#skeletons in love
gingerale13 · 2 months
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Another Artfight!! Characters are Skout & Zniper by @dthmet
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stars-etc · 2 months
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Skeletons from a closet at my school
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themsource · 1 year
Five years of laughs and tears
Well as I am officially 30 now I have come to the realization I've been in this fandom for a staggering five years. As a small gift and a bit of a thank you to those I've met and have stood by me through thick and thin (the ones I haven't shared this with lol) I've decided to share a preview from the sequel to my fic 'Skeletons in Heat', called 'Skeletons in Love'.
I'll be honest idk if I'll actually get around to publishing the sequel. I fully intend to finish the first one but after seeing how it's still ongoing after all this time, and the sequel has been sitting half finished on my hard drive for the last three years, idk...
Anyways I've had both ups and downs; have lost loved ones and friends, gained a few here and there, Been tangled up in nonsense and drama, have participated in wonderful events, so on and so forth. I just felt I needed a pick me up looking back on all that, and this scene I'm sharing has always managed to bring a smile to my face and I hope it does yours.
For context, 'Skeletons in Love' was going to take place in Nightmare's castle and focus on MC and the boys trying to rescue her, Axe, and Dusty from Nightmare's clutches. Nightmare in this is able to manipulate and control monster's via their LV except for when he's asleep. That's all I'll say for now because that's all I think is needed at a minimum to understand what's happening. (Just on the of chance I ever do publish it you aren't completely spoiled lol)
This scene focuses on MC and Dusty. It was one of the first scenes I wrote and is called 'Dusty's Redemption'. Oh and because I'm a lover of song dropping in my fics, here's the one that goes with this scene. So have this uncut and unedited in all it's messy glory!
Thank you for five years. Here's hoping for five more <3
You jolted at the sudden influx of magic behind you, your heart racing as momentary panic blindsided you. Untill your eyes focused long enough to tell it was Dusty looking at you. You held your breath as you looked at his eyelights and let it out slowly. They were the same size.
“Guessing he’s asleep?” You whispered. Dusty grimaced and gave a nod. Relieved you turned back around and stared out over the expanse of rolling darkness again, your mind trying to detach again as your shoulders slumped.
“you shouldn’t stare at it. there’s things out there that aren’t safe to look upon.” Dusty murmured as he took sluggish steps to stand beside you. You chuckled lamely. You were tired, your hand cupped your bruised wrist, so tired. There was silence.
“you ok?” That question jarred you into looking over and up at him. It had been so long since one of the skeletons had asked you that, the bond between you usually telling each other instantly what the other’s mental state was. It made your chest ache to know that he couldn’t feel you, that you couldn’t feel him. It made you feel so alone.
But yet, him asking after you like that lit your chest up in familiar warmth and affection. Your being recognizing and longing for his as you’d discovered. It was nice. You didn’t think Dusty would’ve ever asked a question so close to concerned before the bonding, even after he’d always seemed distant even if his soul said otherwise…were you ever going to be able to feel him again? The others?
“Not really.” Dusty stared at you conflicted before letting out a sigh as he sat down next to you. He was thankful you didn’t jolt, still he didn’t know how to go about this. He’d learned a lot from you over the last two years but it had always been his brother to let him know when he’d messed up and how to apologize, how to comfort.
He had to push down the flare of hatred he had at nightmare for holding his ghostly sibling hostage.
Slowly Dusty looked at you and hesitantly touched your back. It hurt to feel how your body stiffened, prepared itself subconsciously for his abuse. It hurt even more at how his LV riled in want for that. He stilled and waited for the tension to go out of you and for his LV to die down before he slid his hand down to encircle your waist.
You had to swallow down your initial fear as he touched you, had to push the thought forward that Dusty would never willingly hurt you as he pulled gently at your waist to bring you closer to him. It was hard though and your body refused in contrast to how your heart and mind wanted to relent. He stopped and you took the second of respite to take a shuddering breath. When he spoke again it was near a whisper, a plea.
“c’mere.” The way your heart throbbed at the request made you screw your eyes shut. This was Dusty and even though he’d messed up countless times in your relationship, had hurt you in ways that forever stained your memories you did love him. And that love gave you the strength to scoot into him, your hand gripping onto his jacket as his body encompassed yours and slid you into his lap.
He simply held you, completely at a loss for what to do next. What would Paps say to do in this moment? He stared off into the pulsing void as he gently rested his cheek against the top of your head. You seemed to like that and nuzzled where he rested against him. He…he hadn’t done this in a long time and didn’t know how you’d take it but decided to give it a try. You always liked when the others did it anyhow.
A slow rumble, deep and cracked from disuse vibrated against you from Dusty’s chest. Your eyes widened. He was purring? In all the time you’d known him the murderer had never done this not even after your bouts of sex and the rare occasions that he held you, not really a cuddle but a hold nonetheless. His was oddly different, shook in a way that it was as if there was two going on side by side.
