#sketching out some ideas but i liked this
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string-worm-jester · 2 days ago
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I can’t believe the gay hedgehogs are the thing that actually got me to practice anatomy and not like my actual adult job.
Anyway here’s some of the sonic sketches I’ve been doing for an au idea I have. I also got a little bored of canon designs so I used some of my fav brainrot aus as references in the second pic. But yeah y’all should def check out those blogs ft. below
Genesis au rp - @inception-highway/@ultimat3-lif3form, @rose-on-mars (im sorry boros I dunno what you look like >_<)
Fragmented au - @sonadowcentral
Bad future au - @teamchillidogs
Lil guy in the corner - @asksonicverse
and just some random chao lol
(sorry bout the random tags but i love your guys’s stuff hope you don’t mind)
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Marauders things I need (with a small explanation)
Barty Crouch Jr. is Italian I desperately need the dramatics and the hand gestures. He will not eat until the host is sat and gives permission. Will not remove his shoes in front of people. Will always bring wine or flowers when invited for dinner and will always stand when Pandora or Dorcas enter the room. He doesn't want to partake in these practices but he's been raised that way and can't seem to get rid of the habits. Evan can automatically tell when Barty doesn't like some one or is flabbergasted for some reason because of his animated gestures and expressions
James Potter pierced his own ears While I believe Euphemia and Fleamont were so accepting of everything their son wanted to do, they didn't let him pierce his ears when Sirius got his pierced. So he waited until he got back to school, he asked Sirius for help piercing his ears. Using a sewing needle and candle, they successfully pierced his ears. One of them got infected so he had to take that one out. So years later, he still has a singular silver hoop in his ear from the one time when he and his best friend did something incredibly painful and stupid.
Pandora Rosier was the resident stick 'n poke tattoo artist lets be honest here, she is the only one cut out for the job. Of course, students would come to her with ideas and rough sketches of what they want but she would bring her own artistic view and flare into them and make them better than ever. She even developed a spell that she would even use to make them move (for a price of course) her little "tattoo parlour" (which was actually just the Room of Requirement) was the only place where people from all houses would be kind and chill with each other
The Marauders all saw The Man Who Fell To Earth in 1976 This was the first cinema experience for Sirius, Peter and James. They all almost got kicked out of the theater because none of them understood theater etiquette. This is then followed by a very weep-y viewing of The Labyrinth by Remus Lupin alone, missing and longing for the opportunity to watch the movie with his boyfriend and best friends.
Sirius Black was addicted to coke starting his final year of school I find it very hard to believe that he didn't hop on the cocaine train that was very very popular during the 70s and 80s. He saw how it kept the body thin and how it made him feel good and forget the trauma he endured. Remus hated the practice but couldn't get him to stop. It did as he expected and he was very very thin. But he was so sickly and his body was suffering so eventually he went to rehab and stopped.
Evan Rosier adds a piercing to his body as punishment He doesn't have a good home life much like Reg, Sirius and Barty. However, he can't get rid of the habits of punishment and hatred he feels whenever he screws up. The feeling of pain in a sick and twisted way helps him feel better. He has so many piercings on his face, chest and back.
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mooshy333 · 17 hours ago
Omg the men are fighting 😱 🔥
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I wanted to draw Mylo and Claggor in my design thoughts and style in general, so this isn't a specific AU art or anything like that. I didn't want to copy Jayce, so I tried my best with Claggors designed hammer he would use in battle and make it more of something Claggor would have made. And as it does have Hextech from wherever (idk yet) it doesn't function like Jayce’s, it's a power hammer >:), and OMG. Mylo was so difficult at first because of his style, sneakiness, and stealth, as well as his speed. And it took a while to come up with the perfect main weapon he would use that would fit his character, that didn't match up with anyone else, like a pistol gun would have been ideal, but the fact it makes me think of Jinx wasn't the right one, I wanted to give him a main weapon that would make me think of him and his character. So eventually I came up with the idea of a whip, and I felt it was perfect for him. So he got some brass-chained whips, one for each hand. I also just had the big main fight between Jinx and Vi in my brain and wanted to see if it was flopped :) I would love to honestly see a fight scene between the two— or any of them fighting and kicking a$$. I also hope that some of y'all will get the reference of the meme I added to make it less angsty and depressing war vibes 😂
Also, personal art message: for the first time in a while, I approached this drawing in a completely different way, and I'm really pleased with how it turned out. I decided to let go and enjoy the process. Let me explain: I sketch all the time in my sketchbook outside of digital, and I usually allow myself to be free with it, not worrying about how good or perfect it has to be. However, for over a year now, I've been very strict with just my digital art, especially concerning the line work. I always felt the pressure to make the lines straight and as “perfect” as possible, which turned the creative process into more of a chore than something I truly enjoyed.
