#sitting next to u at the doctors waiting room
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onehundredgar · 1 month ago
I'm sure the cultural exchange on RedNote has been great but like let's all remember that China isn't. like. Narnia. Immigrants do live there it's a more international country than people seem to think, and they know like. a regular amount about the rest of the world. As Americans have misconceptions about China, China has misconceptions too, but Chinese people don't live under a rock. They know what a hamburger is. Let's be smart here.
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purinfelix · 4 months ago
doctor's orders ₊˚⊹♡ - franco colapinto
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summary: as if your hospital placement hasn't been stressful enough, you're thrown a new challenge - an injured biker, and his big mouth w/c: 1.7k words
a/n: u ever see a man so beautiful that you just want to patch up all his injuries and kiss him on the forehead and tell him it'll all be okay? ( ALSO LOOK I WAS PLANNING ON POSTING THIS BEFORE I FOUND OUT ABT ALL THE DRAMA BUT ITS TOO LATE NOW SO HERE WE ARE ENJOY THIS ANYWAYS SDJFKS)
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"Sorry, but am I in the right place?"
If it weren't for his half-torn jacket and pleading eyes, you might've punched him in the face out of frustration right there and then. You just didn't have time for this, not now, when the emergency room was as full as ever and you were rushing back and forth making sure everything was under wraps. You weren't sure why - you were only a nursing student after all, but your advisor had said something about "real world experience" before slinking away for his lunch break, over an hour ago. Leaving you here to deal with this chaos. And now, a very good-looking man with some very bad-looking injuries.
"Yeah, please just have a seat and fill out this form, I'll be with you in a minute sir," you rattle off your pre-practised phrases hurriedly, shoving a clipboard into his arms and pacing off somewhere else. Behind you, you hear the shuffling of his boots as he returns to his chair in the waiting room, the one next to him occupied by his helmet.
It's a while before you talk to him again, at least half an hour, but the way he talks to you definitely doesn't reflect the time he's been waiting - or the amount of pain you're assuming he's in.
“Hello,” you pause, scanning the form he’s filled out with his details for a name, “Franco.”
“Hello Doc,” he smiles at you atop the hospital bed you’ve got him sitting on. 
“Biking injury?” 
“Yes ma’am,” he gestures to his helmet and scuffed racing jacket that are piled on the stool in the corner. 
“How bad?” 
“Not that bad, you should see the other guy,” he jokes, and even though it’s corny you offer an amused smile. 
“Right, okay then Franco, I’m going to have you take off your shirt.” When you look up from your clipboard, he’s posed comedically with his hands over his chest, donning a shocked expression.
“Woah, so forward doctor! At least take me out to dinner first.” 
“I need to see your injuries,” you sigh, and he only offers you a sly smile as he hops off the bed to do as you say.  
As a nursing student, you’d definitely seen your fair share of gross things - one only needed to look back to you lesson on pressure injuries to see that. But nothing could’ve prepared you for the gory mess that revealed itself as he peeled off his shirt, which was already caked with dried blood. 
“Holy-“ you start, before stopping yourself in the name of professionalism - but it’s too late and he whips his head around with a concerned look.
“What? Bad?” 
“Some would say so,” you try to steady your voice and sound as convincing as possible, already setting aside your clipboard to gather the things you need. You’re not sue if you should be doing this, or whether you even have the qualifications to - but you’re pretty sure waiting any longer might put him in danger. 
You pat the top of the bed to signal for him to sit on it again. “I need you to stay still for me, okay?” you say in the softest, most comforting tone you can manage. 
He nods and does as you say, and for the first time in the somewhat short period you’ve known him, his mask of confidence slips - revealing a slight vulnerability, and even a hint of fear. 
“It’s going to be okay, I’ll be quick,” you continue to reassure him, and he nods again. “This is going to sting a little though,” you warn as you reach into your side tray for a cotton pad soaked in iodine. Touching it gently to the smallest of his cuts, he lets out a hiss of pain, his back straightening up as he jerks away. 
“Sorry,” you mumble, though you continue to dab at his wounds. “Do you want to tell me how this happened?” You’re hoping the conversation will at least distract him as you work, or at the very least give you some information to fill his file with. But he only shakes his head reluctantly. 
“Aright then, what should we talk about?” 
There’s a beat of silence before he responds. “You?”
“Well, who’s the forward one now,” you joke, though the weak laugh he lets out tells you he’s far from kidding. If he were any other patient, in any other situation, you’d be prepared to refuse this request as per hospital guidelines. But from the shaky tone in his voice and the sight of his injuries, you can tell just how much he needs this - and so you oblige. 
“What do you want to know?” 
“Let’s start with,” he pauses to let out a pained groan as you continue cleaning his wounds, “your name?” 
With one hand holding the cotton ball to his back, you lift the other to tug the lanyard holding your student ID off your neck and into his line of sight. 
“Nice photo,” he laughs as he takes it, pointing out your less-than-flattering headshot. 
“Don’t,” you threaten, though you feel comforted at the sound of his laughter, a more genuine one this time. 
“It doesn’t do you justice, you’re a lot better looking in real life.” 
“Alright, remind me to check you for a concussion later as well.” 
“No, I’m being serious!” 
“Just be quiet will you,” you huff, and he does as you say - giving you time to toss away the soaked-through cotton balls and reach for your bandages. 
“Student?” he pipes up again, eyes scanning your card. 
“Yeah, I’m here on placement.” 
“So you’re not a nurse?” 
“Not yet.” 
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but shouldn’t an actual doctor be doing this? Or at least, I don’t know, watching you?” 
“It’s been really busy this afternoon so my supervisor is,” you pause, trying your best to come up with a sensible excuse, “helping other patients. 
“Right,” he hums. 
“Why, am I not doing good enough?” 
“No I  didn’t say that!” You let out a laugh at his defensive tone, and the way he whips around to look at you apologetically with round eyes. 
“I’m kidding, though if you would feel more comfortable I can get you an older doctor.” 
“No, definitely not! I like you,” he blurts out, and it’s clear he hasn’t thought his words completely through by the way he continues to ramble a second after. “I mean, you know, an older doctor would probably like give me a lecture on road safety or something,” he follows up. As he turns around you can see the slight red tinge at the tips of his ears, causing you to let out an amused hum in agreeable as you finish patching him up. 
“Wait since you’re not a proper nurse yet,” he pipes up again a sly expression on his face, “do you still have to follow all the rules and things like that?” 
“Well, yes, I’m basically working here,” you reply, a little concerned. 
“So does that mean it’d be unprofessional for you to give me your number, you know since I’m your patient and everything?” 
This is the first thing he’s said that’s managed to actually catch you off guard, and even years of medical school isn’t enough to help you come up with an answer. “Wh- well, anyways I’ve done the best I can but you have gotten knocked up pretty bad,” you say, opting to switch the topic, “so I’d probably recommend staying overnight just so we can keep an eye on you.” 
You turn to pack up the equipment you haven’t used and grab his clipboard to make a couple notes. Behind you though, he lets out a pained groan - piquing your interest. 
“Don’t worry, it’ll just be for one or two nights and we’ll try our best to make it as comfortable as possible.” 
“I know doc, it’s just that-“ he starts, turning around to face you. 
“Why, got a girlfriend to get home to?” 
He lets out an amused scoff, “as if, I just have other things to get to.” 
“Right, well,” you clear your throat, a little embarrassed at having made a wrong assumption, “we physically cannot let you go, not in this state - consider it doctor’s orders.” 
He sighs again, though his tone is less annoyed now, and slightly more nervous. “I’ve just,” he pauses, searching for the right words, “I don’t know, hospitals kind of creep me out.” 
You spin around, a newfound tenderness in your expression as you look at him, “Oh, I see.” 
“I know it’s embarrassing, you know, since I’m a biker or whatever but-“ 
You take a couple steps closer to him, eyes scanning over his bare chest and up to his right collarbone which dons a thick scar which you can tell is from a surgery a long time ago. You gesture to it with a gloved hand, “That got anything to do with it?” 
His expression turns a little shy as his hand comes up to feel at what you’re taking about, “partially.” 
“Don’t worry, they used to freak me out too but, I-, we, will make sure it’s as comfortable for you as possible.”  He still looks a little reluctant but slips his shirt back on and heads to grab his things. The two of you walk out of the emergency room and out into the hallway. The hospital seems to have quietened down a little, the chaos from earlier being replaced by a sort of serene quiet as patients and doctors shuffle around. The two of you make your way up to the inpatient unit, where you manage to find Franco his own room for the night. 
“Plus, this way we’ll have plenty of time for you to fill me in on the details of how you ended up like this, and maybe how you got that lovely scar if I’m lucky enough.” You say as you gesture for him to go inside the room that’ll house him for the next day or so. 
“And if I’m lucky enough, maybe time to talk you into giving me your number,” he laughs as he sits down on the bed. 
You shake your head as you let out a soft laugh, already walking out of the room, “Goodnight Franco.” 
“See you tomorrow, Doc.” 
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taglist: (reply/send me an ask if you'd like to be added!)
@spreadyourwings-my-smiling-angel @alelo23 @scill-a @multifan-idk @presleycaudle
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luveline · 1 year ago
hi lovely jade!! I had an idea for a request: reader who’s pretty independent who hurt her back working out and now can’t walk/shower/etc on her own for a few days x any of the marauders (I really do love them all and especially the way you write them. you can also make this poly!marauders if you feel so inclined).
this is definitely self indulgent, so please feel free to ignore it if it doesn’t do the creative trick.
thank you for sharing your lovely writing with us and being lovely overall!
sending so many hugs to you!!
hi honey, thank u for requesting!! hope u get better soon <3
the boys take care of you when you hurt yourself. fem, 1.2k
You wake in Sirius’ bed with James curled over you protectively. This is not unusual. What is strange is that Sirius seems to have already gotten up for the day, his sleep shirt thrown in a crumpled mess at your feet and his phone off the charger. You scrub at your tired eyes and consider going to look for him, figuring he's probably in the den (or office, depending on which boy you ask), but your back gives a twinge, and then a throb, and you remember the night before. 
You rub James’ arm and push it off of your chest, preparing mentally for the pain. You've tweaked it a few times in the past, the next day always being worse than the actual time of injury, and yet the pain you're met with is instantaneously disarming. 
“Ow,” you can't help but whine, trying to bend forward away from the pain, and finding you can't manage that, either. You gasp as heat races up your spine and across your shoulders, everywhere and nowhere, like the press of a hot hand. 
James mumbles, “What's the matter?” with his head still buried in the pillows. 
“James, I think I've really hurt myself.” Tears squeeze so quickly out of the corners of your eyes that you don't have time to recognise the heat of them. Other sensations are more pressing. 
You don't know if he's looking at you, but you can feel his careful touch working its way up his arm, and hear the ruffle of the sheets as he gets up. “What?” he asks, his voice stretched with the early hour. 
“Last night, when we were lifting, I– I pulled my shoulder and I thought it would–” You make a strangled sound. “It's really bad, what do I do?” 
“Woah, woah, don't panic!” He leans in, your blurry view suddenly filled with his gentle face. 
James soothes it from there, so to speak. He shushes you softly when you start to sob and helps you lay back down, wiping your tears, not a lick of panic about him. “It's okay, it's okay,” he murmurs, “does that feel better?” 
It's better flat, but not gone. “I can't sit up.” 
“That's okay,” he says, bringing your hand to his lips, where he kisses your fingers. 
He waits for you to calm down before grabbing his phone from his room. It's much later in the day than you'd thought, and Sirius will be working his afternoon shift, while Remus could be anywhere. He likes to write in cafes or parks, somewhere away from the hubbub of the house, lest he be distracted, waylaid with kisses, or pestered into helping make dinner or do laundry or whatever needs doing that day. 
“Hey,” James says, hushed, “you okay? Mm… can you come home?” A startled question that betrays the first recipient, Remus’ rasp on the line. “Yeah, I'm fine, it's our little gym rat sweetheart, she's strained her back, she's a bit upset… No, not yet. You think she'll let me?” 
“I'm not going to the doctor’s,” you call to him. James smiles at you from the door. 
“We’ll see,” he shoots back. “Yep yep. Okay. Well, he's in work… Okay. Yeah, okay. Love you, see you in a bit.” 
“What can he do?” you ask. “You should've left him.” 
“Same thing as me.” He runs his hands through his hair. It's a little too long again, dark and thick, curled at the base of his neck with flicks behind his ears, though it's short compared to Sirius’ mess. When he drops his arms, the noon time sunshine kisses his brown skin with a gorgeous warmth, and emphasises the lines of veins where they run up his arms. “You look like you're in agony,” he says, covering his mouth with a hand. “Is it really that bad?” 
You nod miserably. 
He sits next to you carefully, but now you've awoken your pain it won't sleep, and each millilitre of the mattress's distension prompts a new layer of aching. “Sorry,” he says, sounding like he could cry for you, “why didn't you tell me last night?” 
James wraps his arms around you in a strange way, trying not to jostle you as he leans down to touch his nose to your forehead. 
“I didn't think it would be this bad.” 
He talks a little about the doctor's while you wait for Remus to come home. It isn't a waste of time, he insists, the GP is there for a reason. 
You're surprised when it's Sirius who shouts up the stairs. “You okay?” he calls. 
James shrugs. “Remus must've told him. We're fine!” 
A rush up the stairs. Sirius pauses by the door, frowning at you both in his bed. “What did you do?” 
“Well, I didn't mean to,” you say. 
“Not you, darling. James, I told you to look after her, all that equipment freaks me out, and Remus agrees.” 
James sighs. “He doesn't mean that.” 
Sirius goes to sit with you but stops upon noticing your wince, and instead flops down on the floor near the wardrobe with his phone to his ear. “I'll get an emergency appointment.” 
“This isn't an emergency,” you say. 
“It is for you. You'll need a sick note sorted anyways.” 
“But it's not that bad.” 
