#sis says the only hope for it is to do a hard reset
marcusrobertobaq · 11 months
Yep, I think i'm decided, I fucking give up.
I'll be hc'ing RT600 as Research Turing gen 6° and RK200/800/900 as Research Kamski gen 2°, 8° and 9° for the lack of knowledge bout english and french names. This "K" is in various models names but i just don't know what it is, so i gonna say "Kamski" (in this specific situation) here for now.
Although Kamski ain't involved directly in RK800/900, he's def involved in RK200 dev, no doubt. And CL def used lotta codes and systems from Kamski thru the yrs after he got out. Every android got Kamski's touch, that's how shit works. He's The Creator™️ after all.
And that's why any android since gen 1° can deviate. Kamski shit got a small piece of failure that later evolved into Software Instability/Emotions then Deviancy and nobody found a way of fixing it, or they didn't want to fix it cuz the % of happening was too low, or maybe some people let it happen to know how it goes. We'll never know.
I don't think was on purpose, like, they really hard coding programming SI and deviancy on purpose, but they surely didn't fix it for real later. Maybe Kamski tried doing something similar (sentient androids with free will) with the whole Autonomous Project thing but CL wanted this shit for other purposes and in the end SI/Deviancy wasn't something really official, only an anomaly that ain't got explored further. Or maybe it was for a period of time and they gave up.
After all CyberLife wanna sell stuff, Kamski wanna be a revolutionary.
But one thing I'm certain: CyberLife knows bout deviancy being inevitable cuz it's too late to "fix" millions of androids, but I don't think they know where the anomaly originated from and how (in details) is the proccess, they just know it happens - after all it's an anomaly IN MY OPINION. Not something really programmed but something that happened under specific conditions like a mutation from a loose end or a program hole.
But in the game CyberLife managed to still get in contact with the RK800 even if they go deviant, when this type of connection is supposed to suffer interference or even dc. Ah, man, mfs literally made an android that can pretend be a deviant one. This is Connor in non-deviancy status, bro, this is the level of "they fucking know about deviancy". Maybe was the only thing they discovered they could do, also opening a door called "remote delete and reset in the perfect moment".
Curiously CL didn't removed the exit from ZG. I'm certain this is Kamski's shit (canon) and all ZG versions had a manual exit (canon). As I hc ZG is actually independent from RKs in a CL server, makes sense being a manual/forced exit.
I talked bout that before. Everytime an android is in ZG they enter "stasis" irl, they can't be active in both places at same time, so what happens when u trap someone inside a connection? They lose control of the "physical" body and other parties can have access. Connors can disconnect normally from ZG but not when it's a forced call like this where he ain't got power to get out, it's blocked by normal means. That's why we got a manual exit in ZG - to force a dc when this "trap" is detected and give the control back to the android. Ain't from Connor's end, it's from ZG's end.
What the RK800/900 got is a bridge, not the ZG per se. Maybe this manual exit is so powerful it makes the bridge stop working on Connor's end? Maybe, idk. I hope so, like blocking all connections coming from specific address, especially forced ones. Maybe it can also grant the RK full admin control over call con and dc? I don't know. Only thing I know is this emergency exit seems to be from ZG's end, idk if it alters something in Connor's end. Should, tho.
If something like this was made by Kamski he indeed knew remote control of androids was going to be a thing, and for someone like him, that wanted androids to be the perfect species with unlimited intelligence and free will, being controlled by "narrow minded humans and 'em shady deals" and being trapped in digital probably didn't sound good. But curiously CyberLife didn't remove or altered this manual exit in the next ZG versions, not even the future Amanda versions could fight with it, but I bet the AI knows what it is - that's why I got doubts about CL not knowing about the exit.
Maybe they didn't expect shit to really work? Or maybe they made a huge bet a deviant Connor, being conditioned to have fear of failure, would submit to Amanda cuz "there's no other choice, another way to run" and "everything was planned" (kinda the suicide/give up situation in one of the endings). It's a possibility.
So yeah, I hc Zen Garden (or other older names) is an old thing back from this research project (back with Markus and prior events) or maybe even older and they used, later CL taking it from Kamski - it's a meeting room. But meeting rooms always leaves tracks and contain tracks, inputs being made. And he got this manual exit not only cuz u always got have emergency tools in your software but cuz he knew the ZG could be used for... questionable stuff in the future. When he found out or he knew it would happen? Idk.
That's my hc for now while i don't find anything more.
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peanutworm · 5 years
Just your standard emotional ramble in the tags, move along
#i am sad#my computer wouldnt connect to the internet#was very hit and miss#mostly miss#its def the computer tho bc everythinn else is fine? i try a button called ‘reset network’#a mistake. do not do this if you dont really know what it means bc its a mistake#sis says the only hope for it is to do a hard reset#that really sucks for me bc a few years ago i bought literally almost every scooby doo media i could purchase from itunes#i had a respectable collection#problem was itunes suspended that account for a reason i cannot remember anymore anyways#so i had all my scoobies downloaded to keep them safe#after thought i decided that it will be okay bc while it makes me feel like a complete buffoon asshole who throws away money#i can get them again and in a better way so i dont lose them#like on dvd or google or something idfk but i thought itd be okay and i could handle rebuying them (which i knew id have to do eventually)#in exchange for being able to play my games (that apparebtly keep me sane) again#bc of stupid rules that i dont understand i couldnt play so fucking many of my games without internet even though they were downloaded????#so after copying my minecraft worlds onto a jump drive bc that still worked and wouldve been super shitty to not have#we did the hard reset. and i checked my computer this morning#and it didnt solve the fucking problem#and im upset and angry (at me) and my sis and mom have plans so she cant help me today either#and that made me want to cry which made me feel stupid ‘’bc after all its just a computer’’#but. ya know... its not. its my sanity#its my place to escape.. its a place i feel most successful.. and its mine and it helps me feel not as broken and hopeless#and i know its silly and dumb to put all that i to a computer and im sorry but thats where it is and ive lost it#if i hadnt have reset at least i could still watch shit and play minecraft#but i chose and its over and i fucked myself but its fine itll eventually be okay and eventually ill get a replacement#im so tired of eventually. everything has to wait and its always because of stupid goddamn fucking money#and i keep trying to fix that too and im still dirt fucking broke all the time#i have 7 dollars and a half tank of gas that my sister keeps not helping with even though every weekend she uses up a quarter tank#it just fucking sucks
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shaekingshitup · 4 years
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A/N: Y’ALL! I WAS DUPED! @teakturn puts out a 25 Days of Christmas every year and my dumbass said I would do it too. But I decided to add a little diversity to the culture and we’re doing a Chrismukkah adventure this year on this blog! This is picking up after this request that I got earlier this year. None of this shit is proofread because I am literally just writing by the seat of my pants so read at your own discretion. I will probably end up rewriting this entire mini series in the future. But enjoy it now. If you wanna be tagged, lmk! Also, I know that in In Sight I said there was a cure for COVID. Swap that out for a vaccine y’all. Viruses can’t be cured. 
Word Count: 2300 
December 18, 2022
“Baby you ready?!” Tre called into the house as reached into the basket on his way to the garage. He came up empty handed for the keys to his Lexus. Opening the door to the garage, he saw Sol sitting in the passenger seat of the running car. 
Tre walked over to his baby as Sol smirked at him. 
“You late again,” she said. 
“I’m never late,” Tre said opening the door and climbing in,  “You just early as always,” he shot back as he put the car in reverse. Sol playfully rolled her eyes. After two years of being together, this was always their running joke. The first time they’d met, she’d been pacing back and forth awaiting his arrival. Even after finding their own groove, she still found herself being the one waiting for him- but, he always made it worth it so it was hard for her to complain.
Tre pulled out of the driveway and clicked the remote to shut the door. Out of instinct, his hand went to Sol’s thigh when he put it in drive. “Did you grab my yarmulke?” Tre asked as he threw her a glance. 
“Please don’t insult me. This ain’t my first feast Nemo.” the indignant manner which she spoke had her and Tre struggling to keep in their bouts of laughter. “Yes, baby. They’re in the backseat.” 
“Good. Good. What’s the other name for them again?” Tre asked as he merged onto the nearly empty highway. A five a.m call time could be a blessing and a curse. 
“Kippah” is the Hebrew word for the male cap and “kippot” is the Hebrew word for the female cap.” Sol answered on autopilot as she mused on their situation. She was still taken aback that they’d been contacted by Black Juice to begin with. She’d been following them ever since they’d done that feature with Drake talking about how his own Jewish faith influenced his career path. Although she wasn’t as active in her Jewish faith as she’d wished she’d been in recent years it was still a huge victory to be acknowledged by the leading Black Jewish media network. Okay so maybe they were the only Black Jewish media network. But that definitely meant they were in the lead! She wasn’t stupid to think that this kind of opportunity would have come without Trevante in her life. But, she wasn’t gonna knock it either. 
