#sisterly protectiveness
rotteneldritchhorror · 2 months
finally finding actual fandom content about OBX (that isnt smut fics about 16 and 17 year olds) and then finding out apparently everyone hates JJ and Kie and loved Pope and Cleo (JJ/Kie is adorable to me, and Pope/Cleo felt romantically forced to me, they gave much more platonic/found family vibes, and it kinda felt like the romance came out of nowhere?)
I mean ship who you ship, as long as youre not shipping minors with adults or actual canonical family members together, I dont care- but it's insane to me that I seem to be the only one who doesn't vibe with romantic Pope/Cleo lol
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cupuasu · 1 year
the barakamon live action looks like its gonna be so fun and the kid they casted to play naru is the cutest kid ever
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something i like about nona's family is that they're so like, almost a perfect little nuclear family, and then just. not.
like. pyrrha is "the person who works for her" but also the one who makes breakfast and does the dishes. she's a woman quite literally posessing the body of a cis man and really leaning into the look, honorarily trans in both directions, working construction and shaving in the mornings and braiding nona's hair before school.
and then there's camilla, her...nagging wife? troublemaking older child? roomate who she barely gets along with? the fact that palamedes shares this role is doubly weird. he's a man literally posessing the body of a cis woman, and they're both pyrrha's nagging wife/problem child/roomate. i don't personally believe that anything explicitly or overtly sexual was happening between her and either of them, but i completely understand where people who think that are coming from. and it's fucking weird (affetionate?).
even nona occupies a weird place in this dynamic. like. pyrrha is definitely a parent to her but camilla, who takes a much more active role in her daily life, is...idk. nona has a crush on her and wants to marry her and adopt dogs. camilla's feelings for nona are more parental or older-sisterly, in that she cares for her and wants to protect her, and if her feelings are more complicated than that, it's because of the obvious aspects of the situation which make her extremely sad and apprehensive of the future. her affection for nona seems relatively simple.
and then there's palamedes, who is in theory another parental figure (see: camilla's "i'll talk to your mother later" face, or pyrrha's "you're going to make someone a really irritating wife one day, sextus"), but in nona's view of things he seems like something more along the lines of an older sibling, or perhaps a cool uncle, which is funny because pyrrha arguably treats him more like a spouse than she does camilla.
it's all just so fucking weird and jumbled up on itself. pyrrha will kiss camilla on the head and say "i'll be home for dinner, dear," and then turn around and call both her and nona "daddy's own treasures" (don't get me started). she'll kiss palamedes and camilla both on the mouth and tell them she loves them. she'll tell them she didn't love them well, or even wholesomely, and she won't explain what she means by wholesome.
alecto calls her "mother and father." alecto tells her she should've given into her urges and eaten them.
palamedes and camilla are second cousins and queerplatonic and married and the same person and by the start of the book the lines between them are already dissolving.
nona is so so young and she's so so old and she's not so much younger than camilla and she's older than pyrrha can even comprehend and some days she needs help getting her shirt over her head.
and most importantly they all love each other. it's a weird and confused and unhealthy love. it's a love full of tension and annoyance and fear. it's a love that wants very badly to fit a category and can't. but it's love it's love it's love and even when it's over even when it has nowhere left to go it's not gone it can't be gone. it's over it's done you can't take loved away.
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atelierlili · 4 months
I always wondered why Katniss factored marriage and children into the equation when it came to reciprocating Peeta’s feelings for her. It’s a rather large leap, especially when Peeta himself never expresses wanting children at any point in the story. He uses children as a tool to persuade Katniss and the Capital to save her life, but the only time we see him express any desire/feelings of having one of his own is when he’s crying after the baby bomb. But we never hear his real thoughts.
But you wanna know who does express wanting children? Gale.
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It’s one of the first thing he mentions in chapter one. And it pisses her off so much.
(I also want to add that Gale reframes/establishes the dynamic of Katniss and him caring for their siblings from something that is sibling-sibling to parent-sibling. And he is not wrong. Katniss doesn’t refute him. Both Katniss and Gale are surrogate parents to their siblings. Which is also why Katniss love and affection of Prim, is not just sisterly. I’ve seen people say Katniss is only sisterly to Prim- but she’s not. She’s parentified their relationship to the point she subconsciously see Prim as her child, which makes this a tragedy because she’ll loose her first child no matter what she does by the end of the story.)
But Gale’s phrasing here elevates himself as a potential suitor to Katniss by placing them both as the parental roles to these children. (Which irritates her a lot ). Which is why she brings the topic up with her relationship with Peeta. Because she’s subconsciously aware of Gale’s efforts and knows it will be a point of contention between them. It hangs over her head in a way.
With Gale, children are extra mouths to feed. (But Gale will do fine. He can work. He can hunt.) It’s all framed with calculated survival in mind. But it’s also not something she had planned in the future at any point.
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But Peeta’s children? Oh they deserve to be born because Peeta deserves to be a father. He would be such a good father. They deserve to exist in a world where they can be safe and happy. (Even if it’s not with her.)
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This is also why I think she subconsciously sees Peeta’s baby as her own. And I don’t think of it as a cruel/heartless thing, it’s just you’d be more protective of your own child compared to someone else’s. Katniss sees Gale as a reliable person who’s equipped to look after a kid. She doesn’t express the same kind of maternal instinct/yearning for the Baby Hawthrone’s safety as she does with the idea of Baby Mellark, because she doesn’t think of Gale’s child as her own. She never hopes for a better future for them, but she does with Peeta because he and that baby gives her hope. And she loves him that much.
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pinkyqil · 3 months
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-Ride Or Die
Summary: mapi and r idk just read the fic 🤓
Notes: inspired by the request sent by nonny could be found here hope y'all enjoy this chapter ik it was supposed to be out by Monday 😭 i promise to actually start sticking to schedule I just get busy and don't have writing time so it take a while and as always feedbacks/asks/requesting a chapter or hcs are welcome 🫶🏾
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You and mapi had become very close during the season, even off and on the pitch she was like an older sister to you playing an important role in your adolescent life. If you needed advice she was there, you forgot something she always had a backup for you, a ride for partice she made sure to always show up.
Even though you haven't reached the stage to be helping mapi with adults things you always tried your best to show her how much you appreciated her. No matter how much you both get on each other's nerves the sisterly love and protection was there
it became known to the team how you and mapi ride hard for each other and today was a perfect example of that.
Today was game day like any other but the moment you and mapi stepped on the pitch getting to your position. It seems like the other team had it out for her.
Tackles came left and right even when she didn't have the ball on her feet your opponent didn't care either way. You started getting heavily irritated that the ref wasn't doing shit making you pass a stage of angry.
Your last straw was when an opponent came in with a bad tackle and mapi's face scrunching in pain but as usual the reefer was acting blind in the moment.
It was Ingrid who noticed your eyes floating with all sorts of idea and came too you.
"She's going to be alright just don't do something that you'll end up regretting". She told you.
"I wouldn't do such what makes you think of that". You said
"I could your eyes drilling holes into the opponent from a mile away". It was quite obvious to a few if your teammates that you would end up doing something your body language didn't give you away but your facial expression did and Ingrid was the one who understood what was coming.
"Mhmm I won't". You told her which was obviously a lie.
"I'll take your word for it".
"Fine". You said before heading back to your position.
It seemed like the other team continued on there bull shit seeing as the reefer didn't say do nor say anything. The same player who was getting on mapi seem to try doing it again and you knew if she did mapi would end being injured.
So you decided to do the only reasonable thing you ran fast, faster than you've ever done timing in your steps as you dashed and tackled the player sending her rolling so hard on her ass. That the reefer noticed and then decided to card which leaded to you big mouthing to the ref and getting pulled back by patri of all people.
In all cases the game was a tough fight but ended in your favor until you reached the dressing room where another set of caos was released with all the older player.
"que estabas pensando". It was alexia who spoke up.
"Wasn't thinking just doing what right". You told her
"¿Cómo estuvo eso cierto, nena?". This time it was Irene.
"Well for one of i didn't do it Maria over there would have been leaving the pitch with an injury".
"ella tiene un buen punto". Patri said
"La próxima vez hazlo de una manera más crucial". They told you.
Finding yourself a sit next to a very happy mapi after being let go by your captain's.
"entonces te preocupas por mí".
"Yeah Yeah I do care about you estúpido".
"Aye dejaré pasar eso".
No matter how much you both get on each other's nerves the sisterly love and protection was always there.
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kquil · 6 months
SUM. : you have a bizarre encounter with regulus because james couldn’t help himself —but his heart was in the right place at least (a prequel to part 1)
TAGS. : fluff ; grumpy regulus ; sunshine reader ; grumpy x sunshine trope ; you don’t have to read the first part to read this ; James being a defensive, protective older brother type ; James doesn’t condone slander ; inspired by a scene in demon slayer ; we love James ; but he can be a little much sometimes… ; but he’s perfect~ ; my James simp is showing ; excuse me~
LENGTH : 0.7k
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“Regulus!” You call, waving enthusiastically towards the aloof Slytherin. It was break time between morning and afternoon classes and most people were on their way to the dining hall for food, except Regulus and his few friends who were going the opposite direction.
Beside you, the marauders give you an incredulous look. They understood how bubbly and bright you were, able to befriend anyone you came across, however, when it came to Sirius’ younger brother, hardly anyone was a tough enough contender to break through Regulus Black’s stone walls.
“You’ve got to be kidding me…” the older Black brother utters in disbelief from beside you. His voice is a whisper and whether anyone heard him or not, they never showed it.
As expected, Regulus narrows his eyes at you and scowls deeply. He looks both offended and disgusted at your greeting towards him.
Sirius frowns deeply at his younger brother’s antisocial behaviour while Remus tries to keep a neutral face despite his instincts wanting to kick in and protect you. The lycanthrope has grown a sisterly fondness for you, all of the marauders have, but him especially seeing as you were the very few people who could actually cheer him up before and after a full moon. Naturally, Peter cowers slightly at the confrontation but tries to mask his fear — although unsuccessful from the intensified glare directed his way and the satisfied smirk that followed on the small circle of friends around Regulus. James doesn’t seem to mind the interaction at all, smiling harmlessly throughout the interaction. Look at you making friends! He’s so proud!
“Aren’t you going to eat lunch?” You ask with an adorable tilt of your head as Regulus feels his eye twitch. This has to be a sham…nobody really acts like this.
“That’s none of your business,” Regulus is loyal to his principle of keeping all interactions brief; his response epigrammatic. However, it’s forced through clenched teeth, his tone biting and a direct opposition to the calm demeanour he famously displays.
“But what if you get hungry later on? Won’t you get stomach pains?”
“Again,” the younger Black brother emphasises his irritation with the narrowing of his eyes, “that’s none of your concern,” you want to continue arguing, saddened by his resistance; nobody should feel hungry during classes, it makes the hours drag on far longer than necessary, “now move out of my way, this whole act of yours isn’t cute —you’re not cute,”
Sirius scoffs and begins to pull you into his side as Remus steps away with Peter to make way, both frowning deeply at the way the Slytherin spoke to you. James, however, was stock still, the world suddenly moving at a snails pace around him.
‘Not cute?’ James looks at you, his earlier smile slowly slipping away as he blinks his face between you and Regulus, ‘Not cute…NOT CUTE?!’
“WhaT dID YoU SAy?!!” James screeched loud enough to draw the entire hall of students’ attention, “LIES!” He continues to defend as everyone looks at him as if he’s lost his mind, even Regulus who was an expert at keeping his expression some cold.
