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tattoos-and-ballgowns · 10 months ago
Heard this guy on a subway platform, after he was done an older guy and I shuffled over and asked for his deets
Very shoegaze, reminds me of these Canadian indie pop artists I was listing to from skatterbrain’s old blog, but I��m pretty sure its a case of convergent evolution
enough about taylor swift already. reblog and tag the smallest, least known artist you listen to
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paulburkhart · 2 months ago
NEW LIKED VIDEO Egg Nog Hell 2024: Drinking the Nogs so you don't have to | How to Drink Travel better with better coffee. Head to https://ift.tt/mpvdRU7 and save 20% off your order! Thanks to AeroPress for sponsoring today’s video! They keep coming up with new Egg Nogs for me to try. Maybe I will find a diamond in the rough so I don't have to make my own this holiday season. We are loving our new high-quality Viski Glassware. If you want to pick some glasses for your own home bar use code HOWTODRINK15 for 15% OFF on all glasses and bar tools site wide - https://ift.tt/pA2rN6E Curiada has some exciting new bottles to check out! If you are looking for gifts this holiday season follow the link - https://bit.ly/howtodrinkbottles - they deliver the best bottles right to your front door! Podcast: @MidnightLocal Patreon: http://bit.ly/H2DPatreon Viski: https://ift.tt/pA2rN6E Curiada: https://bit.ly/howtodrinkbottles Twitch: http://bit.ly/2VsOi3d H2D2: http://bit.ly/YTH2D2 twitter: http://bit.ly/H2DTwit instagram: http://bit.ly/H2dIG Blog: http://bit.ly/H2DBlog Gear: https://amzn.to/2LeQCbW Egg Nog Review and Taste Test: https://youtu.be/KyG93WoVZFY?si=-vjxdL011R7uPI5K Egg Nog: https://youtu.be/HYqXJWOZybY?si=0WjzRq5Nop2SISuF Coquito and Which Rum is Better: https://youtu.be/-xMhXHj6yXU?si=g4VFm4rQoFI93Ejz 00:00 - Egg Nogs with Alcohol 01:58 - Buzzballz Egg Nog 04:37 - HTD App 06:53 - Evan William's Peppermint White Chocolate Egg Nog 08:55 - Ol' Santy Egg Nog 11:55 - Winterhaven Farms Egg Nog 14:38 - Yule Nog: Fireball 15:38 - Skatterbrain Peanut Butter Nog 17:10 - Yule Nog: Southern Comfort 18:50 - Granny's Gingerbread Cream 20:40 - Cow Wreck Coffee Cream Nog 23:44 - Rumchata Peppermint Bark 24:15 - Evan William's Classic Egg Nog 25:25 - Largo Bay Coquito 27:00 - Bacardi Coquito 28:07 - Hope you avoid the bad nogs Slowly but surely, I'm starting a mailing list so that I'm not fully dependent on YT's algorithmized notifications system. If you'll sign up, I promise not to abuse your generosity, or sell your info to anyone. It's over on the blog right here: http://bit.ly/H2DBlog Incredibly Awesome People who make this show possible! Dennis Groome Zack Fasel Sean Makiney Syy Whiskey Tribe Richard Rappuhn William Madrid Erik Språng Nicholas Tsotakos Adam Doyle Todd Swain Bill Alex Bertrand That One Guy Sarah Chapin Jacob Scida Marcus Larsson Patrick Unger M W TokenChick Chris Psanis AmandaKay Eoheomili Joe Valieant AKA SMASH Matthew Klein Russell Pope Sephiroth Kraig M Xiwo Xerase Zack Alexander Mary Kinnaman Turtle_Man1982 Davin Ward Michael Gram Martijn Bakkes Mark Hollomon Jordan Downey Brody trivial_james William Stone ScarletCinder Phillip Eurs Lokipellia Better Mousetrap Guitars UwU Ethan Fry Brad Rogers Gizmo Spencer Johnson sebby sharkey Bryan Vallee Craig Jorgenson Burt Hurtman Hurtz Greg G Stephanie Paich Guppies Need Water Lt Tocino Eric Bishop Zack Palm Samantha Crouch Subject_540 Jonathan TrilledCheese Cat_Branigan Harry Correll Andrew Holcombe Nexidava Gregory T. Lucas Ben Doggett Bradley Mendrala Veilander KTDE Cameron Wilson Colin Paich Nathan van Opdorp Ramon Y Phillip Iovino Ciel-phantomhive Kris Zee Randall Randall Jerry AJ N Heather Graves Tripp Dinger Robert Sipes via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBYVpw4x068
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ruvi-muffin · 2 years ago
The effort it takes to keep the same conversation subject going for as long as nt ppl think is appropriate is Exausting !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need to be able to change the subject every other sentense