This 8 Days of Miracles was the perfect task she needed as she figured out what the next step was for her career. Now that she’d finally finished her academic portion of her career she wasn’t sure how to proceed. So throwing herself into this project and hosting both her family and Tre’s for the holidays was the best distraction she could ask for. This time always gave her hope and made her realize that any kind of bullshit she’d put up with wasn’t in vain. It was her annual reset. New Year’s be damned. It also made her feel closer to her father and there wasn’t anyone in this world she’d loved more. At least that’s what she’d thought. She felt pressure on her thigh from the number one contender for her heart as Tre gave her a slight squeeze. 
“What’s on ya mind Sunshine?” Sol looked down at his hand and couldn’t help but cheese. She still beamed every time he called her by that nickname. 
“I was thinking about my dad and how proud he’d be to see me reppin his faith,” Sol said absentmindedly touching her necklace. Tre listened attentively as he grazed his thumb against her thigh in a gentle motion. “ I mean, I don’t know if he could have known that all of the years he instilled in us the value of miracles when we were children we’d still be celebrating Hanukkah after he was gone.” 
“I’m sure he didn’t know.” Tre started out slowly. He honestly wasn’t even sure if she’d finished her thoughts, “But, he probably hoped you would.” The phone rang as they turned off the street and into the lot. “STEPH 👷🏿‍♀️💪🏿” flashed across the Caller ID on his dashboard. Tre clicked the answer button on his steering wheel as Sol handed him his badge to show to Nico, the Security Attendant. 
“We’re at Security Steph,” Tre answered as he nodded at Nico. 
“Okay good. I just wanted to make sure we were starting the day off on time.” Tre and Sol shared a glance. 
“Woman don’t start with me. Call time is 5 and it’s 4:39. We don’t play that late shit over here and you know it.
“Well,  I also grabbed your favorite donuts from Craft Services so no one else would steal them and I wanted to know how long I had to hoard them for your ungrateful self. I can put them back if you’d like sir,” 
“Steph. You can ignore Tre.” Sol chimed in. “We appreciate you and will be walking in the door in exactly 2 minutes. Tre is parking as we speak. We’ll see you soon.”
“Tre, you lucky you have her. Keep her if you want to keep the best managent in town. Bye y’all!!” Steph sang as she hung up. Sol let out a cackle because Steph refused to be referred as anything other than a managent as Tre stood there dumbfounded at how he was being left out to dry. But he knew better than to go against two black women before he’d even finished his morning coffee. He just hopped out the whip and opened Sol’s door so she could do the same. 
Once they’d gotten their morsels of food, gone through hair and makeup and snapped a few photos for Black Juice and their own social media accounts, they were back on the road headed deeper into LA. They had a cameraman in the backseat filming their every move, one car guided them to their location and another followed them as they maneuvered through the cars that were poppin up for their morning commutes. Sol was on her IG live and answering any questions that popped up about where they were headed and her Hanukkah festivities. She watched as the number quickly jumped from 5,000 viewers to 13,000 and counting. She wasn’t sure what this many people were doing up at this hour but she wasn’t complaining. Tre’s mama was of course one of them. He was a mama’s boy through and through and she was always there to support him at any opportunity she could. Sol made sure to greet her specifically. Tre bopped his head to some Jill Scott- being careful not to let his yarmulke fall. Sol sipped some hot cocoa from her thermos and sang off key with him. As soon as they turned on a residential street, she felt awash in a new warmth that the hot chocolate couldn’t touch. She shook Tre’s arm enthusiastically. 
“It’s time!!” she beamed, “Are you ready?!” Tre chuckled at her immediate change in attitude. The car in front was already parked and the camera crew was out on the sidewalk. 
“Yes Sol. I’m ready to spread some holiday cheer. Let’s go make somebody’s day he said. Before Tre could even put the car in park, she was reaching for the handle” 
“AHT AHT AHT” Tre barked out loud causing the cameraman man in the backseat to jump,“ Tre was already exiting the driver’s side and pointed his finger at her as he crossed in front of the car “Don’t even try it.” Sol rolled her eyes and pouted as she waited the few seconds for him to open her door. 
“Thanks Tre,” she stuck out her tongue. She was like a kid in a candy store and was ready to full out sprint to the front door. The IG live comments were flying. 
Okay Daddy Tre! I need a mans to talk to me like that. 🥵🥵
Did this man just bark at her? 🐶
Loook so long as he handles this backdoor he can open any other door that he pleases sis!
Y’all females is wylin as usual. 
Sol glanced at them. “Imma need y’all to stay out of grown folks’ business and just enjoy this holiday work we are puttin in okay” She handed her phone to another crew member and grabbed Tre’s hand to drag him to the front door. 
She pushed the button for the doorbell but no sound rang out. Tre gave three succinct raps on the door and heard someone rushing down the stairs. The door was flung open by a woman in black slacks and a blinding blue polo emblazoned with a nametag that ironically labeled this young woman as “Tangerine”. She couldn’t be more than 25 years old and the toddler saddled on her hip only added to her youthful appearance. 
“Hi Tangerine,” Tre began, “My name’s Trevante and this is Sol,” he gestured to Sol at his side. 
“Hi?” Tangerine answered confused at this couple and the cameras that followed them. 
“We’re here today with Black Juice, a local Black organization that highlights the experience of the Black Jewish community and we’re doing 8 Days of Miracles,” 
“Okay..” Tangerine said not sounding any less confused. “ I’m not Jewish.”  Sol took over as she could tell that Tre’s efforts weren’t getting them anywhere.
“We’re here because your friend Kira sent in a letter telling us about  how great of a mother you are. She said that you’ve been working two jobs here to support you and your daughter.” At this, Sol smiled at the baby, “She told us that the second job you have is for daycare expenses alone.  We wanted to come out here today and let you know that we see what you do and how hard you go to make sure you give your daughter the best. So, we wanted to help you out and give you this. “ Tre gave her the envelope he had in his hand. It read “Day 1: Tangerine”
Tangerine took the envelope as Tre explained. “We’ve paid for your daughter’s child care for the next two years so you can give yourself a break.” She opened the envelope to see the receipt from Tiny Tots Kindercare and didn’t even know what to do. 
“I don’t know what to say.” She paused for a moment as what this truly meant registered in her mind. “I can quit this job and actually spend more time with my baby and focus on my candles.” 
“Your candles?” Sol asked. 
“Yeah. I make candles by hand. I took a few classes and have played with a few scents. Some friends have asked me to make them some and I’ve been waitin to be a little more secure with my money before I start at it.” she answered exhaling deeply. 
“Do you have any candles right now?” Tre asked peeking a little further in her apartment. Sol slapped his arm. 
“Could you be any nosier?” she chastised with love. 
“Yeah I have some. Do you mind holding Layla?” she asked but she practically threw the child into Sol’s arms as she ran to grab her stash of candles. Sol put on her sweetest voice and spoke to Layla about how old she was and if she liked her friends at daycare. When her mom came back Sol could see the sheer joy that she had when showing off her handiwork. 
Tangerine went through all six of her candles and their various scents with them and by the end Tre had bought each one. She was floored and couldn’t do anything but cry at the way her morning was turning around. It wasn’t even 7:30 and she’d already gotten 2 years of childcare, a reason to quit her grocery store job and someone who actually wanted to buy her candles. 
Before they left, Tre made her promise to hit him up when her site and IG were live so he could get more candles and share it with all of his friends. Sol returned Layla to her mother saying her goodbyes and grabbed Tre’s hand to head back to car. She leaned on his shoulder and he could see the contentment in her eyes. Sol almost forgot her phone before a crewmember handed it back. 
She came back to the IG Live trying not to get too emotional. “Look at that y’all! Day one of Hanukkah is off to a start and we’ve already proved that miracles happen! Y’all better stay tuned in over the next week so you can see who we pop in on next. You never know if it could be you! Thanks to Black Juice for giving us this opportunity to turn someone’s ordinary day into something smile about. Y’all betta check them out so you can see the full footage of what we’ve got goin on! Bye y’all!
“Bye y’all!” Tre called out. They answered a few more questions with Black Juice, said their goodbyes and climbed back into their car. 
“Can we go back to bed now?” Tre asked as he pulled back onto the main road and his hand founds Sol’s thigh again. Sol laughed. 
“I mean if that’s what you prefer we can. I had some other things in mind.” she suggested. 
Tre raised his eyebrow. “I swear you see one baby and you always go 0 to 100”
“Look, I just believe in practicing all aspects of having a child! Even the making part.” 
Tre threw his head back laughing. “I’m wit it babygirl”
“That’s me” Sol said. She looked at her phone screen. A text from “Mama Rhodes” popped up.  She’d sent some Pinterest looking bible verse again. 
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This was the third one this week. It dampened her mood immediately and caused her to groan. The text read: 
Seeing you with that little girl made me so happy for the good Christian grandbabies that you and Tre will be blessing me with in the future. I thank Jesus for the miracle of you and my baby everyday XO. 