“Jame—“ You’re cut off when James reaches over and holds your face with one hand, cupping his palm under your chin as his fingers and thumb press into your cheeks and turn your lips outwards, rendering you unable to speak.
“ShE’S thE CUTEst! JUST lOok at HER! Her BEAutY is LiKe NO OthEr! Do YOu KNow hOW MaNy PeOPLe I’ve HAd to SCarE AwaY from APPrOchInG Her wITh bAD InTenTIONS?!” James emphasises by pulling you close to his side with his other arm and stepping the two of you closer to Regulus who steps back. He doesn’t know how to describe it but Regulus felt threatened by the fire fiercely blazing in James’ eyes, “YoU JUsT nEEd to See heR in BeTTEr LiGHTinG! THATS ALL! ThESE STupiD HaLLWay CanDLes ARen’t ENOUGH!” James reaches for the younger Slytherin, a game plan already forming in his head, “CoME wITh ME!”
“Get away from me, Potter!” Regulus hurriedly steps away from the older Gryffindor’s grip, flustered and avoiding your adorably squished face. Paired with your large, round eyes, puffed out, pouty lips and dinky nose… your winsome features are nowhere near cute!
Regulus makes his escape by forcing his way past, his heart racing from the adrenaline of the bizarre encounter just adrenaline.
You’re not cute. You’re not cute. You’re not cute. YOU’RE NOT…cute…
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A/N : i wrote this incredibly sleep deprived but inspired. i hope you enjoyed <3
TAGLIST : @melinajenkins @aastonishment @until-i-found-you @corp0real @celestcies @lovelydoveval @inlovewithremusjohnlupin @calums-betch @futurecorps3 @hihihi1112 @simpingforthe80s @yrluvjane @chaosofmanyfandoms @storyofaromance @loving-and-dreaming @somewereinthegalaxi @ashreblogsficshere @cassandra-nerezza-black @stray-bi-kids @ttkttt @notasadgirlipromise @desikudisworld @volturissideslut @arilxup88 @fallencrescentmoon @topaz125 @xxrougefangxx @starchaser-lily @probablypossesedbysatan @agent-tempest @veryberryjelly @th3-st4r-gur1 @sousydive @delusional-4-fake-people @linaax @girl-detective16 @riaa-moony @ericityyy
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melzula · 6 months
Okay I have an request
So like we are azula and zuko sister and we adored by both but like in the catacombs we choose gaang over azula and zuko of this and please can y/n x sokka and now zuko now wants to join gaang and yeah I am not good with words I hope u understand what I said😁
Y/n can be a firebender or non bender its ur choice anyway
a/n: okay so there’s a lot to tackle in this request which is why i chose to do it as headcanons so i hope you don’t mind !
summary: being the middle child isn’t easy, especially when your siblings are Zuko and Azula
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As the only non-bender and middle child of the royal family, you never felt like you mattered
You were the Black Swan of the palace, a disgrace to your father and his image
You kept to yourself, staying in the shadows and out of his way while your siblings took the spotlight
However, just because your father looked down upon you didn’t mean your siblings shared his sentiment
In fact, they adored you
Zuko was an attentive older brother. He let you follow him everywhere, defended you against anyone who dared speak badly about you, and was your shoulder to cry on whenever your father was feeling particularly cruel
He saw you for who you were, and who you were was an intelligent, kind, talented young woman meant to do great things in her lifetime
Azula, while being particularly mean to Zuko at times, never once treated you the way she saw her brother
Despite you being a nonbender, she surprisingly never speaks down to you or makes you feel less than
It could be because she doesn’t see you as competition as she does Zuko, or maybe she truly does just feel genuine sisterly love for you
Maybe it’s because whenever she felt your mother was unfairly favoring your brother over her, you were always there to assure her that she was a wonderful bender and just as important
Maybe it’s because sometimes she wished you could be her mother instead
Whatever her reasoning, Azula sees you as a comforting presence in her life. She seeks your validation constantly almost as much as your father’s, and she’d do anything to protect you and your honor
Things became worse for you when Ursa left. She could no longer intervene when your father felt like tormenting you, and your siblings knew better than to say anything in your defense. Shortly after her banishment, Ozai deems it best to send you away to the academy since he has no other use for you
Your departure is hard for both siblings. Zuko is gutted that he can no longer be there to protect you or look after you. Though she acts as if she couldn’t care less, Azula is devastated at your leaving. Her source of comfort is being ripped away from her, and she has no one to look out for her
At the academy you learn various forms of physical combat and weaponry wielding. You’re especially fond of using tanto swords in battle and they’ve become your weapon of choice when in a fight
Zuko and Azula send you letters during your stay at school behind your father’s back updating you about your home, their lives, and their annoyance of each other. You keep every single one they send, and it eases the ache of your home sickness
It’s also at the school that you learn of the Agni Kai and Zuko’s banishment. Your heart breaks for your older brother, and you’re devastated at the fact that you never got the chance to say goodbye and you may never see him again. He still sends letter for a time, but as the years pass they become less frequent and almost nonexistent. Azula’s letters follow the same path
Years pass and your father deems it time for you to come home. Now that you’ve made a decent fighter out of yourself he finds your worthy of being his daughter again
However, your stay is short lived. Azula recruits you to be part of her little team to capture the Avatar and your brother, and you don’t really have any other choice but to agree
You downplay how skilled you are in fighting so that she doesn’t expect much from you and force you to do too much of the work. You don’t want to go against her, but you also don’t want to have to fight your brother and your uncle
You also don’t exactly feel good about destroying the world’s last hope for peace
And that’s why, when the time comes, you choose the Avatar over your siblings
You’re tired of being pulled back and forth, of always being stuck between your siblings with no real purpose, of not being able to do anything for yourself
Zuko is astonished by your choice and conflicted. Just when he finally had found his way back into the family you chose to leave it. Why were you doing this? Why were you ruining everything?
Azula is furious. Your betrayal hurts worse than mother’s. You’d always taken her side, always comforted her and supported her, you’d always been there, and now you were leaving. How dare you leave her?
“You fool!” She’d cried, angrily sending a blast of blue flames your way knowing you wouldn’t be able to stop it. If not for Iroh, surely her strike would have ended you. The fact that your own sister was willing to hurt you for the cause was enough proof to know you were making the right decision
You help the Avatar escape and join his group, vowing to help them in any way you can to win the war. Your fighting skills and knowledge of the Fire Nation makes you a big help and they appreciate your assistance
It doesn’t take long for you to win their trust and acclimate into their group. You become fast friends with everyone, growing especially close to Sokka who may or may not have a huge crush on you
He definitely becomes your shoulder to lean on when things get tough, because he knows it can’t be easy for you to just leave all you’ve ever known behind. you struggle constantly over having to choose the Avatar over your siblings, but he constantly assures you that you’ve made the right choice
Least to say your departure makes Zuko’s return home even more conflicting and turmoil filled. How can he enjoy being back home when you’re not there to enjoy it with him? How could he be happy knowing his sister was out there risking her life to help the Avatar?
Your decision definitely inspires his own to leave the Fire Nation and aid Aang and his friends
Your abandonment of your siblings also fuels Azula’s descent into madness, fueling her fire to continue her mission to capture the Avatar
It’s a rough position you’ve found yourself in, but it’s not like your whole life hasn’t been you stuck in a terrible spot
Being the middle child is hard, especially when your siblings are Zuko and Azula
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wileys-russo · 8 months
Alessia Russo, “You are not wearing that.”, older sister Russo that’s overly protective
(Maybe reader plays for Arsenal and the team is going to a bar?)
sisterly duties II a.russo
"you're coming right?" kyra asked, bumping her shoulder into you as the team all discussed their upcoming night out, having just won 6-0 and all riding out the high of victory.
"no she's not!" your older sister chimed in before you could even answer. "what! yes i am." you scoffed sending her a filthy look across the room as alessia rolled her eyes.
"oo you're so scary." the taller girl mocked with a pout as you continued to glare in her direction. "she's got assignments to do and she's too young to go to a bar." alessia again answered for you, packing up her belongings ready to head off.
"i am not! i'm nineteen you pillock and i have all day tomorrow to finish my assignment." you rolled your eyes now on the receiving end of her own filthy look. "you're not going." your sister warned again, kyra whistling and sliding a little further away from you not wanting to be involved.
"yes, i am." you locked eyes with her, both of you refusing to look away as the air around you became incredibly frosty. "oh lighten up less! let the kid come and let her hair down she played a brilliant game." leah came to your rescue as you hugged her leg.
"see! co-captain says i can go. you're outranked alyssa." you smirked as her jaw clenched at the purposeful misuse of her name, a simple thing which you knew wound her up to no end having had nineteen years to learn all the ways to get under your sisters skin.
"you always let her get away with everything! you're such a pushover." alessia muttered, sending you another murderous glare as leah grinned. "she's my little protege less, i've gotta look after her so she can follow in my footsteps." leah pinched your cheek with a wink as your smile widened.
"your protege? she's my little sister williamson not yours!" alessia huffed, zipping up her backpack with a roll of her eyes. "yeah but i have actual hopes to be a successful footballer like leah, not some washed up at twenty four striker like you." you smirked as leah coughed to cover up her laugh and walked off.
"no leah come back!" your eyes widened as suddenly you were left defenseless as alessia stood, and you the shortest of all your siblings she easily towered over you with a mean look.
"i love you?" you smiled charmingly, flinching as she raised her arm but it was only to grab your bag from beside you. "hurry up." was all she said, nodding for emily to follow after her who she was giving a lift home as you breathed a sigh of relief.
but just maybe, you should have known better than to assume she'd let your little insult go unpunished.
you were sat in the back of your sisters mercedes with your headphones over your ears, eyes closed and head swaying a little side to side, rather listening to your own music than your sisters polar opposite tastes she had blasting from her speakers.
you hissed as suddenly there was a pinch to your knee, opening your eyes and glaring back at the baby blues which were alight with amusement, slipping your headphones down around your neck with a raised eyebrow.
"what alessia?" you sighed tiredly, the intensity of the game and performance today catching up to you.
"out you get." alessia nodded to the door as you sent her a confused frown, not missing the apologetic wince sent your way through the rearview mirror by emily who sat in the passenger seat.
"what? we're not home yet we haven't even dropped foxy off." your frown deepened, glancing out the window and not recognising the street in which she'd pulled over. "very good. now get out!" your sister mocked sarcastically, motioning for you to leave.
"but i don't know where we are!" you protested as alessia shrugged. "i don't care, you can walk the rest of the way home. out!" the older girl warned, eyes narrowing as if daring you to challenge her as you huffed and unbuckled yourself.
"you are seriously going to make me walk home?" you questioned in disbelief, hand hovering on the door as your sister nodded. "yeah i am. you want to act like a child i'll treat you like one. now out! before i come and make you." the blonde warned seriously as you looked to her teammate for help.
"oh don't look at her! she's not driving." alessia laughed as you scoffed and got out, knowing the taller girl was serious in her threat of dragging you from the car and you'd like to keep a shred of your dignity.
"less this says its a forty five minute walk!" you protested checking your maps app, stood on the sidewalk with wide eyes. "then thats forty five minutes to think about how actions have consequences isn't it? consider this a timeout then, baby russo." your sister smirked starting up the car again.
