#size 4 romper
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susoriginals · 2 months ago
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Vintage Black & White One Piece Romper Pants Houndstooth Playsuit w Pockets by Calvin Klein Women's Size 4 Only $20
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this-is-not-a-slow-burn · 2 months ago
#10 happened to someone I know who bought a used backpack and then a few months later tried to travel with it. TSA stopped them bc the drug sniffer dogs went apeshit. They got very thoroughly searched :| Do you know how hard it is to explain that it really honest to gods "isn't mine man!" to the TSA?
Least fun parts of thrift shopping:
This thrift shop used to have jeans for like $3 and now everything is priced like it's new
Hear about a cool new thrift shop in town and you check it out and it's actually "vintage upcycling and consignment" so the shredded jorts are $250 on sale
This place used to get cool stuff but the tiktok haul resale people found it and now anything decent is snapped up and immediately resold for like $500 online
"Ooh this is cute" and then you check and it's shein
"Ooh this is cute" and then you check and it's Harry P*tter
The jacket of your dreams is in your price range but it's 3 sizes too small
Your absolute FAVOURITE thrifted item finally wears out beyond salvation and when you do research to maybe find a replacement it's been discontinued since 1983
Check the pockets and find used kleenex
This was exactly what I was looking for but I can't get the weed remnants out
"This is obviously broken but I know how to fix it" (never fixes it)
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247-diaperboy · 2 months ago
Roommate takes control part 6 (Team Baby)
Jackson unpacked all the stuff he'd had delivered from the Ebay seller, and loaded it into the closet of the spare room at the end of the hallway. He laughed as Scott and Caleb helped him unpack some of it, placing it into the dresser and the closet. They were still surrounded by boxes though. The guys had spent the last 72 hours totally transforming this room. The results were shocking.
Caleb unfolded a romper which was printed in cartoon baseballs and bats. He held it out, showing off its front. "My Little Slugger" He cackled. "Where the fuck did you buy this stuff Jackson? An adult sized romper with sports prints?"
"Dude. You cannot believe what you'll find on the internet. I got tons of shit. Basically, we have a complete assortment of baby stuff sized for Mason. I got him daytime clothes, PJs, and a bunch of other stuff that the OnlyFans payers said they wanted to see." He pointed toward a box, "Open that one" he suggested to Caleb.
Caleb slit the tapes on a big box and folded open the top. He pulled out a plastic wrapped bag of diapers, and ripped open the package. He pulled out a large, thick disposable diaper, that was fully printed with baby prints. His eyes went wide.
"Yeah, I even ordered 3 or 4 different varieties of printed diapers. I tell you what buddy, we got everything." He gestured toward another couple boxes "Somewhere in here we even have adult sized baby bottles and shit"
Scott groaned and adjusted his package. "We got to feed this guy too. It's not enough to just be changing his diapers. This better be some serious cash buddy" the jock said while stacking the printed diapers onto the shelf above the wide flat dresser "Dude, I'm not even going to bother putting these in the closet. Let's just stack the extra diapers under the adult baby crib.
Dude did you say adult baby crib?"
Caleb laughed. As he walked over an unfolded a plastic backed printed mat over the top of the rail. "Does this help you figure out what this is? It's a fucking adult sized baby crib" Scott groaned even louder and then laughed.
Later that afternoon, Jackson grabbed Mason as he was coming back from class. He was in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. His crotch ballooned outward, the telltale sign of a diaper underneath.
"It's about time to film a little more for the site, Mason." And with that, Caleb appeared behind him with a video camera.
Jackson asked, "How's my boys' diaper?" As Mason lay on the changing table for this diaper check. All while being filmed by Caleb. This time revealing his entire body and face.
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"That's better" said Caleb from behind the camera. Mason grinned a little bit and waived to Caleb. They guided Mason past his room, down the hallway to the newly outfitted room.
Mason waddled slightly as he walked down the long hallway in just his diapers. "We're passing my room!" He called out as the guys guided him down the hall.
"Not your room anymore champ" Jackson said. "We, uh, had to move you to accommodate some changes you been going through buddy. You didn't think I was going to keep changing your diapers on the floor and bed, did you?"
With that, Scott pulled open the door to the room, and panned the camera inside, taking in the room. 3 of the guys from the team were already in there. Mason waddled up to the door and looked in. Jackson gave him a gentle shove from behind as the boy gasped.
The room could not be described as anything other than a massive nursery.
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heartpiratedrabbles · 1 year ago
Drunken Mistakes
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Prompt: You get too drunk one night and embarrass yourself in front of your captain.
Part 2
Trafalgar Law X Fem Reader
“Oh come on y/n!! We’re finally on land! Lets go have some fun,” Ikkaku begged you. She noticed you taking pajamas out of your locker over something to wear out.
        “You know I don’t party,” You say over your shoulder, unzipping your jumpsuit. As the only 2 women on board, you two shared a rather large room, you even had full-size beds over the twin bunk beds the men shared in their rooms, which housed 4 people to a room. Law was nice enough to provide everyone with their own personal desk and locker.
        Ikkaku placed a hand on her hip, “That’s the point! You’re not going to party but you can watch me to make sure I don’t do anything stupid” She was eager to get of the submarine, it had been a month since they had last been on land, and Captain said they’d be staying for a week or two as everyone was getting a little ship madness stuck inside. “Come on! Please?” She walked up beside you and started rummaging through your clothes before pulling out a rather revealing romper.
