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silverika326 · 3 months ago
Sky: COTL Oc Hunger Games Shenanigans
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Other’s Ocs include:
Holt, Catalpa - @splatanastamprr
HC, Vuti - @splatsherry
Peregrine - @kokosovc
This whole event was so freakin hilarious I had to make stuff out of it!
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silverika326 · 5 months ago
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(kaf is Lethe in this one, I’m Haar)
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really big fan of this emote
the one dressed as tofe is @silverika326
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five-rivers · 4 years ago
A Gift Unasked For
For Dannymay Day 17: Freedom
The cry was barely loud enough for even Danny to hear it. That was saying something. His entire existence was tuned to respond to cries and requests for help. Him hearing a cry for help was like the Lunch Lady hearing someone talk about, well. Lunch.
He spun slowly in place, his earlier errand forgotten, trying to gauge where it had come from.
Danny flitted towards the source of the sound, darting between ghostly trees. He paused again. He wasn’t sure if he had gone too far.
He adjusted his path slightly and set off again. He wasn’t sure what help was needed. A shout might alert attackers to his presence. It was better being quiet for now.
Even if it hurt, not letting this person know help was coming.
He skidded to a halt, seeing an old woman ghost trapped under a fallen tree. That was a bit… anticlimactic? At least he’d be able to get to the Far Frozen on time.
“Hi!” he said, giving the old woman a grin. “I’m going to try to get that off you, okay?
“Thank you, young man,” croaked the ghost woman.
“No problem,” he said. “I like helping people.” Was he telegraphing his Obsession? Yes. But so did most ghosts (cough, the Box Ghost, cough) and he thought it might put the woman at ease. “You’re okay with me just picking this up, right? It isn’t, like, stabbing you or anything? Or, wait, that’s mostly a human problem. Organs.”
“I’ll be quite alright if you can just lift it,” said the old woman. “I have been trapped here for quite some time.”
Oof. In ghost terms that could be forever.
“Say no more, say no more,” said Danny. He pushed the log up, careful not to let it pinch the poor woman even more. It was a bit odd – The log wasn’t all that heavy. Then again, ghosts could come in different strengths just as humans could. Just because he mostly encountered stronger ghosts didn’t mean they were all like that.
The ghost flew out as soon as he removed the pressure.
“Oh, thank you!” said the ghost. “I thought I would be trapped there forever.” She pressed her hands to her heart. Well. Core. Sort of. “However can I repay you?”
“You really don’t need to,” said Danny. “It was—” Don’t say it was nothing. Danny had learned that could offend people of certain cultures, and he didn’t know where this woman came from. “It only cost me a few minutes,” he settled on. That was the complete truth.
“Oh, but it meant the world to me.” She put her hands on either side of Danny’s face.
Danny smiled, feeling awkward. This was a bit of an uncomfortable situation, socially speaking, but she remembered him so much of a grandma that he didn’t really have it in his heart to rebuff her.
Then again, the Lunch Lady had also reminded him of a grandma at first.
Maybe he should just…
“I know!” she exclaimed. “You set me free, so I’ll do the same!” She planted a kiss on his forehead. “There you go, sweetheart. All those worries, let them drift away.”
“Um,” said Danny. “Okay.” He bit his bottom lip. Nothing in particular seemed to have happened. “Well, anyway, if you’re alright, I’m meeting some of my friends…”
“Have a lovely time, dear.”
“Thanks,” said Danny, flying away with a wave.
Okay. That had been weird. Anyway. Time to visit—
Who was he visiting?
Frostbite, right. Far Frozen.
Huh. That encounter must have distracted him more than he thought.
He flew towards the Far Frozen and let his mind wander as he did. He thought back to this morning. Before he’d been distracted by the cry for help, he’d been upset because… Because… By? He’d been upset about something.
Maybe it hadn’t been all that important in retrospect?
Well. This was going to be a nice, long weekend, so he could relax, take it slow, maybe play with Sam and Tucker when he got back. Tucker had been talking about the new expansion of…
What was the name of that game? This was ridiculous. He’d been playing it for years.
He frowned. He been learning things from… Learning things. Once was happenstance. Twice was coincidence. Three times was enemy action.
He increased his speed.
Frostbite was happily preparing for Phantom’s arrival later today. He looked forward to every time he saw the young ghost.
Perhaps this was why he was so taken aback when Phantom crashed right into him, sobbing, and burrowed into his fur.
“Great One,” he said, “what’s wrong?”
“I’m forgetting,” he said. “I’m forgetting.”
Phantom sat quietly in one of the ice-carved chairs in the library, totally absorbed by the book on his lap.
“He does not remember anything, chief?” asked one of the warriors standing in the doorway.
