#siuanraine headcanons
state-of-being · 1 year
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My headcanon is that Siuan is very handy with a needle. However, Cairinhean patterns are very hard to get a hold of - you wouldn't want random people knowing where the weak spots in your armour are, so to speak. It takes her a while, but Siuan finally gets her hands on a single pattern such that she can make Moiraine a dress. She sews the white one when they are novices. It's tricky, and she doesn't quite get the hang of it, but Moiraine loves the first draft so much she wears it to sleep every night. When they're raised, Siuan makes her the blue one off that same hard-won pattern. She's had much more practice now and it comes out as fine as you'd find in any dressmaker's shop. Just with quite a bit more love sewn into the seams.
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moiraineswife · 3 years
C N W for moiraine/siuan :)
Hello friend. Excellent lady content, let's GO.
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Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Siuan knows when to sit and just let Moiraine vent out her energy - as she did in 1x06 - just letting her rant and get it all out of her system. And sometimes she'll cut her off and just hit her with some good, grounded logic, because that's what she needs. If she's sleeping and has a nightmare or is stressed, she'll just pull her head into her lap, and stroke her hair, and murmur to her.
Moiraine is a little bit awkward when it comes to dealing with feelings. Like even her own she just kind *shoves under carpet* we'll deal with that never. But she's known Siuan for a long time, and if she's stressing and ranting the WORST thing to do is let her keep going. Because Moiraine will eventually burn herself out, but Siuan just keeps building herself up. So Mo will just go and hug her, or even kiss her, just something that interrupts her and stops her and helps her calm down. Lots of rubbing her back and talking about other things. And it's always so painfully obvious that she's changing the topic deliberately. Like 'well Siuan, the weather tonight really is something, huh?' but she knows what she's trying to do and she appreciates that. And also it makes her laugh, so one way or the other it works
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
P U F F E R F I S H. Siuan has like....a long, alphabetised list of fish-related things that she calls Moiraine, let's be honest. Some personal favourites include 'little snapper' 'piranha' 'dogfish with a bone' etc. Probably also has some non-related fish things, too. 'Princess' is a favourite, more so in their youth, which just made her huffy and 'adorable' (Siuan's words). Honestly Siuan probably comes up with something new for her every day tbh.
Siuan got like, mock affronted that she had all these nicknames for Mo and Mo doesn't have even one for her?? What gives?? Am I not good enough to nickname!?!?!?!? and Mo just gets very O_O and thinks and struggles and strains and eventually comes out with "........Siu?" and Siuan is just like fucking hell, nevermind, forget I asked, you're bloody hopeless. That's alright, I love you anyway. Does discover petnames in bed, however. 'Darling' is a big favourite for both of them. Siuan loves how it sounds when Moiraine says that to her.
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
SHAMELESSLY stolen from my own fic: Siuan has a tattoo incorporated into her expanding design for Moiraine. It's a verse of poetry in old runic text, and it's placed right over her heart.
Bonus because that one was kind of cheating: the two of them developed a coded language when they were Novices together so they could pass notes to one another. They still use the same system now to write love letters to each other disguised as political spy reports to the Amyrlin from Moiraine.
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pinkpunkpie · 3 years
elayne: aunt moiraine, how can i know if a girl likes me back?
moiraine: look k-
siuan, materializing out of thin air: it took her an year and a half to realize we were dating, elayne, don't listen to any advice she gives you
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aflawedfashion · 3 years
#69 "You do know that we're in public, right?" for our gorgeous Siuan/Moiraine, please dear?
This is set at least two years pre-season 1
“I could sleep for two days straight,” Moiraine said to Lan as she shook the snow out of her cloak before entering the small inn where they planned to eat and spend the night.
Lan followed close behind, surveying the inn for threats. “You’re the one who insisted on traveling in the snow.”
“This is the nicest inn for miles. If we had stayed in the last town, we’d be sleeping on a pile of hay and bathing in a bucket.”
“You will hear no complaints from me.” Lan smiled. “I simply wish to eat.”
As they chose their table, Moiraine signaled for the woman behind the bar to bring them drinks while Lan continued to survey the room, taking in every detail of their surroundings.
“We should-” Moiraine began to say before noticing that Lan’s attention was focused over her shoulder. She turned to see what had distracted him, expecting to find a villager gawking at the sight of an Aes Sedai but was completely shocked by what she saw. “Siuan?”
“Hi,” Siuan said with a relaxed smile on her face, the kind she rarely displayed when surrounded by a crowd.
