#skip to a few days later when nancy pulls tabletop out of her ponytail because she saw something sticking out
chickensoupleg ยท 2 years
Chrissy deserves a rubber duck army. Truly.
Alternatively, she gets her hands on the really tiny ones, and for the rest of the month everyone is finding tiny ducks hidden in their stuff and in the cupboards.
Robin, in fact, finds a cluster of them reenacting what she's pretty sure is a wedding, but now between an alien and a cowboy duck (according to the TINY hat and the fact one of them was green), and the alien is being kidnapped by another equally as tiny duck, but this one had a rhinestone bedazzled on its butt.
She brings this up to Chrissy without touching it because it amused her that much, and the next day she finds the same wedding, except somehow the cowboy duck was armed with a really tiny sword (Courtesy of Eddie) and fighting the rhinestone duck for the alien's hand in marriage.
Anyways, Chrissy is quite chuffed when she hears her friends find another one of her duck soldiers.
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