#sizeshifter au story
kendsleyauthor · 1 year
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A Touch of Warmth
Sizeshifter AU (Shot in the Dark)
~1000 words
Warning: Nudity (not descriptive), sensuality
Summary: Despite the dreary weather affecting her flight, Sylvia shows up for her and Jon's weekly movie night.
In this AU, Jon lives in a house near the edge of the woods. After a run-in with a witch, he gains sizeshifting abilities and meets Sylvia. Though his abilities don't come into play for this story, his and Sylv's budding romance is very present. 😘
@marydublinauthor 🌸
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He couldn’t blame her for not showing up.
It had been raining all day, and a steady drizzle still pattered. Any other evening, Jon would have counted it as peaceful weather. Tonight, it ruined his plans. Even if the concept of fairies was still wildly new to him, he did know that they couldn’t hope to fly with wet wings.
He briefly considered trekking into the woods to give Sylvia a lift back to his place, but… that would be weird, wouldn’t it? If he had to question it, he guessed it was weird.
Despite everything, he cast a hopeful glance at the open living room window. Still painfully empty, other than the gloomy backdrop of a sky. He sighed and went over to close it. Just as he grabbed the edge to pull it down, a noise drifted over the rain.
He froze for a second, then leaned his head out the window. “Sylvia?”
Squinting through the haze, he caught sight of something small moving through the grass a couple of yards away. It entered the tamer part of his yard. Sylvia stumbled into view and waved her arms over her head at him. He looked at her for only half a second before bolting to the door.
“I’m coming!” he called once he was outside.
“I’ve noticed!” she shouted back. There was laughter in her voice, but exhaustion too.
He watched his step until he locked his eyes on her. The moment she was within reach, he knelt on the grass and scooped her into his palms. As he stood, he waited for her to lecture him—I didn’t give you permission to pick me up! But she was shivering too much to dole out any complaints.
“You’re freezing,” he murmured, tucking her against his chest. He hurried back into the house, shielding her from the rain.
After pushing the door shut behind him, he carefully pulled his hands away from himself, letting Sylvia fall gently into the curve of his palm. She caught her breath, pushing her hands back through her soaking hair.
“What are you doing here?” he asked.
“M-movie night.” She avoided his gaze. He couldn’t tell if her face was flushed from cold or embarrassment. “We haven’t missed one yet.”
He gaped at her. Water dripped off the ends of her hair. Her wings hung heavily off her back. And her clothes clung directly to the curves of her body. Blinking hard, he snapped out of it and took her into the bathroom to find something to dry her off with.
“Here.” He snatched a fluffy washcloth from beneath the sink and set it on the counter. He laid his hand flat beside it, allowing her to climb off.
Without hesitation, she started peeling off her shirt. He took a quick step back and turned the other way, cheeks flaming. Of course. She couldn’t stay in wet clothes. Still, a little warning would have been nice.
“You can look now,” she said after a moment.
He cautiously did, half-expecting her to still be fully exposed for the fun of making him blush harder. But no, she had wrapped herself in the folds of the washcloth and was peering up at him with an impish smile. Apparently, her own embarrassment was forgotten.
Jon busied himself by grabbing another washcloth to spread her wet clothes on.
“I don’t think these would survive the dryer,” he said. “Better let them sit a while.”
She cocked her head. “What’s a dryer?”
He smirked at her. “I’ll give you three guesses what it’s used for.”
“Ha-ha. So, are you just going to leave me here?”
With far more hesitance than when he’d found her outside, Jon picked her up, hugging the washcloth around her. Even with the thickness of the cloth, he could feel the shape of her through the fabric—especially when she shifted to make herself comfortable.
Heading for the kitchen, he looked anywhere but her. “What would you have done if I closed the window before I heard you?” he asked—partly for distraction, partly out of concern.
“That’s easy. I would’ve thrown ice at the window to get your attention.”
“And if I didn’t hear it?”
“Even easier. Break the window.” She smiled up at him sweety when he looked at her with alarm. “What? I came all this way. Would you rather I catch my death on the journey back home?”
“Depends on how many windows you’d be willing to break to get my attention.”
Clutching her with one hand to his chest, he got a kettle of hot water started. His hope was to get her a drink of tea, but chances were, she’d insist on bathing in the hot water instead. He braced himself for the possibility.