Dusty heard you make a surprised little noise and then felt as you pressed your ear to his chest. His face lit up in a purple blush that he tried to bury further into your hair as he tried to purr louder for you. He was rewarded with your genuine laughter, the sound like a bell in the silence around the both of you.
How long had it been since he heard you make it? He hadn’t realized it’d been so long that it almost sounded new to him. He’d missed it. All too soon you were silent again and he could tell you were once more looking out into the void. Dusty didn’t like you focusing your attention on it. It spoke volumes about where you were mentally.
Carefully he started humming, and the moment he felt your interest shift he gained confidence.
“When will you leave your cage?” You pulled back in disbelief and looked up to see Dusty staring off into the distance, his skull lightly flushed as he sang. “When will you turn the page?”
You couldn’t stop staring at him as his voice came out not as raw and passionate as Axe’s had but rather dulled and wispy, mellow and smooth. “When will you open the gate?” Your mind was utterly enthralled as he looked down at you, a hand coming up to brush some stray hair from your face gently.
“Ready to fly, ready to fly for me?” He rested his skull against your forehead, his mismatched eyelights locking on your hued orbs as his words came out full of weight and meaning. You couldn’t understand why he hadn’t wanted to sing before, it was beautiful. His hand slid down to your chest just over where your heart and soul rested.
“I can feel it now, you'll make it real somehow.”  The simple gesture was enough to convey his words meaning without explanation, and you couldn’t help but smile. His own grin became soft and reciprocated as he pulled you into a full embrace, his words tangling in your hair.
“When will you fight all your hate?” The way he sang it, that line sounded more for him than it did for you. But you knew it was insinuated towards the despair you were feeling, the hopelessness and how weak you thought of yourself. You couldn’t figure a way out for the three of you and it killed the brightness you knew inside of yourself.
The image of Saejun smiling in reassurance as he dusted still burned into your mind, still made you want to weep and beg for him to return. Did…Dusty feel just as bad over that? Guilty over what he was made to do? Both his hands cupped your face and tilted your gaze up to his.
“Ready to fly, ready to fly for me?” It took your breath away to see adoration in his eyelights, regret and…fear? He looked as if he was being careful with you.  He brought a hand away and you followed it to see a swirling orb of violent light twirl and form in the palm of his skeletal hand, the light twinging and shaping into a bird that stretched its wings from the pooled purple flames around its feet. You didn’t know the skeletons could make projections!
“When will you learn to fly?” Dusty smiled in amusement as you reached out to touch the solidified magic in his hand, coaxing it to turn its head towards you playfully and chuckling at the awed gasp you let out. If he’d known something so simple would please you he’d have done it long ago.
“When will you touch the sky?” You watched wide eyed as he lowered his hand and lifted it, sending the purple magical bird into liftoff where it buckled for only a moment before rightening itself and curving in an arch to circle around both your heads with a happy chirp.
“When will you kill your sorrow?” Dusty watched as you became invested in the bird even as he continued to sing. The words no longer just for you as he found nostalgia in how you giggled and reached out to prod at the bird that teased a distance between you. He could still smell your freshly made croquettes if he tried, hear the challenge in your voice at his antics, could still fall for you over again as he recalled the first time you’d passionately kissed him.
“The world is yours…” The words pulled at you and you looked over at Dusty whose sockets were lidded in his verbal declaration. “When will you reach the moon?” The bird lifted high, its form standing out against the false moon floating within Nightmare’s void.
“When will you drop the spoon?” The bird went into a freefall and you shot a panicked look over to it before it froze in its decent, it’s body still like a statue as it slowly twirled in place. It became engulfed in flame that slowly receded to show a small dancing figure, the flames remaining as its hair and at its feet like foot prints as it began to dance across the air. “When will you kill your sorrow?”
It was you. That little figure was in the shape of you as it spun and leapt; nothing but happiness in every bend of its arms and lift of its legs. Was that how Dusty saw you? So giddy with freedom and carefree?
He saw the sad understanding in your eyes and brought your gaze back to his with a tender hold of your chin. You weren’t supposed to look so sad and defeated. That wasn’t you, and that wasn’t what he wanted for you either.
“The world is yours.” You were so much stronger than you knew. Dusty could tell you saw the thought in his expression by how your eyes lit up in question. You had been through so much, at the hands of others and by his but yet still you had held your head up high. Had stood your ground against everyone that dared to try and break you. You had even laughed in the king of corruption’s face when he’d tried to convince you no one wanted nor loved you.
You’d shown how much stronger you’d been even compared to Dusty who’d broken under the manic glee of a mere child. You were everything he admired and feared. Saejun wasn’t the only skeleton that would’ve gladly given his soul for you, as tainted and vile as his was.
“When will you reach the stars?” The tiny magic girl jumped up into an arch, her fiery hair curling out into a circle around her that shaped into an inverted heart as Dusty held up his hand for her to land in where she morphed into a glowing and luminous ball of liquid fire that hovered as it shone purple light onto both of your faces. “When will you drop your scars?”