“Nothing,” said Frostbite, thoroughly unnerved. “
“The Lethe?”
“It does not work like that. It is not slow.”
Phantom gasped, then bounced out of his chair and up to Frostbite. “Look at this! Look at this! It’s so cool!”
“Yes,” said Frostbite, humoring Phantom. “It is, isn’t it?”
“I wonder what they look like in person.”
“About the same, I suppose.”
“That’s so cool!” He drifted back to his chair and curled up again.
“What are we going to do?”
Frostbite sighed. “I wish I knew.”
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btsslowburnfic · 4 years ago
Chthonic Love Ch. 8
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Series Summary:  A Greek Mythology AU featuring Yoongi/Suga as Hades and reader as Persephone. Olympian ruler Namjoon has delivered you, Persephone, as a gift for his brother, lord of Death, Yoongi
Previous Chapter found here: Chapter 7
You woke up to another “morning” in the Underworld. You stretched and thought about what you were going to do today. You had no way of knowing if you had missed the first reaping or not and sighed. It really was annoying. Of course, after reading another chapter in the Compendium last night it became clear to you why there was no time in the Underworld: Cronos was locked in Tartarus. His mere presence caused a rift in the passage of time. It was a small price to pay to keep the Titans locked up. 
You find your heart skipping a beat as you look forward to spending time with Yoongi today. You assume you will, anyways. Maybe you can get a proper tour of the castle. Lethe had sat an outfit and hair comb out for you; she is really taking her attendant job seriously, you mused. You got dressed and admired yourself in the mirror. Same old spring goddess, different day. You wondered what your brother was up to and if he got your letter yet. You can’t believe after all the times you’ve told him not to hang out with Namjoon that he would still do it.  Well at least he didn’t get turned into a monster like most beings who lost bets; he just got his sister kidnapped. Idiot. Oh well, at least you were enjoying your time in the Underworld.. You sat down and started to play around with your hair. You thought a lot last night about if you would return to the Mortal realm if you were able to, or if you would stay here for a while longer. You really enjoyed spending time with Yoongi and Lethe. You put the comb in your hair and exited the Quicksilver room.
Your bare feet absorbed the coldness of the obsidian floor. You hadn’t really noticed being barefoot in the mortal realm; your feet were always cushioned by grass, dirt, and sand. Here, the hard floors kept you quite chilled. You found yourself wondering if Arachne made shoes. Did other people here wear shoes? You knew Yoongi did but you hadn’t looked at anyone else’s feet. You made a mental note of “things to ask Lethe about the Underworld,” and continued your search for Yoongi.
It didn’t take you long to find him. You poked your head into the great hall and saw him directing some servants. You walked into the room and took a seat on a bench, not wanting to interrupt.
You turned and faced the wall, deciding to add some dark red roses to the empty vessels along the perimeter of the hall while you waited. There. That looks much more like a great hall. You think as you admire your work. 
"It's lovely," you heard Yoongi's voice behind you. 
"Thank you." you twisted back to face the hall. "Much more festive." 
A smile creeps across his lips, "Ah yes the underworld is lacking in festivities," he agrees, 
placing his hands on his hips. "Did you sleep well?" 
"I did. How long did I sleep? How many reapings did I miss so far?" 
He pretends to look at a watch "You are very consistent, just the morning one again. It's late morning in the underworld."
"According to you." you teased him. 
"Yes. I do get to make the rules around here. It’s a perk of being Lord.” 
You stood up, “If you’re not busy today I’d love for you to give me a tour of the inside of the Palace.” 
“Of course, just let me…” he began but was cut short by the loud banging of the doors opening. Penthos came running into the open area, he made eye contact with Yoongi and sped up his pace even more. Yoongi’s entire demeanor changed suddenly, the smile gone from his face. The entire scene placed you on edge. Penthos skidded to a stop and spoke to Yoongi in a hushed tone, while looking at you. Yoongi turned towards you suddenly and grabbed you by your elbow leading you out of the hall. His lips were pressed together tightly. 
“Yoongi? What’s going on?” you asked nervously. He didn’t respond, he only dragged you faster back down the passage to your room. “Yoongi, you’re hurting my arm and you’re scaring me.” 
You heard him breathing heavily, he stopped for a second and looked at you before pushing you up against the stone wall. He loosened his grip on your arm slightly “I’m sorry. If you trust me at all you need to go in your room and stay there. Ok? Just…” he shook his head, and you saw for the first time actual fear in his eyes, which caused the blood in your veins to suddenly go cold. He scanned your face, “Just please go to your room.” He pressed his other hand on the wall next to you.
