#skade gifs
itbmojojoejo · 3 months
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Finan & Sihtric + ✨clink✨
For @alexagirlie xo
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witchthewriter · 1 month
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐔𝐛𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
a/n: a long awaited cross over that I promised months ago.. please do not hate me! Also, Danes = vikings, but the word viking is also a verb. So, you could say 'Hey Ma I'm off to go viking!'.
Saxons = those from England
Celts are an umbrella term for Native Britons who were here before the Saxons.
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
It didn't make sense.
Ubbe's shoes walked the length of the boat and back again. Creaking wherever he put his feet, the wind was howling. Even during the day. With the sun high in the sky; not that he could see it.
None of the men or women could see more than five feet in front of them. Once he, along with two other ships left Kattegat, the mist had surrounded them.
Ubbe had the mind to turn back, but he couldn't see the shorline of Kattegat. Only the thick whirls of fog surrounding the boats.
What would have been a long journey, was shortened to mere seconds. And Ubbe was in a place he did not wish to be.
It was a place where his father had died. Where a many great Viking men had died.
But something was different. The time, Ubbe knew it; years had passed somehow. Many, many years. And when he took 4 men into a tavern to investigate, he asked and was told.
Ubbe and his men had gone through 100 years on the water.
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・Life had gotten better since Uhtred and his men frequented your village - hell, everywhere had gotten better; not only were the raids less and less.
・But safety and hope were two words that Uhtred of Bebbanberg gave the people
・Well, Uhtred along with his three men - Finan, Sihtric & Osferth.
・You always had a crush on Finan. His Irish charm and humour always brightened your day.
・But he had never ventured for more than conversation and company
・You thought he must have an eye on someone else, but news never reached your ears about anyone else.
・And then something happened.
・Two ships full of Danes had washed on Englands' shores. It was not like any other raid. The Danes spoke differently, their weapons seemed old and the way they dressed was so ... incredibly different to the Danes you all knew
・Where did they come from? Why hadn't any other Dane claimed to know them? And why couldn't they point to where they were from on a map?
・These thoughts plagude you for days. You did your chores and you thought about it, you cooked and cleaned - and thought about it.
・However, curiosity won out and you snuck into the woods to get a better look at the semi-prisoners.
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・One man caught your eye instantly.
・And he ...
・He was ... beautiful.
・Outlandishly so, you hadn't seen such a man and with so many unique tattoos...
・His hair was long and braided, parts shaved on the sides and you were taken aback.
・A blush creeping so bright you swore he would be able to see you in the dark - like a beacon of sorts
・But a body had bumped against your own, a hand over your mouth. You bit down - hard and Osferth hissed
"Ow!" He said, trying to keep his voice low as he flung his hand about in pain.
"Well don't do that!" You whispered incredulously.
"What are you staring at?" whispered Osferth, crouching down and following your line of sight.
"No-nothing, nothing, stop it-"
"Ooh got your eye on somethin' then?" he mocked.
・You rolled your eyes and pushed him. He caught your arm and hoisted himself up, catching you against him in the process.
・This back and forth behaviour was normal between you and Osferth. As soon as you met, it had started.
・He knows about your feelings for Finan, and has helped you to gain his attention time and time again
・The only failure in this was the fact that he didn't want to put you at risk. Finan couldn't bear to have you as some sort of target.
・But god did that change when Ubbe started talking to you.
・You decided to help around with the new Danes
・Your skills were highly renound and useful no matter who you were with
・Ubbe did everything he could to get your attention and soon Finan became a shell of his witty self.
・Grouchy and sensitive, Finan couldn't stop watching the two of you interract.
"I mean wha' does she see in 'im??"
"- Finan, please-" Uhtred interjected, trying to calm him down. He did not calm down.
"Just tell her how you feel-" Sihtric exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air.
"I - I cannot."
"You cannot what?" You said coming up behind him, the trees and darkness hiding you easily.
・From that day on you and Finan were together, but the subject of Ubbe hung loosely in the air.
・However, your relationship was changed because of Ubbe. Who shocked both you and Finan.
"It is true, I want you. But I want both of you. The funny one as well."
・Finan gulped.
・Your relationship is very loving. It truly is.
・There's a lot of PDA
・But even more affection when people aren't around
・Like casually sitting on each other's laps
・Forehead Touches
・The union between all three of you created something. It was peace.