Settling in a chair to wait for the water to boil, he peered down at her. “For both our sakes, I hope the movie tonight is worth it.”
Sylvia seemed like she was about to make another quip, but she sneezed instead. The sound of it brought an instant smile to his face, and he had to bite back a laugh. 
She moaned dramatically and buried half her face in a fold of the washcloth. “Don’t laugh at me! If I’m sick, it’s because I couldn’t bear disappointing you.”
“Maybe you should hole up in another room. Wouldn’t want to get me sick with some fairy disease.”
“Don’t you dare.” She snuggled harder against his chest, clutching his thumb with one arm for good measure. The skin-to-skin contact made him swallow hard, but thankfully, she was too busy with her current teasing to notice. “If I get you sick, we’ll just have to suffer together.”
For all her playfulness, she was still shivering. His other hand came up, and his finger found its way to her hair. He stroked it down, his amused smile softening. She turned her head upward like a flower reaching for the sun. Her cheek brushed the pad of his fingertip.
It seemed miraculous that she would ever think him worthy of such vulnerability. Maybe she was just exhausted. Or maybe it was for the same reason she had trekked through the rain-soaked terrain for something as mundane as their movie night.
Whatever the case, he was more than happy to be her source of warmth for the evening.
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cyncerity · 2 years
hmm how about store shifter au? i love that one :D
"if you're not going to buy anything, put that camera away and get out."
idk i feel that fits wil tryna be sneaky in dre's store, not sure if that's what you were looking for but that's the first thing that came to mind,,,
ok but i actually love this so much-
you’re absolutely correct this fits their dynamic perfectly, this is exactly what I was looking for
“So there isn’t anything illegal going on in this store?” Wilbur asked, an old handheld camera pressed uncomfortably into Dream’s face as he was trying to close up shop. Good god, he only had 15 minutes till the store closed. Why did Wil have to come in now?
It definitely didn’t help that Quackity had chosen to come and talk to Dream at the checkout counter moments before Wil came in, and was now pressed uncomfortably against the bottom of the desk since Dream’s first reaction was just to grab and hide him as soon as he’d seen a camera.
“For the last time, no. You’re not gonna find a reason to arrest me, now please leave me alone.” “What about…those!” He pointed at the pharmacy corner, looking at Dream like he had somehow won. Dream just sighed and rubbed his temples. “That’s for prescription meds, Ponk is licensed to sell those. Now please-“
Dream’s saving grace was the door ringing, signaling that someone had come into the store, Tommy walking in holding his uniform from Wilbur’s store.
“Ah, Tommy!” Wil yelled, rushing over and slinging an arm around the blonde, camera still pointed at Dream’s face. “Perhaps you could shed some light on this situation. To your knowledge, has your..your guardian,” he said, as if it hurt him acknowledge Dream’s connection to his favorite employee, “committed any atrocities in this store?”
Tommy hummed as Dream simply slumped over the checkout counter, waiting for whatever lie Tommy was gonna say. He knew Tommy, he wouldn’t miss an opportunity to mess with the both of them. He did, however, take that opportunity to quickly and discreetly shove Quackity into his shirt pocket, only hearing a yelp in response and a quick whisper of “asshole” directed at him. To be fair, he wasn’t great at handling tiny people yet, he could have moved Quackity a bit more gently. But in his defense, he didn’t exactly want Tommy’s deranged boss to see him. He wasn’t sure if Tommy had seen him or not, but he wasn’t really worried about that. Sapnap would probably have told his fiancés that Dream had a kid who was a shifter. Right?
“I’d say there’ve been a few war crimes.” Tommy apparently decides on, nodding his head with a stupid smirk. “A few violations of the Geneva Convention. Owning exotic animals without a license. Did you know we have an entire room of Hedgehogs in the back? Did you know Hedgehogs were illegal to own without a license?” Tommy lies, trying not to laugh. Wilbur didn’t even seem to process it, staring at Dream like he had just won the lottery.
“Ha! Your own son testifies against you! What do you have to say to that?” Wilbur asked, crossing his arms and smiling smugly. Dream sucked in a deep breath as he closed the distance between himself and Wilbur. “I think if you’re not going to buy anything, put that camera away and get out.”
