#sjupernatural rpf
4llmywr1tings · 5 years
The Con that Started it All
365 Days of Jensen - Day 1 Jensen X Reader (eventual) Words 2134 A/N: reviving my 365 days of Jensen series - and reediting it since tumblr was a jerk.. Tagging: @autoblocked
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“How the hell do you manage to keep up, especially being pregnant?” You let out a laugh and shake your head. “I guess I’m just used to it. I’ve got three more at home, and they’re all mobile and busy.” You finally had some time off, and after spending the first day of Vegas Con alone, you decided to join up with your friends and their activities. Allison and Kori had been more than happy to include you in on their activities for the day, and between the few panels you wanted to see on the first day, you had been quite busy. “I want to know how you were able to sing that song at Karaoke last night.” You look to Allison who had stopped to take a drink of water. She looks to her girlfriend and smiles. “You’re used to it?” “Yes, and when I can drink, you should see me belt those songs. Inhibitions are out the window.” You laugh. “Oh, I’m getting hungry. We should stop in here. I heard they’re really good.” You point to Hash House, and give them a nod. “Yes! We must feed the pregnant lady!” Kori laughs, pointing to the sky as if making a declaration. “Maybe you should call Toula and David, wake them up and have them join us. (Y/N) would love to meet them.” You shrug your shoulders. “Well, Toula sounds Greek and Greek people are really cool people, so I’m down with meeting some more new friends.”
“So, we’ve been talking. Since you’re pregnant, we can’t really tell what type of fan you are?” David asks after you had finished lunch. You were all digesting and just sitting around. You give him a surprised chuckle, which made his wife Toula elbow him hard in the ribs. “What do you mean?” “Don’t scare off new friends David, why do you ask every supernatural fan how big of a fan they are? They wouldn’t be here if they weren’t big fans.” “But then there’s big fans, who like go to every convention and event and thing they do, or there’s the first timer. And I can’t pinpoint who you are.” You smile at David and shrug your shoulders. “WAIT!” Kori squeals. “It’s your first con? How did I not know this?” “Guilty as charged. I got on the website and picked the closest one to where my sister lives. And it happened to be Supernatural or Stranger Things, and I never got into that show. I’ll stay with my sister before I fly out to Austin. This seemed smartest.” “You’re a con virgin. This is so awesome.” Toula laughs, giving Allison a high five. “I’m betting that you’ve lost your con virginity then, by the way you’re acting?” you ask. “Uh huh. Went to Vegas last year. This’ll be my second.” Allison said. “It’s Kori’s first, and we met Toula last year.” “And it’s my third. David’s second. I dragged him along last year and he seems to like it. Maybe borderline obsessed.” Toula looks to her husband and gives him a face. David rolls his eyes and leans forward, making it a point to only include you in his next question. “Since you just picked the closest one, are you even a Supernatural fan? Like are you current to what’s aired?” he asks. “Yeah. I’m current. Dean died and went to hell, right?” you laugh at his perplexed look. “I’m kidding. I’ve got a thirteen year old. She’s obsessed with Supernatural. We had to get cable so she can watch it that night.” “I still don’t believe it and I’ve known you for over a decade. You look good for having a thirteen year old. And really young.” Allison smiles. “Like what can I do to have good genes when I’ve got a thirteen year old?” “How old do y’all think I am? I could be ancient.” “Mid twenties.” Toula nods with everyone. “Close enough. Thirty one. Had my oldest at eighteen.”
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After two days of non stop fun, after Saturday night and the concert, you were tired and ready for a few minutes alone to your thoughts. Once you were done at the convention, you would fly out of Vegas, and start your new life with your kids, in a new city and a new state. Everyone told you that Austin Texas was the perfect place for the art scene, and your small business would flourish. Then you found out you were pregnant and it changed everything quickly. Your parents took your girls and drove your moving van to Texas while you had one last weekend to yourself. Your ex didn’t want to be a father any more, and wanted to head off on his own adventure with his newest model. Granted you were only thirty one, and you’ weren’t old by standards – it hurt that he replaced you and his daughters for someone else. After a long talk with Harper your oldest, and then Sage and Piper your baby – you finally felt ready to get back to the group and have fun.
