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smuttysabina · 2 months
Tropical Passions with Lisa
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(Lisa x Male Reader, 5.3k Words) Tags: Incest with your older sister Lalisa; A conflicted sibling relationship; A forceful start to the sex; Makeup sex; Creampies; Virgin sex; Getting deflowered by your hot older sister is fun; Blowjob; Intimate sex; Technically some cucking going on; Written in one sitting; Step-sibling sex is for cowards, make them blood related; A wholesome and loving conclusion
You had always hated your older sister Lalisa. She had constantly hogged your parents' and peers' attention, gorging herself on their praise while your own achievements had been duly ignored; and of course, she had been an unrepentant slut. It was a rare night that your sleep had not been uninterrupted by the sounds of Lisa fucking some lover of any gender, her bed creaking so badly she required a new one every year, how she managed to remain unimpregnated was beyond you. Naturally, growing up with such a whore of a sister had caused you to follow the complete opposite path, so while she had ascended to sex-drenched idol-hood, you had instead quietly completed school and gotten yourself a pure and sweet girlfriend. Not that you had done anything yet. Sex before marriage? Appalling! Public displays of affection? Disgusting! Mutual Masturbation? Nauseating! Hand holding, fingers locked? Perverse! Only the chastest of kisses, and wholesome hugs were allowable, and it brought you no small amount of joy that she wholeheartedly agreed with you. So it infuriated you to no end that you were unable to bring her along with you on yet another family vacation to some tropical retreat, no doubt your parents were overly worried about how she would react to your harlot of a sister, but you looked forward to seeing her again. You just had to make it through dealing with whatever mindless debaucheries your big sister Lisa had cooked up for this trip...
Awareness comes slowly to you, reality slowly bleeding into your dreams as you gradually become aware of your surroundings, your nerves tingling as they lazily report upon the myriad sensations assaulting them. The exquisite softness of the sheets encasing you, the gentle cold air of the AC caressing your face, the burning sensitivity of your staggering erection digging into the mattress, and the strange patch of warmth in the bed beside you. You start, flinching away from the person curled up mere inches from you, scooting to the edge of the mattress as they groan softly in protest. Lisa blearily raises her head up from her pillow, squinting at you in confusion before collapsing back onto it and letting out an indignant whine, wriggling to find a comfortable position before falling back asleep. Your heart hammering, you slip carefully out of bed, doing your best not to disturb your sister, all the while cursing your parents for forcing you to share a room with her, this was certainly not helping you two bond. The fact that there was only bed was a further annoyance, it was a huge one to be sure, but Lisa seemed to unconsciously seek out heat in her sleep and latch onto her target like a leech, so in reality you ended up far closer together than you would have liked. Which made dealing with your morning wood all the more awkward, since you were loath to masturbate, your member tended towards truly spectacular erections come the dawn, urging you to give in to your vile thoughts and pleasure it. Ignoring your disgustingly drooling penis was difficult at the best of times, but with the scent of a woman in your nostrils, no matter that she was your sister, made resisting your wicked meat nearly unbearable. Every morning you would cover it in an ice-cold washcloth, but even then it would defiantly stand strong for many minutes before ungraciously retreating. Needless to say, your testicles were in constant agony.
After dealing with your unwanted visitor, you check your phone, lovingly responding to your girlfriend's messages before learning that your parents once again had skipped off on some early morning jaunt and would only be back by evening. So, yet another day you would have to spend solely in the company of your whore sister, wonderfully. Though, to be fair to Lisa, you had yet to see her engage in her usual wanton behaviour, you did not doubt for a moment that she had been busy messing around while you were not looking. With a resigned sigh you order breakfast, spend the next hour idly munching upon it, waiting for your sister to finally get her lazy ass out of bed. Eventually she stirs, and yawning a good morning she stumbles into the bathroom, not bothering to close the door as usual so you are forced to listen as she voids her bladder. Lisa plops down into the chair across from you with a smile, wearing little more than an overly large shirt and her underwear, an outfit which makes perfect sense considering the heated locale. Cheerfully devouring some fruit, she kindly asks if you had any ideas what you wanted to do today? After all, yesterday you two had such a great time at the aquarium, Lisa hadn't seen you that excited in years! In the face of such relentless enthusiasm you give in, and tentatively raise the idea of going snorkeling together? Beaming, your sister happily agrees.
You had always felt somewhat disgusted whenever your sister had worn something showy, a natural reaction for a sibling to have, but also one born out of disapproval of her loose living. Still, you grudgingly had to admit that Lisa looked absolutely stunning in her yellow bikini, no wonder so many men were desperately enthralled by her. Her tanned skin gorges upon the sunlight, the dappled reflection of the water only serving to enhance her beauty, even with the giant goggles and snorkel goofily attached to her face she still turned heads as you strode deeper into the surf together. She even held your hand as she guided you into the ocean, something you could barely tolerate, yet over the past few days, and against your better judgement, you had felt yourself warming up to your benighted sister, but just a little bit. You get a faceful of Lisa's ass as she smoothly switches from walking to swimming, and a slight tingling fills your groin; perhaps you should not grow too relaxed around this slut lest you be corrupted... But the next few hours pass in a delightfully wholesome fashion, the pair of you leisurely swimming along the reef and admiring the reefs and flourishing wildlife; it was almost enough to make you forget what a whore Lisa was.
It was only later that day though, that the old Lisa you knew so well started to shine through this charade she was putting on. You were relaxing in a small, shaded pool, secluded by shrubbery with your sister curled up intimately close to you, chatting idly about how the day had gone when she finally pops the question. Wearing the sly grin universal to older siblings everywhere, Lisa asks, "So, tell me about this girlfriend of yours, is she cute?" Blood rushes to your face immediately as you sputter at the sudden inquiry, which only makes your sister's smile grow ever more predatory. She squishes herself against your side, throwing an arm around your shoulder and cooing, "Don't be shy, show me a picture of her, c'mon!" Flustered, you haltingly pull up a picture of you beloved on your phone for Lisa to hem and haw at appreciatively, her eyes flicking all over the screen as she judges her in a thousand minute ways before nodding in approval, "She looks pretty enough, has she been treating you well?", Lisa gives you a knowing smirk, "How is she in bed?" A surge of outrage fills you as you angrily inform your dear sister that you and your girlfriend had not engaged in any such foul activities, nor would you be until you were happily! Lisa gawps at your outburst, cold fury crossing her face before giving way to worry, "Is it... not working for you two in bed," she places a hand on your thigh in support, mere inches away from a bulging pressure in your shorts, "Are you... unable to get it up with her?" You repay her honest concern with open scorn, grumbling angrily, you surge up out of the cozy pool and storm off back to your room, leaving Lisa yelling platitudes at your retreating back. Really, she really just did not understand!