“But-“ Wilbur didn’t have a chance to finish before Dream was physically pushing him out of the store. “Nope, don’t care, out!” He yelled over Wilbur’s protests. Tommy laughed loudly in the background as Wilbur was pushed out the door and locked it behind him. He swore he could even hear Quackity laughing slightly as he flipped the sign on the door to “closed” and Wilbur banged indignantly on the door.
Dream ignored him and quickly headed back to the break room, Tommy following shortly behind. Tommy flopped himself down on the beanbag as soon as they entered and Dream locked the door behind them.
“Y’know the only reason I haven’t gotten a restraining order against him is because you seem to like him.” Dream said, taking his apron off. Tommy shrugged. “What can I say, he’s entertaining. ‘S your friend ok?” He asked, pointing at Dream’s shirt. Ah, so he did see.
Dream pulled on the opening of his shirt pocket. “You doin ok in there, Big Q?” “Fuck off, man.” He responded, only lifting a hand to flip him out from in the pocket. “You gave me a migraine flinging me around like that, you bitch.” He complained, though there wasn’t any real anger in his voice. Dream laughed. “Sorry, sorry, I panicked. You gonna be alright?” “Yeah, yeah. That your kid out there?” He asked, finally sticking his head out of the pocket to look at Tommy, who had been playing on his phone and hadn’t been listening to any of that, apparently.
“Yeah, that’s him. Sapnap tell you about him?” “Yup. You two should spend the night sometime, he seems fun. Put you through the ringer with that other guy.” Quackity laughed as Dream scoffed. “Tell me about it. Wilbur’s a bitch.” “…is he a single bitch?” “Im not gonna answer that. Plus, aren’t you engaged?” “Hey, we’re open.” Quackity responded, smirking. Dream shuddered. “Don’t even think about it.” He responded, lifting Quackity out of the pocket and setting him on the room’s counter and grabbing his box of small clothes from his cubby, holding them up so Quackity could see them. “You mind if I take you up on that offer? I’m sure Tom has his backup clothes.” Quackity smiled. “Not at all. I’ll go let Sapnap and Karl know you’re coming, if you don’t mind giving me a hand.” Quackity said, standing up and pointing to the room’s higher vent. Dream obliged and laid down a hand for Quackity, letting him step on as he lifted him up to the vent.
Quackity headed back to his home as Dream grabbed a blanket from the break room communal closet and threw it over Tommy’s head, the teenager responding with an indignant shriek as Dream laughed. “Keep that over your head for a minute, I need to change.” Tommy huffed as Dream shrunk and changed into his separate borrower outfit, kicking Tommy in the ankle to signal that he was done. Tommy yanked the blanket off his head to look down at Dream, confusion clear on his face. “Get changed and shrink, Sapnap’s fiancés want to meet you.” Dream said, climbing up beanbag to end up on Tommy’s knee. His son beamed. “Fuck yeah, sleepover!”
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awkwardgtace · 1 year
What’s your opinion on Nokia-like tinies, in that they are more durable than you could have ever thought/could survive being run over by a truck?
This is another one I think is really cool!
I think if I wrote with it I'd go with more of a person turned small.... Maybe a giant turned smaller than humans 🤔
A part of me does get a little stuck on the sciences behind it. Like why are they so safe. My mind goes density or magic. I usually like to have the idea that the smalls are sort of more durable though. Like humans with giants heal faster or things like that.
Overall very fun something that seems cool to work with. Another that my vampires could work with too. Now i've got ideas again though with this ask. Things I could try.
Sci fi would work too. the tiny maybe taken to another planet and have this happening. Or an alien that can't hurt them.
admittedly i'm planning something on sharp teeth not breaking flesh when it comes to aliens
It's one of those where I see a ton of potential in it and think i should use especially when it gets brought up.
