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punkbxt · 1 year ago
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Merry Halloween!! (The second picture is Skon with my oc T'Rahni'hk bc I thought it was cute that they're both a bit accident prone - I can imagine Bones being exasperated that two Vulcans are in his sickbay so frequently...though he not-so-secretly wouldn't mind seeing Skon OUTSIDE of sickbay 😏) I hope you enjoy your day~!
AUGH MERRY HALLOWEEENNNN LOOKIT OUR CLUMSY LADSSS <3<3<3 I LOVE THESEEEEE tysmmm 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i hope u enjoy ur day too!!!!
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aloeclown · 2 years ago
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quick doodle comic of my oc skone & chai bc. they on the brain!!! chai needs somebody to laugh at all his stupid puns
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fallauween · 1 year ago
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by Alan Skones
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idk what I'm doing anymore lmao OKAY SO
im calling Stone x Skipp Skone.
Skone like scone
like the baked good :)
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444names · 2 years ago
quenya names with diacritics removed and encoded with inglosh
Aliss Ameregrem Andirali Anmenwi Ansuant Antami Aonwi Araun Athwindi Attir Atyer Bigolmol Bione Bistup Brinvoi Bronyes Brounwi Brovi Caongs Cembigon Cemenyer Cenelecun Cerenuwi Ceres Ceriegi Cerong Ceste Cester Cestofiem Chosli Churds Chussi Cilpir Collo Colvi Colwir Coroe Coroi Coroin Coromi Culear Cullundi Culun Cundemern Cungu Cunin Daroght Delul Delun Derir Dimnur Dullid Duruldrid Dwest Earoun Elculab Elcun Eldece Elene Eleng Elindi Ellind Elmenge Eloifone Elosts Elqai Emonder Ennemu Entaroeng Enten Enwild Eorindin Epelember Epeseruht Eptelli Eptere Erceri Erimmeoti Ermecor Erodi Eround Ertend Erter Erwin Essiri Etear Eteariss Etenye Eterme Eteyilce Etyevir Eurildes Eurundi Evegli Eveley Eveli Evelong Eveng Eventar Evister Felcene Feleracun Feleter Felir Fellete Felogh Felqairs Feoty Fetelana Fient Foncerear Fondacur Fondu Fondull Fonyelf Frasovir Frastroun Frondu Furil Furmind Furutil Gaety Geots Germily Giniwi Gistu Gluromol Glutid Gofiedund Gofty Gondassi Groern Helmur Helumang Henuldiri Heolmu Herds Hesekonye Hiess Hieste Hilyendi Hiraonal Hirondu Hironim Hirwi Hoinu Hondu Honsi Hormu Hroght Hrusi Hurmin Huuti Hyeftid Hyelondu Hyemossi Hyenwi Icild Iecol Iekonen Iesti Iestreonu Ikkes Ildeloen Ildoins Ildriin Ilfleter Ilipteruw Illimin Illin Illong Ilmunt Ilpir Iltestid Ilwindis Imili Indace Indii Initti Inqait Intoi Iruws Irvelun Isteldu Istilcer Iurear Jiwimindo Jiwin Kalong Konden Konil Konur Konwi Konye Lamil Lamind Lamir Lammer Laovosol Lecol Lecoriyni Lecoruns Ledumi Lember Lenamberd Lendi Lenosi Lenye Lercol Lernsunds Lests Letaloe Loiftilde Loild Lomin Longin Loson Loste Lovidi Luminin Lumis Lunili Lunis Lunne Luroghter Luronwi Luwveng Marnosong Mecin Mecoi Melente Melmeqait Melmerd Melte Mendistoi Menyeroi Meoene Meori Meors Meqai Merbudy Mermuri Meroivi Miertu Mindi Mindu Mintelen Moiri Mondi Mongu Moromerd Moron Morruends Moruendi Motid Muands Munds Murmenun Mutir Nambe Nammen Nands Naras Nasser Nelmun Nende Nerun Netenter Neveril Nildetyil Nilimihte Niluti Nilvoc Nindo Ninil Nistind Nistu Nistur Noidlid Nosol Nosti Nuhol Nuldane Nundus Nurur Nuryerong Oinqai Ollie Omiht Ondaris Ondun Onilvin Onqai Orickli Osici Ostamin Osturun Oundarin