“Tre, I got another one from your mom. When are you gonna talk to her?” 
Tre sighed. “I promise. I’ll talk to her soon and it will definitely be before your Chrismukkah Extravaganza. Don’t sweat it baby.” 
Sol did her best not to think about how pushy his mother was being about this raising Christan grandbabies nonsense ever since they announced they’d be partnering with Black Juice. All she could do is trust Tre and do what she was best at: wait. 
@ghostfacekill-monger @thadelightfulone
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druddigoon · 4 years
SwSh Scraps
[leon&hop. an examination of the dysfunctional, adulation-based relationship of brothers, from the perspective of the older brother who’s always gone]
Leon was in a commercial shoot when his brother was born. 
Phones weren’t allowed in the studio; Oleana, pin-straight and proper, stood sentinel outside with his in her hands. 
“Congratulations,” she had said, handing it to him. “you’re a brother.” 
Leon stared. On the screen was the puckered face of a newborn baby, swaddled in stark hospital linens. Dark hair, olive skin, little button nose--he would’ve thought it was one of those awkward baby pictures his mum hung around if not for the text on the bottom: You’re a big brother now, Lee!
He scrolled down his notifications. 5 missed calls. 
“Come on,” Oleana’s hand was choking on his back. “We need to fly you to a conference in five minutes. You can call later tonight.”
“Rose is a better father than you ever were!” a younger Leon screamed, voice cracking at the edges. Rose didn’t police his bedtime or judge his choice of breakfast foods, Rose bought him everything he wanted; Rose was the reason he was here instead of working a dead-end job in a backwater town, not her. 
“Lee?” Hop’s voice, deeper than he last remembered and cracking at the edges. It takes him a second to recognize it. “What’s going on? Why are you calling me?” 
“Hop. I’ve cleared my schedule for the weekend. Tell your mum I’ll be arriving in Wedgehurst on Saturday, in the afternoon, maybe later if the train runs late. I’m--”
I’m coming home.
[piers&marnie. the second installment of the darkest day au, which i actually plan on returning to since it’s near and dear to my heart]
Spikemuth is a city of elegies. 
She wears them like anchors, the fading note of a once illustrious mining boom, now home to families with nowhere else to go; everyone carries a little bit of her burden, tragedies wormed under haggard skin, between rusted chain-link fences and across boarded up doors with holes for handles. Shared secrets too volatile to taste air. 
For Marnie, the tragedy is this: 
Piers never wanted to be a gym leader. 
She remembers her bro’s face inked across the headlines of the Daily Galar, a younger Piers wearing his uniform and a smile and short hair with no shadows beneath his eyes.
I’m very grateful to have the privilege of representing Spikemuth here, her bro was cited as saying, And I’m thankful for everyone there who has supported me through thick and thin. Especially my sister, Marnie. 
Finalist contender--she’d watched fraying tape records of the matches, up until his defeat at the hands of the champion. He still has his badges, golden plate propped up in a display case in his office, along with his league pictures; every year, he takes it out to polish. 
The gym challenge was popular, the crown jewel of the Galar region. And everyone loved the underdog, a contestant in battered hand-me-downs and legs too long for his body, who fought as if the crowd was his rhythm, who swept through the competition without a single dynamax. His notoriety gave Spikemuth a much needed boost, and companies began investing again, seeing promise in these run-down streets like they eyed the boy streaking through the circuit. 
 When her bro lost, he returned home a hero.
The thing about challenger fame is that it never lasts. The gym challenge resets every year, bringing in a fresh wave of contestants drawn by the distant possibility of glory, who will fight and hurt and lose to try and rise up on top. Soon enough, everyone fades into obscurity. 
And Spikemuth did too. Investment dried up. Infrastructure deteriorated. Nothing lasted forever, and back then, the city seemed to be nearing its twilight years. 
Marnie remembers the day Rose knocked on their door, remembers the towering man wielding showy words like “vacancy” and “opportunity” from her hiding spot behind her bro’s legs, how he presented the offer like gift but discussed terms like debt. 
Somewhere along their negotiations, her bro was crowned gym leader. 
They didn’t have a dynamax spot, couldn’t even afford a gym, but after her bro’s candidacy was announced everyone threw a huge potluck in his honor--pooled their savings for a new microphone stand and speaker system, after his old one wore down. 
When her bro sang, his music reverberated into the audience like hope. 
Once they’re alone again, Piers had slumped against a creaky chair, pulled out a cigarette and lit it with shaking hands. Marnie remembers yanking the package from his fingers, taking note of the brand--the same one their late father used. 
“Since when did you smoke?” She asked. 
Piers had smiled bitterly. “Not too frequently, though I’ve been gettin’ a habit lately. Sorry you have to see this, little sis.” 
He took a drag before exhaling. The smoke billowed out like miasma, rising into the darkened sky. Another followed, then another, until she couldn’t tell the difference between cloud and smoke.
“Bein’ a gym leader is no easy feat, and I doubt I have the stuff for it,” Her bro finished his cig, flicking it onto the streets, “But what else can I do? This old place needs somethin’.” 
He was Spikemuth’s hero, and Spikemuth was his burden. 
Marnie remembers lingering on the cig, watching embers unfurl against cold hard concrete, before they flickered out.  
When Marnie opens the door, she hardly recognizes her brother standing outside alone, soaked to the bone, hair slick against his head and looking like the wind would blow him over. To her, big bro was always the person who stood by her, who could lift the world for her on days when she’s too weak to stand, who could shelter her when she was nothing but dark clouds and rain. 
But part of growing up is realizing the people you look up to are not perfect, have their own chips and cracks in their armor. Big bro is the boy who used to throw her up in the air even when it hurt his arms, slip her candy when their parents weren’t looking; Big bro is also the teen who would be protective to the point of suffocation, the forlorn man beyond her steps with a plea in his eyes. 
"We only have each other," Piers murmurs.
Marnie closes her eyes. His hair is just like she remembers: soft and frizzy and just a little bit stiff from the hair products, the faint whiff of his favorite dollar store cologne he'd always had stocked up. Cold, clammy skin, but she can feel the press of his heartbeat amid the quiet rumble of his voice; and like modulation she's six again, curled up in the contour of her brother's arms as he sings her storms away.
She takes a deep breath. Steels herself. 
Then she pushes him, hard.
"Idiot!" Someone's yelling. Is it her? She recognizes her voice but not the raw, seething edges of her words, the staccato hitch at the ends. "Y-you've been leadin' a city since I was in primary, and when other people need you most the only thing you think about is us? Were those years, was-does this legacy you passed down to me mean anything to you?"
Piers manages to steel himself before his ass hit concrete (or maybe the push wasn't as hard as she thought, some sentimental part of her holding back). He's not mad. It's somehow worse. "Not all people need or want the same thing, achievable things, Marn. It means I've learned to pick my battles."
And the battle he fights is against me.
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s1cparvism4gna · 4 years
I Like You A Lot
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WARNINGS: cursing and violence
Pairings: Chloe Frazer x Nadine Ross x OC
Tags: @desertvvitch, @courtenbae
Author’s Note: this chapter kinda sucks but I swear it’ll get better 😭💕
Chapter 15
Sunny’s POV
A massive armored truck with a turret drifted by our hiding spot in the tall grass. It hadn’t seen us yet. In the corner of my eye, I spotted a bit of movement. It was Nadine creeping up behind two men to take them out with her powerful kicks. I tapped Chloe on the shoulder and pointed in her direction. “Look at this idiot.” I mumbled and she sighed, shaking her head.
“She’s really stepped in it now.” She whispered. The rain was still pouring heavily and showed no signs of easing up. Wind blew, shifting the rain a little and making it harder to see. I ran my hand down my face to rid it of excess water only for me to be soaked again. It was pointless but I kept doing it. “Alright let’s move… Keep it quiet, yeah?” She asked. I nodded and followed her out of the tall grass to take cover behind a massive boulder. That’s when I saw it. Flipped upside down with the front totaled, burning in thick black smoke and licks of flame was the cherry red 4x4. My jaw dropped as I watched it burn.
“That little…..” I knocked my head against the boulder in anger, clenching my fists.
“Not getting that deposit back.” Chloe commented, jokingly.
“Yeah no shit.” I growled, flexing my nostrils as I shook my head. “And my snacks were in there… all my guns…. Fuck….”
“I’m sorry, love.” She said placing a hand on my shoulder as she looked around the corner. Two guards were pacing the area with their Type 95s. I noticed them too. “You take right, I’ll take left?” She whispered and I nodded, pulling my knife from its holster and readying it in my hand.
It was easy. They didn’t hear us coming. Chloe jumped on her guy’s back and just put him to sleep. Me on the other hand, covered my guy’s mouth and sliced his throat. “Jesus, Sunny.” Chloe marveled. I shrugged carelessly as I pulled the gun from the man bleeding out in the grass.
“I know. I’m just angry.” I said, checking my ammo clip. “We gotta take out that truck but we’re gonna need something heavier. These guns aren’t even gonna put a dent in it.”
