levok · 2 months
hi levok! i don’t know if you’ve hopped on the Rykter train yet, but it’s a niche norwegian teen drama with a gay storyline. i’m sending you this ask bc i feel like you of anyone would appreciate that i am full-on OG SKAM-level sleuthing for spoilers in the reddit thread ahead of the season 3 release. all the combing the cast’s socials and zooming in to translate a pixely photo of the script - it’s low key giving me brain rot but it also feels very nostalgic to 2015 times on SKAM tumblr!! anyway, i hope you’re having an amazing day and i’ll be here patiently waiting for august 19th premiere 🫶🏻🌈
Hi anon!
Ok so i decided to not answer your ask, before I went searching for this. Bc I was not aware of the existence of this series 👀 and behold, it turns out it was in danish stream all along.
So I gave it a go. 10 minutes episodes are right up my attention span alley! So I binged it all haha 😂 and I get your jam!! NRK just know their shit. That ending though??? Out of nowhere?? What is this??? Also I am invested in the Thea storyline. Why you giving me this when there’s still a month until season 3?? Hahah (no bless you - you’re too kind).
I need all the lore you are talking about. So pls come back and spill the tea. What do we know about season 3???
My day has been booked and busy to say the least 🎀
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waitineedaname · 3 months
20 questions for 20 writers!
tagged by @buffintruder thank you!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
89 ! that feels like a lot
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
355,274 which also feels like a lot!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
usually whatever I'm hyperfixating on at the time! right now it's mdzs/the untamed, but I've got some scum villain wips in the works
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Handsome Mystery Boy -- Skam soulmate AU
hot dilfs in your area (not clickbait!!1!) -- HLVRAI modern au
Strider Bros Feelings Jam -- Homestuck post-canon
Let's Get This Over With -- HLVRAI dream-sharing
The Secret Boyfriend -- TAZ Balance modern au
5. Do you respond to comments?
usually! it might take me a bit, but I usually try to respond, especially if it's a more recent fic. if it's an old fic or the comment is just, like, a string of heart emojis or something, I usually don't respond. doesn't mean the comment doesn't make me smile though!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
tbh I don't write a whole lot of angsty endings? even if it's an angsty fic, I try to end on at least a hopeful/bittersweet note, y'know? I guess the angstiest ending would be Frayed Seams because it's in the middle of the series and is giving context to the strained relationship between the Kageyama siblings. they do eventually begin to mend their relationship by the end of the series! just. not in this fic.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
this is once again rather hard because I mostly write happy endings! and I have a lot of short fics that are just. pure fluff. I guess if I'm looking for a fic that's long enough to Earn a happy ending, it would be a tie between Plant Their Hearts In Community Gardens or the sun in the summertime! I love how much Mob and Reigen's lives have improved by the end of the show <3
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not that comes to mind! I don't think I've ever gotten hate comments, so if people don't like my stuff they at least only complain about it somewhere I can't see it, which I appreciate
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
not really! I am usually a genfic writer lol though I have had wlwangxian robot sex on the brain lately for. reasons. and also I have a feeling some of my bingqiu fics are going to be like, scenes in the Middle of them having sex, because [gestures] bingqiu
10. Do you write crossovers?
I haven't done a whole lot of them, but I think the concept can be fun if executed properly! crossovers where the two casts meet don't generally appeal to me, but crossovers that function more like an au (characters from Series A in the universe of Series B) are more my speed. I have been pondering a svsss/hlvrai crossover....
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
god I hope not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah! I've had a couple fics translated into Russian, way long ago
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not in a "we both were writing the fic in its entirety" way but I have written some aus and fics where I was bouncing ideas off friends so much that they might as well be a co-author. Let's Get This Over With would not exist without @neonlav's help
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
oh christ I have no idea. I'm a genfic person. bingqiu is doing something vile to my brain chemistry lately though
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
so many... so so many......... do not look in my google docs folder, there are too many untitled documents that have been abandoned........... I guess a more recent example would be a mdzs fic where wei wuxian is the juniors' camp counselor. I think the idea was v fun but I could not figure out where to take it. man I wish I was an artist so I didn't have to write plots for my silly little aus