Peleod Peler Pelers Pellie Penyeteor Piipter Piraenne Piras Piriever Plest Plirme Pustu Qaegi Qaitwe Ractar Rakyili Ramurni Raona Rearwi Rebili Rebleloe Recin Rendolme Rennu Rentinid Riest Rilvir Risterp Roami Rofing Rointu Romir Romosts Ronwi Rumolaong Rumwir Runulab Runwi Rusts Ruuminun Ruwnihter Saffong Sandoer Sanondun Searu Selen Seron Shebori Shenu Shodi Shoindol Shotid Siiptents Skone Snurner Solms Soloend Solone Sonem Stenyer Sterds Sterid Sterknu Sterne Sterro Stili Stlernil Suaght Suari Suatti Sunilpil Suroinild Suryer Taemendol Talont Tambero Tamilir Tandurdo Tarenenun Tarinyer Tearmur Telome Telumi Tendeti Tenere Tengi Teocuru Teongeron Terds Terembe Termerdo Terox Thene Thirid Thirriid Thondu Tilur Tilusi Toively Tonsuath Toroindu Torrie Tounwiss Tovon Tovonens Trustlity Tumil Tumoruht Twuuttid Tyethiras Tyilittu Tyirambi Uccarcur Ufter Ulummi Undask Undir Undur Unner Uounnert Urnist Uroti Urter Uruti Uxfurmit Velong Vennercer Vennoi Venol Venwi Veodo Vestid Vissi Vocin Vondar Vuong Vurun Weronge Wetyero Wevin Whuonist Wirrili Wouni Wounteref Wumongemu Yisti
same thing but greater order
Aleori Anmer Anmeryes Aonindol Battir Battirs Biestlent Biesty Biguttirn Bilir Biluvir Bluwbuldu Brienurnu Brodir Brogong Brogongi Bruodinoi Cands Celearilde Celestirne Celoi Celomun Celondol Celondun Ceneru Cerneti Ceroi Cestir Chempenuri Cimir Cindo Coronwi Coryes Crieth Criethi Cuestuni Cullund Cummeoti Curmi Curmint Curtrineru Curumbermi Curune Daeluarnoi Daroi Dasturnus Deaghtid Diimi Diimin Dipermin Divuti Doive Drindol Ealind Edmor Elceregi Elcermindi Elcerminur Eldevir Eldur Eledy Elend Elmeroil Elmeryetar Elqainyer Emend Emens Emeodi Emeoti Emeroam Endactoun Endir Endol Enefonwi Enendi Eneron Engaegi Ennune Eocenurnid Eocetoun Eolomi Eolongwir Eorebli Eorifonwi Ercember Ercol Erdoen Ereci Erennete Erenu Erenurni Eressicur Eretenemu Eroen Erten Ertid Ervis Esteroun Estilpi Etyell Etyemeroil Euroendi Everds Felecol Felend Feleroil Fenges Feorebli Fient Fillo Fondeten Fonveons Fonwe Forid Foroun Froin Froindol Fullendu Fulleori Fulli Furmeste Furtristli Furun Gindu Ginoi Gluum Gressi Gresti Griynisse Gunds Helloive Hendeluti Henduroun Henexer Heverdol Hicints Hiestilir Hievir Hilmecol Hiriste Hoght Holdar Horruenwe Hosis Hoste Hrosi Hroste Hrundol Hrunte Hrunter Huaghon Hyells Hyendaro Hyendir Hyendo Hyernoi Ierente Iernoi Iernong Iestemor Iestlenter Iesty Ildeli Ildelundu Ildemoroth Ilderen Ildevir Ildol Ilfhilce Ilfhilloi Ilflemends Ilfsturnu Ilimmoroun Ilinderu Ilindu Ilinwinds Ilironwi Ilirundi Ilrun Ilwin Indong Iniwilloun Inqae Irakundol Iraleori Irali Iralis Irands Iraots Irassi Iurld Jadgim Jiwill Juare Juarnin Kongdeys Lamin Lance Lancenu Lanen Laveonar Leariloi Lelwin Lembe Lemen Lempoun Lenteloive Leocetoun Leorifox Leorst Leoti Lierne Limmor Lister Londir Londmust Londol Lonqaiste Lonurimin Lotte Lottelie Lovoinne Lumin Lumir Lumoil Lundol Lundu Lusteon Lustor Manocetoun Mberme Mehend Meher Mehter Meloistemu Memen Memeoe Mendoi Meneorebli Meneterni Menti Menye Menyer Meotovi Merren Milde Milyen Minondli Minur Mockli Mockly Moghti Monde Monetid Monyeter Muandask Muandus Muaregrenu Muarn Murni Murnol Namihte Naminilwi Naminte Nandu Narter Nduhor Ndurent Neacu Nenuldin Neroer Ngulung Nilte Nilteren Ninderon Nindoi Nirdol Nirwhoti Nisser Noilondmus Nondemor Nulome Nuluste Nunendum Nuoroi Nuorost Nuriss Nurnelter Nutomun Olqae Olthendir Olthet Omoro Onges Onguld Ongwoldi Orour Osond Ostoroun Pelecol Peleqaint Pelerroun Pellid