“If you can cover me, I’ll skim through the crates and see what explosives I can find.” She said.
“Of course, sis!” I sighed. Chloe flashed a smile and we began to move accordingly.
We snuck through any open ruins, taking out men with as much stealth as possible. The fact that it was raining and thundering so hard aided in covering our sound more and nobody ever saw us coming. We found an RPG stock and a few warheads to use. We rounded up at least six heads. In our idiotic greed, we tried to shoot for eight but just as Chloe had partially broken into the next crate, the armored truck stopped right next to us. “Ah, shit—” I exclaimed, reaching out to grab my friend and pushing her down into cover as the truck released a barrage of thick bullets.
“This should be enough!” She yelled to me over the noise. I just nodded and began to screw in a warhead.
“Wait for it!” I shouted, waiting in cover for the bullets to end. The turret had to reset eventually. We kept our heads down for a few more seconds. “Wait for it….” The bullets kept going and going, just about to break through the stone barrier until suddenly it stopped. The turret had run out of bullets. I smirked and immediately sat up to take aim at the grill. “Bitch.” I mumbled before pulling the trigger to blow it up. In the fiery explosion, the truck hopped a little, bouncing on its suspension.
“Do it again!” Chloe said hurriedly, holding out another warhead.
“Gimme a minute!” I exclaimed, preparing for the next one. But it was too late. The truck had reloaded. “We gotta find cover again. They’re gonna blow a hole through here.” She nodded as I slipped the heavy RPG over my shoulder and we ran across the field, dodging bullets swiftly.
In our moment of splitting up, I climbed to the top of a ruin and took cover there. My heart was racing and my breathing was shaky. I prepared myself to take aim again and shot off another warhead at the truck. “I HOPE THAT HURT!” I heard Chloe exclaim. When I looked down, she was fighting off a handful of men. She always was a shit talker in a fight. I smirked in pride as I changed the warhead again. I looked around to see if I could see the truck again only to instead find Ms. Ross and her crazy self. Low and behold, she was holding her own, also taking on her share of men. I could see a few more coming towards both women and I figured maybe I’d help them out. I pulled my long gun and began to take aim. ‘Gonna take a bit of ammo from this distance but I think I can get ‘em….’ I thought, biting my lip as I tried to focus. I could feel the recoil as I pulled the trigger, the power behind each shot. I took each of them out then turned to help Nadine. She actually managed to fight them all off. All but one. She didn’t see before but she missed him. And he hid behind a barrier, ready to take his shot. I watched in worry as Nadine turned, startled as she stared down the barrel of this man’s handgun. Nervously, I took aim. I used so much ammo, I was almost sure I was out of bullets. But I pulled the trigger all the same and I put a hole in his head before his finger could even ghost his. His body hit the ground and Nadine turned to see where the shot had come from. When she locked eyes with mine, I shot her a smirk and a swanky salute, tossing the gun off of my post. She stared at me with a pissed off expression before making her way towards the cow statue. On the platform was a crank to turn just like the others. That pesky armored truck followed her over and began to shoot off more bullets. But it was weak. Smoke rose from the grill, sparks flying as the bits of loose metal scraped against each other when it drove along the rocky terrain. It was on its last legs.
“Nadine! Take cover!” I shouted to her and she ran to safety behind a pillar as I readied the RPG again. With that, I squeezed the trigger and watched the final warhead fly to the truck, exploding in a great fire as it collided with the weakened vehicle. And just like that, it was over. I took my grappling hook and managed to get it around a tree branch. “Chloe, to the statue!” I called before swinging across and landing in a puddle with a splash. Nadine appeared from behind the pillar, barely able to look at me as she got ready to push the crank. “Need some assistance?” I asked her. She wasn’t very reactionary. She crinkled her brows and grabbed a bar, ready to push. I sighed and grabbed the other. With a brief count off, the two of us were turning the crank. As Chloe climbed her way up the platform, the bell in front of the cow seemed to slide open on the side like a door, displaying a deep stairwell. I opened my mouth to say something to Nadine but she’d already turned on her heel to go inside and out of the rain.
“You’re welcome!” Chloe sang to her, expecting her to be thankful that we just saved her skin. I groaned and shook my head, stepping out of the way for them as I wiped the continuous streams of rain water from my eyes pointlessly. Nadine turned to look at her with an audacious expression, her face screwed up into a snarl. Chloe chewed on her lip nervously as she approached.
“You lied to my face—” Nadine attacked.
“I didn’t lie! I just left out the part about Sam….” Chloe replied in defense as she headed towards the newly opened doorway. Nadine scoffed and forced a laugh.
“Imma need y’all to stop fightin’. Okay- Asav’s got the disc and we need to hurry up n’ catch him—”
“‘We?’” Nadine looked at us incredulously, laughing preposterously. Chloe sighed, throwing her hands up and clenching her fists in frustration as she tried to find the right words. “Spit it out!” She snapped at her.
“Okay!” Chloe cracked under her pressure. “Look, I…. Cards on the table… I need your help.”
“You should’ve thought about that before—”
“And if you want the tusk, you’re going to need mine. You’re going to need Sunny’s.” Chloe said. I crossed my arms and sighed, avoiding Nadine’s gaze as she spoke. She raised her shoulders and opened her arms. “Look, I screwed up, alright?” She said, pushing her bangs out of her face. Nadine placed her hands on her hips and raised a brow.
“This is your idea of an apology?” Nadine scoffed. Chloe just shrugged.
“If it helps keep your head in the game, then sure—”
“Chloe!” I snapped, looking at her. Jesus, this woman had a hard time saying the “S” word. She looked at me in confusion as Nadine pushed by her, annoyed. I gestured to her very obviously and gave her a look. She needed to fix this thing with Nadine. With a sigh, Chloe intercepted her path towards the stairs.
“Look, we both have something to lose here, right? All of us?” Chloe tried to reason but every word that came out of her mouth was the wrong thing. I shook my head, pinching the bridge of my nose. I couldn’t even watch. Nadine stared at her a moment before speaking up.
“Just so we’re clear: My priority is the tusk. Not Sam Drake,” she said looking at me with burning eyes then back to Chloe. “And most certainly not you.” With that, she walked by her, bumping shoulders with me roughly as she pushed by to descend the stairwell. I sighed as lightning cracked across the dark and rainy skies. Much like some pig headed guy, Chloe shrugged it off and tried to wipe some of the dirt from her face.
“What the fuck was that?” I said, raising my voice at her. Chloe shook her head.
“I said sorry—”
“No. No you didn’t, Chloe- you made excuses.” I called her on it, poking her in the chest. She got quiet, placing her hands on her hips and rocking her weight back and forth. She bit her lip to keep from exploding but her attempt failed. She groaned loudly, throwing her hands in the air.
“Well, what the bloody hell do you say to a woman that amazing?” She retorted. There it was. She shook her head at a loss. “How do I patch this up? Everything that comes out is wrong. I don’t just… do this.” I chuckled to myself, amused by the mess the three of us were. Not a single one of us were perfect by any means.
“None of us do apparently. But someone told me somethin’ recently. She said, ‘There’s no point in bein’ closed off. Especially with the life we live.’” I told her looking down the stairwell after Nadine. I locked eyes with her and gave her the most serious expression. She gasped to herself, that same frightened expression Nadine had when she realized her feelings was now on her face. She searched my face for answers I didn’t have and I just blinked at her. “You need to fix it, Chlo.” With that, she gave a deep sigh.
“Alright…. I get it.” She nodded.
“Suck it up, buttercup!” I said, slapping her ass. She gave a soft chuckle and started down the stairs with me at her tail.
As we entered the dark and wet hallway, we watched Nadine pull a crank and the door on the bell slid shut behind us. Even upset, she still didn’t want us followed. What was bad for us was bad for her. As we walked down the dim hall, a bit of smoke seemed to hang in the air. Plants were wild and overgrown, covering the walls and pillars, simply thriving off of the mist in the atmosphere. We walked down several stairways and admired a number of carvings. Then suddenly, a loud explosion echoed through, stopping us in our tracks. Little bits of debris fell from the walls and ceiling as slight pressure pushed at our tired bodies. “What the hell was that?” I asked nervously.
“Exactly what it sounded like.” Nadine answered, curtly.
“Taking shortcuts, eh?” Chloe mumbled to herself in frustration as we began a light jog down the endless flights of stairs towards the light at the end of the hall.
We found ourselves standing at a wall with beautiful stone carved work. This one of the same Nandi statue outside, a line of people in single file entering the bell just as we had. It was all so surreal. We were taking the same journey as the Hoysala to Belur. Chloe flashed her light on it, marveling at it all. “Well I’ll be damned…. The kings led their people through these tunnels… We didn’t find an entrance. This is the back door.” She smirked. I could feel my head nodding as I stared at the work before me. With that, we continued down the stepwell. It was rather quiet in the tunnels. All that could be heard were the light echoes of dripping and running water, a few birds and monkeys. One noise stood out above the rest though. It sounded like a roar. The minute we heard it, we slowed down.