・Peace settled over the group, a sense of ease becoming easier and easier to grasp.
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Shut Up” (You) x “Make Me” (Ubbe) x “Just Kiss Already.” (Finan)
Found Family
Intuitive & Attentive (Finan) x Restless & Flirty (Ubbe) x Witty & Intuitive (You)
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Intertwined Destinies
Love Transcending Boundaries
Legacy and Legend
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Scotland by the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra
Golden Years by David Bowie
To Bring You My Love by PJ Harvey
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dushku · 3 months
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thea sofie loch næss as skade in the last kingdom (13/13)
↳ 3.08
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the-fire-within0 · 3 months
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"Wife of Njörðr, woman of cold. She the wanderer of woods; the huntress in the snow. The winter's moon calls to her, with the wolves that follow her. With her bow and arrow, she aims ahead on a stag with no place to roam."
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garunsdottir · 6 months
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tlk + songs: bloody! bloody! (by junie & thehutfriends) ain't it funny how I scare myself sometimes (I don't trust her eyes) they said, the lady in red bloody! bloody!
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tlk-kingdomsource · 4 months
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Skade | The Last Kingdom 3.01
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whitedarkmoonflower · 4 months
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Sihtric and Skade // The Last Kingdom // S3E7
Comment or write to me if you want to be added to the tag list.
Tags: @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @foxyanon @thenameswinter99 @alexagirlie @synintheraven
@angelvoxx @gemini-mama @the-irish-girl @tinumiel @littlebitofwillow
@hb8301 @verenahx @fox-bright @elwegencyn @siimonesvensson
@sigtryggrswifey @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @zaldritzosrose @ladyinred2248 @legitalicat
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destinyisall-tlk · 1 year
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the last kingdom + pretty scenery - 3.05
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mojogifs · 8 months
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Finan Every Scene
Season 3 Episode 1 | Part 7 | + Bonus
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ivarthebadbitch · 26 days
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I see the death of a king.
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dailytlk · 2 years
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the last kingdom : 3x08
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itbmojojoejo · 6 months
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The Last Kingdom / Season 3 Episode 8
@yungpoetfics - if there is a specific scene/sizing you're after don't hesitate to reach out xox
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aelswiths · 10 months
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tlkvikings · 1 year
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Thea Sofie Loch Næss as Skade in The Last Kingdom 3x01
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 1 year
I'm suffering from terrible cramps at the moment and I just saw your requests are open especially for wlw
can I please have a Skade one where she helps reader with our monthly curse? smut pls I'm begging 🥺
Bru, my darling, I realise that your monthlies have likely ended by now. But I hope this serves as a comfort the next time Auntie Flo pays you a visit.
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Warnings: Time of the month mentions, fingering but not quite, tiddy succin'. Word count: ~1200
Author's note: No gods, no masters, no tag lists. Only scabs community label fics. If you find yourself tempted to slap a label on this, please block me instead.
You groan softly upon waking. The muted sunlight seeping through the canvas of the tent above your head indicates that it’s morning and has been for some time. You clutch at your lower belly with a muffled grunt, silently cursing your body for not allowing you a single waking moment’s peace from the curse of your moon’s blood. It’s your second day of bleeding and though you have tried your best to hide your discomfort from Skade, not wanting to hinder your progress as the two of you travel together, it is becoming more difficult to do so. The dull ache has grown to an insistent nag that plagues your every movement.
You stretch out an arm, surprised when you feel an empty bed roll instead of the warm body you’d expected to be next to you. You sit up slightly, wincing as the heaviness of your lower abdomen protests painfully, and peer through the slither of a gap in the entrance to your shared shelter.
Skade, flaxen hair cascading down her back as she hunches over a small fire, stirs a pot that’s suspended by a tripod of branches.
“Why didn’t you wake me?” You call out to her.
She turns to you, before wordlessly moving to fill two wooden cups with the steaming liquid she’s been stirring and ducks into the tent. She hands you one and sits cross legged in front of you.
You sniff at the beverage, wrinkling your nose in distaste at the unappetising earthy scent. “What is this?”
“Nettle tea,” She says simply. “It helps me when I have my moon’s blood.”
You feel your cheeks heat up as she tells you this. She knew. Of course she knew. It was impossible to hide anything from Skade, she was too perceptive.
