theunbeholden · 4 months
Introduction to the Sith
The dark side according the Darth Vader is the desire to rule the galaxy and make things the way he wants them to be. The point of courage is to not to be defeated and push a purpose and perspective to have sufficient power to gain victory over circumstance. To make the universe how we want it to be will take a will that doesn’t easily fold and is capable of bringing orders down to your inner…
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The Basis for The Way of the Sith
Introduction to Sithism: The Sithism explored in this first book of The Way of the Sith trilogy has suggested and given us a taste of practical ways of achieving strength, power, and victory to fulfill our potential, such as tangible success. It explored a the way of never surrendering and instead achieving greatness through passion and power principles, creating a tools and persona, and for ways of thinking about our abilities, which when refined, will lead to the achievement of the dreams we want and accomplish our goals as soon as possible. To break the chains whether it be nurture or nature, all the boundaries, restrictions and limitations that hold us back and prevent us from truly reaching our potential and becoming the best version of ourselves, that primary problem and sign of weakness being stagnation. The point of Sithism is of course to gain mastery which will create the inner control, to create the reality the way we need or want, that inner control/willpower then leads to inner strength. To overcome our inner struggles is a triumph that grants us inner strength, Sith philosophy and discipline creates inner control which leads to inner strength. This inner strength may help one with creating that effort and motivation to; do what it takes to achieve your goals, make your dreams come true, gaining a internal locus of control which is the belief that individuals actions and circumstances is within their power of choice, and take on empowering habits.
This page and the video at the bottom is the beginning of a journey of exploration and questing for happiness, lasting fulfilment and self-satisfaction by expounding upon the teachings of the Sith that help one achieve ones will (purpose) and help us create our reality, which is to say, shaping and influencing the immediate environment and surroundings, in order to achieve that happiness, lasting fulfilment, self-satisfaction and acquire victory. Victory is when we break the chains, create a lasting social order and gain success, the objects of the power of our will is success which is solving problems, deconditioning the self of pathological states of being and smashing the obstacles in order to achieve our own realistic goals. The Sith have no qualms about using selfishness, domination, anger, craving for power, true will, greatness, competence, achievement, affiliation and power so as to use these aspects of our inner activity to acquire the prize of success. Using what is within by focus on mental training and discipline to empower ourselves to brings our dreams to reality, to manifest our will in the external world just as we see it and make it inevitable to get our way, and attain mundane worldly power and success. Sith realism is geared towards following the Sith Code as a mental crutch to develop and grow into the best version of ourselves, capable of great feats, and other aspects of power, and use that power to seize opportunities. To see to it that passion and power (energy) internalize out of the polarities of the dark side, the manifestation of darkness turned inwardly to accumulate greater power and passion to enhance survival, stick-to-itiveness, willpower/grit/determination and vanquish those who stand in our way.
The Primary Website: https://www.thesithcode.com
Secondary site for much more Sith philosophy and holocron entries: https://www.thewayofthesithandthesithpath.wordpress.com
Channel for Sith Playlists:
Book trailer: https://youtu.be/sIgedcGNKhQ?si=AOwoqH9kKL14A0Kn
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skankfoot · 1 year
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The forbidden monkei
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estarion · 4 months
"You must be playing hard to get~"
[Oathbreaker paladin verse]
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... with her? i’ve kept things entirely tame. she just isn’t at my level yet.
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mayxthexforce · 4 months
@sithisms said:
"Dont look at me like that. I saved you from death and you glare at me like I'm the bad guy~"
[Ulic old republic war era]
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The metallic taste of his own blood pooled against his tongue.
That Mandalorian had descended upon him like an omen of death. One moment, it was all quiet. The next, a jetpack coming to life just a couple feet above him and a beskar-tipped boot landing a solid kick against his face. It was a miracle his nose hadn't broken. Although he could already tell his jaw would resent him for weeks.
Ulic hit the ground and, in the couple seconds it took him to compose himself and thrust a tense hand forward, ready to crush the windpipe of his assailant, he realized that Kun had it under control. And yet, he didn't lower his hand right away. He could almost see the force, like translucent tendrils, stretching out towards Kun, trying to tempt him, playing with his ambition, his need to always be the best, the deep rooted fear of being looked down on for every little mistake. Getting caught off guard by a Mandalorian with a jetpack was more than a LITTLE mistake. Kill him, it told him, kill him or he'll kill you.
He was nowhere near regretting any of the things he had done and would continue to do. But as headstrong as he was, even he could admit that the dark side was —at time— a karking nuisance.
Ulic finally put his hand down.