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“You look like you could use some company. You okay?” You look up to watch Jensen Ackles – the Jensen Ackles – placing a can of sprite in front of you. “Yeah. Not sure actually.” You sigh, putting down your phone. “I can leave.” You wait a few seconds, weighing the options in front of you. Being alone to sit in your thoughts, or spend a few minutes – even if it’s a few – with Jensen Ackles. “No. No. I could actually use some company.” You lean back, showing off your four month bump a little better. “No husband with you?” he pulls out a chair and sit with you. “No husband.” You look up at him with a smile, but in a second he can tell how fake your smile is. “Uh oh. Someone in the dog house?” “No. I actually don’t have a husband. He didn’t think his daughters or I were good enough for him.” He let’s out a loud exhale. “Shit. I’m sorry I – ” “It’s okay. I’ve had about three months to get used to the idea of single parenting.” You rub your stomach a few times and accept the cup of sprite, taking a long sip. “How far along are you?” He leans back and takes a drag of his beer and puts the bottle down. “Four months.” “Damn, what an asshole.” You laugh and tap your cup to his glass. “Can’t say I disagree. But enough about me, what are you doing here of all places?” “It’s small, quiet. Good drinks. Pretty company.” You scoff, trying to wave him off. “No. I’m serious. You’re pretty. And the company I’d rather have.” “What, Jared not pretty enough?” you laugh. “Yeah, he’s okay. But again, you’re prettier.” “Well,” you motion to the empty booth and table you were at. “I am so busy. So, I don’t know how much attention I’ll pay to you.” “Okay, so you’re sarcastic and sassy. Tell me, are you team Dean or team Sam? Keep you busy dodging my question.” “How do you know that I’m here for the convention?” He laughs and looks down. “I would have not asked, but you’ve got a bracelet on for the panels today. I assumed.” “Well, you know what assume spells, right?” You lean forward as much as your stomach lets you and give him a big smile. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Seriously. Because if you’re a Sam girl, I won’t even waste my time.” “Oh no. Don’t go. I actually like you, despite your shorter stature.” You smile. “Short. Woman.” He shakes his head, but glances at you as you start to laugh. “Tell you what. You guess. I have a thirteen year old who’s obsessed with Supernatural and I let her name our new dogs. If you guess right, I’ll tell you what team I’m on.” “Only if I can see what kind of dogs they are to wager my guess.” He replies. “You just want my phone.” You counter. You don’t know where your confidence was coming. You usually had to be drunk to talk this boldly with a guy – especially Jensen. “Maybe I do. Maybe I want to give you my number.” He holds out his hand, almost expecting you to give him the phone. “Aren’t you married?” you ask. “No. I’m not. So you aren’t a rabid fan, because they obviously know I’m divorced.” “No offense Jansen,” you make it a point to mess up his name, and he smiles and shakes his head. “I’ve got three girls, one’s a teen and I’ve got one on the way. I have no time to Google you and find out all about your life. If I’m ever curious, I’ll have Harper do it.” “You have a teenager?” he asks skeptically. “How old are you?” “You know that’s like the worst thing you can ask a woman, right?” you take a sip of your drink and lean back. “Like, no one asks a girl their age. We give it to you if we’re feeling nice.” “Come on, I’m terrible at guessing.” “Fine, I’ll give you a clue. I was a senior in high school when I had my oldest.” “And she’s a teen?” he asks. You nod slowly. “Well, if she’s just in her first year of being a teen, she’d be thirteen. So I’m guessing you’re twenty–nine, thirty?” “Impressive. Low balling my age. I like.” You laugh. “You’re older?” you nod. “Thirty–one?” “Bingo. Good guessing, for being such a terrible guesser.” You tease. “Now, here’s the phone, those are my dogs on the background. Let’s see if you can guess these guys’ name.” “Well,” he pauses, and you can tell he’s typing something into your phone. You’re sure that he’s putting his number in. “I’d like to think that you’re a Dean girl, so I’m going to guess that one is at least Winchester. Baby?” “Nope. Well, one you got right, the other not so much.” “Well, the Pit Bull looks like a Winchester. Tough guy.” He laughs. “Although you are correct with the name, he’s an absolute pansy.” You reply. “Hmmmm, so I’m thinking that German shepherd is actually a girl, and your daughter named her Ellen. Or Jo.” “Nope. Not a girl. It’s a boy.” You correct. “I picked two boy dogs just because we have enough estrogen in our house.” “Okay. Okay. How about Dean?” he asks with a laugh. He takes a drink and leans back. “Not bad for being bad at guessing. The kids love calling out “Dean Winchester” and people see two dogs running towards us. Just as funny as my mom thought it’d be funny calling two of her horses Bradley and Cooper.” “You’re joking…” “I wish I were. There was a time when my family was normal. Then my daughter wanted to name the dogs, and it all went downhill from there.” He lets out a deep chuckle and sighs. “Care if I join you?” “Isn’t that what you’re already doing Jansen?” “No. I’m sitting off to the side. Can I join you in the booth?” “Ah,” you put your legs down, offering the space next to you. “I guess so.”
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“Hey, we need to get you to bed. You have a panel tomorrow. Multiple panels.” You look down to your phone just in time to see it turn to 3:00 AM. “Wow, would you look at that. Time has sure passed quickly.” “Well, that’s what you get when you have good company. Thanks for keeping me company. I needed it.” “Just think, you fly out Monday. Maybe we’ll arrive the same time?” “Oh, so you’re leaving Vegas on Monday?” you ask skeptically. You still give him a smile, even though your voice gives off the tone that you don’t believe him. “Maybe. Maybe I’d be at the airport to give you a hug when you arrive. I don’t know. I like that you’re going to be in Austin.” “Austin’s a big city. I highly doubt we’ll see each other.” “You have my number,” he stands and helps you out of the booth. After throwing a large number of bills down on the table, he walks with you slowly out of the bar. “Okay, true. I’ve got your number, but you don’t want to get in the middle of my drama.” You point to your stomach and look down. “Don’t make that decision for me, please?” he stops you from walking and holds your hands in his. You let out a big sigh and smile, starting to pull away from him and head towards where your room was. “Okay, fine. Southwest, Monday night. 9:35. If you want to be there.” “See you tomorrow pretty girl,” he replies, finally letting you walk off.
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