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musicallygt · 2 years
Oh my god im in love with your mp100 sizeshifter au!!! If youre interested in sharing, im curious about how ritsu deals once his power awakens. Does he also sizeshift? How does he realize he can? Again, love your au, and your art is really awesome too!!!! Have a nice day :)
RITSU IS ABSOLUTELY A SIZESHIFTER IN THE AU!!!!! Not every esper is one but Certain Ones are bc I like the idea of sizeshifting being part of some ppl’s psychic powers!!! So like Mob, Teru, the Suzukis, and Serizawa are def sizeshifters as well!! Maybe others idk yet
I have. No idea how Ritsu deals with it tho djdjdjdjdjdjdjdjjd. I wanna think like as he awakens his psychic powers and sizeshifting, i think as the guilt of what hes doing in the student council makes him feel like a monster and hes just slowly growing as the guilt manifests (not significantly at first, just more like “oh he probably got a growth spurt” + Dimple probably helps keep him from growing or shrinking out of control) AND ALSO AS THE POWER GETS TO HIS HEAD TOO IS MAKING HIM GROW A LIL TALLER
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secretly-small · 2 years
”The world might seem big sometimes, but you get used to it, I promise,” she assured.
I shook my head, tears threatening to fall. “The world was big before, Ava. I suffered daily before. Now? Now it’s not livable.”
“Don’t think like that.”
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clown-friend-gt · 3 months
could you imagine a g/t cinderella story? like two characters who meet while they're the same size, but one of them is secretly a giant/tiny? whether it's through a spell or sizeshifting or whatever but for one night they get to go to an event where everyone is normally bigger/smaller than them. and they meet someone there and hit it off but then the clock strikes midnight and they have to run away. but instead of leaving behind a slipper their love interest catches a glimpse of them at their true size just before they get away
imagine a borrower-turned-human shrinking back down to their normal size and slipping back into the palace walls. imagine a giant-turned-human slowly growing back to their normal size and leaving an accidental trail of destruction in their wake? there's so many other possibilities, those are just some off of the top of my head
I have an AU I'm writing that has a few chapters that incorporate some of these ideas, but those characters technically know each other before they meet at the ball. I'd like to see a story where the characters meet for the first time at the ball, so I wanted to share this idea with everyone here. let me know what you think!
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smallcherri · 3 months
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I decided to draw my favorite sizeshifter in my favorite starting armor in my favorite game!
Daren Grounded au story when-
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coffehbeans · 8 months
GtWAC Day 5: Underappreciated Fic
*cracks knuckles* I was waiting for this one
I wanna recommend more than one! Ento already said it but I'll say it again that Too Small To Be Afraid by @elizaditton is a must read for y'all
It's like, the g/t highschool trope done SO RIGHT, and with so much care. The worldbuilding is fun, the characters are fun, the development of the protagonist and friendship with her deskmate feels organic (btw DERRICK IS A CUTIE UGHH I LOVE HIM <33 But Kaylin is also so adorable?? Like, she's trying, but it's hard for her!) There's that underlying mystery about what happened to her, there's that other classmate who's sus, so we keep reading and wanting to see what comes next, not only for Kaylin and Derrick's friendship but also to see the mysteries slowly unveil. Anyway, it really deserves more notes <3
Next one is @rachey899 's Luke and Matt stories. IT FEELS SO UNDERAPPRECIATED GGRAAAARGH
I've read this short story first and it tugged at my heartstrings <3 I'ts about a sizeshifter who can grow and shrink named Luke and his friend Matt who secretly finds out. It's very casual, nice fun but there's also interesting shenanigans and scenarios that was a joy to read for me <3 if you like sizeshifters then what are you doing not reading this??
@gt-jar's Two Worlds Amongst the Stars is also really really good and I think it doesn't get enough attention! It has parental g/t (I think jar likes it a lot but that's just a hunch XD) Sooo, it's a found family in the making! There's fearplay but the giant isn't really evil or a jerk. Anyway it has me so very curious for what's going to happen so definitely check this one out!
Last but not least, it's @seraph-of-sizes's Broken Home AU. It's a Genshin fic, so I guess not everyone will like it, but I love Genshin, the Fontaine siblings, and this fic <3 It's so nice to see Freminet as the biggest little brother and the first meeting wtih Lyney and Lynette was both fun and scary. I really enjoy the character dynamics here so I think it deserves a spotlight! I think even if you've never heard of Genshin you'd enjoy reading it.