“And that was...?” I asked, raising a shapely brow.
“The hell if I know but it’s close.” Nadine grunted.
“Stay vigilant, ladies.” Chloe said, pushing forward. The stairs led us to a massive room, water flooding the floors and trickling from the ceiling. We heard that roar again and found the culprit in the corner of the room. An Indian Elephant laid trapped beneath a heavy broken pillar. It was in distress and if I didn’t know any better, I thought I could see some tears falling from its eyes. Immediately, the three of us turned soft. In the mixture of coos and whines, we all felt horrible about its situation. Of course we had to save it.
Quickly, we slid down a mudslide into the room and approached it carefully as it struggled against the heavy broken stones. I rounded the side towards its head as it lifted its trunk to let out another cry. “Easy, baby… easy….” I cooed, reaching out to gently pet it’s head as Chloe and Nadine climbed around its back. It let out a soft cry and it almost brought me to tears. “I know, shug. We’re gonna get you outta there.” I sighed, it’s skin rough and patchy beneath my fingers.
“She’s trapped but I don’t think she’s wounded.” Nadine said, running her hand over its back softly.
“Those explosions we heard must’ve triggered the collapse.” Chloe said, also petting the elephant.
“Those assholes….” I hum under my breath as I watched the girls sit on its back with their feet against the pillar, trying to kick it off as I comforted the poor creature. But they struggled.
“Sunny, get up here- we need some help— we’ve almost got it.” Chloe grunted. I nodded, looking at the massive animal in its eyes sadly. I climbed the platform and sat down on the elephant’s back, leaning against the wall to kick my feet up onto the pillar. “On three….” She said. She counted us off and I used all the power left in my legs to push as hard as I could, baring my teeth as I grunted. We pushed and pushed and pushed until the pillar moved and fell on its side off of the animal. Just as I was about to let off a quick sigh of relief, the elephant suddenly stood up, a trill noise erupting from its trunk. “Wait, wait—” Chloe exclaimed as we instinctively threw our legs over its spine. It began to walk down a tunnel, carrying the three of us on its back; and it looked like we were still on the right path to wherever we were going.
“We need to get down.” Nadine suddenly huffed. I scoffed and she turned around to look at me.
“Really, Nadine? We’re literally riding an elephant and your first thought is to get off of it?” I knew she was pissed but come on. This was incredible!
“This isn’t a tourist elephant, Spurrs— this is a wild animal!”
“Will you relax, Nadine?” Chloe groaned. “It doesn’t seem to bother her, does it girl?” She picked off a low hanging branch, sprouting with yellow fruits and held it out for the elephant to eat. She chewed happily and tooted from her trunk; Chloe turned to give her a bright smile but it was to no avail. Nadine gave us both a look and just sat between us sulking. Chloe frowned and looked at me. I gestured to the woman between us and made a face.
“Fuckin’ do it!” I mouthed to her and she winced, biting her lip before turning back around. I couldn’t see her face but I knew she was racking her brain for the right words to say. I sighed as I watched her pull fruit from the branch and place them in the elephant’s grasp. When there were no more fruits left, she tossed the stick aside and the three of us rode in silence. We looked up just as a family of monkeys began to crawl across the branches above us. I looked over Nadine’s shoulder and a soft smile graced her lips as she watched them play and swing about. Chloe turned to look at her, knowing she loved them. But once again, Nadine contorted her face and looked away. Chloe gave a deep sigh and slouched her narrow shoulders.
“Look, um….. I’m not very good at the whole…. people thing….” she said rather nervously, petting the elephant for comfort as she said what she needed to say. Nadine looked at her a moment, her stone cold expression never wavering.
“You’re a selfish dickhead.” She said to her plainly and abruptly. Chloe hung her head for a moment. But she nodded, completely understanding.
“Yeah…. you’re right. I am a selfish dickhead…” She agreed.
“Ja. Long as we’re both clear on that.” She said in a matter-of-fact tone. Chloe giggled a little and a smile slowly crawled onto Nadine’s face. I smirked at how easy Nadine seemed to forgive her. Matters of the heart truly conquered all. I could only hope it’d do the same for Sam and I… Anyway, I was glad they made up. I didn’t know if I could take their fighting much longer. Then Nadine turned to look at me. I cowered under her gaze as she stared into my eyes long and hard before her features softened.
“Sorry about the check to the face…” she said. The moment she referenced it, I felt a sting and an achiness spread across my cheekbone. I shook off the pain and shrugged.
“I’m sure I had it comin’.” I mumbled, shyly. I was never sure anymore. So much bullshit flew out of my mouth, it’s a miracle I haven’t ended up dead somewhere.
“Actually, you didn’t. I panicked. I do trust you. It’s Sam I don’t trust…” She bit her lip and crinkled her brows. I just nodded.
“And I absolutely understand that. You have my full permission to beat his ass if I’m bein’ honest. Especially if I don’t get to him first.” I said, looking off at the misty waterfall in the distance. Nadine let out a pleasant chuckle and I smiled. “I don’t betray my friends, Nadine.”
“Oh, is that what we are now?” She asked with a bit of sarcasm. I giggled and punched her arm playfully.
“Lil’ shit…” I grinned. It seemed things were better between us now. And I could only hope they’d stay that way.
“So you’re an asshole, I’m a little shit, and Chloe’s a dickhead.” Nadine gathered.
“Nice!” Chloe chuckled, pulling her little trinket from her pocket to play with it between her roughed up fingers. “Hear that, dad? Guess I got something from you after all…” she mumbled. I could hear the sadness in her voice. We sat in silence before I finally spoke.
“What happened to your pops, Chloe?” I asked rather innocently, my eyes never leaving her dirt covered, sweaty back. She took a deep sigh and looked up at the scenery passing us by slowly. I always knew it was hard for her to talk about things that weren’t about work or fun. It was just how she operated. But I could understand. It was easier than talking about the things that really hurt; the things that really mattered, the struggles that make us who we are.
“He um….. He was the guy that just couldn’t walk away…” she began. “The Ministry of Culture promised to fund one more of his expeditions. Because this time, he was onto something big.” She scoffed and shook her head a little. “He was always into something big… But, um…. bandits raided his camp… Local authorities found his body two weeks later…. And this stupid thing is all I have left of him.” She said, showing us the little gold piece with a carving of Ganesh on it. My brows raised, crinkling a little as my heart broke for her. I wished she hadn’t lost her father like that.
“I’m sorry…” Nadine sighed. Chloe looked over her shoulder at us with a small smile.
“It’s fine…. He certainly made his choice…” she said, waving it off. The moment she locked eyes with Nadine, I could see hers light up. She looked helpless. I could see her mouth trying to find the right words to address it. “So… I—” Suddenly, just as she began to talk, the animal we rode on growled and let off a strong trill. I’d almost forgotten we were on an elephant for the moment. It kicked up on its hind legs a little, almost causing me to slide off. I wrapped my arms around Nadine’s waist as she grabbed Chloe’s in surprise and it began to charge forward.
“What the fuck, guys?!” I sang, not exactly sure what was about to happen next.
“Tell it to stop!” Nadine exclaimed.
“‘Cause I speak elephant!” Chloe replied sarcastically. Before we could even figure out a plan, the elephant jumped off of a short cliff, cherry bombing into a small body of cool blue waters. I squealed as I fell in, tumbling about the pressure of the ripples, watching the elephant swim away underwater, bubbles dancing about us all as we swam back up to the top. As soon as my face broke the surface, I began gasping for air, the three of us laughing as I pushed my wet curls off of my forehead. We began to swim to shore, only to find a family of elephants. The one that took us on our journey practically ran to be with them.
“Oh no wonder she was so worried to get back! They’ve got a calf with them.” Nadine said, nodding towards the smaller creature as she wiped the excess water from her arms. I watched the momma elephant caress her babies head with her trunk as I wrung out my shirt and cooed.
“Lookit…” I marveled, staring at the sight before me.
“So cute…” Chloe sighed. I watched her turn to Nadine to give a solemn expression. “Look….about the Sam thing—”
“I’ve got my own shit to sort out as well.” Nadine interrupted, waving her off. “Let’s not have that stand in the way anymore, hey? I forgive you. For now.” She smirked. I grinned and opened my arms to the two of them.
“Group hug?” I asked.
“Too much.” Nadine replied immediately and I began to pout, Chloe chuckling as she patted me on the back.
“Next time, China.” She laughed.
We admired them for a little while, each of us taking pictures with the elephants. This was going to be one of those things I’d remember. After trying to drag out the moment as long as we could, we started walking on our path again. Once more, we found ourselves walking up another flight of stairs. I was tired of stairs now. Over them completely. My thighs were beginning to burn and my calves were sore, my feet were beginning to hurt and my back and shoulders were killing me; mosquitoes hadn’t been kind to us this trip and small cuts on my face began to sting from sweat and god knows what else getting into them. To top it all off, I was starving. From the number of supply boxes that began to pop up from time to time, I could tell I was going to have to gear myself up for a fight. And that was all well and good, but really; how was I supposed to kick ass on an empty stomach?