You looked at him and you could tell he was a combination of scared and angry but you had no idea why. Had you done something wrong? You felt like you wanted to cry. In fact you were actually crying already you realized as you felt the hot tears on your face. You looked down the hallway towards your room.
“Persephone, no. No.” you felt his hand brush a tear away. “Just trust me. Stay in your room and I’ll come get you soon. It’s going to be ok.” 
You were still confused but managed to squeak out an “ok,” as you walked back to the Quicksilver room. As you closed the door, you heard various locking mechanisms behind you. What the hell? So NOW you were a prisoner. You were suddenly angry and sad. What the fuck had Penthos told Yoongi that made him suddenly change like that? You walked over to the door and even though you knew they were locked, the fact that you confirmed it made you even angrier. He suddenly didn’t trust you to stay in your room but you were supposed to trust him. You huffed. You walked over to the windows and to your annoyance they had also been locked. You began to seethe. What the fuck was going on? 
“Lord Namjoon is here,” Penthos had whispered to Yoongi. His eyes quickly scanned over [y/n] as both of the men could guess what the Lord of Olympus was here for. Yoongi felt more scared than he had been since the Titan Wars. Fuck. He turned around and grabbed you. He had to keep you safe from his brother. Who knew what Namjoon was up to. He reneged on contracts all the time, he did whatever the fuck he wanted, whenever he wanted, with whomever he wanted. Shit. Shit. Shit. He wasn’t even thinking until he heard your voice shakily say, “Yoongi, you’re hurting my arm and you’re scaring me.”
He looked down and realized that his fingers were digging into you. And now he’d actually hurt you. Great. He took out a deep breath and stopped. He didn’t want to scare you and he certainly didn’t want you trying to confront his brother.  He had already scared you, he could tell by your face. He found himself still holding on to your arm, not wanting to let you go. “I’m sorry. If you trust me at all you need to go in your room and stay there. Ok? Just…” he shook his head wishing he knew what to say to make this better. He wished everyone would just leave the two of you alone. When did it become the two of you? He found himself wondering for a few seconds. He used to just wish everyone would leave him alone. He shook his head, coming back to reality. “Just please, go to your room,” he said as he brought his other arm up. He wanted to run a hand through your hair and tell you everything would be ok and that in a few days you could go see your brother if you wanted or you could stay here for a while if you needed a break from the mortal realm. Just whatever would make you happy. Instead, he placed his hand against the wall.  He looked down and saw that you were crying. He wanted to hold you and tell you it would be ok but he didn’t have time for any of that; Namjoon could walk into the Palace at any minute.  
““Persephone, no. No.”  he ran a hand along your face, brushing a tear away. “Just trust me. Stay in your room and I’ll come get you soon. It’s going to be ok.” 
He watched you  cross your hands over your chest and say “Ok,” 
The sight of you leaving while crying caused a deep ache in Yoongi’s chest. As soon as he heard the door shut, he enchanted it and the windows to keep anyone other than himself from entering the Quicksilver room. He sighed deeply. Time to act like a scary asshole, he thought as he straightened his shirt and headed to the throne room.
“You’re in my chair,” Yoongi said with annoyance as he entered the throne room to find Namjoon lounging in it.
“In such a fine mood brother, what’s wrong? Has your gift been bothering you? The old ball and chain got you all out of sorts?” Namjoon sarcastically replied, making no effort to move from the throne.
Yoongi felt deep rage swelling within him, but he knew his brother was fishing for reactions. And he was going to try his damn hardest to not give in.
“I suppose I’m annoyed that you are here again. I just saw you a few days ago. Let’s go back to our old schedule of every few centuries.” he replied, cooly.
“I’d love to really. Believe me, no one, and I mean no one, wants to be down here with you.” Namjoon made a point of looking at Yoongi while he said this. “But you and I have some business items to discuss. Now I gifted you a certain Goddess a few days ago and yet here I find that she’s being allowed to send messages to her brother. Messages which speak ill of me.”
Yoongi shrugged his shoulders. “She’s not a prisoner here. She’s welcome to write letters to whomever she wants. Would you like to be added to her penpal list?  Is that why you’re here?”
 Namjoon’s face began to redden. “Show some respect.”  Lightning flashed outside the window.
“You’re in my realm. In my throne room. Questioning my decisions. You show me some respect,” Yoongi spat back. He usually remained quiet when Namjoon came and threw these temper tantrums, but today he was not in the mood. At first it wasn’t quite evident what Yoongi had done, but as Namjoon stood up from the throne and walked towards Yoongi to continue his argument, he suddenly found himself lacking oxygen. His face turned slightly purple. He looked at Yoongi with rage, trying his best not to give in, but he eventually found himself on his knees.