And contrary to popular belief i don't find it annoying when others do it to me, it feels Organic and wonderful bc Yes my brain does move that quicky all of the time, and i like that your brain is just as quick
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banner-needs-a-hug · 6 years ago
Jen: So we could argue that Skaars an American citizen en sanguis if it’s that important to you
Bruce: Yeah just lemme call him up like “hey kid you wanna pay taxes”
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skatterbrainedcomic · 7 years ago
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Dating problems when two metalheads are into different sub-genres. xD
To be fair, neither of us are wrong
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zeqoo69 · 7 years ago
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#skatterbrains #clubjammin #matuyama #barcaezar 今年の初ライヴ 演ります。20:00から。 しかし、暑いわ。
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fulokis · 4 years ago
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yastaghr · 4 years ago
The Hunt for the Nest
I don’t usually post twice in one day, but @lythecreatorart needs some cheering up and I just finished this fic! It’s some SFW Errink fluff!
Summary: Error wants to leave a mark on the Doodle Sphere that his boyfriend, Ink, has just shown him. He comes up with a cheeky scheme to not only leave one, but tease Ink at the same time.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26565958
Error dusted off his hands happily, staring up at his handiwork. A giant nest of strings hung between two of the doors in Ink’s Doodle Sphere. Ever since the artist had invited him into his zone, Error had been trying to think up the perfect way to leave his mark on the island-filled space. His mind had kept wandering back to his strings. What else could be more him than that? The problem was what to do with them. Eventually, one day when he was visiting Birdtale, Error had the idea. Why not build a nest? He had seen non-sentient birds build them, and the bird-brains here did, too. Surely he could make something similar with string. And here it was!
The whole thing was easily big enough to hold both of them, even with the sprawl that artist mistakenly called sleeping. There were soft blankets inside and pillows, too. All, of course, were blue. Blue was his favorite color. Besides, Error wanted to use his own strings for this for… reasons. Someone else’s simply wouldn’t do.
Now came the fun part of building this: using the thing to tease Ink with. His plan was foolproof. It needed to be. Ink was definitely a fool.
Error opened up a quick portal out of the Doodle Sphere and into a random universe. He then jumped through about fifty other portals, sometimes opening up multiple holes or jumping back through the one he’d entered with, to muddy the trail. Only after he was starting to get tired did Error open the portal to the world he really wanted; it was the one that Ink was in. Why that idiot spent so much time in this universe was beyond him. There was nothing here except darkness. There wasn’t even a Sans. It was just empty, boring black everywhere you looked. A blank that its creator had abandoned long ago.
Ink spun around to face him even though Error knew he hadn’t made any noise. At first his face was just… blank. Blank just like this universe was. But then his eye lights, a blue heart and a green question mark, returned and a smile lit up his face. “Hey, Error! I was just thinking about you! Isn’t it weird that you would show up right after that?”
Error, thoughts derailed by the skatterbrain of the monster he loved, said, “i dOn't kNoW. wHy wErE YoU ThInKiNg aBoUt mE, oR Do i wAnT To kNoW?”
Ink grinned. His eye lights changed to an orange diamond and a yellow exclamation point. Uh oh. That wasn’t good at all.  “Oh! I was just thinking about how I’ve never seen you eat sushi. Do you like sushi?”
“WhAt-” Error started to say.
“I don’t like sushi because the little white thingies they use always get stuck up my nose,” Ink carried on talking, oblivious.
“yOu'rE NoT SuPpOsEd tO-” Error tried again.
“But at the same time I do like sushi because that little green stuff they put on the side makes my nose run! It’s really nice when I’ve got a cold. Just a drop of that and I’m cle-”
It was Error’s turn to interrupt. “INK!!!!”