Pellu Pertenyi Pessovi Phenter Pilulemen Piriste Pironelte Polli Prifondi Prossi Puarn Puarnissid Pussi Puwid Qaisti Qaistor Ralondur Rassi Reacurme Redoenti Renuri Reoti Ripussu Risterso Ritael Ritaeluti Ruhor Rumber Rumberasse Ruminur Rumir Rumis Rumitte Runte Ruyelleori Saminne Sammiron Sariem Sehten Selmecol Sengs Sheduwirs Sherds Shiipvele Shiipvelon Skolloun Smotter Soght Sonildiri Soroen Sorosoun Spertehir Sporoerent Stelome Strenurive Suruhor Surumi Surundu Surundur Surunghuld Talirur Tameor Taractar Taractoun Tarcenasse Tarcu Tearirs Tearustuni Temoletid Teroin Terun Tesemp Tetoun Tholdo Thordsmeny Thorru Thorrussi Thrunduloi Tilamir Tilindol Tilponur Tonteroil Tontu Torols Tuaght Tullu Tumbertu Tuwid Tyilcer Undonger Uniweona Untury Unuri Urminur Uruck Uruferniy Urumen Usendir Ustury Uxfurunen Velend Velendolmi Velente Velli Vellondir Veloi Velommecer Velommecol Velommeoti Velonderun Venner Venwi Veolonessi Verds Veroenter Verundol Verunte Vonyer Vuocir Vurumi Vurundi Wellundid Werrome Wetid Wevins Wevir Wievis Wievoi Wievonyell Wisti Wolwerd Wozerde Wreon Wreosi Wumenyer Wurds Yevongir Yieri Yister Yistied Yuant
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jcmarchi · 12 days ago
For MIT-WHOI Joint Program student Faith Brooks, the sky’s the limit
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/for-mit-whoi-joint-program-student-faith-brooks-the-skys-the-limit/
For MIT-WHOI Joint Program student Faith Brooks, the sky’s the limit
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Faith Brooks, a graduate student in the MIT-WHOI Joint Program, has had a clear dream since the age of 4: to become a pilot.
“At around 8 years old, my neighbor knew I wanted to fly and showed me pictures of her dad landing a jet on an aircraft carrier, and I was immediately captivated,” says Brooks. Further inspired by her grandfather’s experience in the U.S. Navy (USN), and owing to a lifelong fascination with aviation, she knew nothing would stand in her way.
Brooks explored several different paths to becoming a pilot, but she says one conversation with her longtime mentor, Capt. Matt Skone, USN (Ret.), changed the trajectory of her life.
“He asked if I had heard of the Naval Academy,” she recalls. “At the time, I hadn’t … I immediately knew that that was where I wanted to go, and everything else I learned about United States Naval Academy (USNA) reinforced that for me.”
In her “firstie” (senior) year at the USNA, Brooks was selected to go to Pensacola, Florida, and train to become a naval pilot as a student naval aviator, taking her one step closer to her dream. The USNA also helped guide her path to MIT. Her journey to joining the MIT-WHOI Joint Program began with the USNA’s professional knowledge curriculum, where she read about retired Capt. Wendy Lawrence SM ’88, a naval aviator and astronaut.
“Reading her bio prompted me to look into the program, and it sounded like the perfect program for me — where else could you get a better education in ocean engineering than MIT and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution [WHOI]?”
In the MIT-WHOI Joint Program, Brooks is researching the impact of coastal pond breaching on preventing and mitigating harmful algal blooms. Her work focuses on the biannual mechanical breaching of Nantucket’s Sesachacha Pond to the ocean and the resultant impact on the pond’s water quality. This practice aims to improve water quality and mitigate harmful algal blooms (HABs), especially in summer.