You nuzzled into his free hand as it ran through your locks, his phalanges tangling and smoothing it with each pass as his voice slowly grew lighter. You looked up at him with the strongest pulse of love you’d ever felt for him and reached for the hand holding his magic, the ball vanishing as his fingers laced with yours. “When will you kill your sorrow?”
You cupped his cheek and pulled his forehead to yours, a blush strong enough that it looked as if it was coming from you as well between you. His eyelights then did something you didn’t expect.
They changed.
Your breath caught as the color in them drained and faded out, the red and dark blue you’d grown used to changing to a startling sea shell white as they gazed lovingly at you. If you hadn’t known better you would’ve thought it was Sans looking at you, but his immense size in comparison to the shorter original and his scarred hands that tenderly held you kept his identity firmly in place for you.
“Dusty?” You questioned lowly. He shut his sockets as he softly brushed his nasal ridge to the tip of your nose, the way his grin twitched as if savoring it before opening his sockets again to still white eyelights. For some reason it brought tears to your eyes and you couldn’t stop them too beguiled by the monster in front of you. His tone had gone quiet.
“The world is yours.” Dusty leaned in, his soul at perfect peace as he kissed away the water trying to run down your flushed cheeks. He had forgotten how it’d felt to not have his magic constantly on guard, and he’d never felt safe enough to let it cool as he had now beside you. In a world of pain and suffering where only you two existed. He loved you, so purely and completely.
You flinched as you felt a hot quiver of affection in your chest, emotion that definitely wasn’t yours flooding into you like a wall had come down. You sobbed and pushed what you could through the link, all your love and desperation, all your longing and want as raw as the day you’d discovered it. Dusty’s sharp inhale soothed you and your tears became joyful as you felt the feelings returned to you in earnest.
“yours.” He whispered as he captured your lips with his, magical tears flowing into yours as your kiss turned heated and passionate. Too soon the link between you became muted and numb, but your souls continued to beat in tandem as the kiss continued. Your grip on the other scared to let go, and enduring. He let you break for air and you couldn’t help but let the words out, unable to send what used to be a passing reassurance through your link.
“I love you.” It was the first time you’d ever said it out loud to him that it shocked him. And then he chuckled, one so deep and rich it made your ears burn. Your voice joined his. Little did you know that that was exactly what he had needed to hear.
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xwisegirlx · 5 months
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(via "The Skeleton Lovers" Tote Bag for Sale by xWiseGirl)
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fatedwithmbc · 1 year
Afterlife Goals:
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dead-as-i-tread · 2 years
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happy valentines day <333 i hope u all have a good day
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zegalba · 5 months
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Luna Lu: 'The Anatomy of a Hug' (2016)
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mischievous-thunder · 10 days
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And then the two princes saved the world and moved in together to start a new family with their adopted daughter and a dog. The end.
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ghuleh-recs · 2 months
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Dance Macabre ⛧ Ghost: Rite Here Rite Now (2024)
I gotta say I am really enjoying this new cultural outreach program introducing metalheads to musical theatre.
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skeleton-png · 1 year
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going through my old journals as part of therapy homework and i'm reading a section written in the emotional wreckage of a full-on breakdown when i get hit with this line:
There is never a satisfying answer to ‘Why didn’t they love me?’
like wow babe. good fucking point
#like you were on the ground biting the carpet and dry sobbing while you wrote that and still. good fucking point#not a shitpost#cptsd#and it's true. there's never a satisfying answer#the truth is i know why i wasn't loved#i analyzed my parent's traumas and abuse to death. i understand why i alienated and was alienated from my siblings#i know why my mom was too overwhelmed to be capable of nurturing#i know why my dad vanished into addiction and avoidance#the details of our cycles of trauma and cptsd and family history i have a phd in all of it#i understood perfectly. i spent years studying and now i knew the answer#and guess what? IT WAS NOT SATISFYING!!!#because they still didn't love me! and i still couldn't change that!#it was still a completely unsatisfying state of affairs!#so like. when the people who are supposed to love you...don't.#when the people who are supposed to take care of you...fail to#you can look for answers and reasons and explanations#but that's not actually going to FIX your situation.#and it's probably not within your ability TO fix the situation. (and definitely not your job)#because you don't need answers--you need a new situation#*inserts Just Walk Out. You Can Leave!!! (Running Skeleton) Meme*#and yes. walking out isn't always possible.#but for you i hope it will be one day soon. and i hope you build the courage to take that leap.#stepping away from the people who failed to love you...it feels like being untethered but also like being lighter than air#new and scary. immensely relieving. the future opens up. empty but empty like a canvas. blindingly bright until your eyes adjust#like climbing out of a pit you called home and for the first time realizing how bright the light of day can truly be#when you aren't just getting glimpses from the bottom of a hole
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ex0skeletal-undead · 1 month
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wizard-laundry · 25 days
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the text originally read "EGADS! DO MY EYES DECEIVE ME?"
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spookylovers-world · 11 days
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whatcha-thinkin · 11 months
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halloqueen31 · 1 month
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