        She wiggled it in front of you before you sighed, “Alright, but I’m only watching your sorry ass from the side lines. We can’t have you getting lost now.” You grab the romper and think about how even when you have time to wear anything, you still choose clothes that are like the crews jumpsuit.
        The island was fun, there was an entire street full of bars to choose from, each just as rowdy, loud, and addictive as the last. Ikkaku finally decided on one and you couldn’t help but wonder if she pre-planned this when she squeals and runs up to the two familiar faces of Penguin and Shachi.
        “Heyyyy You got Y/N out of your guys room, How’d you manage that?” Penguin happily yelled as you sat down across from them.
        Shachi and Penguin gave each other a look before getting their notorious smiles, this could only mean one thing. And absolutely awful idea that they’d be insistent on. Before you could retreat from the crew's pranksters they flank either side of you, place their hands on your shoulders, making sure you stay sitting. “Y/N why don’t you relax a little bit,” Shachi said putting an empty mug in front of you.
        “Yea, come on Y/N you haven’t let loose in a longgg time,” Penguin grinned as he poured some liquor into the glass. It had been a couple of months since you drank last, but you also got absolutely shit-faced that last time and can’t remember much of the night other than Bepo having to carry you back to the ship and Ikkaku holding your hair up as you puked.
        “You know I’m on watch tomorrow morning, I can’t drink tonight,” You thought up an excuse as quick as they had started their shenanigans.
        “But Y/N… It’s Jean Bart's turn to watch tomorrow, you’re on duty in 3 days,” Ikkaku blurted out, remembering the schedule I had hung in our room, she had a wicked smile on her.
        “You guys planned this didn’t you,” You sigh as you relent a little bit, taking hold of the glass in front of you and you can hear Penguin let out a small giggle, he had been drunk before you even walked in. “No more than 4 drinks. A round per person,” You chug the liquid in the mug as the three cheer around you, accomplishing their mission.
        You hadn’t realized how tense you’d been lately until the liquid forced you to relax. After the 4th round, Shachi had suggested going to a different bar, one with a much better selection of booze and you decided to continue drinking.
        “Y/N you’ve been working so hard recently, we’re glad you’re finally relaxing a bit,” Penguin murmured from where his head had rested on his arm still holding a glass half drunk. You giggle a bit at the display before taking the glass and finishing the rum, Shachi was still quite Sober compared to either you and Penguin, and Ikkaku was still off grabbing another round for the table.
        You leaned forward on the table, your cleavage becoming all the more evident, “Well Sachi! I think you should take a penalty drink!” You Grin at him, you’d never been able to pronounce his name correctly once you started drinking.
        “Oh? And what, Pray-tell, is this penalty for?!” He laughed out also leaning in, never one to back down from a battle.
        “You, my good sir,” You pointed towards his chest, “Are still wearing the jumpsuit,” Slurring half the words as Ikkaku sits back down with a tray of drinks.
        “You heard the boss, Penalty drink for still wearing uniform,” Ikkaku smiled out handing Shachi a shot glass of god knows what. He sighed defeat and took a shot, “But Y/N that means you need a penalty drink for not covering up your tattoos.”
        You look down and around yourself, realizing the romper was just straps and showed off the tattoos on your shoulders and gave a small peak to the larger one on your back, “Thas not fair!” You pouted before grabbing the shot and pounding it back.
All four of you had returned rather late, all praying that Hakugan, the watch for the night, wouldn’t tell on you, or even worse, the captain was still awake to scold the four of you. It had been well past 3am and Law had always wanted everyone back on the ship by 1am or for them to sleep in hotels at that point.
None of you thought you’d be out this late and none of you wanted to even try to find a hotel, best to just sneak back into your rooms. After all, once you’re close enough to your rooms, you can claim you were just going to the bathroom.
Shachi was holding up Penguin as you and Ikkaku had been supporting each other, trying to hold back any giggling or words as you climbed onboard. The one thing you were jealous of was how close some of the men’s room were to the top of the ship, Your and Ikkaku’s room were toward the bottom so you had to traverse much further than your two crewmates.
Penguin nodded a goodbye and Shachi barely managed to open the door to their room, thankfully, it had seemed as though their roommates had opted to stay out for the night.
Ikkaku makes eye contact with you and you continue to walk towards your quarters, and you both start to giggle. As you get closer to your room you motion for Ikkaku to continue without you, pointing towards the bathroom as explanation.
She looks at you and gives a thumbs up trying to hold back any noise, The Captains room was just slightly further down the hall and we’d be dead if he caught us. You watch as she retreats into the shared room as you slink towards the bathroom.
As soon as you enter the bathroom your met with a blinding light, no doubt left on by Ikkaku from before you two even left, but as you walk further in, reaching out for where the light switch should be (Opting for darkness over the headache inducing light) You bump into something. Or rather, someone. You stop, your hand on the wall, if you had been more sober you’d know you should have felt the light switch by now if this was the girls Bathroom.
“Y/N-ya.” A dry familiar voice rings into your ears as your eyes snap open, staring at the tattooed chest of your captain. “I see you had a fun night.”