Breaching in coastal ponds is a process that was initially used to enhance salinity for herring and shellfish habitats, but has since shifted to address water quality concerns. Traditionally, an excavator creates a breach in the pond, which naturally closes within one to five days, influenced by sediment transport and weather conditions. High winds and waves can accelerate sediment movement, limiting ocean water exchange and potentially increasing eutrophication, where excessive nutrients lead to dense plant growth and depletion of oxygen. In brackish water environments, harmful algal blooms are often driven by elevated nitrogen levels and higher temperatures, with higher nitrogen concentrating leading to more frequent and severe blooms as temperatures rise.
The Nantucket Natural Resources Department (NRD) has been collaborating with local homeowners to investigate the pond breaching process. Existing data are mainly anecdotal evidence and NRD’s monthly sampling since 2022, which has not shown the expected decrease in eutrophication. Brooks’ research will focus on data before, during, and after the breach at two pond sites to assess water changes to evaluate its effectiveness in improving water quality.
When Brooks isn’t knee-deep in the waters of the Sesachacha or training with her MIT Triathlon team, she takes additional opportunities to further her education. Last year, Brooks participated in the MIT-Portugal Marine Robotics Summer School in Faial, Azores, in Portugal, and immersed herself in a combination of a hands-on design projects and lectures on a variety of topics related to oceanography, engineering, and marine robotics.
“My favorite part of the program was how interdisciplinary it was. We had a combination of mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, computer scientists, marine biologists, and oceanographers, and we had teams that included each of these specialties,” she says. “Our project involved designing a lander equipped with an underwater camera connected to a surface buoy that would transmit the footage. Having worked in mostly just engineering teams previously, it was a great experience to work with a more diverse group and I gained a much better understanding of how to design instruments and systems in accordance with what the marine biologists need.”
Brooks also earned her Part 107 Small Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) license to operate the lab’s drone with a multispectral camera for her upcoming fieldwork. When she graduates from the MIT-WHOI Joint Program next September, she’ll report to the Naval Aviation Schools Command in Pensacola, Florida, to begin flight training.
While she says she’ll miss Boston’s charm and history, as well as the Shining Sea Bikeway on crisp fall days in Woods Hole, Brooks is looking forward to putting her uniform back on, and starting her naval career and flight school. The time Brooks has spent at MIT will support her in these future endeavors. She advises others interested in a similar path to focus on research within their areas of interest.
“The biggest lesson that I’ve learned from both research theses is that any research project will change over time, and it’s often a good idea to take a step back and look at how your work fits into the larger picture,” she says. “I couldn’t recommend doing research more; it’s such a great opportunity to dig into something that you’re interested in, and is also very fulfilling.” 
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kittysgalarkai · 16 days ago
Journal 20.5: The New Teammates
So! I mentioned in that last journal entry I'd list all the new friends I made while I was training for Raihan's gym! It... Took me a little longer to remember who I met and caught when, so I had to figure out how to look at everyone's registry.
So, while I was in the Wild Area, I met Pixi the toxel, Totapo the golurk, Puddin the drillbur, and Butta the skorupi! It was while I was here that Almun evolved.
While I was on the Isle of Armor getting ready, I got a lot of attention from the local pokemon! First was Omlette, my druddigon, who became part of my main team! Then came Karml the swoobat, Serali the alakazam, Devil'd the rotom (Cooky got offended when I asked if they were related), Chips the sharpedo, Skone the blipbug, Nori the skrelp, and Hunny the combee! Oh, and on this little islet where I caught Devil'd, I met a gal who taught me how to make a Galarica Cuff with some twigs I found lying around, she said slowpokes love it, so I'll give it to Curi when I get the chance!
After I beat Raihan's gym, I also caught Pattai the noivern and Marshmallow the bewear in the Wild Area before getting on the train, and caught Sorbay the glalie shortly after I got off the train and started for Wyndon!
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horrorportraitmag · 1 month ago
Unveiling the Shadows: Mother Superior – Dweller of the Threshold
In Mother Superior – Dweller of the Threshold, director Marie Alice Wolfszahn invites audiences into the foreboding corridors of Rosenkreuz Manor. This horror-fantasy-drama, celebrated at international festivals, including the Brooklyn Horror Film Festival where it won Best Feature Film and Best Director, is a gripping exploration of ideology, heritage, and the power of ritual.