"all of this for one little teasing comment! you're fucking unhinged alessia!" you scowled as the older girl reached back and grabbed your bag, leaning over emily and dangling it out of the open window as you hurried to grab it before she let go.
"maybe, but you're a nightmare sometimes so it evens out." alessia smiled sweetly. "wait less i don't have keys!" you remembered, your keys still on the hook inside your shared apartment with her since you knew your sister would have her own set.
"oh no. sure hope you don't beat me home then!" the blonde pouted in mock sympathy before grinning and pulling away from the sidewalk and speeding off as you threw your head back with a loud groan.
grumbling obscenities under your breath you shrugged your bag on and stormed off, feet slapping the pavement as you were fueled by anger, shaking your head and tapping away aggressively at your phone before holding it up to your ear.
"mum? you will never guess what alessia's done to me this time!"
your anger was still there simmering at the surface as you finally rounded a corner and your complex was in sight, exhaling in relief as your legs ached and you dragged yourself the last hundred or so metres.
but realizing you didn't have your keys which also contained your security tag you let out a pained whine, punching in your apartment number and waiting as the dial tone rang, hugging yourself tightly as the wind picked up.
"yes? did you enjoy your walk?" you could hear the smirk in her voice and immediately wished it was in your sights so you could slap it off of her. "let me in." you grumbled with a huff, shivering a little and glancing upwards as there was a rumble of thunder in the distance.
"did you learn your lesson?" your sister continued as you took a deep breath, knowing that as much as you despised so she really did have all of the power in this situation. "let me in." you repeated with a roll of your eyes.
"apologize first and i'll consider it." she sung out happily and you knew she wasn't alone as several voices called out for her to just buzz you up which she ignored. "less!" you groaned tiredly which she mocked groaning your own name back at you.
"repeat after me; i am so very very sorry for my disrespect because i'm just an insufferable, over dramatic, annoying, immature little shit." alessia ordered as again you took a deep breath.
"i am so very very sorry for your disrespect because you're just an insufferable, over dramatic, annoying, immature little shit." you parroted back with a satisfied grin, the silence that met your response showing she hadn't expected it as finally someone shoved her out of the way and buzzed you in.
with a sigh of relief you hurried inside the building but realizing again you didn't have your security tag you weren't able to access the elevator as you paused to exhale deeply, thinking of all the ways you could murder your sister and get away with it as you had no choice but to take the stairs up to the fourth floor.
if you weren't tired before your legs were basically jelly by the time you kicked open the door to your floor and staggered toward the apartment.
you knocked twice and it swung open revealing lotte who winced sympathetically and opened her arms to hug you but in no mood for it you pushed right past her.
"you told mum on me? seriously? you're such a baby!" you heard alessia laugh from somewhere in the room and you clocked there was two other bodies beside her own sat on the lounge as you ignored everything and made a beeline for your room, making a point to slam your door harshly behind you.
"don't you slam your door!" alessia yelled from the lounge, standing to follow after you with a scowl as lotte pulled her back down with a shake of her head.
"let her cool off less, then you can go and apologise." she patted the strikers shoulder who scoffed. "me? why am i having to say sorry!" she sank back into the lounge with crossed arms.
"um maybe the fact you made her walk like 5 miles home after she played a full ninety minute game?" emily chuckled as both of her friends stared down at her and alessia groaned.
"fine! maybe it was a little harsh." "a little?"
"whats this really about less? i've seen the two of you say much worse things to one another than her joking about you being washed up." lotte questioned with a raised eyebrow.
"why does she idolise leah so much? she's always following her around and they hang out all the time and she's always going on and on about how great leah is and how much she wants to be like leah!" alessia muttered with a roll of her eyes as emily and lotte shared a knowing look.
"she used to follow me around and want to hang out with me and want to play football like me! she's been training as a striker nearly her whole life until she met leah and suddenly defense is all she cares about." alessia mumbled with a huff.
"have you spoke to her about any of this?" lotte questioned with a small smile. "no! she'd just make some smart ass comment about me being needy or something. and i don't need her to want to be like me!" alessia scoffed, meeting her friends eyes.
"okay fine i miss when she idolised me instead and was my little shadow and my protege, not leahs!" alessia admitted with a deep sigh, dragging her hands down her face.
"have you considered maybe she doesn't want to just be your shadow? she'll always look up to you as her big sister less but with football she probably wants to write her own story and have her own career, not have everything she does feel compared to what you've already done." emily spoke softly as alessia frowned, not having considered that before.
"i hate when the two of you are right!" alessia huffed, hauling herself up as the two brunettes grinned and high fived watching her head toward your room.
you heard her knock but ignored it, burying your head under the covers as your door opened and clicked shut again. "go away!" you huffed as your bed squeaked and dipped.
"i'm really sorry for making you walk home, i took it too far." you ripped the covers off and gave her a look of disbelief at the seemingly sincere apology. "what? i am, really." alessia frowned at the look of suspicion on your face.
"can i get that one more time on tape?" you questioned as your sisters eyes rolled and she gently hit you over the covers as you sat up. "sorry for saying you're washed up, you know i don't think that." you apologised back as she smiled gratefully.
"what do you think?" alessia asked, raising an eyebrow as your eyes rolled. "don't bait me for compliments you get enough of those." you teased as she now rolled her eyes.
"i love you." alessia patted your leg still stuck beneath your duvet as you hummed, purposefully not saying it back. "say it back!" your sister ordered, eyebrows furrowing as you grinned.
"i also love me, i love that we have that in common." you smiled as her eyes narrowed and she launched at you. "get off me! you weigh like a tonne." you groaned as she sat her much taller form on top of you causing you to grunt.
"don't body shame me!" alessia gasped, pinching and poking at you as you struggled to throw her off. "i love you too! now get off you're gonna break my ribs." you groaned as she ragdolled on top of you, squealing as you finally got your legs under her and kicked her off onto the floor.
"get out so i can shower! i need a drink." you huffed as she stood, punching you sharply in the arm with a smirk before darting out of your room before you could retaliate.
"hurry up! my god you're like four foot tall how does it take you so long to get dressed?" alessia yelled impatiently, tapping her foot and checking the time on her phone, banging on the bathroom door.
"i am five foot four. and it takes time to look this good alyssa!" you finally opened the door and stepped out, grinning as lotte whistled. "you're not wearing that. go change, right now!" your older sister ordered protectively as your face dropped.
"what! your dress is shorter than mine." you accused as she shrugged. "i'm older i'm allowed to wear whatever i want. you're a baby not a hooker, go change!" your jaw dropped at her words.
"alessia! you can't slut shame or sex work shame now its 2024." you reminded as emily and lotte hummed their agreement. "i was not! but you're not wearing that, go and put on something more age appropriate." the blonde crossed her arms and blocked the hallway with her body as you tried to pass her, giving in with a scowl and retreating.
"you're so fucking overprotective!" you yelled as you stomped down the hall.
"hey thats not your room!" your sister frowned as you took a left and entered her room. "i know, i'm wearing that black dress you wore to mums birthday dinner." you announced with a smirk as your sisters eyes widened.
"oh no you're not! don't you dare even look at anything in-" her door slammed in her face with a lock as she gasped and pounded on it with her fist.
"you have exactly three seconds to get out here you little toad and go to your own room before i break this door and your legs!" alessia yelled threateningly.
"should we just call an uber?" emily mumbled to lotte at the other end of the hallway.
"i already called one they're downstairs right now. lets go before she realises!"
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bunniesanddeer · 7 months
Hi! I hope you’re having a wonderful day or night.
I saw your asks are open and I had an idea. What if it’s a protective Alastor x Reader who is the daughter of a protective Lucifer? Maybe she kept in contact with her dad so they are closer and she is older than Charlie. When Lucifer comes to visit the hotel him and Alastor cause some drama
I hope this is what you were looking for? I am very new to doing things like this!
Daddy's Girl
Pairing: Alastor X Lucifer's Daughter! Reader
Tags: Sisterly love, some sexual connotations, spoilers, some angst maybe? idk, swearing, Mimzy.
Word Count: 1,775
The hotel was eerily quiet when you awoke, so you made your way downstairs to see if anyone was awake. All you could hear as you made your way down the stairs was your quiet footfalls and weird murmuring. As you turned towards the sitting area, you realized the muttering was coming from your younger sister, Charlie.
Charlie was pacing back and forth in front of a pin board covered in colorful papers, and strings. She tugged at her hair, her muttering growing more frantic. As you took in the scene, you realized there were a few people standing and watching her. Niffty was bouncing on the couch, her face full of a strange glee. Husk and Sir Pentious were watching with mixes of bafflement and curiosity.
“Hey, Char Char? Are you ok?” You asked, walking around the couch to get a better view. You saw Angel and Vaggie approach from your peripherals as Charlie whipped around frantically.
“Nope! No. Not really! Haha. Hah…” Her false smile falls as she rips a page off the board. “I have been up all night trying to figure out why the hotel isn’t working! We’ve done every single trust exercise and arts and crafts project I could find! We’ve talked about our feelings and… nothing is working!”
You frown. You knew that things taking so long would eventually get to her, but it was sad to see just how severely. She needed more help. 
You walk up to your sister, and set your hands on her shoulders. “I think…”
Her expression collapses. “Please don’t say it.”
“We should call dad. And ask for his help.”
She winces. She clearly doesn’t want your dad’s help. You can’t exactly blame her, either. The two of you were raised a little separate, and it had affected her relationship with Lucifer pretty badly. Although, you were older, and it had afforded you time with Lucifer before Lilith had started to separate herself from him. Charlie had only had a handful of years before their relationship went south. It showed in her anxiety with him, and Lucifer’s inability to talk to Charlie openly. It made you sad, but you weren’t sure how to fix that rift.
“He’s the reason the extermination happens to begin with! He just let it happen! He doesn’t even like sinners! Why would he help me?” Charlie hugs herself, looking off to the side. “He’s always preferred you anyway.”
You hear some audible winces from the audience by the couch, but you ignore them. You pull her into a tight hug, her taller frame putting you at her collarbones. “You know I would change that if I could, honey.” You squeeze her tightly and say, “We can at least see if he can get you a meeting. Anything to give you the advantage, Char Char.”
She sighs, and hugs you back. “Yeah. I guess we can at least try.”
You pull back. “I think you should call him. I bet he’s dying to hear from you, even though he sucks at showing it.”
Charlie rubs her arm and nods. “Alright. I’ll do it!”
As she struggles to start the phone call, Husk makes comments about her having ‘Daddy Issues’, and you blanch. How rude! (Even if it was true). The others make comments about meeting Lucifer, but you and Vaggie just keep your eyes on Charlie. She seems so nervous, and it makes your stomach twist in knots. 
She finally calls. It rings three times before a faint, “Heyyyy bitch!” rings out on the other end of the line. You facepalm. Good going Dad.
When all is said and done, Lucifer announces he is visiting within the hour, after much cajoling and guilt-tripping on Charlie’s part. Although, from what you could hear, he seemed excited.
Charlie is excited, and so is everyone else in the hotel. You cheer for her, and then the realization hits you. 
Alastor. Fuck.
As the final touches are finished, you sidle up to Alastor with a small grin.
“Please, please don’t start shit. Charlie needs this to work. And I need this to work for Charlie,” you murmur to him. 
He barely glances at you. “Worry not, sweetheart! You know I would never do anything to risk the reputation of the hotel! Charlie will get the help she needs!” His arm wraps around your shoulders, and he squeezes you into his side. For just a moment, his head ducks down, and he whispers into your ear. “Just need to make it clear whose little girl you are now.” Then he perks right back up like nothing happened.
