the other day i was trying to think just WHAT Corina could be referencing. And the only thing that popped into my brain is that “Corina” is the name they gave the bird Tokyo Mew Mew girl in LatinAmerica. It’s literally the only bird related thing i can think of. Also it sounds a bit like “Kuina”. French name is “Kinaé”, similar to Japanese!
Owlan (ENG) - Buhel (ESP) - Aoulu (JP)
Owlan seems to keep the owl theme across all three! Aoulu seems to just be “owl” quite literally, and Buhel is a play on the spanish for Owl (”Búho”)
Parrow (ENG) - Golondro (ESP) - Parou (JP)
Golondro comes from “Golondrina”, a type of bird! I think it’s called “swallow” in english ... so it kinda fits Parrow anyways! Also Parrow seems to be his japanese name too
Peater (ENG) - Panolo (ESP-LA) - Paul (ESP-SP) - Jakusin (JP)
This guy. man. Seems to be “Jackson” in Japanese? But everyone grabbed a P and ran. Panolo seems like a play on “Manolo”, a nickname for people with the name “Manuel” - maybe mixed with the P for “Pájaro”(Bird)? Paul’s just a common name as far as i know.
Peatrice (ENG) - Panalí (ESP-LA) - Paula (ESP-SP) - Jakuriinu (JP)
Peatrice seems to always be named after her dad. “Jackeline” in Japanese i believe, and barely “feminized” names for the rest. Panalí sounds a bit more like “panal”, the spanish for “hive” (as in beehive)
Piper (ENG) - Joana (ESP)
There’s not much to comment here. Joana’s a common name in Spanish
Pumm (ENG) - Vito (ESP-LA) - Ruperto (ESP-SP) - Puukin (JP)
I have NO clue where Vito came from. It sounds like a badly spelled “Victor”. Where did the Pumpkin theme go???? huh?????. Ruperto’s kind of the same? Unless i’m missing some pumpkin related words in spanish, it’s just a common name.
Pipit (ENG) - Cocu (ESP-LA) - Coocker (ESP-SP) - Kikoa (JP)
This guy. It seems a lot of languages kept the C/K sounds in his name? He’s Kiko in French and Cuco in german (thanks @/aureateart). They seem to reference cuckoo clocks maybe? and the german’s really close to cucco. 
Rupin (ENG) - Rupín (ESP-LA) - Milo (ESP-SP) - Kookin (JP)
Rupin/Rupin are referencing Rupees, since he’s the shopkeeper and the alike. Milo... I... I’m not sure what’s referencing?
Rusta (ENG) - Ganzo (ESP) - Rostaa (JP)
Rusta and Rostaa seem to be referencing Roosters, while Ganzo’s referencing the spanish for Goose! (Ganso)
Scrapper (ENG) - Serbot (ESP) - Sarubo (JP)
Including this lil guy here coz... why not? Serbot seems to be almost the same if not the exact name as Japanese (though Sarubo could just be Server?)
Sparrot (ENG) - Aspir (ESP-LA) - Gorronte (ESP-SP) - Subuha (JP)
Gorronte seems to be a play on “Gorrión” (Sparrow), so, pretty close to English. Aspir..... I’m not sure?
Strich (ENG) - Vestro (ESP) - Osta (JP)
Vestro, like Stritch, references Ostriches, with Ostrich in spanish being “Avestruz”. Seems Japanese references the same animal? and I think french too, since he’s “Latruche” in that language!
Wryna (ENG) - Elenia (ESP-LA) - Alisia (ESP-SP) - Arisu (JP)
Alisia seems to stick to the Japanese name Arisu (Alice), while Elenia went... a different direction. Elenia is a variation of a common spanish name, Elena.
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