“What are you doing here?” Moiraine asked.
“I needed a place to sleep, same as you.” She pressed a quick kiss to Moiraine’s lips, a casual greeting between two lovers. A moment of normalcy the two rarely experienced.
“We’re in public,” Moiraine whispered, her brow furrowed and her gaze darting around the inn, searching for anyone who might have noticed them.
“No need for concern,” Siuan said, taking a seat at the table beside Moiraine. “I was separated from my traveling companions by the snowstorm, and no one here has any idea who I am.”
“You’re certain?” Moiraine asked.
“Absolutely,” Siuan said.
Moiraine looked to Lan for confirmation, hardly believing they could be so lucky.
“Nothing out of the ordinary here,” he said. “Just villagers. Not even a sign of a petty thief.”
“See,” Siuan said. “We’re perfectly safe to behave as we choose tonight.”
“As we choose,” Moiraine echoed, her disbelief quickly giving way to a smile. “That means I can do this.” She reached her hand across the table to hold Siuan’s. That simple gesture of intimacy, something they had taken for granted in their youth, had become something precious to be treasured.
Siuan’s smile grew as she gently squeezed Moiraine’s fingertips. They stared into each other’s eyes a moment, appreciating every second they had together. Then Siuan turned to Lan, her smile never wavering. “I apologize for behaving in such a nauseatingly sweet manner in front of you.”
“You don’t have to apologize for that,” he said. “Everything that brings Moiraine happiness brings me happiness.”
“Literally,” Moiraine added as their drinks arrived.
Lan wasted no time in picking up his drink, the mug nearly at his lips before Moiraine stopped him.
“Wait,” she said. “I want to propose a toast - a toast to the snowstorm for giving us this night together.”
“So sentimental,” Siuan teased. “You haven’t already been drinking, have you?” 
“No.” Moiraine playfully rolled her eyes. “I’m happy. That’s all.” 
“And possibly slightly delirious from too much time in the cold without food,” Lan added. 
Moiraine tried to disagree with him, but the words refused to come. “Fine. Alright,” she reluctantly admitted with a sigh. “I’m starving and delirious from the cold, but don’t you think that’s all the more reason to indulge me?” 
Siuan and Lan shared an amused look before picking up their mugs and saying, “to the snowstorm” in unison.
“To the snowstorm,” Moraine repeated. “Now, let’s eat.”
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pandemoniumonwheels · 3 years
what do you think will happen with siuanraine next season? its going to be such a long wait and we need juicy headcanons!
Sorry it took me so long!
I have lots of hopes for them next season. I'm almost certain Moiraine won't tell Siuan about her inability to channel. She'll try to sort it out herself. Partially because she's too stubborn, partially because she knows it's dangerous to contact Siuan about such matters in any other way than talking to her directly and she can't do that without coming to Tar Valon which is impossible. Siuan will find out eventually, probably due to Egwene and Nyneave arriving to the White Tower. She can't call Moiraine back tho because political reasons so I hope we'll get them both struggling, longing, far away from each other. I just need Siuan to know Moiraine is alive, alright.
I do hope we will finally see the reunion. I like the idea of Siuan being the only one able to help Moiraine. The web that Dark One used to cut Moiraine off from the One Power looks quite like a net and show made a point of making sure we know Siuan is good at untying knots. In order to do so, however, Moiraine probably has to return to the White Tower.
Moiraine apart from struggling with not touching the source will spend first few episodes on searching for Rand I think. Or at least traces of him to be able to reach him if he gets himself in any trouble or is somehow needed. She hadn't spent 20 years of her life searching for him only to lose him yet again.
If following Rand will lead her to Tar Valon she will need to beg for forgiveness and permission to come back. I don't think anything else could force her to do so. Her circumstances actually, for once, help her. She brings news about Dark One and she has a prove with her inability to channel. It would probably take her time before she's at Tar Valon again so it won't even be strange for Siuan to forgive her and decide she was punished more severely than even intended and to finally show her mercy. The scene would require more kneeling and more gay panicking which would be even harder to hide this time. And it'll be extremely humiliating. Which makes it even more convincing and less enjoyable for Moiraine so she won't be eager to do so and the only way I see it happening is her mission forcing it om her somehow.
That's honestly the only coherent idea I came up with. I'm not even sure I believe or like it myself. I just hope Siuan and Moiraine will get scenes together because of developing their arcs independently I'm certain.
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