"You're getting paranoid."
Was he talking to himself out loud or addressing his fellow Sith's words? Perhaps both. Ulic didn't dwell on that. There was just no time and he'd spent long enough —pathetically too long— on the ground. Instead, he rose to his feet and summoned his lightsaber back to his hand. Standing tall– not quite as tall as Kun, but still an imposing height; and surveying their surroundings, including above them —as he wouldn't make the same mistake twice—, for any signs of danger.
"Saved me from death? You underestimate me," he noted. "I could have handled it."
Stars, I sound like Cay.
He quickly forced the thought back down into the dark corner of his mind from whence it came. Ulic refused to think much about his younger brother, refusing to let the darkness that now inhabited him taint his memories of Cay. But every now and then, like that karking Mandalorian, the thoughts of his family descended upon him in what felt like a ruthless, premeditated attack.
And, just like with that Mandalorian, there was always Kun for him to focus on, and it made things more bearable.
"Let's keep moving," he breathed out. "There's never just one of them."
The subjugation of the clans was still a work in progress.
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lightfaithed · 1 month
"Have you ever thought of shaving?"
At the question, Obi-Wan's hand subconsciously came up to rest on his beard. It had been around Anakin's fifteenth's birthday when he had begun growing it.
He had been a rather self-conscious Master and when Anakin had hit a sudden growth spurt and had shot up to be his height, outsiders couldn't easily tell who was the Master and who the learner, despite Anakin's Padawan braid.
In a desperate bid to appear more mature and wise, and to be easily recognized as the Master, Obi-Wan had decided to grow a beard. It did seem to work, because even though Anakin had grown taller than him, the beard drew people's attention and made Obi-Wan look older than he was.
"No, I quite like my beard," he told Kun. "It managed to fool everyone - including myself - into believing that I'm actually wise and that I know what I'm doing."
Obi-Wan had now been wearing the beard for so long, he wasn't ready to show the world what his naked face looked like. "Why, is it not to your liking too?" he asked curiously. Kun had a handsome face, which a beard would only obscure, but on Obi-Wan's face it simply felt right.
And most people liked this beard, as he spent a lot of time and products to keep it trimmed and soft. No beard burn for lovers or any unseemly crumbs of his last meal entangled in his beard. Obi-Wan was as clean and neat as it got.
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arc-77 · 5 months
@sithisms continued from [here]
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"Exar Kun, huh? Pleasure to meet you."
He discreetly taps a control on the side of his gauntlet, muting his external vocoder and switching to squad-comms. Verify that transfer, he says to his lieutenant. One of the similarly armored troopers in blue takes a few casual steps back and turns around, hand touching the side of his helmet as he goes up the chain of command.
"Not to worry, sir," he says again out loud. "The war's called all sorts of Jedi back into the fold. You wouldn't be the first thrust into all this after years of solitude."
The Captain beckoned the jedi to follow him over to the ridge, separating the two of them from the rest of his troopers. Retrieving a set of electro-binoculars from his belt, he peers through it, then hands it to Exar Kun to do the same. "About four kilometers north-east is a Separatist weapons emplacement we've been assigned to scout. If we get the chance, I'd like to destroy it while we're there."
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mando-of-esverr · 4 months
"We stand upon the ancient burial ground of a sith long forgotten. Watch yourself pup. You're at the bottom of the food chain here." He said as he would overlook a massive cave amidst a mountain region. Desert having had consumed most of the temple's entrance as the elements would devour it.
His grey hues narrowing deeply as he made his way to the old temple and rubbed his hand over glifs. The text of ancient sith.
"Reshintar..makilion.. not a name.. 'hatred free you'. A clue..or a saying?" He muttered as he would look over to Darius and huff." The next holocron is in here.." he paused as he would smirk slightly and approch him.
"Do you sense a pull of any kind, Mandalorian?"
Darius remained silent as he followed Kun to the entrance of the ancient burial ground. Just being there made the hair on his neck stand up. It felt foreboding, unfriendly, as if the air itself were warding him off from such sacred... or unhallowed ground...
He gritted his teeth and glanced around, gauging the area.
He'd spent a lot of time examining and exploring the Sith Holocron they'd found previously. The data was fragmented as if the data inside had been split up for some unknown reason. The Mando suspected why, but he kept it to himself. After all, the narrator in the first holocron had only mentioned the start of his study of Esverr. No doubt whichever ancient siths had garnered these pieces wanted to keep such powerful knowledge for themselves... or maybe for those they considered worthy.