The story, set in 1975, follows Sigrun, a young nurse who takes up a position caring for the enigmatic Baroness Heidenreich. The Baroness, cloaked in aristocratic poise, harbors secrets tied to a shadowy past. As Sigrun navigates the unsettling customs of Rosenkreuz Manor, she stumbles upon a hidden SS archive and a web of occult practices rooted in Aryan mysticism. Her journey unfolds as a meditation on identity, revealing her own unsettling connection to the cabal she uncovers.
Marie Alice Wolfszahn’s direction brings a calculated precision to the narrative, blending visual grandeur with thematic depth. Her experience in multimedia art shines through in the film’s striking cinematography by Gabriel Krajanek and the seamless editing of Georg Eggenfellner. The haunting score, composed by Stefan Voglsinger and July Skone, complements the film's atmospheric weight.
Isabella Händler delivers a gripping performance as Sigrun, capturing her character's vulnerability and quiet determination. Inge Maux portrays the Baroness Heidenreich with an imposing presence, her every word and movement laden with meaning.
With stylistic parallels to Suspiria (2018), Rosemary’s Baby (1968), and Hereditary (2018), Mother Superior stands as a bold entry into modern gothic cinema. Its success at festivals worldwide is a testament to its universal resonance and artistic merit.
Available now on DVD, Blu-Ray, Prime Video, Fandango, and Tubi, Mother Superior – Dweller of the Threshold is a cinematic experience that lingers, urging viewers to reflect on the weight of history and the forces that shape identity.
Now Available on:
Prime Video
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4rtific · 1 month ago
Polémico Campeonato RedBull Batalla Final Internacional 2024
Final RedBull Batalla Internacional 2024 Madrid, España Para muchos la ausencia de Aczino, tricampeón Internacional de RedBull Batalla así como la localía en Madrid, España ya daba una pinta de que Chuty y Gazir, españoles estelares se quedaran con el primer puesto.  En una entrevista se escucha a Skone, también de España: va a ganar Chuty y Gazir.  La predicción no estuvo tan errada, en la…
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deal4shop · 4 months ago
Skone Cosmetics The Original Brow Wand Eyebrow Pencil with Brush - Dual-Sided Retractable Waterproof Long-Lasting Brown Eye Brow Pencils for Women with Sleek Eyebrows - Chocolate for Brunettes
Price: (as of – Details) From the brand Skone, meaning ‘beautiful spirit’, advocates for inclusion and self-love. We want you to embrace the skin you’re in and celebrate who you are. We believe cosmetics are tools for expressing your individuality, from signature lipstick to striking eyeliner. It’s not just about blending shadows or lining lips, but the feeling it evokes within you. Use our…
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vrouopgenade · 9 months ago
Sop op 'n galop
Sop op 'n galop - vir die dag as die tyd min is
Image by ivabalk from Pixabay Dit is Dinsdag. Dit is die middel van die maand. Dit is dik bewolk en die tyd is min, want jy het te lank op die bank gelê en muf. Die onverwagse reënweer het jou lui gemaak, maar tog ook lus vir iets wat die weer sal komplimenteer. Sop! Maar o wee, om sesuur  in die aand net te begin dink aan sop maak is skone waansin. Tog nie. Hierdie resep het my al telke maal…
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esmezeminx · 1 year ago
[PART.1] Angoulême. Une putain d'épopée. Tout le monde était là. On a commencé à prendre la route vers Mont-De-Marsan. Après une heure de route, le cortège mené par la MobiChill s’arrête sur une aire d’autoroute : on a reçu la loca et on est reparti pour 4h de caisse. Il y a une autre teuf à Foix, beaucoup plus proche. Après de longues délibérations, niksamèr, foutu pour foutu, on prend la direction d'Angoulême. On arrive sur le parking à 00h30. On comprend à peine où est-ce qu’on arrive, la nuit noire est éclairée par les phares des voitures et les conducteurs, guidés par l’orga, finissent par trouver une place. Juste à temps pour Skone, tout le monde s’équipe, et dans un SHEEEE général le bataillon part au son. La foule est impressionnante et le caisson paraît inatteignable mais la smarteam, plus deter que jamais, investit le premier rang pour ne plus le lâcher de la nuit. Je me retrouve collée au caisson, les basses - qui résonnent dans toute ma cage thoracique - semblent remplir un vide en moi que je ne soupçonnait pas. Et je pense que la meuf à ma gauche, son corps entier collé au caisson, sera d'accord avec moi sur ce point. Comme montés à bord d’une navette spatiale, on traverse la nuit à la vitesse du son, lunette de vitesse sur les yeux. Quand d’un coup, un pogo est lancé et ne tarde pas à atteindre une bonne partie de la foule. Un putain de vrai pogo, authentique de crasse et de rage. Les t-shirts sont imbibés de sueur et de bière, pour ceux qui en ont encore un. La bataille soulève des nuages de terre, le tout sur fond de grosse core. Et moi en extase au milieu du bordel je me suis dis que c’était à ça que devait ressembler les premiers pogo punk. Le tout est suréel. Le pogo finit par prendre fin. MERDE, plus de téléphone. Niksamèr. Si tel était le prix à payer, ainsi soit-il. J’ai vite perdu le fil de mes déambulations nocturnes, rejoint un moment par Kevin et sa bouteille de rhum banane. On voit le ciel s’éclaircir petit à petit et on attend impatiemment les premiers rayons du soleil.