Lisa watches her baby brother stomp away with hurt roiling in her stomach, what the fuck was wrong with him? Well, she partially knew, honestly how could she not feel more than a little guilty about being an awful older sister growing up? Being the village bicycle had satisfied her powerful sexual needs, but it had no doubt given her brother all sorts of unwanted pressure and attention. Of course, once she had become an idol, her sexual appetites had grown voracious, and no doubt embarrassing to her younger sibling back home, but she had always made sure to try and send gifts to cheer him up. Instead he seemed to loathe Lisa, and no matter how hard she tried to patch things up, things always fell apart, usually whenever he caught her slaking her desires with some new lover. But not on this trip! No, on this trip Lisa had been on her best behaviour, applying every ounce of her willpower to keep her lusts in check, engaging in only the most innocently enjoyable activities with her brother; displaying nary a glimpse of her usual sex life. In spite of that, he had been downright weird since he had gotten here, well, more so than usual. She had expected the customary puritanical song and dance, but with him having a girlfriend for a couple years now, she had hoped he would have opened up a little. But no, instead if anything he seemed even more repressed than normal, getting hard constantly and always on edge about everything. He was leaking so much at night Lisa could smell his precum staining the sheets in the morning, and she was honestly surprised his raging erection had not torn a hole in his boxers whenever he scrambled out of bed to use the restroom. Hell, he hadn't masturbated even once since they had gotten to this tropical paradise, most guys would have blown a few loads in the shower and dispelled the tension, if anything Lisa was not sure if he had cum even a week before the trip!
The constant reek of pent up semen in their room was starting to get to Lisa, she was already feeling twitchy, having deprived herself of sexual stimulation for so long, this was probably the most days she had gone without fucking in years. She really should take her own advice and at least masturbate, but the last thing she wanted was her brother sheepishly returning to apologize only to find her knuckle deep inside herself, so she endured. Still, something was obviously wrong in her little brother's relationship, and she was determined to fix it; after all, even as warped as she had become, she still felt responsible for him as his older sister. But first, Lisa needed some advice, and not from the other girls in Blackpink. Jisoo would give some well-meaning yet ultimately useless suggestions, Rose would offer up some complicated scheme that would really just be a front for sadism, and Jennie would simply message 'On my way', before showing up and traumatically fucking the life out of your brother in under half an hour after landing. No, Lisa needed to ask some of her more.... normal friends; well, relatively normal. Minutes later she was chatting avidly on the phone with Jihyo and Nayeon, both of whom were appalled by the situation their dear friend was in. Jihyo was apoplectic that Lisa's brother was not putting such potent loads to good use and impregnating his girlfriend, while Nayeon was practically drooling at the thought of being the first one to receive said load. But after a solid hour of intense conversation, the trio had produced a solution that would undoubtedly solve Lisa's darling brother's problems. It would merely require Lisa to break one of society's oldest taboos, but having broken so many already, what was one more?
You feel thoroughly wretched as you lay upon the massive king bed, your sister had been only showing you concern, and yet you had brutally rebuffed her kindness. Normally it was so easy to hate Lisa, you would only need to turn a corner while fetching ice and find her being publicly spitroasted by strangers like some sort of cheap whore, but this time at least there had been none of that. She had been the sweetest older sister a brother could ask for, constantly indulging him, taking him to see all the sights and lavishing him with love and attention; it made you uneasy. Surely Lisa was hiding something, some depraved scheme that she was enjoying while being outwardly wholesome, it had happened before, more than a few times actually. But this time she had seemed genuine, which only left you all the more conflicted, were you the one in the wrong this time? Your morose musings are halted only when Lisa enters the room, who quietly joins you on the bed, patting you reassuringly on the shoulder, "Hey, I'm sorry if I upset you earlier today, why don't we have an early night okay? I'm sure things will be better in the morning." Mulishly, you nod in assent, and slowly join her for a simple dinner at the small table, which passes by in awkward silence. Lisa only speaks up as you get into bed, "Leave your shirt off, I think something is wrong with the AC, it feels really stuffy in here..." She's right, so with reticence you take it off, and snuggle in under the covers as Lisa joins you in bed. She gives your forehead a kiss, "I love you baby brother," before flicking off the light. Perhaps the morning would heal your rift?
Once again you awaken with an inconveniently large erection impaling the mattress, with a now-familiar hot spot behind you. Groggily, you attempt to wriggle out of bed to douse your morning's embarrassment once more, but find your way barred by an arm thrown around your chest. Your confusion only grows as you realize the heat from your sleeping sister was not from her laying nearby you, but rather because she was pressed up against you, with two hard points supported by surprising softness pushing into your back. Unable to process this development, you attempt to escape Lisa's clutches, but her arm holds you tight against her warm body, and your struggles only serve to wake her up. Your big sister stretches languidly against you, which only serves to emphasize what exactly her supple form feels like as it slides against your skin; you were not the only one going shirtless it seems. You feel a perverse fascination with the sensation of Lisa's breasts, and are distracted enough that when she casually pushes onto your back and slips atop you, you offer little resistance. She gives you a sleepy smile, her face mere inches away from your own, and gives you a kiss, "Good morning baby brother, it's time to make things better..." Displeasure wells up within you once more, and you tartly ask for her to get off you, and to put some clothes on. Lisa laughs gently at this and sits up, allowing the sheets to cascade down her smooth body, revealing her perky tits, the lighter skin making the dark of her erect nipples stand out all the more; and further down... Further down the bare skin of her thick pussy lips squishes against your gargantuan hardon, the warmth of her sex burning against your shaft. You stare up in shock at your older sister's nude body, as she patiently allows you to drink in the sight of her, before sliding her hands up your chest, "Are you ready for it? Just relax, and let your big sister do all the work."
Belated realization finally hits your brain hard enough to dispel the fog of arousal filling it, and you snarl in denial at Lisa, get the fuck off of you! But your sibling ignores your demands, and when you try to push her away she catches your hands and pins you down with surprising strength; as she frowns in annoyance, "Fuck, calm down! I am sick and tired of your weird chastity bullshit, it's not normal, so I'm going to take some responsibility as your older sister and fix things," Moving your hands above your head so she can keep them down with one of hers, she smoothly reaches down and pulls out your filthy dick, which drools disgustingly in excitement. Running a finger through the bubbling precum, Lisa seductively licks it clean, before giving you a sharp look, "Wait, when was the last time you came? Just how pent up are you?" Flushing with impotent fury and embarrassment, you answer truthfully, it had been two weeks since your treacherous manhood had last filled your sheets while you slept. Your sister shakes her head incredulously, "Yeah, that is fucking weird, you have a cute girlfriend, use her you moron; or just masturbate like a normal guy!" Lisa sighs, "Okay, let's do this, time to get your cherry popped little brother!" Regaining her usual cheer, your sibling ignores your struggles as you writhe and buck beneath her, her panties shoved into your mouth to stifle your continuous screams of outrage, as she slowly lines herself up. Your older sister gives you the sweetest smile, "I love you," before taking your virginity.