Ink closed his mouth and looked at him, his left eye light shifting from the diamond into a blue heart. “What is it, Glitchy?”
“i'vE GoT A PrEsEnT FoR YoU.”
Those magic words had Ink’s full attention. He practically quivered with it. It was pathetic (definitely not impressive, no way) how much Ink gave off the impression that he was an exclamation mark in a skeletal body. “Gimme!”
“iT'S NoT HeRe, DuMbAsS,” Error said, rolling his mismatched eye lights fondly, “iT'S HiDdEn. If yOu wAnT It yOu hAvE To fInD It."
Now both of Ink’s eye lights were exclamation points: one green, one yellow. “Ooh! A puzzle gift! Those are the best kind! Where did you hide it? And don’t say “the multiverse” this time. That was almost impossible!”
Error chuckled. That had been a good one. Ink had been searching for weeks for that special easel Error had… acquired for him. He’d finally found it in Chocotale #021. “i dOn't kNoW WhAt yOu'rE TaLkInG AbOuT. i'm nOt gOiNg tO SaY ThAt. I WaS GoInG To sAy iT'S HiDdEn iN ThE DoOdLe sPhErE.”
Ink pouted. “That’s almost as bad! The Doodle Sphere has an island for every universe in the multiverse! You know that! It’s huge! It’ll take me days to search it all!”
Error’s grin was definitely cheeky. He was a glitch! What fun could a glitch have if there wasn’t a little cheek in his life? “yOu'd bEtTeR GeT StArTeD, tHeN, sQuId. ThAt pReSeNt iSn't gOiNg tO FiNd iTsElF!”
Several days later, Ink panted and leaned against the door to Ketotale. He’d been searching non-stop all this time, and he still couldn’t find that damned gift. He felt like he’d searched everywhere at least once, and it wasn’t nearly as much fun anymore - now it was just frustrating. So, Ink did the best thing he could think of doing, his default when a problem grew boring; he searched for someone to pester into helping him. Lucky for him, there was one monster who could be guaranteed to be helpful right now: Error.
Ink found him in Chocotale, which wasn’t that surprising. Error loved chocolate, so an entire world made out of nothing else was bound to appeal. He was munching on the shutters of someone’s house. Ink would have chastised him, but he knew for a fact that most of the inhabitants of Chocotale now had Destroyer Insurance™. That was absolute genius.
Ink poked the monster he wanted in his life more than any other in the back. Error glanced over his shoulder, an unimpressed expression on his face. He finished chewing the chocolate in his mouth with agonizing slowness. Ink stuck his tongue out at him. Rude. “i tHoUgHt yOu wErE SeArChInG FoR My pReSeNt. DiD YoU GeT BoReD AlReAdY? iT'S OnLy bEeN FoUr dAyS. yOu uSuAlLy lAsT LoNgEr tHaN ThIs.”
Ink huffed. “I have been! I’ve been looking nonstop all this time! I swear I’ve searched the entire Doodle Sphere, but I can’t find anything out of place! At least give me a hint, Error. Please~!”
Error rolled his eyes and turned back to his meal. The shutters were more than half destroyed at this point. Oh, well. “tHaT SoUnDs lIkE A PeRsOnAl pRoBlEm tO Me. I'M NoT GoInG To gIvE YoU AnY HiNtS UnTiL It's bEeN At lEaSt a wEeK.”
Ink’s pout was really something to behold. He had no idea what it looked like, but it usually worked on Error like nothing else would. Of course, for it to work Error would have to actually see it. Right now he couldn’t. Thus, the pokes would begin. They were spaced just far enough apart and just firm enough that Error couldn’t ignore them. Ink also moved the spot he was poking all around Error’s back at random so he couldn’t get used to the sensation in a particular place.
Error groaned and spun around to face him, annoyance in his eyes. “fInE! wHaT Is iT YoU WaNt tO KnOw, SqUiD?”