You couldn’t register the emotion in your Captains voice and you couldn’t quite sober yourself up, try as you might. “C-captain!” You blurt out peering up, straightening your back and trying not to let the giggle you feel out. The man in front of you was only wearing a towel, rather low on his hips at that and his hair was damp. After a second of holding your breath to try and maintain a serious demeanor the cold hard stare of your captain makes you burst out laughing a bit, stumbling over your feet, “You’re not suppose to be in here~” You point your finger a bit before tapping his toned chest.
Yep, this must have been a dream, you must have passed out somewhere and this was a fantasy. There’s no way your captain would every allow you to touch his bare chest like this. You place both your hands gingerly on the taller mans shoulders before slowly moving them down, taking in the feeling of the toned chest in front of you, “It feels so real,” You murmur under your breath as your hands venture to the mans hips.
Law inhales sharply at the sudden touch. As your hands venture back up to his chest, tracing the outlines of his tattoos his own hands grab hold of yours, stopping any movement, “Are you having fun, Y/N-ya?” He leans down to whisper into your ear.
The voice sends shivers down your spine and you can feel yourself getting excited. “Well if this is a dream…” You murmer before leaning in, attaching yourself to your captains neck. Not even a second later you felt yourself being shoved into the cold metal wall.
Law had pushed you back while also lifting your legs around him and your arms instinctively wrapped around his neck, “I can assure you, Y/N-ya… This is plenty real.” You look up at the captain, registering his words and the slight pain in your head that had barely hit the wall and the sudden realization sobers you up almost immediately. Your eyes widen and you suddenly become hyper aware of the position your in hanging your head to avoid Law’s gaze, “Looks like you’re finally awake.”
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yyh4ever · 1 year ago
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Yu Yu Hakusho x BABYDOLL
When I thought I had seen all kinds of collaborations, the children's clothing brand "BABYDOLL" comes up with this interesting Yu Yu Hakusho collab!
Scheduled to be released on their official online shop (also available for international shipping) on December 4, 2023, it includes beautiful items such as Koenma's baby romper, warm blankets for adults and embroidered socks.
Bib Aprons (with Famous Quotes)
Baby bibs with quotes from Yusuke, Youko Kurama, Hiei, Koenma, and Younger Toguro printed on it! The back side has the Yu Yu Hakusho logo design (幽☆遊☆白書).
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■ Price: 1,980 yen each
■ Material: 100% cotton
■ Size: 30(H)x21(W)x16(L) cm
■ Quotes:
Yusuke: "Open! (Ante)"
*Yusuke used this word to release his spirit cuffs
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Youko Kurama: "I never thought the day would come when I would return to this form again...the form of Youko Kurama"
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Hiei: "It's an afterimage"
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Koenma: "In case of emergency, I'll remove this pacifier"
「万が一の場合 このおしゃぶりをとる」
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Younger Toguro: "I don't drink alcohol, an orange juice please"
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Koenma Romper
The hood has the "King" (王) emblem and "Jr" embroidery, creating a Koenma hat-style design.
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■ Price: ¥6,490
■ Material: 100% cotton
■ Size: 70-90 cm
Embroidered Socks
6 types in total (Yusuke・Koenma・Kuwabara · Hiei・Kurama ・Youko Kurama)
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■ Price: ¥1,419 each
■ Material: Cotton, polyester
■ Size: 22-24cm
Socks (with the characters' names)
5 types in total: Yusuke, Koenma, Kuwabara, Hiei, Kurama
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■ Price: ¥1,089 each
■ Material: Cotton, polyester
■ Size: 22-24cm
Wearable Blankets
Yusuke, Kurama and Hiei wearable blankets, a fluffy and warm loungewear with an irresistible softness. They also come with pockets for practicality.
Hiei's blanket comes in a three-piece set consisting of the main robe, a snood (neck warmer), and a headband with his evil eye embroidery, each of which can be used individually.
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■ Price: ¥6,490 each
■ Material: 100% polyester
■ Free size:
Length: 108cm
Chest circumference: 130cm
Shoulder width: 58cm
Sleeve length: 87cm
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TS Outfit Madness: Round 1, Matchup 2
Be sure to follow tsoutfitmadness for all upcoming polls!
For the duration of this tournament, I will be running a contest where you simply need to fill out this Google Form after each matchup vote. More details are available on the Google Form.
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I really appreciate all reblogs! It helps get a bigger sample size for each poll & always keeps things more exciting 🫶🏼
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nameless-ghoul-trash · 1 year ago
Papa emeritus IV X Ghoul!Mom!F!Reader
Part 3
Word count: 2.3
Lightly proofread
Warnings: Cussing
Part 2 / Part 4
The last two days had seemed the drag by. Your dinner plans constantly on your mind. It had caused several emotions to rotate through you. From anxiety to excitement, it seemed like a never-ending cycle.
Currently, you felt more anxiety than anything as you made your way towards his office. You had spent the last hour going through your closest. Trying to decide what you wanted to wear was harder than you'd have originally thought. You didn't want to just wear your everyday uniform. After going through every piece of clothing you owned, which turns out it wasn't a lot, you had opted for a simple black dress/romper. Doing some light makeup and wearing your hair down.