16. What are your writing strengths?
dialogue! I love writing dialogue, especially when I feel like I really Get a character
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
fight scenes.... also pacing and figuring out how to end a fic, final lines are so hard
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I am not fluent enough in another language to pull off writing whole chunks of dialogue in another language! sometimes I'll use terminology from another language, especially if it doesn't translate well (like Japanese or Chinese honorifics and family terms) but otherwise I don't write in another language bc I would be too worried about it being incorrect
19. First fandom you wrote for?
it was, embarrassingly, for the since disgraced video game youtuber Cryaotic. in my defense, I was thirteen. the first fandom I posted fic for was for Hetalia, which is just as embarrassing. once again, my defense is that I was fourteen
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I am genuinely so goddamn proud of Let's Get This Over With. I had so much fun writing it, there are some concepts in it that I'm really proud of, and I just really enjoyed writing for hlvrai. those character voices were fun to play with
I'll tag @patron-saints, @scribefindegil, @localdisasterisk, @thatneoncrisis, and @notedchampagne!
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skambigbang · 10 months
Meet a Mod: Eivor aka @alterlove2021
A03/Instagram/Tumblr: Alterlove2021
What is your Skam Story?
Late one night in 21, searching for another RWRB fic to read, I stumbled on Evak. A google search and four hours later, I’m sobbing at my phone as Isak clutched Even to him while O Helga Natt played. That was the first of many long nights reading Evak fanfic because I couldn’t let them go. Almost three years later, I still can’t. I was a beta in 21, a first time writer in 22, a mod in 23. Isak’s story hit hard. Like him, I grew up with a parent who struggled with mental illness. Like him, I ran at the first chance. And like him, I’ve struggled with those decisions. It’s no coincidence, my fics center Isak’s journey and his relationship with his mom as much as Even. Angst is my jam, but I’m always looking for my own HEA when I’m writing about his.
Why are excited to participate in the Skam Big Bang?
I’m not exaggerating when I say SKAM changed my life. I’ve traveled to distant places and made lifelong friends. This online group of creatives became my tribe and I’d do anything to see this community continue and thrive. I had so much fun with graphics last year I’m back for more alongside a wonderful team working hard to make it happen again.
What would you say to someone nervous about joining?
Take a chance, you won’t regret it. You’ll surprise yourself with what you can do, and you’ll have support, friendship and laughter every step of the way! Come share your passion with us!
Follow us for more information and the start of signups for this years bang!
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buzeplasura · 1 year
Sot me shoqen e ngusht po mendoja sa njeri pa fat qe jam duke krahasuar jeten ton ne kto vitet e fundit: ajo e ka pasur universitetin me te thjesht ku ca profesor i dhuronin notat, kurse un i fitova te tera me djers; ne dashuri ajo cuditerisht gjeti njeriun e duhur shum thjesht kurse un ktu never been in a relationship crushing on someone I'm not talking anymore; ajo pati shum fat duke gjetur nje pun ne shtet ku pagueht shum mir edhe pse shkolla e saj sikur nuk kish shum te ardhme kurse un ne nje vend pune ku doja te ikja para se te filloja dhe ku paguhem sa gjysma e saj. Esht ajo shpreja qe thot qe ose ke fat ne dashuri ose ne loje, po as ne kte te fundit skam... Na nje her mendoj se jam njeri i pa aft ne asgje, por nga ana tjeter shum njerez qe me njohin flasin vetem mir per mua, keshtu qe i vetmi opsion qe me ngelet esht qe nuk kam fat. Ndoshta me ka mallkuar zoti se nuk besoj ne eksistencen e tij? Ose ndoshta fati ka ne plan gjera te medhaja per mua? Ose jam vertet njeri i pa aft por te tjeret akoma nuk e kan kuptuar?
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tailsbeth-writes · 8 months
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Main | Ao3 | Goodreads | Website | Letterboxd
Hello! 💛
I've had a lot of new faces pop up here since I became more active again so I figured I'd introduce myself.
I'm Taylor, 31 & I'm from and live in Scotland. I'm bigender (genderqueer/genderfluid/I'm still very new to this) & use she/her and he/him pronouns (no preference).