“Sweetheart,” Sirius says, smiling at you softly, an uncommon expression on him, though not unseen, “I know when you've had a big cry.” 
He gets put on hold, saving you the further ache of the line music while James strokes your temple. You attempt to hide how much your back hurts, but you're hurting bad and the knowledge that it's not about to go away soon is genuinely scary. 
Remus understands uncertain pain. He's last to come home but certainly not the least concerned, shoving his laptop case onto Sirius’ dresser, freeing his hands in favour of your face. “Is it bad?” he asks, looking between you and James for an answer. 
“Not really,” you say. James’ face must say differently. 
“What painkillers have you taken?” he asks quickly, “I have co-codamols, did you take paracetamol? You can't have them at the same time.” 
He frowns deeply at your daunted look. “You haven't taken them already, have you? They're very strong by themselves, with paracetamol as well, you'd–” 
“I haven't taken anything,” you admit. 
Sirius sighs and rubs his nose into his palm. “Jesus.” 
“Oh,” Remus says, hands especially tender, even as he laughs, “of course you haven't.” 
“I was a bit distracted.” 
He sobers, stroking the fat of your cheek and then leaning down for a careful kiss. “Of course. Haven't eaten anything either, I suppose?” 
“No, sorry.” 
He kisses you again and pulls away. “That's okay. What about you, Jamie, did you eat?” 
They take care of you in their different ways, in the same way they take care of one another. “No,” James says, “but I have it. Swap places with me, I'll make dinner while we wait for the GP to answer.” 
“You can make supper at the same time,” Sirius jokes.
You laugh and hurt your back. He is very, very sorry. 
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entwined-fxte · 1 year ago
never let go.
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a/n: listen i know i just wrote nightmare trope on my other blog but this is for my fragmented dreams fans (it's me i'm the fan). also BIG shoutout to that anon a few days ago cause i wasn't feeling motivated until i saw that in my inbox anon u are my whole world
content: soothing a certain doctor after a hard night.
WARNINGS: brief depictions of a nightmare (zayne's pov)
zayne × gen!reader (you/your).
fluff + comfort.
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it was hard to see zayne like this. already exhausted from long nights of risky procedures, he could barely get any rest from his nightmare plagued mind. day after day, you saw the fatigue building up, his eyes dull no matter what he did. you decided you'd seen enough, and if anything, you were sure that he'd had enough as well.
luckily, it wasn't hard to get zayne to accept an invitation to stay overnight at your place. perhaps it was the tiredness that made his mind bleary, having him say yes before he even realised. or perhaps it was the idea of having you around him; sleep wasn't easy whether he was alone or with someone else, but zayne couldn't deny that you being close soothed his mind ever so slightly.
“ready to go home?” you poked your head through his office door, catching a glimpse of a the tail end of a yawn.
zayne turned his head to look at you, gaze foggy as he tried to process it all. he gave a low hum in return, pushing his chair back to give him room to stand up. “you're earlier than i thought you'd be.”
you slipped through the doorway, shutting it behind you with your foot as you made your way in. “i cleared the wanderer zone pretty quickly. after all, i'm a really good hunter,” you laughed, setting your backpack down on the ground to stretch.
“really now?” the corners of zayne's mouth curled up in amusement. you wondered when the last time he really smiled was. he stifled another yawn as he hung his lab coat up, exchanging it for a grey cardigan. “let's get going.”
you ordered delivery to your apartment while zayne drove back to your place. the silence was comforting, and yet, you couldn't shake the feeling that there was more going on in zayne's mind that he let on. as you stepped out of the car, you shot the doctor a worried look. “i know you're usually not talkative, but is there something that's bothering you?”
zayne said nothing, instead shrugging his bag onto his shoulder and nodding towards your building. although quiet, you were certain you heard him whisper a low “later,” as he locked the car doors and headed off.
the delivery man caught you just before you closed your front door, handing the bag off to you before scuttling away. the sight made you laugh, and to your delight, zayne was also chuckling under his breath. after a moment, you shuffled him inside, setting the food down on the counter and your bag next to the couch. “you shower first, zayne. i'm gonna make some tea first.”
“sure.” with muffled steps, zayne disappeared into the washroom, leaving you to your own devices. it wasn't long before there were two cups of tea on the counter, and you carefully sipped yours while waiting for zayne to finish. he was silent when he came out; you didn't realise he had finished until you felt his arms wrap around your waist and his nose bury into your hair. you placed a hand on top of his, ghosting over the backs of his knuckles as he spoke. “you’re warm.”
“mmhmm. and as per usual, you're freezing.” you craned your neck up to look at him, reaching up with your other hand to trace his jawline. “here’s your tea. you can go ahead and start eating if you're hungry, too. i should freshen up.” zayne made a quiet sound of affirmation, slowly releasing you from his grasp while you shifted off your chair. a part of you hurt to leave him like that, but you figured that the sooner you could finish your night routine, the better.
you came out of the shower not long after, padding back into the living room to find zayne sitting comfortably on your couch with a book open. “zayne,” you called softly, waiting for him to turn his head up at you. when he did, you grabbed at the spine of the book, folding it closed before taking it away from him. “i invited you over to take it easy, not to read the medical journals you snuck back with you. did you even eat anything?”
zayne hummed in response, as he always did. “yes. i set aside your favourites already.”
“that wasn’t exactly necessary,” you mumbled. “anyways, it’s getting late. aren’t you tired?”
he placed the book down on the coffee table, shoulders slouching as he leaned forward. “it’s nothing more than usual.”
“liar.” with your lips pressed into a thin line, you leaned down towards the raven haired man, poking at his forehead accusingly. “you actually look even worse than usual.”
“how kind of you.” you tapped at his forehead a few more times, only stopping when zayne took your hand in his and pulled it down. you could hardly feel the way his fingers tightened around yours, but his expression gave him away.
with a sigh, you took your free hand and ran it through his hair. “come on. if i can protect linkon city from wanderers, i think i can protect you while you’re asleep.”
in a rare moment of vulnerability, zayne pressed further into your palm, exhaling softly as he did. “then i suppose we can give it a shot.”
cheering internally, you couldn't help the smile that creeped onto your face. the hand that zayne had trapped in his began to pull him up from the couch, waiting until he was steady on his feet before leading him to your bedroom. once inside, you crawled on top of the mattress, never once letting go of him as he followed suit. the last remaining traces of the sunset glow slowly disappeared from sight, leaving your bedroom under the gentle cascade of moonlight. you let go of zayne for a second to hop off the bed again, switching off the ceiling light and then returning to lay down next to him.
a low chuckle sounded from his chest as you bounced in your spot. “well? what's your great plan this time?”
“the plan is to wait until you fall asleep.”
“and do you expect that to happen soon?”
“i do.” you adjusted yourself onto your side. with some effort, you threw the blanket over yourself and zayne, burrowing your body in for a brief second before stretching out and beckoning to him. “come here.” zayne didn’t bother with a response, only giving you an unreadable look. but after a few seconds, zayne resigned, bringing himself towards you. you couldn’t help but give him an exasperated look when he stopped further from you than you wanted. “closer,” you murmured, sliding an arm around his waist and tugging him in. “i can’t hold you if you’re so far away.”
a sigh slipped past his lips. yet despite the way he sounded annoyed, zayne accepted the invitation, tucking his head down into the dip of your shoulder as he wound his arms around you. legs became tangled in seconds, and you could’ve sworn you felt him sigh in relief when you started carding your hand through his hair. “so your plan is to make sure i can’t run away,” zayne hummed against your skin. you laughed at the accusation, and for a fleeting second, zayne felt like the sound could heal him from anything.
“i might as well try to keep you from working.” were it possible, you would have pulled him closer. instead, you settled by pressing your lips to the crown of his head. “sleep, zayne. i won’t let go.”
the words echoed in his mind, resonated in his heart; but the next time he opened his eyes, there was only an empty space next to him. “y/n?” panic rooted in his chest, sitting upright to find nothing but silence. zayne climbed off the bed, fear driving him to look through the windows. outside, wanderers flooded the streets, turning it into a sea of black. for a moment, zayne caught a familiar face; and he could do nothing but watch as you were drowned in the abyss.
you kept stroking up and down his back rhythmically, attempting to soothe zayne’s restless movement. eventually, his eyes flew open, gaze misty as he suddenly gripped onto you. you waited until his breathing steadied, continuing to draw circles into his skin even after he had calmed. “another nightmare?”
zayne exhaled deeply, turning his face down so he could press his forehead against your collarbone. “you didn’t let go.”
your other hand returned to his head, playing with the hair at the base of his neck. “i told you i wouldn’t.” the way zayne shivered didn’t go unnoticed. unsure if it was the cold or his fear, you tightened the blanket around the both of you as best you could. “go back to sleep. it hasn’t even been two hours.”
zayne spoke again, barely audible. “will you let go?” and then he felt your chin, gently moving side to side across his head.
“not in a million lifetimes.”
silence fell like snow, with only the sound of your intertwined breathing filling the room. with a final sigh, zayne closed his eyes and pressed himself into you, searing your warmth into his soul as if it were the last time he could.
and this time, when zayne dreams, he dreams of a certain hunter, and of a field of jasmines.
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a/n: happy actual first post!! the urge to write "rei" instead of zayne and "MC" instead of "y/n" was ridiculously high. also his new card?!?#?@?@: i'm on the ground ......
reblogs are really appreciated (´ω`) ♡
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hughjackmansbicep · 6 months ago
The Seamstress
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Contains: Logan Howlett X F!Reader
Summary: Youre a seamstress and he seems to have an endless supply of holey clothes....
Wordcount: 1.2k
Warnings: None :D
a/n: haiiiiii ive always loved this trope in fics !!! tehe!! srry for not writing much recently i got fired from my job LOL anywayssss... i was listening to the smiths writing this unrelated but related.
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Most days bled together, the same mundane routine playing out in front of you each day. Wake up, go to work, go home, eat takeout, and pass out to some soap opera. Currently, the highlight of your life was finding out what was going to happen next on The Days of Our Lives. You were a seamstress in the middle of Manhattan; you owned a small shop off 64th, and although you were living out your dream, nothing excited you anymore. Every task felt exhausting; you couldn't even find passion in sewing anymore. That was until he stumbled into your shop.
“Hi, yeah, I was wondering if you'd be able to sew this up for me.” He grumbled, holding up what appeared to be some yellow and blue jumpsuit. You'd almost forgotten to respond, completely captivated by his sheer beauty. His gorgeous face, chiseled body, kitty-like hair, and you can't forget the unusual yet totally working for him mutton chops. “U-um, ahem, yeah, I totally could.” You manage to choke out, reaching for the clothing item. “How long do you reckon it'll take?” You examine the clothing carefully; it's decorated with rips and holes everywhere. He's lucky if I can get this finished by the end of the week, “Tomorrow.” Your mouth moves quicker than your brain can. “Cool, I'll come by at 10? Is that alright?” He asks, slowly backing out of the shop, his eyes never leaving you. ‘10am? I can't begin to do that either; I mean, I wouldn't get to sleep tonight’. “Yep! See you at 10!” Cure that mouth of yours; you give him a smile and an awkward wave as he makes his way out the door.
You blow your breath out as if you'd been holding it the entire time, sinking down into your chair. You silently cursed at yourself for agreeing to such a stupid timeframe, but this meant you could binge Days of Our Lives tonight, so maybe it wasn't half bad.
The rest of the day went just as you expected. A couple hems, a few cinches—nothing out of the ordinary apart from the comic book cosplay you agreed to revive back to life. It was currently 3 o’clock in the morning; you'd been sitting there sewing the garment for 7 hours. Honestly, you'd been making great time; you were so close to finishing, maybe 20 stitches left total. Somewhere between the last stitch and a doctor getting slapped, you'd passed out on your living room floor.
You'd awoken to the feeling of your feline licking your cheek, causing you to immediately shoot up off the floor. Your eyes frantically searching for a clock, the power Must’ve gone out sometime around 5 in the morning because that's all you saw flashing back at you on the stove. In a frenzy, you started throwing random clothes on, praying they'd match, shoving the costume in a garment bag, and running out the door. Thats when you finally looked down at your phone, seeing the time read 10:03, “God damnit.” You whined under your breath. Your shop was only a couple blocks away, but that was still a 15-minute walk, so you sprinted. You probably looked like a complete lunatic, but you couldn't care less right now. The incredibly hot customer probably waiting outside your doors was the utmost important thing on your mind.
Dripping in sweat and hyperventilating as you turned the corner to where your shop was, you saw him just as you thought you would. Leaning up against the door, one arm crossed over his torso as he took a drag from his cigar with his other. God, he looked heavenly, and you... Well, maybe not your best day, but definitely not your worst. “Hey, sorry I'm late.” You breathed out, hands resting on your knees as you caught your breath. “But I've got your thingy.” You hold the garment bag up; he just furrows his eyebrows at you, cocking his head to the side. His silence makes you feel more embarrassed than you already do. You get up to unlock your doors, ushering him to follow you inside.
You check him out at the register; the only words being exchanged were the cost of the repairs and where he can tap his card. He walked out with a smile and a nod, a soft ‘Thanks’ escaping his lips before the door shut. You throw your head in your hands, feeling shame wash over you. You were hoping and praying he was going to leave his number on the receipt, but obviously he did not. I mean, why would you have had him waiting and showed up looking like a complete mess? Not very good looks. You simply had to chop it up as a loss and return back to the mundaneness of your life.
The very next morning, though, he was here again, this time holding an old brown jacket. He'd said there was a small hole in the pocket he wanted fixed. This time it only took you all 20 minutes. You asked him to wait upfront as you brought the jacket to the back to repair it. When you returned, you checked him out the same as before, and he left exactly the same as before. This became an everyday routine for the two of you. Every day he'd walk in with some worn-out article of clothing asking you to stitch it up; you always obliged, even if the clothes looked and smelled like they came from 1987. You always did wonder how this guy had so many ripped-up clothes just lying around, and why wouldn't he just bring them in all at once?