Coming face to face with his office door, your nerves were eating you alive. It had been so long since you had been in a situation like this, by your own choice. Pushing through, you knocked. The door opened before you had finished, a nervous looking Copia on the other side. At least you weren't alone. Taking in his appearance, you not the nice black button up and black slacks. He looks good. "(Y/N)! You are here." He cringed into himself at his awkwardness. You give him a soft smile, trying to calm his nerves and yours. "Please come in, il mio fiore!" He stepped to the side and opened the door wider to let you in. "Thank you, again, for inviting me." Your smile had yet to fall. "Thank you for coming." He countered, gracing you with a meek smile of his own.
Scanning the room, it had changed since you had last seen it. It was tidier. There was now a decent sized square table, adorned with a variety of different foods, that now sat in the normally empty space. With quick steps, Copia moved to pull out a beautiful ornate chair for you. "Please sit!" Taking your seat, you thank him. Waiting for him to take his place, you remove your mask. "I wasn't sure what you liked, so I had a couple of different options made. So please help yourself!" He motioned to the table. Doing a quick scan of the prepared foods, your eyes immediately land on your favorite. Copia takes a mental note as you begin to dress your plate quietly. He finally takes a moment to just take you in. "You look absolutely stunning tonight, il mio fiore." He said it as if he was completely enamored by you, which in turn causes your face to immediately flush hot.
Making eye contact, you both sit with an awkward air surrounding the two of you for a couple of heartbeats. You let out a small giggle. You felt like a human teenager. "Thank you, Copia. You don't look so bad yourself." He flashed a small smile, and his eyes brightened. Breaking his eyes away, reaching for an already open bottle. "Ehh, would you like some wine?" He motioned to the empty glass to your right. "Yes, thank you." Sliding the glass closer to him, he began to pour the pale pink liquid. "How has your day been?" He asked, push the glass back and filling his own. "It has been good. Pretty normal. How was yours? Anything exciting?" You bring your glass to your lips and savor the taste. It was light and sweet with a lovely berry flavor.
"It has been okay. Lots of paperwork and band work mainly." He talks while dressing his plate. The silence falls back into place as you both begin to eat. It continues that way till Copia notices you glass empty. "More wine?" He offers. "Yes, thank you!" You smile politely, and he fills your cup. "So, what is it like being Papa for you?" You were curious. "It's a lot, honestly. There is always something that needs to be done or someone who needs me. Sono sempre stanco, but I make due. The other Papa's had made it look so easy." You chuckle. "It was not easy for them by any means, I can tell you that. They all had their own struggles."
"Were you close to them?" You take a sip before you answer. "I suppose in some ways. I've been around for a long time. I essentially got to watch them grow into the men they were. I even got to see Papa Nihil in his youth. I was probably closest to Primo out of all of them. Even in his younger years, we just kinda clicked." Copia soaked up every word. He enjoyed learning about you and what you had to share. A sadness rang through his heart at the discovery, though. You had been close to his brothers. Brothers who are long gone from this earth. "What was it like?" The question confused you. "Was what like?" "Knowing them. What were they like. I never got the chance to know them beyond surface level." Studying his face, you let out a sigh. It hurt to think about them, but didn't he deserve to know who they really were? "Primo was strong headed and passionate about his hobbies. He loved his garden fiercely and took his duties very seriously, but he had a sense of humor. He listened with such intensity and gave the best advice." You took another sip from your glass before continuing.
"Secondo was similar in ways but so different. He was wild in his off time. Confident. While he was Papa, he was strict but kind. Terzo was wild, too. He was flashy, flirty, and flamboyant in a sense. He probably struggled with being Papa the most out of the three. Not that he didn't try." Sometimes Copia wasn't the best at hiding what he felt. This was one of those times, everything showing on his face. "Are you okay?" Your question seemed to catch him off guard. "Like really okay?" Giving a small smile, he nods. "Sí, il mio fiore. Why do you ask?" "Just asking. Sometimes, it's good to check with people." He quieted for a second, looking at you. "Are you okay, il mio fiore?" You opened your mouth to say something along the lines of 'I'm fine' but stop yourself, pressing your lip together. You hold contact with his mismatched colored eyes.
This was an opportunity to talk to someone. To let someone know what you feel, but also get hurt. It was an opportunity to build an attachment that would inevitably end. Leaving you alone again. Could you take that risk? Would you even allow yourself? When you had lost Primo, it had been so hard. He had been your best friend for so long. Could you do that again? You already felt too close to some of Copia's ghouls. A tight feeling forms in the back of your throat as you try to hold your emotions in. You could feel your eyes grow watery. It was overwhelming. Having all these questions for yourself but no answers. 'You know i honestly don't know.' Is what you should say. Be honest with him.
"I guess I manage." It wasn't a lie. His eyes lingered on you as if he could sense the inner turmoil but did not press. Shifting your attention back to your plate, you take a couple of bites. "Tell me about what being on tour is like." He perked up at the topic change."Oh! Touring both funny and exhausting. Getting to see different people and places, but it moves so fast." You listen intently as you eat. "When I am on stage, I can be confident and myself. I can mess with the ghouls, and they mess back. The crowds love it. It feels good. Sleeping on the bus isn't great. It's probably my least favorite part. " You give a chuckle at that. "You said being on stage makes you confident?" "Yes. I could say or do practical anyway, and the fans would eat it up." He makes a nom nom nom sound that causes you to laugh. "Sometimes, it feels like I have to keep up the raunchiness, but that's not hard." He wiggled his eyebrows, and you both laugh. "I bet."
