#sitting on his lap and feeling up his torso and strong body
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yundeob · 7 months ago
sighing as I look through the smut tags for jongho and it’s just ot8 stuff
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aliteralsemicolon · 18 days ago
Crawling back to you
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GIF by undertheniall
Prison changed a lot of things in your relationship with Spencer. The one thing that remains the same is the mutual desire to hold on to the person you love.
Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader
DISCLAIMER You are responsible for the content you consume. Make sure to read all necessary warnings. Minors do not interact at all. Please remember this is a work of fiction; if you don’t like it, don’t read.
WARNING: Drunk! Spencer. I think that’s it. I hope. Idk it’s been a minute I’m sorry. Proceed at your own risk.
Word count: 3.4K See notes at end for author's note & spoilers.
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There’s instant comfort in the sound of laughter coming from somebody you love. It's the kind of laughter that bubbles from deep inside the lungs, depriving them of air and pushing their voice up an octave or two. It envelopes you; you can feel the laughter vibrating between your torsos.
“Spencer, come on!” There’s a failed sternness in your tone, you have to physically fight the giggles away by nuzzling your head in his neck. You’re sure the neighbours below you won’t appreciate the loud thud omitted from the sound of their drunken neighbours toppling over, barely a few steps into the apartment. More precisely, the tall, lanky one drunkenly toppled over and took his girlfriend down with him. 
“I’m sorry! I’m s—so,” He’s not even trying to muffle the sounds, he’s practically hysterical. “Baby—I can’t breathe.” 
“Oh my god.” You push yourself off his chest, grabbing his arms as you stand. It takes all your physical strength to pull him up. Even then, you only manage to get him to sit. “Help me out over here!”
Your plea falls on deaf ears as Spencer bursts into another, slightly more muted, fit of giggles. He places an arm around his ribs and uses the other to hug your leg, leaning his head against your thigh. The muscles in your cheeks begin to ache from how wide your grin is. You have to brace yourself using his shoulder. Your other hand lands in his hair, gently scratching his scalp. 
What even is comfort? 
Spencer would tell you that its origins can be traced back to the Latin word ‘fortis’—meaning strong—combined with the late Latin word ‘com’ to produce’ confortare’. The word ‘comfort’ as we currently know it, was derived from the later French translation of ‘confort.’ The Oxford Dictionary defines it as ‘the easing or alleviation of a person’s feelings of grief or distress.’
What possible grief or distress could there be when his lips press on your thigh, followed by a satisfied hum from the feeling of your skin? And when he looks up at you with those big brown eyes the sun's warmth seeps into your skin, despite it being the moon's hour. You look relaxed. Happy. His lips part and his mouth runs dry. Behind adoration is curiosity painted on his face.
“What?” It makes you nervous. He doesn’t reply instantly, words escape him.
“There are…hundreds of quotes I could pull apart—th—thousands of scientific comparisons I could make, but all I’m able to say right now…is that you’re…perfect. Eve—even your flaws. They’re perfect.” His brows are concentrated and you scoff half-heartedly. It’s not the sun's warmth. It’s him. He is the sun. “Which doesn’t really make sense. But—you. You make sense.”
His eyes wander frantically as he tries to keep track of his thoughts. “Does that make sense?”
You would equate it to the phrase ‘welcome home’. Home. Sanctuary. Retreat from the brutal realities of the cruel world. The lack of response tells him your attention is not entirely on him. He pouts.
“You’re too far away. C’mere.” He whines, his arm moving from his ribcage to tug on your hand. He leans back to make room for you on his lap.
“No, you c’mere.” You resist, trying to pull him up to his feet instead. “We need to get you to bed.” 
“Just two minutes.” 
The tug of war is short-lived; he carries more body strength. Not that he uses much, all it takes is the sweet lull of his voice for him to command you down. His hands glide up your thighs, stopping at your waist once you’re fully straddling him. Your arms wrap around his shoulders, noses nudging and gaze fixed on each other. Spencer brushes his lips against yours, gradually locking them. The kiss is slow, there’s no urgency. The kind that makes you feel like this is forever. As sure as flowers blooming every spring and leaves falling every autumn.
“Impossibly perfect.” He mumbles with a sigh, reaffirming his previous train of thought. The statement travels off his tongue so naturally. Your ears heat up and you fail to respond once again. What response can you give? More sweet affirmations are whispered, and although you don’t hear them, you feel his lips graze your cheek. 
“I love you.” He mumbles against your skin before planting a kiss. You hum in return and diffidently nestle your face in his neck. Spencer shrieks and rolls both of you on the ground. “That tickles!”
He attempts to separate his body from yours, but your arms tighten around his neck. “Let go!”
“Mm-mm.” You shake your head and nuzzle your nose further in. Laughter engulfs you again.
“You have three—ah—three seconds to let go before I start tickling you back.” 
An empty threat, he knows how much you hate it. It works, though. You push off him begrudgingly. 
His drunken state confuses your playful pout for a sad one and his victorious smirk is short-lived. Spencer ejects upright, hooking his fingers under your chin with a pout of his own. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh, nothing. Just my boyfriend hates me.” You dramatically sigh and lower your sight, toying with the buttons on his shirt. 
Meanwhile, your boyfriend is aghast that he has you feeling so. If only you could see the genuine furrow in his raised brows. The subtle pout of his lips and his head tilting to the side. His eyes always look like they’re pleading for something, but that’s just the cost of having big, round, beautiful eyes. 
“No. What? N-no!” He’s almost too offended to articulate an appropriate response. “Do you—no!”
Entirely baffled and unable to verbally reject your claim, he opts for physical expression to show you just how wrong you are. He cups your cheeks in both hands and lunges at you with a flurry of kisses, each landing blindly on any accessible part of your face. You anchor an arm behind you to stabilise yourself. The whole scene is chaotic.
With every kiss he inches closer until he’s practically on top of you, leaning his weight forward on one arm. His free hand cradles the back of your head and focuses entirely on your lips. Kissing you soft, slow, deep. Any worries lingering in the back of your mind can wait. Nothing exists outside the bubble you’ve created. That is, until Spencer loses his balance for the umpteenth time and, as usual, you go down with him. At least his inebriated brain had the foresight to shield your head from the hardwood floor. He falls flat on you, free hand defeatedly next to his ear. 
The two of you freeze momentarily, processing the drop. You throw your head back with a loud ‘pfft’ and both of you break out into laughter. You can hear him cackling with his forehead pressing against your jaw. It goes on for at least a minute or two. That’s when you feel it again. The sun’s warmth. It enters your system with every grappling inhale, passing from your lungs, vibrating through your ribs and taking over every limb as it travels through your bloodstream. Your legs trap his waist and you bury your hands in his hair. His other hand shifts from under your head to your collarbone. 
“You’re so silly.” He wheezes.
“I’m silly?!” You tuck your chin in, looking down at him as you push through your giggles. “You’re silly. And drunk. And clumsy.” 
It only spurs him on, nearly to the point of tears. Spencer's drinking is not a common occurrence. Up until recently, he’d been very committed to staying away from alcohol; always choosing a glass of water or some other alternative. At the start, you assumed it was a health-related preference until he sat you down and explained his history with addiction. You can count on one hand the number of outings Spencer has taken so much as a sip of alcohol throughout your relationship. The count only began after his return from Millburn. 
You’d never previously wondered if and how alcohol changes his behaviour, but now you know anyway. It’s unusual, not because he’s different, but because it’s everything you know him to be when it’s just the two of you. There's an air of freedom alongside his gentleness, attentiveness and sass. His own mind doesn’t torment him. He exists—presently, unapologetically. Or at least it was everything you knew him to be. 
Noun. ‘The easing or alleviation of a person’s feelings of grief or distress.’ 
It comes in different forms for different people. For you? You’ve never known a comfort more powerful than Spencer Reid. Not the one that lays next to you every night, but the one lying on top of you right now. In all honesty, you don’t know the man you share a bed with anymore. Physically, you could describe every freckle and mole from memory. Emotionally, he’s practically a stranger. Robotic is an adjective that’s been used to describe him his whole life. It’s a literal manifestation these days. 
Your laughter starts to fade and his follows after. He doesn’t need to ask where your mind is at. Deep down he knows. It’s why he’s too afraid to meet your eyes. He can’t bear the reminiscence he’ll find.
“Too far away...” He repeats, his mumble fading as he reaches your head space.
From dawn, when he first opens his eyes, til dusk, when he finally shuts them; everything he does is part of his ritual. 
Wake up. Work. Home. Sleep. 
Somewhere along the way he’ll eat. Socialise. Read. He can’t recall doing any of it, but he knows it happened because you were there. That’s the only memorable part of it. There’s a faint image of you sitting across from him, nervously watching him nibble the meals you cook for him. He’ll force it down his throat so he doesn’t have to see the worried look on your face. The sound of your voice is slightly more vivid. Speaking at him—for him, making full sentences out of his one-word answers. Because words escape him. Visually, verbally. They’ll run from him on every page he turns; dancing around, mocking him. 
He can feel you staring. You probably don’t even know you are. 
Strange, missing somebody that’s right here. Most people know the feeling all too well, but no one can ever explain it. You can still see fragments of the man Spencer used to be under the rubble of the walls he once lowered for you. Buried too deep inside a cold, dark, liminal pit for you to rescue. A ghost trapped in purgatory. Sometimes he manifests physically. The light in his eyes returns as a culmination of the intent and curiosity he was filled with before. Every look brighter, every touch warmer. 
He’s just as much the source as he is the reason you go weeks without it. Your own, personal double-edged sword, threatening to slice your skin. And you’ll let him, because any ounce of heartache will melt away under the tender feel of his lips. Like slapping a bandaid over the gash and pretending it’s enough to contain the bleeding. You snap back to reality when the weight of his body lifts off you. Spencer’s on his knees cupping your thighs on either side of him, looking down at you. His irises are slightly duller than they were a moment ago. You thrust to sit up too, hands racing to cradle his face. 
“Spence?” Your meekness almost breaks him. 
His vision centres on you. You’re smiling. You have such a beautiful smile. But this one isn’t genuine. It’s a desperate attempt at keeping the pieces together. You’re so afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing, he hates it. His brows furrow and he blinks rapidly. The guilt of knowing he’s the reason you’ve been walking on eggshells is overwhelming. You can visibly see his heart sink and his breathing growing shallow. Panic sets in; he pushes away from you, shaking his head and backing himself against the console table.
“Spence?” You repeat worriedly, crawling after him. “Spence, what’s wrong?”
“No. No, stop. Don’t. Please.” His voice cracks and holds his arm out to keep you from moving closer. 
You don’t understand what you did to cause the rapid change in emotions. You pause, hesitantly and kneeling a little too far from him for your liking. You look to the ground and then back at him. It hurts to swallow the lump in your throat.
The frustration in his tone is evident as he whispers your name with the most strained, painful pronunciation you’ve ever heard of it. It’s not as if he wants this. To be distant or keep you at arm's length, no, on the contrary, he wants to wrap you closely against his chest and never let you go. Your proximity is the only tangible testimonial of the man he once was, the one you fell in love with—the one you deserve. 
“Don’t do that…” He pleads with almost no voice to accompany his words. 
Your arms drop in your lap in defeat. All you're capable of giving him is a hopeless expression, begging him to help you understand. He looks at you accusatorily, as if to say you know exactly what’s wrong. You inadvertently confirm it by averting your eyes.
“How long are you going to pretend?” 
“What?” You pretend to mishear him, your eyes snapping back, wide and watering. 
“That everything’s okay?”
“Why…where is this coming from?” You scoff nervously.
“Nothing’s okay.” 
His direct demeanour should feel icier than it does. Instead, you find familiarity within it. You’ve seen it before. He’s used it when you’ve shown up to his apartment in the later hours of the night, lecturing you about walking alone, and often drunk. It’s been used for many other lectures too, reprimanding any self-destructive or dangerous behaviour. He’s stern, but he’s just as gentle. It’s in his nature—was in his nature. You open your mouth for a rebuttal but he doesn’t give you that chance. 
“Me, you, us. Nothing about us is okay. I’m not okay. To you. I’m not…” His tongue swipes the corner of his mouth, retreating quickly as he stares up at the ceiling and then back at you. “I’m not good for you. Anymore.”
“Spencer, no.” The response flies out of your mouth immediately. Your chest tightens and you try to inch closer to him again. And again, he extends his hand out as a signal to stop. 
“Yes! Don’t you—god—do you think I don’t see how much I hurt you? When I leave the bed before you’re awake, climb in after you’re asleep, when I stay late—”
He doesn’t have it in him to carry on when you whimper out a hum and deflate. It compels him to close the distance by shuffling to you, cupping your face.
“How long are you going to let me get away with hurting you like this?”
At times Spencer feels the skin he inhabits isn’t his own. He doesn’t recognise the face he grew up with and although he can avoid his reflection, he can’t escape reminders of his deteriorated mental performance. There’s no running from the shame he feels every time his team looks to him for answers that he doesn’t have anymore. Solutions take a significantly longer time to reach and oftentimes the realisation of the fact hits him sooner. Being ‘the genius’ is his only value, he doesn’t have anything else to offer. 