The sordid heat of Lisa's cunt engulfs your sensitive member, its soft folds slobbering all over your shaft as it devours every inch of you until her lower lips kiss your crotch. You groan in despair as your innocence is lost, you had intended that your first time be with your beloved on the night of your marriage, but instead your slut of a- Your body abruptly silences your internal raging as it floods your brain with pleasure, responding to the overwhelming and novel stimulation coming from your cock, it reacts naturally. You groan as your hips slam treacherously upwards, and the fattest load of your life explodes into your sister, richly rewarding her pussy for taking your virginity. Lisa lets out a soft gasp as you creampie her, she had barely even sat on your dick and you were already cumming in her; she smirks, virgins always finished so quickly. She opens her mouth to congratulate you, then pauses and glances down, where your balls continue to pulse; slowly, she slides herself back up your shaft as you gradually fill her pussy with your seed. Post-coital bliss wrestles with horrid guilt, as the catastrophic euphoria of your orgasm fades, remorse stabbing at you for so enjoying being forcibly assaulted by your own sister. Lisa meanwhile is ogling as she tentatively pokes at her sloppy holes, even filled to the brim she was barely leaking, "Fuck, just how much did you cum in me? If this was your girlfriend, she would be knocked up for sure; shit, this might be enough to be risky even for me!" She reaches down to pat your cheek affectionately, "But see, that wasn't so hard was it, didn't it feel so nice just letting it all out? So now that you're nice and drained we..." your older sister trails off as she glances down at your still rock-hard erection, "Oh."
Lisa lets out an astonished giggle as she teases you, "Wow, just how badly do you want to fuck your sister?" Then she stops, and gives you a quizzical look, "Wait, is that it? Is that why you've been so moody around me all this time?" You growl angrily up at her, and she winces as she remembers your gag, once removed however, you fervently deny her claims, while a creeping horror fills you as a little voice in your head agrees with her. But no matter what lies your mouth might say, your cock was entirely truthful as it lets out another leak of precum, beyond eager to be inside of your sister once more. An awkward silence falls as you both stare at your engorged manhood, before looking at one another for a time. Lisa's face crumples as she sobbingly embraces you, holding you tight as ugly tears course down her face, "Oh, you silly idiot, you should have told me! You've spent all these years watching everyone else have their turn with your big sister, but never you! Fuck, I should have known you would be jealous! I'm so sorry for being such a failure of a big sister!" Tentatively, you delicately bring you arms around Lisa, torn between shoving her off of you, or accepting that she may very well be right. Were you so violently against any hint of sexuality because you felt that your sister had spurned your unnoticeable advances while growing up; was that why you loathed her, out of fury at being denied? Your doubts shrink as Lisa kisses you once more, the wetness from her tears anointing your cheeks as her tongue pushes deep into your mouth, sloppily making out with you before pulling back. She gives you a loving smile, "Don't worry, your big sister will take responsibility for this, I'll fix things I promise!"
Beaming, your older sister sits on your cock once more, but this time Lisa was intent on not stopping until you were fully satisfied. You both moan as your member pushes through the goopy remains of your last load, and you share a knowing look; this well and truly was incest now, and it felt so right. Your sibling holds your hands as she rides you, eschewing her more showy techniques for a more primal slamming; your wildly bucking hips would have ruined any complex movements. Semen sprays everywhere as your ferocious sex expels it from Lisa's pussy, making an absolute mess as it drizzles over your skin. Your sister groans, "Fuck, no wonder you were pumping the sheets full of precum every morning, it must have been torture for you to be so close to me yet unable to relieve yourself," she gives you a wicked grin, "But now you can pump your sister full every morning instead!" The perverse thought of fucking your own sister for the rest of your trip fills you with excitement, and you swiftly grasp her petite waist to hold her steady as you pound away at her sopping cunt. Lisa's eyes roll back as she lets you have your way with her, her pussy spasming in anticipation of your next load, her hands hurriedly putting her hair into a messy bun to get it out of her face. Grunting, you creampie your older sister once more, slathering her folds with thick semen as she climaxes from the sordid pleasure of getting pumped full of cum by her baby brother. Shuddering, the pair of you makeout as your cock softens, but it is quick to surge back into full rigidity as Lisa idly rocks back and forth atop you, "Again?" she asks with a perceptive smirk.
You pump between Lisa's supple thighs with virginal passion as your sister simply lays back and takes it. Her legs wrap tightly around your waist as her hands roam your back and chest, spurring you on as you slam deep inside of her, "Oh fuck yes baby," Lisa gasps "It's your turn now, you've watched everyone else take their turn with your big sister, but she's all yours now!" You kiss her fiercely in response, as you unceasingly plow a furrow in your own sibling, your balls drenched with your congealed sexual fluids. Lisa shudders as she climaxes once more, her folds greedily massaging your shaft as you continue to fuck through her orgasm. You bite and suckle upon her neck as she holds you close, urging you on, "God, don't stop little brother, just keep fucking me until your drained! I don't care how nasty you want it, your big sister will do anything to satisfy you, I promise!" You take her up on that, as you feel your next load churning through your balls you abruptly pull out of the warm confines of your sister's pussy, before hurriedly scooting forward to shove your leaking cock into her face. Lisa knows exactly what to do, and opens her mouth in invitation as locks eyes with you, nodding encouragingly as you furiously stroke the cum out of your cock. Groaning, you jizz on your sister's face, the same face that was plastered on billboards and advertisements around the world, was now getting painted with fat ropes of your semen. Lisa doesn't blink, even when your salty load splashes against her eye, lovingly staring up at you as you cover her million-dollar face with your seed.
Lisa stops you from retreating, and with affectionate care cleans your cock off with her mouth, diligently sucking the dregs of your load out of you; before simply sucking on you for the fun of it. You quiver as your older sister gives you your first blowjob, her tongue skillfully caressing the underside of your member, as her naughty lips wrap tightly around your shaft. The sensation left you giddy, and Lisa's eye's narrow with satisfaction as she notes your obvious pleasure as she slurps up and down your length. But like any boy, you wanted to go deeper, and your sister was more than happy to oblige you. You moan loudly as Lisa deepthroats you, holding onto her bobbing head for support as you struggle to stay upright; gasping her name as she skillfully works your next load out of you. The pressure becomes unbearable, and you nearly collapse as you fill your older sister's mouth with your cum, streamers of semen even spewing directly into her stomach as she takes your spasming cock to the hilt; her salacious tongue hard at work coaxing your balls. Lisa doesn't even bother to wipe off the jizz drying on her face after you finish clogging her mouth with sperm, she can tell how much it arouses you.