Darius wasn't sure but somehow, handling the Holocron had made it... easier to sense the force... to sense what was around him. Like feeling a faint warmth after years of feeling nothing but cold. Even so, he definitely believed he was at the bottom of the predatory food chain here. Ergo why he was armed to the teeth in case of ambush...
"I feel a push," Darius answered, looking over at Exar Kun. He paused and considered the saying. 'Hatred free you...'
"It could be a reference," he suggested, adjusting the shoulder strap of his blaster rifle. "It could be instructions. 'Hatred free you'... it'll probably make more sense the deeper we go."
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its-a-full-galaxy · 1 month
"I will be glad to get rid of an old friend like you, Darius."
[Tassir kun]
Darius's blood ran cold. He knew that tone, that soft silky tone, like the caress of a deactivated vibroblade. He'd heard it come out of his own mouth after his capture during the liberation of Coruscant, in the times he walked Tassir's ship in Imperial uniform instead of his Beskar. He'd heard it in his head when the Batu pool had been expunged from the surface, and with every involuntary motion until he'd been rescued from Tassir's slimy grip by "Presence" and the Batu pool survivors.
His arms wanted to lock, his grip to fail, his knees to buckle with terror. But he kept his grip, holding onto the glowing red holocron he'd just grabbed. They'd come so far into the crust of Geonosis. Was this whole brain-worm thing a gambit of Tassir's to search for the Holocron? Or was it just a game he was playing now, watching his old host struggle? How had he gotten Kun in the first place??? Had the clones really been that effective against him?
Darius felt his hand prickle, like iron dust jutting from a lodestone.
Fear was the first step to the Dark Side. Fear, and then Anger, then Hate, and then Suffering. It was something his father on Esverr had told him, how Darr'thumbra clouded one's vision, one's mind, and poisoned one's soul like tree rot. It didn't cloud Kun's aim though and Darius knew Tassir could kill him in a moment with the sheer power Exar Kun possessed.
'If the Dark Side is what I need to use to get out of this, then help me,' he thought, directing his thoughts to the holocron. 'You're a sith artifact - help me! I can't use the force but if the dark side can open it up to me, then do it! Help me use the force to survive!'
The holocron glowed slightly, but he felt something, a tingling went up his arm that he couldn't tell if it was hot or cold. Then... an idea...
The Mandalorian took a breath and knelt down, bowing his head before the Sith. "You wouldn't kill your favorite, Tassir," he said in an even tone before lifting his head. "Just like Kun wouldn't kill Ulic."
Kun hated it when the man was brought up, and Darius hoped it would be enough!
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clonewar · 4 months
@sithisms : "You clones are amusing! It's like slaughtering the same person over and over like a never ending blood bath! Glorious!"
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The Sith's words aren't unusual. Time and time again he's faced with an enemy who's dehumanized him. Hell even his own allies, people such as the senate see him as less than human. Logically he knows he thinks and feels to the same extent as any other sentient life form. He's getting baited. Despite knowing he's getting baited, anger boils in his veins. He wants to prove his enemy and the world wrong. "We'll see about that," he growls, tossing a smoke grenade. Using the smoke as cover, he attempts to slide in close, kicking towards his feet, attempting to knock him off balance.
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kaleeshbled · 5 months
     @sithisms has sent a holo message. . .
"You dare threaten me!? Ah well.. I could gladly show you some ancient sith techniques. A shame you are to be the training dummy."
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     The thought of another Sith aside from Dooku or Sidious was ridiculous to the General. Yes, the teachings of the particular set of Force Wielders does not remain in his mind -- something that means little to him. However, there is knowledge that there are only two around.      Was it a lie? Another hidden or expected to be dead like that Zabrak?
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     “ Is that supposed to be a boast? ” There is a hissing to his words, suppressing the raking cough from escaping -- not wanting anything to tarnish his stance, his strength, “ I have learned all techniques of the blade. I doubt you can show me something new! ” The last part gets the ear fins to angle forward, the deep growl growing until he cannot hold back a few coughs, “ I'll make you regret calling me that! ” So stubborn, confident in his skills from being a warlord but also the training from the Count.
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chosesun · 1 month
"Your father is dead boy. Face your fear. Join him in the darkness!"
Luke sets his jaw, though other than that one motion, he is eerily calm as he folds his hands together, only inches away from his lightsaber if he deems it necessary. right now, he remains focused on the sith, unmoving. "no," he says, voice strong and anchored. "my father might be dead, but he has joined the light. you won't win. i will never join the dark side."
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kylo-wrecked · 5 months
“Can you feel death's cold grip?”