As the laughter died down, Copia spoke up. "I have a bit of a, eh, personal question." Smiling, you nod, encouraging him to talk. "What was it like when you were summoned?" That was probably the last question you thought would be asked. "Oh, umm." "You don't have to answer if you don't want to!" He quickly amended, sensing the shift. "No. No, it just kind of took me by surprise. It wasn't - " You pause leaning back in your chair. "It wasn't good. I was summoned by Papa Nihals' grandfather in 1894. They were very inexperienced. Still trying to figure us ghouls out. When I was pulled from the pit, I was pulled away from everything I knew. I had to leave those important to me. I was confused and scared. It was all so different from what I'm used to. Even time moves differently. Unlike now, I had no one to help me understand. " Copia kept his eyes glued to you, listening to every word with intensity. "I was "farel". I attacked and killed 3 men that night. What did they expect? You back someone into a corner and expect it to go well. Doesn't work that way." You watch him, gauging his reactions to the information you were giving him.
Copia was hardly fazed. You were a ghoul. He had been around enough throughout his life to know better. "They kept me locked away from the majority of the clergy and siblings of sin. The rest of the summoned ghouls seem to have adjusted fairly quickly. It took me four years to come to terms with what was now my life." Copia was still processing it all. "I'm sorry. That must have been hard." You shrug. "Shit happen. It was a long time ago. Just make sure you are understanding of the new ghoul." You began to fill your glass again only for it to not even fill a quarter of the way. "Looks like we went through that fast." You laughed out. "Want to go for a walk and snag some from the good stash?" Copia asked with a look in his eyes that was new to you. Something akin to mischief. "Hell yeah!" You stand, swallowing the leftover wine in your glass and done your mask. Copia follows. "Let's go."
Leaving his office, Copia leads the way. Fallowing close behind you notice, he's not heading towards the celler. No. He leads you straight to Sister Imperators office. "No way." You look at him with wide eyes. He flashes another mischievous look and pulls out a set of keys. Unlocking the door, he quietly makes his way into the room. "Keep a look out. Wouldn't want to get caught." There was an underlying snicker in his voice. You kinda liked this new side of him. It was playful. You look both ways down the hall as he goes straight to a wood cabinet in the corner and pulls out 2 bottles from the back. "Let's get out of here." He scurried back out of the room, handing the bottles to you so he could lock the door. You definitely felt like a human teenager. Grabbing one back, he makes quick strides down the hall and in the direction of the door that leads to the garden. He looks back to you. "I have something I want to show you." Holding the door open, he waits for you to exit.
Once you're both outside, he grabs your hand and tugs you in the direction of the out edge of the garden. Coming to a full stop at the herb beds, you notice some new additions. A brand new stone bench sets in front of the lemon grass, which butts up against Primo's greenhouse. On either side of the bench are pots filled with (favorite flower).
This is your spot. You often come out here at night to think or spend some time alone. Turning to face him, you see him watching you. "You did this? How did you know?" His ears and neck flush, and he brings his hand up to rub the back of his neck. "As much as I would love to take credit, no. I didn't do it alone. I employed the help of my ghouls on this one. Sodo and Mountain mainly." You surge forward and pull him into a hug. "Thank you." He slowly hugged you back. "Sei il benvenuto, fiore mio." Pulling away, he gave you a smile.
Walking over to the bench, you plop down and pat the spot beside you, smiling back. As he was sitting down, another voice rang out across the garden. "Papa!" Groaning softy, he stands back up. "Sí?" Before too long, a Sister makes her way over, handing him a letter. "Papa, Sister Imperator has requested you meet her in her office." "Yes. Tell her I will be there shortly." Nodding the Sister turns and leaves. "Unfortunately, our time has been cut. Il mio fiore, please forgive me." Offering him a small smile, you reassure him. "It's alright. I understand." "Would you like me to hide these for another time?" He holds up the bottle in his hand. "I would love that." You hand him yours. "Goodnight, Il mio fiore." "Goodnight Copia."
A sadness spread through your chest as the feeling of loneliness came creeping back. Watching him turn away just made it worse. Before you knew it, your body reacted, reaching out and griping his wrist. A thought shot across your mind. What are you doing? Your actions seemed to startle him as he looked back at you. "Will you come back here? Tomorrow night? To meet with me?" You ask, desperately wanting him to say yes. "Of course. Right before dark. I'll be here." With that, you let his wrist go, and he walked away. With him out of eyesight, you bring your knees to your chest and enjoy sometime in the garden.
sono sempre stanco- I am always tired.
Sei il benvenuto, fiore mio.- You are very welcome, my flower
If at least one part of this gave you second hand embarrassment, then I portrayed the akwarkness the way I wanted to. Sorry it took so long to get this one out. I spent like 3 hours one day trying to work out dates for when (Y/N) would have been summoned and rewrote this part like twice. Thank you, and I hope you enjoyed the read. As always, feedback and requests are always appreciated and encouraged.
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projectgoblin · 11 months ago
I beg of you all to please ignore the cringe of my posing, I’m horrifically awkward in front of a camera.
Wanted to show off some clothes I’ve made recently!