Typically, I would sketch, then clean it up before moving on to another layer for the lining, repeating this a few times just to nail the details. But with this drawing, after my initial sketch, I decided to loosen up during the lining phase. Instead of trying to achieve precision, I opted for a freer approach, using a darker shade of black to outline, almost as if I were sketching again. I also realized that relying on the “bucket tool” in the app I use was not the best idea; while it’s quick, it often left me with subpar results. So, I colored everything by hand instead, finding it not only faster but also much more effective. As I colored, I layered additional colors for highlights, details, and shadows, which helped maintain my mental ease throughout the process.
In short, make sure you enjoy your work, but don’t exhaust yourself striving for perfection, as it’s ultimately unattainable. I realize it’s perfectly fine to be loose and a little messy! Whatever your style is, it is unique no matter what. 🥰
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pixiedvst333 · 3 days ago
denki kaminari is the kind of boyfriend who touches you when you're nervous. not necessarily an all-over-you, overwhelming sort of touch, but the gentle circles he draws on your forearms and your back, the gentle braiding of your hair to gently massage the scalp, the sketches he draws on your skin... the little things to emotionally regulate you. "you'll be okay!" he'd say, his bright smile spreading from cheek to cheek like the cheshire cat. hands entwined with yours, fingers linked. "no need to worry when i'm here!"
denki is the kind of man who would call you when you're out with your girlfriends, not to tell you to come home or to accuse you of anything, but to ask if you want any more money to get your nails done or for some sweet treats for you and the girls. if they're lucky, he'd send money for a box of doughnuts for you all to share, or tell you to stay out longer, for he's making the best meal he can for you back at home.
denki is the kind of lover who would think about you non stop, even if you were in the same room. "oh, how i wish you were here with me!" "i'm right here..?" "i mean in this seat! on me! right now!" and when you are inevitably forced to sit on his lap or lie with him, he'd bury his face into your neck, chest, back or stomach. snuggling you brings a warmth that sends him to sleep. a rarity for the insomniac.
denki is the kind of gentleman to let you do as you please, completely within reason of course! seeing the delight on your face, regardless of where you are or what you're doing, is the biggest joy in his life, even if it means you're on holiday with the girls! he waits patiently for you, and will shower you in DIY gifts, jewellery, hand-written songs/poems, and baked goods! his favourite date night idea is a skate in the park late in the evening, only to take you home at the end of it all and snuggle up watching movies.
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bantersnatch · 20 hours ago
Why, hello! Are you interested in throwing yourself down the rabbit hole of lore for Dropout's "Very Important People"? Are you trying to drag a friend into the madness? Welcome! Hopefully this post can help. This all goes a lot deeper than you might expect after a casual viewing of the show, so let's get down to business.
In the past, the Host's stepdaughter, Bianca, was something of a cryptid lurking at the edges of the show's lore. As of season 2, however, she has a face, speaking lines, and an implied crucial role in the meta plot. Us rabid Bianca fans -- and there are indeed a non-zero number of us -- simply never lose. Unless we get a week where Bianca doesn't show up. Which happens often.
Let's say you've watched the entirety of VIP. You have questions. Maybe you even have theories of your own. Welcome to the club, friend. Bianca generally pops up in only brief mentions -- amidst the chaos of the show it's sometimes hard to piece together exactly what's going on with her. Luckily, I've written it down for us!
Analyzing everything we know about Bianca (as of s2e3) for a review of the basics, plus some surface-level theorizing.
Analyzing the Host's relationship with Bianca (as of s2e3) for a more character-centered approach to figuring out what's going on here.
Unpacking the s2e6 loredrop.
And of course, the sacred texts: this gifset by the talented @/whichcouldmeanothing capturing their first on-screen interaction.
So there's something funky going on here. That's to be expected, because this show is an improvised fever dream and the Host is a certified freak. But is this actually leading up to something...? Signs point to yes.