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aloeclown · 2 years ago
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imagine: hi-fi rush 2, which introduces the middle Vandelay child - Skonez, and his dog, Biscuit (or.. Bizkuit?) (and obviously, he’s emo)
ANYWAY! character concept/OC (for a romantic interest for chai) i’ve been thinking about in my brain for a whole WEEK
info sheet under cut
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yeah. i have the next game mapped out in my head- HI-FI RUSH 2: BATTLE OF THE BANDS!
ambassadors for different rival tech companies come together to battle & show off who has the better tech (via.. music battles, naturally). except its all a ploy to steal all that tech so that a certain somebody can restart his tech empire.
i want the concept of skonez to be the perfect rival/future partner for chai; perfectly matching some things opposite of chai, while also having the same interests (aka, puns). y’know?
if anybody has any thoughts/questions/criticism/opinions, definitely down to hear them!!
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fallauween · 1 year ago
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by Alan Skones
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gayshrimps · 1 year ago
Anyone rldr do skone theyre gonna die
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rausule · 2 years ago
T'bello lt. bello it. MOOI afr. is wat 'n estetiese LT. So-mooi afr. aangename indruk in die siel veroorsaak, meestal deur sig of gehoor; dit kan verwys word na 'n persoon ('n pragtige kind; 'n pragtige vrou) of na 'n eienskap (mooi oë; 'n pragtige stem), ook as 'n liefdevolle benaming (slaap, b., moenie huil nie); 2. KAART of dit kan gesê word van diere ('n pragtige kat) of van dinge ('n pragtige gebou; pragtige blomme; 'n pragtige uitsig). 3. Dikwels verwys die byvoeglike naamwoord na die estetiese waarde van 'n werk ('n pragtige standbeeld; 'n pragtige boek). 4. of aan iets of iemand wat bewondering wek vir een van sy eienskappe ('n goeie toespraak; hy is 'n goeie spreker). 5. In ander gevalle is die verwysing na skoonheid nog minder direk: as ons van die weer praat, beteken mooi helder ('n pragtige sonskyndag); 6. as ons oor 'n situasie of 'n oomblik praat, beteken dit amusant, aangenaam ('n lekker reis; 'n lekker bad) of gelukkig, gelukkig (goeie jare, daardie!); 7. verwysend na gevoelens en gebare, of na 'n persoon se geaardheid, beteken dit vriendelik, edel, prysenswaardig (dit was 'n mooi gebaar). 8. Ten slotte, in sommige gevalle, dui dit op 'n groot hoeveelheid, 'n sekere oorvloed of 'n aansienlike grootte (hy het 'n goeie bedrag verdien; hy het goeie vordering gemaak; daar was 'n goeie sneeuval).
Woorde, uitdrukkings en idiome
op goeie pos
nou kom die prettige deel
op sy beste
pragtig mooi
Goeie skoot
lekker en goed
mooi kopie
goeie sterkte!
pragtige teenwoordigheid
skone Kunste
mooi letters
mooi maniere
My pragtige
van goeie hoop
maak mooi
maak jouself mooi
die regverdige seks
die skoonheid is dat...
in die middel van
o pragtig!
op die beste
'n wonderlike dag
absoluut niks
die mooi en die goeie wil hê
wat mooi is is nie mooi nie, maar waarvan mens hou is mooi
'n mooi tacer is nooit geskryf nie
Ek draai na hom toe en kyk na sy blik:
hy was mooi en mooi en vriendelik,
maar een van die wimpers het 'n hou geskeur.
Dr De Beer
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