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racheyace · 10 months
What would Like do if he met another sizeshifter? If others even exist
Very good question and it sparked a theoretical story in me! Also triggered the trope idea in my head that I’ve seen posted about on Tumblr before but I’m not sure if anyone has written a story for it or not. Where a size shifter meets a borrower. But my idea is Luke meets a size shifter but thinks they are a borrower.
This will be an AU where Luke lives alone in an apartment and finds evidence of borrower activity in his home, is it borrower activity though? Approx 1.8k words
It’s a Small World
Luke was home alone with nothing to do; he’d just finished work for the day and was now lounging on his couch watching some trash TV. This was often how he spent his afternoons, sometimes his close friend Matt would stop by and play video games or have a few drinks with him but usually his evenings consisted of dinners for one and trashy reality TV.
Everything was as it should be, that was until he heard a small thud coming from his hallway.
His eyes widened in alert, he’d been hearing funny things from the walls for a few weeks now and noticed small things were missing around his house. And he surmised that could only mean one thing.
Throughout the course of Luke’s life being a size shifter, he had seen evidence of borrowers a few times but had never met one in real life. He’d always wanted to, but he also didn’t want the small folk to think that he was on their tail or trying to track them down.
He often wondered if he shrunk down to meet a borrower at an equal size to them that perhaps it would put them at ease, and he’d get to learn more about their way of life. On the other hand, he did also worry though that they may recognise him as a human and therefore be untrusting, regardless of whether he suspected that he had borrowers in his walls or not, he had yet to work up the courage to go exploring on his own.
As quietly as he could Luke stood up and wondered over to the spot in the wall that he had heard the thump, debating whether or not to shrink and investigate or to leave it be.
What if the little one was hurt or stuck or something, maybe he could help, Matt was always telling him that he should be using his powers for good.
There were some more faint tapping sounds coming from the wall, he crouched down in his hallway and pressed his ear to the wall, right beside the electrical socket, more tapping and some grunting came from within, and he made up his mind. It sounded like the poor thing was in trouble, that’s what he’d tell himself anyway regardless of what he found there.
He was doing this to help, using his powers for good.
Without any more time to hesitate, Luke closed his eyes and concentrated, he focused on the itchy feeling pulsing through his blood and encouraged it to intensify and spread throughout his whole body. He felt himself growing smaller in an increasingly more rapid pace and finally when he had shrunk as far as his body would allow him, he opened his eyes.
He was level with the electrical socket now and it stretched wide and intimidatingly, he thought in hindsight that he should have loosened it before he shrunk but then again that may have given him away and spooked the borrower.
He rolled up his sleeves and got to work pulling on the edges of the socket cover and prying it free from the wall so he could slip behind it.
“Ah fuck!”
Now that he was closer to the wall, he could hear more clearly that there was in fact someone behind the wall and they sounded hurt or panicked by the way they cursed and panted.
Luke took a deep breath before stepping over the lip of the electrical socket and into the wall behind, he held a gasp at what he found.
Directly behind the socket face there was a man, roughly around the same age as his own 25 years, upside down and dangling from a sort of rope. Luke had stepped through and come literally face to upside down face with the borrower, he wasn’t sure what he had been expecting but it hadn’t been this.
“You just gonna stand there, dumbass, or are you gonna help me?” The borrower had thin mousy brown hair that hung a few inches from his head and swayed as he moved. His dark brown eyes looked at him in annoyance and his arms were crossed over his chest while he dangled from one leg, he was quite a sight to take in.
“Oh uh, sorry, yeah, hang on a sec.” Luke closed his gaping mouth and patted his jeans down until he found the tool he would require, an army knife. He looked around and saw the inside of the wall was full of small grooves and inconsistencies, perfect for a kind of rock climbing.
Luke pulled himself up the wall until he was level with the borrower’s legs, he reached out his hand and flicked the knife open before he started sawing away at the thick red rope. The borrower hung there, arms crossed with an unimpressed look on his face, almost as if he were bored because this rescue was taking so long.
With no warning for either of them the rope’s threads became too thin and snapped sending the borrower tumbling to the floor headfirst with a loud crash.
“Ah damnit man, you coulda warned me or something!” The small man complained from the floor rubbing his sore head, there would surely be a bump there very soon.
“Whoops.” Luke muttered as he jumped down and landed beside the borrower.
