balletomaneblog · 11 months
Some of My Favorite Odiles!!
Here are some of my absolute favorite Odiles! I really had to stop myself from adding waayyy too many dancers to this list. Feel free to let me know other dancers that you guys love in this role!!
Ulyana Lopatkina
Viktoria Tereshkina
Svetlana Zakharova
Oxana Skorik
Gillian Murphy
Polina Semionova
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pamwmsn · 1 month
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Oksana Skorik and Andrei Ermakov
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tikitania · 6 months
I don't know how long ago your grand ballet tv show post was (where you said capitaine hasnt been on the playbill for a while), but he's back! he's listed for carmen suite on the 19th
I wrote that recently, but I had noticed a while ago that Even Capitaine was injured. I haven’t seen a lot of his dancing since he joined the company, but I do recall that Catherine Pollack wrote something interesting on IG about Skorik & Capitaine. She described them as transformative in Giselle, each elevating the others’ dance to a newly discovered realm, and she sensed the budding of a very special partnership. That had my attention…and then he disappeared due to injury. So, I’m hoping to watch Skorik & Capitaine together soon! Glad he’s back.
So that is the long response to your anon!
The only other current Mariinsky partnerships that seem to have that kind of special spark is Shakirova & Kim and Tereshkina & Belyakov.
Speaking of injury, Camilla Mazzi has been out for a couple of months now. I don’t believe she made any kind of announcement,but I saw her on crutches in someone’s New Year’s story — so I suspect she has a long rehab road ahead of her.
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ballet-symphonie · 2 years
What do you think about Oksana Skorik? I really admire her lines but I’ve also heard some people say she’s not very good so I wondered what you think as a professional :)
See I’m personally a big admirer of her, especially her interpretations of O/O, Nikiya, and other dramatic roles. Every time I’ve seen her live, I’ve been in tears. That doesn’t happen very often. Honestly, I think a lot of her critics haven’t really watched her dance in a hot minute. Because young Oksana compared to current Oksana are completely different dancers. Her transition from student to professional was rocky and rushed. In addition to her eating disorder and her abusive undergraduate teacher, she had a target on her back instantly after being hired by MT, people were like “Um who is this skinny girl they found in Perm and why is she already a coryphee instead of our VBA grads”. The pressure on her must have been enormous, she had quite a few shaky early performances. Although her raw ability was clear, Balletomanes were puzzled because her rough solo roles got rewarded with greater instability in principal parts and a first soloist promotion. It took her a while to find her footing as a professional.
Even now, although she's much more mature, she does seem to be a more 'hit and miss' type of dancer. Not every show she dances is going to be her best and some still find her very cold and unmoving on stage. I'll have to hunt for an old interview she gave where she describes herself as a very emotional person, and she acknowledges that definitely influences her dancing both consciously and subconsciously. There's that and then there are also those who clearly aren't a fan of her personality which I obviously can't speak to.
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Ranked Ballet Performances
I've seen quite a few live shows and I have thoughts on all of them, but instead of sharing them, I'm just going to rank them from my favorite to least favorite:
La Bayadere: Viktoria Tereshkina and Kimin Kim
Giselle: Svetlana Zakharova and David Hallberg
La Bayadere: Ekaterina Kondaurova and Timur Askerov
Raymonda: Ekaterina Kondaurova and Danila Korsuntsev
Don Quixote: Marianela Nunez and Carlos Acosta
Le Corsaire: Ekaterina Kondaurova, Andrey Ermakov, Kimin Kim
Paquita: Viktoria Tereshkina and Timur Askerov
Swan Lake: Devon Teuscher and Marcelo Gomes
Raymonda: Oksana Skorik and Timur Askerov
Giselle: Skylar Brandt and Joo Won An
Don Quixote: Skylar Brandt and Herman Cornejo
Romeo and Juliet: Gillian Murphy and James Whiteside
The Nutcracker: Mariko Sasaki, William Bracewell, Isabella Gasparini, and James Hay
Giselle: Gillian Murphy and Thomas Forester
Swan Lake: Isabella Boylston and Alban Lendorf
Swan Lake: Devon Teuscher and Aran Bell
Giselle: Elizaveta Gogidze and Olekseii Kniazkov
Little Humpbacked Horse: Anastasia Kolegova and Maxim Zyuzin
Sleeping Beauty: Sarah Lane and Herman Cornejo
Paquita: Nadezhda Batoeva and Xander Parish
Harlequinade: Skylar Brandt and Daniil Simkin
Whipped Cream: Sarah Lane and Daniil Simkin
Le Corsaire: Maria Khoreva, Konstantin Zverev, and Kimin Kim
Paquita: Maria Khoreva and Konstantin Zverev
I think I got them all lol. I didn't include non-ballet performances such as Bourne's Swan Lake, Alvin Ailey, and Riverdance.