Ink grinned. Yes! Score! He won, and now he could ask… what’d he want to ask again? “Um…”
The glitch rolled his eyes. “tYpIcAl. HoW CaN YoU SaY YoU'Ve sEaRcHeD ThE EnTiRe dOoDlE SpHeRe iF YoU CaN'T EvEn rEmEmBeR WhAt wE'Re tAlKiNg aBoUt fOr tEn mInUtEs?”
A lightning bulb went off in his head. “Oh! Yeah! How is it that you can hide something in the Doodle Sphere that I know like the back of my hand? You’ve only spent a little bit of time there before, and it’s huge!” Error looked down. Ink followed his eyes to see his gloved hand. Oh, yeah. He didn’t exactly know what the back of his hand looked like, did he? “Okay, maybe that wasn’t the best metaphor, but you know what I mean!”
Error chuckled. “yEs, I Do. Do yOu, tHoUgH?”
It was Ink’s turn to glare. “Wow, rude. What have you been doing while I’ve been searching alone, hanging out with the Bad Sanses again?”
“wHo sAiD YoU WeRe sEaRcHiNg aLoNe?” Error said, and then he froze. Ink grinned triumphantly. Ah hah! Error had been following him, had he? “...CrAp, I ShOuLdN'T HaVe sAiD ThAt.”
“Too late, Mr. Stalker! What were you even doing following me around? Making sure I didn’t find it?” Ink asked, not really expecting an answer.
“mAyBe…” Error admitted.
Ink narrowed his eyes. “And how were you doing that? You weren’t distracting me because I didn’t see you there, so what…?”
“oKaY, oKaY! i wAs mOvInG It, OkAy? AnY TiMe yOu gOt cLoSe tO ThE PrEsEnT I WoUlD MoVe iT SoMePlAcE ElSe. I DiDn't wAnT YoU FiNdInG It tOo sOoN, dId i?” Error finally admitted the infuriating truth.
“Cheater!” Ink accused the monster he loved, “That’s cheating! No fair!”
Error rolled his eyes. “oH, tHaT'S So mAtUrE, iNk. It's nOt lIkE YoU DiDn't cHeAt lAsT TiMe, EiThEr. ReCrUiTiNg yOuR ViSiTiNg dOpPlEgAnGeR In oRdEr tO MaKe mE ThInK YoU'Ve fIgUrEd oUt hOw tO BrEaK PhYsIcS WiThOuT MaGiC Is sO ChEaTiNg.”
Ink huffed. “Fine then. I still think this is too much. You owe me a favor for this!”
“fInE,” Error huffed back at him, “wHaT KiNd oF FaVoR DiD YoU HaVe iN MiNd? dId yOu wAnT Me tO KnIt yOu sOmEtHiNg? PuT AnOtHeR UnIvErSe oN ThE UnToUcHaBlE LiSt?”
Ink’s triumphant grin returned. “I want you to show me where this present is!”
Error blinked at him. Ink knew that expression. It was one of bewilderment. “tHaT'S AlL? yOu jUsT WaNt mE To hElP YoU FiNd mY PrEsEnT? rEaLlY?”
“Yeah!” Ink said with a smile. “I didn’t say it was going to be a big favor, and I want to know!”
“Do yOu wAnT Me tO Do tHaT NoW?” Error asked, still stunned.
“Yeah! Come on, Glitchy, let’s go!” Ink said, grabbing Error’s hand and pulling out Broomy. He was just about to spill some ink for a portal when Error pulled his hand out of Ink’s. The artist eyed Error with confusion in his eyes.
“tHeRe's nO FuCkInG WaY We'rE TaKiNg oNe oF YoUr pOrTaLs. ThEy mAkE Me sIcK To mY StOmAcH,” Error complained, sticking his tongue out and cocking his hand to act. “i'm gOiNg tO OpEn mY OwN PoRtAl. If yOu sTiLl wAnT To uSe yOuR MoNsTrOsItY YoU CaN. i'lL MeEt yOu aT ThE HoUsE.”
With that, Error stepped through a glitching portal into the gold-tinted landscape. Ink quickly dove in after him. He had intended to roll to his feet, but he misjudged the height of the portal off the ground and ended up planting face-first into the dirt. He spat out a mouthful of dirt and grass. It didn’t taste too bad, honestly. It was just… weird. Granulated and chlorophyll-y. Yep, definitely weird.