Asked to describe the relationship between the Host and Bianca in one word, Vic chose "tethered". A normal word to describe coworkers who purportedly hate each other.
Asked for any further information about the two of them, Vic responded... like this.
Okay. Here's where we jump off the deep end. Hold my hand. Vic likes to reuse material, and the "stepdaughter the same age as her stepparent" is an idea that's been around in their work for a while now. Take a look here and here for more on that. Do you see the vision?
It seems like Vic and Talia are very down to go down interesting paths with their improv together, and they're certainly able to conjure up chemistry. Case in point.
That's it. That's the canon, that's the relevant supplemental material from Vic. But this is tumblr, and we all know that's just the beginning of the fun.
The wonderful @/moonpleaser draws Bianca so beautifully and I think about his art of her non-stop. Go look at his stuff!
I would be remiss if I didn't at least mention Star Maker, my fic that attempts to blend our knowledge of the Host's lore with the "Bride Comforting Stepdaughter" sketch. It is my version of a long-form thesis for why this dynamic has the potential to be so compelling.
We use the tag #bianca vip for her here on tumblr.
The AO3 tag for our Bianca is wonderfully vibrant for a character with so minimal screen time, and well worth checking out if you want more!
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Kaiju AU Island Concept
Hello everyone!
I'm technically still on hiatus, but I wanted to share something I had been working on before I made my hiatus announcement.
So as you can tell by the title, I'd been working on sketching out a rough-ish map of sorts for the island that we find ourselves on in the Twisted Kaijuland AU. This was so I could have a better idea on the locations of each area so far, as well as concepts on where exactly important locations are located/could be located!
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As you can see, compared to my initial story idea, it's grown from being one big island to several islands connected to the main one (aka the staff's island) to denote each dorm's territory.
Keep in mind that this is still a rough draft so I could get my thoughts down, but I want to at least start developing visuals to help with the storytelling as I get around to properly rewriting the Kaiju!AU.
Some location comments:
Elderclaw/Trein's den is near a waterfall, which was chosen to have a tranquil spot to relax in and enjoy the peace as well as have a source of water to help his aching old bones. It's still elevated enough that even during the rainy seasons, there's no risk of flooding and he stays warm.
Crewelfang/Crewel's den is located under a massive willow-like tree, which is where one may find a myriad of flora and other medicinal fungi or roots that he harvests, though he can and will trade some of what he has in exchange for Ragebloom/Riddle's ability to accelerate the growth rate of herbs, fruit, and fungi he needs.
Shadowdrifter/Sam's nests are a mystery to the researchers, as he's been notoriously difficult to pin down location wise. He's always popping up wherever at seemingly random, yet no one knows where he disappears to when it comes time to rest for the night. Or perhaps...he doesn't rest? That's still a working theory, though many can't help but feel his eyes watching them...even when the cameras are off.
There are research facilities located in various points of the island, and there were supposed to be more, but...I kinda ran out of space while trying to figure out where everything would go, and the sizing of the areas aren't exactly accurate!
Each island is connected to the main staff island through land bridges, some of which only appear at certain times of the day or month (hadn't decided which yet or how to incorporate the mirror transportation magic form the game yet). One way to tell which one you're close to is what's around each land bridge: a lush jungle for Heartslabyul, grasslands for Savanaclaw, topside coral reef like from the first Croods movie (hadn't marked that on there I just realized) for Octavinelle, a beach with gold-colored sand for Scarabia, a noxious woodland with toxic yet beautiful plants and other deadly things, a kaiju graveyard for Ignihyde, and the ship graveyard for Diasomnia. I'll likely add more features to some of these in the future, but for now this is still a rough draft!
There are other locations and features I want to add to the map itself (same with the others once I design them), but I wanted to at least share the progression as I continue working on things one step at a time. Hope you guys enjoy!
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ppebejef · 6 hours ago
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I felt like posting some sketches so here’s some family photos!!
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Ofc I wanted to contribute to the drawings out there of them when they’re younger… Also I drew primo with a couple different hairstyles bc I genuinely have no idea where the widely accepted long hair hc came from?!?!?? I’m still kind of new to the lore compared to other artists…
Anyways the baby versions were mostly just bc I wanted to draw a comic for a really good fic I read, but I have no idea when I’ll get to it so no promises.
