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robbialy · 3 years ago
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From • @bootfoottoys Gott að sniffa #rokkíreykjavík #uhu #límið #sjálfsfróun #bjarnimóhíkani #icelandicpunk #pönk #sniff https://www.instagram.com/p/CWIJwlWMyXN4Kys_538HOtlRTkyuL7rz7Ikykc0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hatari-translations · 3 years ago
Eilíf sjálfsfróun - Klár strákur - transcript/translation
The band "Eilíf Sjálfsfróun" (Endless Masturbation) has released a parody of "Klámstrákur" known as "Klár strákur" (Smart Boy). Here's a transcript and translation with notes on how it works with the original lyrics!
Icelandic transcript
(Klár strákur)
Ég læri og læri meira
Ég les og les meira
Ég nötra og skelf allur meira og meira og meira
Ég þreytist og þreytist meira
Ég glósa og glósa meira
Skil ekki hvað þessir kennarar eru að segja
Ég held ég sé að deyja
Veikt sjálfstraust
Lærði ekkert í haust
Af lærdómi er orðinn
þreyttur og grályndur
Er alltaf drukknandi í móral
þótt að ég læri allar nætur
Gref í hárinu fingur
Ég er kvíðasjúklingur
Ælandi, skælandi, vælandi
Heyrið mig kalla:
ég mun skítfalla
Ég er búinn að gleyma öllu sem að ég lærði
Þú ert klár strákur!
Er ég klár strákur?
Þú ert klár strákur!
Ég er klár strákur
Stundum er að lesa
Stundum er að glósa
Binda niður fróðleikinn, illa leikinn
Ég er klár strákur
Metnaðarfullur námsmaður
Stundum fæ ég góða einkunn,
stundum fæ ég vonda
Stundum veit ég svarið,
stundum er það farið
Stundum ligg ég einsamall,
algjörlega einmana,
af áhyggjum ligg andvaka,
stressaður drengur
Þú ert klár strákur!
(Klár strákur)
Þú ert klár strákur!
Harðduglegur námsmaður!
(Klár strákur)
Klár strákur!
Þú ert klár strákur!
Ég hef trú á þér!
Sterkt sjálfstraust
Lærði helling í haust
Gult blað, hljóðbók, vongóður og glaðlyndur
Veit ég geri mitt besta
því að ég læri allar nætur
Gref í hárinu fingur,
ennþá kvíðasjúklingur
Þrælandi, pælandi, hlæjandi
Heyrið mig kalla:
ég mun ei falla!
Næ að kalla fram langflest það sem að ég lærði
Ótrúleg færni
Þú ert klár strákur!
Ég er klár strákur
Þú ert klár strákur!
Ég er klár strákur
Klár strákur!
Ég er klár strákur
Þú ert klár strákur!
Harðduglegur námsmaður!
Klár strákur
English translation
(Klár strákur)
I study and study more
I read and read more
I tremble and shiver all over more and more and more
I tire and tire more
I write more and more notes
Don't understand what these teachers are saying
I think I am dying
Weak self-esteem
Learned nothing this fall
The learning has made me
exhausted and dishonest
I'm always drowning in guilt
even though I study all night
Bury fingers in my hair
I'm an anxious wreck
Vomiting, crying, whining
Hear me yell:
I'll fucking fail
I've forgotten everything that I learned
You're a smart boy!
Am I a smart boy?
You're a smart boy!
I'm a smart boy
A model student!
Sometimes it's reading
Sometimes it's notes
Tying down the knowledge, mistreated
I'm a smart boy
An ambitious student
Sometimes I get good grades,
sometimes I get bad ones
Sometimes I knew the answer,
sometimes it's gone
Sometimes I lie alone,
utterly lonely,
insomniac with worry,
a stressed boy
You're a smart boy!
(Smart boy)
You're a smart boy!
A diligent student!
(Smart boy)
Smart boy!
A rural kid!
You're a smart boy!