“How did you even get tangled like that anyway?” Luke asked holding out a hand to help the borrower up.
“I enjoy dangling upside down in my spare time, what’s it to you?” He stood up and flicked his straight hair to the left and out of his eyes with a distrustful frown crossing his features.
“Sorry.” Luke muttered. “So, do you live here?” Luke tried to change the subject while also pulling some kind of information from the borrower.
“You ask a lot of questions.” He remarked lazily before he busied himself with tugging on the red rope and trying to pull what was left of it down to roll up and reuse for later.
“I’ve asked two and besides I’ve never met a borrower before.” Luke shrugged, the smaller man visibly froze then, and he wondered if he’d just scared the already distrustful man off.
“A borrower?” He turned to look at Luke curiously eyeing him up and down.
“Yeah, um isn’t that what you are?” Luke asked slowly, he was growing more nervous by the second as the stranger looked at him like he’d lost his head.
The strange man laughed out loud then and shook his head. “Nah man, not me. And to answer your question from before, yes, I do live here, but not in here.” He stepped out from the socket and into the hallway, he didn’t even look to see if any other humans were in the large room and then he did something that Luke couldn’t believe he was seeing.
He shot up about a foot, double the height he had been only a second before.
“You’re a shifter?” Luke asked failing to hide his amazement, he didn’t think there was anyone else like him out there, let alone sneaking around in his apartment building. He reasoned though that if it wasn’t hard to believe borrowers existed then surely other size shifters would be real too.
“Sure am.” He replied smugly.
Luke wasn’t sure what the man thought of him, he knew Luke wasn’t a borrower just from his questions, but did he know that Luke was also a shifter. Luke stepped out from the socket opening as well and closed his eyes, encouraging the tight feeling in his skin to spread throughout his body until he grew to his human height.
“Jeez dude!” The smaller man exclaimed currently standing about shin height with Luke, though that didn’t last long and very soon he too was just as tall as Luke standing eye to eye with each other, Luke couldn’t help the smile spreading across his face.
“Give a guy some room before you go ballooning out of proportion.” He dusted himself off and stepped back eyeing Luke with curiously.
“Have you always been a shifter? What triggers your shifting? Did you just control your shifting to grow to whatever height you want?” Luke was positively bursting, he had never had anyone he could really talk to about this stuff, his friends and family were great, but they didn’t know what it was like, what it felt like to shift. He suddenly felt like a fan girl at a one direction concert.
The other shifter looked at Luke with concern and the kind of impatient annoyance you might give a younger sibling.
“You don’t get out much, do you?” He said with a quirked eyebrow, Luke just shrugged.
“I’m Jarrod by the way.” He said and held out a hand for Luke to shake.
“Luke.” They shook hands firmly before Jarrod let his grip go, tilting his head in thought, he looked him up and down again, as though trying to figure out what to do with him, or if he should do anything with him.
“So, I’m guessing you’ve never met another shifter before?” Luke shook his head, that was obvious.
“And you can’t control your shifting?” Jarrod asked.
“I can’t control it when I’m emotionally triggered, but I can shift at will also.” Luke defended, he had spent his whole life trying to get his powers under control and this guy walks in and makes it look like he’s been doing nothing this whole time.
“Yeah, I get that, but you can’t control the height you shift to.” Jarrod suddenly shot up a foot as if to emphasise his point and Luke took a few quick steps backwards, eyes bugging in amazement.
“How did you-?” Luke tried to ask but Jarrod shook his head and placed a large hand on his shoulder.
“You have much to learn young grasshopper.”
Luke wasn’t sure what to make of this man just yet but if Jarrod could teach him more about how to control his shifting, he would be willing to get to know him a little better and he wondered if he and Matt would get along. Maybe one day they would find out.
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kuberish · 8 months
Does sizeshifting ability exist in your main story/universe or is it only exclusive to your AU(s)?
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Unfortunately it does not. I mostly use it for AUs and all.
There's an instance in the Storm Hunter stories (with Kenji and Sachi) where it does happen, but most of the time Giants stay Giants and small folks stay small/normal. So overall in Lost and Found it won't happen.
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avareiahgt · 3 months
Ava's Masterpost
Tbh I've always wanted a reason to own a Masterpost and now it's becoming real and I'm soooooo akndwjvaofbwvav.