You would have thought you would be satisfied by all that, but your bulging erection said otherwise. Giggling, Lisa merrily allows you to bend her over, hoisting her ass into the air and arching and spreading her cheeks to reveal your sloppy seconds leaking out of her gaping lower lips. Perverse pride permeates through you at the sight of your sister's cunt crammed full of your seed, how often had you seen someone else's load drooling out of your sister? But now she was yours, you had placed your own claim on her pussy, and you were eager to continue doing so. You shiver with barely controlled excitement as you grab her surprisingly curvy hips, you realized now how much your sister's perky ass aroused you, your cock head already glistens with precum when you push into the sloppy mess inside of Lisa. Who smirks as she feels you enter her, she can feel how eager you were to fuck her from behind just from how you penetrated her, and she knows exactly what her little brother wants, "Mhmm that's it, I bet you've been waiting to fuck me doggy this whole time, every guy does," her smile grows smug as she feels your dick stiffen, "I just love showing it off, I'm sure all your friends were blasting fat loads to my ass all the time..." she abruptly twists backwards and lovingly touches your cheek, "But now it's your turn to give your sister a good pounding, so don't hold back, okay? Lisa blows you a kiss, and moments later you are fervently fucking your older sister as if your life depended on it, who obligingly curls back down into her sharp arch to better pleasure her little brother's cock. You plow Lisa's perky butt, her cheeks slapping loudly against your skin as you work out yet another urge that had festered in your heart for years; this time, Lisa's ass was yours. Lust burns through you as you jackhammer your slut of a sister, the sheer eroticism of finally fulfilling your darkest fantasies driving you to orgasm faster than you anticipated. Howling your sister's name, your balls exert themselves once more and douse your sibling's cunt with sperm, who squeals in delight as she revels in the sensation of being filled, "Fuck yes! Fill your big sister up, cum in me, breed me!"
It was that last phrase that had you thrusting away again even before you had finished recovering from your climax, gritting your teeth as you force your tiring cock to rise to the occasion once more. Lisa looks back at you in bemusement, curious as to your sudden second wind, until she realizes, "Oh... does breeding me excite you that much," she giggles in delight, "You dirty pervert, it isn't enough to just fuck your older sister, you want to impregnate me as well?" Your increased pace is all the answer she needs, and Lisa ponders it for a moment before giving you an enormous and degenerate smile, "Why not? If you manage to knock me up, I'll keep it, it's the least your big sister can do... wait did you just cum in me again? Lisa laughs as she feels your cock spasming inside of her, "Fuck, you really want to put a baby in my belly don't you? At this rate even an idol like me might get fertilized!" Perversely, you feel yourself getting hard once more, your older sister was right, the thought of knocking her up aroused you immeasurably; but she stops you before you can continue fucking her, "Hey! Let it settle in me, how is the sperm supposed to reach me if you keep fucking it out of me? Why don't we switch holes for a little bit," Lisa smirks as she feels your manhood become nearly as stiff as it had been at the start, "Yes baby brother, you can use my asshole as much as you like!" You groan as urgently mount your older sister's tight asshole, you fucking love your sister, Lalisa!
Lisa purrs contently as she strokes her younger brother's hair as he sleeps soundly upon her tender breasts, his semen drying inside both of her holes. The familiar ache of her over-used body soothes her, she hadn't expected her sibling to have as voracious a sexual appetite as her, but she had certainly enjoyed it. But as his big sister, she still had some work to do while her dear boy peacefully slumbered, so humming quietly to herself, she gets to work. First she informs her friends of her success, Jihyo is already enthusiastically hoping her egg gets fertilized, while Nayeon is frothing at the mouth with jealousy for such a spectacular deflowering. Next she uses her brother's phone to send his girlfriend some select clips from the recording she had made of their coupling (Her brother could be so oblivious sometimes, how did he not notice her phone pointing at them the entire time!), cheerfully informing her what happened as well as telling her that she expected at least five nieces and nephews to spoil rotten. An hour later, his phone pings, and she enjoys a minute-long video of the "pure and innocent" girl squirting wildly to the sight of her boyfriend fucking his sister; no doubt she would be getting pumped full of cum within an hour of the couple reuniting. Finally, Lisa muses upon the enormity of what she had just done, she had forced herself upon her own brother, and engaged in depravedly incestous sex with him, oh and there was a very slight chance she might be carrying his baby as well. She was sopping wet at the thought of doing it again and again for the next week.
Lisa was looking forward to not leaving their room for the rest of the trip...
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porcelain-savior · 5 months
Usually, It Doesn’t Turn Out This Way
Stone x Reader
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Pulling your knees up to chest, you stared off at the shiny black sky above. Smoke filled your nose from Stone who blew out smoke from his lips. “You’ve been quiet.” He spoke up, his gaze looking over to you. “Is everything okay—“ “I’VEBEENINLOVEWITHYOUSINCETHEDAYWE’VEMEANTANDONTKNOW HOW—“
Stone shoved his cigarette into your mouth, forcing you to shut your mouth. Stone blinked at you a moment, his cheeks completely flushed with his eyes wide. You were froze, shaking almost. “It’s 3 am. I don’t even know what you are saying right now..” He muttered as he stared at you, confused. “Are you drunk?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
You spat out the cigarette, coughing a little. “I’m not drunk, you know I don’t drink. But I just—couldn’t it keep it away from you.” You sighed, reaching out and grabbing his hands, holding his hands tightly. “Stone please understand-“ “I don’t understand. Explain.” Stone said, his cheeks turning a reddish color. But his lips formed into a smirk.
You blinked, before your face began to turn a different shade of pink. “Well—I—erm..” You began to stammer. “I’m in love with you.”
Stone nodded slowly. “Yeah I know.” He muttered as he held onto your hands tightly. “But I—wait what?” You perked up, raising an eyebrow. Before your eyes widened. “How did you know?!” You yelled, ripping your hands away from his. He frowned. “It was super obvious. We literally share a tent together and you get all flustered whenever we hold each other.” “Yeah but you also get all flustered too!”
Stone glanced away, grumbling as he himself began to grew flustered. “That’s different.” He muttered as he shook his head. “You’re always trying grab my hand.” “But you grab my hand first.” You pointed out quickly. “Can I finish speaking?” He asked as he rolled his eyes.
“My point is—it’s obvious that you’re in love with me. Now can you properly please confess your love for me?” Stone asked as he leaned back, pulling out another cigarette and lit it. You stared at him confused, titling your head to the side.
“Well—then alright.” You take a deep breath in. “I’ve been thinking about you ever since we first meant. Even when Vinnie and Skipp are talking I’m just thinking about your voice. When I got closer to you—I felt so right with you. It felt like finding a missing puzzle piece that I didn’t even know was missing. With you I feel so comfortable and confident with you, even when you’re trying to put me down i just feel so drawn to you. With everything me and you have talked about and been through it felt like fate brought us together because it knew that we would be most happy with each other rather than other people. I’m trying to say that I’ve loved you for the longest time.”
“Sorry I wasn’t listening could you repeat that?” Stone said as he looked over to you, puffing out smoke from his lips. You stayed silent.
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
“So you knocked out Stone because he asked you to repeat your love confession?” Vinnie asked as she stared at the unconscious body of Stone. “We talked about knocking out people, Y/n!” Skipp sighed as he stared down at Stone, shaking his head. “Honestly, you did us a favor.”