Your face burns hot. How dare he! But you don’t get to do anything in retaliation, because Charlie is opening the door.
“Chaaaaarlie!” Lucifer exclaims, immediately pulling her into a tight embrace. Your sister’s face is full of shock, and you just want to laugh. Ha! You were right! He continues talking to her in the slightest baby voice, and you can’t help but let some giggles escape you. Your dad could be just so silly! “Oh, it’s so good to see you!”
He lets go of Charlie as she welcomes him to the hotel. He spots Keekee first, and pets her. Then greets Razzle and Dazzle. You watch from the sidelines with a small smile. It was nice seeing your dad outside the home. He had been holing himself up for so long… You look up at Alastor, who hasn’t moved an inch since your dad came in.
You elbow him gently. “You okay?”
Alasotr’s expression is tight. His eyes flicker to you for a moment, before landing back on your father. He merely hums in response, making you frown. How odd… You knew the two wouldn’t get along, but for Alastor to dislike him already?
 Then your dad spots the bar. “Oh! What in the unholy Hell is that?” 
Alastor immediately shadow-walks to the other side of the room, and you know it’s time to intervene.
“Oh! Just some of the renovations we’ve made.” Alastor gestures with his mic, before continuing. “Adds a bit of color, don’t you think?” 
You wince, and make your way to Alastor’s side. 
“Hey, Dad,” you say, trying to prevent your dad making any further comments on the decor. That's a good way to piss off Alastor.
“Sweetheart!” Your dad runs up to you, and tries picking you up. You laugh at the tights squeeze. “How’s my girl?” His hands squish your cheeks, making it hard to respond.
You giggle through the ministrations, and finally push his hands back so you can respond. “I’m doing great, Dad. Figured I should introduce you to Alastor here.” You gesture to Alastor, who looks the closest to not smiling that you have ever seen. It makes your stomach feel like lead, as you keep talking. “He’s our facilities' manager, and my…”
Your voice trails off, and you look at Alastor, as if hoping he has the word you are looking for.
“I’m her lover!” Alastor exclaims, quite loudly. His static drops for a moment and then bursts back up in volume, making you wince. Great. He just announced that to everyone in the room. The ‘everyone’ being everyone who didn’t know. You can hear Charlie ‘whoop!’ in the background, and several variations of ‘what the fuck’. “She’s quite the darling. I just couldn’t resist this sweet face!” Alastor grabs at your cheeks, similar to how your dad did, and squishes them. “See?”
You risk a glance at your dad. He looks ready to kill. Fuck. This is absolutely not how you wanted to tell your dad. He nearly killed the last partner you had for ghosting you. You can see your dad’s horns growing, and you push Alastor back.
“Haha! Yeah. Uh. Sorry. I would have told you before now, but we’re kind of new! We were trying to keep it on the down-low for now but…” You glare at Alastor, but he just has this shit-eating grin on his face, and you know he doesn’t care. 
“Right.” Your dad continues glaring at Alastor. You wince, and decide to go over by the snack table. Angel is just giving you this look, and you know he will be asking about Alastor’s dick, which you have not seen, later. Husk seems disappointed in you, and you absolutely know why. You just give him an apologetic shrug, and watch as Alastor and your dad seem to start a pissing match. 
It ends with Alastor in his face saying, “Fuck you,” and your knees nearly give out. Holy shit. 
Charlie finally intervenes, and Lucifer, after some more glaring at Alastor, get her to introduce him to the rest of the residents.
Alastor lays a hand on your shoulder as your dad greets both the guests and the staff. You can feel his thumb rubbing back and forth, and it sends shivers down your spine. You look up at Alastor, but his gaze is still locked on your dad. Annoyed, you roll your eyes with a huff, and look back to the meet-and-greet. Your dad is looking back at you, his frown deep, and a barely audible growl making its way to your ears. Your dad is fucking growling at Alastor. What the Hell?
A rumble builds up in Alastor’s chest, and you can feel it against your back. This one sets heat back up to your face. Gosh, this man needed to get his shit together. No need to start stuff with your dad! Alastor’s hand tightens on your shoulder, before he lets go and stalks back towards Charlie, who is trying to convince your dad to help her. 
And then they’re singing. Because of course. Alastor joins in, saying some things that seem to really piss off your dad, but you can't hear much over the blood rushing in your ears. Sometimes these two could be so embarrassing. When your dad pulls out the golden fiddle, you nearly die laughing. (He still wasn’t over losing that one time!) Everything comes to a head, with the two men yelling insults in each other's faces, when suddenly-
“It’s ME!” A woman barges in through the lobby doors, yelling and calling herself Mimzy. She’s blonde, and dressed like a flapper. Alastor seems to recognize her, so you don’t worry. 
Later that night, when your dad has finally agreed to help your sister get that meeting, you all settle onto the couches, making a game plan. Alastor sits beside you, one foot resting on the other knee. You lean over and ask softly, “What did you say during that song, anyway?”
Alastor’s grin sharpens, and he presses his lips near your ear, again. “Charlie calls me dad, and your eldest calls me Daddy.”
If you nearly choke on your own spit, you refuse to admit it. 
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overtrred28 · 7 months
Watch my shattered edges glisten| Leah Williamson x young!reader (platonic)
Tumblr media
Summary; Being so good so young brings a lot of attention to you, especially when you make a simple mistake. Leah notices you struggling and helps you as you begin to crack under the pressure. Inspired by "Mirrorball" by my mother, Taylor Swift.
Pairings; Leah Williamson x young!reader (platonic), lionesses x reader (platonic)
Words; 2k
Warnings; sad, swearing, angst.
A/N; Is it too much to ask just to be comforted by Leah. Sorry about the sadness but it's so fun to write and play it out in my head. A little it rushed but I wanted to get something out and i'm off work sick so very clearly bored atm. Enjoy.
It was no secret that Leah felt a need to protect you and basically adopt you when you entered the senior team just a few months ago. You were quite young, like most of the other girls were when they got their first call ups, but there was a naivety and innocence to you that she felt the need to take you under her wing very quickly.
You had excelled very easily in the youth and U23 squads, becoming one of the best defenders for your age and following closely behind in the footsteps of the one and only Leah Williamson. So when you got that call from Sarina inviting you to your first senior camp, you were both excited and extremely nervous to be in the presence of your biggest inspirations.
There was a lot of press when your call up was publicly announced, people who had watched you in the younger squads cheering you on and other fans ready to see how you would fit within the senior team. A lot of the younger players in the squad were more than excited to hear of you finally moving up, most of you playing together and growing up together at national camps over the years. So there was no reason for you to worry about when arriving at St Georges park for the first time.
But the thought about being in an unfamiliar environment with new people and a new team still made you nervous. So it was understandable that you were quiet and reserved for the first day, still greeting everyone but unsure of where your place in the squad was just yet. The girls you had grown up with were lovely as always but it had been a few years since you were all together, so it was different. 
That's when Leah knew she had to make the effort and ensure your transition to the senior squad was smooth and easy, making you comfortable with the girls which would benefit your performance on the field.
"Hey, y/n!" A voice called out to you, making you turn your head to find the Leah Williamson waving you over to her table. You swallowed your nerves before walking over to her with your breakfast tray in your shaky hands. She shifted over to make a space for you between herself and Keira. That was the first and certainly not the last time Leah had made sure you felt welcome and  supported on the team. 
A few camps in and everyone was calling you a mini Leah, not that you minded. You and the older defender had a lot in common, making it easy to get along and create a sisterly bond quite easily. 
Despite being in a lower-ranked team of the WSL, many people already knew who you were and were ready to support you as you joined the senior squad. This helped with your nerves as you waited to sub on during your first national game, hearing the home crowd cheer as your number displayed beside Leah's.
"You've got this little one." Leah whispered as she hugged you, making your heart swell and your eyes roll at the nickname before you ran out and took her place on the field next to Millie and Lotte.
It's safe to say your run with the national team has been going quite well since your first game, finding yourself appearing in every match and even starting in the two in the previous camp.
Your impressive defensive skills and tactics had been noticed when you were on national duty and during regular matches, causing your agent to call you with many offers from many different clubs in the WSL and even other leagues. But there was one that stood out and would be a no-brainer to transfer during the January window, especially as a place to work on your skills ahead of the World Cup this summer.
So you officially left the club that started your professional career at 18 just three years ago and set off to North London, moving into Leah's flat; nice and close to the Colney.
It was in a friendly against Australia where you made a simple mistake that would impact you and your career so harshly, so quickly.
3 months out from the world cup and this one mistake almost cost you your spot in the World Cup squad... or so you were made to believe.
It was a simple mistake that plenty of players all over the world had made before; stepping out that little bit too much during a tackle and risking the player you were trying to mark, especially with the current weather conditions. That's all it took. But you knew the moment your studs hit Kyra's boot, your match was over.
The whistle was blown within seconds of her body hitting the floor and her grabbing onto her foot where your studs had accidently landed. You looked down to where her team was beginning to surround her, frozen in place until a hand on your shoulder shook you out of it and your head moved the ref who was reaching in her back pocket. The red card came into view and although you knew it was coming, your heart still sunk as she wrote your number on the back.
A few of the England girls began to start arguing with ref that it should have at least been a yellow, but you knew there was no point, anyone could see that it was a definite red and you were officially benched for the rest of the game and the next one coming. So with a hung head you walked off the field and over to the tunnel, the voices of your teammates and the disappointed home crowd blurring into the background, everything feeling as though it was in slow motion as the rain continued to fall.
"I'm sorry." You spoke to Sarina who silently nodded her head at you, both a sympathetic and disappointed look on her face as you passed by and walked down to the change room.
You sat down on the bench in front of your cubby and stared down at the boots that let down the team and left them a man down with 20 minutes still to go.
There was something bubbling in your chest that should have been anger at the situation but it was just bitter disappointment in yourself and that was ultimately worse. Water formed in your eyes and your throat began closing up as you bit back the tears that were trying to escape, but you couldn't let them.
You ended up showering and changing into your tracksuit as you waited for the match to end and what you presumed would be a lot of upset teammates ready to storm in and hurl their anger towards you. You curled up in your cubby, headphones on but no music playing, and closed your eyes as you waited.
You were so buried within yourself that you hadn't noticed all the girls coming in and spotting you making yourself so small, breaking all of their hearts as they could see how hard you were taking this.
It was Esme who eventually disturbed you, tapping your shoulder gently, silently nodding to the door of the once again empty changeroom after everyone began to leave for the bus.
She threw her arm around you, tucking you into her side as you walked out to the back and towards the bus where everyone was waiting. Once again you were left alone by the girls on the bus, they could see you were utterly disappointed and didn't want to accidentally make it worse. So although you were sat by yourself, you could feel 22 pairs of eyes on you every so often, but most intensely from a blonde captain further back on the bus.
It didn't take long for the press to have their say on the incident, immediately shaming you for your mistake and basically flushing your name and reputation down the toilet. So as you mindlessly scrolled through social media on the way back, your feed was filled with posts and comments about the incident. You knew better than to read what they wrote about you, but you couldn’t stop, obsessed with reading every article that featured your name. 
Most of the comments were the same, things like "how dangerous it really could have been" and that you were "young and reckless and irresponsible with your choices as a defender." Deep down you knew they were wrong about you but it was hard to fight through the voices saying they were right and that you were a bad footballer. 