You can catch my boys ahead!!
Thank you so much for reading 🌻
Serendipity - on going
Prequel to State of Nephilim. The story of Hanna and Alexander.
Characters profile
Act I, Part I: Not just a test
Act I Part II: Exchanges
Act I Part III: Whatever remains
State of Nephilim - no started
Main story that follows the siblings, Connor and James, trying to get their lives in order while being sizeshifters, avoiding a strange organisation, making friends and finding love and themselves on the way.
G/T Prompts
A bunch of writings that you can consider canon in every story since I'm not a fan of AUs.
1. Mirth
2. Studying
3. Plush
4. Behemoth
5. Fawning
6. Grit
7. Overbearing
8. Shipwrecking
9. Warmth
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giant-sketches · 1 year
Hey everyone! I'm back on this account as I started up a new AU project for Sun & Moon from FNAF Security Breach
I actually started this AU about a year ago and dropped it because the drama surrounding people's AU creations on TikTok was getting pretty heated, but now that it's cooled off I'm back with a more solid story idea and my own design for the two clowns!!!
This is the link to the intro page for them since I did a whole revamp. Please ignore any Y/N and previous pronouns used in the older videos since those have changed.
I will also post the videos too for those that don't have TikTok (or don't want to have one)
I will also be working on a fanfiction to give more details that won't be in the TikTok series and I hope to add more drawings with them too and maybe make some side videos that are just Juni and the two clowns enjoy their time together or what not.
New episodes for Strange Garden come out every other Monday and side episodes will come out whenever I have them completed!
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munchkin1156 · 1 year
Any G/T OCs?
Thank you anon, for this chance to finally infodump about my g/t ocs! Just a fair warning, this miiight get long, we’ll see! (I have a lot of em.. So the short answer to your question, yes I do. The long ones under the cut…)
First off, we have my sona, Munchkin :D
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(It’s a rather messy sketch, sorry about that)
Munchkin’s a sizeshifting borrower from the sacred realm, destined to try hard and fail.
She’s gotten backstabbed and killed too many times to count, the only thing keeping her alive is Amble, Red, and the group of friends she made as a person wearing a sparkly box from the silent realm.
✨anon✨’s design is interesting, because she’s still mostly herself, with her tail and personality, whereas most people would get consumed, considering it’s a pretty strong mask… huh, strange.
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(Just to be clear, I’m not covering all my oc’s, just a few of them, because I’d rather not have over ten thousand words on this post accidentally)
We have Charlie and Adre, from UCD, links to chapter one and two here and here (it’s earlier on in my writing phase, so I’m warning you they aren’t very good, also it’s mainly been Charlie, with only a slight mention of Adre but oh well-)
Let’s have a spoiler for chapter three, shall we?
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(A big thank you to my sister @huggablecat for editing this, she’s not a bot I swear- I’m horrible at digital art so thanks to her for taking the sketch and doing something amazing with it… she’s not ever going to see this but oh well-)
Charlie is a Dreamer, which is a small avian race that hates humans for burning the Astrodaryn forest and attempting to destroy all magic, forcing them to flee to the sky. The seeds they have hanging around their neck are from the forest, it’s where their magic comes from.
The goal is to get rid of the humans, and replant the forest. Read the first two chapters for more information.
Adre is a human that is called cursed due to his eyes. His pitch black eyes with white pupils, so therefore a lot of people assume he’s magic/dangerous and he gets outcasted.
I don’t want to say too much about him, I want to keep him a surprise for the most part, but let’s just say he finds a small bird person and the authorities aren’t very happy about that…
I have more ocs for this story, but they have not appeared yet/I haven’t made drawings of them/I don’t feel like looking for drawings rn :D
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Vampire person? For a fake fic title that’s so old Becky probably forgot they gave it to me? Don’t mind if I do~
This is Jamie. They’re sick of being a vampire, sick of living forever, sick of having no one to care about. Aaaaand then they meet a group of friends that will change that forever.
It’s like, small vampire appears on YouTube, group of friends find them there, make videos together, while hiding the fact that they are small + a vampire, and as they grow more and more attached, the fear only grows…
Now, I’m getting tired and I have homework to do (WHYYYYYYYY) and things to memorise for tomorrows test, which is absolutely amazing, but it means I can’t make more detailed descriptions, so I’m just gonna dump a bunch of art, please ask questions about them if you want!