He also doesn’t have the strength to outright tell you to walk away. Even if logically, he knows you deserve better than him. Somebody who can be there to laugh with you, hold you when you cry, talk to you about anything and everything. The way he once could. You deserve a person who makes you smile out of genuine happiness. Someone who can offer you pure, whole love. It pains him that he can’t be that for you anymore. 
“I’m sorry.” He smooths your hair, resting his forehead against yours. “I’m sorry. My sweetheart. I’m so sorry.”
His lips brush against yours and both of you melt. Bandaid over gash.
You sniffle and instantly inhale, breaking out of his grasp. “You’re drunk. It’s late. Let’s just—let’s go to bed. Okay?”
He knows that you can’t avoid the reality for long, but he’ll let you try, for now. So he nods, smiling half-heartedly. You use his shoulders to push yourself to stand, helping pull him up after you. Your hands intertwine, gripping tightly and only letting go when you reach the bedroom. Both of you enter a slight dissociative state to cope with the heaviness of the situation. He sits you down on the bed, falling to his knees before you. At first, you mistake his intentions as lustful. He guides your ankle to his knee and starts to remove your shoes. The bitterness is fleeting and dissipates into disgust with yourself for thinking so lowly of Spencer. Your Spencer. 
He motions for you to stand so you do. Naturally, he takes care of you before himself. He works to rid you of your pants, sliding them down your legs. You don’t question him this time. His hands trail up your bare legs, skimming past your clothed hips and stopping at your waist. He buries his face in the soft of your belly, squeezing your sides and exhaling deeply. You card his hair, holding him. To any third party, it’s an entirely romantic scene, but you suppose Romeo and Juliet’s corpses appeared just as romantic tangled together. Star-crossed lovers. A regrettable cliché for sure. 
The moment passes and Spencer stands, removing your shirt and leading you towards the bathroom. He opens the door for you, but doesn’t follow you inside, allowing you some space to carry on your night routine. Tonight’s routine consists of you staring in the mirror for god knows how long before splashing cold water on your face. You’re not sure whether to be surprised when you exit the bathroom to see your favourite pajamas laid out for you. Current or old, drunk or sober, you suppose Spencer’s attention to detail is the one constant thing about him. You slip into the pajamas and find your place next to him on the bed, but not before setting some water and pain relief on his side table.
You give him one last glance before turning off your lamp. He’s facing away from you, messy brown curls splayed out against his pillow. Darkness surrounds you temporarily before the dim light from the moon sets in. You’re about to set your head down when he speaks. 
“I…I wish I could go back.”
He rolls over and you reach to stroke his cheek. It’s cold, wet. He’s been crying.
“To being him.”
“I can see the way you look at me sometimes. It’s the same look I see in the mirror every morning.” He takes hold of your wrist.
You shuffle closer, placing a chaste kiss on his nose. Maybe if you had any energy left you’d try to deny it, but right now you don’t have a better response to give. 
“I wouldn’t blame you if you left, you know.”
“Shhhhh.” You can’t bear the idea. Just him raising it enough to flood tears to your eyes. 
Silence takes over and you pull him closer into your arms, resting his head against your chest. A sob racks through him, his hands scrunching the sides of your shirt. It’s jarring to see him cry so openly to you. You’ve never seen this version of him so vulnerable. You can feel the ghost slipping away. 
“Please don’t leave me. You’re all I have left of him.”
It’s entirely contradictory. A conflict between morality and desire uttered so breathlessly that you almost miss it. It shatters your soul. 
“I won't.” You reply in an even quieter voice, doing your best to hold back your own sob.
You’ll wait for it to come around again. For now, you wrap yourself tighter around him, both your faces drenched in tears, too afraid to let go. In all your grief you failed to notice something hidden in plain sight. If anybody misses Spencer Reid more than you, it’s Spencer Reid himself.
“Don’t go.”
You can’t say who the words come from, but you know that they’re not for you. They’re meant for somebody who’s no longer with you.
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Spoilers: Post-prison Spencer, established relationship, fluff, hurt with (kind of) comfort, angst, ambiguous-ish ending. Idk I wasn’t present when I wrote it tbh.
AN - Heyyyy I know it’s been like over 5 months but in my defence. Also this could have been better, but writing literally hates me, so you get what you get. Guys please don’t worry about the grammar, I was in a mood and it’s all very dramatic and correct because I’m right and English is wrong. Also, I was bullied, blackmailed and emotionally coerced into posting this.
Okay, so I will see you soon or like in another 5 or more months maybe who knows?
Thanks for reading!
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spideyjimin · 6 months ago
hot water | jjk
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—  pairing: jungkook x female reader 
—  genre: establish relationship au, a tiny bit of fluff, and mostly purely smut 
— rating: 18+ 
—  summary: you’re on your honeymoon with your new husband, Jungkook, a man you’ve been in love with for years. you’re also in your ovulation period which leads you to constantly want to fuck your handsome husband.
—  words: 2,625
—  warnings: mention of sex, strong language, swearing, teasing, dirty talking, unprotected sex, penetrative sex, sex in jacuzzi, rough sex, and creampie.
—  author’s note: don't even ask me where this is coming from... 🥴 lmao it seems i can't see pictures of jungkook without having wild thoughts 🫠 hopefully you enjoy this drabble & let me know what you think ✨
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Jungkook rests against the jacuzzi’s wall with exhaustion.
“Mhh,” you say as you sit on his lap, your arms resting on his broad shoulder. A little devious smirk appears on your face as you watch your husband. “Wanna fuck,” you whisper before pressing a gentle peck on his lips.
His eyebrows raise. “Pumpkin, we just finished fucking,” a little chuckle leaves his pretty lips. “Little Kookie down there is getting tired.”
You take a quick look down while you move back your ass. Since he’s sitting on the edge of the jacuzzi, his cock is not entirely underwater. His quite huge crotch is half hard, still recovering from the steamy session you just had.
This honeymoon has so far been filled with scorching moments between you and your husband. Well, before you tied the knot, he promised you he’d fuck you senseless once married, and he has kept his word.
“Maybe we should leave the jacuzzi, and shower before going to bed,” your husband suggests. “It’s getting late.”
His hands move to your waist, his thumb caressing your soft skin.
“What?” you pout with the biggest doe eyes. “I’m serious, angel,” your hands move up to his wet hair to play with it. “I’m so so horny right now.”
Jungkook is taken aback. Since this morning, you’ve been fucking like rabbits; you even had to take a nap in the afternoon to rest a bit. For sure, he promised you a lot of sex on your honeymoon but he never expected that much sex. He’s even surprised by his own stamina. He’s unstoppable, but now, he’s not sure he can follow you.
“Are you serious?” he furrows his eyebrows.       
You look down at his toned chest while still playing with his hair. “Yes.”
Your husband chuckles. He can’t believe you.
“We did it this morning,” he starts saying. “We even had to take a nap to recover from it.”
You can still remember how he fucked you so well this morning.
“And now, you’re just so needy in the jacuzzi,” he adds. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m down for it. I promised it before we got married, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to follow up if we keep going like that.”
“I’m ovulating, angel,” you pout. “And you look so fucking hot all the time, especially with your hair wet like that,” you explain.
“Ooh,” he simply says. “That explains it.”
For the past seven years, your husband got to experience the ovulation period. You can get pretty wild during that period. It’s not all the time, but most of it, you get to fuck a bit more than usual. He never complained because damn, you’re a living goddess.   
“Your toned body drives me completely crazy,” your fingers now run down to his torso, your nails scratching him a bit. He hisses at the feeling and his limp cock twitches.
“I know,” he whispers. “Last month, I was just taking a shower and you begged me to fuck you because my head was thrown back and my muscles were flexed.”
You both chuckle at the thought of what happened last month in the shower. However, you both agree that it was a wonderful stress-relieving moment. Back then, you were absolutely stressed about the wedding. You had no reason to be nervous but there was so much work behind it and you wanted it to be as perfect as possible. It was your day after all. It’s a day you’ll forever remember.
“You’re super hot when you shower,” you smile at him. “Even after, when your hair is still wet.”
That, he knows it so well. You’ve repeated it so many times, even at the very beginning of the relationship.
“You too, pumpkin,” he says back.
His face gets closer to yours, his eyes darkening with evident lust before his lips whisper in your ear. “You constantly turn me on, yn,” his teeth grab your earlobe. “You’re a fucking goddess, my fucking goddess, and don’t even get me going on our wedding day.”
Your teeth bite your lower lip. This man is teasing you and turning you on with his deep voice in your ear. The simple feeling of his hot breath against your skin excites you. Your pussy clenches around emptiness.
“Tell me,” you teasingly say. 
“That white wedding dress embracing perfectly every curve of your body drove me crazy,” he murmurs in his deep voice. “As the day was passing by, I wanted one single thing.”
Your husband can make you come only with his deep voice and his words. This is incredibly hot.
“I wanted to undress you and fuck you senselessly.”
A little and barely audible moan escapes your mouth. As he’s speaking, your hands slowly run down to his abs, causing your man to shiver.
“That’s what you did,” the words slip from your mouth as you’re brought back to that night.
You were both exhausted, but you didn’t want to fall asleep without sharing an intimate moment. You wanted to close the day by showing each other how deeply you love the other. Without any doubt, you’ll both say that it’s by far the best sex you had. It had a different taste; it was the first time you did it as husband and wife. It wasn’t just sex that night; it was the celebration of your love. It simply was love.
“It’s what you’ve been doing since that day,” you add.
“Only because you constantly turn me on, pumpkin,” Jungkook presses a wet and burning kiss on the crook of your neck.
His kisses slowly move from your neck to your shoulders to your cleavage but he stops right on top of your breast. Your eyes slowly flutter shut due to the increasing pleasure caused by your hubby. Your hips buck forward, your core brushing against his half-hard dick.
“Let me show you how much you turn me on,” you whisper almost out of breath.  
“Show me, pumpkin,” he answers.
Although he’s kind of exhausted, all he wants now is to have his dick buried deep inside you. A sight leaves his lips as he feels you sliding up and down his cock. He’s surprised that you didn’t even wait a bit after his words. In a matter of seconds, you grabbed his cock and pushed it down inside you.
There’s no doubt that you’re terribly needy.
Slowly his half-awakened dick gets hard. “You’re getting hard,” you whine as you continue to move up and down his cock.
Your husband buries his face in the crook of your neck. “All for you, pumpkin,” he says against your skin. He’s becoming a moaning mess with his face hidden against you. Your fingers find their way to his hair so they can play with it.
Playing with his hair is something you adore to do while sharing an intimate moment. Jungkook adores that.  
“Pumpkin,” he whispers before leaving your neck to look at you. “There might be some remaining cum over my dick.”
Although his cock was partially underwater, you can feel the stickiness of his cum. It’s quite normal considering the fact that you just finished having sex.
Jungkook is mentioning it because you agreed to wait a bit before having kids. It’s your dream to start a family but before, you’d like to enjoy your married life. You’ve been together for many years, waiting eagerly to get married. So you want to at least enjoy for a year before considering starting a family.   
“Are you scared to get me pregnant?” you teasingly say before pressing a kiss on his cheek.
Even though you mutually agreed to wait, the thought of getting you pregnant makes him become rock-hard inside you. This turns him on beyond comprehension. Right now would be a perfect time since you’re ovulating. All he’ll need to do is cum inside you, filling you up with his seed. Also, you’re already married so there’s no need for protection or coming outside you to avoid an unwanted pregnancy.
“Oh, you aren’t,” you stop moving your hips, your eyes deep into his.
“Why would I?” he asks. “You’re my wifey now.”
Hearing him calling you his wife is also a big turn-on. Jungkook understands it when he feels your walls clenching around him. A soft moan leaves his pretty lips at this sensation.
“And now you have a sort of breeding kink,” you add with a smirk on your face. “Should have married you earlier,” you whisper.
“Eeh, I don’t have a breeding kink,” he protests although his cock betrays him.
“Then why are you hard as fuck inside me?”
It takes him a moment to find something to say.
“Well, first, I’m inside you with your walls clenching around me,” he tries to defend himself. “Then, you’re so fucking hot. Whenever I see you, I get hard.”
You move your hips up which makes him hiss at the feeling. He’s only getting harder, especially if you tease him like that. Your face gets closer to his, your lips pecking his.
“You can lie to anyone, angel,” you whisper against his lips. “Anyone but me,” your cunt sucks up his cock as you push down your hips to meet his. A very deep groan slips from his mouth once he fills you up to the brim, his eyes instantly fluttering shut.  “Is it because I’m ovulating?” you teasingly ask.
Your arms wrap around his shoulder and you press your chest against his. This contact sends shivers all over his body.
“Fuck, yes,” he answers.
“Alright then,” you say before pressing a gentle kiss on his lips. “Fuck me, angel.”
His mind instantly goes wild, imagining you filled with his seed and watching it leaking from your body. The mere thought of getting you pregnant makes his cock twitch inside you. He can already picture you pregnant with his child. Fuck, there’s nothing else that he desires right now.
Even though he wanted to wait a bit before getting you pregnant, the way he’s been turned on by you for the past two days makes him want to start a family now. By the looks of it, you also want it. Well, you biologically crave it. This is something totally normal.
“You don’t have to ask me twice,” he says before thrusting his hips up.