First up, houndstooth pants! They’re EXTREMELY comfortable, 100% cotton, and thrifted fabric! Eveything was from the stash so it feels like no money spent here!
The pattern is a “vintage”(see, old, thrifted) Butterrick pattern, number B5612 wide leg pant with zipper.
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Next up: this dope jumpsuit/romper, whatever people call it, made from, you may have recognized it, IKEA cotton upholstery fabric! It’s from McCalls M7626, and honestly; I’ve had to do a pretty shitty looking adjustment to the straps in the back because the straps were too short and I have no fabric left to adjust them with. Need to find some matching knit instead of the black currently there but, that’ll probably fall by the wayside for a while. 10/10, I wear this all the time.
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Last for this post, a lovely cross front, tie in back flowy sleeve top in a stunning fabric I got at JoAnns. As far as I can tell, 100% polyester. Pattern is unfortunately lost on me right now. I’ll update if I can figure out which it was, definitely a big 4 pattern but I can’t find it in my catalogue right now.
To be honest I’m moving away from cropped clothes so if anyone’s interested in buying this, I’d probably sell it really cheap if you pay for shipping. Would be an American size between medium and large but the tie back and cross front nature of the shirt means you could really wear this still even if you’re bigger or smaller than me.
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As a final note, I do not and will not ever edit any of my photos displaying anything I’ve made or pictures of myself. 1) I’m too lazy to edit and 2) I’m firmly in the party that if you do anything besides color adjustments to fit real life, it’s a bit of a falsification of your body/item to viewers and that just doesn’t vibe with me. Any time I do edit, it will be clearly marked as such at the beginning of the post and in the tags.
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letomills · 2 years ago
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Download all rompers on SFS or Mega
(Note: these were made before the release of the TrML showerproof skins. Therefore, the blockfeet version of the Trans Momma Lisa rompers have feet meant for M skins - it’s nothing huge but the toes will look a bit weird if used on a sim who has a TrML showerproof skintone. Sexyfeet are unaffected.)
Sleepwear (& “historical” underwear) based on afbodyjaneoverallboots, for Momma Lisa and Trans Momma Lisa. They’re a counterpart to the Maxis-sized TF-AF-EF versions I posted here. All have fat and preg morphs and are BSOK’d. 
Swatches and details below.
This set is built on 4 different meshes (each with a blockfeet and a sexyfeet version):
1. EF Lacy Rompers & AF Strapless Rompers
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All on one mesh, categorized as sleepwear. The ones with the lacy top part are for elders only, the strapless ones are for adults only. The lace was taken from @deedee-sims’s 3t2 Beo Vintage Wedding Dress.
2. EM Lacy Rompers & AM Strapless Rompers
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Same as above, these are all on one mesh, categorized as sleepwear, the ones with the lacy top part are for elders only, the strapless ones are for adults only.
You have the option to have them standalone or repo’d to the corresponding EF & AF versions above.
3. AF-EF Momma Lisa Linen Rompers
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A straightforward Momma Lisa conversion of the AF mesh from here, in the 3 Aquilegia linen recolors. For AF-EF, categorized as sleepwear & underwear.
4. AM-EM Trans Momma Lisa Linen Rompers
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And the AM-EM version, also categorized as sleepwear & underwear. You can have them standalone or repo’d to the AF-EF version above.
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houseofindyaa · 1 year ago
Kids wear refers to clothing specifically designed for children and infants. This clothing category includes a wide range of children's apparel, from newborns to adolescents. Kids wear encompasses various styles, sizes, and designs to cater to children's diverse needs and preferences and their parents or caregivers. Some common types of kids' wear include:
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1. Infant Clothing: This category includes onesies, rompers, sleepers, and other comfortable clothing for newborns and infants.
2. Toddlers' Clothing: These are clothes for children aged 1 to 3. They often feature easy-to-wear designs and fun patterns.
3. Children's Clothing: For kids aged 4 to 12, children's clothing comes in a wide range of styles, including t-shirts, jeans, dresses, skirts, and more. It often features popular cartoon characters or age-appropriate graphics.
4. Adolescent Clothing: This category caters to teenagers and includes trendy clothing such as jeans, hoodies, graphic tees, and fashion-forward items.
5. School Uniforms: Many schools require students to wear specific uniforms, including shirts, blouses, trousers, skirts, and ties.
6. Outerwear: Kids need coats, jackets, and sweaters to stay warm during colder months.
7. Special Occasion: Some kid's wear is designed for formal events, such as suits and dresses for weddings, parties, or religious ceremonies.
8. Swimwear: Swimwear for kids includes swimsuits, trunks, and rash guards for trips to the pool or beach.
9. Sportswear: This includes athletic clothing and activewear for kids who participate in sports or physical activities.
When shopping for kids' wear, parents and caregivers consider size, comfort, durability, and the child's preferences. Additionally, safety features, such as non-toxic materials and secure fastenings, are crucial when choosing clothing for young children. Kids wear brands and designers often cater to various tastes and budgets, making finding suitable clothing for children of all ages easy.
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beautytreats · 2 years ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Flashy Labradorite & Blue Topaz Multi Gemstone Handmade Pendant.
