#sketching out plans for yet another piece that i don't think i have the proper skill for but i'm gonna attempt it anyways x'3c
wispurring-moss · 4 months
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whatever might be wrong with me at any given moment—mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually—these two can fix me, i believe this to be true with my whole entire heart,, <'3 TwT9''
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livmadart · 2 years
So I was reading through the detective conan wiki and came across this screenshot
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and instantly thought like what if instead of Conan trying to keep the detective boys out of trouble or his being the (unofficial) leader of them, what if instead Conan really was a bad guy/criminal and the detective boys were in charge of keeping him from committing crimes.
After being shrunk, Conan, somehow, gains an interest in crime. Instead of solving crime though, comitting crime, not murder (or not yet?) but more like small scale scams or thievery and what not. I'm no expert.
The detective boys latch onto Conan pretty early on, after his very first day in elementary school actually, and they also found the detective boys super early into the series (I think it's ep4), and at some point after that, I guess, Conan gains this fascination for committing crime. So he tries making plans for something or another, but his plans always get thwarted by either the detective boys or someone else, like in episode 5, when there's a bomb on the train and Conan wants to plant a bug, he tries to stick it in some gum and put it under the seat, but is caught by Ran and the detective boys. Except in this I guess it would be something more than just planting a bug. Look, there's a lot I haven't thought about, all this came to me like 10 minutes ago. You're welcome to flesh things out btw if you want and can think of anything.
And he still solves crimes and stuff. It tickles that part in his brain that likes puzzles and everything, so much that he'll drop plans for, like, a bank robbery in favor of figuring out whatever case he comes across on the way there. So I guess there would be two ways of preventing Conan from committing crimes, one would be to physically prevent him (not very safe, he bites, and he's slippery) or to find a crime that has already occured for him to solve.
And I don't think the police know, and if they do, they think it's a joke, but just imagine like the detective boys or Agasa frantically calling Takagi like "Quick! Give us an unsolved case!" as they're trying to get a proper grip on Conan XDDD Takagi thinks Conan is just really enthusiastic about becoming a police detective in the future. (Conan is the 20 year old with 10 years of job experience. Actually all the detective boys will, once they're adults, now that I think about it)
Hiiiii I am SO sorry this has been sitting for like. A month. Honestly I think canon Conan is already halfway there—he has a clear sense of morals and justice but almost no regard for laws. If it would solve a case or save a life, he has already shown himself willing to break and enter, and I’m pretty sure it’s not legal to kick a brick at someone’s face at 80 mph. To reference your ask more directly, if there were some key piece of evidence to nail the Black Org, Conan would absolutely plan and enact a bank robbery to get it. It’s details like this that remind me his character is strongly derived from the original ACD Sherlock Holmes.
That being said, I do love the idea of Conan going wildly Feral if there was ever too much time between cases. He just gets stir-crazy and will start to cause trouble on purpose, and the Detective Boys have taken it upon themselves to keep him in line (as best they can!). Thank you for your ask, and please, have a sketch!!
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elena-oc-blog · 11 months
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Hey remember when I drew the hydra brothers back in august and mentioned in the description that i would have their parents out soon too? Yeah sorry, they got stuck in art limbo as i was distracted with other things but now I have the hydra dads for you to see! I actually finished this like 2 days ago and I was going to wait with posting them until i finished the hydra mom piece too but I'm going through another *im tired all the time* period so thats not happening any time soon so here is hydra dad by himself or themselves i should say. I only drew their heads because I have mercy for myself and am not subjecting myself on drawing an anthro hydra with 5 heads. I do have bust sketches of them in my sketchbook but I still need to figure out how to fit their 5 necks and heads on one body properly so maybe thats a thing for the far future Anyway lore on these guys uh, Im a lil tired so let me just copy paste some miscelaneous lore I posted in my discord server and ill try to elaborate when i feel less shitty. I'll put it under a readmore so this post wont clog up your feed.
The Lièrna family gang is made up of Greek monsters: centaurs, satyrs, chimeras, minotaurs, griffins, some undercover hellhounds, etc.
Don't have a proper ref for this gang yet as I still need to fill their ranks
They originally lived in and operated from Athens in Greece but had to leave almost everything behind when the police started to catch on to them. They fled to the carribean island of Isla Dracon and settled in Auron City, soon recovering their wealth and businesses and becoming one the top dog gangs there and close to being in control of the city. That is until Thorn showed up a few years after..