Yoongi crouched down, “Stop coming around here and asking questions about Persephone. Do you understand?” 
Namjoon nodded, scratching at his throat. Yoongi stood up and halted his power usage, and his brother took several heaving breaths trying to make up for lost air. “You little shit.”
Yoongi turned around, holding his hand up. “That didn’t sound very respectful.”
 Namjoon shook his head. “Yeah ok. You win this round Yoongi. Remember when we were kids…” 
Yoongi had sat down on the throne. “I have no interest in traveling down memory lane with you today. If you have any other business with me you may state it presently, otherwise, Penthos will see you out.” 
Namjoon fumed for a few seconds and screwed up his face tightly. It had been centuries since Yoongi even pushed back slightly. What the hell had changed that made him actually assert authority today? Ah. It occurred to him as he was walking out of the throne room. He could sense your power signature radiating throughout the castle.  Namjoon looked down the hallway, where several black thorn covered vines were stretching along the walls. What he fuck had he done? 
“Sir, he’s left the realm.” Penthos said as he returned to the throne room from escorting Lord Namjoon.
Yoongi nodded, his elbows resting on his knees and his face cradled in his hands. “That’s all for now. Shut the door on your way out, please.” Penthos nodded and complied. It was only then that Yoongi allowed himself to start shaking. It had felt good to stand up to Namjoon but he felt completely drained. His brother just scared him so much and he wished he didn’t. 
Don’t cry. Don’t cry. He willed himself. You’re strong. You’re a fucking Olympian. He sniffled and ran his hands through his hair. He heard the door open again. “I said to leave me alone,” he shouted as he looked up. 
“I know sir but there’s a slight situation.” Penthos responded. “With Lady Persephone.” he added.
Yoongi stood up quickly. Shit. He should have gone and got her as soon as Namjoon left. Was she ok? He turned the corner and saw what the problem was: black thorn vines were slowly snaking their way down the hallway.  “What do you want me to do my Lord?” Penthos asked.
“Nothing. Just, give me a minute.” Yoongi responded, walking towards your room. 
 “Sir, these vines could be poisonous. I really think you should just let us cut them off the wall.” 
Yoongi was so over today. He just wanted to lay down. All he had wanted to do was give you your new cloak and go to the beach with you today. That’s it. He didn’t want to fuck around with Namjoon or make you cry. “We’re not cutting the vines. It could hurt Persephone. We don’t know how her magic works.” Yoongi replied, trying his best to stay calm. He started to find it difficult to walk through the hallway without getting pricked by the thorns. “Aish...probably not poisonous but they definitely hurt.”
“Sir. Please. I can’t just watch you get hurt by her. Let me cut the vines. 
“Penthos. Leave.” Yoongi growled.
“Leave now,” Yoongi commanded as he went through a large portion of thorns, cutting his arm and face. Penthos huffed and angrily complied. 
Yoongi was almost to the door at this point, having had most of his body parts shredded. He undid the sigils and tried his best to knock on the door. 
“Persephone,” he yelled as gently as possible, even though he was in an enormous amount of pain now.  “Can I come in? Your vines have gotten a little out of control.”
You walked over to the door, still angry about having been locked in here. You had covered your windows in black roses to match your crying aesthetic but you didn’t know what he was talking about. You opened the door and were shocked by everything. First, there was Yoongi, covered in blood with his clothes shredded to pieces, acting like everything was normal. Second, apparently something had amplified your magic, and your dramatic art project was taking over the castle.
You threw your hands up to your mouth, “No. Oh no. No. I’m so sorry. Yoongi.” The vines and your anger both immediately started to wither away.
“That’s some strong magic.” he said, trying to joke even as he was bleeding everywhere and leaning on the doorframe for support.
“Oh shit. Come here,” you put your arm around him and sat him on the foot of your bed. You began to work on healing him.  “Your door spell must have amplified my magic. I was just trying to decorate the windows to match my mood.”
He laughed lightly. “Well hopefully your healing magic will be amplified as well. Those thorn bushes hurt."
“Stop laughing, I feel terrible about this. You should have just chopped your way through them.” you moved into a more comfortable position to continue healing him. Crying and making flowers had already used a lot of your energy and you started to feel so tired. You felt him rest his head against your shoulder. 
 “Sorry. I didn’t want to hurt you in case the vines were connected to your lifeforce.”
You didn’t know what to say to that. You had been so angry with him until just a few minutes ago and here he was, bleeding because of you. You two were both quiet for a few minutes while you focused your energy on healing him. “I’m so tired.” you accidentally said out loud.