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brehaaorgana · 11 months ago
I just said some of this in the comments but you cannot assume that all fashion brands which ensure fair/living wages and decent treatment of factory workers are selling $180 t-shirts or whatever all of the time, and so therefore you "can't afford to buy more ethical products."
Op touched on some of this too, but like:
Step one: reduce consumption.
Also repair what you already own and like! Mend it, spend a little money to get it tailored, etc. Reuse what you can.
The thrift/secondhand clothes market is absolutely flooded with clothing because the fashion industry overproduces SO MUCH at such high volumes. There is more clothing than thrift/consignment stores can possibly ever sell. It's also easier than ever to find decent quality clothing secondhand online. There's no reason to ever shop ultra fast fashion like shein or temu, because there's still nice quality stuff for under $20 or under $10 in real life and online thrift/used markets all the time.
As for slow/ethical/eco fashion and clothing companies: Yes, sometimes they sell a T-shirt for $64 or $118!
But do you know what else I have seen these companies do?:
They have a wide variety of bonus discounts people can qualify for (including literally "low income discount.")
They often have their own secondhand markets for their clothing, so you can buy their clothing used and at a discount easily!
Some of them have textile recycling programs that are either free or involve purchasing the recycling return label bag, and the items you send to be recycled then grant you a credit towards shopping. (I just got a $25 gift card to a shop this way.)
They may have mistaken overstock of a specific color or size sales! (Wow that $168 dress is now $25 because they screwed up and ordered too many.)
They significantly discount retiring prints/patterns/styles or low stock items!
They have sample, archive, or seasonal end sales at big discounts.
Hell, it's April. A lot of them are discounting things for earth month.
Like if you're at a place where you can afford target new, and you're not able to find something used for what you need, then you need to know there are more ethical, sustainable, or accountable options out there with equivalent prices when you check sales.
Guess which one(s) is/are Target Brand at full price, and which are just things on sale at companies that do offer documentation on their factories, supply chain, their fair labor/trade certifications, employee guarantees, environmental impact reports, etc etc for all the clothing made?:
V-neck tee $18
Slim fit v-neck tee $15
Billow sleeve tee $20
Mock turtleneck long sleeve tee $20
Open front cardigan $30
Babydoll romper $30
Terry side zip pullover $25
Belted tea length dress $28
Organic cotton tee $15
Ruffled column dress $37
Men's fleece hoodie $35
Men's graphic hoodie $33
Halter jumpsuit $50
Ribbed tunic sweatshirt $30
Pointelle rib cardigan $18
Long sleeve shirt dress $45
Twill pencil skirt $25
V neck peplum top $23
Yes, I did ensure to include plus size inclusive brands!
Answers below the cut:
Target brand items: 2, 4, 5, 11, 13, 14, and 16.
"crochet can't be made by machines" went from being a cool fun fact to being a call to action of "so if you see mass manufactured crochet in Target, that was made by a person and they were underpaid and you should boycott it" which is true, it was made by a person, but EVERY item of clothing you own (that you did not purchase from a company using ethical labor) was made by a person being underpaid (at *best*.)
Sewing machines are operated by *people*. Knitting machines are operated by *people*. Yes lots of the process is automated but you cannot tell a machine "make me a t-shirt" or "make me a knit cardigan".
Higher awareness of fast fashion, and the true human labor and abuse behind it, is GREAT, but let's not pretend that the crochet hat in target is THE problem. Every article of clothing in target is the problem. "All clothes are made by people" is the jumping off point here into understanding this issue it's not just crochet it's the whole thing ahhhhHHHHHHHHHH
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vogue-vibes-fashion · 22 days ago
Buy Trendy Women's Collection Online in India at GSS Global Hub
In today’s fast-paced world, online shopping has revolutionized the way we access fashion. Gone are the days of scouring crowded malls and stores for the latest styles. Now, with just a few clicks, you can explore the hottest trends, right from the comfort of your home. GSS Global Hub has emerged as a game-changer in the fashion industry, offering a vast selection of trendy women's wear designed to cater to every style preference and occasion.
Why Choose GSS Global Hub for Women's Fashion?
GSS Global Hub is not just another online fashion destination; it’s a curated platform that prioritizes quality, style, and affordability. Here’s why it stands out:
1. Extensive Range of Collections
GSS Global Hub features a versatile collection of women’s clothing, from elegant ethnic wear to chic western outfits. Whether you're looking for a designer saree, a trendy jumpsuit, or a classic kurta, the options are endless.
2. Affordable Pricing
Fashion doesn’t have to break the bank. GSS Global Hub ensures that you get access to the latest styles without compromising your budget.
3. Quality You Can Trust
All products are crafted from premium fabrics and designed with attention to detail, ensuring you receive only the best.
4. Convenient Shopping Experience
With a user-friendly website and seamless navigation, shopping at GSS Global Hub is a hassle-free experience. The site’s detailed filters help you find exactly what you’re looking for in no time.
5. Seasonal Discounts and Offers
Make the most of your shopping with exclusive discounts, seasonal sales, and exciting offers that make your purchase even more rewarding.
Top Categories to Explore at GSS Global Hub
1. Ethnic Elegance: Sarees, Suits, and Lehengas
For lovers of traditional fashion, GSS Global Hub offers a stunning range of ethnic wear. Whether it's a festive celebration, a wedding, or a cultural event, you can find sarees, lehengas, and suits in vibrant colors, intricate embroidery, and modern designs.
