bechloesupercorp · 2 years
after this post, all I can think abt is another scenario, eerily similar, but avatrice survives.
for most of the time at least.
ava, crawling to a severely injured bea after a long fight, begging for her to stick around, just a little longer. they'll fix it bea, they'll fix it, jillian's on her way, just hang on.
but it's over.
ava clutching bea's hand with all her might, trying to rub it warm. it's cold. and limp. no, beatrice was always solid and steady. is.
begging, and begging, and begging, until ava can't hear anything but the mantra in her ears.
god, it's so cold. beatrice had always run cold, under layer after layer, sweatshirts and button downs.
but this was a different type of cold. it was empty. like it had never been warm and would never be warm again. but bea was anything but that, soft and gooey under a chilled exterior, built after years and years of pain and suffering. beatrice had never been empty, but an enigma, a labyrinth within labyrinths and ava had finally gotten through.
please bea.
then rough hands pushing ava aside as they scrambled to save bea. ava, still slumped on the ground, watching as they take her away, limp hand dangling over the stretcher. ava can still feel the ice running through her bones.
--- --- ---
she's alive, ava reminds herself. that's all that matters as she sits beside bea's hospital bed, cradling her hand. it's warm. ava holds it tighter, with a semblance of peace. she closes her eyes, pressing a kiss to the back of bea's hand -- a promise, a prayer, a wish -- when it turns to cradle her face.
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