The two of you start moaning quite loudly. You don’t really care if anyone can hear you. All that matters now is to be once more overwhelmed with pleasure. A pleasure procured by each other. Jungkook messily thrust his hips to meet yours, not giving you a chance to move your hips. The hot water is going everywhere as he fucks you in it.
Since you fucked minutes ago in the exact same jacuzzi, you already caused quite a mess so you’re just adding more water everywhere. Thankfully, this jacuzzi is inside the suit you booked for your honeymoon. Nobody will see you otherwise, you’re sure tons of people would have been traumatized by you and your hubby.
Your fingernails scratch his shoulders while this man pleasures you with his little monster. For sure, his shoulders will be red once this is over. Your husband doesn’t care since he’s completely lost in bliss.
“I love it when you fuck me raw,” you whisper in his ear.
His cock twitches inside you.
“I can’t wait to feel your cum inside me,” a deep whine slips out of your mouth as he thrusts into you brutally.
Jungkook is losing himself as you tease him. If you don’t get pregnant after this honeymoon, he’ll be surprised.
“Don’t say such things, pumpkin,” he breathes out, his eyes looking deep inside yours.
For a brief moment, you take in the man you married two days ago. Although your body is speaking louder than your heart right now, it warms you to be here with him. Your relationship had many ups and downs, and for a long period, it was very challenging. His parents never truly accepted you for many reasons, and there was a period where they did everything they could to separate you. You thought you’d never survive that period.
But your love proved you wrong.
Since the very first day, you constantly choose each other. There’s not a day that goes by where you don’t choose each other. It’s silly but that’s what makes your relationship work. Jungkook always comes first, and he always puts you first as well.
Eventually, his parents realized that trying to separate you was in vain. They ended up accepting you and since then, you’ve been having a very great relationship with them. You’re truly grateful you all managed to overcome your differences.
“Why?” you ask while caressing now his round face.
“Otherwise I won’t last.”
“I’m not asking you to last long, angel,” you whisper in between moans.
His hips snap faster, and his hands move to your back to hold you as much as possible. The space where the jacuzzi is placed is filled with your moans, the sound of his balls slapping against your core, and the sound of the water splashing everywhere.
“Fuck,” he gasps. “You’re such a fucking tease tonight, pumpkin.”
Well, whenever you’re desperate for his cock, you’re a damn tease. You’ll push him to the edge as much as possible just to get what you want.
“I know,” you deviously smile. “But you like it,” your hand moves to his hair, your fingers playing and pushing his hair while you’re slowly but surely getting overwhelmed by pleasure.
By the way he’s fucking you, you know he’s getting close. He’s being more and more sporadic, groans falling out of his pretty mouth at an impressive pace, and your name slipping in between the moans. He’s so so hot right now. You’re actually surprised he’s still able to be this energetic after all the sex you’ve had today.
“Just admit you like it, angel,” you say.
Before you can even comprehend what is happening, Jungkook completely explodes inside you. The feeling of his hot cum filling you up causes your orgasm to hit you violently. None of you didn’t last long this time around, but this is the second round in less than thirty minutes.
For a couple of seconds, none of you moves as you’re trying to come down from your high. Jungkook presses a soft kiss on top of your nose, his eyes scanning your face contorting with pleasure.
“Fuck,” he finally says when your breathing is finally back to normal. “This time you took the dirty talk to a whole other level, pumpkin.”
You hide your face in the crook of his neck. “I know,” you whisper against his skin. “I’m desperate.”
He giggles while holding you tight in his embrace and placing kisses on top of your head. You finally remove yourself from his cock, but remain in his arms a little longer. None of you can believe that he came inside you. When you’re horny, you definitely go wild but Jungkook loves it.
“Pumpkin,” he says while caressing your back. “You’re shivering, maybe we should leave the jacuzzi.”
“Don’t want to move,” you pout.
“We have to,” he says. “I don’t want you to get sick.”
“Mmhh,” you say as you hold him tighter.
Since you’re not moving, Jungkook stands up, his arms holding you firmly. There’s no way, he’s staying in there with you freezing. He walks to the bed after grabbing a towel that he put around your body. You stay around him like a koala with your legs wrapped around his waist, not wanting to leave him at all.
After that, you both fell asleep like two babies, exhausted by all the sex you had during the day.
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slut4thebroken · 1 month ago
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | Emmett x reader
Summary | You like riding him a lot 🐇
Warnings | Smut, large age gap, daddy kink, pet names, praise, size kink, riding, crying, creampie, did I mention age gap lol, overstim, aftercare kinda, established relationship.
Words | 1.4 k
Notes | Guys I actually love the dialogue in this so much lol
Ao3 link | <3
Kinktober | day 23: riding
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Emmett’s large hands held onto your hips tightly, no doubt leaving bruises. You bounced wildly on his lap, mostly being assisted with his hands, but still doing some of the work by yourself. 
You loved fucking him like this. If you looked down, you could see his thick cock bulging your stomach each time you sank down on it. You liked being able to ride him as fast and eager as you wanted— when he actually allowed you to control the pace. 
But you also liked how much this position really accentuated the size difference between you and Emmett. He was tall and strong, and you just looked so tiny sitting on his lap. Honestly you looked tiny next to him in most positions, but for some reason, this was one of your favorites. 
You liked how he’d snake his hands around to roughly squeeze and grope your ass, helping guide your movements and occasionally spanking you. You liked the way your breasts would bounce along with you— Sometimes he’d pull your torso down and suck on your nipples or kiss you, letting you continue eagerly riding him. 
However, you especially liked when he took control— when he lifted you up and down on his cock, not letting you control the speed at all as he just used you like a sex doll. It took practically no effort for him guide you up and down, fuck you deep. Usually that turned into him holding you still and snapping his hips up into you while you cried out, barely able to take the intensity. 
You liked when he’d force you to sit all the way down on his cock, forcing it in deep until you could literally feel him in your guts. Sometimes he’d hold you there and rub your belly, feeling how distended you were from his cock. 
“See how deep I am, baby? You take it so fucking good.” He moaned, making you whine impatiently, trying not to squirm too much so you wouldn’t get punished for being ‘disobedient.’ 
“Such a good little girl… Always trying to please your old man, huh?” He said proudly. His hands snaked up from your belly to grope your tits, completely engulfing them with how big his hands were. You mewled and rocked your hips a little, wanting to just continue riding him already. He let out a low groan and slapped your tits a few times, not enough to hurt you, but enough to make you jolt and whimper at the feeling. 
“Show me how much you want it, doll.” He smirked. When you finally got his permission, you immediately started bouncing on his cock. Your mouth dropped open in a silent moan and your brows scrunched together at the intense feeling, but you didn’t stop— you didn’t even slow down. “That’s it… Bounce on my fucking cock, bunny. Ride it good.” He chuckled at your eagerness, making you whine, but increase your efforts regardless. 
“S-So big…” You choked out through a whimper, mewling desperately. You started panting and his hands roamed all over your body, squeezing and groping greedily. 
“That’s right, baby… But that little cunnie can take it, huh?” You nodded dumbly and he chuckled again. 
You still remembered the first time you took his cock. It was almost a year ago now and Emmett had planned a very special day for you, full of romantic activities before finally taking you home. You were so eager by that point— desperate to take your first ever cock… and he was more than willing to give it to you. 
He ate you out and worked you open on his thick fingers until you came, then he mounted you and lined up. You were so scared, but Emmett kissed you and assured you it would only hurt for a bit. 
When he finally pushed in, you had cried and whimpered, barely able to take it. But he wasn’t deterred. He kept forcing his thick cock inside you and popped your cherry, whispering sweet nothings in your ear while you cried. 
“Shh, babygirl… You can take it.” He murmured, kissing you to muffle your sobs and pleas as he started thrusting slowly. Despite the pain, knowing you were giving him so much pleasure made it all worth it… Afterwards, Emmett took a bath with you, made you some food, then cuddled with you the whole night. You were sore in the morning, but he ate you out again to make up for it. 
You’ve gotten better at taking him since that day, but you still struggled quite a bit. However, you’d grown to love how it felt being split open on his thick cock, forced to take every single inch as your walls stretched obscenely wide to accommodate him. It was satisfying in a way— knowing you were pushing yourself to your limits, but successfully pleasing him in the end. Feeling him come deep inside you was a reward like no other. 
“Keep bouncing, bunny. Ride it nice and good…” He gruffed, finally gripping your hips, deciding you needed help after you started getting lost in thought. He bounced you faster, barely even giving you a chance to follow his order on your own. You cried out at the sudden change in pace and intensity, grabbing onto his forearms to steady yourself. 
“Wanna come...” You mewled, whining at the warm feeling of arousal pooling in your belly. 
“Yeah? You wanna come on daddy’s big cock?” He cooed mockingly, but you still let out a strangled moan at the name he used. 
“Please, daddy.” You nodded desperately, still trying to bounce on your own even though he was controlling almost all of your movements now. 
“Go ahead, babydoll.” You could’ve cried when he actually gave you permission and didn’t draw it out more to tease you, like he normally did. 
“Thank you!” You gasped out. Emmett held you in place above him, then started rapidly bucking up into you, fucking you hard and fast, sending you barreling toward your orgasm. You reached a hand down to rub your clit, struggling to hold it steady with how hard his thrusts were jolting your body. 
You finally fell over the edge with a loud moan, hearing him grunt at how tight your pussy clamped down his cock as you came. “Good girl…” He groaned, making you whine. 
You had no choice but to ride it out fully, and when the pleasure finally faded, you still had no choice but to take it. Emmett was growling and grunting, sounding almost feral as he rapidly snapped his hips up, chasing his own orgasm. Tears brimmed in your eyes from the overstimulation and you whimpered pathetically, trying to pull his hands off your hips so you could escape the painful pleasure, but he was far too strong. 
“Quit it.” He snarled, getting angry and frustrated by your attempts to resist. “You can fucking take it.” You shook your head to protest… which was clearly not the right response based on the way his eyes darkened before he started fucking you harder. “Take it, you little brat.” He growled, warning you. 
“Please come, daddy!” You whined, barely able to get the words out through your hiccuping sobs. 
Emmett let out a guttural, animalistic sound at your plea, only getting more worked up. Eventually though, he finally slammed you down on his lap, impaling your tender pussy on his cock. His balls twitched with each rope of come that shot out of his cock, painting the walls of your cunt white with his sticky seed. 
“That’s it, doll… Take all of daddy’s special cream deep in that greedy little hole.” He groaned, riding out his orgasm. His hips were still bucking up, instinctively trying to bury his cock even deeper, and his fingers were digging into the flesh of your hips painfully. “What do you say?”
“Thank you, daddy.” You whimpered, finally able to relax a little now that the painful stimulation had ceased. 
“Good girl. Give me a kiss, baby.” You obeyed, whimpering when his cock shifted inside you as you leaned down to kiss him, making him groan. “Such a good girl…” He murmured against your lips, and you whined quietly again in response. “Let’s get you cleaned up, doll.” He finally pulled back, then gently lifted you off his cock, moaning at the way his seed gushed out of your gaping, swollen pussy. Then he carefully picked you up in his arms and carried you to the bathroom to run a bath for you. 
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wyvernest · 2 years ago
hammock by the sea
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pairing - miguel o'hara x wife!f!reader
warnings - fluff, established relationship, suggestive
summary - you and miguel enjoy a sunny july afternoon on your honeymoon in a hammock
translations: lo sé - i know / así me gusta - that's how i like it
part 2! part3!
The air is hot, but fresh with a salty sea breeze. The waves roll rhythmically against the white shores, echoing through the gardens of the resort you're spending your honeymoon at.
Everything is so quiet, so serene, and incontestably intimate.
The hammock hangs low between two palms, heavy with your weight added on top of his. Miguel sits cosily in the linen cocoon, arms hanging out on each side. You're seated on his lap, straddling him. Sunlight grazes his features in interrupted stripes, filtered through the sharp palm leaves. 
His eyes are closed, eyebrows relaxed. Your gaze lingers over his sculpted face, the shape of his eyes, his cheekbones, the line of his nose and his soft lips; then up to his dark hair, sun-kissed dark silk. 
You're startled when you feel his hand take ahold of your wrist gently, pulling you with a little force into his embrace. Eyes still closed, he's silently asking you to lay back on top of him, to let him capture you back into his arms. 
You remain straight for the single purpose of looking at him for a little longer. It's not often that you see him so relaxed, so defenceless and vulnerable. Your attention follows his jaw, adorned with the remnants of what used to be a stubble; then the line of his neck, and you hold back a primal impulse to bend down and start kissing it, just to hear him giggle lowly before groaning in need.
Your hands follow your vision, flowing down his broad shoulders, and over his strong pecs, reaching the firm muscles of his torso. You feel him tense up, flexing his abdomen under your touch and puffing out a giggled breath. 
"You don't have to do that to impress me, you know." you keep your hands on his abdomen, struggling to mask the loving and lustful awe in your eyes. 
"Lo sé. I just love to see you all red in the face." He smirks at you, pearl-white fangs peeking from the smile, opening his eyes enough just to witness the sight before him. You hadn't realised you were getting so flustered. Maybe it's the heat outside.
Or maybe it's just him, looking like a greek sculpture, completely enamoured by you and at your disposal. All sleepy, messy hair and smile teasing. 