I believe in you!
A strong self-esteem
Learned a bunch this fall
Yellow paper, an audiobook, hopeful and joyful
Know I'll do my best
because I study all night
Bury fingers in my hair,
still an anxious wreck
Slaving, thinking, laughing
Hear me yell:
I will not fail!
Manage to recall most of what I learned
Incredible skill
You're a smart boy!
I'm a smart boy
You're a smart boy!
I'm a smart boy
A model student!
Smart boy!
I'm a smart boy
You're a smart boy!
A diligent student!
Smart boy
A lot of fun parallelism going on with the original lyrics here; they tend to go for words using the same sounds as in the original when possible, and also try to keep the rhyming structure. Obviously "Klár strákur" is only one letter away from "Klámstrákur", and it continues from there.
The teacher's bits are especially fun. "Fyrirmyndarnemandi" (a model student, much like the model country in "Spillingardans") replaces "Fyrirlitlegur", which shares "Fyrir" and the following vowel sounds i/y and then e. Later he says "Harðduglegur námsmaður" (A diligent student) instead of "Ógeðslegur karlmaður", which replaces a four-syllable word ending in -legur with another and a three-syllable word ending in -maður with another. The funniest is "Landsbyggðardrengur" (which specifically means a boy from outside the capital region; "rural" isn't quite right since he could be from a town outside the capital region, but Iceland's towns outside the capital region are generally quite small) which is clearly just because it happens to rhyme with "Andstyggðardrengur" but the fact it does is so good it makes it work. And finally, "Ég hef trú á þér" replaces "Mér býður við þér", both ending in "þér".
I like the message of this song, as it were, where the student ultimately ends up with a stronger self-esteem, in stark contrast to "Klámstrákur" where Klemens ends up just as lost as before.
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frettanetid · 7 years ago
13 ástæður fyrir því að allar konur ættu að stunda sjálfsfróun reglulega
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hatari-translations · 3 years ago
Klár strákur is so freaking funny. I love how they nostly kept the suggestive tone/whining with the lyric about being a good student. hilarious. finding out about this parody made my day! thank you for translating it and bringing it to my attention!
Glad you enjoyed!
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hatari-translations · 4 years ago
CYBER - Mávar (Seagulls) - transcript/translation
Another fascinating CYBER song about wholesome lesbian family life involving the casual murder of seagulls. Not entirely sure what all of this one is on about but at least the transcribing went fine! Disturbing content including, obviously, the careless killing of animals.
Icelandic transcript
Förum út
að myrða máva
Fáum okkur kaffi fyrst
og svo út að myrða máva
Má ég fyrst stunda sjálfsfróun?
Æ, þú ert svo lengi að fá það
Götum eyrun með nöglunum
og svo út að myrða máva
Ég set vodka í sárið
Það blæðir úr puttanum
Þú greiðir á mér hárið
Smellur í steinum á glugganum
Það er maður í skugganum
Blaut þurrka á augunum
Dauður fugl í tætlum
við ætluðum
út að gefa öndunum
brauð með börn í vögnum
en í staðinn fórum við út að myrða máva
Ég gleymdi óvart hverjir ráða
Kaffikvörn(?) í botninum á bollanum,
er með kláða undir höndunum
Náðargáfa, byssukona, þú að fá það
Vonarstræti, morgunkorn og Tjörnin
Förum út að myrða máva
Klárum allt sem þarf að klára
Áður en við krullum hárið,
ræðum málin, verðum aftur eins og áðan
Settirðu hnetusmjör á báðar?