The Lièrna family front is a luxury car business (building, selling, repairing) while their criminal business is car towing with a lot of extortion of the poorer part of the city's population where they basically steal cars and any personal belongings left in them from the poor population because they can't pay the fees. They then proceed to either resell these cars in one of their used car dealerships or destroy the cars to use for parts and scrap metal. They also loan out money under preditory rates and own some real estate that they rent out for high prices with bad service. So really their whole business is exploiting people, especially those less fortunate. They revel in this, thinking the poor deserve it for not working hard enough.
As for their relationship with Thorn, they hate Thorn but they act like good friends of his whenever they meet with him or are talking about him with people they don't know/people who like him. They don't want to stir trouble until they have a solid plan on how to overthrown him. Thorn as of now has no idea the hydras hate his guts and are plotting against him in secret together with Morrison and whatever other allies they gain.
Im not sure how old they are. I need to figure out my timeline better for that first. And maybe change how dragons age compared to other species idk But I would say they are between their late 40s and mid 50s
Also pecking order of the brothers from top to bottom is: Don, Alekos, Roland and Boris and at the very bottom is Kashew. Kashew is mute and also rather friendly which makes his brothers and especially Don regard him as a useless nobody. Kashew gets a lot of verbal abuse and sometimes also physical abuse from his brothers :( The only reason they don't physically abuse him as much as they mentally abuse him is because having a beaten up head would be bad for their business and image with the civilians of the city. They also cant get rid of him as that would comprimise their health and ability to fuse back together. Hydras can split up into individual smaller and less powerful dragons but unless all individuals are present, they can't fuse back together. And eventhough hydras in their fused natural state can regenerate their heads effortlessly and have an increased durability for injuries, in their seperate state they will die if decapitated and are also much more defenseless in general. While a fused hydra could take a vicious stabbing/beating and live, a split hydra individual is much more fragile and will easily bleed out and if they die, their siblings are doomed as well. Thus hydras tend to only split up when in the comfort of their home or when they take on a human disguise. It can also occur when there is an extreme disagreement between siblings and one or multiple forcibly split off through sheer willpower, causing them to fall apart into seperate entities. This is not preferable though. Anyway i think thats all the lore i have at the moment, i hope you enjoy the boys. Feel free to ask questions about them
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caseyogdenart · 1 year
It has been my final week here on Falmouth University's IFY with my final module, 105, being completed and presented at The Poly in Falmouth (seen in earlier post, image 1 and 2). I would like to mention that I had 8 weeks to work on this and I wouldn't like to dwell on this so first let's talk about my struggles and regrets with my piece. Originally I had planned to make 2 cycles (a run and a crawl) and a pounce animation. It was also my first time animating in a proper computer animation software, whilst also practicing my digital art skills.
First I tried out the software Pencil2D and had about a weeks worth of work done until i ran into some problems with the software, i couldn't reorder frames after I had added them or beforehand for that matter which I couldnt get past and had to move onto another software called OpenToonz.
OpenToonz was too feature rich and overwhelming for my current level so after a short while I stopped using it, but I might choose to revisit it in the future as it contained some exciting features and seems to be useful in translating hand drawn pen and paper animation into something digitally workable.
Finally I landed on Photoshop, a software that I was considering to begin with but chose against originally due to the price tag (which was important as I needed something to work from home on). Also I would be lying if I didn't mention it intimidated me to begin with. However after using it once I actually really enjoyed it, it allowed me to edit pixels which as someone who isn't yet good at shaping things like shadows properly it helped a lot. I also found it so much more fun to use than Pencil2D which I needed after being disappointed for this long. I can't explain how much fun I had making this funny little creature move, it reinvigorated me. Unfortunately at this point it was too late to do more than one cycle as I still had to learn how to use the software and redo all of the work I had scrapped so far, my biggest regret of this module.
Like I had mentioned previously it's kind of hard to state how much i enjoyed just drawing and the gratification of making something move no matter how simple. Making small details in the bobbing of the ears and how good the shadows turned out.
The best thing I learned during the making of this is my faith in being able to make something move! In all seriousness I did learn a lot during this module, not only how to use certain aspects of an important software like photoshop, but also that I really don't like Pencil2D. I also learned how to apply a design to an animated sketch, something I had yet to attempt. How to apply shadows to a digital drawing, how to make an effective 4 frame cycle. And perhaps most important to me is that I gained a lot of confidence with my drawing tablet. As an aside I also wore out my first nib which I didnt know was a thing but in hindsight makes a lot of sense!