Leah started to get worried when you were not only ignoring the other girls, but then you began distancing yourself upon returning home with her. You stayed in your room as much as you could and tried to stay away from Leah but it was hard when living in the same house. 
The night that you got back she barely heard from you, wanting to respect your privacy for as long as she could but when she heard your soft cries through the door she couldn’t ignore it any longer. 
“Y/N?” She knocked softly on the door, waiting for a response but you stayed quiet. “I’m coming in okay.” She gave a warning before opening the door softly, her eyes instantly finding you tucked into the covers facing away from the door. “Oh little one.” 
Her soft voice made a sob finally escape and you began properly breaking down for the first time. She hated seeing you like this, contrastingly different to the bubbly, mischievous person you were known to be. She crawled up under the covers, rolling you over and placing your head upon her chest.
“What can I do?” She began smoothing your hair with her fingers, she knew this is what came with becoming a footballer in the spotlight but she didn’t think it would get you this early in your career. 
“Just hold me please.” Your voice was soft and broken, trying to stop the images and words they were saying from spiralling in your mind. 
“None of what they say is true, I need you to know that.” Leah spoke again after a few minutes of silence, finally feeling your breathing slow and the tears stopping. “It was an accident and you know it, I know it, she knows it and they know it too.” She was referring to Kyra who you had already sent a message to, apologising for hurting her and the media who were riling up a story to fill their articles full of nonsense for more money.
“This does not change who you are as a person or a player, it happens to everyone and it will go away once they find something new to talk about. But you need to ignore them.” She continued, waiting for any kind of response. “Promise me you’ll ignore them.” Leah looked down at you, tapping your head as a signal to look up at her. 
“I promise.” You gave her a small smile while nodding. 
“Come on, let’s go eat some smileys.” She flung the covers off and pushed you up with a laugh, getting one out of you for the first time since it happened. 
“You have the pallet of a five year old.” You shook your head as you crawled out of your bed. 
“And what about it?” She wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you exited out to the kitchen, pressing a small kiss to your head as you walked together. 
It was at that moment you felt truly grateful for Leah and all she had given you since joining the Lionesses and Arsenal. She took you in and gave you an environment to thrive and be comfortable in a new place when she didn’t have any obligation to. But you would forever be in debt to her kindness and never reject anything she gave to you. 
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wandafiction · 7 months
Just Us - Series List
Y/n is a multimillionaire. Wanda Maximoff is a divorced mum of two twin boys who is trying her best. What happens when their paths cross at a club and Y/n takes Wanda home for the night?
Warnings: This story is an 18+ read, Minors DNI, contains talks and description of Death, Accidents, Injury, Child Loss, Abuse (Physical and Emotional), Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Suggestive themes, Smut (Each Chapter With Themes Explained), Angst (Lots of It), And Some Fluff Thrown in because I felt bad. Top Reader, Bottom Wanda
Each chapter will come with their own warnings.
This is a story that I have put up on my Wattpad and my Ao3 and thought I would share it here for more of you wonderful people. I do hope you enjoy this read. There will be mistakes here and there and maybe some incorrect translations.
So this is an AU story with the MCU characters. So the ages and story lines with be changed and different from that in the movies. 
I will right some history for each character as the story progresses just so ages and other things make sense. 
All the Character's in this are played by their respective actors and certain aspects of the MCU have been added in. But once again its not going to be an alternative marvel story it is a completely different universe. 
I don't own any if the MCU characters.
Master List
Chapter List
Chapter 1 - Yours or Mine
Chapter 2 18+ - First Time
Chapter 3 - How Much
Chapter 4 18+ - Beautiful
Chapter 5 - Accent
Chapter 6 - The Twins
Chapter 7 - Just Add 8
Chapter 8 - Panic Attack
Chapter 9 - Sounds Like A date
Chapter 10 - Happy Tears
Chapter 11 - Twenty Percent
Chapter 12 - Favourite Colour
Chapter 13 - Ex-husbands Clothes
Chapter 14 18+ - Trust is Not Like Candy
Chapter 15 - Morning Bliss
Chapter 16 - Sisterly Advice
Chapter 17 - Lunch Date
Chapter 18 - Not By Blood, By Choice
Chapter 19 18+ - Frozen Peas
Chapter 20 - Scarlet Witch
Chapter 21 - Iron Man
Chapter 22 18+ - Love Language
Chapter 23 - The Friends
Chapter 24 - Hela's Kitchen
Chapter 25 - The Question
Chapter 26 - From Second To First
Chapter 27 - Mr Blue Sky
Chapter 28 - Protective Friend
Chapter 29 - It's Real To Me
Chapter 30 - Pile On
Chapter 31 18+ - Water Fight
Chapter 32 - Head Scratches
Chapter 33 - Billy's Discovery
Chapter 34 - Superhero Trio
Chapter 35 - Pancakes and L Bombs.
Chapter 36 - 10 Out Of 10 Dive
Chapter 37 - Tickle Monster
Chapter 38 - Sarah Stark
Chapter 39 - Love Persevering
Chapter 40 - First Meeting
Chapter 41 - Hear, Listen, Take It In
Chapter 42 - Touch
Chapter 43 - Mockingbird
Chapter 44 - Family
Chapter 45 - Search Party
Chapter 46 - Bowl Of Popcorn
Chapter 47 - Pet Names
Chapter 48 18+ - Trying Something New
Chapter 49 - French Braids
Chapter 50 - Not Taking Advantage
Chapter 51 - To Understand Someone
Chapter 52 - The Row
Chapter 53 18+ - I Need You
Chapter 54 - Your Flaws Are Your Strengths
Chapter 55 18+ - Jealousy
Chapter 56 - I Can't Be Here
Chapter 57 - Stephanie Grace Turner
Chapter 58 - Zak The Waiter
Chapter 59 18+ - Declarations
Chapter 60 - Clingy
Chapter 61 - Triple Chocolate Brownies
Chapter 62 - Watch Me
Chapter 63 - Grown-Up Conversations
Chapter 64 - A+
Chapter 65 18+ - Dynamic
Chapter 66 - You Don't Get It
Chapter 67 - Conditioned
Chapter 68 - Selachimorpha
Chapter 69 - Beed Stroganoff
Chapter 70 - Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
Chapter 71 - Realisations
Chapter 72 - Princess
Chapter 73 - The Talk
Chapter 74 - Black Widow
Chapter 75 - Can I Join You
Chapter 76 - Люли, люли, люленьки
Chapter 77 - Moose
Chapter 78 - Aurora Borealis
Chapter 79 - Calgary
Chapter 80 18+ - Mirror
Chapter 81 - Massage and Important Conversations
Chapter 82 - Banff
Chapter 83 - Strawberries
Chapter 84 - Bayushki Bayu
Chapter 85 - Cookies
Chapter 86 18+ - Control
Chapter 87 - Hyper Puppy
Chapter 88 - Treehouse
Chapter 89 - 312
Chapter 90 - Forgiveness
Chapter 91 18+ - Always Feel Good
Chapter 92 - Your Third Love
Chapter 93 18+ - Daddy
Chapter 94 - Home
Chapter 95 - Stalker
Chapter 96 - Can't Catch A Break
Chapter 97 18+ - Mile High Club
Chapter 98 - Happy
Chapter 99 - Halloween
Chapter 100 - What's In The Box?
Chapter 101 - Hired
Chapter 102 - I've Got You
Chapter 103 - Missed Morning Message
Chapter 104 - Someone I Would Like You To Meet
Chapter 105 - Sis
Chapter 106 - Soulmates
Chapter 107 - Eleos
Chapter 108 - I Called Her Mom
Chapter 109 - Suka
Chapter 110 - How Have I Made It Worse?
Chapter 111 - What Scares You?
Chapter 112 - I Thought I Was Helping
Chapter 113 - What If They Leave?
Chapter 114 - Yelena!
Chapter 115 - Puppy In Training
Chapter 116 - Your Wish Is My Command
Chapter 117 - Morning Sex
Chapter 118 - Safe
Chapter 119 - Work On Yourself
Chapter 120 - Happy Thanksgiving
Chapter 121 - I Hate This
Chapter 122 - To Be A Deer
Chapter 123 - Is Love Enough?
Chapter 124 - Let's Go Out Out
Chapter 125 - Feeling Of Rejection
Chapter 126 - You Should Hate Me
Chapter 127 - You Ready?
Chapter 128 - Pietro
Chapter 129 - Questions And Opinions
Chapter 130 - What Are You Up To?
Chapter 131 - When Pigs Fly
Chapter 132 - Science Lesson
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yesimwriting · 4 months
Noble Only in Blood
A/n house of the dragon rewatch era <3
Summary: There are very few things you wouldn't do in order to save your brother.
Warnings: me writing for a character for the first time, targaryen incest (reader is rhaenyra's daughter), reader is described as not looking like her brothers and having valyrian features, forced marriage, slight miscommunication trope (i know,, bare with me😭)
In times of crisis, it is instinctual to hold onto what is dear. If one has reason to believe that a thief has crossed their path, it is logical for them to reach into their purses and pockets, to make sure that what they care for most is still safe. That same impulse is what guides your hand forward, your fingers curling around Lucerys's shoulder.
After a breath, you realize that Luke has allowed himself to shuffle back, a subtle acceptance of your attempt to comfort him. That startles you more than the sudden appearance of a familiar face. Luke's distaste for what he considers 'sisterly coddling' has grown steadily over these last few years, the threat of war only amplifying his desire to shed the last few layers of protection you're able to offer him.
"It's alright." The response borders on hollow, your voice ringing flat in your own ears. You press your lips together. So Aemond beat your family to Lord Borros. That's...That means very little in the grand scheme of things. You and your brother came here to present an offer, not to begin a war. "You are here as a messenger, not a warrior."
He nods once, eyes still trained on your uncle. Even though Luke's in front of you, his stiffness is reminiscent of a time in which a conflict with Aemond meant running to you, meant attempting to hide behind you until you could either tell him off or call for your mother.
Aemond takes a measured step forward. "Really? Is that what you're calling your attempts to steal my brother's throne?"
There's a muted sharpness in Aemond's voice that feels distinct to anything you've seen from him before. This is not a burst of fury fueled by petulant indignation, this is a flash of a rage sustained by an all engulfing flame.
Your fingers press into Luke's shoulder. The sooner he's returned to the sky, the better. "I was only offering an explanation."
"The ever honest princess." Another step. "I have had enough of your brand of honesty."
Your lips briefly part before pressing together again. There is no worthy response, not with the way Aemond's watching you, expression too unforgiving to be about today. Something small and familiar attempts to dislodge itself from your throat, an echo of the apology that failed to salvage any friendship between the two of you years ago.
There's a beat of nothingness that serves as a form of recognition. Aemond straightens. "While I am accustomed to your self righteousness and defense of Lord Strong, even you cannot think you'll get to walk away after what you both attempted."
At that, Luke straightens, shoulders lifting in a way that encourages you to release him. "Leave my sister out of this." He steps forward, planting himself firmly between you and Aemond.
He doesn't look back at you, but your tone does seem to remind him of the importance of deescalation. "I am not going to fight you."
"No. That would be no challenge." Your fingers curl into your palm with such tension you can already feel your nails imprinting your skin. Aemond raises an arm, hand moving to pull off the patch that covers his lost eye. "I want you to pluck out your eye as payment for mine."