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linapplepie · 12 hours ago
⠀⠀⠀˖ 𑣲 It's been a long time since I last came here, and it's been a while since I drew something Milza or Pissa... Deathduo or whatever you want to call it (⌒▽⌒)☆
⠀⠀⠀This drawing is still a sketch (so it's a wip) but I'm going to try to finish it: my idea is that they are under a cherry blossum tree. Something I would also like to do after finishing this Pissa drawing is to ask me questions in my question box and answer them with some sketches khjvjkk
⠀⠀⠀But well, I hope you like how this drawing is turning out, I love you all very much, have a nice day, afternoon or evening
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yayasvalveplay · 2 days ago
Aka me on my way to give Megatron more reasons to hate the Matrix: 🏃‍♀️
So you know how while I'm not too keen on the idea of Ghost Orion, Tronus DOES deserve to at least see or be held by his carrier.
Even if he doesn't remember after waking up. Even if his carrier... isn't actually his carrier....
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The Matrix isn't malicious, it genuinely isn't. Even when it takes control of Tronus; it does eventually become aware of his emotional distress, especially when the sparkling learns and struggles at first to understand that his carrier is gone...
It's a miserable time for the sparkling. Even when he does eventually get used to it, and learns more and more about the world around him
So when it comes to choosing a being who is still a child.
it comes to the efficient conclusion to teach Tronus, more effective so Tronus can learn more about leadership and what not, in a way to comfort the still new sparkling who should be in his real tiny frame, care free, warm forged, in the arms of his carrier. .
Simple... take the form of Orion... as close as it can get... the helm and servos were the most important parts, the parts that will pass as Orion because the Matrix doesn't have a complete picture of Orion Pax, cogless or cogged, so it sticks to a plain featureless frame expect for the head/servos.
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'Orion's' face is usually shadowed, unless Tronus is close and staring directly at him, then the blue optics will appear as if loading in.
Tronus will always forget about his 'carrier' after waking up; while he'll remember the lessons and advice, he wont remember method. This is so that the young prime doesn't become distracted/distressed by his missing 'carrier'.
It's more easier at this time as Tronus is still very much new and still under treatment with Ratchet, Shockwave and Knockout before he can be allowed out. The three are responsible for whatever medical issues he may have. So Tronus is very trusting and naive, when he's dreaming, he DOES genuinely believe that this is his carrier.
It works for now.
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Plus some extra notes for other design ideas with 'Orion'. I'm still working on this part, and whether or not I add this into the au witg me wanting to talk a little more about Tronus's relationships, let me know what you think ^^
Mion I fucking love this concept of the Matrix putting together 'Orion' in Tronus dreams to give him lessons. Someone has to give the new prime lessons.
And while his family sure can do that. Tronus doesn't know what it is meant to think like a prime. So the Matrix does what it thinks is the best option for the little prime.
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kiruamon · 2 days ago
Toy AU - Eclipse
I made a design for Eclipse in this au that I like! Yay! Like Sun he is a wooden marionette but his arms are out of wool strings and more similiar to Moon's that way. (I will ramble more about him and parts of the story after the first few sketches.)
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So my idea for Eclipse was to make him kind of the antagonist (but not really) in this au. He belongs like Sun to the same puppeteer and is usually part of the children shows. But because one of his wool strings came off, he temporarily lost one of his arms and hands. Which was why when Y/N saw the theater booth he only ever had seen Sun during the shows.
Eclipse was sulking a little bit over his timeout. But he did not held a grudge against Sun for keeping the show going alone. In case of Sun's interest for Y/N, Eclipse was only half aware of it. Mocking Sun a tiny bit when the other had asked him if he had seen the little doll in the store front as well and what he thought of you. Eclipse did not thought too much of it at the time. At least not until Sun cut his strings and just went off. And that just as their owner had finally replaced the wool string of Eclipse's arm. So when Eclipse found himself back alone in the theater booth he was rather confused. At least until he noticed the cut off strings and sisscors and put two and two together. Reasoning that surely some evil toy from the store must have kidnapped Sun! So he takes matters into his own hands to be for once the hero and rescue his helpless, little co-worker so they can be together on the stage again.