I think it's safe rto say I didn't keep very well to my week plan but I feel like in the end it didn't matter to me as I learned a lot, came out the other end with something I was proud of even if there is less than I would've liked and most importantly I had a lot of fun with it when I found a software that was right for me.
In closing, I can't wait to do more animating in the future. I loved my time at the IFY when I was able to attend, the staff are wonderful, my close friends have been so supportive and my other classmates have been a source of endless laughter, silliness (and jealousy, no joke you're all so talented, I wish you all well ❤). I'm excited to see where this road leads me and looking forward to mine and my friends future here at Falmouth Uni.
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Completed and Presented 16 May 2023
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fenheart87 · 4 years
Blue Changes
We had a fun little challenge, we picked a prompt and had 3, 15 minute sprints to write something for the prompt. Then 24 hours for light editing to finish sentences if needed, grammar etc. This is my take on the the prompt "Has anyone ever told you just how adorable you are Because you really are." Dedicated to @verfound 🧡
“Marinette, where is my favorite designer at?!” Jagged burst into the studio, Fang trotting happily next to him on her leash and Penny multitasking between her phone call and tablet. Technically he was supposed to be on a plane to New York, but decided to swing by Paris on his way because he had an idea that just could not wait and wanted to check on his unofficial niece anyways. There was only one speed bump in that plan, the studio was completely empty. The chaos of fabric strewn about and pieces half cut with scissors still mid snip definitely screamed someone was working hard or trying to at least, the mannequin with a half-pinned design and ripped fabric seemed to lean toward the latter.
“Looks like she’s not here… Must be taking a break. Penny, why don’t we order from my favorite bakery and make sure something extra special for Marinette. I’m glad we came here before the next stop on tour.” Jagged poked around at the sketches laying in abandon on the desk, some half crumbled on the floor and more stacked on a sketchbook.
“Seems like she is having some massive creators block… We should treat her when we have a break on the tour.” Penny suggested, already on the phone with Tom and trying to insist they would pay for their order.
Some of the sketches were brilliant but had marks of black throughout them, others were completely marked out and you could not even tell what the design was to start with. It hurt to physically see what pain Marinette was going through, most of the ones with the darker markings were of the same style. He could clearly see the thought of Adrien in the suits and matching dresses for Marinette, the anger of the marks showing something had happened or changed. Sighing heavily, Jagged gathered the papers, Fang batting the ones further away with her tail over to her owner. One paper had him blinking in surprise.
“Penn! Pen! Lookie here! D'ya see this?!” jagged shouted, shoving the paper into his assistant’s face, not even minding when she sighed and pushed it to a proper distance. It was a one-of-kind leather jacket and a custom hoodie drawn to match it. Either could be worn seperate or paired together. The colors were a contrast of electric blue and smokey turquoise, the theme was music and snake. Jagged recognized it as a rough sketch due to the lack of color or material notes along the edge that appeared on her finished drafts.
“Why was this crumpled up? It’s a really great idea!” Penny wondered aloud, noticing that the eccentric rockstar she commonly felt like she had to babysit was scheming. “Jagged no, whatever is it the answer is no.”
The door opened and in walked the designer they were looking for, Marinette seemed stressed and a bit run down. Her hair was thrown into a messy bun, one sleeve was pushed higher than the other and her shirt was wrinkled where it was tucked into her pencil skirt. Flip flops clacked along with her steps, another sign she was worn out if the basic shoe was more preferred to her custom made and very comfortable flats. An energy drink dangled from one hand and her design tablet occupied the other. Both guests watched as she made it all the way to her desk without noticing they were there.
“I have no idea what I'm going to do! I don't have anyone that fits that one or the orange one… I could make it a dress but who would wear it?! Ugh! I’m going to fail at this rate and then I won't graduate and I'll never design again, who would want something made by a failure-” Fang chose that moment to nudge her head onto the petite woman’s lap, startling her so bad she screamed and fell out of her chair.
“Well I reckon that I would love to have exclusive rights to all designs made by my favorite niece but we all know that’s not fair to the rest of the world. Now I know you are in a pinch and you’re stuck like a boat in the desert, so you’re going to take a break, spend some time with uncle Jay and make sure that you show poor Fang some love, she was all excited and you just screamed right in her poor face. C’mere my poor baby, Marinette is so mean I know.” Jagged showed the croc in love through pets and scratches. 