I'm a youth worker and a writer, I do bits of freelance journalism & editing. I'm currently editing my first novel Decompose which is a YA sci-fi dystopian story led by Harry, a bookish soft pansexual unlikely hero. If you want to beta read or find out more about it here.
I have chronic migraines/episodic cluster headaches so disabled representation is super important to me. Same goes for bisexual & genderqueer representation, reading fiction/fanfiction probably helped me work out a lot about myself 😅
I have written for Riverdale & Teen Wolf in the past but now I write primarily Red White & Royal Blue fanfic but I also accept requests for Heartstopper, Young Royals, Bridgerton, Skam & Schitt's Creek.
Also just pop in my Asks/messages if you ever need a book/fic rec, wanna collab, need some proofing or just need someone to vent to - community building is my jam 😎
Home of Ficlet Friday - DM me to be tagged in the next one, whatever your fandom!
Toodles 🫶🏻
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saveourskinship · 1 year
Thankathankathank youuuuu @akorah for the tag 🥰
Three Ships:
Dramione. Because kissing someone furiously while grumpily saying "You. It's you. It's always you but... Why does it have to be you" is my jam, bread, butter, marmalade and vegemite [marmite if you're heathen ie smutty]
Zutara. Because they make each other better. They move each other forward. Because fire. Because water. Because lightning. Because ice. Because scars. Because healing. Because because because.
Skam and Beadie. This is cheating because they are original characters I am writing. They are not even a couple but God help me am I the hell leaving space to write my own fanfiction about them. Maybe an HEA where they don't all die at the end. *shrugs*
First Ship:
In anything: Barbie and Action Man. Before I was even in school my sister and I would steal our brother's Action Man as Barbie's partner. Ken's job was Beach. Our Barbie needed a man with a plan.
In media: Sora/Kairi from Kingdom Hearts. I used to devour fanfic about them. Shout out to the one which sticks in my brain and introduced me to My Chemical Romance when Kairi got married to Squall because of something to do with Mickey being an little shitprick which I think was because of some soul signature nonsense? I can't remember and anyway Demolition Lovers was their wedding song and the bane of my mother's existence - Save's Emo Phase was born.
Last Song:
Girls Like You - The Naked and Famous (shit, this is actually a lie, but it's the last 'proper' song I listened to since I don't count the demo I'm making for my friend's satire girlpunk band she decided to create last night as a real song yet. It just has boop-boop-boops. Night Lunch can pull off songs with only doof-doofs and boom-booms. I cannot. So the demo won't be real until Sasha does the drums at least.)
Last Movie:
What A Girl Wants. Look. It's Amanda Bynes. I love Amanda Bynes. It is also Colin Firth and blue blood upper crust English vibes (done poorly, sure, but still). The last chapter of rose-petal compliments is needing all the help I can get it right now.
Currently Reading:
Harrow the Ninth - Tamsyn Muir
Lesbian necromancers in space. Need there be another reason?
Currently Watching:
Jujitsu Kaisen Season Two (Gojo, my love. I salivate, I wither, I breathe so much ecstasy I lack oxygen and die.)
Taskmaster NZ (rewatch. Like, no shade to my country or anything [said under the world's largest umbrella] but fuck we're shit.)
Last Thing I Wrote:
Like, as in finished? Because otherwise it would be this, right?
I wrote delivery instructions for a food order earlier today. Can't have done it very well because the driver still got confused and had to call me.
In terms of Things with Titles that are Complete™️, then an original folktale called.... fuck, what did I call it? I can't remember. It's about an unnamed protagonist and a boatman though. Still waiting on my rejection emails from the magazines I've submitted it to 😂
Currently Writing:
Let's skip over the arseholiness of me saying that I'm currently writing this again, shall we? (Let's not turtles-all-the-way-down my mentioning it either.)
Okay. Here we go:-
rose-petal compliments: dramione. Quiet luxury, Hermione is wealthy. Set in the Muggle world.
sacreligious inferences of a midnight paradise: dramione. Trope soup. Marriage law/fake dating/date or die. (Plus a bunch more tropes because why not?)
The Absolute and Total Defeat of One Draco Malfoy. Multi-ship. Crack. Crack from crest to cunt.