This charade had been going on for 2 weeks now when you finally decided to break from your usual script of ‘thank you, come again’. “Why is everything you own torn apart? Is everything okay back home?” You asked as he slipped his card into the machine. You could see the heat rising to his cheeks as he tried to hide a smirk creeping its way on his face. “You want me to be honest with you?” He looked up at you, pursing his lips together in a thin line. You nodded your head, waiting for him to continue, “I honestly thought you were gorgeous when I first walked into your shop.” Now your cheeks started burning red as your eyes went wide. “So every day since then I head into Goodwill and find anything I can with a hole in it so I can find an excuse to come see you.” This was the first time you'd ever seen this man avoid eye contact with you. You couldn't find your words as your throat had gone dry. He was into you??? And here you were this whole time thinking you ruined your shot (and that he was homeless, but you weren't going to tell him that). 
"Well, say something.” He exasperated, snapping you out of your daze. “I honestly don't know what to say; I’m shocked. I get off at 6 if y’know... You wanted to grab something to eat?” You offer awkwardly, smiling through the pain of how anxious you sounded. He looks up to you finally meeting your gaze, a soft smile painted on his lips. “Ill be here to pick you up at 6 doll.” He grabs your hand, planting a gentle kiss on your knuckle. He walked out the door, leaving you in utter shock and denial for the rest of your shift.
hi ps u can always request me shtuff to write! :3
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mo0nfairy · 2 years ago
Any chance of some nsfw with guard puppy leon pls? 👉👈 I love the way u write him sm😩😳
tw :: nsfw themes (mdni!!), re4 spoilers, obsessive!leon, yandere!leon, sub!leon, masochism, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, invasion of privacy, leon being infected for like 2 seconds, (also no specification of reader's gender/genitalia).
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⸺ ya'll.................. you can't drop shit like this in my inbox and not expect me to go feral. (i am also legally obligated to use this gif cause how can i resist).
let's say it's right after the events of re4. you and leon had spent an eternity dodging every kind of abomination known to mankind before you finally made it to safety. the government then took you in to study the effects the plaga parasite had on humans. however, leon was infected while you weren't, meaning the two of you would have to be temporarily separated. and fuck, being away from you kills leon with need. he just has to get his hands on you. and when his head gets fogged up with all sorts of disastrous scenarios (all involving you hurting in some shape or form), leon busts open the lock to his room and sets out on finding you. practically tearing the place asunder in his efforts, he finally locates you in a completely separate wing.
how fucking dare they take you so far from him? what if something happened? what if he can't be there to protect you-!?
his train of thought is abruptly cut off when he enters the room and finds you, entirely naked. there are several doctors around you, poking and prodding at you like a lab rat. leon literally just !!!!!!!!! at the sight, but is also >:( because of all these people putting their filthy hands on you. he is enraged at the people for touching you, but he also can't tame his heart after seeing your bare skin. he leaves to his room with his tail between his legs and his face adorned in red blotches. and poor leon hasn't been granted a single second alone to relieve himself, not with all these scientists and security guards surrounding him 24/7. (he got a little aggressive with staff when he had to seperate from you).
and being unable to relieve himself before he can see you and drown you in his obsession is destroying him. especially when he learns you've been moved to a safehouse all the way across the country, all while he has to stay in this hospital without you. he isn’t sleeping, he lost his appetite, and his body temperature has increased to a worrisome degree. the doctors even put down ‘hypersexual’ as one of his symptoms. and just a week later, leon is still distraught, but is all healed up. his mood brightens, however, when he learns he is being sent to the same undisclosed location. finally, he gets to be alone with you. and god, he is desperate.
practically tearing the front door off its hinges, leon searches for you through the house like a goddamn serial killer. and when he finds you, he goes feral. you don't have a second to even acknowledge the second presence in the house before he is all over you. one second you're minding your business and the next you're practically being smothered to death. on the counter, on the bed, hell, on the floor, leon doesn't give a shit where. as long as he’s able to ensure no inch on your body goes untouched.
leon tears your clothes off like a predator tearing apart the flesh of its prey. his calloused hands touch everywhere he can with almost religious fervor. good god, has leon ached for this. he's constantly losing air from latching his mouth all over you. he'll pull back a good centimeter, wait maybe a picosecond to catch his breath, before indulging in you again. and sidenote, he's a virgin (fight me abt it). sweet, innocent leon is so inexperienced but tries so. fucking. hard. all you have to do is sit back and guide him. every syllable out of your mouth is gospel to him, after all.
while his tongue is practically shoved down your throat, you bite down on the squirming muscle and it's just....…. instant subspace. his eyebrows scrunch upwards and he's moaning like a bitch into your mouth. his entire life, leon has endured so much pain, (especially right after the events of re4). but to hurt at your hand, knowing he is still safe with you? it is like heaven and hell in the same breath. so please, hurt him, bite him, rip out his fucking throat with your teeth if you want- just fucking do anything to him!
and leon is so distracted by you, he doesn't even realize how devastating he looks. his cheeks are as red as two ripe cherries; his eyes are wet with infatuation, brimming with tears. and downstairs, the vulgar sight displays a good 8 inches erect, on the skinny side with veins protruding the straight, pink shaft. his tip flushes an angry red and is overwhelmed with precum. you gently take it into your hand and caress the white-pearl with your thumb. and leon's voice literally raises several octaves in such an obscene manner, you wonder how he'll react when he's finally inside of you. but for now, your mere hands on him has turned him into a completely different person.
you guide his bloated head to your entrance and rub it into the surrounding skin, now slick with your spit and his precum. leon's entire body is shaking; his chest is flat from holding his breath in anticipation. 'fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck-' his chants huff against your face while his gaze is casted downwards, trembling from the sight alone. you could keep him here if you wanted, torture him even more. mock his whining while his swollen head is practically begging you to let him in and end this agony. but, he's just too damn cute. so, you give your poor puppy what he so desperately wants and push him into your soaked hole with ease. and the cry leon lets out is nothing short of pornographic.
"y-y/n/n-! oh, jesus, sh-shit-... uhn-!" his forehead is pressed against yours as he moans out for you.
when leon finally bottoms out inside, you let your spongy, sopping walls adjust to the length of his dick and try to calm him down (to no avail, unfortunately). he's too caught up in tripping over his words, attempting to verbalize the adrenaline coursing through him from just how amazing you feel and how soul-crushingly good it will be when he finishes. leon hasn't even started moving yet and he's already overwhelmingly drunk on pleasure.
you then push down on his lower back, giving him permission to begin moving. and the man leon becomes is that of a creature possessed. there is not a single moment spent being gentle, he is rutting into your thick heat like his life depends on it. he buries his face into your neck and everything just becomes so messy. your hot, hyperventilating breaths paint the air and your bodies are sheen with sweat as they stick together. his hands are locked around you like a lifeline, clinging so tightly to you as if he were hanging from a cliffside and you were his saving grace. (this is him basically). with his eyes rolling into the back of his skull, his hair clinging to his sweaty forehead, his jaw hung low with uncontrollable moans — god, you make him so fucking stupid.
'hmy- my fuckin’ god- y/n/n, i-... 'm-your- your stupid mutt, your dumb puppy... fuck, s’fuckin’ good, s’fuckin' perfect." you're not even exactly sure what leon is saying, with his voice muffled against your neck. but, when his voice is so whiny and slurred like that, you can only imagine how adorably pathetic the words that follow are.
drool seeps down his chin and pools in the nape of your shoulder. his mouth is all over your neck like a vampire, lazily kissing and marking your skin. with how overwhelmingly intense the euphoria is, he knows that one glance at your godly face and body will send him over the edge. so, he keeps his face nestled away. fortunately for him, however, you're not far behind from finishing. every vigorous thrust of his plunges deep into you, causing your body to jolt forward from the sheer force.
you grasp hold of leon's hand, causing his heart to practically explode in his chest, before guiding him on how to stimulate you. his hands rub against your sex with fervent, clumsy haste. and before you can even blink, your orgasm hits you like a wave. it is unexpected and unbelievably intense. every sound from your mouth causes leon’s dick to twitch inside of you, pushing him closer and closer to that earth-shattering finish. he is now full-on crying, his lewd sobs and pleads reverberating from the grip your body has on him. in the cusp of your high, you grab a fistful of leon's blonde hair and pull his head back.
you growl in his ear, "you're my bitch in heat."
and with that, leon gushes inside of you. a deafening wail permeates the room as he sporadically thrusts his hips against yours with bruising force. he practically bleats like a sheep as he cums and anyone lurking outside would probably think you were murdering him. leon fills you to the brim with his seed, the excess escaping past your entrance and staining the surface beneath. his vision goes white, his body shivers with rapture, and his mind is devoid of any thoughts beside you, you, you. the act of intimacy, to revel in your pleasure — oh, it is heaven. leon knew it was gonna be good, but never this fucking good.
every muscle in his body then goes limp against you. quiet whimpers pervade the air as he presses sloppy, soft kisses against your lips. chants of 'i love you, i love you so fucking much' escape his breathless mouth. and the look in his honeyed gaze... he is just so fucking happy to be back with the only person he could ever love, the only person he could ever need. it's clear as day, leon couldn't be more in love with you. but, when you try and push him away for some room to breathe, his hold on you turns tenacious and you can feel how he is still rock-hard inside of you.
you realize that not only are you in for a long night, but you are in for a long, long life beside leon.
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okay..... this is my first time writing smut. like ever. if it's shit, pls don't be afraid to send some critique my way!! thank u !
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cheri-2047 · 9 months ago
Hi guys! Here’s the weekly poll! A new one for u gusy to pick us out btw
Sorry for the short post, idk how to elaborate on words
Tending to Arlecchino’s wounds
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TAGS: mentions of blood, gore if you squint, fluff
CHARACTERS: arlecchino, mentions of Freminet
2:00 AM.
You stayed up the entire night, waiting for your lover, Arlecchino to arrive to the hearth.
You had been living in the hearth with arlecchino ever since you two started dating, and you don’t mind. You help the kids, help her and just like being there in general.
Lately, she’s been out on more missions. Which is normal, but the thing is, it’s not hee missions. She orders kids in the hearth to do tasks but lately, she’s been more busy doing it all on her own.
You get worried, seeing how injured the kids look when they return from their mission. Arlecchino by their side, supporting them with blood on her face and trousers.
You exclaimed, when she came home at 2AM with an injured Freminet in her arms.
“Get him to the infirmary. Now.”
She demanded, giving you a barely conscious Freminet.
You ran to the infirmary, whispering soothing things to the boy.
“Shh shh it’s okay, just a bit longer. No passing out okay?”
You said calmly, as you brought him to a bed in the infirmary.
You called out, before seeing a bunch of nurses treat him.
“Wheres… f-father…”
He looked for him, with a look of fear in his eyes. Not fear that he might die, but fear of failing the mission.
“That’s not important!”
You held his hand, before the doctors told you they’ll need to put anesthesia and perform surgery. They couldn’t allow you in the room.
You panicked, but you had to leave.
As you left the room, you saw a trail of blood.
That’s odd
You thought, seeing the blood trail past the infirmary.
You followed the blood trail, only for you to hear a groan.
You then realized.
You ran into hee room, not bothering to knock, to see her in the couch, blood all over her stomach, dust on her face and laying down with a med kit next to her.
She simply stared, trying to sit up but wincing softly.
“Ive been trained for it, I can handle it.”
She says with her normal nonchalant tone, looking at you in surprise when you started getting the things for the wounds.
She observed you closely, watching your hands shake in fear that you might lose your lover.
“…may I?”
You said, tugging her shirt.
She nodded, as you saw the amount of cuts in her stomach. You ran your hands over the open wounds, Arlecchino grunts.
“I can take care of myself, go to bed y/n.”
Arlecchino was strong, she always took care of her own wounds. She didn’t like others seeing her wounds.
The moment you started cleaning her wounds, she didn’t know how to feel. She never had someone worrying over her, or at least she hasn’t for a long time. She just watched you, staying silent and still.
From time to time, you could tell she was in a lot of pain. It wasn’t through her looks or actions, but something you couldn’t name.
During these times, she closes her eyes, just letting you treat her. You panicked at first when you thought she went unconscious, but she taps her fingers on the couch to reassure you in a way.
When you finish, it’s just silent. She doesn’t know how to react, she was raised to be a soldier. She didn’t know how to thank you, so instead she just nodded her head as thanks.
“….I appreciate the gesture.”
She stands up, gives you a kiss on the forehead.
“Let’s get you to bed”
BEFORE YOU GUYS SAY SMTH LIKW “this is so mischaracterized” “omg arle tsundere???” NO. YUCK. EW. JUST READ THE HEADCANONS BELOW
This woman is strong as hell, so she tries to remain strong even when she’s weak
She got the habit of treating herself from the start, even when the previous knave was there
“But she’s a strict and unfeeling-“ SHUT UP. Yes I think she’s strong but I don’t think that means she doesn’t feel pain at all.
Idt SHES the type to be like “ah-!” Or jolt up in pain, instead she just goes “tsk” or has a light gasp.
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hyuuukais · 11 months ago
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-`♡´ - APARTMENT 143
pairing -> lee minho x fem reader
synopsis -> after a bad breakup, y/n needs to find a new place to live. although she's grateful for her best friend, up-and-coming model hwang hyunjin, for letting her stay at his, she can't keep living with him and his model roommates. so when an opening for somewhere nearby with cheap rent opens up, she jumps on it, despite knowing next to nothing about the 3 other tenants, only that one owns 3 cats. the three quickly learn of her breakup, determined to help get her back on her feet. but what happens when one of them begins to develop feelings?
warnings -> gen, hospitals, food mentioned, feeling sick/throwing up mentioned
CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE -> COMFORT ME (partially written, wc: 535)
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That... isn't Soobin.