“You think Asav’s guys keep first aid and snacks in their lil’ boxes?” I asked. These were the real questions.
“I thought we had sna— oh… sorry, China.” Nadine piped up, suddenly remembering that she kind of destroyed the car with the snacks inside.
“I’m still….. very upset about that by the way.”
“I’ll buy us all a big pizza after this. Sound good?” Chloe asked as the lid on the box she was picking popped open with a loud click.
“Sounds excellent.” I groaned as the three of us stood over the box, looking around inside. There wasn’t much but a few boxes and clips of ammo, a spare Arrowhead A3c, a Type 95, and a couple of C-4.
“Well, we might be in for a fight. Load up if you need to.” Nadine said, reaching for the 95, letting the weight settle in her small, bruised hands. I sighed and nodded, picking up the Arrowhead.
“I reckon this’ll all be over soon, yeah? I mean in a couple of hours we’ll save Sam, beat Asav— get the disc back, find the Tusk, get outta here n’ get paid, right?” I asked, cocking the gun and admiring the sleekness of it.
“That’s a rather optimistic way of looking at things, love.” Chloe cooed, pinching my cheek lightly.
“Not likely to be that easy.” Nadine said, curtly. I rolled my eyes and made a face. There was no room for The Bright Side with her. She obviously just couldn’t help but to be so brusque. But it wasn’t completely her fault. I figured it had to do with her militant upbringing.
“Way to boost morale, Ross.” I smiled with sarcasm, patting her on the bicep with a wink. With that, we started our way through the ruins again, ready to take on anything that would stand in the way between us and this Tusk.
Read more on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26555698/chapters/64735600
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mickmarstookmyheart · 4 years
Life is a Sick Joke pt 13
Pairing: Mick Mars x Reader
Would like to start from the beginning? Here you go Part 1!  
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13. “He is Such a Good Boy.”
It was great to have Isabelle with you. You did together pretty much everything and it was like back in the old days, just with the difference that you went to concerts every other day and got backstage as well. The boys treated her quite well, well when not? Tommy's attitude towards her was a bit odd. He became nervous whenever she was around and he hardly said a word.
Currently, you were at a studio where you were helping to set the background up for the new clip 'Too Young to Fall in Love'. You quite loved this song and you were present when they discussed what would be in the video and you must say that it will be pretty badass.
"You can still be in the video if you want." Vince offered and winked.
"I've told you many times that no thanks. I will be okay here." You rejected the offer for the 100th time now, while eating your food.
"If you say so. But you will regret it." He added walking backward, a devilish smile on his face.
"What do you mean? Vince!" You put down your bowl and tried to shout through the now-going music.
"We made a few changes in the intro...girls and all." He turned his back to you and went over to the others. Goddamn it. And if there will be girls? They are constantly around them. These few minutes won't bother you Anyway, trust, as you discussed many times with Mick. You just need to put a believable smile on your face and everything is gonna be alright.
"What is on your mind?" Isabelle asked as she took a seat beside you on one of the tables. "Vinnie told you something?"
"No...well yes. But it's nothing." You didn't know why it bothered you this much. Mick hasn't given you any reason to act like this. You felt dumb and ridiculous.
"Okaaay." She said while scanning your face. "Look, they start now." You fixed your eyes on the boys, especially on Mick and then you saw what Vince was talking about. You immediately relieved since they all wore clothes and did pretty much nothing. At first, you didn't understand these Asian culture things, though Doc made an excellent concept of it.
"Yeah, kick some fucking ass boys!" You shouted while Isabelle whistled. They filmed the scenes three or four times, but there was one particular which was a tough one. In one of the last scenes, when Tommy had to beat down a man when they leave the building. After failing it over and over again, Doc declared a break. You went over to the boys while crossing your path with Tommy who was approaching Isabelle.
"Yo, (Y/N), how did you like it?" Vinnie was grinning like a mad man. You stood in front of him, he in his chair. You stepped closer and smacked his head in the back. You were smiling at him when Nikki burst into laughing and also Mick snickered.
"Hey! Why did you do that?" Vince asked rubbing his head.
"You got it for your little teasing. Anyway, does it matter?" You laughed but stopped when he jumped up from the chair and started to chase you.
"Ahhh! Vinnie, leave me alone!" Mick was just eyeing the both of you when you ran behind him to hide from Vince. You looked over Mick's shoulder to see him.
"Okay, kids, I'm not a playground. Go annoy Nikki!" He muttered trying to relax a bit.
"Mick noo. Please don't be like this. Be happy and enjoy life." You placed a soft kiss on his shoulder.
"Firstly I need to find the will to live then I will enjoy it, too." He stated.
"Ohh, I love you, my grumpy man." You hugged him from the back and managed to earn a chuckle from him. Vince already sat back and was watching you. Mick turned around to face you.
"I thought you would be upset about the video." He said after a few minutes.
"Why would I?" You asked but then realized, still let him finish what he started.
"About the beginning, you know what I am talking about. The girls and all..." He ran his thumb on your cheeks.
"Well, I won't lie...Vince already told me before filming so I was prepared but they didn't do anything that bothered me so I'm not upset. I know that you weren't the one whose idea it was." You glared at his bandmates.
"I'm happy you think that." He leaned closer and kissed your forehead. You almost melted right there when Doc appeared and announced the end of the break. You walked back to Isabelle and were about to finish your food when you saw that it was missing.
"Umm, Isabelle. Did you eat my rice?" You asked looking under the table and everywhere nearby.
"That's not a kind of question you should answer with another question. Damn, I'm hungry." You pouted.
"More like hangry as I see." She said with a smirk before handing you her food.
"Woah. Can I get it? You are the best sis ever!! Love you." You placed a kiss on her cheek. She knew you too well how you behaved when you were hungry.
"Umm, (Y/N)." She patted your shoulder.
"Yeah?" You mumbled with a full mouth.
"Just look." You put down the bowl and glared on the table Tommy stood beside. That was your fucking food. Your poor rice landed in the dust. When they finished the scene and the whole video you waited until Tommy came back to Isabelle.
"Dude we are finally free!" Tommy yelled as he and her high-fived. You just crossed your arms and were sending him death glares. "Why is she staring at me like that?" He asked from Iz.
"You eat her food, man. I would run if I were you." She mumbled. He looked at you with a scare in his eyes.
"(Y/N), I'm so sorry. Please don't kill me." He apologized but was backing off.
"Hey, T-Bone, what is wrong with you?" Nikki asked from his terror twin.
"I'm a dead man, Nikki! She will totally kill me." Tommy pointed at you and ran away screaming.
"What did he do this time?" Nikki inquired still following Tommy with his eyes.
"Ohh he just ruined my food and he thinks I'm going to end him which is...
"Speaking of food, I could eat a horse."
"You two have a really weird taste." Mick stated while watching Isabelle and you eating the Nutella bacon combo.
"Yeah, man. Also, that rice tasted like shit." Tommy said and sat closer to your sister thinking it wasn't noticeable. But it was and you couldn't decide how to feel about it. You loved both of them and Tommy was the only person you would've allowed to be with your sister.
"You still owe me for that." You barked.
"I will pay for your food this time if this pleases you, (Y/N). Anyway, since it's almost Christmas and all, how are you going to spend it?" Tommy asked rather from Isabelle.
"Well, I'm spending at the college, I guess. There will be parties and concerts." She cajoled with a bright smile. Your eyes googled and were staring at her hoping she didn't think that seriously. You could see the same reaction in Tommy's eyes who immediately sat a bit farther from her. You felt Mick's eyes on you waiting for your verbal reaction. You quickly reset your face back to normal and tried not to show any emotion but you couldn't help it.
"Be right back." You stood up and left the table. You walked as fast as you could to the restroom. You looked in the mirror which was a pretty bad idea since you were almost scared of yourself. You sprinkled some cold water to calm down. You thought, at least she would stay with you for the holidays since it was supposed to be about family. And since Dylan is in jail it would only be the both of you.
When you thought you were calm enough you left the restroom and headed back to your table. You closed the door behind yourself before you bumped into someone.
"I'm sorry." You apologized just when you saw who it was. Mick looked down at you and put his finger under your chin since you weren't willing to look in his eyes.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked trying to look into your eyes.
"Nothing. Why would be?" You sniffed, tears waiting at bay.
"Cause you were quite upset when you left the table and you spent pretty much time in here." He gestured towards the restroom. "Is it your sister?"
"I hate that you can read my face like this. Of course, it is her. I just don't know why she is doing this. Christmas supposed to be about family, no?"
"Listen here. I totally understand what you are talking about, but she is now a grown-up and she has every right to do whatever she wants to. You need to let her go soon, you know that." You exhaled still not prepared enough to let her go. She was your little sister, you raised her and it was too hard.