Designer sarees with intricate detailing.
Bridal lehengas for a picture-perfect wedding.
Comfortable and stylish salwar suits for everyday wear.
2. Western Wear: Dresses, Tops, and More
Stay ahead in the fashion game with GSS Global Hub’s western wear collection. From party-ready dresses to casual tops, there’s something for every occasion.
Chic jumpsuits and rompers for a contemporary look.
Stylish tops that pair perfectly with jeans or skirts.
Elegant evening gowns for formal events.
3. Fusion Wear: Best of Both Worlds
Fusion wear is the perfect choice for those who love blending traditional and modern elements. Explore indo-western outfits that are both unique and stylish.
Anarkali gowns with modern cuts.
Kurta dresses that combine comfort and style.
Trendy co-ord sets with a fusion twist.
4. Accessories: Complete Your Look
No outfit is complete without the right accessories. GSS Global Hub offers a range of bags, jewelry, and footwear to elevate your ensemble.
Statement necklaces and earrings.
Trendy handbags for every occasion.
Comfortable yet stylish footwear.
How to Shop for Women's Collection at GSS Global Hub
Shopping at GSS Global Hub is a seamless experience. Here’s how you can get started:
Step 1: Explore the Collections
Visit the website and browse through the wide variety of categories. Use filters like size, color, price, and occasion to narrow down your search.
Step 2: Check Product Details
Once you find a product you like, click on it to view detailed descriptions, fabric information, and size guides to ensure a perfect fit.
Step 3: Add to Cart and Checkout
Add your selected items to the cart and proceed to checkout. The website supports multiple payment options, including credit/debit cards, net banking, and cash on delivery.
Step 4: Sit Back and Relax
Once your order is placed, the team at GSS Global Hub ensures timely delivery to your doorstep.
Styling Tips for Women
Fashion is not just about what you wear but also about how you style it. Here are some quick tips to make the most of your purchases from GSS Global Hub:
1. Mix and Match
Don’t shy away from experimenting. Pair traditional kurtas with modern palazzos or accessorize a western dress with ethnic jewelry for a unique look.
2. Accessorize Wisely
Choose accessories that complement your outfit without overpowering it. A statement necklace can elevate a simple saree, while a sleek clutch adds elegance to an evening gown.
3. Focus on Footwear
The right footwear can make or break your outfit. Invest in versatile pairs that work for multiple occasions.
4. Layer It Up
Layering is a great way to add depth to your outfit. Throw on a jacket over a jumpsuit or pair a shrug with a kurta for a stylish touch.
Why Shopping Online is the Future of Fashion
Online shopping platforms like GSS Global Hub are redefining how we experience fashion. Here’s why shopping online is a game-changer:
1. Convenience
Shop anytime, anywhere without the hassle of visiting physical stores.
2. Variety
Access an extensive range of options that are often unavailable in local stores.
3. Personalized Experience
Get recommendations based on your preferences and browsing history.
4. Time-Saving
Skip the long queues and shop efficiently with just a few clicks.
Final Thoughts
GSS Global Hub is your one-stop destination for trendy women’s fashion in India. With its wide range of collections, affordable pricing, and exceptional quality, it has become a go-to platform for fashion enthusiasts. Whether you're updating your wardrobe or shopping for a special occasion, GSS Global Hub ensures you find exactly what you're looking for. So why wait? Start exploring their collection today and redefine your style with GSS Global Hub!
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TS Outfit Madness: Round 1, Matchup 35
Be sure to follow tsoutfitmadness for all upcoming polls! I really appreciate all reblogs! It helps get a bigger sample size for each poll & always keeps things more exciting 🫶🏼
For the duration of this tournament, I will be running a contest where you simply need to fill out this Google Form after you vote.
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Option 2: Here is the performance for another look at the outfit.
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korom2004 · 1 month ago
To order the Floating Light Bulbs=https://amzn.to/40CjQ8K
About this item
Sexy Sleeveless Scoop Neck Yoga Jumpsuits: Push up black workout bodycon jumpsuits with open back design, adjustable spaghetti strap, removable padded bra, slimming yoga rompers. Butt Lifting Bodycon Jumpsuits: Seamless high waisted athletic romper with ribbed textured tummy control waist-cinching style, high compression gym jumpsuits, contours your curves and shape your body, show your cute ass like juicy peach. Super Breathable Fabric: The white tummy control bodysuits jumpsuits is made of Nylon and Spandex. lightweight, 4-way stretch, non see-through, buttery soft, quick-drying, sweat-wicking, skin-friendly, pass square proof. Occasion: This fashion push up tank top sport rompers nicely for casual, daily wear or everyday active lifestyle, home, dating, shopping, sports, running, training, exercise, fitness, jogging, cycling and other occasions. OMKAGI Size Chart: The size of OMKAGI women backless unitard bodysuits [ S fit for 4-6 ] [ M fit for 6-8 ] [ L fit for 8-10 ] [ XL fit for 10-12 ]. Please see our size chart before you order.
To order the Floating Light Bulbs=https://amzn.to/40CjQ8K
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frontporchconsign · 1 month ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Carolina Belle Floral Romper Womens Red White 3/4 Sleeve Drawstring 4" Size 2.
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