yodastories · 11 years
Mission to Bakkah: Find the Amulet
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Mission to Bakkah: Find the Amulet
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Welcome, Luke! Heard my call you did! Long, long ago, the Sith made an AMULET that can be focus the FORCE for good or evil. Powerful it is… dangerous, mmm? When the Sith fell, the amulet was lost. Now a tremor in the Force warns me… the amulet has been found on the desert world of Bakkah! Imperial troops have it now. Soon in Vader’s hands it will be, unless you find it first! Here, take this object… small though it is, you’ll need it on your quest… -Master Yoda
A missing Amulet sends Luke to the desert world of (chew)Bakkah, but first you will need to find a number of items to complete your quest.
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Fig 1: Assist the Jawa brothers in their noble quest and receive an ancient artifact, the Droid Caller.
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Fig 2: This Yoda-wannabe insists that you are his mechanic.
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Fig 3: He needs a restraining bolt for his mouth, but instead, gives you one.
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Required Inventory
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Fig 4: This weird looking...thing requires a sensor pack for analysis. If you don’t have one already, search the Imperial transports for the sensors. Step on the switch that appears, which drains the water from the canyon.
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Fig 5: Step down this crack and enter the dark hole.
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Fig 6: A blockheaded WED Treadwell droid will helpfully bar the entrance to this door. Slap a restraining bolt on him and send him to kingdom come with your droid caller. Step forward, and you will meet Yoda, who has apparently learned the advanced technique “Force Teleport.” He warns you about DARTH VADER and tells you to beware of the dark side. Spooky. After vanishing, he restores full health to you.
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Fig 7: Walk through the door at the end of the valley to speak with a Sand Person, who tells you that the shrine within is reserved for members of the Tusken club only. Blast these confounded cliques! You’ll have to head back down to the happy valley.
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Fig 8: No news is good news. Instead of staying to get mowed down by blaster fire, reenter the upper door QUICKLY. Now, plop thermal detonators down on the troopers’ heads like a delinquent dropping waterbombs.
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Fig 9: A second transport arrives and the troops line up in your honor. Time for a speech?
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Raiders of the Lost Amulet
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Fig 10: After the last trooper bites the dust, the Sand person commends you for your valiant water-bomb attacks and grants you entrance to the shrine.
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Fig 11: DARTH VADER collects the Amulet from afar. The lord of the Sith attacks with an impressive red FORCE attack and teleports around after being hit. Unfortunately, he doesn’t use his lightsaber. Hit him with a few attacks and he’ll pop up like a mole in another place.
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Fig 12: Play this whack-a-mole game about 7 or 8 times to win a special prize. >>>Game Over<<<
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Fig 13: Back on Dagobah, Yoda throws your prize in the trash.
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