None other than Lee Minho is sitting on a waiting room bench to greet you with a soft smile and a paper bag held tightly in his arms. He sets it down next to him and stands, letting you come to him. There are fresh tears cascading down your face as you practically throw yourself into his open arms, one of his hands smoothing your hair. Just the feeling of him holding you is enough to break you completely, barely able to keep yourself standing up.
"Shh," Minho guides you to sit on the peeling leather bench. "Breathe."
"She's awake," you gasp into his shoulder, still holding onto him tightly. "She's awake."
After a long time, you're able to peel yourself away from his now wet t-shirt and look up at him with wet eyes. His own glance between yours and you don't notice the way his heartbeat thumps louder, or the way his breathing picks up when you break into a smile. Minho brings his hand up to wipe your tears away and you can't help but lean into his palm, closing your eyes with a sigh. Against better judgement, Minho leans in and places a kiss on each of your eyelids, lips so soft you barely feel it. When your eyes flutter open, he can't look at you.
"She's doing better then?" Minho clears his throat, removing his hand from your face and shifting slightly away; you try not to be hurt by this.
"Yeah. The doctors say she should recover pretty quickly now and can go home by the end of the week hopefully." You eye the paper bag still sitting next to him. "What's that?"
"Oh!" He perks up, passing the bag over to you. "I almost forgot."
He watches you open it with a smile on his face, your own features mimicking his as you peer inside. It doesn't take long for you to scarf down the croissant, offering Minho a bite, but he shakes his head and delights in watching you savour it. This is the first moment you've had since you came down where you've just enjoyed something, not having the worry of whether your sister will still be alive when you walk into her room at the front of your mind.
"How have you been?" Minho asks once you're done eating, taking a sip of the guava juice.
"Really terrible?" You shrug. "It's like, there's this guilt eating away at me constantly for multiple reasons, and I haven't been able to cry until today. Instead, it's just been this feeling in my stomach and in my chest, all heavy and foreboding. My head's been killing me and my mom's been killing me and my sister could have been killed and I just-" Taking a deep breath, you debate your admission. "...I can't stop thinking of him, Minho."
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," his voice is quiet, one hand sliding over your knee in an act of comfort. "Why don't we get you home? Have the hospital call when you can see her?"
"I'd like that," you sigh, sliding your free hand over his. "I'd like that a lot."
notes -> we r getting closer and closer to y/n revealing what happened to her dad... maybe minho can get it out of her? speaking of minho, bro finally left his ex for good! is this really the start of minyn (minion, if u will), or will there be more obstacles in the form of people to keep them apart? oh, and i'm thinking i may close the taglist soon? idk yet !
taglist -> @chaeryred @toplinelix @channie-143 @staysinbloom @puppyminnnie @tfshouldidohere @kangaracha @chlodavids @whitney190 @thisisnotjacinta @borahae-reads @brooklynie @gini143 @kayleigh-28 @skz-streamer @babyphotos0325 @scallywag1299 @venusmoonxnight @naomisosoup @fertiliezedtoesw @s00buwu @realrintaro @anothershorthuman @stayatinykatsy @ilovejeongin007 @btswestan @multifandomedsimp @ihrtlix @raehawthorne @euphoric-univers @catchingskzzzs @evermourning @satsuri3su @jazziwritesthings @minhwa @wyzminho @fic-for-readers @dreamerwasfound @imsiriuslyreal @lailac13 @palindrome969 @lixie-phoria @aalexyuuuhm @sunflowerbebe07 @st4rhwa @lukeys-giggle @jabmastersupriseee @judeduartewannabe @gaysontheprince @stepout-09-15
^^^ orange means i can't tag you
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daenysx · 10 months ago
hello can i ask for another aemond hurt comfort fic (if ure still writing for him, if not thank u anyway <3) make it hurt pls thank you 😞
p.s: i absolutely sobbed reading that drabble of him getting snappy at reader bcs they wanted to go out while it's sunny + also why i went back on ur blog and coincidentally saw ur requests open lol
i don't think i'll ever stop writing for aemond, i love him too much ♡ thank you for your request, lovely, i hope you like this!
modern!aemond targaryen x fem!reader, hurt/comfort
aemond isn't used to have someone taking care of him, not when he's like this.
his mother was doing the best she can when he was younger; holding his hand when he had an appointment with his doctor, sleeping next to him and rubbing his back when he couldn't get any rest, kissing his forehead and telling him how brave he's been. as he grew older he stopped asking for help, she had to have her own life. he did anything he can to convince her that he's fully capable of taking care of himself now. "thank you, mom, i'm fine."
alicent put her children before her every time, sacrificing her youth just to make sure they are well. aemond felt guilty when he realized how little his mother cares about her own life, only to take care of her half blind son. it pains him, still, but he's a grown man now. he'll be okay when she's out of town with her newly wedded husband.
he lies in bed for hours, waits for the pain in his eye disappear. the room is dark, it's silent in a disturbing way. aemond curses under his breath when a sudden pain flashes in his head, he might prefer dying over this.
no, he can't cry. it'll only make the pain worse. does he deserve to live his young days like that? laying in bed like a sick man, waiting for help but being too prideful to ask for it, spending hours only to be able to breathe without suffering. he's mad these days, always angry and tense. vengeful for something that happened years ago, tearing up for his wound that will never be okay.
the door creaks open slowly. you close it back to let the darkness stay still. quiet steps, almost hesitant as if he'll tell you to leave. you put on a brave face as you approach him with a cool glass of water in your hand.
"aemond?" you whisper. you can't see his face clearly, he doesn't react as you put the glass on his nightstand.
"i'm okay." he says. dishonesty drips down his voice.
"can i help you?" you whisper again. it's the first time in your new relationship that he's been so bad. you don't know what to do.
"i'm used to it." he replies. "you can leave if you have somewhere else to be, i don't think i can leave the bed for the rest of the day."
your heart breaks. does he think you'll leave him like this? he might prefer suffering silently but you won't let him. he seems like he doesn't even get the point of having a relationship. he treats you like you aren't his girlfriend, like you are just another person in the room. it makes you wanna curl up in bed and cry, you know you don't deserve this.
he's still in pain so you can't be mad at him. it'll only make things worse. "i can leave- if you want to be alone. i'd rather stay with you, though."
you can't see his face but you can feel he tries to decide. you like aemond too much and you think he likes you too. you know he does. it definitely has to do something with his past. you try to take a silent breath, completely still to not disturb him.
aemond doesn't even know what to say, he'd kill to have someone by his side. to have you. he selfishly wants to keep you even when he feels like he shouldn't. you deserve someone better. you deserve a man who doesn't have to stay in complete darkness because of his past. you are shining everywhere you go but aemond is dark, there's no spark in him. he likes you too much to let you go, his inner turmoil does him nothing good.
"stay with me." he says finally. "please."
"can i sit?"
you sit on bed carefully. you treat him like he's someone delicate, like he deserves something good. aemond isn't sure how to deal with your kindness, he still hasn't found a way. he likes it too much, though. he likes everything about you.
you hold his hand gently. his fingers are cold, you rub his knuckles with a soft thumb. he lets out a breath he doesn't know he's been holding when you press on a tight spot, right where his thumb meets his pointer finger. it feels nice. you keep rubbing his hand until you hear a protest.
"s nice." he says quietly.
"my mom used to do this when i got headaches. i know yours is different but-"
"s really nice." he says again. "thank you."
you take his other hand, treating with same kindness. he holds a lot of tension in his body, he doesn't even know how much. a massage to his hands is a small thing to help him relax but you want him to know you're with him.
"do you want to put your head on my leg?" you ask. "maybe i can rub your temples a bit."
you are not afraid of his rejection, willing to do anything that might help him. to your surprise, he sits on bed, waits for you to get comfier. you place yourself properly, he puts his head on your leg just the way you want and you start massaging his head.
"i like your hair so much." you whisper. "so soft."
"i like yours better." he replies, whispering. "but thank you."
you press your fingers to his temples slowly, he lets out another shaky breath. "i'm not gonna hurt you, i promise. you'll feel better in a minute."
he nods slightly, feeling of your warm fingers on his skin makes him somewhat excited. he is distracted with your quiet words and kind fingers, for a moment he forgets about the dull pain in his head.
you keep rubbing his temples until your fingers go numb. you stroke his hair then, silky platinum blonde strands flow in your hands. you play with his hair, braid a little piece of it. he truly is distracted at this point, too grateful to say something.
"i think i'll fall asleep." he can say.
"that's okay." you tell him. "i'll be here when you wake up."
somehow he knows you'll be here with him until the end. he can feel how his emotions for you fill his heart and his mind until they are both full of you, only you and no one else. it's a nice feeling, having someone by his side. being someone's choice, not responsibility.
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headkiss · 2 years ago
can I request joel taking care of reader who is seriously injured? I’m thinking maybe something gets infected and she gets really sick, so he is catering to her every need? I love the hurt/comfort dynamic because I feel like his love language is acts of service!!
hiii it’s a teeny bit different but i hope u still like it!!! | 0.7k angst to fluff, tw for an injury and blood!
“You’re gonna be fine.”
The voice is so clearly Joel’s, that you could never miss, but you can’t tell if it’s real. Your vision is hazy, ears ringing, you’re not sure where you are anymore.
It all happened so fast. Your shift with Joel, the raiders coming out from nowhere, fighting them off, the searing pain of a knife in your side. Everything after that is blank, slipping in and out of consciousness.
“You hear me? You’re gonna be okay,” it’s him again, and you can feel his arms around you, carrying you back to Jackson, probably.
“Joel,” you muster out his name before closing your eyes again.
“‘M right here.”
He’s trying his best to be composed, to be strong for you, but the blood soaking your shirt has his hands shaking and his mind reeling with a memory that never seems to stop haunting him. But he won’t lose you, he can’t.
By the time Jackson comes into view, you’ve been quiet, but Joel’s hand that holds your head up can feel the pulse in your neck. You’re gonna live because you have to, because he can’t lose you, especially not like this. Not when he hasn’t said the things he wants to tell you.
Tommy’s the one who sees Joel carrying you first, and then there’s yelling and people clearing a path, and then Joel’s laying you down on a bed at the doctor’s.
It feels like hours in the waiting room before someone steps out and Joel stands right away.
“It’s gonna be alright,” the doctor says, nodding to the hall behind him, “go ahead.”
Joel doesn’t waste a second, nodding and rushing back into the room. He finds you, laying down, breathing, alive. He pulls up the guest chair and sits down next to your bed, reaching out and grabbing your hand.
When you wake up, you feel something cool being pressed to your forehead. Your senses come back slowly, hearing Joel’s voice mumbling something you can’t make out, then feeling his hand clasped around yours. To make sure you aren’t dreaming it up, you squeeze his hand.
“Come on, wake up,” you hear him say, his thumb running back and forth over your skin. Joel’s never been a man of many words, but he tells you enough with the few he uses.
You blink your eyes open slowly, fluttering and wincing at the brightness until you can see the ceiling of the doctor’s place. You lull your head to the side and see him, hair a mess, eyebrows furrowed (like usual), a frown on his face.
“Joel?” You croak out.
His eyes flick over to yours, and he lifts a damp washcloth from your forehead with the hand that isn’t holding onto yours.
“You’re awake.”
“Everything hurts,” you say, trying to sit up.
“Stop. Let me help you, okay?” He doesn’t let you answer, lifting you gently with an arm around your shoulders to put an extra pillow behind your back. His hand is still in yours. “Can I do something?”
“Water would be nice.”
Joel doesn’t waste a second, twisting around to grab a glass of water on the table next to your bed and then lifting it to your mouth. He tilts it for you, too.
“I could’ve done that,” you say as he puts the glass back down.
“I don’t want you hurting yourself. You lost a lot of blood, and you’ve got stitches.”
It’s then you remember what really happened to you. The raiders, the pain, the flashes of Joel helping you home.
“You saved my life.”
“Did you really think I’d leave you, sweetheart?”
Joel calls you ‘sweetheart’ on rare occasions, when he can’t seem to stop it from slipping, and every time, it makes your heart do a stupid jump.
“No, Joel. I didn’t.”
As quiet as he is, as closed-off and often grumpy, you know that he cares about people, about you.
“I was really fuckin’ scared,” he says, pushing damp baby hairs from your forehead, “I thought I didn’t really get scared anymore.”
“You’re not as cold as you think, Joel.” You blink slowly, squeeze his hand again just to be sure you aren’t hallucinating, “you’re not cold at all.”
“Not with you.”
Joel wants to say so much more, and he will, someday, but he can tell you’re exhausted, your blinks growing longer, heavier. It’s like you’re fighting to stay awake, to keep talking to him.
“You can sleep, sweetheart,” he says, his hand shifting to rest on the side of your head. “You need the rest.”
“Will you stay?”
“Yeah, I’ll stay.”
He’ll stay as long as you’ll have him.
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ryuzakistoe · 6 months ago
The Rin x Reader story is great! Can you please make a part 3 for with angst with bad ending? After Rin came back from the Blue Lock, he learned that the reader passed away and also learned that she passed away the day the last time he saw her.
Reunited once more PART 3 ANGST VER. (Rin Itoshi x Fem!reader)
Lots of angst, language, depression, self-blame, fem!reader, breaking down Rin Itoshi😢
a/n: I'm definitely doing my boy isagi next😅😏
Its no use…how could you tell him now?
You haven't even told him about your condition.
“Come back..”
With each passing second, his figure grew smaller and smaller.
Its too late now.
He's gone.
You fell onto your knees as you began to cough out blood.
Shit…please…not now…
Your eyes welled up with tears once more as you clenched the fabric of your shirt over your heart.
You didn't get to tell him about your heart condition.
The pain in your chest was almost unbearable as you began to cry harder.
Your vision began to fade to black as you prayed for Rin to come back.
Those were the last words you mumbled before you finally collapsed onto the hard, cold floor.
You let out a groan as you slowly opened your eyes.
You let out a soft wince as your eyes were blinded by light.