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the-cricket-chirps · 7 months
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Genia Rubin, Nu solarisé, c. 1942
Genia Rubin, Solarisation, Mlle Skorik, en pied, jambe, c. 1942
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felinefractious · 1 year
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🐱 Maine Coon
📸 Tatyana Skorik [Elite Planet]
🎨 Red Silver Spotted Tabby
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misspeppermint2003 · 10 months
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Vasily Petrovich Goloborodko from Servant of the People (Ukraine)
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Yuri Ivanovich Chuyko from Servant of the People (Ukraine)
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Sergei Viktorovich Mukhin from Servant of the People (Ukraine)
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Ivan Andreevich Skorik from Servant of the People (Ukraine)
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Dmitriy Vasilyevich Surikov from Servant of the People (Ukraine)
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balletomaneblog · 2 years
Favorite ballerinas in the Mariinsky?
My favorites at the Mariinsky overall are Novikova, Osmolkina, Skorik, and Shakirova. Also, Vishneva is obviously a legend, just not dancing much anymore. Finally, Ilyushkina and Khoreva are my favorite up-and-comers.
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patricedumonde · 8 months
I saw on reddit russianballetvideos passed away. I remember watching his Vaganova videos and cringing at his hate towards Oksana Skorik. Rip.
Oh wow big news. RIP indeed. He was…. Something. Definitely was a big resource for all of us.
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leelooel · 2 years
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Oksana Skorik , " Swan Lake", Mariinsky Theatre Ballet
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tikitania · 3 months
any predictions for the five casts of coppelia? :)
This is fun! I'm going to just blast these out without much thought because if I sit on it too long, the casting announcement will come out and it would seem silly to do it after the fact. Coppelia Pairings -- In no particular order: Shakirova / Kim - the most likely for opening night Batoeva / Stepin - I like this! Tereshkina / Belyakov - they dance together A LOT Bulanova / Korneev - they seem to have chemistry. Why not? Illyushkina / Capitaine - height Khiteeva / Stenyushkin. - my dark horse I could see Tereshkina sitting this one out, though. Same with Skorik. She doesn't seem to have the requisite playfulness that Swanhilda requires. But hey, surprise me!
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ballet-symphonie · 2 years
Hi Ale, I don't know if it's just me, but sometimes I wish Oksana Skorik went to be a principal at the Bolshoi. I don't know what issue the Mariinsky and it's audience has with her, but they never truly accepted her and in my eyes, she's the best dancer in the company. But every time she's in the BT, I see her getting so much praise. I don't know if this has ever been a possibility or if it will ever be...
Ooof I think I'll have to disagree with this one. Although it's true that Oksana had a difficult start at MT and she's certainly not the 'fan favorite,' I don't think she's a stylistic match for BT and I wouldn't want her to go there. If she had to leave, I'd rather send her somewhere in Europe.
The Bolshoi aesthetic has long rewarded dancers who are larger than life, with both explosive movement qualities and outward tendencies for drama and fanfare. Oksana is a much more internal performer, some say she's even too reserved facially and find her cold. I think when she guests for a Moscow event or a BT gala, people know what they're getting, a more self-contained, restrained SPB-style performance. But I think part of the magic of Skorik is how enchantingly aloof her movements are, and I'm not convinced that her style would resonate long-term on the Bolshoi stage.
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444names · 2 years
dremora names from tes