Luke shuffles back, head snapping in your direction. His eyes only find yours for a brief moment before he's straightening to face Aemond again, but it's enough for you to see the dread tinging his put together demeanor. His lips parted, his brows furrowed. That same little boy that always trusted you to know how to stop a game from going too far.
You squeeze Luke's arm, a silent promise, a guarantee that you'll--that you'll what? That you'll return him to Arrax unscathed? That you'll find a way to save him? This isn't the same as the faults that were dismissed as an unfortunate yet dismissible consequence of childhood roughhousing.
Blood has been divided, the rightful succession questioned. The children of rightful heirs have faced worse than what Aemond is attempting. Political divide changes things. Standing on the brink of war, you have no defense. There is no predetermined safe territory for you to rush Luke to, and yet...
"You are not taking my brother's eye." The authority bleeding into your voice provides a lifeline. You have nothing to stand on, not here, and yet the firmness of your statement manages to pulse through you.
Aemond presses his lips together, a sharp smile that's too cruel to be reduced to something as simple as sarcastic briefly taking over his expression. "Sister. Brother." He lets out a breath, radiating an assurance that turns your stomach. Aemond turns his head, his full attention falling onto you. "Surely you've seen your own reflection."
The jab should fall flat. As the only one of your mother's children to be born with features that reflect a more traditionally valyrian appearance, snide comments implying that your brothers aren't truly your brothers are far from new. Even if they're right, it wouldn't matter. Your brothers came from your mother, same as you, and even that isn't the only reason you care for them. They're your family. However, Aemond's smugness makes the comment hard to bear. He's indulging in the power he has over the two of you.
"Call him what you'd like," you say, "You're not going to touch him."
Aemond tilts his chin downwards to make it easier to watch Luke. "Do you always need your sister to defend you?"
Luke lifts his chin slightly, shifting his body forward. "There is nothing to defend. We're leaving."
The excuse to end this interaction offers you a wary sense of relief. You're not convinced that Aemond will be willing to let the two of you pass so easily, but Luke's presented an excuse to allow everyone to walk away before tensions can rise further.
Luke steps away from you, making a point to walks towards the left. Once he's a few paces away from you, you start to walk away as well. You keep your eyes trained on the back of Luke's head, as if that will keep the window from closing.
"I am owed a debt."
You turn on your heels. Luke's farther away from Aemond now, a fact you're grateful for, but now you're practically directly in front of him. The proximity throws you more than it should. The last time you were next to Aemond, the two of you were still friends. He's--you're not sure you've ever noted how tall he's gotten.
You press your lips together, dismissing the feeling. If anything, his height is just another reminder that no part of the boy that used to read with you in the library remains in him. "It will not be paid with my brother's blood."
The silence between the three of you is heavy. A part of you thinks the safest course of action might be grabbing Luke and making a run for it. An escape attempt that hasty comes with its own risks. Aemond is more determined than you've ever seen him. And you can't even truly blame him for his anger, for his hatred.
Aemond has to bear the consequences of a moment's mistake for the rest of his life. Luke took his eye, and when you defended him, you stole his trust. But allowing him to hurt Luke is the kind of cruel justice that resolves nothing.
"Aemond, I'm sorry," the genuineness of the statement knots your stomach, "About what happened." You pause, not completely sure where you're going with this. "You didn't deserve it, but that doesn't change the fact that you're taking advantage of a situation. This isn't justice it is...abuse."
He's quiet, and for a long moment you start to think that you've tugged at the wrong thread and now everything's going to unravel.
Aemond steps forward. You force yourself to stay in place. Luke's a few steps away from Aemond, and if things change that might--that might mean something. "How virtuous." His focus weighs on you enough to force the air out of your lungs. "Then tell me, my princess, how do you suggest the debt be paid?" Aemond takes another step towards you. He's so close now that you have to tilt your chin upwards to hold his gaze. "I wonder how noble you'd be if you yourself were on the line."
The meaning of his words take their time to sink in. Something hard lodges itself in your throat. You swallow in an attempt to dislodge the feeling. "My-My eye?"
"No, little good would come from it." He studies your features with such an openness you have to resist the urge to shrink in on yourself. All you have is your ability to stand firm. "You're worth more unscared." Aemond lets out a breath. "Maybe a wedding is what this family needs."
If Aemond thinks anything of your shock, he gives no indication of it. "Marrying Rhaenyra's daughter will only strengthen my family's claim to the throne." The accuracy of the statement turns your stomach.
Noble women are regularly married off as solutions for these kinds of conflicts. It's a way of unifying dividing lines. You do not desire war, nor do you think a hypothetical marriage between you and Aemond would truly fix anything. However, the thought of being used as a political pawn to aid your mother's usurper, makes you want to crawl out of your skin.
Aemond also detests you. Marriage is more often than not about duty. Your mother has never kept that from you. The only thing she's ever assured you of is that when the time came for you to be wed, your match would be compatible. A happy marriage does not begin with love, it begins with respect and an understanding of your duty.
Anything Aemond's trying to force you into wouldn't be that. This is about vengeance, about hurting you and your family even if he has to bind himself to you to do so.
The two of you are trapped. You have no allies, no significant weapons unless you count the two dragons that stand no chance against Vhagar, and you are standing in front of someone demanding to hurt your brother. If this is the only way to guarantee your brother's safe passage back to your mother...
"If I--if I agree...you'll forgive my brother of any debt owed?" The question makes something in your chest ache. "You'll let him go?"
There's a beat in which Aemond's eyebrows seem to draw together, but he returns to neutrality so quickly you're not sure if you've imagined it or not. "You have my word."
"No," Luke's voice is right in your ear. It's his turn to grab your arm. "You can't have her."
"Luke..." His fingers wrap around your forearm, his hold on you growing more desperate. "Luke--listen to me."
He shakes his head. "No." Luke straightens his shoulders, something determined flashing behind his eyes. "No, I can't let you do this."
You turn, placing your free hand over his arm. "I will not risk your safety." He begins to protest again, but you stop him, "Go home and explain the situation to Mother." Luke places a hand over yours, a final attempt at convincing you to try anything else.
"Yes," Aemond echoes, "Go and tell your mother that the girl you consider a sister has to pay for your debts."
Luke turns his head. Despite no longer being able to see his expression, you can feel his anger. "Luke." His stillness is not enough to distract from the fight behind his eyes. "Do you trust me?" It takes him a moment to look away from Aemond, but once he does he nods. "Then I need you to go."
He doesn't exactly relax, but he does let out a breath. You pull your hands away from his before enveloping him in a hug. "It's going to be alright." It takes him a moment to think to place his arms against your back. Luke squeezes you in a way he hasn't in years, holding onto you like you're his entire world. "I will see you again."
You carefully shift back. Luke follows your lead, letting his arms fall to his side. "Yes," he says, eyes briefly shifting back to Aemond, "I will."
"Okay." The word feels fragile. "Go back, be safe."
Luke's eyes are glossy as he nods. If things were normal, he'd playfully scoff at your warnings. "I will see you again."
You nod, and Luke finally turns. He walks away, towards Arrax, towards safety. Whatever was keeping you steady seems to leave with him.
You're allowed a brief moment of silence, of grief, before Aemond speaks. "We'll ride back before the storm begins." In your panic, you had not noticed the clouds overtaking the sky. You think of Luke, riding back alone in the rain. Aemond sighs. "Your sacrifice has not been in vain, it will be some time before the skies make a turn for the worse."
Aemond's ability to read you digs at the back of your mind. It'd bother you more if his reassurance was less needed. You're not sure you can trust your voice, so you nod blankly.
He begins to walk forward. You cannot will yourself to move until Aemond's already ahead of you.
The sight of your dragon quells the loneliness hollowing your chest. Your family is far from you, but Starfyre is still by your side.
Not only are you glad for Starfyre's comfort, you're also thankful for the control of being able to ride on your own. A small part of you is also relieved for the excuse to avoid Vhagar.
You've loved dragons for as long as you can remember, and you've been wary of the larger ones for just as long. It's not exactly a fear, you've just always felt the need to admire them from afar. Even as a child, before Aemond had been able to claim Vhagar, you only wanted to observe her from a safe distance.
No one's comments have ever been able to make you wish that Starfyre was different. Her smaller frame makes you feel more in control when you fly, the two of you melding into one as you approach the skies. She's swift, too, her size allowing her soar through the sky like an arrow that never misses its target.
"I'm sure you'll find a way to keep up on that...runt of yours."
How dare he? He knows what Starfyre is capable of more than most. As a child, her speed fascinated him. A knee-jerk reaction is forced past your lips, "The last thing about this arrangement that should concern you is wether or not Starfyre can keep up."
Aemond pauses, turning to face you. Instead of attempting to insult Starfyre again, he asks, "And what should concern me?"
His words are tinged with a cruel sharpness, a silent warning to watch yourself, to not make threats you cannot follow through on. "You should be concerned that you are full of such spite, that you are willingly entering a union with someone that you have detested since--"
Aemond takes a step forward. You shift towards Starfyre, placing a hand against her side. "Since the day I lost my eye?" Another step. "Since the moment you lied to my father to protect Lucerys after what he did?"
The reality of what happened that day hits you in the chest with enough force to knock the air out of your lungs. Your vision begins to blur. "He's my brother, Aemond."
"And I was your friend." The words come out hard and fast, his voice nearly breaking on the final syllable.
The honesty cracks something in your chest. Helaena, who you loved, often left you in favor of a world that you couldn't always follow her to. The other boys, who had once let you run around with them, outgrew you. But Aemond--Aemond was always yours.
Aemond scoffs. "You cannot pretend that what you did was enough to make me loathe you. I wrote to you." The letter, one detailing his new reality and desire to speak with you, has been a secret of yours for years. You've kept it tucked between the pages of your favorite book, only taking it out to reread in the middle of the night, with the rest of your family fast asleep. "And you never wrote back."
You blink in an attempt to clear your vision. "I did." The confession burns as it crawls up your throat. "But I couldn't bring myself to send you a raven."
"Because this--" Aemond moves forward in long strides. He's directly in front of you before you can think to move. He turns his head, making it impossible for you to not see his scar in its entirety. "I repulse you."
Is that what he thinks? You remain unflinching, allowing yourself to take in his scar and the appearance of his sapphire eye openly. "No." There has to be some way to put it into words. "I-I couldn't bring myself to speak to you. After the way we left things--After what I had done--I was repulsed by myself." You cut yourself off with a shaky breath. "Accepting your friendship after what I had done felt--cruel."
Aemond straightens. For a brief moment, there is only you, him, and the wound that lies between you. Then his expression's fiery edge morphs into something made of stone. "Ever the martyr."
The insult lacks any significant bite. You let your thumb brush against Starfyre's side, relishing in the comfort of her presence. "Better a martyr than someone so desperate for gratification, they are willing to hurt themselves in the process of earning it."
Ranting at him feels hollow, a motion you're going through for the sake of doing something. Aemond seems to sense some lack of fight in your phrasing, or maybe he's growing tired of this. "We should go," Aemond turns away from you, "The weather's changing."
Even though he's no longer watching you, you nod before returning your attention to Starfyre.
a/n this was really fun to write, but it was getting long so i decided to break it up, if you're interested in a part 2/would like to be tagged pls lmk :)
also!! if u have any hotd thoughts in general pls feel free to send me them <3
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hadesisqueer · 2 months
I'm not saying people must ship Kataang or anything, everyone here is free to ship whatever people want, but at the same time, some of the criticism I see of the ship is insane.