You cave in, laying yourself on top of him, head on his chest, hiding the blush in your cheeks. His arms encompass your body, holding you against him. You feel one of his legs drop out of the hammock, slowly swaying you both into a lulling cradle. 
You snuggle into him, pressing your face closer to hear his heartbeat. With a deep sigh, you melt into him. He brings a hand to your hair, laying soft caresses over the expanse of your back.
But you don't want to fall asleep just yet. There's only so many things you could do. Getting up, you come face to face with him, starting to kiss him all over his face. He smiles, eyes still closed. You kiss him on his forehead, on his temples, all over his cheeks, and when you get close enough to the corner of his mouth, he catches you and deepens the kiss. His lips are soft and tender against yours, tongues dancing in tandem as you make out under the July sun.
His hands arrive at your sides, grasping at your waist before starting to tickle violently. You break away from the kiss, erupting in uncontrolled laughter. He doesn't stop. He keeps tickling until you're backing up on the opposite end of the hammock, seeking shelter from the attack.
He takes the chance and gets up from his place, repositioning himself so that he's laying on you, face up. The hammock swings abruptly from side to side and you nearly fall out of it. You scream and laugh but he doesn't stop until he's seated comfortably, head on your chest.
"There we go." He sighs, placing a quick peck on your breast, making you even more flustered, before once again shutting his eyes.
"You could've told me you wanted to switch." 
"Wouldn't have been as fun."
You tangle your fingers in his hair, massaging lightly.
"Ah, así me gusta" he moans and relaxes further into your embrace. 
"You're so handsome." you mumble to yourself, gazing at him with all the love you could bestow upon someone.
He opens his eyes instantly, staring at you like you just told him the craziest thing he could've heard.
"Mi vida", he pauses, weighing his words for half a second, "coming from an angel like you, it means a lot."
You smile, knowing he means it. He's not the type to throw in compliments and sweet talk just for the sake of it, and you love him for that.
Your attention is suddenly intercepted by the sight of the fruit bowl you brought with you, next to the hammock. You pick it up and start with a strawberry. He looks up at you, eyes pleading silently. Raising your eyebrows smugly, you feed him a tangerine slice. 
You analyse the picture before you, wishing you could freeze it in time. Miguel, comfortably seated on top of you, head on your soft chest, looking up at you like he's nothing less than a god and you're his paradisiacal muse, feeding him fruits. 
However, the air suddenly shifts as your eyes river down his frame, and over to the hardening outline of his bulge, curved against his shorts. Your gaze returns to his, recognizing the familiar want beneath the relaxed façade.
"Let's take care of that, love", you suggest, pointing in the direction of your room with your eyes.
He doesn't waste a second before he stands up and scoops you from the hammock, hoisting you over his shoulder and giving your exposed ass a playful smack.
a/n - i'll make a part 2 if anyone is interested:)
EDIT: part 2
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evnseokz · 5 months ago
{ ☆ ab riding with anton }
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pairing: bf! anton x f. reader
contents: ab riding, pet names: baby, darling, no clear power play, just a drabble!
a.n: this is kinda short but the thought crossed my mind and i had to write about it 😵‍💫 w.c 784
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desire had been bubbling in your stomach all day, watching your boyfriend from afar as he did his daily tasks. admiring the way his arms flexed under his shirt or the way his happy trail would peak out when he reached for something high. you knew you could just ask your boyfriend to help you get off, knowing he’d do anything for you but for some reason you were holding back. thoughts clouded your mind about all the different ways you could get off, wondering if you should try something different this time. you thought about whether or not these methods would feel as good as they sound and if anton would find it odd.
the sky was dark, it was late, and you and your boyfriend had begun to settle down for the night. you came out of the bathroom to see your boyfriend sitting on the bed, shirtless, with his ankles crossed over one another. a book in his hand. you let your eyes scan over his strong pectorals and down his torso. focusing in on the defined muscles of his abdomen. your mind started to wander back to the thoughts you had earlier. a spotlight shining on one in particular, as you wondered how it would feel.
anton has yet to look up from his book, too engrossed in it to notice your stares. you make your way over to him, nerves bubbling up in your stomach. you try to remind yourself that he would literally run to the ends of the earth for you if he asked, but for some reason doubt still clouded your mind. you take a seat next to him on the edge of the bed, the mattress dipping slightly, grabbing his attention away from the book. he smiles at you, adoration etched all over his features, making sure his bookmark is in place before closing the book and setting it on the nightstand.
“toni…” you trailed off, your eyes filled with anticipation as you looked at your boyfriend. his head tilted slightly. “hm?”
 “i want to try something if that’s okay.” lust lingers in your words, hoping he picks up on your state of need.
“what is it, darling? anything for you,” he blindly agrees, completely oblivious to what’s to come. you don’t say anything in response, instead standing up to shimmy your shorts and panties down. anton watches your every move, the realization of what you’re wanting hitting him. you climb onto his lap, legs on either side of him as he leans back a little bit more. your bare cunt is sat on the waistband of his pajama pants, and he thinks he knows where you’re going with this. but when you move yourself further up his body, to where your heat is hovering over his abdomen, confusion hits him. you let yourself sit down completely on his abs, the pressure on your cunt causing you to sigh.
you start slow, dragging your cunt up and down the curves of his muscles, each dip hitting your clit so deliciously. small moans leave your lips as your boyfriend looks at you with wide eyes. his hands fly to your hips when you begin to pick up the pace, helping guide you as you desperately rut against his stomach.
“b-baby? what’s this?"  he asks, his voice trembling slightly due to his growing arousal. you finally find a steady pace, his fingers digging into your hips. he still doesn’t understand how this feels good for you, but he decides not to question it further, your desperate sounds filling his ears. your hands are splayed flat on his chest, fingertips digging into his skin slightly, and anton can’t help but love the feeling.
you throw your head back suddenly, the stimulation on your clit bringing you close and closer to the edge. you bring a hand up to rake through your hair, and anton swears you’ve never looked more beautiful.
“so pretty, baby, are you close?” a whimper escapes your lips at his compliment, nodding your head in urgency. anton wastes no time after seeing your state, and he completely takes control of your movements. hands moving your hips up and down his abdomen at the perfect pace and right amount of pressure to send you over the edge. your knees buckle slightly as your body spasms against your boyfriend's stomach. you topple over onto him as your orgasm washes over you, leaving you a panting mess. anton holds you close as you calm down. you finally get the strength to lean up off of him, locking eyes with him as he scans your features.
“so, you gonna tell me what that was or what?”
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dilf-c0nn0isseur · 8 months ago
logan walking in on reader pleasuring themselves
logan howlett x fem!reader 18+
Logan pulled into the parking lot of your apartment complex and stepped out, making his way up the steps to your place. The mission he had been sent on ended earlier than expected and the first thing he wanted to do was see you, so he had hopped in his truck and drove over. He didn't bother calling to let you know. Besides, Logan was always showing up at your door unannounced, and you loved it.
He pulled out the spare key you had given him. It made him feel special that the two of you were in this phase of your relationship; him letting himself into your apartment whenever, you always being happy to see him. He unlocked the door and pushed it open, kicking his boots off as he shut it behind him.
When you didn't immediately run to the door to greet him, he ventured inside to your room, where the door was shut. He began to reach for the handle but froze just as his fingers curled around it. The sound of soft, breathy moans had caught his attention.
"Logan," the sound of his name spoken just above a whisper from inside your room made him tilt his head, a knowing smile forming on his lips. He listened to the sounds of pleasure coming from the other side of the door for a few beats longer before turning the handle slowly and stepping inside.
"Must've really missed me, huh Bub?," Logan chimed in.
The sudden, unannounced entrance of your boyfriend made you jump straight up, your fists gripping at the sheets around you. He chuckled at your shocked scream. "Holy shit, Logan!," you gasped. "You're back early." You could feel your face turn crimson; he had caught you in the act of touching yourself. Touching yourself to him, for gods sake.
He put his hands up in mock surrender. "Hey, I just wanted to come see my girl, but I can see myself out and leave you to it." His playful teasing eased your previous mortification. You raised a hand to your forehead, brushing your hair out of your face with a sigh, your eyes squeezing shut for a second.
"Oh hush," you said with a sarcastic eye roll. You scooted over in your bed and gestured for him to come over.
He made his way over to you and sat down, assuming a pose of manspreading his legs and patting the spot between them on his lap. "It's so rude of me to interrupt you like that," he continued to tantalize. "So let me help you instead."
The tilt of his head, the way his eyes beckoned you to come to him, one eyebrow cocked upward and a devilish half-smile. You could've finished right there just to the sight of him. But you'd much rather cum on his fingers, so you took the invitation and moved to his lap, sitting with your back against his chest. One strong arm caged you against him while the other gently pushed your legs apart. You relaxed into him, leaning your head back against his shoulder. He planted a soft kiss in the crook of your exposed neck.
"I missed you."
His low, gravelly voice against your ear sent chills through your body. The wetness between your legs grew. "I missed you too."
"Missed me so much you were thinking of me while getting yourself off?," he quipped, his fingers gliding slowly up your thigh to your wet, aching cunt. You let out a small gasp as he slipped them between your folds.
"Fuck," you hissed. "Yes, I couldn't help it. Couldn't stop thinking about you."
Logan kissed your neck again tenderly. "I'm here to take care of you now princess."
One finger dipped inside of your pussy, followed closely by a second, letting you stretch around them. You whined quietly and reached a hand up to grip Logan's hair. He curled his fingers inside of you, stroking your g-spot. Your back arched up away from his chest in response but he pulled you back in with his arm that was wrapped firmly around your torso. "You like that?"
You were only able to manage a nod, your bottom lip bitten by your teeth.
"Better when I do it?" His fingers curled into you again.
"So much better."
He withdrew his fingers, now soaked from your pussy, and slid them up to your clit. Here, he traced delicate circles, gliding easily with your natural lubricant. His other hand that was holding you to his body grabbed your breast, mimicking the movement of his finger on your clit with your nipple.
"I missed you Logan," you whimpered.
"I'm gonna make up for being gone by making you cum, that sound good doll?"
You moaned in response, and he knew that was a yes. He continued his work on your clit and nestled into your neck, leaving sloppy kisses all over it. He sucked gently on several places and left faint marks to remind you he was there. His gentle, encouraging praises made your stomach drop. He felt you tense up against his body, his chest rising and falling with yours. You felt yourself approaching your climax.
"Let go for me," he urged. With his steady rhythm on your clit, you tipped over the edge, body overcome in orgasm. He pulled you tighter and let you ride out your orgasm on his fingers. "That's it, just like that."
When you finally came down from your high, you went limp on top of him. He flipped you over so that you were face to face with him. "I missed you so much," he said before pressing his lips to yours. You melted into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck. Once you drew back, you rested your head on his firm chest. His hand held the back of your head and stroked your hair. Within minutes, you had fallen sound asleep with his body as your pillow. Logan soaked in every second, already dreading the next time he had to leave you.
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girlkisser13 · 10 months ago
so high school
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"touch me while your bros play grand theft auto"
pairings: gamer leo valdez x fem!reader
warnings/tags: smut (18+), thigh riding, protected sex (practice safe sex guys), dirty talk, multiple orgasms
summary: you interrupt leo while he's gaming looking for cuddles, but you end up getting a lot more than you bargained for.
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"leoooo," you called out, sticking your head past the doorway to peer into your boyfriend's bedroom.
he was sitting on the edge of his bed, the faint sound of gunshots coming from his headset as he mashed the buttons on the controller in his hands. he was staring at the television mounted on the wall with rapt attention, completely unaware of your presence in the room.
sighing, you scuttled over to him, gently nudging his right arm upwards so you could slide underneath. he barely even reacted as you settled yourself across his lap while facing him, wrapping your arms around his torso and settling your chin onto his shoulder.
a few seconds passed before he really realized what you were doing, his focus finally switching from the game to you. momentarily pausing his button mashing, leo used one of his hands to take off his headset so he could hear you if you decided to speak, tossing it onto a nearby bean bag before resuming his hold on the controller.
he didn't say anything, but still acknowledged you by nestling his chin in the crook of your neck over your shoulder. your hands ran up and down his back in slow circles, the muscles of his arms flexing over yours as he continued to play the game. he was dressed in a simple white t-shirt and grey sweatpants, his curly hair tickling the side of your face. you were wearing nothing but an oversized shirt of his and a pair of plain white panties, and the material of his sweatpants was soft against your bare legs.
after a minute or two of simply sitting in his lap, you began to grow restless, wanting even more attention from your boyfriend than he was currently giving you. your mind began to drift back to when you'd been in a similar position to this only a few days prior, heat pooling in your stomach at the memory of you riding him.
tired of the lack of action, you shuffled backwards a bit and began to press kisses to his neck, grinding your hips down gently as you did so. that got his attention. he tilted his head to the side to give you better access, and you could feel him begin to stiffen slightly under your core.
"i wanna play, leo," you whispered, nipping the shell of his ear playfully.
"i didn't know you liked gta-"
"¡ wanna play with you, not the game," you pouted, slapping his arm lightly when he flashed you a mischievous grin.