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emo-trash101 · 5 months
Hii:3  so I've been reading your works and I LOVE them (especially the Ramshackle and Hazbin hotel <3) so I was wondering if yo could write an one shot about Stone with a Male! Reader about what it would be like to sleep with him (you know, cuddles and cuddles and stuff) I have a hc about skipp and vinnie trying to grab the blanket for them while they sleep (obviously not knowing) and i even see them half fighting and pulling the blanket at each other while they sleep and I feel like (of the three) stone is the lightest sleeper so you could say he suffers the most with that so reader help him fall asleep again? I'm sorry if I made it too long but I better leave it until here because then I start to extend more and in fact this is already extending more but my English is not so good and I had to use translator in several parts of this to make sure that if I wrote it well but anyway sorry for making it so long sorry again 
-🥸 (I love this emoji omg it looks so silly and goofy and it reminds me of me fHAHSJANAJANJSGDUSIWJAJJ)
Ofc I would love to write this! Also dw about your english, I understood it very well! I couldn't really find a good way to write it in one shot form (I'm so sorry 🙏🙏🙏) but if you want me to try and rewrite it just let me know!
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Stone x M! reader
Pronouns: Second person, implied male
Tw: uhhh, too much fluff???
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- So I'm gonna preface this by saying I don't think Stone is particularly touch starved(I know a lot of people headcannon him as being touch starved(no shade to them)), he just doesn't like touch very much.
- Like in several scenes we see him tell Skipp to not touch him or to let go off him.
- So I think cuddling would be a kind of thing where it's not often, unless it's like winter time or on of y'all is drunk off your ass.
- But I feel like Stone would be really cold in general.
- Like cold hands, cold feet, cold everything
- So idk if y'all like that but it's the truth.
- That being said, he's probably a blanket hog by accident and it turns into a fucking war just to not freeze to death.
- Also cuddling with him lowkey sucks. Like he's basically a sack of bones, and last time I checked that is not super duper comfortable.
- And then ofc, we have the lovely Vinnie and Skipp.
- They thought it would be silly to take away the blanket y'all were sharing (Cause no amount of alcohol can raise that man's body heat nearly enough to be comfortable)
- He obviously woke up (Because I agree, light sleeper Stone for the win!!!)
- And you wake up to people yelling at 2:00am (sounds just like home)
- But in all, do I think he dislikes cuddling, yes. Do I think he's freezing cold all of the time, yes. Do I think cuddling with him would probably be hella uncomfortable, also yes. But none of that should stop anyone.
- Go cuddle your angsty sickly victorian looking boy to your hearts content (dw I wanna cuddle with him too)
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I just realized this lowkey sounds like pure Stone slander, I PROMISE I AM TOO A STONE SIMP I SWEARR 🙏🙏🙏
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heartsformars · 5 months
Hi! Can you please do the ramshackle trio, which are Skipp, Vinnie & Stone with a fem s/o who comes from the rich. Unlike the rich people, she doesn't seem the poor as inferior but human beings. She EXTREMELY SHY & doesn't know how to talk to people but she is kind & gentls as you get to know her. Plus she possesses an angelic beauty & a good singer. Sorry if this request is long.
Her outfit is this:
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Heaven is missing an angel… ramshackle trio x fem! shy! Reader
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A/N: Hi, I don't know if you wanted them separately or together but I wrote them separately because it is more comfortable for me to write them this way, but if you want me to write them again there is no problem
TW: stealing and gambling mentioned, bad jokes, vinnie being vinnie… again
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-You share his musical taste and he loves that! -He'll probably play songs for you while you sing, although if you're a little embarrassed he won't force you to. - you and him would definitely be that kind of duo where one talks more than the other. On any given date skipp would probably be telling his fifth story of the day or telling you about the things he likes while you just listen while sipping tea or coffee (or whatever drink you like). -He doesn't care if you're shy, he'll always be sure to give you a push to encourage you to talk to more people. -Even if it doesn't always work out and ends up being a disaster he will always be there to cheer you up at the end of the day. -he LOVES your fashion style. -probably mentioned it to you several times but you never knew how to respond in a coherent way. -until one day you gave him an outfit that matched yours -and he LOVES it -you probably always see him in those clothes when you go on dates and he'll make sure they don't get torn or damaged too much. -will always be sure to keep the things you give him in good condition. -although vinnie has accidentally pawned a few of them -from that time on all the gifts you give him will be kept with a "Do not touch" note.
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-probably won't think much of your shyness at first. -however, later on he may have doubts about it, he will not ask tho -he won't admit it but your voice relaxes him too much. After a crappy day he probably ends up falling asleep when you're asking him how his day was. -He denies affection too much, so when you give him things as gifts he'll act like he's not interested or even kind of annoyed that you spent money on him. (but you can see him smiling as he turns away.) -he's definitely a softie out of that whole "I'm not interested in other people" shell, so don't feel bad when he acts aloof, he just doesn't know how to express how much he appreciates you. -he never really cared about the way you dressed, it was nice and fancy like all the other rich people in ramshackle. -although if you give him a suit that matches yours he won't mind at all. -he probably won't wear it often, but he'll always keep it in a place where it won't get dirty or broken by rats. -he has flaws, of course, but you still love your sadboi no matter what.
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"Ermm excuse me, she asked for no pickles" ahh relationship 💀💀💀 -But no kidding, I feel like vinnie wouldn't pick up much that you're shy, you're just more reserved. -so don't be surprised when you find her shouting out things that you consider embarrassing but (according to her) are normal. -although obviously if you tell her someday she'll try to stop doing it, although it still gets away from her sometimes -Another person who LOVES your voice, whether it's a date or they're just hanging out, will encourage you to sing something just to hear you. -probably always admitting to liking your voice while you're dying of embarrassment. -Vinnie doesn't take hints very well. -I mean, outside of the basic secret steal signals if you tell her something like "the moon is beautiful, isn’t it?" she'll probably be like "yeah uh-huh." -although she'll start to pick up on them eventually, don't worry, she learns fast. -just like stone I feel like at first he didn't pay much attention to the way you were dressed, but she thought it was cute -I feel she wouldn't like wearing dresses so much, it's not comfortable to steal with those things on. -but if you give her one, she will try to wear it on occasions to look more decent, especially on dates. -although she would keep it in a special place with the other things you gave her as a present. -at first skipp and stone were hesitant to see her wearing so many expensive things -suspecting if she'd gotten lucky ripping off gamblers or if she'd stolen something REALLY expensive -although eventually they will realize it’s just her fancy gf giving her gifts
-and they’re fine with it until it’s practically vinnie drowning them out by mentioning you even before they go to sleep
-“oh and y/n is very cute and-“ AND you have stone covering himself (what is supposed to be) a pillow and skipp just telling her very politely that he wants to sleep
-but at the end of the day she’s happy with you, no matter what
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—bye this actually took me so long is embarrassing but I didn’t have much time to write so SORRY!! But I have more free time so ig I’m just gonna finish some hcs & oneshots that I just left there lol
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msmpictures · 2 months
[ Hello everyone :D ]
☀️ - I'm Mar, a new Tumblr user, and I'm here to share my Ramshackle Fanarts and O.Cs with u :D.