Akah Akame Akatari Akenas Akvrote Amkah Amkata Angas Angog Angogas Angogur Anha Anhae Anharg Anhas Anhaz Aruit Arunaa Arunaz Arurth Arus Arusata Aruzu Atriaa Atrra Baide Bara Bata Batarg Bathel Batii Batir Blagog Blakh Blakhet Bogas Brosha Broshaz Brota Brothaz Brothed Brozu Clota Coda Codan Dekaosh Dekata Dekats Demoraz Demord Dezai Dezanth Dezel Dezet Dhra Dhras Diamys Dogatai Dogtrrb Dogur Dosha Doshae Dota Dotazzt Doth Dothute Dregats Drel Drexata Drexev Drog Drogas Drogtri Drota Droth Droz Druis Drulsh Drun Druraz Drurth Drus Druz Elind Elit Elivlof Enzero Enzil Enziraz Ephasha Ephaz Ephazz Ephra Ephrah Ephraz Erulaz Erun Erunasa Erusax Eruz Erzt Erzti Fema Femag Femago Femis Fesa Fesathe Fesatii Fesn Fessata Fira Firata Fire Fireizz Firexev Firhi Firhiaa Firhilo Firia Fosh Fotet Foth Fothet Gade Gadra Gadran Gadri Gatar Gataz Gatta Geloran Gnia Gniamys Gnias Gnila Gnilas Gnile Gnim Gregas Gregasa Gregata Gremis Grex Guissax Gykun Gykz Hadra Hadrah Hivlof Hivlos Ifre Ifregas Ifrema Ifria Ifris Ifrit Illia Illiaa Illias Imala Iolark Issa Issath Issax Issos Jabra Jabrah Jane Janeero Jante Jeraz Jerbwd Jeris Jerme Kalas Kalath Kale Kaluz Kata Katar Kehk Khata Khats Kixamet Kixas Kixataz Kixatii Kixats Kmolak Kmora Kmorsa Kota Kotev Koth Kothi Krah Krra Krrah Krrbwd Krrunaa Kvora Kvorm Kvota Kvoth Kynas Kynufax Lanyu Legas Lirah Liran Liraz Lirex Lirhin Liris Lora Lork Lyris Lyrk Lyrkyu Makh Makhoth Makil Mante Mara Marik Marra Mata Matii Methias Mira Mirhik Mirhikh Miriaa Mora Moraz Mord Morel Mori Morm Mormeer Morruz Nacar Nacara Nacarim Nammag Nokend Nokvion Nora Norotet Oblias Obline Ofasa Ofash Ofaxu Ofephaz Olaria Olorm Olos Oolofas Oolos Oolsh Orrasa Orrb Orruz Orrztii Orth Orthik Orthind Orthxu Osatan Osatar Osax Pynaz Pynd Pynds Pynvas Rata Rayl Raylago Raylark Raylasa Raylate Raynds Reivora Reiz Reizzed Reizzet Rykezet Ryna Rynaa Rynas Rynaz Ryngo Rynil Rynufax Saide Scre Scregas Screiz Screle Scremis Screx Sehk Sehtkyu Sera Serb Serbwd Shynazz Shyngog Shyniaa Skora Skorik Skorm Skorsax Skri Skria Skriasa Skrig Skrim Skynaz Skyngas Skynvas Skyu Storati Sulara Sularg Sulax Sulaxu Sulaz Sulshaz Sume Sumesn Sumet Tacarg Tache Tasax Telar Teledra Telehk Tepayl Tephaz Tephind Thind Tuzai Tuzan Tuzu Tuzun Ukatane Ukats Uldunaz Uluz Uluzaz Uluzu Uras Uraz Vaed Vaedraz Vaer Vaezan Vaezaz Vamma Vamys Vamysis Vamysit Vanched Vanth Vanyus Velak Velax Velia Velinds Velit Velm Velo Vena Venas Vend Vends Vera Verah Verosh Verotaz Vesakho Vesn Vessa Vessax Vessit Vikhe Vikho Viksaxu Vind Vine Vololax Vonsh Vrel Vrema Vrexasa Vyrowin Xala Xalarg Xale Xalezai Xaluz Xalxord Xarg Xarit Xarrb Xigir Xigiran Xykkah Xykkale Xykz Xynilaz Xynim Xyris Xyroz Ykaezaz Ykaos Ykaosh Ykarim Ykathi Zavakho Zavakta Zavas Zavayl Zavayna Zenai Zenas Zenash Zenaz Zend Zenkyus Zexam Zexasa Zexath Zexev Zylath Zyrif Zyzai Zyzaz Zzed Zzel Zzerb
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melmothblog · 4 years
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As requested, I’m going to address Oksana Skorik’s post from a few days ago, which was largely addressed to Gergiev. It basically boils down to the following points:
Oksana requested that Gergiev provides some sort of clarity regarding the company’s future, especially in terms of leave;
She said that dancers with children would like to leave the city and she personally wants to go to Crimea, but the company is technically still active;
This means that dancers, especially the corps, are in a terrible position where they can’t rest but are also unable to train without access to space and equipment;
The dancers were apparently informed that a tour is coming up soon;
She noted that three dancers are currently allowed to train in the studios at a time, though, according to Skorik, the studios can easily accommodate 15 dancers without breaking social distancing rules;
She goes on to say that only the orchestra (which is Gergiev’s main priority according to Skorik) have work, while everyone else is up in the air.
Plenty of people praised Oksana for speaking up in the comments, though Svetlana Zakharova questioned why these questions were raised on social media rather than directly with the management:
“Oksana, was there no opportunity to question the management directly? It’s so strange to read this post! They’re saying that you guys have been let go on a break ages ago.”
To which Skorik responded:
“We haven’t [been let go on a break]... As it turns out I haven’t got enough annual leave. The 21 days I’ve accumulated over the season have apparently been “used” between the 24th of March and the 18th of April. No more break for me! There’s no one we can ask about this. The management knows as little as we do, and the Head [Gergiev] is unreachable. The theatre itself is totally empty."
d i s c l a i m e r
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fuckyeahsluhanarodu · 2 years
Some random alignment charts I made:
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Lmk if you want any templates and apologies for the photo quality 🙃
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