As you adjusted to the brightness, you began to take in your surroundings.
‘Where am I..?’
You moved your head towards the side as you saw a familiar figure sitting besides your bed.
“Mom..?” you weakly mumbled.
Hearing her name, your mother perked her head up.
Her eyes were swollen, as if she was already crying.
“Y/n! Goodness you're awake. Baby… what happened? I found you on the floor outside…what were you doing? You know how dangerous that is with your condition.” your mother lectured as she began to hug you.
“I know mom, I know.” you mumbled as you laid stiff on the bed, not having the current energy to hug her back.
“Baby…tell me, what were you doing outside?” your mother asked once more.
Your eyes welled up with tears as you recalled the events from earlier.
“I don't remember.” you lied as you shifted your gaze from your mom to your hands.
A slight frown made way to her face.
“Sweetie…just know that you can trust me okay..?” your mother softly spoke as she began stroking your hair before getting up from the chair.
“I know mom.” you forcefully smiled as you blinked the tears away.
Your mother smiled back before walking away towards the door.
She gave you one last worried look before shutting the door and leaving the room.
As soon as she left, the tears that you had been holding back resurfaced.
You let out a choked sob as your tears began to gush out.
Your eyes began to get all puffy and your nose all red.
“Im so sorry Rin..” you whispered as you continued to cry.
A few hours have passed, and with each passing hour, you felt increasingly drained.
Every slight movement caused excruciating agony to surge through your body.
It felt as if your body was on fire.
You lay there, motionless, as the nurses came in to check on you.
As the nurses checked your IV and your stability, the doctor soon entered with a displeased expression.
He let out a sigh before speaking.
“Miss Y/n, its safe to assume that your condition is not getting any better. I'm sorry but…your not going to make it.”
Huh? What?
Your breathing came to a halt as you processed his words.
‘Not going to make it’
‘Condition not getting better’
‘Im sorry..’
Those words kept swirling in your mind.
Was that it? You were going to…die?
“If you have any last requests you’d like to make, would you like to do them now?” the doctor spoke, making sure to keep the most respectful tone.
“Does…my mom know?” you softly uttered as your tears began to arise once more.
“We have alerted your mom already, she was here earlier when you fell asleep.” the doctor answered.
“I see,” you said as you tried to hold back your tears and frustration. You were not ready to bear the pain once more through crying.
“Would you like to be alone Miss Y/n? To recollect and process your thoughts?” The doctor suggested.
“Yes please.” you weakly muttered as you began to space out.
With a nod, the doctor and nurses respectfully left as they quietly shut the door.
As you lay there, a few tears couldn't help but escape from your eyes, despite your efforts to hold them back.
You refrained from sobbing or thrashing around, knowing it would cause unbearable pain in your body.
All you could think of right now was Rin.
There were so many things that you didn't get to tell him.
For example, your condition.
You didn't even get to tell him that you loved him—romantically.
But there were other things you didn't get to tell him.
However you were expecting this to happen, so you wrote down everything you wanted to tell him on your phone.
You left your phone without a passcode so that Rin could easily access it.
Finally, he will be able to understand how you felt.
About him.
About you.
About everyone else.
About things you like.
About things you dislike.
About everything.
Hospital staff and nurses rushed into the room you were stationed at.
“Ma’am please step aside. Everyone is doing the best they can.” One of the nurses spoke as they tried to calm down your mother.
Your mother's anguished cries echoed through the hallway, after all, her beloved child was dying.
A group of hospital staff hurriedly brought you into the emergency room as they tried to keep you alive.
The heart monitor appeared to be showing an irregular and alarming increase in speed.
The nurses and doctors did everything in their willpower to wake you up.
You were unconscious and your life was slipping away.
Other nurses tried holding your mom back from entering the room.
Screams and crys were heard from her as they kept her out the room.
Of course, they felt bad and pitiful but what could they do? They had to let the professionals do their job.
They had to help you live.
A few weeks had passed and Rin was finally taking a break from blue lock.
He decided to go back to his hometown for the meanwhile.
He went to visit his mom and maybe even you.
Although would you want to see him? He's been questioning that.
Soon enough, he’ll get his answer.
Rin finally arrived at his destination as he knocked on the door.
A few seconds later, his mother opened the door.
Usually, she would be ecstatic to see him. But right now, she seemed…mournful.
“Rin, your home.” she sadly smiled as she opened the door for him, allowing him inside.
“Yeah, I am. Is something wrong?” he asked as he observed his mother's actions.
His mother paused at his words, her eyes welling up as she responded.
“Rin…i think you need to sit down for this..” his mother wobbily spoke as she led him to the couch.
“Mom what happened?” he asked once more as he felt his body coursing with anxiety.
Rin wasn't sure what to expect as his mother let out a heavy sigh, revealing that the words she was about to speak were going to be difficult for the both of them.
"She what?" he asked as his mother paused mid-sentence.
He felt his anxiety worsened at the mention of Y/n.
Had something happened to her while he was gone?
He didn't want to think that but the way his mother is acting…it must've been bad.
"Rin, she passed away," his mother softly whispered as she hung her head low.
Rin's mind seemed to have stopped as he stared at his mother.
You seemed fine when he left. Well…not totally fine mentally. But physically you were fine.
“Mom, this isn't something to joke over, you know-”
Hearing his name he paused.
He observed at how his mom lifted her head up.
Her eyes were all red and puffy.
Her breathing was uneven.
Her lip quivered ever so slightly.
He scanned her face, trying to detect if there were any lies or fake acts.
Unfortunately…he found none.
He felt his heart drop.
He sat there, motionless.
He didn't want to believe it, no way.
His eyes began to sting.
Was he…crying?
He lifted his hand to touch his face.
Just as expected, he felt tears.
Before long, he felt more tears welling up. He couldn't hold them back.
Tears poured uncontrollably from his eyes, he tried to restrain them, but his tears flowed as they showed no signs of stopping.
It was too much to handle.
He didn't even get to say goodbye to you.
But most importantly…how did you…
“Mom…” he whispered as his voice cracked a little.
“Yes Rin..?” his mom sniffled as she used a tissue to wipe her stained face.
“How did she…” he trailed off, not wanting to finish the words.
“Heart failure...” his mother answered.
He let out a quiet sob.
Why? Why didn't you tell him?
He couldn't help but blame himself. He would've never done what he did if he knew you were going to pass away.
No…he would've spent all his time with you.
“Before I forget Rin…Y/n…she wanted you to have this. It was her final request.” his mom softly spoke, breaking Rin out of his thoughts to hand him your phone.
He quietly grabbed your phone as fresh tears were stuck on his face.
“I think you should read it in a more private space.” his mom whispered as she felt concerned for Rin.
After all, she did always see them together almost every day.
With a nod, Rin forced himself up and began walking to his room.
He opened his door and plopped down on the bed, staring at your phone.
After a while of mentally preparing himself, he finally unlocked your phone to find out you had no passcode.
You probably really did want him to have your phone.
As he looked through your phone, he finally opened the app, ‘notes.’
The first note to ever pop up was titled, “For Rin.”
Rin hesitantly clicked on it as he slowly read your notes.
‘Hey Rin, if your reading this then I guess its already happened. I'm sorry I didn't get to tell you earlier, I just didn't want to burden you any further and ‘force’ you to stay. You probably wouldn't even believe me and think that I would be making it all up just to get you to stay for my selfish reasons.’
“You were never a burden to me…” Rin softly whispered as he felt his eyes stinging once more.
He felt his warm tears drip down his face and land on your phone.
Nevertheless, he kept reading.
‘Beaides all that, I just wanted to tell you that this ‘heart condition’ has been going on for a while since I was young. I never thought to bring it up back then because I didn't want my silly condition to get in the way of our fun.
Now I realize that it was stupid of me to not bring it up as it only worsened from that point on.
All those times when I said I couldn't play because I was ‘sick’ and had a ‘fever’ were all partially true but it wasn't the whole truth.
The day that you left, I wanted to tell you right then and there everything, but couldn't.
When you were gone from my vision, I suddenly collapsed and woke up in the hospital.
The doctor told me I didn't have long left to live.
When he told me those words, I felt like breaking down.
Surprisingly, I didn't but still felt very miserable by the news.
But to be honest, all I could think about was you, Rin.
Even though I'm gone, I still want you to pursue your dreams and live on without me, although you probably already are.
“Dont be silly Y/n…i can't without you here..” Rin softly murmured, his vision getting blurry from all the tears. Yet, he still continued to read.
‘Oh, and before this note ends I want to tell you one last thing.
Rin, I love you. I always have as a matter of fact.
And no, its not in a friendship way but more of a romantic way.
You see Rin, ever since we were little I always had a little crush on you. But I mean who wouldn't?! You were so cute back then! And now your even more cuter! Handsome too!
Soon, that ‘little crush’ developed into love.
I never told you because I never wanted to ruin the friendship we had although its already kinda ruined already.
And even if you ever did feel the same way, (which I kinda doubt but who knows?!) I'm sorry that you had to find out this way.
Maybe in another life we could be happy together without my stupid condition. Romantically or not.
And in that next life, if it is romantically, I hope we could strive together and have a future with the two of us in it, with me actually confessing to you in person.
But if its in a friendship way, I hope we can still stick together like back then.
But right now, in this lifetime, it seems as if it can't be either of those two.
Promise me one thing though Rin, please take care of yourself.
I love you.’
He felt like he couldn't breathe.
His hand started shaking violently as he dropped the phone onto the bed.
His sobs became louder and louder as seconds passed by.
“Y/n…” he choked out as he began to tug on his hair.
The pain in his heart was insufferable.
He's never broken down like this ever since the Sae incident.
But this…this was definitely worse than the day Sae neglected him.
It was about you, and you were gone. Long gone.
He couldn't help but let out a frustrated scream as he threw his clutter across the room.
His crying escalated into a full breakdown as all he could think about in the moment was how much he regretted his actions.
He's never hated himself as much as right now.
Would all of this have been different if he never pushed you away?
Well, no, of course not. It's not like he can change your heart condition, but he could have at least provided you with support.
He could have at least let you rest peacefully, with you knowing that he still cared for you.
But you probably thought that he hated you.
And he hated the idea of that.
The idea of you passing with the belief of him hating you made him feel such overwhelming and intolerable guilt.
With fists clenched together so tightly, his nails pierced through his palm as his knuckles turned pure white.
He let out a frustrated cry as he punched his wall.
This was his breaking point.
He slumped against the wall, pulling his legs to his chest and burying his face in his arms, overcome with violent sobs.
“I love you too Y/n…” he whispered.
Days have passed and Rin hasn't been able to get much sleep.
It was noticeable too.
Rin had heavy eyebags as he wasn't speaking as much.
Every day, he would always lock himself in his room.
He would lie down on his bed, feeling numb as he blamed himself for all that's happened.
Some nights, he would curl up into a ball on his bed and cry all night.
He would cry himself to sleep.
Your missing presence really affected him.
Today, he had planned to visit the graveyard, as he did almost every day when he had the time.
Arriving at your tombstone, he fell to his knees, tears welling up in his eyes once again.
“Y/n…I really can't do this without you.” he mumbled as replaced the old flowers with new ones.
Every day, Rin would always be the one to look after your tombstone.
On rainy days, he would place a small umbrella over your gravestone to prevent mold from growing on it.
And every time the flowers were wilting away, he would always be the one to replace them with your favorite flowers.
“Y/n…I don't know what to do without you. I need you here with me…”
Rin bit his lower lip as he tried to compress a sob.
“I miss you…I miss you so much it hurts.” Rin muttered as he wiped his tears away with his sleeve.
Although it was pointless, his tears just kept flowing.
“Fuck this…I can't do this anymore.” Rin grumbled as he gripped the hem of his shirt tightly.
“Y/n…Y/n come back to me…please!” Rin sobbed as he slammed his fists onto the ground.
“Tell me this is all just one big joke Y/n! Tell me your not really gone!”
Of course, he knew all too well that this wasn't a joke.
It was real life.
You were really gone.
Rin hunched over as he began to cry into his palms.
“I love you Y/n…I wish I could've told you too…”
a/n: omg I'm so tired but anyways I hope you liked this
OH and I also got the ‘notes’ thing reference from that one K-drama “Drawing Closer” bro…that made me cry so bad😭
Zoo wee mama🤤
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pt2change · 2 years ago
lovesick emergency — jeon jungkook
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pairing: surgeon!jungkook x surgeon! y/n
genre: medical au, jk is head over heels for y/n, he’s also kinda bad at communication, insecure and jealous jk hehehe, fluff, y/n is oblivious, few mentions of sex
word count: 2,376
a/n: my first jk drabble 😣😣 any feedback is appreciated thank u for reading!!!!
↣ bts masterlist
of course, when you work at an extremely busy level 1 trauma center hospital, it is very. difficult to get time to yourself
but you and jungkook have 15 minutes to yourself
what other way to spend those 15 minutes than in an empty on-call room?
okay so… the two of you have been fooling around for months
it’s not always that too
sometimes you go over to each other’s apartments and hang out
or you have dinner together after a long day at work
there’s been plenty of times where the two of you are just enjoying each other’s company without hooking up
but the both of you are not…. officially dating
and the only reason is because the two of you have accepted that you have feelings for the other
but both you and jungkook won’t confess to each other.
so you stick to touching each other and kissing and having sex whenever you both want
but neither of you do that with someone else
so you’re both in the small bed that sits in the on-call room
he’s hovering over your body, kissing you
both of your lab coats are on the edge of bed frame, while the dark blue scrubs have been tossed somewhere in the walkway between the door and the bed
jungkook intertwines his hands with yours, laying it just above your head
and the two of you spend the little break you have quietly moaning each other’s name
and in between it all, someone tries to open the door
probably a nurse, or a doctor, or either one of your interns
but neither of you noticed as you’re lost in each other
after finishing, jungkook lays next to you on the bed, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek
“how does sex get better with you everytime we do it?”
you laugh, playfully hitting him
one of the pagers goes off suddenly, and he reaches over to the bedside table they were on
“it’s yours.” he says handing it to you,
you groan softly, “that’s perfect” you say sarcastically
getting up, you begin to pick the scrubs from the floor, placing jungkook’s on the edge of the bed
and he watches as you slip your clothes back on
he sits up quickly and reaches to hand you your coat
“gotta go, i’ll see you later?” you turn to face him before leaving
“yeah” jungkook nods with a small smile
“okay” you nod and head towards the door
but you quickly turn around and walk back over to the bed
bending down slightly, you kiss jungkook one last time, “see you later”
you smile and walk back over to the door, unlocking it, and walking out
jungkook sighs happily and closes his eyes hoping to get some sleep
he doesn’t…
his pager went off approximately 36 seconds after you left
“oh thank god i found you, dr. y/n!-“ an out of breath intern, your out of breath intern-
who btw you’re not sure which one of them it is because you don’t bother to know their names unless they give you a (good) reason to
- stops you as soon as you walk out of the on-call room
“you’re needed in operating room three” she finishes, trying to catch her breath
“i was just paged, i’m on my way there now!” you say, walking right past her.