🌤️ - I'm available to accept any drawing requests you guys want, no matter if you're from this fandom or not [we can even do trade art :3]
🌥️ - So, ¿Do you like to roleplay? You can interact with my O.C's with questions and the stories you want :>
That's all, g'bye :D
- Skipp doodle to add 👉👈 -
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genderfluidsgetguns · 6 months
Former and inevitably out-dated intopost here: https://www.tumblr.com/genderfluidsgetguns/744438873843744768/yeeeaaaaggggg-you-can-also-call-me-lee?source=share
(new intro post under the cut)
JOIN THE SERVER (if you want IDC (I do I do care immensely but also /nf))
Yo! My name is Percy! And Dog, Percy, Nico, Lee, Leo, Piper, Thalia, Skipp, Stone, Vinnie, Thunder/Lightning, Octavian, Nyx, Kay, Jay, Shay, Cas, and Atlas interchangeably please :3
yeah it may be confusing, but idgf. Call me whatever, just mix it up sometimes, okay?
Gender? Yours, fool
Sexuality? Yes
Romantic Attraction? Only if I know you well enough
I am Native American, apart of the Navajo Tribe, so do NOT call me an Indian. I will block you.
I am also a minor, so do not be creepy please
#heterohomo.txt: based of an inside joke with my friends, my own original posts
#the dog goes 'what's good': me answering asks
#the rain is but the storms tears: vents
Tags for all my moots!
@bassguitarinablackt-shirt: #mine dearest nephew perseus @ssavinggrace: #my hubby thalia @midnight-thedyke: #minny the fagdyke @catinasink: #the one in the sink @literatureisdying: #attie in my attic @lostlosersclub: #the one i barely tolerate @littlebookworm69: #ah fuck yeah it's cami @evermorecatra: #you best believe it's eve @three-eyed-skullbunny: #bnnuy nico @ollies-moving-castle: #the storms' beloved
if any more moots want a tag or want their tag modded, go through my inbox please!
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penheadie · 1 month
Can we get some Skippingstone headcanons?
Oh boy where to begin I may not be as confident about these ones like I am with the past ones so there's your warning there are skippingstone shippers before me that are better than me. 
For modern AU. Whenever fall rolls around Skipp always drags Stone to go shopping for fall decorations at a thrift store or arts and crafts store (by the time that they are done shopping the car will be overflowed with a sea of pumpkins on the drive back home) 
Whenever fall rolls around in Ramshackle however Skipp and Stone will always share a scarf together as they walk down by the lake at the park despite the weird and odd stares they get from the rich people even though it's public property.
Skipp and Stone do in fact go down to the lake and skip stones together. Sometimes they write their names on the stones before they throw them into the lake. There's no significance to it, maybe it's just something for them to leave behind when they eventually do pass so people know that they were there together.
Skipp and Stone still very much miss the time that the trio spent together taking care of Maggot. So instead they go around the streets adopting stray dogs and cats trying to take them in and take care of them. 
Skipp makes flower crowns for Stone.
Skipp is panromantic and Stone is demisexual.
Stone is very aware of the fact he is considered quite the looker in Ramshackle as oftentimes he will face unwanted attention from people on the streets, being able to tell people's intentions with him as people only ever see him as just a body instead of actually a person (Because yes guys can face harassment too it's a people problem) which lead him to have even more fear and anxiety towards dating people because he's scared that people are only ever concerned with getting in his pants and sexualizing him. He sometimes vents to Skipp about his frustration that people only ever see him as just a piece of meat, only for Skipp to reassure him that he doesn't look at him that way. It's one of the things that drew Stone closer to him.
Stone sometimes has doubts about his identity and he sometimes worries that Skipp may want more from him, Skipp always reassures him that they don't need to do anything physically intimate in order for him to feel loved and valued. Reassuring him that it's okay to just want to hug, kiss or hold hands with somebody and that he should never do anything that makes him uncomfortable. Love without intimacy exists for them and their love language is always spending quality time together and doing wholesome couple things together. Their relationship is very much founded on music and the power of listening to what the other has to say with how important words can be, being sweet and sentimental towards each other. 
Whenever Stone is being sweet and sentimental Skipp makes it sure to give him as much time as possible to get all of his words and feelings out as he know that he struggles a lot with opening up about his emotions. He always reassures him that it's okay to keep going and that he loves hearing what he has to say.
Skipp absolutely loves to listen to Stone whenever he rants about his problems even though he's probably heard them a thousand times it means that Stone is opening up to him and it's an opportunity that he never lets go to waste he always wants to be his shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen to it's part of their big dynamic that goes beyond just shipping.
Whenever Stone is sad and going through a tough time Skipp will usually help explain things by singing songs and love ballads just for him. 
Whenever Skipp and Stone are alone together Pebble definitely harasses them with the gay gay homosexual gay.
Stone and Skipp do NOT leave Vinnie behind. They make sure to never leave Vinnie behind or make her feel like she's being forgotten. Ever since they started dating it changed their dynamic so they always make sure to reassure Vinnie and keep her included in their activities. Reassuring her that she is just as important.
Even though Stone and Skipp are no way fit to be parents it's one of their dreams to adopt a child off of the streets so they can try and continue the legacy of their small family. They really want to give a child that was orphaned the same opportunity to find a happy family that they did. So when they do eventually adopt a child together it is a little girl that conveniently looks like a mix of both of them. 