So why do I call him an antagonist? Well... let's just say... He has like one and a half brain cell and they often come to the wrong conclusions. That paired with being very self-centered, overly confident and being absolutely unaware of other toys potentially having different points of views then him, he kind of fulfills the role of the antagonist himself without knowing it. So while he is on his 'rescue'-mission he think it's totally fine to threaten those 'evil' toys (mostly Y/N) that 'kidnapped' his partner.
He is so oblivious, you kind of have to hit him over the head with a message for him to receive it. But he still is not fully a bad guy either. He just has a hard time putting himself in other's shoes which can lead to him thinking he is in the right when he absolutely isn't. So sometimes he might sound dismissive while not really meaning to, because he hasn't put enough thought into how his words might sound or come off as. But he will come around. Slowly. With lots of patient and time, he will try to understand Sun and the others toys better and that his view of how things should be isn't the only right one.
Some smaller fun facts about him:
The 'scar' around his one eye is were some wood chipped off and where you can see the lighter color instead of the dark paint. He probably fell down from the booth one day and that's when a piece of it came off. Ever since he is somewhat afraid of heights. Not that he would admit it. But if he is close to an edge his legs and arms get all wobbly while he will deny with his whole heart that he could possibly be scared.
Eclipse is the tallest one out of the main cast.
Eclipse's arms get easily tangled up, which is why he prefers to let the puppeteer handle his arm movements and usually doesn't move them all at the same time by himself if he doesn't need to. So during his chase after Sun, Y/N and Moon he has a pretty hard time with managing his arms and hands all at once and got them tangled up multiple times which made him fall back every now and then and losing sight of the trio.
Eclipse usually plays the role of the villain that gets tricked or defeated by Sun in the theater. But he does not mind that fact and thinking of it as a very honorable role that the kids surely love!
So he sometimes will say stuff to Sun like: "Heh. Don't be too sad that the kids love me more then you, Sunny. It can't be helped that I'm the big star of the show. But I'm sure one day they will love you just as much as me."
Or: "If I ever get tired of performing? Of course not! How could I when all those eyes are on us? You truely are asking the silliest of questions sometimes."
He truely and with his whole heart loves to perform in front of his little audience. To see all the kids captivated by his and Sun's performance and their reactions to it. He never grows tired of it. No matter which play or role he might have, he will give it his all and thinking of the role he has as the best one. You could let him play a tree and he still would find ways to make it seem amazing.
Because of playing so often the villain it affected his speech pattern even when he isn't in front of an audience. Eclipse himself and Sun as well are so used to it that it needed Y/N and Moon to point it out.
He will have a little crisis when he hears about Sun not being sure if he wants to come back to their owner or not. Because never once had it crossed his mind that Sun could not want to be a performer. And Eclipse is not sure what to do if Sun would not come back with him. After all he is his little partner!
But I can see the story go two ways. Either Eclipse coming to terms with Sun wanting to stay with Y/N and Moon and wishing him the best while returning alone to their owner and telling Sun he will make sure to keep the show going while giving 200% for the two of them oooor... That somehow all four find their way into the home of the puppeteer and end up being part of the show all together? After all it's not like Sun disliked his time there. But he really doesn't want to be apart from Y/N or Moon anymore after the time they had spend together.
My first attempts to come up with a design for him looked like this, but then I turned his arms for the final design into wool strings which made navigating his arms and hands more easier and his design less complicated to draw:
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yellowcakeuf6 · 3 days ago
Thank you @101-android-luvr-010 and @tanyayoung-322 LOVE your work btw
This is mine of Mirror!Lore for my fic Skarlekker
I may not post the finished work as I'm now writing purely for myself and I sketch scenes to inspire me...
I'm tagging @drfuckerm-d @xm0-m0x and @derschokoladenritter if you're interested and also anyone else who wants to join in
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And here's an excerpt...
"Shit! What now?" Mabel emitted a grumble and put down her scanner. The crate she was logging appeared to have slight damage and had no stamp. Mabel took her tricorder from her utility belt and ran it over the surface of the container.
A strange signal emitted from within which she couldn't identify. Her senses prickled, suspecting an explosive device. She pursed her lips in a tight grin. She knew there were more than enough refusniks willing to chance their arm in taking out one of the Imperial Fleet.
Well if so she'd just pissed over their fireworks....
Taking out a sonic screwdriver from her overall she began to remove the bolts securing the lid of the container. Luckily it was a smallish crate - long and rectangular.
