green-nerd-showdown · 2 months
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Hat and overcoat are green. He's heavily based on Sherlock Holmes (in fact, he lives in Holmes' basement)
He is an old man who loves inventing new things but is super chill about it. He has managed to create liquid that makes you able to go inside a book and experience the story first-hand, a time machine, and a drink that shrinks you. Despite these crazy achievements, his favourite invention is a clock that tells him when to eat and when to have a nap. He is so based
He's an inventor and he invented a self propelling wheelbarrow and a "food-and-sleep" clock that he follows strictly, like he took a nap in the middle of a race ha was participating in (and winning). He's a turtle.
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andelfin · 7 months
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Skalman=aroace icon
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vannavitsvans · 11 months
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några Skalman highlights
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Bamse: Det finns inga dumma frågor!
Skalman: Det gör det visst.
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Favorite character tournament round 1
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couldbeanastronaut · 2 years
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zehcnasednuldivad · 3 months
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Look, I know this is gonna be incredibly niche, but: Odin going into his Odinsleep whenever Thor needs him most, and Skalman hearing his "Sleep Clock" and immediately falling asleep whenever Bamse needs him most, are the same thing basically*. *they don't seem to need Skalman that much in this particular scene, sorry, but it was the only image I could find. But. If you've read the comics you'll know what I mean.
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jojotranslates · 1 year
Fansubs released for Bamse (1972-1981)
So a little while ago, @the-best-fictional-turtle held a tournament about fictional turtles. Skalman, one of the central protagonists from Swedish children's comic Bamse, somehow made it in. On my sideblog, I joked that I'd translate every single comic in the franchise's 57-year long history if he won. And well... He actually won!
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While I genuinely can't translate the whole comic as promised, the creator's animated shorts made in the 70's and 80's have now been subbed. These shorts are missing a lot of the modern cast, and the comic's strong educational tone is not as apparent here. But if you like funny little animals going on funny little adventures with some bonkers sound effects you may enjoy it!
The series is legally available on SVT Play for free*: here's a very basic guide on how to use the site if you don't know Swedish.
That being said, I'm going to do something different than usual. Characters are often named after their species and/or character traits in this series... So this time I would like to provide two versions of the subs:
With no localised names (on Dropbox) - ready!
With localised names (OSS, Subscene, & Dropbox) & other corrections if necessary - eventually
Under the read more there is more info on what exactly I plan to localise and how well (or poorly) I'm doing with those plans.
Happy watching!
Like I said I can't localise the whole franchise, but I still want to leave some doors open for the future when picking names.
First I have to address Vargen. You'll notice that he gets called "the wolf" even in the un-localised version. This is because, according to his backstory, he doesn't have a proper name. His caretakers just called him "vargen"/"the wolf" despite being wolves themselves. So just in case I decide to translate the stories detailing this backstory one day, I couldn't give him a name either. sorry wolf :(
Bamse is a tough one, and I'm leaning toward not localising it. Even the official localisation gave up and just called him "Bamsy"! For comparison, the word "bamse" in Swedish is usually an adjective meaning "big", and occasionally a noun referring to a bear. So even though Bamse is a fairly small bear, it fits him well... I guess Teddy would have been a decent name for him, but there is a comic typically considered the "prototype version" of Bamse which features a similar protagonist already called Teddy. And later in this series, Bamse actually has a son called Teddy... So no dupes allowed.
Lille Skutt -> Good grief. The official localisation called him Little Frisky. But in the original both he and his son are named after terms related to jumping, so I would prefer to save that theming for later. Hopper always sounds nice, so Little Hopper... Then his child could remain "Mini-Hopp" (with or without that extra p). But their names become too similar then? I'm still frantically looking through naming sites and can't find anything useful... of course the anxious little guy would cause me the most stress trying to think of a name for him EDIT: A simpler alternative would just be Little Jump... Thinking I might settle for that for now.
Skalman -> Shellback. Taken from the official English localisation, which actually called him Professor Shellback. I'll cut the Professor to save space in the subs/speech bubbles. (For comparison, his original name means Shell man.)
There are a number of side characters with a "human" first name and species as their last names, i.e. Mickelina Räv and her parents (foxes), Ola Grävling (racoon badger sorry), Annika Anka (duck)... I'll probably just translate the species and leave the names alone. (Nina Kanin didn't show up in these shorts but might be an issue later, since her name is supposed to be a palindrome as well as a reference to her being a rabbit...)
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hartatroll · 2 years
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mcmoddity · 2 years
dis for the art ask dealio! 3, 12, AND 15 yeeee
3. What ideas come from when you were little
Hard to say if I'm carrying any specific ideas from my childhood, unless I wanna dip back into my whole spiel about tabletop RPGs again! Since I started with those while being a single digit of age.
But if I'd have to say anything else, it'd be comics! Specifically the Bamse ones, as I had a mail subscription (lol remember when that was a thing) from a very early age. I've always loved comics, even did a few years and years ago professionally, and even if I'm not actively pursuing them anymore the ideas are still constantly puttering away inside my brain.
If anything, I'd say askblogging became my new type of sequential art to do? Adult life sadly slorps out all the energy and time I'd need to make the big bombastic stuff more often.
Anyway for non-swedes this is Bamse (the blue wearing bear) and his friends Lille Skutt (the bunny) and Skalman (arguably the best turtle in existence, we stan Skalman here).
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12. Easiest part of body to draw
Arms and legs! Good ol' limb fun. On the flipside, to this day I still feel like my faces are lacking, but that's what practise's for.
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)
Digitally, at home. I don't vibe with drawing on screen tablets, so I'm pretty much locked to the comfort of my apartment whenever I wanna slap those pixels out.
Traditionally, it can be literally anywhere! I spend a lot of downtime at work doodling in a hilariously oil-stained sketchbook, I sketch while tabletopping with my pals, I let those pens sing while bored in general. (Link to the ask meme with these questions here!)
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michaelnordeman · 1 year
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Skalman, a Hermann's tortoise/grekisk landsköldpadda. Värmland, Sweden (July 14, 2016).
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green-nerd-showdown · 2 months
Skalman (bamse) vs Jeff Andonuts (earthbound)
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He is an old man who loves inventing new things but is super chill about it. He has managed to create liquid that makes you able to go inside a book and experience the story first-hand, a time machine, and a drink that shrinks you. Despite these crazy achievements, his favourite invention is a clock that tells him when to eat and when to have a nap. He is so based
He's an inventor and he invented a self propelling wheelbarrow and a "food-and-sleep" clock that he follows strictly, like he took a nap in the middle of a race ha was participating in (and winning). He's a turtle.
Rocket scientist
A very stereotypical science geek. The guy makes death rays out of discarded trash, and is the only non-psychic in a group of four. He's still the most powerful because he has a bazooka and rockets
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andelfin · 7 months
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Hans ansiktsuttryck säger allt
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A picture of said plushie
Good luck!
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Inte alltid man ser någon slåss i Bamse, speciellt inte Skalman
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svenskjavel · 2 years
Skalman har A i alla ämnen, inklusive romantisk och sexuell läggning och kön
Bästa sättet att utrycka det på
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