“oh! nurse min is looking for doctor jeon, is he in there?”
that makes you stop dead in your tracks
“and why would he be in there?” you look at the intern, raising your eyebrow at her
“oh… no reason, i-it was just a random question” she says quickly, clearing her throat
you glare at her one more time before walking over to the elevator to head to the surgery floor
while you wait for the elevator, you look back for your intern and see she’s knocking on the same door of the on-call room where jungkook is
you could’ve sworn you and jungkook were more discreet than that
when jungkook’s done with his surgery, he begins to think about you
wondering where you are, he goes and looks for you
even though the two of you were together a few hours ago
he just can’t help but miss you
after asking nurse min, he tells jungkook you’re on the 7th floor, checking on your patients
jungkook makes his way to the elevator and heads to the 7th floor
after walking down the hallway, he sees you in a room with your heart transplant patient that you talked to him about a few days prior
then jungkook started thinking…
maybe he should just get back to work?
he knows he’ll hear from you at some point later in the day or evening
and you’ll probably have your next meal together
or with other staff members
like nurse min :) who you and jungkook get along with very well even though he intimated you both when he started to work at the hospital
he makes up his mind but then he hears something that makes him linger around the door
he’s hidden just enough to wear you or the patient can’t see him but he can most definitely hear the conversation
“tell me dr. y/l/n, as someone as gorgeous as you, you must get hit on all the time.”
and it sends shivers down jungkook’s spine when he hears your patient tell you
and jungkook scoffs quietly
you’re a hard ass cardiac surgeon who is feared by all the interns and intimidated by some of the other fellow surgeons
and no one had the guts to hit on you for those reasons
except jungkook.
and he’s happy that he did.
because even though he’s unsure as to where your relationship with each other stands, it’s one of the most beautiful things that has happened to him.
and he just hasn’t felt this way about anyone in a long time
his thoughts are interrupted by your laugh
“what’s your pain on a scale from 1-10?”
“maybe like a 2, don’t try to change the subject now, doctor!”
jungkook sees you nod your head and chuckle at the patient
“i’ll look at your stitches, and if everything looks fine, you’ll be discharged either this evening or tomorrow early morning”
even though your back is facing him, jungkook can definitely envision your contagious smile
his own smile quickly fades as he hears your patient starts talking again
“then i’ll be back to take you to a nice romantic candle lit dinner?”
you chuckle once again, “i don’t go out with my patients”
“and i can’t be the only exception?-”
and jungkook frowns slightly when he hears that
“-you’ve taken really good care of me since i got here, i think it would only be fair if someone did the same for you”
he frowns again
jungkook has seen this patient many times because he’s been at the hospital for quite awhile
and well jungkook thinks your patient is definitely attractive enough to where he feels almost….
but jungkook doesn’t wait to hear what you say to your patient
instead he walks away
and he’s upset and just kinda filled with jealousy
at the same time, he feels like he can’t get upset
because even if you did turn down the patient, somewhere along the line, someone else would hit on you and ask you out to another romantic candle lit dinner
and the worst part is you could say yes
i mean technically you are single
and jungkook hasn’t had the time or courage to officially ask what was going on between the two of you
and so he rushes into the stairwell where he can calm down before his insecure thoughts become overwhelming
“no!” you say quietly to your patient, laughing
you grab your set of gloves and begin putting them on, “i need to look at your stitches”
and your patient looks at you, “just tell me, are you seeing someone?” he raises his eyebrows
you open your patients gown and begin examining the stitches that were on his chest
“i’m not really supposed to talk about my personal life, you know?”
you look back up at your patient
“but i am, and he’s really really wonderful… and he takes care of me.”
you pause, and your mind just begins to envision jungkook
you could go on and on about him
instead you smile to yourself, “he’s my best friend”
your patient nods his head, understanding what you're saying
“but you know… there is a really gorgeous woman just down the hall, maybe she wouldn't mind some company” you raise your eyebrows at your patient and close his gown
“hmmm….. what’s she like?”
you nod your head and take your gloves off
then you sit in the small chair next to the bed and begin telling him about the beautiful blonde woman that’s recovering just down the hallway
you told the woman about your patient as well when you checked on her
and well..
turns out they were perfect for each other.
so you haven’t seen jungkook in almost 5 days
you were surprisingly off these last 2 days without getting paged for an emergency surgery
but jungkook never called or texted you
which was really weird because even on his busiest days, he still send you at least a few messages before you tell him to get back to work
and the other 3 days you worked, your paths just never crossed
it was really weird…
you also walked through his department but never saw him
and when you texted him asking where he was but there was no response
AND you even told him to meet up in an on-call room and nothing!!!
and jungkook was never one to turn that down
this was the longest you had gone without seeing him and it was really starting to irritate you
you even began to think that maybe you had done something wrong without knowing it
and that also bothers you because the last thing you want to do is make him upset :(
you just like him so so much and don't want to ruin your relationship with him
now you haven’t eaten in the hospital cafeteria since your last intern year
but today you decide to take a look in there
you were probably in the cafeteria for 10 seconds before making direct eye contact with jungkook
but you’re taken back when he just stands up and leaves through the back doors as soon as your eyes meet
you put your hands in the pocket of your lab coat and walk out as well
but you make your way to the nurse’s station
jungkook runs to room 618 after getting paged a 9-1-1 when the elevator door opens
he scurries inside to the middle of the room
only to find nurse min standing there and no patient
“what’s going on? where’s the patient?” he exclaims, trying to catch his breath
nurse min steps aside, when the restroom door opens and you walk out
“shit…” you hear jungkook mutter
“what… that’s all you have to say?” you walk in front of him crossing your arms
meanwhile nurse min walks out the room and slowly closes the door
and when he steps out he sees a few other staff members watching you and jungkook through the blinds
“y/n, you know you can't page me if it’s not actually an emergency”
you scoff, “jungkook, don’t give me that-”
when it looks like he wants to walk towards the door
you beat him to it and stand in front of it
“why have you been ignoring me? did i do something?”
you look up at jungkook
but he avoids looking into your eyes
“i just.. i’ve been really busy”
“don’t lie to me either.” you tell him softly
jungkook sighs and rubs his hand across his mouth
“what are we, y/n?”
this catches you off guard
it certainly wasn't what you thought this conversation was going to be about
jungkook shrugs
“i don't know-” he pauses
now he’s looking at you
“i’m just wondering if we’re a couple or not.”
and he cuts you off
“i know we hang out alot and we have sex, but i like you so much. and i’ve felt more with you than anyone else. i want more with you, y/n.”
he sighs, “i don't want us to be nothing.”
and he looks at you, waiting for you to respond
“we’re not nothing, jungkook” you shake your head
“then what? because i want you to be mine-”
jungkook doesn’t get to finish rambling on with his sentence
you bring him in for a kiss, wrapping your arms around his shoulder
jungkook holds onto your waist
and you feel yourself backing into the door and he deepens the kiss
when he pulls away first, he opens his mouth to talk more but you stop him
“of course we’re a couple jungkook”
and he lets out a sigh of relief
“we are?”
and you nod your head
jungkook bends down to give you another kiss
and from the other side of the door you hear:
“finally, it was about time”
you pull away from jungkook and open the door
on the other side of the door, you see other nurses and surgeons listening and watching the interaction between you and jungkook
“don’t just stand here! you all have patients to see!” you yell
anddd there’s the surgeon everyone is afraid of
suddenly everyone moves to different rooms or they head towards the elevator
jungkook laughs behind you
he pulls you back in and shuts the door
and he closes the blinds completely
“can you believe that?”
when you turn back to see jungkook, he’s in the middle of taking his coat off
“this isn’t the on-call room, jungkook.”
you cross your arms as he sets it down on the bed
you watch as he pulls the curtain around the hospital bed
when he’s done, he walks back over to you
“i don’t care” he says grabbing your arms and guiding you towards the bed
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earthtoharlow · 6 months ago
Don’t Like The Lights
Sequel to Flashing Lights series, must read Flashing Lights first to understand
Series Masterlist
15. U Got It Bad
When you say that you love 'em and you really know. Everything that used to matter, don't matter no more—I'm fortunate to have you, girl. I want you to know. I really adore you
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After one of Maryse’s recent doctors appointments Jack had become extra protective. The doctor had mentioned that Maryse wasn’t eating enough to keep up with the demands of her growing twins, and that concerned him.
From that moment on, Jack took it upon himself to make sure she was getting the nutrition she needed, even if it meant hovering a bit more than usual.
“Babe, you hungry?” Jack asked for the third time that afternoon, bringing over a plate of fresh fruit and a smoothie.
Maryse looked up from her spot on the couch and smiled, a little amused but also touched by his concern. “I’m good right now,” she replied, but the smoothie in his hand was too tempting to resist. She took it from him with a grateful smile. “But you don’t have to keep asking me every hour, you know.”
“I know,” he said, sitting next to her. “But the doctor said you gotta eat more for the babies. So, I’m on ‘food patrol’ now.”
She rolled her eyes playfully, taking a sip of the smoothie. “You know I love how much you care, but you can chill a little.”
“I can’t chill,” he said, shaking his head. “Not when our kids need you to be healthy. I’m making sure you get everything you need. Plus…” he added with a grin, “I’m practicing for when the twins are here. I’m gonna be on top of things.”
Maryse laughed softly, leaning into him. “Well, in that case, keep bringing the smoothies.”
She continued to drink her smoothie as she watched Jack whisper sweetly to her bump. Sometimes she couldn’t believe that Jack was going to be the father of her kids. It still felt like a dream.
Maryse was deep in thought when Jack called her name. “M, you wanna head over to the new house? Start unpacking some of those boxes?”
She leaned back on the couch with a satisfied sigh, looked up at him with a sleepy smile. “Yeah, we can do that…” She paused, her eyelids already growing heavy. “But only after we take a nap together.”
Jack chuckled, shaking his head. “Nap first, huh?”
She nodded, already stretching out her arms toward him. “Mmmhmm… unpacking can wait. But this nap? Non-negotiable.”
He stood up, gently scooped Maryse up, cradling her as he carried her to the bedroom. “Alright, nap first, unpacking later. I can’t argue with that.”
Maryse arms lazily draped around his neck, her eyes half-closed as she nestled against his chest. He carefully laid her down on the bed, brushing a curl from her face. Just as Jack was about to get up and close the door, she let out a soft whine.
“Where are you going?” she mumbled, her hand reaching out for him.
Jack smiled, leaning back down to kiss her forehead. “I’m just gonna close the door, baby.”
She pouted, her eyes barely open. “Don’t go… just stay here.”
With a quiet chuckle, Jack shook his head. “Alright, alright, I’m not going anywhere.” He slipped into the bed next to her, pulling her close.
“That’s better,” she whispered, already starting to drift back to sleep.
Lou Lou pushed the door to the bedroom open trotted into the room, tail wagging. Without hesitation, she hopped up onto the bed and circled a few times before plopping right down on top of Maryse’s pillow, curling up for a nap too.
Maryse smiled, her eyes barely open as she glanced down at the tiny ball of fur resting in between her and Jack. “Looks like someone else wants to join the nap.”
Jack chuckled, gently petting the puppy. “Guess we’ve got a whole family nap situation now.”
Maryse snuggled deeper into his arms, letting out a soft laugh. “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
A few hours later, the afternoon sun shined through the curtains, gently waking Jack from his nap. He blinked a few times, looking down at Maryse, still curled up against him, with Lou Lou now sprawled across her belly, both of them fast asleep.
He smiled, gently stroking her arm as he whispered, “Hey, baby… time to wake up.”
Maryse stirred slightly, her eyes fluttering open. She glanced up at him, groggy but smiling. “Already?” she mumbled.
“Yeah, we gotta go to the new house, remember? Gotta get some unpacking done,” Jack said softly, brushing her hair out of her face.
She stretched her arms and let out a sleepy groan before glancing at the puppy, who was snuggled up on her belly. “Even the dog doesn’t wanna move,” she teased, giving the pup a gentle pat.
Jack laughed, sitting up slowly and lifting the puppy off her. “Come on, let’s get moving before we end up napping all day. We’ve got a house to unpack.”
Maryse nodded, rubbing her eyes before swinging her legs over the side of the bed. “Alright, let’s do this.” Jack smiled, pulling her up to her feet.
As they arrived at their new house, Jack couldn’t help but admire the sight of Maryse walking ahead of him, her hands cradling her now more prominent bump. At three months along, her belly had begun to show, and he found himself mesmerized by the way she instinctively rested her hands on it.
She paused in the doorway, looking around the empty space with a soft smile, rubbing her belly as if she were already introducing their future babies to their new home.
Jack grinned, his heart swelling as he watched her. “You look so good like that, you know?” he said, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her gently, his hands finding their way to rest on top of hers over her bump.