'Right size for a large terrorist bomb,' she reasoned but it was an odd shape. Almost like a burial casket.
Finally she freed all the bolts and with a niggling stab of apprehension, tentatively lifted the lid, placing it by the side of the crate.
She then peered inside, but what she discovered was no bomb.
She gasped aloud, acutely consumed with shock as what was within suddenly jumped up and snatched her wrist.
It was some sort of humanoid, average height, skinny build and with odd, shimmering skin. Its features were Humanlike but grotesquely disfigured on one side.
The top of its skull seemed to be caved in, robbed of its shimmering exterior, the right side of its face was slack and blank, the right eye half-closed, its iris so sunken the pupil was little more than a pin hole. Even to Mabel’s untrained eye it looked as if something had been forcibly ripped from their head.
The left side showed a little more animation, and as the being rose up to its full height like a snake from a charmer's basket, they pulled Mabel close, leering into her face, and the open brimstone-hued left eye rolled in its socket. It took a second or more, but the being was eventually able to lock its gaze on her.
Its burning stare sent a chill crawling down her spine.
"Cursed fireballs...what - the fuck are you?" she inquired in a querulous whisper, tight tendrils of fear wrapping around her.
The pale hand grasping her wrists pinched her nerves so hard that it felt like her blood supply was cut off. Her sinews numbed, shooting pains and pins and needles quickly taking hold.
She swallowed hard, her mouth suddenly arid as the rapidly surging flare of terror engulfed her.
"T-tell me…who - you are? And what do you want?" She stuttered, her heart pounding furiously in her mouth.
The being forced an attempt at a horrifying smile.
"I am… an android. Damaged. I need help. Now!”
Each syllable was underscored by an ear-shredding whine of static.
‘Jeez…’ Mabel screwed her eyes shut in an attempt to regroup. In all the time she had served here she had never felt so mortally petrified.
"Do I have a choice?” she muttered feebly in a pale attempt at defiance.
“It will be m-more p-prudent for you to comply,” it replied with an edge of chilling malevolence in its distorted speech.
Mabel suddenly had an idea. It wasn’t perfect but it might buy her some time and could even work…She looked round. Luckily there were no supervisors in sight.
"Okay. Listen…let me finish this job and I'll take you to someone who might be able to help you - I can see you badly need fixing up, but I need to finish this first.“ Mabel gestured to the bank of containers hoping her tone was mollifying enough.
There was dead silence for a few minutes, in which time Mabel swiftly returned to her task in hand to complete logging the consignment.
"You done?” They snapped impatiently as Mabel scanned the last crate, logging the details and then standing back to stretch and exhale deeply.
"Yes," she replied shortly, holstering her equipment. "Come with me - and put this on." she handed the android one of the capacious all-weather overcoats hanging on pegs in a nearby gear shelter.
"What f-for?" they snapped, the squeal of feedback grating like a crane's rusty cogwheel.
"Because you stick out like a glowing targ's arse, and we don't want to be stopped and questioned." Mabel retorted, frustration now edging into her voice.
The ‘android’ huffed and shrugged on the overcoat which adequately cocooned their objectionable and disturbing presence.
“Come with me - and keep you head down, ” Mabel ordered, hoping Stride and his deputy Tek were out of range.<<
WIP Whenever
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Thanks @notanandalitebandit for tagging me! :)
Here's a kinda janky WIP I'm drawing with Nick and my SoSu, Lin. I've just started digital drawing and have been trying to figure out what techniques I like. It makes many things much easier compared to traditional media, but makes others more complicated. Not sure about this shading, and not satisfied with the proportions, so I might never post the full finished piece but there you have it!
Tagging @psybrepunk if you're interested! Would love to see an art or writing WIP if you have one to share!
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rapturebin · 5 months ago
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son of flesh
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hotdogmchiggin · 2 months ago
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Company Mandated Fancy Fits on the Tulpar 😏
Also had to include the REAL star of the show (and a bonus)
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Based off of this and this. Thank you very much joetastic for being inspirational 👍
The REAL reason this is late
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eggsdrawings · 30 days ago
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the friendship chronicles: kirideku version
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umblrspectrum · 3 months ago
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happy solvermas
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paintedcrows · 6 months ago
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Assorted Gravity Falls doodles!
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