"lemme finish this mission, and then we can do whatever you want, okay?" you let out a whine at his answer, not wanting to have to wait any longer. he chuckled at your reaction, using one of his hands to shift you in his lap so you were straddling one of his thick thighs. "use me, baby."
you felt him tense his thigh beneath you, letting out a low whine as you began to move back and forth, the pressure on your clit sending jolts of pleasure through you. your pants filled the air as you moved faster and faster, hands gripping him for balance.
although you could feel the pressure start to build in your core, you were getting a little tired, body aching from the effort. you were just about to say something when leo finally finished the mission and tossed the controller away, immediately sliding his hands up the bottom of your (his) shirt to grip your bare hips. you didn't even have to ask for what you needed, his strong hands guiding your movements to help bring you to the precipice.
"does my thigh feel good, princesa?"
you bite your lip and nod in response, lashes fluttering as you began to near your peak. the damp cloth of your panties rubbed deliciously against your swollen nub, and you were almost positive that when you pulled away, there would be a wet patch on his grey sweatpants.
noticing how close you were, leo's hand slid across your abdomen, his thumb immediately finding your clit. his finger moved expertly against you, and before you knew it, you were crying out, white hot pleasure shooting through you as you crashed over the edge.
the hand that was holding your hip moved to the small of your back, rubbing soothing circles into the soft skin there as you rode out your high. when you finally came down, leo leaned up to press a kiss to your lips, smiling against you when he felt you shudder from overstimulation.
his eyes were clouded with lust when he finally pulled away, his hand raising to brush a strand of hair away from your face. "feelin' up for another round? if not, I can take care of it myself."
your gaze flickered down to where his sweatpants were tented, your post-orgasmic haze fading almost immediately when you realized how painfully hard he was. waves of excitement and arousal shot through you as you shook your head vehemently, more than ready to take him. "no, i wanna keep going."
he searched your eyes for a moment before grabbing the hem of your shirt and pulling it over your head, his hands finding your hips immediately afterwards to flip you over so you were laying on the bed. A chill ran down your spine when the cool air brushed against your warm skin, only a little embarrassed at how wet you were when leo slid your ruined panties down your legs.
your lower lips were coated with your arousal, and leo swore quietly when he slid a finger through the damp folds. "damn, you're so fuckin' wet y/n."
"please, leo," you pleaded, wiggling your hips a bit when he didn't make a move to remove any of his clothing. you were all but aching with the need to feel him inside of you as soon as possible. "i'm ready."
"you sure? i haven't prepped you yet," he warned, his gaze a mixture of lust and concern as he stared into your eyes. you nodded confidently in response, your boyfriend only relenting when you gave him verbal confirmation that you'd be fine.
after sliding down his sweatpants and underwear and quickly rolling on a condom, leo crawled between your thighs, rubbing his cock between your wet folds to gather some of the slick there. he intentionally bumped your clit a few times as he did so, causing your breath to hitch as you wrapped your ankles around him.
"ready to take me, corazón?" he questioned, lining himself up with your dripping entrance before slipping inside in one quick motion after your consent. both of you moaned when he slid in to the hilt, the stretch from the size of him burning deliciously. "fuck, how are you always this tight? it's like you were made for me."
"i'm all yours, leo," you exhaled, both of you groaning when he finally began to move. his thrusts were slow but powerful, his pleasure wracking your body as he slid in and out. his cock filled you to the brim, hitting all of the right places as your second orgasm began to creep up on you impressively fast.
"close already?" he grunted, a small smirk on his lips. your cries grew louder as he began to speed up, leaning down to press a sloppy kiss to your lips as your walls began to flutter around him. "you're doing so good, mi amor, taking me so well."
"h-harder, i'm close," you begged, crying out when he obliged. his hips snapped against yours, one of his hands slipping down to play with your clit as your moans grew louder and louder.
the pleasure coiled in your gut, almost at the tipping point when he leaned down to growl in your ear, "cum for me like a good girl."
your mouth dropped open in a silent scream as bliss overtook you, pleasure wracking your body as leo fucked you through your orgasm. his thrusts started to become stuttered and uneven, and his hips stilled as he grunted and spilled into the condom after a few final thrusts.
the two of you laid there for a moment, your uneven breathing the only sound in the now silent room. leo wiped a few strands of your sweaty hair away from your forehead so he could press a gentle kiss there, sliding out of you so he could discard the used condom.
your body is tired and sweaty when he slips his strong arms beneath your shoulders and knees, picking you up bridal style and making his way towards the bathroom. you yelped and laced your arms around his neck, his bare chest rumbling with laughter when you asked him where you were going.
"gotta get you cleaned up, right?"
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h-c-u · 1 year ago
Keep your eyes open
Summary: Mirror sex. Nothing else. Not even a crumb of plot.
Pairing: Toto Wolff x fem!reader (no y/n, just honorifics) 
W/C: 4k
Rating: +18, age Gap, size difference, praise kink, oral hyper-fixation, marking, overstimulation, soft!dom/sub
A/N: I'm back, bitches! xD Bon Appétit <3
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Was the whole room vibrating, or was it just you...? Your mind needed a moment to focus and find yourself back in reality.
Your whole body felt dangerously hot, even though your skin was covered in the thin layer of sweat and you could feel your hair sticking to your face. Your breath was irregular, and heavy, as if you were drowning and someone just pulled you to the surface, and you were trying your best to get enough oxygen into your lungs. Your heart was beating so intensely that you could feel it even in your fingertips and toes... There was a metallic taste on your tongue, and you realised that you bit your lower lip so hard that you drew blood, but you were too overwhelmed to feel the pain.
When your breathing finally calmed down, a heavy sweet and salty scent hit your nostrils, invading your brain and reminding you of what just happened.
You were sitting in Toto's lap, although sitting was a very generous word for the state you were in. Your back was tightly pressed against his chest and for once in your life, his skin was colder than yours. That sensation helped your mind remember how to form coherent thoughts. He was using his knees to keep your legs open, letting them hang limp in the air, not able to reach the ground, so even if you could move - you wouldn't be able to escape. Toto's strong arm was holding your torso under your breasts, keeping you in the upright position as his other hand was gently caressing your thigh. Your head was resting on his shoulder, and it felt so heavy, even though you felt as if you were floating somewhere under the ceiling. His cheek was pressed to your temple and in his low, rumbling voice he was whispering things your mind wasn't able to comprehend.
Very slowly you moved your hands and placed them over his, trying to hold onto him even more, because you still felt like you could slip in between the cracks of reality. But the tone alone was able to soothe you in the way nothing else ever could. You could feel his chest vibrating behind you, while his hand moved from your thigh to your abdomen, covering almost all of it. His rough fingers were tracing unrecognisable shapes on your skin giving you goosebumps, but you loved that sensation. A huge smile sprawled across your face as you finally came back to your body.
You gently squeezed his big forearms, letting him know that you were coherent again, and when you did that - he pressed a gentle kiss to the side of your head.
- You want me to do that again...? - he asked in a hushed whisper, and the only thing you could do was nod your head slowly. - You're being so good for me, just let me take care of you... - he pressed another kiss to your head as his hand left your body for a short moment to grab the vibrating wand again, but you stopped him mid-move... Of that, you had enough. - Oh...? - he asked with a fake innocence in his voice. You could hear a sly smile that showed up on his face; you didn't even have to look at him. - You don't want more...? - he teased, even though he already knew exactly what you were asking for.
You let out a quiet mewl of protest, wriggling your hips just a little bit, grinding against his very erect cock, which was gently resting in between your folds, already soaked with your previous releases, but Toto hadn't had his yet... He always took care of you first, no matter what. He even joked sometimes that at his age he might not be able to keep up with you anymore, but that was bullshit because he was almost always able to outlast you; the control he had over his own body... It was something to be admired, especially in moments like this.
- And you think you're ready...? - he asked in a soft, teasing, almost condescending tone as he gently traced his fingers on the inside of your thighs, giving you goosebumps that spread all over your body. His hands rested on your hips for a moment, where his thumbs gently rubbed the skin before he pulled you back, allowing his shaft to slide up, teasing your clit along the way, which drew another twitch from your body. You couldn't help but part your lips, letting out a soft whine from between them, as his hand travelled up your body, teasing your nipples, until he reached your jaw, where his delicate touch tightened. He roughly grabbed you and forced you to look in the mirror in front of you.
You looked absolutely obscene...
Your eyes looked like they were made of glass, your lips were swollen and puffed from constant biting, and your skin glistened in the soft, dim light. Your neck and shoulders were covered in hickeys and bitemarks, already filling up with crimson. Before your gaze travelled lower, you looked up, to catch Toto's grin, but it was far from malicious; he resembled a proud cat, who presented the fruits of his bountiful hunt. He gently nudged your temple with his nose and playfully bit the top of your ear when he noticed you were looking at him, and you couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. But it wasn't long before he guided your head forward again so you could go back to examining your body.
Your hair was a mess, sticking not only to your own flushed skin, but also to Toto's, and your nipples stood proudly erect from all the stimulation, and just by looking at them you could feel them tensing even more. You were spread open by his legs, your most vulnerable parts exposed and displayed... Well... They were just a minute ago, but right in the reflection they were hidden behind a long, thick cock, which tip reached your navel, and just the sight of it made you swallow.
When you saw it for the first time, you were convinced there was no chance he'd ever fit inside you, but somehow he made it fit.
As if out of its own volition, your hand travelled to his shaft, and as soon as your fingers traced the length, Toto hissed quietly in your ear, which made you retreat and look down, but that didn't help, because instead of a reflection, your gaze met the real thing and you instantly started salivating. The smooth texture of a dark pink tip was almost glistening in the soft light, and you could see how tensely the skin was stretched over the girth, giving the impression that it was almost too thick to be contained. Every vein was not only visible but practically emphasized... And when it suddenly twitched and touched your abdomen - there was a sticky spot of precum left on your skin.
- I asked you a question, Angel... - he said with a playful grin, and you instantly looked up to catch his beautiful chocolate eyes staring back at you from the mirror. You swallowed loudly and looked down again as if to make sure, you knew what you were getting yourself into. Or rather what you were about to get inside you.
But somehow words eluded you, so instead you just nodded slowly without breaking eye contact with Toto's reflection.
- Well, if you're sure... - he chuckled quietly... - But first I need you to promise me one thing. Do you think you can do that for me...? - he asked, the cunning smile still echoing in his voice. You nodded again, and he licked your exposed neck, soothing the nasty bite he already left there. When he looked at you again, his gaze darkened. - Keep your eyes open. - he said in a stern voice, and you couldn't help but swallow, because you knew what was about to come, and even though every cell in your body craved it, you were aware that it wasn’t going to be possible without a certain amount of pain. - Yeah...? - he asked after not receiving any confirmation from you.
- Yeah... - it was all you were able to say, your voice still strained and raspy from all the screaming.
- Good girl... - he growled and playfully bit your earlobe, at the same time pulling you even closer into him. You almost closed your eyes when his hands started moving down your body, but you stopped yourself at the last second and looked in the mirror again. Your gaze was pulled to Toto's hands under your thighs, where he gave you a gentle squeeze, letting you know to get ready and relax, before lifting you until his thick tip was pressed against your entrance, and suddenly you weren't so sure if you were ready. He looked almost comically big next to you.
But then he started slowly lowering you, and it was too late to back out. At first, there was only the pressure of his smooth head pushing against your opening, without being able to penetrate, until suddenly his cock slid forward on a slippery mess, shot up gliding between your folds and teasing your clit, which forced a loud squeal from between your lips. You could feel his chest moving behind you, as he tried to mask a chuckle. But he didn't say anything... Instead, he pressed a long kiss to your shoulder and lifted you again.
For a moment you thought that the scenario would repeat itself when that pressure at your entrance grew, but then your already relaxed body lost the battle and gave in, swallowing almost a third of his shaft in one go, driving all air from your lungs in a loud squeak. It took a good few seconds for your brain to process the stimuli, and for a moment you didn't even feel the burning pain of being stretched so much that clenching was impossible, but when it hit you, tears almost instantly started gathering in the corners of your eyes... It was all too much, and a single sob left your mouth.
- Oh, I know it hurts, Angel, I'm sorry... - Toto whispered straight into your ear and rubbed his cheek against your temple. - You're being so good for me, taking me so well... - he continued praising you; his hot breath whiffed over your skin causing almost painful goosebumps. You sniffled quietly and mumbled something your brain couldn't comprehend at the moment, your nervous system completely flooded with the sensations coming from inside of you. - Hmmm? What's that? - he made sure that you didn't use your safe word, but you only weakly repeated the quiet plea. - No, baby, we can't stop yet, I'm not even halfway there and your pussy is too pretty to be half empty... - your sobs grew a little bit louder, and the tears finally overflowed and started streaming down your cheeks. - Shhh, shhh, shhhhhh... It's OK if you cry, you're safe, I promise... I love you so much... - his praise made something in your chest bloom and a familiar warmth spilled from that area... You took one deep breath and nodded, letting him know you were ready to continue.
You let your head roll back and rest on his shoulder while his fingers dug into your flesh as he slowly lifted you again in the air. The thickness of his cock pressed against every single spot inside you on its way out, and you let out another sob, this time louder and you could almost feel him smiling, even though you couldn't see his face from this angle, your nose buried in his neck. Your lips latched onto his skin and you started sucking, trying to distract yourself at least a little from the burning pain coming from between your legs.