Maryse looked up at him, laughing softly. “I’m just walking.”
“Yeah,” he said, leaning down to kiss her cheek, “but you’re walking around with our babies. It’s different.”
She smiled, her cheeks warming slightly as she leaned into him. “Ew, you really love me, huh?”
Jack laughed, resting his chin on her shoulder. “Yeah, I do. A lot. Even if you think it’s gross.”
She smiled despite herself and shook her head. “It’s a little gross.”
“Well, get used to it,” he said, kissing the side of her head. “I’m not gonna stop.”
Maryse pulls away with a smile and starts walking towards the stairs
“Be careful.”
“You know, making you a dad has made you real soft.”
Jack grinned, not missing a beat. “Yeah, well, you’re the one who did this to me,” he said, gesturing to her bump and following her up the steps. “Guess it’s your fault I’m all mushy now.”
They made their way into the nursery, Jack paused, looking around the empty room. “I was thinking… maybe we put the cribs in these two corners,” he said, picturing it in his mind. “The changing table here, then their initials on the wall above them.”
Maryse smiled, amused by how invested he was in the details. “I like that idea. But what about the walls? Should we go with something more neutral?”
“Honesty, I think we should leave them white” Jack said, nodding as he imagined it. “We could add a cloud mural on this wall here. Maybe even put up some shelves that look like clouds to put their toys on.”
Maryse’s eyes lit up. “That sounds perfect. And I was thinking, we get someone to build a book nook in here. That way we have a place to sit and read to them.”
“I love that,” Jack said, his voice warm with excitement. “We could get a bookshelf with all the classics, and maybe even some books that were our favorites as kids.”
Maryse smiled, pleased with the plan coming together. “This room is gonna be special. I want them to feel safe and happy here, you know? Like it’s their own little world.”
Jack walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “They’re going to love it,” he said softly, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
She nodded in agreement, “I was nervous at first but now I’m just super excited.” Before Jack could reply, Maryse’s phone rang, breaking the moment. She stepped away to take the call, leaving Jack to glance around the room with a smile.
When Maryse walked back in the room she was beaming. “Usher just asked me to be a special guest at his Super Bowl halftime show next month!” she announced.
Jack’s face lit up with surprise and pride, but then a flicker of concern crossed his eyes. “That’s amazing, but… you’ll be four months pregnant by then. You already accepted it?”
Maryse's excitement faltered for a moment, but she brushed it off quickly. “I’ll just be doing a guitar solo. It’s nothing too intense. And besides,” she added, a little defensively, “I don’t have to talk to you before making decisions about my career.”
The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them, and she immediately regretted it.
Jack’s expression tightened, and he took a deep breath. “Look, I’m not trying to control you, but we’re about to have a family, and it’d be nice if you gave me a heads up on big things like this. Soon, it’s not just gonna be about us anymore. We’ve got two little ones to think about.”
Maryse's heart sank. She reached out, placing a hand on his arm. “I didn’t mean it like that,” her voice filled with remorse. “I’m sorry.” She said quietly. “You’re right. I just got caught up in the moment. I know you’re just looking out for me, and the kids.”
Jack sighed, running a hand over his face before softening his tone. “I’m excited for you, really. It’s the freakin’ Super Bowl. We just have to make sure all the precautions are in place—you know, with the babies and everything. I don’t want anything happening to you.”
Maryse nodded and sighed knowing he was right, “I’m sorry I didn’t speak to you first about it. I was just so excited. We’re about to start a family and we should talk about things that’s going to affect us as a family.”
Jack grabbed her hands bringing them to his lips to kiss them. “It’s okay, we’ll work on it. You know my main priority is to keep you safe.”
He paused, then broke into a grin. “But seriously, I’m happy for you! I can’t believe that after your performance, I’ll be the only one in our family who hasn’t performed at the Super Bowl. My kids are already gonna outshine me before they’re even born.”
Maryse chuckled, shaking her head. “You really had to make this about you, huh?”
“Nah, it’s about you,” he said with a grin. “I’m just trying to keep up.”
She glanced at him nervously, biting her lip. “Are you going to come with me to rehearsals next week?” Her voice wavered a bit as she added, “It’s my first performance since… you know.”
Jack immediately caught the shift in her tone and stepped closer, resting his hand on her shoulder. “Of course I’m coming.”
Maryse bit her lip, her eyes clouded with doubt as she looked at him. “What if I forget how to play the guitar? I mean, it’s been months since I performed. What if I mess up in front of everyone?”
Jack couldn’t help but chuckle, his smile reassuring. “Babe, you’re overthinking this,” he said softly, stepping closer to her. “You literally play the guitar every day. Half the time, I wake up to you strumming something in the next room. You’ve got this.”
She still looked unconvinced, so he added, “You’ve been playing for years—it’s like second nature to you. And it’s not just any stage, it’s the Super Bowl. You’re gonna crush it.”
“Now, let’s finish unpacking some stuff,” Jack said, trying to lighten the mood.
Maryse groaned playfully, leaning her head back. “Ugh, fine, but only if you promise to order pizza later.”
He smirked. “Deal. As long as you promise not to make me eat one of your pregnancy concoctions again.”
She grinned, poking his side. “No promises. You never know what cravings might hit next.”
A month later, just hours before her Super Bowl performance, Maryse felt a sharp, radiating pain in her back. It grew worse by the minute, nearly paralyzing her as she tried to get ready. She clenched her teeth and did her best to hide it from Jack, but he noticed her grimaces and the way she leaned heavily against the wall.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, stepping closer, his face full of concern. “You’re in pain. You can’t go on like this. Maybe you should back out.”
Her frustration boiled over. “No! I can’t back out now. I’ve worked too hard, and I can’t disappoint everyone. It’s just a little pain—it’ll go away.” Her voice was shaky, laced with both stubbornness and fear.
Jack sighed, clearly torn. “But if you’re not okay—”
“I’ll be fine,” she insisted, brushing him off even though every movement felt like a battle. “This performance means everything to me, and I’m not letting anything stop me. Not now.”
As the performance drew closer, Jack couldn’t take his eyes off Maryse. He watched her like a hawk, scanning for any signs of pain or discomfort. Every time she shifted in her seat or winced slightly, his heart raced with worry.
“You sure you’re okay?” he asked for the hundredth time, his voice low but filled with concern. He stood close by, ready to step in at any moment if she showed even the slightest sign of needing help.
Maryse, determined to push through, gave him a small, reassuring smile. “I’m fine, really.” She knew he wasn’t convinced, but she also knew he wouldn’t push her further. Not right now, at least.
He crossed his arms, his eyes never leaving her. “I’ll be right here the whole time, you know that?” His voice was soft but firm, a silent promise that he wouldn’t let anything happen to her.
“I know,” she said, her nerves creeping back in. Knowing he was watching over her made the weight of the moment a little easier to carry.
A soft knock on the door interrupted the moment. One of the stage crew poked their head in, offering a gentle reminder. “It’s time to get into position,” they said, their voice hushed but urgent.
Maryse felt her stomach tighten as the weight of the moment hit her all over again. She glanced at Jack, her eyes wide with nerves. He gave her a reassuring nod, kissing her cheek lightly not wanting to mess up her makeup.
“You got this,” he whispered, his hands lingering on her shoulders. “Go out there and kill it.”
Taking a deep breath, she stood up, the back pain from earlier now barely a memory. She nodded,. “Let’s do this.”
As she turned to leave, Jack gently pulled her back for a moment, crouching down in front of her. He placed a soft kiss on her bump, his hands resting protectively on her waist.
“Good luck in there, little ones,” he whispered with a grin, then looked up at her, his expression soft. “And you, too.”
Maryse's heart swelled, and she smiled, her nerves easing just a little. “Alright, alright, enough of that,” she teased. “I have a show to do.”
Jack stood up, letting her go with one final squeeze. “Go get ’em, superstar.”
Usher had just started performing “U Got it Bad” and Jack jumped and couldn’t help but let out a loud cheer as Maryse came out in her catsuit and as the first chords rang out, the crowd’s reaction was electric. Cheers and gasps of surprise filled the arena as they noticed her pregnancy bump.
“Let’s go!” Jack yelled, pumping his fist in the air. “That’s my girl!”
Urban cheered loudly beside him. Jack couldn’t contain his excitement. He jumped up and down, shouting, clapping, and even high-fiving the crew members around him. Every time the crowd erupted into cheers, he matched their enthusiasm, his eyes never leaving Maryse as she rocked the stage.
As Maryse’s solo reached its peak, she dropped to her knees and executed a flawless backbend, her body arching gracefully. Jack’s heart skipped a beat, his eyes wide with a mix of admiration and concern.
He watched, breathless, as she held the position, his hands clenching into fists at his sides. The sight of her bending backwards while pregnant made him a bit nervous. His protective instincts flared up, and he felt a pang of worry that she might be pushing herself too hard.
When Maryse finally stood up, he could finally breathe again.
“Las Vegas, where my bad girls at?”
When Maryse finally made her way backstage, Jack was waiting with open arms. He swept her into a tight embrace, kissing her all over her face, his lips brushing against her cheeks, forehead, and lips.
“You were incredible out there!” he said between kisses, his voice choked with emotion. “I’m so proud of you.”
Maryse laughed softly, her exhaustion evident but her spirits high. “Thanks. It felt amazing,” she admitted, leaning into his affection.
Jack pulled back just enough to look into her eyes, his expression turning serious. “But that’s it. No more performances for you for the rest of the pregnancy. I can’t have you pushing yourself like that again.”
Maryse nodded, her smile still in place. “That’s fine. Honestly, it took so much out of me,” she confessed, placing a hand on her belly. “I think I felt the babies flutter.”
Jack’s eyes widened in surprise, “For real?” he asked, his voice hushed with awe. He stood still, his palm warm against her stomach, waiting to feel it again.
Maryse nodded, a smile creeping up on her face. “Yeah, I think all the excitement from the night got them going. They’re as hyped up as you are.”
Jack chuckled, his grin spreading wide. “Guess they’re already practicing for their own Super Bowl debut,” he joked, but his voice was thick with emotion. He kissed her forehead, then her belly. “I’m so proud of you.”
Maryse looked up at Jack, her eyes soft and filled with gratitude. “I couldn’t have done this without you,” she said quietly, her fingers gently intertwining with his. “All of it—getting through the nerves, the pain, everything. You kept me going.” She smiled, tears threatening to spill over, but this time, they were tears of happiness. “I love you so much.”
Jack pulled her into his arms, kissing the top of her head as he held her close. “I love you too,” he whispered back.
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liked by saweetie, chloebailey, mstinaknowles, lala, nfl, michaelbjordan, urbanwyatt, latto777, jackharlow and 987,045 others
lifeofmonet: SUPERBOWL HALFTIME!!!! Still feels like a dream! @usher you are an ICON wow wow wowwww
Hours before this performance, my back was hurting like hell. I could hardly move. A few prayers later, I pulled though 🥲
I can’t even put into words how much tonight meant to me. Thank you to everyone who supported me and showed so much love throughout this entire journey. I missed being on that stage more than I can say—being back up there was everything I needed. 🤰🏾🎸
P.S. Pregnant with twins at the Super Bowl? 10/10 recommend… except for the part where I couldn’t enjoy all the food in peace 😩😂.
view all 14,875 comments
dojacat: pulled thru and proceeded to do a whole back bend on stage!!
user: ATE!!! LEFT NO CRUMBS 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
user: those kids have the coolest parents!
mstinaknowles: Loved your guitar solo ❤️🔥
saweetie: ALL 10s! 😍🥰
nfl: 👏👏👏👏
urbanwyatt: actually the coolest ever
druski: just call me uncle dru!
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liked by urbanwyatt, lifeofmonet, dojacat, yungskylark, saweetie, cozane, thomaschristmas, and 878,568 others
jackharlow: Y’all, my girl just shut down the Super Bowl halftime show! Couldn’t be more proud of her. She did her thing, and she did it pregnant with our babies. 💜 My baby mama cooler than a lot of yall
Now I gotta go buy a Burberry flannel since I’m officially a baby daddy 😂
view all 10,578 comments
user: Jack Harlow is about to be a dad 🥲🥲🥲
user: TWINS !!!
saweetie: OH BABYYYYY
burberry: DM us 😉
druski: we sure the kids are yours?
user: returning to the stage at the superbowl and announcing your pregnant with twins? Yeah icon living
user: your kids already more successful than you
sexyyred: rich baby daddy 🤑
AN: long chapterrrrrr 🤭 whole world knows our girl is pregnant now!! Let me know what you think 💭
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leeknowlover99 · 1 year ago
May I ask how Enhypen would react to you being pregnant?