“Me too.” he responded. “I think you’ve got most of them.” He moved his head off of you to assess his body. “You’re going to have to take a rain check for the castle tour.” He threw off his shoes and laid down on the bed and then scooted up to the headboard.
“I agree.” You responded raggedly and let yourself relax on the bed as well. You turned to look at Yoongi who was staring up at the ceiling. “Other than being tired, how are you feeling?”
 He turned his head to look at you. He was so handsome. You felt like you could spend forever looking at that face. He looks exhausted but flashes a small grin, "Never better.”
“Why did you lock me in my room?” 
He looked back up at the ceiling as though he can avoid the question if he doesn’t look at you. You thought maybe he wasn't going to answer until you hear him say very quietly, “Namjoon was here.”
Your heart immediately begins to race again. “I didn’t want him to mess with you or try anything because of how he is. I’m sorry I didn’t have more time to explain.” he looked back over at you.
“What did he want?” you asked nervously.
Yooongi sighed. “He was just being nosy about you and your letter to Hoseok.” He saw how frightened you  looked and reached over for your hand, gently and tentatively wondering if he could hold it. You immediately interlocked your fingers, causing a tingling sensation in your body even though you were still nervous. “Don’t worry. I told him to fuck off and stop asking questions about you.”
You laughed loudly. “Did you really? Oh gods I would have paid to see that.” 
He laughed as well, his earlier anxiety about it gone. “Yeah, I really did.”
“Good for you. He’s such a prick.”
“He is.” Yoongi agreed. 
The two of you laid there in silence and before you knew it, you had both drifted off to sleep. Fully clothed, exhausted, and holding hands. NEXT CHAPTER
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gabrielmeadowes · 5 years ago
Date: January 1st, 2021 Time: 1:27 AM Location: Lethe Hospital With: @aureliemeadowes​
It’s his grandfather that he has to lean on when the call comes, the best of the people crowding the waiting room to keep an eye on a sedated Faolan so that Gabe can deal with the call he’s received. His wife was here, not for Fiona but for herself, for injuries she received. Injuries that he couldn’t account for, that she wouldn’t give him a cause for over the phone. That told him enough to make a guess, one he didn’t like the scent of at all. He hated it and feared it in equal measure, which was precisely why he ran down the hall of the hospital towards the room she indicated and nearly missed it by several feet, sneakers skidding on the linoleum. “Ah shite. Lielie!” He called, backpedaling and then darting into the room despite the look on the nurse’s face. Gabe held up a hand, showing his wedding ring, then found his way to his wife’s side as best he could with the table of supplies in his way. “What’d he do, Lielie? What did he do to you, darling? That’s what you wouldn’t tell me, isn’t it?” Burns, by the look of the skin that hadn’t been bandaged yet. Burns and bruises that were blooming on her skin, enough to make his blood boil, but the object of his ire wasn’t here. That was what he had to remember. Fiona was unconscious for now, Faolan was resting, his focus had to be here. With her. “What happened?”
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year ago
-Demeter comes to in a dark prison cell. She still remembers Persephone's smile
-Hades is sitting next to her. He looks like shit. "Oh good, you're finally awake," he says, which is spoken with no particular irony.
-Demeter realizes very quickly that Hades did NOT, actually, kidnap Persephone. He isn't entirely sure who she is, actually. Some random flower goddess up and stole his fucking kingdom. Oh, Demeter is her mom? great, maybe she can talk some sense into her. Oh, she stole most of her mom's divinity without saying a word? well, dammit.
-Hades immediately breaks them out of prison. Turns out he still has full control over his underworld abilities and was just waiting for an opportunity to escape. he also needed some way to get out of here and regroup, and knowing that Demeter has a mecha somewhere around here is good enough for him
-Demeter tells him the mecha is In The Lethe and the river will steal his memories. Hades, who is currently running from the guards, gives her a "no shit" look and says he definitely has it handled
-Demeter is whalloped with the revelation that she is dealing with two gods with the maturity of college students and superpowers. She can't be too stressed about that, though, because she is also running from guards
-They get to the Lethe outside the castle and Demeter skids to a stop. If she touches the water, she'll lose all her memories. Hades doesn't seem all that concerned about it because he swan dives right the fuck into the river and disappears.
-It is now Demeter (weaponless) (powerless) against a dozen guards (weaponed). She is, as we say, fucked.
-The guards part and Persephone walks through. Her presence is like a sun falling into a black hole. She exudes light and radiates darkness in equal measure. Poison flowers follow in her footsteps.
