#skip to:misc
blusical · 1 year
So. Just a PSA to anyone who relies on Twitter for sports updates. Twitter is no longer letting people access the site without accounts. Users that don't have accounts or aren't logged in will be greeted with the login page shown below.
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(Image ID: A page of the Twitter sign in screen in dark mode. End ID) I don't know if this is permanent or temporary, but this is probably gonna fuck *so* many folks over, especially those who rely on Twitter for updates. So far I haven't seen away around this, but if anyone knows how to bypass this, It'd be very much appreciated. 🙏 Until then, I advise sticking with ESPN articles and maybe even Instagram posts for sports updates. Anyways, fuck Elon Musk.
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blusical · 8 months
ngl the best part about the nfl playoffs right now is the fact that the ravens, chiefs and niners are bloodthirsty for a super bowl, meanwhile the lions are just happy to be a part of the fun.
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blusical · 8 months
Blusical... will be right back.
FYI, I'm probably going to take a short hiatus from this blog (and probably from hockey as a whole). I'll still be active on Discord (DM for username) and probably other blogs but with everything going on (the Hockey Canada stuff in particular) taking a toll, I need to stop posting here for a bit.
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blusical · 9 months
i've been seeing a lot of people talk about the bad reffing in the lions-cowboys game (rightfully so), but the thing I'm not seeing people talk about is the fact that in the NFL (and in some cases the NHL too), if you dare criticize the refs you get fined. Honestly, if you have to fine players for criticizing bad officiating, that just tells everyone that you can't take criticism lmfao. If your own players and coaches are complaining about the refs, have you maybe considered that your current officiating system isn't fucking working and that you should probably find better refs (or a better way to train referees) instead of fining players and coaches for speaking out?
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blusical · 4 months
Holy moly i've been so focused on grieving and making plans for my dad's funeral that i completely forgot that may 23 was the one year anniversary of me creating this sideblog
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blusical · 6 months
PSA (because *apparently* it wasn't clear enough... /targeted): TERFs, Radfems and the sort aren't and will never be welcome on this blog. In fact, this blog is literally run by a genderfluid individual. Why are you even here in the first place? Get lost or get blocked.
Why the fuck are there even TERFs in *hockeyblr* of all places anyway???
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blusical · 7 months
wait shit i completely misread that post. in that case OP if you see this please disregard (and sorry I can't help there).
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blusical · 7 months
oh yeah
sooo my laptop might be fucked so i might be less active than usual :C
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blusical · 8 months
Kane sacrificed his lower body for that Lions playoff win.
(Okay but seriously though Congrats Detroit fans!)
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blusical · 9 months
revamped my pinned post a bit!
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blusical · 10 months
Tagging system because there's a lot
(Still a bit of a WIP so...) lyric:liveblog - Liveblogging tag. sync:reblog - reblogs, because ofc. song:just chatting - Ramblings and whatnot. song:serious - serious posts. song:rant - rants, vents, other complaints. song:shitposting - new tag, for shitposts and whatnot. sync:asks - asks and stuff. album:icons - icons I made! album:banners - banners i made. album:userboxes - userboxes. Probably won't be using this one often but whatever. album:art - Newish tag for artwork, both my art and others'. skip to:polls - basically what it says on the tin. skip to:misc - Not hockey related. PKaneposting - newish tag for kane posts because i post him more often than i should (also for folks to use in case they dont wanna see me post or ramble about him) Corey Perry Situation - Basically stuff that went down with Perry that kind of deserved its own tag. I stand with Alex and Felicia Wennberg - Another situation that deserved it's own tag tbh. well fuck - me complaining about goals scored against my own team lmfao. problematic athletes - Discussions surrounding primarily problematic hockey players.
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