“When.. How, why?” Poor Marinette was lost and couldn't believe the rockstar was in her studio when he should've been halfway around the world for the next stop on his tour. 
“Okay, the only thing we’re doing right now is leaving all this behind for a much needed break for food and maybe a nap in your case. Time to relax and stop stressing for a minute." Penny authoritatively stepped in, stacking the papers on the desk, handing Marinette her purse and phone and with the help of Fang scooted the younger woman out the door.
Marinette protested "Wait I need to finish, it has to be done! I can't take a break, I just did!"
"Negative, now it's time for chow, and you need a shower, at your parents then we need to have a little chat. Ladies first!" Jagged gently shoved the designer into the car with cheer, allowing Fang and Penny to enter before him. 
"So my little brilliant niece, we have some great news and a rock and roll deal for you! Can't tell you what is until after you've taken a break though." They grinned as Marinette grumbles as she gave fang the attention she wanted until they pulled up to the bakery.
Getting out of the car first, Marinette sighed at the smell of her parents baking, the smell melting off some stress like butter melting on a fresh from the oven croissant roll. Her stomach grumbled and she opened the door for the other guests, sneaking an excited Fang upstairs to not scare the other customers. Deciding to take a refreshing shower, Marinette went to her bathroom and put on some zen meditation music before getting in the shower. Quick ten minutes later and she was feeling much more alive and hungry. On a whim she grabbed a random outfit that she had made but never worn, pleated plaid skirt with a red checker pattern offset by the off the shoulder fitted top in a burgundy color, and threw it on before joining her guests. 
"Oi looking good! One of yours?" Jagged shouted with his mouth full, causing Penny to smack his arm as a reminder to use manners. 
"Sure is! Never worn it before but decided change can be a good thing and sometimes you have to start the change instead of waiting for it to happen." Grabbing her favorite pastry and a croissant because you can't just smell one and not eat it, she missed the concerned look her adopted guardians shared.
"So your studio was, well, you seem to be having a hard time." Pen tried to be gentle but made a face at her words.
"Yeah… Life is… Changing." Marinette mused, picking at the pastry.
"Marinette, what can Uncle Jay do to help?" Jagged's serious tone drew her gaze and his heart broke at the sight of unshed tears.
"I uhm well. I- That is, we-" With a huff, she calmed down and a look of determination shone on her face. "Adrien asked me out, on a date date in this really elaborate way. I turned him down. I have no idea what I was thinking but when he asked me I was so happy and then all I could think of was blue and how soft its is and it can be so calm or so chaotic and it’s always changing like the ocean but yet it's always the same and there this feeling of calm and I just couldn't say yes."
The quiet settled into a slightly awkward silence, Marinette was ignoring it and Penny was having nonverbal argument with Jagged on what to say next. With an eye roll that spoke louder than her shouting at him, the assistant took the lead once more. Quietly she rose from the chair she was occupying and sat next to the young designer smoothing out the crumpled sketch she had taken from the studio.
"Is this the blue you're talking about?" 
"Yeah… That’s my blue." A gentle smile touched peach lips briefly, blue eyes going soft.
"Is this the skater kid?"
"Skater kid?" Marinette blinked in confusion.
"Nah Pen it's the boat kid."
"He has a name you guys!" Marinette broke down into giggles, looking much more like herself and less like a zombie just waltzing around and going through the motions. "His name is Luka, yes the one who went me skating with Adrien and Kagami, yes the boat kid who has a heart way too big for just his mom and sister. And now me…"
"Sounds like you made a change?" Penny prompted smiling widely.
"A blue one yeah, I did."
"Has anyone ever told you just how adorable you are?" Jagged shouted, picking up the younger woman and swinging her around as she shrieked. 
"Okay Jagged, let's not take over her whole day. We did have a reason to show up here after all." Penny handed the tablet to Marinette after he relinquished his hold. "This is what we're looking at for a surprise concert once we are back here in Paris. There's some issues I'm ironing out but I wanted to see what you think and if you would take lead on the design aspect."
"Wait, lead designer for your show?" Blue bell eyes swiveled between ocean blue and hazel sets, wide with disbelief and building excitement.
"Yup, this tablet is yours by the way. I do ask you to keep just business on it for the show, if you want more traditional sketches that's fine but once it's done it needs to be uploaded on here." Jagged explained, clapping a red clad shoulder.
"Oh you need an opening act? I've got that covered." The sparkle was finally back in her eye to match the mischievous grin.
"I agree with Jagged, are you sure no one has said it before because you really are adorable."
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