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kajibunny · 25 days
haiii i wanted to share this super adorable kajimii artwork by @the-original-skipps !!!! ♡
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thank you so much skipps my love ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა this is super special to me because i absolutely love her art and omgomgomg the way she just knew my perfect dream yukata design and and KAJI IN A YUKATA!1!!1!1!1! he is so precious!!! festival date ashdbxjdnsnxjd ₊˚⊹♡ i legit teared up when i saw this AAAAHDBSNZNSNSN thank you kyaaa do i even deserve such a wonderful gift??? huhu ilysm <33333 needed the double umemiyas to help me present this masterpiece lmao HAHDHWHWHHXHXHAHA
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booyahhstormz · 22 days
Maybe a hot take but I think people baby Skipp a lot and it's lowkey annoying 😭
(Not targeted to anyone just BAM I decided to share my opinion wow) (I actually wanted to say this a whiiiile ago)
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the-original-skipps · 1 month
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ask-the-goofy-ahhs · 5 months
basically @sophia-does-skits/@lunatic-sophia/@typical-sophie/@sophia-reblogs-sh1t/ behind the screen<3
just made this acc for fun (ofc)
all of my info is in my other acc (Sayuri-does-skits)
Rules in asking:
me- uses this emoji 💙
Fundamental Paper Education
Zip- uses this emoji 📄
Oliver- uses this emoji 🧼
Edward- uses this emoji 🎭
Claire- uses this emoji 🎀
Engel- uses this emoji 🍂
Abbie- uses this emoji 🌱
Lana- uses this emoji 🧦
Miss Circle- uses this emoji 🍪
Anyone Else- ❓
this one is for @sayuri-does-skits (me ofc) @cheezekennith @/any other fpe fan
Skipp- uses this emoji 🎶
Stone- uses this emoji 🚬
Vinnie- uses this emoji 🥫
this one is for @zeddyzi and @devillemon085
Poppy Playtime/The Smiling Critters
Catnap- uses this emoji 🌙
Dogday- uses this emoji ☀
Bubba Bubbaphant- uses this emoji 💡
Kickin Chicken- uses this emoji ⭐
Crafty Corn- uses this emoji 🌸
Bobby Bear Hug- uses this emoji ❤
Hoppy HopScotch- uses this emoji ⚡
Picky Piggy- uses this emoji 🍎
this one is for @awakentrashpanda @/your local gremin entueuiast,i can't ping them @/any other sc fan
Cabanatuan Paper Education School (fpe but my school)
Sophia(me)- uses this emoji ✂
Cassy- uses this emoji 🐱 (picked a random one cuz nothing references cassy)
Jared- uses this emoji ⚔
Miss Dona- uses this emoji ✏
Miss Alpha- uses this emoji 🔪
Miss Jean- uses this emoji 📏
Ghost And Pals
Frances is 📞 Henry is ⌨️ Nancy is ✂️ Kennith is 📺
Ray is 🗡️
(copy and pasting from cheezes messages cuz i'm lazy asf)
Cakey is 🍰
Norman is 👓
God is ✝️
Charon is 🕷️
Christopher is 🪞 or 🏏
Trash dentist is 💉
Tamari is 👁️
Tooth hurty is 🦷
Say is 🥩
Arc is 🤕
more fandoms coming soon!
garten of banban
kinito pet
if you wanna request a fandom,don't be shy to ask!
@alinoriandklox @adriannaamione @artismeyou-12 @akioatturasluvr @awakentrashpanda @boiling-potato @cheezekennith @cutebendy @cherishbendy @crowcussion @dogdayisgoodboy101 @dosei-slays @devillemon085 @djcute @eminsunnytoons123 @flamy-t @gachaclubideas @helpldkwhatmynameshouldbe @ilovekucing23 @itsmyaltaccountforshiitybloglol0 @jassylife @leafith @localgremlinenthusiest @misterah13 @misky-uwu @nia1sworld @peppermintkitty10 @sharkyy599 @technogenesisentertainment @thebruhb0i @untitled14360 @xxkurosakutisaxx @yourdr3amcassy
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porcelain-savior · 4 months
Hi I'm back again :3(I requested red handed part 7 anon) I have a request for another stone x reader,
Can we get them being somewhat close friends as they share style and when skipp and Vinnie get into trouble they both like exchange that glance of 'these dumb fvcks' if not thats cool but like I need this
Same Thoughts
Stone x Reader
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“Where’s Vinnie and Skipp?” You asked, walking over to Stone, who gave you his cigarette. “Don’t know. And I really don’t care.” Stone shrugged as he titled his head to the side. “I just hope they aren’t causing any trouble—“ You were cut off by a loud explosion. You and Stone stared at each other for a moment. “That was probably them.” You grumbled, smoke leaving your mouth. “I am really not in the mood to deal with this.” Stone grumbled, before taking your arm and dragging you towards the big fire.
There stood Vinnie and Skipp. There faces and body covered in ashes. Stone and you looked at each other. “These idiots.” He grumbled, shaking his head. You sighed.
“Oh! Hey guys!” Vinnie smiled as she dragging Skipp over to you two. “Vinnie? What the hell happened?” Stone asked, raising an eyebrow. “Well I had an idea where if we blew up that ATM it would give us money.” She blinked, Skipp nodded. “But it didn’t work!” He huffed.
“..if you blow up the machine, it would also blow up the money.” You explained slowly. Vinnie and Skipp titled their heads to the side, confused. “Oh!”
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emo-trash101 · 5 months
haii! ^_^
I was wondering you could do ramshackle x fem!reader headcanons?? Like their preference for dates, small things they do affectionately, that kinda stuff!! (I also saw you mainly do male!readers so If anything nb!reader works just fine >^w^<)
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Omg thank you, I'm gonna do nb! reader just cause I feel a bit more comfortable with it. Also I'm gonna be mainly touching on their love languages, dates, and types of physical affection!
Trio x Reader
Pronouns: Second person
Tw: fluff ???
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Stone -
- So I believe I've talked about this before but I believe his love languages are Words of Affirmation for receiving and Acts of Service giving.
- Primarily because I feel like he would be very insecure, and that really ties into both of the love languages.
- As for dates, he's hella private. Like just generally.
- So I think it would probably be like, more staying in and chilling dates.
- Like sharing a bottle of alcohol and talking about childhood trauma (so romantic).
- And thats also kinda the same thing for his physical affection.
- He's very private so he's definitely not gonna like make out with you in public.
- But he definitely likes holding your hand and kisses on the cheek/forehead.
- This is primarily because they're all short(ish) but still sweet
- In all, 7/10 boyfriend, he's still a bad hobo tho (laugh at my joke please 😭)
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Skipp -
- So idk why but it's a little hard to pinpoint any specific love language for him. He genuinely seems like the kind of person who just likes to love people
- So in all honesty, he's chill with about anything.
- And that ties into dates too
- Wanna use your date to steal from people? Sure. Wanna have a picnic? Sure. Wanna party with everyone and then hide away at the end and just talk? Sounds great!
- He is almost completely the definition of going with the flow.
- As for pda, I again honestly don't really think he would care.
- like obviously no making out with you randomly, but holding hands and little pecks would be his definite strong suit.
- in all 9/10 boyfriend, idk what to say he's just kinda great.
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Vinnie -
- She's uhh... interesting?
- but regardless, I think her love language would be a mixture of acts of service and physical touch.
- Like it would be primarily just "oh you want that? Lemme steal it for you" *que gremlin planning stance*
- As for dates, I don't think she would really care about them?? Like just being around you is chill enough.
- But if I had to pick it would most likely be like parties.
- Now different from the boys, she would make out with you in public.
- She'll do whatever she wants lmao
- She could care less about pda, like she just...does it???
- in all 8/10 girlfriend, make sure you give her her rabies shot
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I CAME BACK FROM THE DEAD GUYS!!!! also beware, most stuff coming out today (+ the poll for 100 followers!)
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heartsformars · 5 months
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HEY RICH GIRL!!! ramshackle trio x rich! fem! Reader
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TW: Robbery implied, violence implied, Vinnie being vinnie
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-The first few times you saw it, you probably didn't notice it was a scrap.