One of the softer ones (because today I saw some crazy stuff) is that they're sibling coded. Like, I watched ATLA several times, I kind of just rewatched ATLA, and yet I still don't get how exactly they're sibling coded? Aang pretty much had a crush on Katara from the moment he met her, and Katara at first saw him as a friend —she never said she saw him as 'her little brother', by the way, you guys need to learn the differences between sibling dynamics and friend dynamics—. That starts changing at the end of The Fortune Teller when she begins seeing Aang from another perspective, though. By the beginning of Book 2 it's pretty clear she has already started to develop a crush on him. If you think it's very 'sisterly' of her to blush while asking Aang 'we're in the Cave of the Two Lovers, so what if, you know-- what if we kissed 😳👉🏻👈🏻', then get upset when Aang said he wouldn't kiss her and then after they did kiss and were already out she blushes and gets nervous again-- or when she gets jealous in The Headband when he dances with another girl and then blushes again while dancing with him-- you're tuning into the wrong show, go watch Game of Thrones or something, because this is not it.
You can argue that Katara was 'like an older sister' or 'motherly' to Aang over the fact that she was often very caring towards him, but honestly, that's not it, either; otherwise, you could say that Katara sees Zuko as her brother because she likes teasing him. Do I think Katara and Zuko are sibling-coded? Not really. But if you say that Katara was sisterly or motherly to Aang because she's caring towards him, you can also say Katara sees Zuko as her brother because she often teased him the exact same way she teased Sokka, her older brother. (I do not think Katara sees Zuko as her brother, btw; just clearing this up. And I may not ship him and Katara but if that's your ship, you do you, I am not getting into a ship war here).
Katara in general is a very caring person, to the point that yeah, it comes off as 'motherly' sometimes. She was like that not just to Aang but towards Toph and Sokka as well. That doesn't mean she really sees any of them as her 'children' as well, guys, nor do any of them actually see them as their mother (well, Sokka kind of did, but that's another thing). And she's very protective of Aang, yeah. Try to switch Kataang's gender for a second; Katara as the boy and Aang as the girl. Switch it up and you have a girl with a cute crush on a slightly older boy who at first sees her as a friend but after a while starts reciprocating. If you saw that boy act more caring and protective of that girl, you wouldn't assume he sees her as a daughter, you'd just assume he is extremely protective because his feelings are strong. I once saw someone saying 'Katara acts like a Booktok boyfriend' and honestly? Kind of, yeah. A lot of Kataang is them being kind of a reverse of the stereotypical 'kind but stronger, older boy gets with sweet, younger girl' stuff we see in a lot of media. Both of them are very caring and supportive and constantly reassure each other, not just Katara to Aang, (and Aang is also very protective of Katara as well, we see it many times, most of all in The Avatar State), but Katara is the older one, and usually the most protective as well, the one who fought off Zuko at the North Pole to protect Aang, the one who almost lost it when she saw him literally die and fought off the Dai Li, Zuko and Azula to get him and get out at The Crossroads of Destiny, the one who grabs Zuko when he joins them and literally tells him 'hurt Aang and I will kill you'.
Yeah, I don't think Kataang is sibling-coded at all. That person is right, Katara is just Aang's 'Booktok boyfriend'.
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sevenop · 3 months
Billie Eilish x Fem!reader: Red light
A/n: she just sees you with your abusive ex-partner.
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Eilish has millions of red exclamation points flashing in her head blinking barely every second, and blue eyes fixed on you like the frighteningly mighty and cold glaciers of the Arctic. The only thing that seems to calm her down even a little is Finneas' presence nearby and the feeling of weight on her own knees. It wasn't just the charming bouquet wrapped in scarlet kraft paper: Shark, sensing his mistress's excitement, rested his massive bulldog face on her legs for support.
"What fucking right does he have to approach her?" - the look of concern centered in her concern is replaced with a sizzling one, the moment she shifts her focus of attention to the male silhouette standing across from you. - "After everything he fucking did!"
Finneas exhales tensely, clasping his palms tighter on the steering wheel of his red Tesla: the eco-leather creaks slightly from the tension. Eilish, frankly, envies him, because the desire is now behind the wheel, and not in the passenger seat, is off the scale, reaching maximum values. Several scenarios of how she presses the gas pedal to the floor, heading for your ex, flash through her head. And no, she's not ashamed, none of you three are ashamed of it.
Billie is a small nuclear suitcase with enormous destructive power, and you're the only one who can handle her. As the O'Connells pull into a quiet residential neighborhood to pick you up and go to Claudia's house together, the figure of your ex looms around the corner, heading toward you. Billie was ready to jump out of the car almost as she goes, and she doesn't give a damn about the pavement or the passenger seat she's strapped into. She'll rip that seat right out of the car and put it on her back, just so she can run up to you as fast as she can and become your shield. He's a whole head taller than you and two heads taller than her? She don't care! Your gesture is the only thing that stops her: your open palm, held out in front of her for a quarter of a second, and your gaze, which resembles in its seriousness the sharp metal plate against which Eilish scratches his wrists in his sacrificial desire to protect you.
"I want to run him over, Finn."
"I know." - Her brother touches her shoulder, squeezing her slightly while Shark whines. Wise blue waters, concentrated in his eyes, are also watching you closely. - "Just let her figure it out for herself, and if something goes wrong, we'll step in right away."
"His fucking presence here is already something that's going wrong." - A deep exhale squeezes her chest, and a dark bandana squeezes head. She sees you ball your palms into fists, and he smirks cheekily. Fuck!
Your lips move, dropping the scalding words she's trying so hard to read onto the pavement, and your opponent winds up waving his arms in anger and poking you in the shoulder with his finger. Forcefully and sharply. Eilish genuinely enjoys, imagining his phalanges crunching under her hands from the exertion.
"I'm going to fuck him up!" - her blue eyes burst with stinging lightning, and her hand instantly touches the metal handle on the door. Shark, feeling the muscles in his mistress' legs contract, immediately retracts his muzzle, brave at her. His deep eyes look childishly trusting, waiting for any instructions.
Finneas unbuckled his seat belt, fumbling for the button with his long, musical fingers (the beige strip immediately slides into place by the mechanism), and then grabs his little sister around the waist with both hands, pinning her to the chair. The door of the red Tesla slams close.
"Fuck, Finn, that's just impossible!", - Eilish was boiling like a teapot.
"Don't, Billie! Chill out!"
"Why do I have to sit here when some asshole is harassing my girlfriend?" - she throws his hands off her but stays where she is. Elemental brotherly-sisterly respect. Finn pokes at the display in front of him and all four doors click shut, locking. Billie takes offense and that's still putting it mildly, but both are well aware of how impulsive Eilish is when differentiated into the merciless, unforgiving garb of anger.
Your posture is calm, but also tense: she can see how strain your back is and how the tendons play under the skin of your neck. The man is almost spitting in your face, loudly spewing all the bile he has accumulated. Billie can hear the word "whore!" blowing through the windshield with the warm breeze. She turned her head expectantly, and saw Finneas instantly mirror her own gaze: blue eyes filled with a gray sheen, reminiscent of geysers. Him excellent upbringing is making itself felt, and Billie clings to it with both hands, bowling her brother's cold mind.
"Would you put up with such a thing if it involved Claudia...?"
Finneas is silent, and his nostrils flare: sometimes too good a creative imagination becomes a punishment.
"No." - Coldly, and with a note of impending anger.
"So let me out, be a good brother." - The voice drops to a trance-inducing muffled wheezing.
He exhales, filling the silence hanging over them in the moment. A chest heaves the floor of his white t-shirt, and his hands while face covers exhaustedly, when he weighing his options. Eilish knows he'll never let her down, so she watches calmly, even though everything in her stomach turns over with burning tension. The soles of her high jordans tap out a rhythm, trying to tame the impatience.
"Just don't make a mess of things, please, Bils." - His earnest, confiding plea.
The doors click muffled again. It's open. Kindred blueness meets for a second: her mute and sincere 'thank you', confirming his expectations, is legitimized by his nod. The red hair ravels beautifully in the sun.
And as soon as Billie has one foot on the sun-hot asphalt, you turn your head in her direction: the steel of your gaze meets her anxious seas. She freezes, clinging to the open door as Shark comes down with an amused tinkle of his claws. "Paparazzi," she reads from the curve of your lips before your nose meets head-on with the man's fist.
Eilish's mind was blown, and she seemed to forget for a moment how to breathe, even though she'd been doing it for twenty-two years without a break. Her eyes gleam a deadly murky sapphire, and her eyebrows converge on the bridge of her nose in a torn, streaky stroke of ink on paper, heralding infernal retribution. Now your words of warning carry no weight with her. Finneas is like a tall, graceful pillar, leaping out of the parlor in one merged motion. Running toward you with clenched fists, driven by a sense of righteous anger.
"Protect!" - Eilish's loud voice shakes the heat of the street and the pit bull snaps out of his seat, growling menacingly. - "Protect!"
She runs towards you and the pendants make a silvery clinking noise around her neck. She outruns everyone: her brother, her thoughts of consequences and reputation. It's now completely colorless and unimportant, the only thing ahead of her is the faithful gray dog that lives up to its name. The gray powerful back flickers, cutting through the air like a shark through the water. You only clumsily dodge another powerful blow, falling to the asphalt by inertia: the palm of your hand burns with the lingering pain of contact with the ground, revealing a thin bloody web, and your nose buzzes disgustingly. The dripping blood settles on your lips with a metallic taste as you squint, either from the pain or from the blinding sun, shielding yourself with healthy hand from another incoming blow.
You're the lord of the whole little army. Billie immediately snuggles you in his arms, diving almost bare-kneed onto the pavement with the ease of a phoenix; Finneas stands immovably across from you, covering you both with his broad back, looking like a vengeful archangel in his white T-shirt; Shark, like the devil from the snuffbox, who has caught hold of your ex-boyfriend's long pant and pulls the hard material toward him with a growl. The man shrieks, and all this three pairs of blue eyes give him a punishing coldness that gives him no hint of mercy.
"With me." - her strong voice excites you, giving you an adrenaline rush. The gray pit bull abruptly lets go of the cloth (causing the guy to almost lose his balance) and obediently sits down next to her, snorting.
"You Hollywood rich guys sticking up for that slu..."
"You shut your damn mouth now!" - Finneas stiffly cuts him off halfheartedly.
Billie rises slowly and strides toward them with such haughty superiority and a smirk that somewhere a whole cast of movie villains are weeping at their insignificance. Small, but so majestic. She abruptly grabs the guy by the collar of his solid-colored shirt, bending him almost in half: now she looks him straight in the eyes without raising her head a millimeter. The cold splinters in her eyes make a warning noise like a rattle on a rattlesnake's tail, making her "victim" almost whimper like a Yorkshire terrier.
"You come near her again, I'll wipe you out. Knuckle by knuckle, you understand?"
"You have no proof, I can turn it against you!" - his voice reminds you of the pathetic bleating of a lousy sheep.
And you laugh, literally sink into laughing, smearing the blood on your face with your fist. Everyone turns to look at you, but all you do is throw your head up in a fit of laughter. A smirk smeared with blood is your best accessory.
"You've remained a complete idiot! Did it never occur to you that you started to sort things out right in front of a lot of video cameras?"
You nod your head at the wooden courtyards one by one, and the man's confidence shatters. Finneas smiles contentedly, Billie immediately realizes the source of your confidence, immediately comparing the details of your scheme. And how sweet revenge becomes! Eilish pulls him back on top of him, regaining eye contact. The blue maelstrom halves him, spitting him out instantly. Her uber-confident smirk is the final chord on his microscopic dignity
"So I repeat - get out of here, you pathetic puppy!"