“aRe yOu dOnE EaTiNg tHe fUcKiNg dIrT Or aRe yOu gOiNg bAcK FoR AnOtHeR MoUtHfUl?” Error’s glitchy voice asked from above him. Ink jumped up, spat out another piece of grass, and smiled at the monster who fascinated him more than any other. As was typical for him, Error said, “wOw, YoUr tEeTh aRe aLmOsT A PrOpEr cOlOr nOw! StIlL ToO BlUe, BuT ThAt's tO Be eXpEcTeD. yOu nEvEr cOuLd mAnAgE A PrOpEr yElLoW, eVeN ThAt tImE YoU TrIeD To dReSs uP As mE FoR ThE CoStUmE BaLl. ReAlLy, WhAtEvEr mAdE YoU ThInK My tEeTh aRe tHe sAmE CoLoUr aS MaRmAlAdE?”
Ink tapped his chin, trying to remember whatever event Error was talking about. He couldn’t. “Did that really happen, or are you making something up again?”
Error grinned, “i'm mAkInG SoMeThInG Up.”
“Oh. Yay.” Ink said it with as little emotion as he could get without taking paint thinner. “Can we go find my present now?”
Error rolled his eye lights, but he couldn’t hide the smile on his face. “yEaH, yOu rAiNbOw bAsTaRd. We cAn gO FiNd yOuR PrEsEnT. fOlLoW Me.” He turned on his heel and walked to the edge of the island. Then he leapt up to the next one.
Ink rolled his eye lights and just used his paint. It was so much faster! He could just use the puddles of paint that every island had and teleport without needing to jump.
They went between enough islands that Ink had forgotten what they were searching for. All he knew was that he was following Error somewhere. When he saw it, though, he knew exactly what it was. The nest was hanging between Pediatale #002 and Underhood #410. It looked amazing! It was huge, and it was full of pillows, and it was cool!
Ink found himself getting so happy that he started floating. He giggled, the extreme amount of happiness he was using overriding any fear that he might drift away. Then that teeny bit of fear vanished when Error’s strings wrapped around his ankle.
“dOn't fLoAt aWaY NoW, sQuId. GeT BaCk dOwN HeRe aNd cUdDlE WiTh mE!” Error demanded.
Ink giggled some more and complied. He let Error’s strings tow him into the nest, where he floated down to Error’s side. He nestled into the soft, fluffy bed of the nest and sighed. This was just about perfect.
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enbeast · 5 years ago
i have no idea why my 5 would be given a segment on account of them being sweary, skatterbrained, and mute, but i can imagine them roping one of their friends in as a translator (their number one pick is peter because hes pretty much the only one that emotes while reading their signing out loud so im going to assume him as the main cohost)
5 continuously swears on air but peter just replaces them with the silliest non-swears he can think of and it drives 5 up the wall.
5 tends to use their airtime to either talk about their current special interest (sharks, dog training, various YA fiction, and cartoons to name a few) or just talk shit with peter (shit talking various antagonists 5 has had to deal with, gossiping, running/survival/etc tips and anecdotes, and bickering.
the segment was only a few episodes before they had to surrender the airtime to someone who was even mildly competent but there was a brief petition of roflnet to "let runner 5 say fuck"
they had an outro which was something along the lines of "this is runner fucking five signing out" and while this was given the same treatment as all their other swears (peter used a different G-rated swear each time) on the final episode before they were taken off the air he leaned in really close to the mic and said it with the actual swear.
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wishingforhappylives-blog · 8 years ago
Have you ever wished for love?
Well I did at one time have the love of my life.  My children are the only thing good to come out of it and I have to say,  He made me happy but I missed a lot of important things.  Love can be happy, enchanting, exciting, and a million other words.  It makes you stupid and do or say stupid things.  Love can either make you see the things you need to do t help your partner or it can make you completely blind of their faults....I was the latter.  If anyone out there is lucky enough to find the love of their life, hold on to them, keep an eye on their health and concerns, and for the love of god don't waste a single moment.
My blindness of my fiancé's pains and emotional distraught led to him developing an addiction, and because I was always working to make him and our children happy I was never able to see the obvious signs.  My blindness let it get so out of hand he passed away.  My children no longer have their father and I can no longer trust meeting new people.  If I was blind to all of the signs coming from the one person i trusted the most, besides my close family and children, how the hell can I learn to trust  new people.  