Anyways, let’s get started….
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(That one’s not an oc, it’s for the dystopian au but I figured I might as well put it here)
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Aaaand that’s all I can find! (For now)
Hope you like these anon, and uh… for the people that I’ve made digital art for/going to make digital art for, if it seems significantly worse, it’s cause I suck at digital art.
I’m really really bad at it. Sorry.
Kindest regards, Munchkin.
@i-am-beckyu, @da3dm, @brick-a-doodle-do, @faeiyn-cant-write yooooo check this outtt
Oh wow the taglist is getting longer-
If you want to be tagged, just dm, comment, or ask me!
(that’s supposed to sound like how grian says it, okay? OKAY?)
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awkwardgtace · 8 months
GTWAC 6 Author's favorite tags
100% am lurking in the tag though. Saw someone rec my fic the other day for needs more attention and almost cried <3
I wanna do this whole month, but man does my free time not agree with me. I really wanted to do this cause honestly I lose my mind at all the tags I get especially when it's someone telling me how the story felt or what they look forward too. I got a couple from various stories for this one though
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Fic links in order under a read more
mafia au fighting doubts
siren's song part 1
Honest Fear (cheating a little by linking to a reblog that also made me super happy!)
Adjustment period (alien sizeshifter au)
the menace of salt
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clumsiestgiantess · 10 months
AUs I’ve written for the Other-world so far:
Size-swap - Honestly my favorite one! Erica as the giant is so chaotic, and it’s canon to the main story (like beach episode canon where it’s never referenced again besides the one time it happened)
Roommates - They live together now, in the same world! Several cameos from the actual story are spliced in there too.
Mer-may - As the name suggests, it’s made specifically so I could do something special during May. Also comes with neat creature lore.
Fallen Erica - Erica falls into a much larger world and gains cool powers instead of Alexis. Much angst in this one.
Wrong Survivor - Alexis shows up to save Erica and she’s.. not there. She ends up saving a completely random tortured other-worldian instead.
Soulmates/Smolmates - A smaller version of either girl ends up with the normal-sized one after an accidental run in.
Potential others?
Borrower - Pretty self-explanatory. Erica is borrower, not other-worldian
Role-swap - Erica is the giant that falls into Alexis’ smaller world.
Portal-world Alexis - Alexis is working at the ‘hazmat giant’ facility and realizes how horrible the other-worldians are treated. She spares Erica and steals her away to her home.
Sizeshifter - Same as the normal story, only it isn’t because Alexis (as one of her many abilities) can shrink down to other-world size at any time
Finality First Trauma Later - Alexis and Erica fall in love prior to the world getting destroyed.
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kendsleyauthor · 2 years
Howdy! My name is Anne Kendsley! This blog is where you can find my publicly available chapters and short stories. Also expect to see information about the books that I'm co-publishing! 📚
My other blog is @bittykimmy13, where I reblog my interests and others creators' work. The pinned post there is an archive of my work from 2015-2022.
My writing partner is @marydublinauthor, so be sure to check out her blog, too!
Story tags below the cut! Happy reading! 💕🌸
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📚Published Books📚
Shot in the Dark
The Restoration Program
The Heart Between Kingdoms
✏️ My Writing Tag ✏️
❄✨ Shot in the Dark ✨❄
Sometimes, a family is two monster hunters and an ice fairy.
Shot in the Dark Canon (Masterpost)
Dark Future AU
Tyrant Cliff AU
1940s Noir AU
Sizeshifter AU
🍷🍸 Print / Trinket Universe 🍸🍷
A future society where crime is punishable by size change.
Print / Trinket Canon
Andres and Lorelei (Masterpost)
🔮👸🏽 The Heart Between Kingdoms 👸🏽🔮
A fairytale romance-- emphasis on the fairy.
Mermaid AU
THBK / Shot Crossover AU
🦌🌲 Silver Ash 🌲🦌
Raiden is this year’s Offering to the forest, but he’s not going down without a fight. Something in the forest is looking for him. Something that towers higher than any beast he could dream of.
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