What's Owed When. Dramione. Unexpected Pregnancy. France. Delectomancy. Draco pines so hard he's basically a forest.
foil&fall. Tansy (Teddy Lupin/Pansy Parkinson). Fluff. Epistolary.
Untitled warfic. Dramione. My attempt at All Plot, No Vibes. Yes, you read that right. I'm trying to write something with NO VIBES ALL PLOT. (Draw a pentagram and sage for me, I bloody need it.)
The Environmental Suicide Club. Original YA speculative fiction. This is the one Skam and Beadie are from. Grief. Environmentalism. Nihilism. Set one generation in the future. Everyone dies at the end. A Fun, Very Good Time! Completely unmarketable! Wheeee!
Untitled socmed. Theomione. Writing this one with @they-call-me-megs A bunch of fun and one we return to when we're struggling for inspiration elsewhere.
Aster, the Star-Sailor. Original children's series. Sci-fi, pirate adventure. Came from writing the Tansy and I fell in love with it. Thanks, Pansy.
Fate and Free Will series. Urban fantasy six-book series. Currently undertaking a massive rework of the structure.
wander/wonder. A Luna Lovegood POV story Christmas visual novel. Story is written and am hoping I can finish the video in time for December.
There are a few more but these are the ones I work on a least a little bit every week.
Tagging @they-call-me-megs @thusatlas @paandreablack
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ozotnafal · 1 year
per personat qe me kan shkrujt dhe skam kthy pergjigje nuk jam pordhace i just don’t like people
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mr-gentlemann · 2 years
i man dhurata qe te ka bo ajo
Jam person qe i ruaj gjerat qe te tjeret me dhurojn , pavaresisht vleres monetare apo se kush e ka dhuruar ! Por ne rastin e saj , skam asnje dhurate nga ajo !
Sme ka dhuruar asgje ne fakt ! Kohet e fundit para se ndaheshim me tha qe me kishte bler dicka dhe donte te ma dhuronte , ma tregoj , ishte nje byrzylyk me gur vullkanik dhe nje pjes lekur e zez .
Nuk besoj te ishte dhurat per mua , sepse nuk ma dhuroj kurr , por besoj se ka qen per dike tjeter !
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levok · 2 years
My biggest fear for Season 2 is that - intentionally or not - they're going to make it clear that Wille is not a good situation for Simon and Simon would do well to get him out of his life. I mean what vibes do we have so far? (All of these have caveats but here goes.) From Season 1 we have the intense flip flopping, his fame and position having a toxic effect, the flashbacks to Simon's dad's drug abuse, the self-centredness. From Season 2 we potentially have generally unhinged revenge missions, and obsessive staring when [signs are that the signs are that] Wille should be able to see that Simon wants to move on.
And I write this as someone who is head over heels in love with Wille myself. I get the appeal and I think Wille deserves love, love and love. But if I were Simon's friend I would be quietly hoping he fell in love with someone who brought him just as much joy and a hell of a lot less angst.
All of which is to say I'm very excited to see how the show explores these themes, both in terms of how the characters and storylines progress, but also in terms of exploring the responsibility (or not) that a teen show has in portraying romance to its audience. Ah, flashbacks to many debates with my dear friend about the Skam love stories.
I have some faith, but I also have fear. What about you? Do you think Simon will find it easier to read music in treble clef or in bass clef?
I totally get you anon! If I was Simon’s friend I would force him to stay away from Wille, but fortunately I am not 😅 I am still here rooting for these two little shits!
And I am also willing to fully surrender myself to the premise of love conquers all, because I love them both and they a pure babies with shitty judgement 💕
I expect to see a lot of growth in season 2 - especially from Wille, since he is the protagonist and has a lot to learn still. And I expect to see how two different worlds and understandings of life is able to see each other, understand each other and find common ground.
because we find YR so raw and realistic in many ways, we have the urge to put realism into every aspect of YR. But we need to also just enjoy the story. What is the point that is being told. What is the symbolism, the struggles, the growth. As realistic as the characters are molded, and the intimacy feels, you can also put YR into a classic fairytale analysis worksheet.
We would never get a happy ending in a “fully realistic” story, if the show were to be just a bit dramatic, heart wrenching and nerve wracking (read: interesting). We won’t see development if they aren’t pushed to the limits and make mistakes.