-Just a guy you sometimes had small talk with when you saw him around town. -so focused on the conversation that you didn't notice how two other guys were taking things out of your purse -or of the eventual feelings you started to develop for the boy. -At first you didn't get it but then I bought it. Declaring yourself wasn't a problem as you hadn't experienced rejection in your life -yet you were surprised to see that the guy accepted your confession… I mean, with so few conversations you exchanged a week, had he really managed to get feelings for you too? -Well, going more into the relationship skipp DEFINITELY wouldn't accept a confession out of convenience, he really doesn't seem to enjoy using a person for that sort of thing -but having you around is a real relief. -Although sometimes he's a little embarrassed to ask you for money, he doesn't even have to, you usually give him money as if you were giving him flowers. -And don't be afraid to give him things, he will accept and keep anything you give him, no matter if it's simple or something more elaborate. -he even gets surprised on some of his dates when you insist on taking him to expensive places when he was planning on just going to a field and hanging out together. -enjoying the company together -because at the end of the day, it doesn't matter your money or if you take him to fancy places, as long as you and him spend time together he will be satisfied <3
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-Honestly, at the beginning he didn't notice you much, in fact, he didn't even know your name. -He's not really the type to be interested in a specific person. -However, that time you helped the three of them steal some things, you really caught his attention. -A rich girl helping the poor? He even doubt your intentions for a moment, but it seemed like you did it with good intentions so he don't really question it too much. -However, you and him continued interacting until eventually it came to something more, even if at the beginning he refused to accept it, he couldn't hide the nerves he used to get when he was next to you or just looked at you… -he probably even confessed to you by accident by telling this to you, and you just stood there like "so you like me?" -after that it was kind of awkward, lucky for the boy that you shared these feelings. -getting more into aspects of your relationship, I feel like he's not really the type to express his love through gifts or physical affection. He's more about spending time with you or showing that he appreciates you through his actions. -although it doesn't bother him at all when you insist on giving him gifts and taking him to all sorts of places in ramshackle.  -even if he acts a little angry, he really enjoys spending time with you. -although that doesn't mean he likes to spend so much time with a crowd of people -but out of everything, he really appreciates your efforts and sacrifices you make for him so he tries to return the favor... in his own way... - and he knows that you know that you both know that no matter what, you will always be together -even though it still bothers you that he smokes and gets drunk
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-Let's be honest, she didn't see you as a potential partner at first. -It's not that she didn't like you or appreciate you, in fact, she was surprised by your kindness as a rich person and that you genuinely got together with her despite your status. -so you would be partially out of the scams and weekly robberies. -although you insisted on giving her money, and of course, who was she to refuse? -Eventually and eventually she started to feel strange when she was around you, I mean, she didn't feel that way with anyone, why with you? -Skipp was probably the first to find out when he asked her what was that weird feeling in her stomach every time she talked to you. -and ohh when he found out it was a low blow -She? Falling in love? It was such a far out scenario that even she didn't think it would ever happen. -but it happened -ok, and definitely (again) Skipp was the one who was most supportive of her confessing, stone wasn't that interested but he did his bit each tale -although even with the extra help you were the first one to propose, haha. -Ok, she doesn't know much how to show her love in a more "cheesy" way so she probably tries to throw compliments at you that end up in a somewhat awkward situation, but no amount of laughter will not lighten the mood. -She loves it when you give her things, even though sometimes she feels indebted to you, she gets over it quickly. -do you need support? She is your support! She would never really leave you alone, no matter the situation Need help beating up some guys? She can do it for you! And even with her eyes closed! - even if it means you have to stick up for her and her friends when they get in trouble with some of your colleagues. -But, even with her flaws, Vinnie is the best company you could have, and the best partner you could have wished for. -even if she did steal money from your mom. 
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— Not a request, but I wanted to write this, so sorry if it's a bit OOC lol, I'm cooking up a stone one-shot, so stay tuned guys.
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dragonzfanfics11 · 6 days
《☆Stone x Small Rockstar! Reader!☆》
Quick key- stone vinny skipp you
Warnings- swearing, probably spelling errors, turned into f!reader ad that's just how it's gonna stay cuz it's easier for me to write
Summery- they go back to the br/joint to see you again and stone gets flusterd from your friendly comments
~《The next day》~
"ughhhhh.......my head.."
Stone groaned as he sat up his head pounding from all the drinking the other night
"Morning stone!"
"Hey there lovebird"
"The hell you just call me?"
"Nothing! Just thinking of how you where looking at the guitarist the other night"
"And.....kinda flirted with her?"
"What the fuck you just say skipp?"
Stone whipped his head around at skipp wide eyed his cheeks slightly pink
"Oh yeaaa! You got drunk and ended up flirting with her before she left"
Vinny chuckled at the remark and stone sits there casually rethinking life
"But hey it worked out in the end!"
Skipp said after a few moments and stone looked up at him confused but also slightly hopeful that he maybe didn't mess up this time
"What do you mean?"
"Oh someone's hopeful! Anyways she gave us her band schedule! She told us if we wanted we can stop buy and get a free dinner with her!"
"Mhm! She said we seem like a fun group to be around and she'd like to get to know us!"
"Especially you~"
Stone rolled his eyes at Vinny with a scoff but couldn't help the small blush forming in his cheeks
~《Later that day》~
They all go back to the small bar/joint when your next show was gonna start, it took Vinny and skipp a while to convince stone to come back but eventually he did
"Hey you guys made it!"
You smile as you make your way over to them
Stone blushes when he sees you again you look even more gorgeous if that was even posable to him, stone snaps out of his thoughts when Vinny elbows him giving him a smerk earning a glare from him
"Theres a table near the stage we can take its big enough for all of us"
"Sounds great!"
They follow you over to the table it's a booth, like the once in restaurants, big enough for two people on both sides
Vinny and skipp look at each other then at stone before quickly taking one side for themselves
"Me and skipp can sit over her stone you can share a side with......i don't think we got your name actually"
"Oh right I was in such a hurry last night we couldn't introduce ourselves"
You chuckle softly as you slide into the other seat and sit down, stones just standing there for a second blushing before he awkwardly sits down next to you
"Well im y/n"
"Nice to meet you y/n!"
"Im Vinny this is skipp and the drunk guy you where talking to last night is stone"
Stone glares at Vinny still awkwardly sitting next to you and you chuckle softly
"Well it's nice to meet you guys and it's great to properly meet you stone, y'know when your not drunk"
"I-i uhh....ya...ya it's nice to meet you to y/n"
He says slightly awkwardly while acting like he didn't care, his face still tinted pink in the dim lighting
"Is that in Irish accent?"
"Hm? O-oh uhh yea..."
"Wow I've never met someone with an Irish accent before it's actually pretty cool!"
While you and stone talk Vinny and skipp just sit there watching with amused looks
"Ya there's not many people around here with accents let alone irish!"
Stones red as a tomato at this point but it's to dim in the room to see it 'your also oblivious to this sorta think just because lol'
"Hey y/n shows about to start come on!"
"Coming! Sorry I've gotta go maybe we can talk after the show?"
"Yea, yea let's do that.."
And with that you run off to join your band on stage
"I think you jut fell harder for her"
"Shut up!"
Ok I kinda like this so far should I make this a series? I think I'll also take some requests for a while maybe, if requests do open feel free to requests things to keep this possible series going!
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