My answer is that it is impossible.  I miss the loving feeling I had in his arms.  I miss the possessively deep looks he gave me.  Every one tells me I will find someone who can make me happy again but how am I even supposed to think of that when I blame myself for his passing.  I'm not pretty, I'm not strong, I'm simple minded and I am 90lbs and all used up.  No one looks for that in a woman.  they do not want someone who isn't mentally ok with their self.  Its hard for most men to accept a young woman who already has children...
I know people say mean things about me, I have come to expect it from everyone.  Does it make it hurt any less?   Fuck no, but that's what life is.  All I want to do is just give up.  I know I cant for my children's sake but I can only take so much.  I can be rude to a lot of people but I do not mean to be.  I just shut down because my head just goes to evaluation mode where its trying to determine if the person in front of me is a genuine person or just two-faced, or if they are like "he" was. 
I mean I understand I can be a skatter brained idiot most of the time but if it keeps my mind from replaying the worst night of my life in high-def.  Ill do what can to keep myself sane.  As  I am writing this I know no one is going to read it but if you are out there reading this...don't become stupid like I did
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fakesurprise · 7 years ago
Wary Mornings: jaysome edition
Being a god-eater gives me a few useful talents. Having a god inside me gives me a couple more. They aren’t always useful, but I’d like to think they help when it comes to being friends with Jay. Or at least in honing my jay-sense, which sets off alarms in my head when Jay comes into the hotel suite kitchen. Jay is from far, far Outside the universe and can do things that even magicians and the fae  can’t even match. He’s also eleven, which is far more important.
“Hey kiddo,” I say, as though Jay not being up earlier or rushing into the kitchen in a flurry of bounces and excitement wasn’t at all a sign of worry.
Jay blinks, staring wide-eyed at the clock. “I slept in, Charlie!”
“I noticed.” Yesterday was odd; Jay had been convinced, partially by a typo someone sent him in a message on tumblr, to be skatterbrained and scatterbrained. And accidentally spread his awareness through the whole universe at the same time. The wandering magician had pulled Jay back together, but Jay had spent away an entire day and slept-ate a lot of food, and even went to sleep at a normal time last night without being prodded. I am certain it was a far more dangerous things than the wandering magician admits, but magicians are half-often made of secrets so I haven’t pressed him on this. Yet.
I pour Jay a glass of orange juice and he sits at the table and drinks it. “Uhm?”
“I’m feeling kind of uhm I think?”
“What kind of uhm?” I ask as I pour myself another coffee. My fingers only shake a little. This is new. Probably not a good kind of new.
“I’m not sure?” He doesn’t decide to invent a scale for uhm to uhm, or offer to find the uhm. Jay just scratches his head and looks uncertain.
“Did you do an oops?”
“I didn’t? But I think I wanted to,” he says softly. “For a really small moment of an uhm?”
“Couch.” I walk over and sit on the couch. Jay crowds in next to me for a hug. Normally he gives them. To anything. For any reason or none at all. I hug him gently. “Try and explain it, kiddo?”
Jay is quiet for almost ten seconds, actually thinking through what he is going to say. Those ten seconds turn the jay-sense into a defcon scream of warning inside my head. I try and ignore it. I’m not hearing sirens. The fae haven’t called me after having to use some ridiculous glamour to hide some adventure, accident or oops. But even so.
“I kinda have an oopscident yesterday, Charlie!”
“I did notice that,” I say dryly.
“But but but...” And Jay twists in the couch to face me, his face full of worry. “I lost out on lots and lots of adventures I could have!”
“You will always have other ones, and they’ll be jaysome too,” I say gently.
Jay flinches a little.
“Jay.” I almost say ‘don’t beat around the bush’ but metaphors are dangerous around a Jay. “Talk,” I say firmly.
“I lost out on adventures cuz @admiraljane told me about being skatterbrained and I was a lot of skates and then found out it was a typo and went scatterbrained and it was a hugey oops,” he gets out in a rush.