“I suppose we should start moving again soon, I have wasted half of the morning sleeping.” You say, eager to change the subject.
“We are going to stay here another day,” She tells you. “You need to rest.”
Your eyes widen, guilt blooms heavily within your chest. “That is dangerous…”
“I am dangerous,” She smirks. “No harm will come to us.”
“You cannot do this for me.” You plead, eyes wide. “We must keep moving.”
Skade sighs, rolling her eyes. “Women are afflicted by this because men are too weak willed to endure it, but there is no shame in being in pain. I see your suffering. Accept my help, and drink your tea before it gets cold.”
You smile gratefully at her and lift the cup to your lips, taking a sip. You grimace, the taste is bitterly unpleasant against your tongue. “That is vile,” You cough. “I cannot drink this!”
Skade grins, snatching your tea from you and turns slightly to place both yours and her cups just outside the entrance of the tent. She fixes you with an intense stare when she turns back, her blue eyes bright even in the shade of the canvas roof above you.
“I have another idea,” She begins. “Something that will soothe you.”
“Will you use your power?” You ask curiously, nervousness and excitement prickling at your skin.
She huffs a soft laugh, shifting forward and pushing you back as she hovers over you. “Not the power you’re thinking of. But this remedy is just as ancient.”
You stare up at her, heart fluttering wildly in your chest as the long waves of her golden locks fan around your face like a shroud. Her face is so close to yours that your lips are almost brushing, but when you lean in, she pulls back with a wolfish smile, a silent denial of what you seek.
Her fingertips deftly push up the hem of the rough spun linen of the shirt you wear, dancing delicately across the exposed flesh of your midriff, causing your breath to hitch. She smooths the flat of her palm over your stomach, before bringing it to rest against your lower abdomen, applying gentle pressure.
The warm sensation of it is a relief against the cramps you’ve been suffering. You sigh, allowing your eyes to flutter closed.
“Better?” Skade asks, her breath tickling softling against your cheek.
“Yes.” You whisper quietly, almost afraid that if you speak too loudly the moment will end.
It is then that she allows her lips to meet yours, slow and unhurried. You kiss back, relaxing as every movement serves to ease the tension in your body. You can taste nettle tea, but it is far sweeter upon her lips than it is from the cup.
Skade breaks away, moving to mouth at your neck and collarbones. Her free hand makes quick work of plucking open your shirt buttons, pushing the fabric apart to reveal your breasts to her.
You gasp, arching your back as she latches onto a nipple, swirling her tongue around it. The added sensitivity caused by your blood serves to heighten the sensation, waves of arousal causing you to clench around nothing.
It is then that you feel her hand move from your abdomen, her fingers breaching the waistband of the trousers you wear. You freeze, eyes going wide.
“What are you doing?” You ask in hushed panic.
Skade releases your breast with a wet pop and stares up at you. “Do you trust me?”
“Yes.” You surprise yourself with how quickly you answer, how certain you sound, how sure you feel.
“Good.” She purrs, eyes darkened by lust. “Then let me do this. It will feel good.”
She moves her attention to the opposite nipple, laving her tongue across it before suckling gently, as her hand continues its downward trajectory. You jolt slightly as you feel her push her fingers across your mound, cupping roughly before pressing down to spread you open. Her middle finger seeks out your bud, circling slowly, and you shiver, whimpering at the way it makes you tense and throb.
Your whimpers increase in cadence, until they are lewd moans as her circles become tighter, faster, more precise. The coil in your gut winds impossibly tight and she kisses you feverishly as she feels you tense up, swallowing your cries of ecstasy as you fall apart, white hot waves of pleasure rippling through you, all the way to your toes.
Skade withdraws her hand once you still, laying on her back beside you, watching you intently as you gasp for breath.
“Better?” She asks with a raise of her eyebrow.
Once you are lucid enough to form a response, you notice that the ache inside you has disappeared almost entirely. You feel boneless in the wake of your peak. “Much.” You breathe.
“It’s a pity that the moon has not seen fit to align us, so that we may suffer this together.” She muses, rolling onto her side and stroking your hair.
“You would want to suffer with me?” You ask, your heart fluttering, a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth.
“For as long as the gods allow it.” She tells you, resting her head against your chest.
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mirandahamilton · 2 years
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We can be enemies or lovers. We can suffer or we can rule.
↳ skade requested by @dushku 
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