{ 🎲 You rolled: Soft!Ren }
"What makes you think death has a cold grip?" He answered through a silent, itching wound of wrath. Answered with blood on his tongue. Blood tracks on the edge of his chin. "Children's stories?" 
Yet, he wouldn't bare his teeth. Kylo Ren parried Kun's blow, his right heel dug into the ground, a mouth closed onto the earth, his saber a fire splashing above it. Above them. And above, and all around them, the Force, and in it, its nucleus, the Ren. 
Was Exar Kun aware of this cellular repositioning of their galaxy? Take off that mask, fight me face-to-face. Kylo Ren bared his teeth now, pushing his blade into Kun's light blue and flickering lie. Blood was black on his gums. Disdain was black in his eyes, frozen on his battered young face, where specks of blood merged with specks of moles. Within its scant lines dwelt The Ren, making his mien, the bent nose, even the slick, wild hair surrounding it, a mask of itself. 
"Perhaps..." Ren rasped, near a whisper. Held his ground and felt the blood welling in a trauma location he could no longer perceive. Choked on the effort. "Perhaps you've lived too long."
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gloomfaithed · 5 months
@sithisms / cont. X
She was drawn to the power he radiated like a moth to flame. In a world where survival was crucial, especially for a Sith, it would be folly not to ask for his wisdom and lessons. Considering her own Master had thaught her that the Sith after Bane cannibalized themselves by their silly rule of the stronger killing the weaker - and the apprentice killing the Master - there was no need to distrust her in this regard. She wanted the Sith to thrive, not to weaken. Supporting him and growing with this help seemed like the best course of action - especially with her own Master gone.
Exar Kun. Yellow eyes looked up at him curiously, as he helped her to her feet. She noted the Sith artifact he wore and knew that they required a good grip on oneself and the darkness, as they threatened to overwhelm the wearer easily. It probably also meant that just like her, he was in search of wisdom and Sith lore. Perhaps they were both scholars at heart.
She tilted her head. "I'm Darth Talon. You accept me then?" He may just be humoring her for now, didn't truly take her seriously and didn't really see her as his apprentice, but even so, it would be enough for now. To spend a little time and learn from him would surely prove very benefitial. "What happened to you? It was like all of your energy had been sucked out of your body."
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mayxthexforce · 5 months
Continuation from HERE
"Fistey woman aren't you?" Kun snapped back towards her. His size almost devouring her and yet he wasn't angry. It was almost like a playful mock towards her as he cocked his head.
"Come now. Such a hot headed mouth on you. Let's talk like people. Not savages." He stated with a hum as he would extend his hand towards a set of chairs before him. Though he does remember her..time during his rule as a sith lord and baring controll over the brotherhood of the sith he had surprisingly remembered her face. Taking a seat himself he smiled at her knowingly.
"It appears you haven't aged a day. You don't feed off the force like I do.. no..stasis?" He asked out of curiosity. His brow raised slightly as he crossed his arms where he sat.
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He had some nerve. Daring to speak about savagery after everything he'd done and everything he most likely planned to do. But then again, it would have been just as hypocritical of her to point it out, and Celeste would rather die than bring herself down to his level of hypocrisy.
Muur had his own opinions about Kun's behavior, and his own ideas about how she should react. Murderous ideas that he didn't keep to himself– he never did. But she ignored him and instead stood tall. He might be considerably taller, but he couldn't intimidate her with his height. The Jedi of her time wouldn't have held her in such high regard for such dire missions if she was the type of person that could be intimidated by something as insignificant as height.
Still, Celeste didn't move towards the seat until he'd taken his own. A passerby might have mistaken them to be friendly yet serious acquaintances catching up after a long time, if they remained far away enough. However, from close proximity, the tension was thick in the force.
"Stasis," she confirmed. Then, met his curious question with one of her own. "What reason do you have to have survived this long?"
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lightfaithed · 4 months
@sithisms / cont. X
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"Well, the Sith mostly destroyed themselves, no? All that infighting, no real trust, no teamwork. No love." It had been been good for the Jedi of old, but the downside was that there had not been any Sith around for far too long and too many Jedi had not learned how to deal with them. It would be easier to fight an enemy you knew.
He watched the Sith lord with a healthy dose of caution, but what Kun suggested was acceptable. Talking was a better alternative to fighting, even if Obi-Wan wasn't sure where their talk would end or to what it might lead to. Neither of them was going to reveal any crucial secrets.
"I accept your offer. And I'll take the liberty of starting with the questions. I take it the Jedi you knew were in contact with the dark side more often? With the Sith?"
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