-A dramatic confrontation happens. Persephone makes it clear she just wanted to be free from her mother's helicopter parenting. Demeter says Persephone's not acting like herself. This is the wrong thing to say, because Persephone's face twists in fury and she moves to attack-
- -Which is when Demeter's mecha rises out of the water and squishes half of Persephone's guards. Hades-via-mecha grabs Demeter and gets her into the control panel, and they book it the fuck outta there
-Demeter looks behind them as they run away. Persephone is still smiling .
-They make it out of the underworld, no problems. Hades and Demeter bond during their journey back. Hades mentions that he has no parents - as far as he knows, he's a manifestation of the Underworld itself (this is a mecha version of a greek myth, i can make hades and demeter be not siblings)
-This activates Demeter's Mom Instincts and she tries to lay it on thick with the parenting, which just make Hades really uncomfortable. Demeter is confused because this is always how she treats Persephone, her parenting tactics haven't had to change since Persephone was a little girl
-Hades explains that a) he is not her son, he doesn't want to be parented like that, b) those are some Controlling parenting tactics, kinda weird, and c) Persephone isn't a little girl anymore. Not that he likes her stealing his domain and locking him up, but jesus he's a full grown god and doesn't need to be treated like a little kid
-Demeter visibly has like, twenty revelations simultaneously. Nothing like losing all of your powers + your mecha suit + most of your willpower, seeing your beautiful baby girl as an evil tyrand trying to kill you, and having a heart-to-heart with this random kid you just failed to adopt to really put everything in perspective
-Speaking of, Demeter's powers are slowly coming back as they get closer to the overworld. There's a very cinematic moment where they finally break the surface and she turns her face to the sun while Hades hides in the shadows.
-Hecate finds them the moment they make it back to the surface and is all over them, like what happened are you okay where's persephone isn't this the man who kidnapped your daughter what's happening? Demeter explains that Hades didn't kidnap her daughter, Persephone took over his kingdom. She needs to go back and talk to Persephone, but she gets too weak when she goes into the underworld. Hades says that he just wants his kingdom back, thank you very much
-Hecate's eyes gleam. She says she has just the thing to help them. They all turn and stare back into the hole the mecha has just clawed through the ground. It's ringed with flowers.
-The credits roll.
I want a sci-fi Pacific Rim-esque retelling of the Hades and Persephone story where Demeter is the main character and the majority of the movie is her in a giant mecha suit beating the shit out of the demons of the Underworld in her attempts to get her daughter back
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post-itpenny · 5 years ago
Sound of Silence
Tagging @grotesquegabby for Tiny Alex meeting another elder.
It was incredibly quiet in Lethe’s realm, which was exactly how the elder wanted it. She sat on the edge of what served as her sitting area, overlooking the vast darkness around her and listening to the hushed whispers of secrets that filled the silent spaces of the universe-
There was someone laughing in her realm.
Actually, it was more of giggling, a child’s giggle. From under the hood of her cloak Lethe’s sensitive ears twitched. She needed to find the source of such an out-of-place sound quickly.
She strode between the towers of lost items whipping her head left and right, until finally she found what was giggling.
A little deadlight, one with bright red hair and a plethora of freckles that glowed in the dim light. He had found a pile of lost and broken toys. Giggling quite loudly and he played with a View Master. The child looked up at the elder with a grin “hey name’s Alex! What’s shakin?”
Lethe flinched, “shh, hush child. This is not a space for noise.”
“Then why have all this cool stuff?” Alex loudly asked.
Lethe shushed him again, “this is a realm of silence,” she whispered. “If you like that toy then you may take it with you, but while here you must be quiet as long as you're here.”
“Can I keep any cool stuff I find here?”
Lethe nodded, slapping a hand over Alex’s mouth as he started to shout for joy and quickly pulling it away again before he could bite down on her fingers.
Alex was left with the promise that he could keep anything that struck his interest as long as he remained quiet. Afterall, Lethe’s job was to keep lost things, if someone wished to own them were the lost things then theoretically found?
Alex had found a pile of lost firecrackers.
Lethe raced to find the child, but every loud noise was like a punch to her sensitive eardrums.
It was actually Alex that found her, running down a path with bunches of lit sparklers in each hand. He skidded to a halt at finding the elder on her knees, slim hands reaching into her hood and clamped on what he could assume were the sides of her head. He watched her for a time, the sparklers fizzling out and the elder seemed to relax just slightly. Alex tossed the burnt out metal sticks into a nearby pile, the resulting noise causing the elder to flinch.
Alex tilted his head in curiosity, crouching down so he could get a better look at the elder’s face. If Lethe actually had a face there was no way to tell, but Alex did spy a pair of glowing eyes, squinting in pain with tears starting to form.
Alex watched the elder unblinkingly, he had seen things do that. Water coming out of their eyes that is, was the elder sad then?