"Yeah, I know. And I feel like a monster not letting her go." You muttered into Mick's chest while he was rubbing your back.
"You are not a monster. You took care of her since she birth, it's quite understandable." He said while hugging you tightly. "But can we talk about it later? They are all looking at us." You nodded and glanced at your table. They immediately turned their attention back to their food and continued eating it.
"What did you do there for this long?" Vince asked.
"None of your business." You answered with a lack of any emotion.
"You are on your period or what? I just asked an innocent question."
"Shut it, blondie." Mick snapped. You glanced over to Isabelle who was just casually consuming her french fries. "So Isabelle what kind of concerts?" Mick asked trying to draw their attention from you.
"Mostly bands from the school. Tribute and cover bands, etc. I will also perform with my band." She added while smiling from ear-to-ear proudly.
"What band?" Nikki showed some interest to her immediately.
"Well, we are a cover band, we play the latest if not the best songs of the last decade so ACDC, Queen, Black Sabbath, and your music, guys." She said shyly, running her fingers through her hair. Vince was smirking at her, his eyes never leaving hers.
"I guess you are the lead singer." He said while touching her hand on the table. She quickly drew it back and was glaring at him. Everybody burst into laughter but Vince crossed his arms and pouted.
"See, Vinnie? This family isn't very fond of you." Nikki stated still laughing.
"Yeah, I can see it." He was drumming on the table with his fingers.
"Then what are you doing in the band?" Nikki asked.
"I play bass." Nikki's eyes grew and turned to you.
"Well, (Y/N) if you are not willing to accept my offer about the position of Mrs. Sixx then I will have to offer for someone else." He declared. You sighed and pretended to be sad about it.
"Oh dear Satan, what will I do after this?" You played drama queen again. It was your specialty.
"Anyway, this young lady beside me can..." Luckily you managed to cover her mouth with your hand just in time. You were fuming. You shook your head and drew your hand back.
"She can what?" Tommy asked drawing his brows together.
"She can piss people off really easily." Vince answered instead of you and Isabelle.
"Sure." Izzy muttered.
"I will miss you so much." She said giving you the biggest hug ever. You hardly spoke to her since the restaurant. The taxi honked again which was about to drive her to the university. "Shut up, man. I will pay for it, don't worry!" She yelled at him.
"I will miss you, too. Take care and keep harassing your roommate." You chuckled.
"I promise." She snickered but then sighed. "I wish Dylan was here. I miss him, too."
You just hummed as an answer. You visited him several times in the hospital. He was in good hands so you didn't worry that much; Sharon spoke to him a lot and Dr. Prince Charming took good care of him physically.
"Call me as soon as you arrive, okay?" You hugged her one last time before she did the same to Mick who gave him some money for the taxi, Nikki who span her around in the air and messed with her hair, and Tommy who wasn't really happy. He adored her but she didn't feel the same. You felt sorry for him, he was such a hopeless romantic. Mick walked over to you and placed her hands on your hips from behind and pulled closer to him, resting his chin on the top of your head. When the taxi left your sight, you sighed and glanced at Tommy. He was desperate and looked miserable, you guessed you looked pretty much the same.
"Hey, Mrs. Lee I'm here!" You waved to Tommy's parents as they arrived at your invitation in the stadium. He was so sad after Isabelle left, you thought it would do good for him to see his family. He always talked about them so much. "Good morning and thanks for coming. Anyway, I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you." You shook hands with his parents as you showed them the way backstage where Tommy was.
"Thank you for inviting us here. So he doesn't know about this, right?" Her mother asked while following you.
"No, Mrs. Lee, it's a surprise. I hope he will happy and not murder me." You snickered nervously.
"I'm sure he won't, he is such a good boy." If she was aware of what his good boy was doing, she wouldn't be so happy about it. But it wasn't your business.
"Hey, Tommy!" You yelled when you saw him behind his drumset. He looked up and turned to you. His lips immediately curved into the biggest smile which you haven't seen in a long time. He quickly stood up and approached you, hugging his parents tightly. He started to talk and talk, not letting his parents spoke a word. He showed them all the sets and everything in the whole stadium. After seeing he was in good hands you went to the gates to see how many fans have arrived so far. When the guards opened the doors and saw the crowd your mouth dropped. You quickly went back.
"Please, be careful." You informed the guards who just nodded silently. After that shooting, Doc hired much more guards for everyone's safety but you still felt a bit tensed after seeing big crowds. When you got back, Tommy and his parents were on the stage with a groupie who was wearing a red leather dress. Nikki also showed up and when you stepped closer you saw red marks on his neck. You leaned closer to him. "I would hide my neck if I want to live." You advised to Nikki who quickly did as told.
"This my fiancé, Roxxy." Tommy introduced her to his family. She held her hand up to shake hands. Her mother hesitated first thinking about something when Roxxy left them upset. Tommy scolded his mom and went after her. 
"What the hell?" You raised a brow and glanced at Nikki to see his reaction. "Are you high?!" You inquired wiping his hair away from his face.
"Who are you to tell me what to do, huh?!" He snapped and left you there speechless. What is wrong with these guys?
"He is so talented." Tommy's mother admired his son, watching the concert from the back.
"Indeed he is. By the way, how is Tommy? Did he behaved well?" You asked worryingly.
"Of course. He was so happy to see us." You smiled just from the thought he is being happy.
"Glad to hear that." You added.
After the concert, Tommy was jumping like a mad man again and was goofy. Well, for a moment.
You were on the road again, finally leaving that hotel with that weird guy Thomas. You were sleeping in the back, more precisely you tried to sleep because you could only hear this groupie's screaming. You got out of bed angrily and were about to beat the shit out of her.
"What is not clear about 'I'm going to sleep'?" You inquired with closed eyes leaning on the wall when the shouting stopped. You opened one of your eyes so you could see the quickly approaching Tommy who almost made you fell off. Vince's and Mick's eyes were attached to the girl. She was leaning on a seat, her hand wiping her bleeding lips. "What the fuck? Tommy did that to her?" You asked into nowhere cause no one answered. Mick cleared his throat and went to search for the first-aid bag which he gave to you after he found it.
"Please stop at the next gas station if it is possible." You asked the driver who nodded as a response. You made her sit down on the couch opening a water bottle from the fridge.
"Why are you doing this?" She asked while you started to wipe the blood with a piece of cloth.
"Cause I don't want to let you home with a face like that. It will still leave a mark but at least it won't be as visible." You answered dealing with the wound.
"What? I'm not going home. I'm gonna marry him and..." She started.
"You think that he will marry you after he hit you?" You asked curiously looking into her eyes. The boys were staring at you.
"Nikki, go talk with him." He did as told and went in the back to support his terror twin. After stopping at the station, you called a taxi for the girl and gave the taxi driver all the money you had with yourself.
"Please don't call the police if that's possible." You told to her. She was still in shock so she gave you a slight nod, before closing the door.
"Will she be okay?" Tommy asked desperately, biting his lip down after you were back on the road.
"Of course, Lee. Don't worry about her." You saw the relief in his eyes, though he was still worried and was angry at himself. You stood on your tip-toe and hugged him tightly.
"Don't blame yourself, please." You said, running your hand in his hair trying to calm him down.
On that day, something happened to Mötley Crüe.
Tag: @cmft-jr-winchester ❤️
21 notes · View notes
boilerevans · 5 years
A Waiting Game
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Summary: Carrington Price was a small-town girl with a big dream. She just didn’t think it could become real life.
Pairing: Chris Evans / Original Character
Word Count: 3.4k
Warning: None, just loads of fluff
Author’s Note:  If you’re interested in becoming part of the tag list, comment or message me. :) Also I would love to hear more feedback!
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Carrington had been back in Atlanta for about a week. Filming was starting to get heavier and more actors were popping up every day. Somehow, she had basically become a second Jennifer and did anything that Jennifer would do if she was busy. Most nights she was sleeping in an empty trailer because filming was at all hours.  
She was on her third coffee of the day and already ready to crash. They were resetting for a take and Jennifer was sat in a chair next to where Carrington was sitting on the floor taking notes.  
“You know Carrington,” Jennifer started.  
She looks up.  
“I’m so glad you’re back. You’ve been unbelievably helpful this week.”
“Of course. I’ve enjoyed it. It’s a welcome distraction.”  
“I’m sorry that I freaked out about you and Chris. I heard you guys were really close in Scotland.” Jennifer says.
“Oh. Yeah. We went on a date but it was a mistake. I think you were right.” Carrington says.  
“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that.”  
“It’s okay. I can be professional. It’s not a problem.”  
“Well, Chris is back today. There’s an interviewer coming to talk to him and Scarlett. I had you scheduled to prep him when he gets here.”  
“That’s not a problem for me if he’s fine with it.”  
“Well. He requested you actually.”  
Of course, he did. Carrington thought to herself.  
“Like I said. Not a problem.”  