He didn't let his whole length leave your body to give you a short break, and as soon as the head was about to pop out of you, he started lowering you again almost mechanically, not speeding up or slowing down, allowing you to get used to the sensations. Before your lips left his skin, you gave him a playful bite over the hickey and rubbed your tears away on his neck and with your own shoulder, because bringing your hands to your face required the amounts of energy you didn't possess at the moment.
You let out a quiet squeal when you felt a familiar pressure against your cervix, and the muscles in your thighs involuntarily clenched. You forced your head up to look in the mirror, but you still didn't have enough strength to keep it upright by yourself, so you rested your temple on Toto's cheek, and the view you saw in front of you almost took your breath away...
Both yours and Toto's skin glistened in the dim warm light, giving the impression that you were covered in a gold mist... Your legs hung loosely in his strong hands, your soft flesh giving into his grip, and every place where his fingers dipped into you looked like a secret oasis of desire, showing how much he didn't want to let you go. You didn't realise that before, but your breath synched with his, or his with yours, and you were moving in perfect harmony, both of your chests rising and falling at the same rhythm as if you were a single organism. And then your gaze travelled lower...
You could see your stomach bulging every time he slowly lowered you down, his massive cock invading your abdomen. You could tell exactly where the tip was and the steady movement almost hypnotized you; you couldn't help yourself and your hand traveled to your stomach, where you could feel him move under the skin. It wasn't the first time you were seeing it, but every time was equally fascinating... Seeing your skin stretching to accommodate something so big, and your opening straining around his girth; he was changing your body in front of your eyes, and you loved it more than you could put into words.
And then he lowered you even more and pain shot through your legs and spine; Toto rammed into your cervix, pushing it back into your body, and you couldn't stop a loud whine that left your lips. Your heart rolled back again, all the sensations too overwhelming to consciously process, so you just let yourself ride it through, trusting him completely.
Toto knew your body well by now, so he squeezed your thighs harder, pulling your attention away from the pain inside you, and he rubbed his cheek against your face, inhaling deeply and allowing your scent to invade his senses.
- You're taking me so well, Angel... So tight for me... - he continued praising you and pressing light kisses everywhere his lips could reach. And with his every word, every thrust, you started to feel the tension building up again, the familiar tightness overtaking your body as his cock constantly stimulated your G spot even with the slightest of moves. You grabbed his forearm with one hand and pressed on your stomach with the other - That's it, baby, that's it... Cum for me, pleeeease cum for me. It's ok, you can do it. - his tone was so soft, putting you at ease and you let yourself go yet again, a quiet moan escaping your lips as your legs involuntarily twitched in his hands, disrupting his steady rhythm, but not stopping completely.
Electricity run through your whole body as the tip of Toto's cock dragged against that spot inside you yet again, and you couldn't stop the loud cry that forced itself from your mouth. Your brain felt fuzzy, and as if it was behind a thick wall, not completely belonging to you. You couldn't lift your head, but your eyes locked with his in the mirror, while sob after quiet sob dropped from between your lips.
- Please... Toto... I can't anymore... - you whined, looking at him with a plea painted all over your face. He only smiled in reply and kissed the top of your head, but he didn't stop moving you up and down, almost like a doll. You wrapped your hands around your body and continued crying as he sped up, your whines matching his moves. But despite the pain and all the stimulation, you didn't close your eyes; after all - he told you not to. And he held your gaze; his eyes darkening with your every plea and you could only see determination in them. He held you even tighter as he continued fucking into you; his thrusts getting faster, more desperate, more erratic. - Toto... I can't... I can't cum anymore... - your voice cracked, tears streaming down your cheeks. Your whole body felt hot and cold at the same time as it hung loosely in his arms and rested against his chest. You barely had enough energy to stay still as he used your body.
- Don't worry, this will be the last one, I promise... I know you can do it, Angel... Here, I'll even go nice and slow to help you a little bit, just to be sure you can take it all, hmmm? - he whispered against your skin and you couldn't even reply coherently, as his movements became more drawn out, more deliberate. He was purposefully angling your body so as much pressure as possible was dragging against that sweet spot inside you at any given moment, and your cries started to mix with moans yet again. - That's it, you're doing amazing... You're such a good girl... Just a little bit longer... - his voice was getting husky and gravely, his breaths shallow and uneven; it couldn't be easy for him to manhandle you like that, but he showed no signs of stopping, continuing to move your body up and down his shaft, a cheeky smile curving his lips as he heard the change in your voice.
Against everything you thought you knew about your body, you started to feel another orgasm approaching; slowly, but unmistakably closing in. You couldn't look away from him, because you knew that if you did, you wouldn't be able to take it any longer and his beautiful dark chocolate eyes were the only thing grounding you in reality.
Your broken sobs became higher the closer you were to the peak, and Toto knew it well, that's why you almost screamed in protest when he suddenly stopped, dropping you completely onto his cock, sheathing it in full inside you.
- Toto... Toto, pleeeeease. Please, please, please, I am so close... - you whined and looked up at him, trying to look into his eyes up close, as if that could help.
- I thought you said you couldn't cum anymore... - he teased with a sly smile and a cold shiver ran through your spine. He wouldn't... He couldn't, right...?
- Nononononono... Please... I was wrong, please... - tears of desperation were streaming down your cheeks, but you couldn't care less.
- Oh, Angel... - his voice was soft and soothing; he could never resist your pleas. He playfully bit the side of your neck and immediately licked it at the same time moving you up again and a quiet squeal tore itself from between your lips. - Just a little bit longer... Can you do that for me...? Can you wait for me...? - he whispered quietly with his nose digging into your cheek, his words composed more from heavy breathing than actual sound.
Instead of replying you just nodded enthusiastically and pressed yourself into his chest even harder; not sure when your own body ended and his began. And then he picked up the speed again, and you just couldn't stop your eyes from rolling back into your head. You had to wrap your arms around yourself, so they wouldn't be flailing widely in the rhythm of Toto's moves. You could feel your breasts bouncing, straining against gravity, the slight sting of skin slapping against skin, the sound filling the room in tandem with other sounds. Moans, growls, whines, and whimpers mixed with each other in an unnamed symphony, accompanied by the loud squelching coming from your pussy.
Toto's fingers dug deeper into your flesh to get a tighter grip; your skin was covered in a layer of sweat and he didn't want to accidentally drop you. And if that meant that you'd be donning bruises in the shape of his fingers for the next few days... Oh well.
You were so fucking close... You could almost taste it with your mouth wide open, willing your body to hold on for just a little bit longer. You didn't even feel your fingernails drawing blood from where you were holding onto yourself.
And then something shifted in the air. Toto's growls became deeper and louder, and you could just tell that he closed his eyes and that his eyebrows gathered closer, focusing on the culmination of today's evening. He started thrusting up, although, in the position you were in, it wasn't easy. His face was pressed into your shoulder, his hot breath giving you goosebumps all over.
It wasn't long before you could feel his cock throbbing and pulsing inside you right before release, and as soon as he released the first spurt of cum right against your cervix, he dropped you onto his cock, wrapped his hand around your waist and with the other reached down ad started rubbing your clit with just enough pressure that you came instantly releasing an exhausted yet satisfied cry, allowing your body to act on its own.
Your legs curled up, your toes crossed each other and your stomach tensed, and if not for Toto's arm, you would have slid down from his lap onto the floor. And then he continued rubbing, as all air left your lungs and you became quiet. Or maybe you screamed...? You weren't quite sure, because the only thing you were able to hear was a loud, rapid heartbeat ringing in your ears, as you were spasming around Toto's giant cock inside you. He made you ride your orgasm to the fullest, relishing in the feeling of your soft walls squeezing around him, as your body twitched uncontrollably until it couldn't anymore.
You were left limply laying in Toto's hold, and after you were able to catch your breath you let out a quiet, raspy chuckle.
- I swear to gods, the things you do to me... - you said with disbelief, your mouth was so dry that when you closed it, your tongue almost stuck to the roof of your mouth. Toto joined you in the quiet laughter, his chest rumbling gently under your back
- Ich liebe dich... - he mumbled and pulled you up his lap, even closer to him than you already were, and hid his face in the nook of your neck, taking a deep breath. You lifted your hand and ran your fingers through his soft hair.
- I love you too... - you chuckled again, not exactly by choice... Your body still didn't belong fully to you and it tried to release all the accumulated tension in any way it could, and that also meant that you still randomly twitched from time to time, but that didn't stop you from noticing that Toto's giant hand found it's way to your abdomen, fingers tracing the bulge he was a cause of. - You're not planning on pulling out, are you... - it was more of a statement than a question and your tone was light, almost like a warm laughter.
- I wouldn't dream about it. - he replied and started sucking on the skin of your shoulder again, and you just knew that you were going to wake up with another load of his cum inside you.
Eventually, you were able to look up at your reflection again, and you didn't even try to hide a giant smile that curved your lips. There was no way you could hide all the bitemarks, hickeys and bruises in the coming days, but neither could he, so at least you were matching. 
A/N 2: Please don’t feel obligated/pressured to reblog, because I write mostly for myself. A comment would be appreciated though :) Love, G.
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hy6erion · 27 days ago
Hi, Christine!!:)
can you pls write Viktor/jayce x small s/o with like small curves? like small breasts and ass etc.
I’m on my knees. PLEASE PLEASEEEE DO ITT😔🥹🙏🙏
𝐕𝐢𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐫/ 𝐉𝐚𝐲𝐜𝐞 (𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲) 𝐱 𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐝! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 ᰔ
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𝐉𝐚𝐲𝐜𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬
✰ Jayce is the kind of guy who doesn’t care much about body types—he’s all about personality and connection. But that doesn’t mean he won’t absolutely adore every part of you.
✰ Loves wrapping his arms around you from behind and resting his chin on your shoulder, pulling you into his broad chest. He likes how petite you feel against him.
✰ If you ever express insecurity about your body, he’s quick to shut that down. “Are you kidding? You’re perfect.” His hands will settle on your hips, and he’ll make you look at him. “You don’t need curves to be gorgeous, sweetheart.”
✰ Jayce is a sucker for practical fashion, so if you wear fitted shirts, crop tops, or high-waisted pants that show off your proportions, he thinks you look effortlessly good. He’ll definitely hype you up.
✰ If anyone even tries to make a rude comment about your body, Jayce will shut them down so fast. He’s that boyfriend who will make a whole speech about how beauty comes in all forms.
✰ Playfully calls you “tiny but mighty.” He knows firsthand that physical size has nothing to do with how powerful or brilliant someone can be (cough Viktor cough).
✰ Jayce is very into lifting you up randomly. He’s strong, and since you’re smaller, he takes advantage of it—throws you over his shoulder just to make you laugh. “Too easy. You weigh nothing.”
✰ When he hugs you, you completely disappear in his arms. He loves how snug you feel against him.
✰ Jayce is an ass guy, no question, but he doesn’t care about size. He’s obsessed with the shape of you, how your hips fit into his hands perfectly.
✰ He loves touching your chest. Even if you’re smaller, his hands still grope at you like you’re the most irresistible thing in the world. He’ll cup you, thumb over your nipples, and mutter, “Perfect handful.”
✰ Definitely the type to kiss down your torso slowly, savoring every little curve of your body. He’ll take his time appreciating all the details you might think are insignificant.
✰ “Doesn’t matter how big they are, they’re still sensitive, aren’t they?”—and then he’ll prove it with his tongue, teasing you until you’re squirming.
✰ If you ever try to cover yourself up during sex, Jayce won’t let you. He’ll pin your wrists down and murmur, “Nah, let me see you.”
✰ Loves when you ride him. Since you’re smaller, he loves putting his hands on your waist and lifting you up and down himself—all strength, little effort.
✰ If you wear lingerie, especially something sheer or lacy, he’s done for. He’ll just sit back and groan, pulling you onto his lap. “You trying to kill me, sweetheart?”
✰ Spanking? Oh, he still does it. Just because you don’t have the biggest ass doesn’t mean he won’t leave a red handprint on you. He loves making you feel how much he wants you.
✰ Growls into your skin when he’s deep inside you, holding you tight. Size kink unlocked—you feel so small beneath him, and it drives him crazy.
✰ Viktor is completely indifferent to body type. His attraction is all about intelligence, wit, and emotional connection. Your size? Completely irrelevant to him.
✰ That being said, he adores how dainty you are. His fingers ghost over your arms, your collarbone, your waist—he memorizes you.
✰ He loves resting his head on your shoulder when he’s tired, mumbling in his accent, “You are very comfortable, you know that?”
✰ Since he struggles with mobility, he appreciates how light you are. It’s easier for him to pull you into his lap, have you sit beside him, or keep you close.
✰ If you ever mention feeling insecure, he raises a brow. “Who told you that you are anything less than beautiful?” His voice is so genuine that you immediately melt.
✰ Unlike Jayce, he doesn’t physically lift you, but he will pull you into his coat on cold nights, letting you tuck yourself against him.
✰ He’s obsessed with the way you curl up beside him. He traces patterns on your skin absentmindedly, always touching you in some way.
✰ If someone makes a rude comment about your body, Viktor won’t even look up—he’ll just say something so sharp and intelligent that the person leaves embarrassed. “I see ignorance is still thriving. How unfortunate.”