Shark barked contentedly.
The four of you arrive at Claudia's house right after your visit to the hospital. Once they're all in the living room together, Billie doesn't let go of you for a second, hugging you defensively from behind and just sucking in your scent with her nose, nuzzling into your shoulder, neck, hair, whatever.
"I was so worried about you, underdog..." - the whisper burns the curl of your ear as you try to gently touch your slightly swollen nose with your fingers, oohing. A bruise, and that's glorious. Much better than a possible fracture. - "I'm not going anywhere from you now, ever."
"Billie," - you turn to face her, kissing the chiseled line of her jaw. The tip of your nose touches her neck, and you squeeze your eyes shut, multicolored sparks of pain scattering before your eyes. She immediately pulls away from you slightly, gently touching her palms to your face. - "You, Finn, and Shark are my best protectors."
"Careful, my girl."
You feel warmth and a slight tickle as she strokes your cheekbones with her thumbs. The previously restless blue eyes are now like a calm marina.
You giggle, and you're not entirely sure why, whether it's because of a silly thought or because Shark, who's lying next to you on the couch, grunted loudly in his sleep.
"Did I look like you in the 'bad guy' music video? You know, with all that blood on my face..."
Eilish chuckles, brings your healthy hand to her lips and bestows a flock of little kisses on each knuckle. You want to purr.
"Very similar."
And you smack her on the lips, rewarding her for every second she spent tense, watching you. You don't care if your nose hurts. It'll heal.
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ninibeingdelulu · 3 months
Three times he realized he love you ft. michael kaiser
a/n: reader’s noel noa little sis, and not everything is accurate to the plot. Chat, should I write more of this ?
the first time
It was during one of the Blue Lock training sessions when Michael first felt that telltale flutter in his chest around you.
You'd come by to visit Noel, sneaking in snacks for him like the doting little sister you were.
But when you waved hello to the rest of the players, Michael was caught off guard by how bright your smile was directed at him.
Just a simple friendly greeting, but he felt his heart kick up a few beats faster.
As the training drills ramped up in intensity, he kept stealing glances over at you cheering on the sidelines. The way your eyes sparkled with excitement, how you clapped so animatedly at every good play.
He couldn't help but start showing off a bit more, putting some extra flair into his dribbling and shooting just to try and impress you.
And each time you whooped and hollered for him, that fluttering feeling grew harder to ignore.
By the end of practice, Michael knew he was in dangerous territory...yet he couldn't wait for the next chance to see you again.
the second time
There was a team bonding night out at the local arcade, a rare chance to blow off some steam outside Blue Lock's rigorous confines.
Michael, usually so focused, found his attention divided between his mates battling it out over videogames...and you.
You'd tagged along again and were currently immersed in an intense dancing game session, moving with impressive rhythm and vigor.
He got caught up watching the way your body swayed, how those slender hips rolled and your expression scrunched up in adorable concentration with each new flurry of moves.
The next thing Michael knew, one of the guys was laughing and nudging him - he'd become so entranced watching you dance that he'd completely zoned out from their com-bat game.
Cheeks flushing, he tried to play it off...but couldn't dislodge that image of you moving with such unrestrained passion and zest from his whirlwind mind the rest of the night.
the third time
The final piece slotted into place thanks to an unexpectedly tender moment interrupted.
Noel had fallen ill, so you'd brought him some homemade soup to help nurse him back to health.
Of course, your perpetually hungry older brother devoured it within minutes while you fussed over him sweetly. But then you scooped up another spoonful and turned to Michael with that radiant smile again.
"Open up, you big lug. I want you to taste it, plus I cooked too much for my dummy brother."
You cooed it so easily, not even thinking twice about doting on him too with that same sisterly affection.
As Michael obediently parted his lips and tasted that rich, nourishing broth from your hands, he was suddenly overwhelmed with a protective instinct fiercer than anything he'd experienced on the pitch.
In that simple act of caring, Michael realized how lucky he was that your generosity and tender warmth had been bestowed upon his chaotic life too.
Not just as Noel's little sis, but as his own...he wanted to keep being on the receiving end of your special brand of unconditional love in whatever capacity you'd allow.
A burning need to cherish and look after you in turn blazed to life inside him.
As you happily continued fussing between the two most important guys in your life, Michael knew then he was utterly, completely, and hopelessly enamored with you in the deepest way possible. His soulmate, his future, his empress...his everything.
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delicatebarness · 3 months
winters widow | chapter vi
Summary: You are cordially invited to the wedding of Prince Steven of House Rogers and Lady Natasha of House Romanoff.
Warning: Arranged Marriage.
Word Count: 1256
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A/N: I'm very happy for the Romanoff girlies. - Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as mine. - B
Winter’s Widow: @lanabuckybarnes | @sapphirebarnes | @sebastians-love | @mrsnikstan | @learisa | @railmesebstan | @mishkatelwarriorgoddess | @barnesxstan | @ghalouha | @mrsstuckyboo | @g-nobody | @mishidrish
Everything: @hallecarey1 | @pattiemac1 | @uhmellamoanna | @scraftsku35 | @ozwriterchick | @sapphirebarnes | @rach2602
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The morrow of the wedding dawned with a warm sunrise, a golden hue casting over the capital. Anticipation buzzed around the streets of Brooklyn, decorated with banners and vibrant flowers. Gleaming under the morning light, the palace adorned the colors of House Rogers and House Romanoff. 
Standing in Natasha’s quarters, your heart raced. Your dress was a beautiful masterpiece, with intricate embroidery and the finest silk. It reflected the status and elegance befitting of a noblewoman. 
Yelena helped you with the final touches in your braids as Natasha walked in wearing her wedding dress. It was magnificent, exquisite blends of gold and crimson symbolized the union of the two great houses.
“You look beautiful,” Yelena said softly, her eyes filled with sisterly pride toward Natasha. 
“You too,” Natasha replied with an unwavering smile, she reached out and adjusted a strand of your hair. “It’s a big day for all of us.” 
A knock signaled it was time and Yelena guided you through the grand corridors to the ceremonial hall. Taking a deep breath, the thick air and the scent of blooming roses filled your senses along with the hum of whispered conversations. From all across the realm, noble guests gathered as their elaborate attires added to the splendor of the event. 
The grandeur of the setting took your breath away as you entered the hall. High-arched ceilings draped in silk banners, pews lined with dignitaries and lords, all eyes turned towards the front where the ceremony would take place. Prince Steve stood at the altar, resplendent in his attire, his face composed of joy.
Standing by his side as his loyal companion was Lord James. His gaze met yours you took your place among the bridesmaids, a flicker of warmth passed through his eyes as they widened slightly. You gave him a small, reassuring smile. 
The grand doors opened once more, and the hall fell silent. Natasha, escorted by your father Lord Ivan Romanoff of Belova, entered with grace. Her smile, radiant, lit up the room. You could see the love that had grown out of duty as she approached her future husband. The king and queen, sat with dignified poise as they watched with approval. Their son preparing to take this significant step in life, and for the realm they protect. 
You found your gaze drifting towards Lord James as the ceremony progressed. Standing tall and composed, his eyes occasionally sought yours across the hall. A silent understanding passed between you, each time your eyes met, and your heart would quicken. The vows were solemn as they echoed through the hall, and Natasha held pride in her eyes as she pledged her love and loyalty to Prince Steve. 
When the ceremony concluded, the Grand Priest spoke his blessings, and the hall erupted in applause. Their first kiss as husband and wife was met with cheers. Glancing at Lord James, he was already looking over at you, a soft smile playing on his lips. Returning the smile, you felt a rush of warmth spread through you. 
The newlyweds led the procession out of the ceremonial hall, the guests followed as they moved toward the grand banquet hall. The entrance to the hall was flanked by tall candelabras, flames flickering golden glows highlighting the opulence within. Tapestries depicting the histories of both your House and House Rogers, adorned the walls, intertwined in a vibrant display of artistry. 
As you mingled with the guests and chatted with various nobles, you noticed a friendly and familiar face, a face you hadn’t seen since your childhood, approaching. “Little Lady!” he greeted, his smile broad. 
“Scott!” you exclaimed as he pulled you into a friendly embrace, laughter escaped your lips as you let out a breath. “It’s wonderful to see you.” 
As you reminisce about old times, you and Scott fell into an easy conversation. His stories and humor never failed to make you laugh, however as your spirits continued to lift, you were acutely aware of Lord James watching you from across the hall. His gaze was intense. 
He stood with Prince Steve and Natasha, his gaze never faltering off you and Scott. “Who is that?” he asked, his voice low as it betrayed in hiding his jealousy. 
Following Lord James’ gaze, Prince Steve glanced over. “Scott Lang. Lord of a neighboring land to Belova. Married to Lady Van Dyne, I do believe.” 
His expression darkened, and his fingers tightened around his goblet. “What is he doing with my betrothed?” he muttered, possessiveness laced in his tone.
Catching the edge in his voice, Natasha smiled. “Scott has been a friend of our House and to us since childhood, Lord James. They’ve known each other for years.” 
At that moment, you glanced over and caught sight of Lord James’ intense gaze. You offered him a small wave, smiling brightly and reassuringly. The tension in Lord James’ stance and jaw softened in that instant. Returning your smile with a small nod. 
Noticing your attention shift, Scott followed your gaze. “Ah, Lord James,” he said with a knowing smile. “The White Wolf, a formidable warrior, indeed. His combat prowess is unmatched.” 
“Yes, he is remarkable,” you replied, admiration laced in your tone as a blush crept up your cheeks. 
Excusing himself, Lord James’ was unable to stay away any longer. Leaving Prince Steve and Natasha's side, he approached you. Scott gave him a respectful nose as he stepped back, allowing Lord James’ to take his place beside you. 
“My lord,” you greeted him softly, affection shined in your eyes as you met his gaze. 
“My lady,” he replied tenderly. His earlier jealousy was forgotten as his hand found yours, kissing gently against your knuckles.
Couples began to take to the dance floor as the music swelled. He gestured toward the scene before you as he reassured you with a squeeze of your hand. “Would my lady honor me with a dance?” 
Your heart fluttered as you beamed up at him, a wide smile tugged at your lips. “With pleasure, my lord,” you responded. 
Leading you to the dance floor, his hand stayed firm as it held yours. You moved together as the music began to play, you were closer to him than you had been before. Encircling around your waist, the touch of his arm sent a shiver down your spine. The new proximity made your heart race. 
The world around you seemed to fade away into a blur, all that mattered was the feeling of him guiding you. The way his gaze bored into you, an intensity leaving you breathless. His eyes, usually guarded, now revealed a new shade of blue and a depth of emotion that had you in a trance. 
Every turn and step brought you closer, the space shrunk until it felt like you were the only two people in the realm. Heat radiated from his body, and his breath mingled with yours in the shared air. It was intoxicating, the connection and the closeness spoke volumes, all without a word being uttered. 
“You dance beautifully, my lady,” he muttered, his voice a soft rumble as his breath against your ear sent a shiver through you. 
“And you, my lord,” you replied, keeping your voice to a whisper, as if speaking too loudly would break the spell of your moment with him. 
The music began to slow, the dance nearing its end, yet neither of you moved to let go. His grip only seemed to tighten slightly, a plea to stay close and not let the moment slip away. 
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