“And I almost had a thought that it was the admiral’s fault I lost out on lots of adventures I could have had,” Jay says, so softly I barely hear him.
“You almost thought that?”
“Uh-huh. I stopped myself from having it cuz it wouldn’t be jaysome but I almost did and I feel uhm and sad-face I could have thought that.” He sniffs.
“Well, having a thought that isn’t jaysome wouldn’t be very jaysome.”
“I know! And it kinda scared me,” he says, sounding a lot more like himself. “Cuz what if I have another and it sneaks through and I really think it?!”
I pause. “How do you have a thought and not think it, anyway?”
“Cuz it’s not jaysome so I don’t,” Jay says simply, as though that made all the sense in the world.
“Well, just make sure you don’t have a thought like that. A Jay does do a lot of ooopses, and you have adventures and accidents often.”
“Yup,” he says proudly. To all of that. Because Jay.
“So blaming anyone else for one, even a little tiny bit, wouldn’t be jaysome at all. Because, Jay, if you can blame one person for something, you can blame anyone for anything.”
Jay’s eyes widen impossibly wide. “But but but I’d never blame you or Honcho, Charlie!”
“You have got angry with us before,” I say mildly. That the reasons were justified to me doesn’t mean they were to Jay. I hug him tighter. “And we understand that, even if you don’t don’t.”
“I don’t like being like that,” he mumbles.
“I know. And we can help you not be that, but having thoughts – even not-thoughts – is important. If you keep not having them, they might sneak up on you all at once.”
“Oh! That makes sense. So I have them, but remind them that they aren’t jaysome and they go away!”
“That would be best.”
“Okay!” And Jay is off the couch in a blur.
“What are –,” I begin, only for Jay to vanish.
Presumably to have some thoughts and put them somewhere else.
I really hope I haven’t started something terrible. Again.
I pour myself another coffee. Because sometimes that is all you can do.
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bluebellhairpin · 4 years ago
Describe myself in Three characters huh?
Gotta say, this took a bit of thinking.
Kaneki Ken (Loyal, fellow INFP, weird habits like the finger click thing.)
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Shizuku Tsukishima ('Skatterbrained', likes alone time, cats.)
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Toshinori Yagi (My sister said so. Twice.)
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Tagging; @quilledinkpen @hollow-purple @horseanon--simpforall @izuwumidoryia and whoever else wants to join! It's fun guys, have a go!
i was tagged by @cherrybastard in this post but it was getting kinda long so i'll add my contribution here!!
describe yourself in three characters
tamaki amajiki (shy and socially awkward)
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levi ackerman (needs everything to be clean and organized; works when insomnia strikes)
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bakugou katsuki (ion have his anger issues but i do relate on the tough love approach when tutoring friends lmao)
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tagging @ackerpotato @therealvalkyrie @bluebellhairpin @callmepromise and anyone who wants to join!!
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skatterbrainedcomic · 7 years ago
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Metalhead Dating Problems Part 2: distinguishing one black band shirt from the other.
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unrational · 7 years ago
Since my skatterbrain can only really focus on one social media thing at a time, I've been quiet here and spending more time on twitter. I feel like I've missed out on what's happening here. what's good?
My twitter, if you do that thang: https://twitter.com/the_irrational
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moonlenoircrow · 4 years ago
additional info on everyone under the cut
Nuuka Eval-Sobeck
Osi Sobeck and Moralo Eval’s daughter in my AU
Meyro Nadee
a humble textile worker and Shaia's girlfriend
Shaia Eval
Moralo's  ill-fated mother
slaughtered by the Syndicat
Y'oni Sobeck
Osi's adoring yet skatterbrained mother
Ponda Sobeck
Osi's father
does the most for his family at all times
Veere Vinn
Moralo's naive and unknowing father
Pella Sobeck
Osi's much younger sister and Conrid's caretaker
Conrid Sobeck
an OG rebel
 low on brain function, high on energy
Pavaa Hujari
Osi's shy and pleasant housekeeper
hasnt worn a shirt in years
a pirate making his own way in the world
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yes I do have a serious fixation decided to catalogue all my Phindian OCs in the various eras they show up in
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whatkindofheavendoyouwant · 8 years ago
‘life feels like death  shot in slow motion’
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