✰ Viktor is fascinated by every inch of you. He’ll trace your entire body with his hands, lips, tongue—his admiration is scientific and intimate.
✰ You can feel the reverence in his touch. He worships your body, slow and deliberate, taking his time. “It is perfect, because it is you.”
✰ He likes being between your thighs. Doesn’t care about the size—he just wants to be buried there, lazy tongue strokes making you beg.
✰ Viktor is teasing. He’ll roll your nipples between his fingers, murmuring, “Sensitive, hm? And you were worried about their size.”
✰ Unlike Jayce, he prefers taking control. He loves pressing you down into the sheets, keeping you under him, making you feel small but cherished.
✰ Eye contact. The entire time. He loves watching your reactions, seeing how your body responds to him.
✰ He loves soft whimpers. If you make any noise when he touches you, he smirks—low, amused, and a little possessive.
✰ Marks your body everywhere. Not just your neck—your collarbones, the inside of your thighs, places only he gets to see.
✰ “Do not compare yourself to others,” he murmurs against your skin. “This body is mine to admire.” And then he shows you exactly how much he means it.
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simping-overload · 8 months ago
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ᴀ/ɴ: getting back into mha! If anyone wants to commison a fic dm me <3
ᴛᴀɢꜱ: fluff, cuddling, headcanons, all comfort no angst. not proof read
ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ: gang orca(kugo sakamata), hawks(keigo takami), hound dog(ryo inui), miriko(rumi usagiyama), eraserhead (shota aziawa), gunhead
ᴅɪꜱᴄʟᴀɪᴍᴇʀ: ヾthis is a multi-fandom blog that is designed for mlm/nbmlm identifying readers! so if you're female or fem, she/her, she/they please do not follow or interact with my mlm related post!! Please respect this! ゛
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kugo is rather reserved when it comes to affection, unsure of how to ask for it, and hopes you can simply pick up on hints. cuddling with you brings great comfort to him, especially when you're the one holding him. he's a little spoon all the way, regardless if you're smaller than him. he can find himself sleeping like a baby whenever it's you holding him. However, he likes holding you, too. lay your head on his chest as he rubs soothing circles on your back to lul you to sleep. he likes intertwing his hands with yours as he sleeps, for him its a very grounding and comforting feeling.
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keigo clings. as soon as you lay next to him, he's latching onto you. curling his arms and wings around you and keeping you there. he's not picky when it comes to positions, but he really likes laying on top of you. due to his wings, he's a natural stomach sleeper, and resting on your chest is both comfortable and convenient for his wings. the mix of your heartbeat and you running your hand through his hair makes him sleep like a baby. he whines a lot when you try and pry him off, in the mornings he always tries to keep you in bed with him.
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ryo loves cuddling, anytime, anywhere. he's, unironically, a lap dog. he's quick to make himself comfortable in your lap, whether he'd be sitting fully in it or laying down. your electricity bill is unbelievably high due to the fact he's an absolute heat box. having ac on is a requirement, especially during the summer. during the winter months, he's your savings grace in the cold. he's a big fan of spooning. curling his large body around you and nuzzling his snout in your hair. his arms as strong as they are very comfortable pillows to hold onto as you sleep. oh, and watch out for the drool.
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rumi is a cuddle bunny and likes being held. she likes resting her head in between the hallow of your neck and shoulder, her strong arms curled around your torso. Hsr grip on you is like iron, and unless she's awake, she won't let go. you'd often find yourself carrying her around in the mornings since you literally can't pry her off. she'll wake up once you start cooking, though. she is a vivid dreamer, and her body is reactive when she's in a deep sleep. more often than not she'll accidentally kick or hit you while she sleeps. she apologizes for it in the morning. she likes to cuddle under loads of blankets with you, as hot as it gets its very comfortable.
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shota loves to sleep, so it'd make sense he loves to cuddle, too. despite his complaining, he likes waking up in the morning, your arms and legs entangled around each other. he runs cold when he sleeps and loves spooking you awake with his cold hands or feet. shota likes to sleep facing you, waking up to your face is his favoriate thing ever. he likes holding you, embracing you in his arms holding you tight to his chest. his grip is surprisingly strong but its easy to break out of with a few tugs. when its his nap time snf your around he'll simply drape himself over you, whether hes in his sleeping bag or not.
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gunhead is a cuddle monster, he loves pyshsical affection with you in general. he likse holding you when he reads, letting you rest on him with his hand on your hip, rubbing soothing circles into your skin. not picky about sleeping positions at all, its not like you'd wake up in the same spot anyway. sleeping with him is comfortable but chaotic as he moves often. its often that he wakes up drapped over your stomach or torso. hes another heatbox man but- its mostly bearable in contrast to the others. he's like warm spring heat, somewhere right in the middle of being hot and cold. his arms are the most comfortable things ever.
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wolverineluvr · 11 months ago
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beloved pet
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CW : nsfw, fingering, soft sukuna, pet and master dynamics(kinda), worshipping, blood mentions, fem!reader.
divider credits : @cafekitsune
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You hear Sukuna speak as you sit where he left you with your head lowered. You look up just a bit, no more than you've been allowed to. Only seeing the feet of Sukuna, a small smile graces your face, your hands neatly folded in your lap, despite the harsh ache in your knees.
"Yes, lord Sukuna?" You respond in a gentle tone, so much sweeter than the man–curse–you care about so deeply. "Clean me." Sukuna hisses, obviously agitated from a cause you have an aching suspicion you know.
You quietly nod, standing up with your hands still folded in front of you as you walk over to your beloved. The closer you get the more you see of him, and you realize that you were, in fact, correct. Sukuna's kimono is splattered with blood, but your smile doesn't falter as you reach over to disrobe him. The bulking curse doesn't say anything, allowing your soft hands to guide his arms out, leaving his clothing to pool at his feet.
Sukuna says nothing as you walk with him to the hot springs very close by, and he walks into it and sits down as you follow, shedding your clothes as well. You step into the warm water, moving to rinse and wash the blood off of Sukuna as he closes his upper eyes, letting you bathe him as his lower eyes watch you. Your hands wipe away the blood from Sukuna's rough skin, before you grab a cloth from the side and begin to use that as well, to clean more.
You finish cleaning his upper body and pause. "Stand, please?" You quietly ask. Sukuna grumbles and scoffs, but he stands up, the water spilling off his body and making ripples as he does. You move to wash his strong hips and muscular thighs, and the space between them. You've seen Sukuna like this far too many times to feel flustered.
As you finish bathing Sukuna, he sits back down, leaning his head on one of his many hands. You step away, moving to get out of the water. "Wait." Sukuna grunts, and you pause. "What would you like me to do, my lord?" You politely ask, turning around and looking at him. "Just sit." Sukuna scoffs as though he's annoyed, but you move to sit beside him nonetheless. One of Sukuna's arms wrap around you, pulling you closer to him.
You're practically sitting on his lap now, your right thigh pressing against his left. You only sit there, your lower body being enveloped by the warm water.
After only a few seconds, you hear Sukuna speak up again. "On my lap." Sukuna hisses. You apologize, before you move to sit on Sukuna's thigh. One of his hands come up, and he starts to stroke your hair, rubbing strands between his fingertips. Sometimes you wonder if Sukuna really thinks of you as a pet, though it doesn't matter too much if he does. At least it means you mean something to him.
You feel one of Sukuna's other hands rubbing your side before creeping down to your abdomen, his thumb rubbing your stomach, his hand covers so much of your torso. Your thighs tense a little, you can feel your cunt pulse, causing you to rub your thighs together a little.
"Do you want my fingers to get you off, pet?" Sukuna states bluntly, you can hear the smirk creeping up on his face. "If you would want to indulge in my desires, my king, I wouldn't mind." You respond, your voice quivering just a bit as Sukuna's hand moves lower, his fingers pushing your thighs apart. His strong hand moves closer to your cunt, his thumb pressing softly on your clit as another finger starts to dip inside of you.
His fingers are long, yet thick, and as the first of Sukuna's fingers fills you, pressing on that sweet spot, you let out a soft moan. He begins to move his finger in and out of you, slowly at first but steadily increasing in pace. Soon, he adds a second digit, the stretch feels good, as you lean back a little, onto Sukuna's strong arm. He rubs your clit with his thumb as he continues to use his other fingers to stretch you out. 
You let out shaky breaths and moans, your pussy clenching around his digits. Your abdomen tenses and you start to buck your hips forward, more into Sukuna's fingers. Normally he'd make sure you don't move like that, and he'd be more stern. But he doesn't feel like that today. His hand that was playing with your hair lowers, before lightly pinching one of your nipples and slightly twisting it. 
You let out a moan, a bit louder as your eyes flutter shut. You feel your cunt spasm around Sukuna's fingers, cumming on his digits while his fingers keep moving, riding out your high before you shakily pant. He pulls out his fingers and leans his head on one of his closed hands.
"Th-Thank you..my lord.." You shakily breathe out, causing Sukuna to move one of his hands to pet your head. You feel his hand rubbing your cheek gently, as he leans over a bit. His lips are soft against your forehead, and you still feel them even after he pulls away. Sukuna pulls you a bit closer, leaning back with you more directly in his arms.
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notes : this was a request from Wattpad that literally took me months, but I'm starting to write again !!
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jweekgoji · 1 year ago
some nsfw-ish hcs? imagines ? for Death Note characters. minors don't read please.
tw: possible OOC, monsterfucking (with ryuk ofc), Light is a brat and a bit submissive , mention of spanking, L is a massive virgin, slight manipulation.
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Someone really needs to grab Light by his hair and just spank him so hard that his bottom half will be red, and it's so painful to sit :(. Don't think that's what he usually lets anyone do; I don't even think he will even consider giving permission to do this to someone he loves or considers a tiny bit equal to him. This man only understands fear, and when he knows that he is cornered and actually has to appear submissive and play dumb to save his life, he will cooperate and bite his lip hard enough till it bleeds so he won't let any pathetic sound out. He's embarrassed and humiliated, and he totally doesn't like it. You would only be lucky if you are really strong and fit, also smarter than him. take away his little Death Note away and.. what else can he do? Don't bother to stop even if you slap him until he cries, he deserves it, and it will be harder to stop once you feel his small dick pressing against your thigh once you bend him over your lap.
L is a pervert. And a weirdo. Weird pervert. And he can't take care of yourself at all. Without Watari he would die, I believe. Imagine yourself being some sort of second assistant for L along with Watari. It is canon that L can't change his clothes by himself (or just doesn't want to), so Watari changes him and has a fucking washing machine to clean him. Well, let's say, you are the one who's tasked with doing it all for L. Even though the famous detective proved countless of times his status as the smartest one, he is still a simple human just like any of us, with simple needs, and he has the same body reactions to physical touch. Maybe, he doesn't really get horny as much as an average man, since he's all focused on his work, but the moment you started to wash his body, moving a wet cloth a bit lower down his torso or back, he will get hard. He doesn't notice it until you mention it or stare at it for a good minute or two. He will look down silently, then look up at you, biting on his nail and shrugging off nonchalantly, like, «Oh? My bad.»
Ryuk doesn't really act as some sort of God of Death. You expect Shinigami to act all high and mighty, powerful, treat you like an insect, even threaten to kill you every few seconds, just so you will not forget your place, filthy human >:(. But with Ryuk it's different. Once you realize his addiction to apples, it's all over for him. Just think about abusing this fact against him. Ryuk is smart, of course, he had many people before you, but he is still easy to manipulate if you know what to say. You need something from Shinigami? Well, Ryuk can share with you some knowledge, but he can choose whether to tell you; after all, it's not in the rules and he can decide should he tell you or not. Okay! No apples for him for a week. Two. Month? Oh, you should be such a sadist or have a strong nerve to see him struggling with the effects of lacking sweet, juicy apples..! He will twitch, stand on his hands, and his body will twist as if he were in pain, this annoying Shinigami will beg you for it nonstop. He has no shame when it comes to apples, and it's hilarious, if you think about it. I think you should give him some time, and you can train him like your personal dog. He will eat from your hand; do all the tricks if you grant him a treat later. And when you somehow trick him into experiencing a weird monsterfucking session with you, he is on top of you, making you feel so small and tiny, while you do all the work with those hips of yours, whining and moaning in pleasure, you can notice him salivating. Saliva trickles down his chin, as his hands gripping your body tightly, leaving small scratches on your skin, you think, is it because of how good you make him feel, or is it him thinking about how he can finally get his dose of apples once you finish?
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kpopsexstories · 4 months ago
Hey! Can you do a Jaemin x bottom male reader smut where M/R has a muscle kink? If so, that'd be amazing. Thanks! <3
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QUICK FIX GAY #3: NCT Jaemin X Male Reader Muscle Kink
This is a 100% gay story. Check out this post for my straight smut and this post for more gay smut.
Pairing: Top NCT Jaemin x Bottom Male Reader
Content: Muscle appreciation, Lotus/Face-off position
Type of Sex: WILD
Word Count: 1,345
“Can I touch?” you asked and leaned in close.
Jaemin's face lit up like a Christmas tree. “Sure,” he said and spread his broad thighs wide, stretching his tiny shorts over his boner.
“Oh, no,” you said and laughed. “I meant your muscles.”