Æ, ég bað um sultu
Fokk it, förum
út að myrða máva
Fáum okkur kaffi fyrst
og svo út að myrða máva
Taktu kjúklingana úr frystinum
Ég ætla að elda þá báða
Kaupum rauðvín í sósuna
og svo út að myrða máva
Reyndu á það, reyndu á það
Reyndu á það, reyndu það
Reyndu að vera lengur,
ef þú getur vil ég gata okkur báðar
Títuprjónn í eyra
Af reynslu minni þarf að deyfa
áður en prjónninn fer í gegn
Einhver er að ónáða
því það er maður í skugganum
blaut þurrka á puttanum
Vodka í eyrunum
Í hreiðrinu er dauður fugl
því áðan fór ég út að myrða máva
Mig dreymdi að þú ættir eyna
þar sem Caprio var lögráða
Þú sauðst hákarl í súpuna
og fórst út að myrða máva
Þú settir blátt blóð í sósuna
og dróst stysta stráið
Þú settir vodka í sárið
og blóðið harðnaði við ströndina
Þú misstir landið svo þú gætir haldið áfram að myrða máva
Transcription notes
The one word I can't quite make out here is the coffee what in the bottom of the cup. In context it's almost definitely referring to coffee grounds but the best I can make out hearing there is "kaffikvörn", or a coffee grinder. Not sure if they're using some word I'm unfamiliar with or what.
English translation
Let's go out
to murder seagulls
Let's have coffee first
and then go out to murder seagulls
Can I masturbate first?
Ehh, you take so long to come
Let's pierce our ears with our fingernails
and then go out to murder seagulls
I put vodka in the wound
The finger's bleeding
You brush my hair
Stones click against the window
There's a man in the shadows
A wet rag over his eyes
A dead bird, torn apart
We were going
out to feed the ducks
bread with kids in strollers
but instead we went out to murder seagulls
I accidentally forgot who's in charge
Coffee grounds(?) in the bottom of the cop,
got an itch in my armpits
A gift, a gunwoman, you orgasming
Vonarstræti, breakfast cereal and Tjörnin
Let's go out to murder seagulls
Let's finish everything we have to finish
Before we curl our hair,
let's talk it over, let's be like earlier
Did you put peanut butter on both?
Aw, I asked for jam
Fuck it, let's go
out and murder seagulls
Let's have coffee first
and then go out and murder seagulls
Take the chickens out of the freezer
I'm going to cook them both
Let's buy red wine for the sauce
and then go out and murder seagulls
Give it a try, give it a try
Give it a try, try it
Try to stick aorund,
if you can I want to give us both piercings
A pin in your ear
In my experience you have to numb it
before the pin goes through
Someone's interrupting
because there's a man in the shadows
a wet rag on the finger
Vodka in the ears
In the nest there's a dead bird
because earlier I went out to murder seagulls
I dreamt that you owned the island
where Caprio was ruler(?)
You boiled shark for the soup
and then went out to murder seagulls
You put blue blood in the sauce
and drew the short straw
You put vodka in the wound
and the blood hardened on the beach
You lost the land so you could keep murdering seagulls
Translation notes
This song makes me think of a warped version of Tom Lehrer's "Poisoning Pigeons in the Park" and I love it for it.
They really are specifically talking about murdering seagulls, not just killing them: the word myrða, murder, is only usually used for the murder of humans.
The lyrics mention Vonarstræti and Tjörnin; Tjörnin is "The Pond", a large pond in downtown Reykjavík, while Vonarstræti is a street close to it. It's common, or at least used to be, to take small children to Tjörnin to feed the population of ducks and swans that live there, although in recent years people have been implored to stop this because bread isn't actually healthy for them and the practice also attracted a lot of seagulls.
My best guess as to the "island where Caprio was ruler" is that it's referring to Leonardo DiCaprio, who apparently bought a private island in 2009. However, I'm actually fudging a little with that translation, because the term used in the original is lögráða, or being a legal adult. It doesn't really make any sense to speak of the island where Caprio was a legal adult, and the word lögráða (literally "legal rule") could easily be construed as referring to being a ruler, so I'm just going to guess that's what they're going for, even though to my knowledge that's not actually a 'correct' use of the term. If you actually know exactly what they're talking about and it all makes sense, please tell me.
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