The little deadlight let himself fall back on the ground with an “oof!” The elder flinched again. Alex observed her, then clapped his hands, Lethe suddenly reaching out to stop him with her own. “N-no more noise, “she stuttered, “it hurts.”
Alex yanked his hands away but did not move otherwise, “why?”
Lethe flinched again at his volume, “ssshhhhhh.”
“Why?” Alex asked in a loud whisper.
“I can hear everything,” Lethe explained, “my ears are not like yours. Mine are very sensitive and loud noise hurts. You need loud things so I take up all the silence you leave behind. Without me you couldn’t have noise.”
Alex nodded, if he actually understood was another matter but Lethe was willing to take what she could get. “You may keep any loud thing you find here, but you must promise to play with it elsewhere.”
Alex grinned, an easy deal in his mind, “gotcha,” he whispered.
Lethe shook hands with him with a quiet giggle, “you’re lucky to be young. I’m not so nice to those who should know better.”
“Oh, yeah.” Alex scoffed, “what do ya do?’
The little deadlight looked up. Lethe smiling down at him with her rows, upon rows, upon rows, upon rows, upon rows, upon rows of teeth.
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jonasdavenports · 5 years ago
Date: January 18th, 2021 Time: 1:25PM Location: Willow Ave, a few blocks from the gallery
It could at times be hellish navigating Lethe with a wheelchair, but that was multiplied tenfold in winter when snow and ice complicated things further. Luckily he knew enough people on his home street that they salted properly, so he didn’t skid his way home. Made for a bumpy ride though, especially for someone who also had an ankle in a cast. He was focused on moving, not looking at passerby as he rolled down the street. At least until he saw a face he thought he’d never see again, walking the other direction. Braking hard, he rolled backwards until she stopped to look at him. “Well shit, you’re a sight for sore eyes! La belle dame herself, Cecilia. How are you, darlin’?” She had paled even further (who knew that was possible) upon seeing him and he sighed. You get hit by a car one time and suddenly you’re a beacon of guilt for someone. He supposed it was fair for her to feel that way, but he still wanted to clear the air. “Celia, darlin’, you don’t have to look at me like I’m a bad penny. Where’re you headed? Can I buy you lunch or coffee or somethin’? Anything?”
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tildaballantine · 6 years ago
Its four in the morning, cloudless, and the perfect time to go for a jog through Lethe without having to worry about anything else. Sure, her knuckles hurt a little from punching a wall instead of someone’s face the night before, but its a bit better than Matty’s wounded ‘friends’. And sure, its a little cold, and she’s wearing a sports bra, a thin tank-top, and a pair of sweats, but its fine, the running keeps her temperature normal and if she gets cold, she knows a charm or two to help. In theory, it helps her sleep. Only in theory though. Tilda rounds a corner, eyes darting down the alleys as she passes on instinct, and then Terrance’s looms up in view -- and a shadow detaches itself from the wall. “Fuck!” Tilda skids to a halt several feet away, body tense and preparing to defend. Her heart is pumping, the peacefulness of her run forgotten, until the shadow unfolds itself more clearly into Naomi Clover in the thin moonlight. She lets out a huff of breath, her fists unclenching and her knuckles throbbing like a second heartbeat. “This is payback for scaring the hell out of you last time, isn’t it? You got me, I almost hit you.” 
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residentmara · 7 months ago
This is no clash of great powers. This is no immense and weighty battle.
In this struggle between myself and Lethe...
When I win, I will win "nothing".
And when I lose, I will lose "nothing".
I know it.
We are only two misguided women believing in a better ending for us,
but it is not to be.
We are nothing. Our lives have meant nothing.
But I still want to try, and nausea is plaguing me for feeling so.
As Lethe pulls back, and with surreal strength drags her scythe toward me again—
As I cast glass upward and downward to stop the blade and pierce her chest—
Our battle is ended by a finger falling between us.
A slender, gloved hand touches down where our edges were ready to meet.
When it does, my entire body pulsates and pain almost cripples me.
My glass scatters, Lethe's scythe flies from her hand. We both are blown horribly backward.
The earth itself pounds as if it is a great drum being beat once by an immense rod.
We are then stopped in the air—
The air itself violently pulls back—
And I strike against the ground as Lethe's scythe flies forward
and cuts me deeply across my side before skidding down behind me.
For her, for Lethe, several shards of my glass burrow into her left arm.
We both crash down on our knees, being made to bow.
And though I feel torn apart...
I raise my head, I do not let it fall.
Standing still between us is a strange new woman, with long and pale hair,
and strangely piercing eyes.
She looks to me, she looks to Lethe.
She is smiling.
"Enough of all of that, you two," she says.