I think YRs mixture of raw realism mixed with dramatic storytelling is what keeps me hooked. If wholesome fluff was my jam, I would look elsewhere.
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misnoyemag · 2 years
Med konsertstart 01:40 etter en lang Øya-lørdag er det lett å vise forståelse for at Misnøyes utsendte hadde uprofesjonelt høy promille da kveldens solbebrillede hovedperson gikk på scenen. Noe var heldigvis mulig å få ut av de kryptiske notatene som ble ført i pennen under Jimothy Lacostes første Norges-opptreden, som fant sted på Det Gamle Museet, i regi av Subjekt Magasin.
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TAKIN OVA? Mogger hadde samlet en "jævlig lit" gjeng, som en fornøyd publikummer ropte/spytta inn i vår utsendtes øre.
Kvelden starta som et deilig nostalgisk hip-hop jam, sparket igang av godgjengen i DGU og overlegent tatt videre av Moggger, med en hærskare av celebre gjester. Da er det fort gjort å glemme at man har en jobb å gjøre, og at man ideelt sett burde ha penn og papir i hendene istedenfor å drikke med begge to.
Når Vår Mann fra Nord-London går på scenen en gang mellom 01.30 og 02.00 er vår mann (les: undertegnede) derfor noe medtatt.
«Jævlig kul - fukk av enregi» (sic) køles ned på papiret i det Jimothy entrer scenen. Bak seg har han et backdrop i form av et slags lysbildeshow, som ifølge notatblokka gjorde seg fortjent til adjektivene «interessant, kult og funny». Eksempler på hva det var som ble projektert på lerretet har jeg dessverre ikke klart å hente frem fra hukommelsen, men at Lacoste mener business og levverer på alle fronter er det ingen tvil om.
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SUBWAY SURFER: Bildet kan tyde på at deler av Lacostes svartelistede musikkvideo hvor han surfer på London-Tuben fikk skjermtid.
Undertegnedes backdrop-blackout kan også delvis skyldes Jimothys hypnotiserende solbriller og matchende dansemoves. Lacoste har ikke vært lenge på scenen før han kaster sin blå- og hvitstripete skjorte, plasserer GUCCI-shadesa stilsikkert på nesa og lar rytmene ta bolig i sin sunne ungdommelige kropp. Resten av settet gjennomføres i nevnte mundur -- med beundringsverdig høyt energinivå og intensitet. Jimothy pløyer gjennom sin stadig voksende katalog av lekne, fengende låter, som store deler av publikum -- deriblant en ung SKAM-skuespillerinne --  synger selvsikkert med på. Ekstra livlig både på og utenfor scenen er det under Lacostes største slagere, «Getting Busy!» og «I can speak Spanish». En gjeng (håpe)fulle unge chicas lager også bemerkelsesverdig mye lyd under “Future Bae”. Fint det.
At vår engelske venn serverer publikum det de kom for, er hevet over enhver tvil. At vår utsendte fikk servert i overkant mye fra baren, likeså. Men hvem bryr seg, på en kveld som denne. Life is getting quite exciting.
En god femmer på terningen.
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nicola-coughlan · 4 years
skam españa really said “let’s throw back to valentina’s middle school days” with the song they used for the opening of the clip but it’s also so fitting bc the lyrics basically say “people point at me / they point their finger at me / whisper behind my back / and i don’t give a damn / why should i care / if i’m different from them” and i just can’t get over how well it fits amira and the theme of her season
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nicolinocolino · 4 years
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we have not talked enough about federica with the bongos
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doremifamoon · 5 years
"I will survive" is the song Liv sang to Isa and Noah complimented by saying "Good song". Now Sander and Robbe wash their hands playing the same song. When I'm telling you they're related and that's definitely a song their family sing when they all get together at holidays or smth is because it's true.
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stan-named-skam · 4 years
since Eliott has shit taste in music, he needs to have great taste in movies
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jusdekiwi · 5 years
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Petition for Alejandro to join the boy squad
Edit: I just had to wait 5min and my wish was fulfilled
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isakogsana · 5 years
me going through the tag and seeing people getting mad at julie for smth that is most likely on nrk IF IT‘S EVEN TRUE cause no one on this website ever heard of the importance of reliable sources
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