Niki will be excluded, hope u understand :)
warnings: fluff, tiny bit of angst
you and Hee were in the relationship for almost 3 years. so in that time you have already discussed your desire to become parents. you were not rushing into that but it would be okay if it happened. that was your approach. however when your period was late this month and the test turned out positive you became a bit stressed. what if he changed your mind or is not ready yet, these were the thoughts running through your mind as you were waiting for Heesung to come back from work. you decided to tell him right away or you would go crazy keeping it to yourself. after 5 you finally heard the door open. you run towards him and hugged him. Hee grabbed you surprised by your sudden affection. he held you tight for a while and then pulled away to look at you. “hey babe, what’s going on?” he asked, petting your hair. “i’m pregnant” you let it out. you saw his eyes widen immediately, first shock turning into smile. “oh my god” he seemed excited. “wow, that’s unexpected” he muttered to himself. “good unexpected or bad unexpected?” you asked worried. he smiled at you warmly and you swear you could see the hint of tears when he pulled you into the hug. “so good! we’re going to be parents!” he yelled and took you off the ground to start spinning around with you in his arms.
you were trembling when you heard the doctor confirm that indeed you were pregnant. Jay stood right beside you and held your hand. you were waiting for this moment since a year. there were many issues with your cycle and at first doctors even considered you to be infertile. so all you felt now was a great relief and happiness. similar feelings accompanied Jay, although you noticed him try to keep a poker face. “i’ll leave you two alone for few minutes.” doctor said and left the room. you immediately started crying. “i can’t believe i’m pregnant. i wanted it so much”. Jay pulled you into the tight hug stroking your back gently. “i’m so happy for us love” he whispered. after you pulled away he started to gently kiss the tears running down your cheeks. his expression was soft, few tears on his cheeks as well. “you’re going to be the best mum.” he said.
you were wondering how to tell Jake. even though he knew you were off the pill for some time you wanted for it to be a surprise. you hid the test in your makeup drawer and started to search for ideas. you considered giving it to him in the gift box, or leaving some hints for him to find it, or maybe something different like a crossword. however all your plans were dismissed when the next day you walked into the room and saw Jake sitting on the bed holding the said test. he looked at you with a serious expression. “i’m sorry i wasn’t snooping around, i found it by accident when searching for some powder.” he said. you slowly approached him and crouched down. “is it yours?” he asked. “yes it is mine. i wanted to prepare a surprise for you.” you explained. immediate smile danced on his face and his eyes lit up. “that’s such a great news!” he exclaimed. “yes it is” you smiled back at him. he pulled you in his lap and grabbed your hand. “i’m sorry i ruined the surprise” he kissed your fingers gently. you laughed warmly. “i mean finding it on your own must’ve been quite a surprise as well.”
you and sunghoon have never talked about kids, you were together for about a year, so not a long time, for kids at least. so when you found out you were pregnant you panicked a little. you knew for three days now and still haven’t told him. you did not have a courage. you didn’t want him to be mad at you, or leave you or ruin his life with this. you tried to tell him on your date yesterday but could not do that. so like a coward today you decided to sent him a text message.
hi Hoon, we need to talk, i’m pregnant.
you hated yourself for telling him this way. you started to get anxious when he read the message but you saw not reply. an hour passed and you were just about to call him when you heard a door bell. you rushed to the door and saw Sunghoon standing there panting looking like he run here. “i came as fast as i could.” he explained coming in. you gave him a glass of water and you sat down in the kitchen. he was holding your hands gently while you were telling him all about it. “are you mad?” you asked as he was sitting with a serious face. “i’m not mad, of course i’m not” he reassured you.”i’m just so surprised. i was not ready for that. i am not ready, but it happened and we’ll deal with it together.” he said looking at you lovingly. you were still scared but you knew it is gonna be alright with him by your side.
“ahh i’m so excited?” Jungwon said cutely while unpacking his birthday gift, it was a small box wrapped in a baby blue paper. he gently opened the lid and fished out a tiny teddy bear from the box. “y/n what is this?” he asked laughing warmly. “go on” you rushed him and he reached for the next item. it was a baby pacifier. your boyfriend looked between you and the object confused. “is this some kind of prank?” he asked furrowing his brows, he was being so adorable. “it’s a hint” you winked at him. you saw him thinking for a while and suddenly he lit up. “no way! it can’t be. please tell me it’s what i’m thinking” he jumped excited. you could not keep it a secret anymore. “i’m pregnant” you smiled. Jungwon went for a bear hug and almost crushed you. you both held each other laughing and crying together. “that’s the best birthday gift i’ve received like ever” he said finally. “i’m so happy Wonie, you’re going to be an amazing father.” you kissed him gently.
you and Sunoo had an incident last month when a condom broke during a heated moment. so now you were waiting anxiously for your period, however it was late for four days already. Sunoo came to visit you in the afternoon and handed you a test. “let’s find out, i’m sure it’s going to be okay” you waited together for 10 minutes to read the result. the alarm went off and you grabbed the test. after you saw it you immediately dropped it again and gasped. Sunoo picked it up from the floor “it’s positive.. oh my god it’s positive.” you were both panicking. “okay let’s sit down and think about it” Sunoo offered and hugged you tightly sitting on the bed. “what do we do?” you asked, eyes starting to tear up. this was so unexpected. “do you want to keep it? “ he asked gently. “i don’t know” you said “do you?” you asked him back. “i don’t know, i guess i do. but it’s your body so it’s whatever you decide. i will support you no matter what.” he reassured you bringing you closer and letting you cry on his chest, tears filling his eyes as well.
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ac-19 · 26 days ago
could u do a part 2 to the wedding one-shot of drew franklin maybe were they find out their pregnant? and it’s a girl they name Alana
Part Two of Wedding 🥰
Boy or Girl? - D. Franklin (Bravo 6)
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summary: you find out you're pregnant.
After being sick for three days, I finally got myself put together enough to drive to outpatient. With Drew and my dad being deployed, Emma and Brad off to buds training and Mickey at hockey camp I was pretty much by myself in VA Beach other than the wives and girlfriends but I didn't want to get anybody else sick so I drove myself.
I only had to pull over once to puke my guts out which was surprising but as I sat next to a garbage can in the waiting room of the outpatient clinic I realized how much I'd rather be rotting in bed right now instead of puking in front of a room full of people but I powered through it and within an hour I was sitting in the exam room waiting for the doctor. The door opened up and a older women walked in and I forced out a smile.
"Miss Hayes right?"
I nodded.
"What brings you in today?"
She took a seat and I sighed.
"I've been sick for the last three days. When I'm not puking, I'm so tired that I just stay in bed."
"So I'm assuming you need a doctor's note for your work?"
"Well yeah, but I'd also like to know what's actually wrong with me."
She nodded.
"Any chances you could be pregnant?"
My eyes widened.
"No. Yes. Maybe.. I hadn't even thought of that as being a possibility. I just thought I had some really bad food poisoning."
She chuckled.
"Ok let's not freak out just yet. I'll get you to take a pregnancy test to rule that out and then I'll send in an order for some blood tests okay?"
I nodded as she turned around and handed me a pregnancy test.
"Follow me, I'll lead you to our private bathroom."
I nodded and jumped down from the exam table and followed her. With only three months left to my contract, it wouldn't be the worst thing if I was pregnant.
The few minutes it took for my timer to beep was aggravating, especially since Drew wasn't here to calm my nerves. My phone went off snapping me out of my thoughts and I took a deep breath before I flipped the stick over.
Tears welled up in my eyes and I couldn't believe I was going to have a baby. Except my boyfriend was halfway across the world right now.
There was a small knock on the door and I swallowed the lump in my throat as I pulled it open and gave the doctor a small smile.
"You were right."
She nodded.
"Follow me back to the exam room and I'll get you situated with this whole situation."
I nodded and grabbed the pregnancy test off the counter and followed her back to the exam room.
"So you've got some options here."
I shook my head as I sat down on the exam table again.
"I'm sorry if my face doesn't say it, but I'm keeping this baby. It was planned, sorta. Hum it's just a bittersweet moment because my boyfriend isn't here right now."
She nodded.
"Why don't you call him? We can go through the next steps together."
I forced out a smile and shook my head.
"He's working out of town and he's very busy. I'll talk to him tonight, give him all the information."
She nodded and started giving me the next steps and I took in as much information as I could and headed out the door with a bunch of pamphlets and headed down to the hospital to get my blood drawn.
After that I set up an appointment with my family doctor as well as with the hospital for an ultrasound and it wasn't until I sat down on the couch in our apartment that it really sinked in. I was going to have a baby.
I don't know how long I had been sitting on the couch in silence before my laptop went off and I quickly looked over and saw Drew was calling.
I instantly panicked because there was no way that I was going to be able to keep this from him. He would know I'm lying. But I couldn't just not answer the call either because he would probably send a whole team to break down our door to make sure I was okay.
I took a hold of my laptop and propped it up on my legs and hit the answer button.
"Hey baby, how you feeling?"
I nodded and forced out a smile.
"A little better."
Drew gave me a worried look.
"Is everything okay?"
I nodded.
"Yeah everything's fine."
Drew gave me another questioning look and I sighed as I held up on finger and set the laptop down on the couch and went to the kitchen counter and grabbed the three positive pregnancy tests. After I was done at the doctor I might of peed on two more sticks just to make sure.
"Are you alone?"
Drew nodded as I sat back down on the couch. I took a deep breath and held up the three positive pregnancy test up to the camera.
"Turns out this is why I've been so sick."
"Holy shit."
"I know it's earlier than we planned and..."
"I'm gonna be a dad?"
I nodded as I set the positive pregnancy tests down on the couch in front of me.
"Yeah you're gonna be a dad."
"Are you okay with this?"
Tears welled up in my eyes as I nodded.
"Are you?"
"Hell fucking yes. Can I tell the guys?"
I chuckled as I reached up to dry fee happy tears thar were streaming down my cheeks.
"Maybe I should tell my dad first."
Drew nodded.
"Just let me know when you tell him so I can hide. Or at least take his gun away."
I chuckled.
"This isn't how I wanted to tell you, you know."
"I know but you have a horrible poker face."
I nodded.
"You're right. I knew you would see right through me."
Drew smiled.
"I'm gonna be a dad."
I nodded and smiled.
"You're going to be the best dad."
I heard his phone go off and he gave me an apologetic look but I just nodded.
"Go save the world."
Drew nodded and smiled at me. If I wasn't already pregnant I think that smile could of gotten me pregnant all by itself.
"I love you. I love both of you."
I smiled.
"And I love you. Be safe out there."
He nodded and I blew a kiss to the camera and ended the call. I closed my laptop and smiled to myself. We were gonna have our own little family.
A few weeks went by before the guys came back home and after I told my dad, which went surprisingly well, Drew had instantly told the rest of the guys and Naima, Emma, Lisa and Mandy already had a gender reveal party planned.
I smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror in my tight pink dress which showed off my bump and I couldn't believe I was almost halfway through my pregnancy already. It seemed like it was just yesterday that I peed on a stick.
"How's peanut doing?"
"Good. What do you think it is?"
"No matter what I'm going to love it the same."
"I know that but what's your prediction?"
"I think girl."
"That was obvious by the dress you're wearing love."
I chuckled.
"Now come on, we can't be late to our own party."
I nodded as I slipped my feet into my sandals and grabbed my purse and followed Drew down the stairs.
He looked back over at me from his spot at the bottom of the stairs and I gave him a small smile.
"If it's a girl..."
He nodded.
"I was thinking the same thing. Alana Franklin."
I smiled and nodded as I made my way down the rest of the stairs and we headed out to our gender reveal party which was obviously interrupted by the boys getting spun up but not before we found out that we were having a girl.
Alana Franklin. It did have a nice ring to it.
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eletricheart · 1 year ago
Hiii! I have a request for Donna. You can write about Donna and f!reader who don't speak or understand English but they were injured and lost
(Donna Beneviento x Reader)
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*image creds to owner
Word count: 737
i did my best😭 hope u like it🫶 its all fluff i promise
ps: i didnt specify the gender, it didnt really matter in the story, i wrote a lot "you" so...idk
You were running through the snow, desperately trying to gain distance from whatever creature was chasing you. You didn't know what it was, all you saw was blood and a howl, then you ran.
Your legs were burning and the trees were leaving multiple scratches on your face. Suddenly you were pushed to the side, your brain barely registering the pain of falling down a slide.
Your breaths were coming in hard, your lungs were hurting and there was blood dripping down from your head to your eyes. All you could see was a grave surrounded by flowers, ironic since you felt like dying.
You tried to stand but after running, falling and having an unknown pain in your side, you fell back down.
At least the place was nice, the moon's shine left the flowers sparkling slightly.
You heard shuffling and thought the creature came to finish it's job until little doll feet stood in front of your face. You noticed the doll speaking to you, unfortunately you did not speak the language so just stared at her confused.
Your eyes were starting to close when the smells of fresh paint and leaves slightly woke you up. You could feel someone lifting you, wincing when she touched your wounds.
You didn't stay awake enough to see the path, all you remember is waking up in a bed in a strange room. Your body was covered in bandages and there was a doctor doll sitting next to you.
You barely could move but managed to turn your head enough to properly look at them, a chuckle left your lips hurting your ribs a bit.
You were close to falling asleep again when the door opened gently. A woman dressed in black was holding a tray with what appeared to be tea and some fruits. She settled it on the nearby table and approached you.
She pointed at your bandage. "The tea will heal it." Her voice wasn't louder than a whisper, cracking on a few words.
You furrowed your brows, not understanding what she says. You attempted to speak in your language but three words in and the woman shook her head, held one finger up(as in one second) and left.
You couldn't move therefore waited. She didn't take long to return with a notebook and pen.
She wrote down her name and pointed at herself. You nodded and told her your name, also asking her to carry on.
Donna understood your name but the rest was messy, so she tilted her head momentarily confused, to which you picked up on and looked at the tray.
The dollmaker nodded and laid it beside you, helping you into a sitting position. You ate in silence, she would occasionally stare at you but most of the time looked at the floor. Once you were done she took the tray and set it back on the table before moving back to sit beside you.
Donna kept wondering on how to speak to you, she could find a dictionary but there weren't many options in her house and she didn't know what language you were speaking. Perhaps she could ask the name, but she also wasn't sure on how to.
After what felt like ages for the dollmaker, she picked up the notebook and wrote a sad face. She presented to you and pointed at the bandages.
You were happy she was trying to talk to you, not hiding your smile and making a more or less gesture. You still needed to thank her and the language barrier was an issue, so you pointed at your wounds, gave her a thumbs up, pointed at her and made a heart with your hands.
Donna was thankful you couldn't see her face through the veil for she was blushing furiously, she still nodded politely but was melting on the inside.
The next days were the same, she'd come in, check your wounds and you'd talk through drawings. Angie absolutely adored this, believing it was all a game, eventually she understood you couldn't understand when she talked so the doll would tease Donna and tell her secrets to you. You would always look at her with a confused but smiling face.
Donna did find out which language you spoke and arranged a dictionary, now both of your days were filled with studying and giggling when one would say something in the other language.
requests are open: masterlist
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