"If you play so roughly, you might hurt something precious in your process."
I step up, best as I can, still only able to kneel and now breathing raggedly.
Her way of speaking worries me...
She looks at me again.
"Now... hello stubborn girls," she says.
"It isn't nice to meet you."
he wants me instead... mwehehehe joke joke JOKING DO NOT POST THI
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silverika326 · 3 months ago
Lethe My Beloved
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lastexitradio · 8 years ago
Tune in RIGHT NOW to Red Earth Radio to hear this weekend's The Last Exit For The Lost - Apocalyptic, Underground Radio! All kinds of awesome stuff to play for you, old and new! Tune in at http://ift.tt/1NIeeeK. Playlist Behemoth "The Satanist" Lethe "My Doom" Ethmebb "Gps - Gobelin Par Satellite" Megadeth "Holy Wars - The Punishment Due" Ministry "N.W.O." Cyclone Temple "Silence So Loud" A Flourishing Scourge "To the Stench of a Rotting Corpse" Ghost Horizon "So Hollow" Skulldrain "White Phosphorus Bombings" Helsott "The Healer" Defining 13 "Flood" Ides of Gemini "The Dancer" Aversed "Renewal" Legacy of Emptiness "Into the Eternal Pits of Nothingness" Crimson Glory "Lady of Winter / Starchamber / Heart of Steel / Touch the Sun" Kittie "Die My Darling" Bad Brains "Rise" Hallows Eve "Goblet of Gore" Vio-Lence "Phobophobia" Num Skull "The End is Near / Ritually Abused" Atrophy "Chemical Dependency" Sepultura "Slaves of Pain" Overkill "Wrecking Crew" Skid Row "Sweet Little Sister" Final Void "Dianthus" Fractal Universe "Backworldsmen" Cannibal Corpse "Zero the Hero" Labyrinth "Take on My Legacy" Talk Hard "Drones" DRI "Fun and Games /Acid Rain" Ded Engine "Unleash the Beast" Hawaii "Turn it Louder" Deez Nuts "Purgatory" God Dethroned "Annihilation Crusade" Longhouse "Blood and Stone" Exist "So We Are" Fates Warning "Night on Brocken - Live" Nuclear Assault "Happy Days" Christ Analogue "Happy Days" Final Drive "The Last Time" Equilibrium "Rise Again" You are We "Steal the Sun" Anacrusis "Fighting Evil / Child Inside / I Love the World / Brotherhood?" Spazarre "Want to Go" Through Blind Eyes "Make Believe" Order of Chaos "The Anthem of Pain" Dethonator "I am Thunder God" Saints and Winos "Queen Sapphire" Ate Bit "Natural Urges" Cloven Hoof "Neon Angels" Stone Breath "The Sleeping Rise" Tormentor "Lurks in the Dark" Maxdmyz "All to Hell" Vendetta "Precious Existence" Behemoth "O Father O Satan O Sun!"
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fatten-the-beast · 3 years ago
wait, hurt like hhhHHHHHHwRRRAGGHHH-
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having your entire existence ripped across the multiverse itself, not just time and space, is quite an experience.
and glimmer. Isnt exactly known for her attention to detail and flair for grace.
Lethe is ejected, violently, in a flash, and left tumbling and skidding across the palace floor. The sheer momentum leaves her skidding into the fucking wall. Which cracks under her impact.
She's fine.
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Soooo i might have been putting a feeding tube in mermista’s mouth while she slept..
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silverika326 · 5 months ago
Lethe Delightfully Waving Their Torch Around! :D
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silverika326 · 5 months ago
Sky kid lore sketches
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Catalpa [bottom image, middle] is @splatanastamprr ‘s!
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silverika326 · 5 months ago
Ø lethe
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Memory call
Wise stance
Usually carrying the torch prop, but may bring any other regenerative light source if not available.
Has been around longer than most skykids, and had read a lot of memories in the Vault of Knowledge when they were younger
They still visit the vault on occasion to see what newer works skykids have added.
They feel they’re obligated and Have to contribute in maintaining light in the realm of Sky. They do this by guiding others through Golden Wasteland and, especially, the Eye of Eden, retaining others light for as long as they can.
Stubbornly selfless dumbass; scared of truly disappointing anyone, so they can be a bit of a people pleaser.
their constant trips to Eden and runs for wl have them encountering burnout often :[
Their light runs warmer than most skykids. It doesn’t affect them negatively, but whether that extra warmth is what allows them to travel through Eden more comfortably, or if it’s repeated exposure to Eden that’s causing that heat is a ~mystery~
Likes Days of Mischief a LOT. (spirit halloween freak-)
Cant play instruments for shit
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