You gently placed a hand on Jaemin's bare shoulder. “Oh,” he said and quickly closed his legs. He looked embarrassed. “Yeah, go ahead.”
You traced your fingers over his smooth skin. You felt his strong arms and gave his biceps a squeeze. Jaemin sat still and shirtless with his eyes closed, and enjoyed the sensation of your soft touch.
Your eyes and mind were fully focused on his gorgeous, muscular body. You moved your hand down his arm and up again, then to his flexing chest and down to his abs. He was leaning against bed frame and when your fingers tickled his torso he tensed his muscles, making his front toned and hard.
“Ah, fuck,” you moaned and adjusted your position. Simultaneously, the bulge in Jaemin's tight shorts grew.
Your fingers reached his defined v-line and pinched the seams of the shorts. Jaemin – aroused by your sensual touch – adjusted his position too, causing the boner to brush against your arm.
“Ughn,” he whispered and opened his mouth, the pressure on the tip of his dick sending wonderful and erotic sensations through his body.
Your hand slid slowly over the shorts and down to his broad thigh. He spread his legs wider and his knee rested in your lap. You squeezed the thigh with the full size of your palm, your fingers barely even covering half of his thick leg. You pushed harder on his skin as the wonderful, erotic tingle spread through your own body too.
“Please,” Jaemin moaned still with his eyes closed. “Don't tease.”
You smiled wide to yourself. “Okay,” you said softly, and moved your hand quickly to his solid bulge. You squeezed the outline of the hard boner and he raised his ass high from the bed, pushing his dick into your hand with lust and passion.
“Mm, please,” he whimpered and flexed his sexy muscles.
You better give the man what he wanted.
“Ugh, uhhh, huuh,” Jaemin moaned and panted each time he pushed his dick back inside your ass. He hadn't moved an inch form his spot, still sitting on the bed leaning against the bed frame. But by now he was butt naked – as were you – and you were in his lap intimately riding his cock.
Your hands and eyes were still fully focused on his muscular body. Each time the man thrust slowly but passionately into your body, stretching your hole wide and filling it with his solid dick, his chest and abs tensed. You squeezed various parts of his body to feel their intricate details and the powerful flexing.
His chest was big and could hardly fit into your hand. His shoulder was broad with long and distinct veins. Even there you could tell that he worked out a lot.
His biceps altered between being big and soft, and firm and toned, each time he pulled on your hips and ass to make you roll faster over his pulsing boner.
When he thrust into you by raising his ass slightly, his thighs below your cheeks became hard as rock. His strong legs could lift you with ease, and the movement made you feel amazing things.
Your dick was resting on Jaemin's abs, gliding up and down the waves of his stomach with each slow but firm jolt. Pre-cum seeped out of the head, which was then smeared across his abs by the gliding motions of your shaft.
Jaemin's skin became wet and slippery. Your dick was hard and became lubricated. It felt incredibly erotic the way you rode him.
Jaemin's orgasm was fast approaching. He put an arm around your back and pulled himself toward you, while spreading his legs wider below you. He used his hands to rock his ass back and forth on the mattress, and the bed began to bump against the wall.
You raised your ass slightly and locked your body by tensing your muscles. With one hand on Jaemin's shoulder and the other pressing against his big, hard chest, you sat on your knees and let the man jam himself into you at an ever increasing pace.
Jaemin's skin began to glisten. His whole front became sticky and moist – not just by pre-cum – as he perspired, and the sheets and pillow behind his back became soaked.
“Huuuuh, uuhhg, ahhhh,” he repeated louder an louder.
“Mm, holy shit,” you exclaimed in a low voice. The way his cock stretched and filled your hole was intense and wonderful.
Your hand soon slipped down the chest and abs one last time, where you found your own dick and wrapped your fingers around the shaft. You began to stroke and pleasure your pulsing boner, while Jaemin's throbbed inside you.
His firm grip around your back and hip tightened. You could feel his imminent eruption. His muscles stopped going soft between thrusts. His entire, sweaty body remained hard, and his face tensed as he grimaced and clutched his teeth.
“Ahh, fuuuck,” he ground loudly when he was so close to the edge even his strong muscles struggled to stay in control. ”Mm, fuck, you're so hot!”
You held your breath to feel every detail of his hard and slippery dick inside you. He rubbed you fast, hitting just the right spot, until he came and his entire body jolted.
He practically threw himself at you. You caught him in your arms and wrapped them around his neck and shoulders. He buried his face in your chest while you squeezed him around the sides with your knees and thighs.
“Ahh, fuck!” he repeated. He began to breathe heavily, heaving for air against your skin. His sweaty forehead slid up and down on your chest while his thrusting hips caused your body to shake and bounce on his dick.
Throughout it all your kept your hand firmly fixed around your shaft. You flapped your hand furiously, panting into Jaemin's hair while jerking off between your moist bodies.
The head became red as your fingers prevented blood from reaching it. The sea of pre-cum in which it had bathed caused a wonderful sensation. Soon, pre-cum was not all that came out of your rock hard boner.
Your face crumpled. You grimaced and held your breath. Then, when you released, your breath became deep and heavy in an instant.
“Ahhhh, Ahhhh, Yeees, fuck my ass!” you pretty much screamed when you orgasmed.
You shot your load onto Jaemin's flexing abs, soaking his front in white liquid. He abruptly raised his head and stared up at you, to protect his face from the ejaculation.
When you were done and your body sank onto his lap, the back of your hand slid through the sea against his abs, gliding all over his sperm-drenched and wash-board-like stomach.
“Holy fuck,” Jaemin said. He was still trying to catch his breath.
“Damn,” you moaned and chuckled. “That was incredible!”
You looked down at Jaemin's droopy face. “Yeah,” he said with his mouth half open, his body still heaving and thrusting gently.
When you both calmed down, you returned your focus to his muscles again. He relaxed and leaned back, his big hands and arms resting on your thighs while you gently stroke his chest and sides.
“Fuck you're hot,” he said and looked up and down your front.
“No, you're hot,” you said and giggled, smiling wide back at him.
Even when his muscles were spent and dormant he looked broad and fit. He occasionally tensed up which felt great between your legs, his dick at half attention inside you.
You were so glad he let you touch him like this, and totally happy with his big muscles in any state.
Oh, how hot his chiseled body was, and how erotic and sensual they made you feel. The man was nothing short of perfection.
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animehideout · 1 year ago
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Jujutsu Kaisen Men Fav Positions 🔞
Music suggestion ♥: One of the girls - The weeknd ♪
• Ryomen Sukuna: doggy style
He's the one in control, and also he can fvck you rough. Would control your bending by placing his hands on your hips or simply by aggressively pulling your hair. He loves the view from behind and how you're screaming his name while he's giving you back shots.
“Arch that back for me, puppet”
• Geto Suguru: Eagle
It's missionary but with your legs over his broad shoulders. He likes to see the face you make when he fvcks you deep. Would also kiss / lick your legs and touch them. Would spit in your mouth and make you swallow it.
“Come o don't be shy, put your legs over my shoulders princess”.
• Nanami Kento: Missionary
He loves intimacy. He would be able to kiss you. Faces and bodies pressed against each other. He would use his elbow to lean down while he goes deep. Likes the feeling of your chest against his. Missionary is more passionate for him.
“Spread those legs for me love, and let me make love to you”.
• Gojo Satoru: Padlock
Against the wall.
You would wrap your legs around his torso, his hands under your ass to help you in position. You would be trapped between him and the wall. You're back hitting the wall everytime he pounds roughly inside you. Uses his eye band to blindfold you this time.
“You're so fuckin tight y/n”
• Choso: Cowgirl
He loves it when you're on top bouncing on his c**k. He would lay on his back and watches you going up and down taking his full length inside you. Your hands would be on his well defined stomach and his hands around your waist or touching you b**bs.
*moans a lot*
“Yes kitten, squeeze me with that p*ssy”
• Toji Fushiguro: 69 ing
That tongue, that nose, those fingers can do things. He would push your face to his private area, pushing his c**k into your throat. Your ass positioned on top of his face as you started grinding hard. He grabs your inner thighs leaving scratch marks, diving into you with his tongue as you're dripping, swallowing your juices . He would thrust mercilessly in your throat.
“You're dripping for me..grind harder”
• Ino Takuma : The Chairman
A lap dance would lead to you having sex. He would be sitting on his gaming chair. Your back pressed to his bare chest. He would kiss your nape, tracing the line on your back with his tongue. His hands squeezing your hips. Whispers dirty stuff while he watches how he slips in and out of you. Your hands placed on his strong thighs supporting yourself while you bounce on him. His hand would also grab the back of your neck.
“Yeah Baby make me fvcking cum for you”
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junkpuppet225 · 2 months ago
note: You’ll probably never drink again after this.
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Daryl is growling as he carries you into the bedroom like a new bride, breath catching in his throat as your fingers slide up his chest and into the hair just at the nape of his neck causing your name to rumble low in his throat. Once you’re placed gently on the bed he takes a big step backward, mumbling something about sleeping it off as you sit up slowly and pout.
“Daryl don’t go…, jus’ let me grab some mouthwash—-.” He watches you stand from the bed quickly - to quickly but thankfully you’re already halfway to the en-suite bathroom as you face round two of the bottle of Jack. You blame your weak stomach on months of malnutrition and lack of proper alcohol consumption over the years, groaning as Daryl kneels behind you and brings your hair gently from around your face - reassuring you - you jus’ gotta get it up.
The one good thing about drinking your fill of Jack Daniel’s in a matter of minutes is you don’t remember much that follows. No recollection of your evening spent on the bathroom floor, the bottle of mouthwash you all but swallowed or your second wind after nearly drowning yourself in the sink.
I’m all wet. The giggle that rushed from your minty lips set Daryl’s soul on fire - a man trapped - burning alive as you grab the hem of your wet shirt and pull the thin material over your head slowly. Your name was a protest again and although the memory is buried under a massive headache Daryl adverted his eyes after a quick glance to your perfect breasts covered in white lace. He wouldn’t take advantage of you - he would close his eyes and beg you not to move towards him but at the end of the day he was a man that was in fucking love with you so when his name left your lips in a plea he wouldn’t deny you, sinking his hands in your hair as he kissed you.
Daryl was stronger than you - easily capable of stopping your advances but he didn’t want too - he couldn’t take another second of trying to ignore this feeling that bloomed in his chest every time you spoke - every time your eyes met so he let you touch him, let you run your cool fingers into his shirt to grasp at his hot skin sending a shiver to his core as he came alive before you, sliding his strong hands around your hips to lift you to his chest - groaning as your legs wrapped around his torso.
Despite how gently he laid you back on the bed round three with Jack was closing in on you fast - making your head spin along with his kisses, with the way his body sank into yours and how his rough hands grasped your soft skin. Your name was back to sounding like a prayer on Daryl’s desperate lips, whispered softly against your throat as you clung to consciousness but you were no match for the amber liquor burning through your veins as he lifted his eyes to yours and watched them fluttered closed once again with a pained groan escaping his chest.
The room is dark when you open your eyes again but at least it’s not spinning now. Panic fills your chest as you sit up quickly and groan from the pounding in your skull. What happened and why do you feel like this? You must have fell - running from a massive hoard of walkers and Daryl - he was there, he helped you to your feet - helped you to safety and… sank his body into yours as he kissed you with every fiber of his being?
Deanna’s party comes flooding back to you. Her creepy sons and the strong drinks everyone was pouring - a vision of you waltzing down the quiet streets of Alexandria carrying a bottle of Jack Daniel’s protectively in your grasp as the archers dark gaze falls over you.
The man in question is sitting in the arm chair beside the bed, legs spread apart wide with one hand covering his handsome face and the other resting in his lap. He grunts his response - still half asleep as you glance down to the baggy shirt you don’t remember wearing and your eyes blow wide - saying his name louder, causing Daryl to jerk fully awake and find your wide eyes in the dark. “Y-yeah? You alright?”
“Oh god, Daryl. Did we—-?”
“What?” You watch him run a hand over his tired eyes before looking at you again with a raised eyebrow. “Have sex?”
“What do ya take me for some kinda asshole?” He asks quietly, the rumble of his words sending goosebumps over your skin. “What? No! I know you wouldn’t—-. I’m the asshole. Daryl, I’m so sorry - that party was just awful and all I could think about was you and how fucked up everything is between us.” You let your pounding head fall to your hands with a groan.
You feel the bed sink with Daryl’s weight and then he’s replacing his hands with yours, placing one on each side of your face as you look up at him with tears in your eyes. “I jus’ ain’t good at this - ain’t never had someone mean this much to me before.” He whispers letting his sad eyes fall with the shake of his head. ���I don’t know how to tell ya how I feel. Dunno what words to say.”
“Then show me.” You find his blue eyes in the dark as his fingers tighten in your hair at the thought and you lean into him slowly, wincing at the sudden pain that surges through your brain. Daryl lets his hands fall to his sides as he puts some space between the two of you. “How about we go get ya somethin’ for that headache for now.”
As much as you want Daryl - every part of him - you’d like to enjoy it so you nod and let him help you off the bed to go find some hangover relief. To your surprise he slips his hand in yours like that day in the woods, glancing over to you before guiding you downstairs without a word.
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