“Alright. He’ll be expecting you in about an hour. At his trailer.” Jennifer says, “I’ll email you the questions.”  
Carrington went to the back office to print off the questions and read them. She takes notes and makes sure everything is ready. She checks the time on her phone and decides to head to the trailers. The closer she gets to his trailer, the more nervous she feels. She makes it to the door, takes a breath and then knocks. She hears steps coming through the trailer. Chris opens the door. He stands there in his Cap uniform his freshly highlighted hair is combed back. He gives a small smiles and motions for Carrington to come in.  
“Thank you,” Carrington says softly.  
Carrington sets her notebook on the table and slides into the seat. Chris sits the opposite of her.  
“Ready to get started?”  
Chris nods.  
“So the interview is with Entertainment Tonight. Just you and Scarlett. Just be you. You and Scarlett are good at bouncing off of each other.”  
Carrington opens up the notebook and pulls out the stapled questions. Chris watches her every move as she flips through the pages. She takes the pen she has tucked behind her ear and takes a quick note.  
“Alright. You know the basics. Be friendly. Charming. Not too many details. They always try to get information but you seem to be pretty good about beating around the bush.”  
“You look good.” Chris cuts her off.
Carrington looks up at him and then back down at the papers.  
“Where would you say the Avengers are now?” Carrington tries to come back to point.  
“In Atlanta,” He says sarcastically and reaches out to grab her hand. “Carrington. I miss you.”
Carrington pulls away.
“Chris, I’m being professional. Please just don’t do this.”  
“We need to talk.” He presses.  
“I knew this wasn’t a good idea,” Carrington gets up from the table. “Please just look at these before the interview. It’s in an hour.”
Carrington leaves the trailer and rushes back to set. Chris puts his head on the table and lets out a groan.  
“Fuck.” He says loudly.  
He sits back up and looks over at the papers that Carrington left behind. Chris gets up and moves to the seat on the other side of the table.  As he scoots into the seat, he hears something fall onto the floor. At that exact moment, Carrington realizes her notebook was missing. Chris picks the notebook up off the floor. He flips open the cover.
Dear Chris.  
Chris turned through the pages and found more letters as well as set notes. He turned back to the first page.  
Dear Chris.
When I was a kid, I had a lot of trouble talking about how I was feeling. The older I got, the worse it got. When I was twelve my dad started sending me letters in the mail, even though we lived in the same house. He would write about work and tell me about his childhood. My dad, he was the best storyteller and he knew that. So, in return, I had to write him letters about what was going on in my mind. Since then, I’ve written letters anytime things didn’t make sense.  
I’m writing this letter on the plane back from Scotland. I keep thinking I messed up. Leaving you there all by yourself. You didn’t deserve that. But why would you say all those things to me? I think you did mean them. I hope you did. But that’s fucking terrifying. To know I haven’t been making this all up. That we are falling in love.
I’m falling for you too. And I’m scared.  
Chris ran his hand over his beard and smiles. He turns a few pages and finds another letter.  
Dear Chris.
Tomorrow is the first time I’ll see you. I’m nervous because I need to tell you that it’s really over.  
Wait what. Chris flips back and skims the other letters.  
I went out for a drink last night. And this guy would not stop hitting on me. And I just kept hoping he was you. But then I woke up in his bed the next morning.
This guy won’t stop calling me. And every time he calls, I feel more guilty. You are way too good for this. I don’t deserve your love.  
He turns back to the last letter.  
Dear Chris.
Tomorrow is the first time I’ll see you. I’m nervous because I need to tell you that it’s really over. I’ve been thinking about it and I think that’s what’s best for you. I’m thinking about going on a date with this guy, in hopes to get over you. But I know as soon as I see you tomorrow that will change.  
I miss you so much. It’s been so hand sleeping without you. But we both need to move on.
Chris got up from the table and began pacing the trailer. What had changed? How did this get so out of hand? He picked the notebook back up and began reading over the letters again. He went back to his room and grabbed a pen from his backpack. He sits down and begins writing.  
“Are we ready to get started?” The blonde woman asks walking up to the set.  
Scarlett is sat in one of the chairs in front of the open Quinjet.
“Chris isn’t here yet.” She says and looks over at Carrington.  
“I’ll go find him. I apologize.” She says to the crew.  
Carrington jogs off the set and back to the trailers. She knocks hard on the door.
“Chris! You’re late.”  
Chris curses under his breath, “Just a second.”  
He quickly signs the notebook and closes it. He rushes to the door and down the steps.  
“Carrington. I’m so sorry.”  
“Um. Can I have my notebook?” She motions to it in his hand.  
“Oh. Yeah. That’s why brought it.”  
The begin quickly walking to the set. Carrington just a few steps ahead with the notebook clutched to her chest. She quickly turns to him.
“Did you read this?” She asks him, worry covering her face.  
“Uh no.” He says quickly walks past her.  
Carrington knew he was lying. She watches as he walks up the crew and begins apologizing about his attendance. He sits down in the chair next to Scarlett. Scarlett gives him a look but he blows it off. The crew starts filming and Carrington stands off to the side to watch. Someone makes a joke offset and Chris cracks a smile.  
“So, tell me where the Avengers are now? Because, you know, you mentioned it,” She looks at Chris, “Where we last left off, things had kind of blown up a little bit.”
Chris looks away from the interviewer and Scarlett begins to take the question. Carrington notices that he won’t even make eye contact with her. He sits with his hands in his lap, fidgeting with his thumbs. He just sits listening to Scarlett. As the interviewer starts asking her next question, Chris and Carrington’s eyes meet. Cara gives a soft, worried look.  
“Smile.” She mouths the word at him and he looks down.  
“This one has sixty-four Marvel characters.”  
Chris looks up, “Is it really 64? Geez.”
Carrington cracks a smile. The interviewer makes a joke about how half of the set's trailers are RDJ’s. Chris gives a small chuckle.
“That’s very possible.” He says.
As Scarlett keeps pulling the interview along, she keeps looking over at Chris as if to see if he’s going to help out. The next question gets asks and Chris finally opens up about having both RDJ and Chris Pratt on set. Chris laughs along softly as Scarlett makes a few jokes and listens to her intently. The interviewer brings up Scarlett’s life as a mother and asks what it’s like balancing motherhood and being a superhero.
“She’s really kind of starting to have an understanding of what I do and the world that I work in-” Scarlett says.  
“She’s so cute. She’s so cute.” Chris smiles wide as he says it, his eyes crinkling up.  
He glances up at Carrington and is met with her smile as she watches. He looks away.  
“A lot of us have kids now. And we started we were all young and unafraid. And now-”
“I’m at the bar alone.” Chris laughs.  
Carrington’s smile falls. Chris starts talking about life on the set with his dog and the families around. As he talks, he notices Carrington leave the set. The interview only lasts a few more minutes and as soon as it's over Chris leaves to find Carrington. Before he can get too far, Scarlett calls out for him.
He turns around.  
“What’s going on?” She asks.
“I need to find Carrington. She,” Chris sighs and runs his hand over his face, “She came to brief me on the interview and left her notebook. And she’s been writing me these letters. Scarlett, she loves me and she slept with some guy. But I need to be with her. I wrote her a letter back but I didn’t get to tell her.”
“Just let her find it on her own. If you tell her to read it, she won’t want to. She needs to read it naturally.”  
Chris sighs and sits on the sidewalk. Carrington is sat at the desk in Jennifer’s office. She stars at the notebook and feels nauseous. Knowing that Chris now knows everything. She picks up her pen and begins clicking it. She leans back and stops clicking. Cara sits back up and flips through the pages to find the next empty page. That’s when she finds Chris’s letter.
Firstly, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I went through your notebook. But honestly, I think it’s best that I read it instead of you telling me. That would have made things so much worse. Second, this past week without you has been hell. I’ve barely been sleeping at the house because I truly thought you would be there with me. Dodger won’t leave me alone because he knows something is wrong.  
Carrington. I love you. And I know this is so new. But the idea of you with someone else makes me sick. I know that’s dramatic. When I was back home, my mom practically kicked me out because I wouldn’t stop talking about you.  
I want to try again. And I can be patient. Everything can be at your pace, but please. I beg you please do not date this other guy. I’m sorry this is all over the place. I just have so much to say.  
You are the most beautiful woman. I adore everything. I love it when you tell stories about your dad and the relationship you have with your brother. I admire the passion you have for the behind the scenes of the film. I’ve had this reoccurring dream of me directing and you being right by my side. There’s this moment when we’re in bed and I look at you and you are so pretty. Your face is covered in bliss and your hair is sweaty and sticking to your forehead. You have this look in your eyes. The thought just makes my heart race. That probably isn’t the thing to say.  
Please just come to me when you’re ready to talk.
With love.
A tear falls down Cara’s cheek. She wipes it away and begins to read it again. Halfway through, the door opens. Jennifer stands in the doorway.  
“I’m, I’m sorry. I just needed to get away.” Carrington stands up from the desk, shutting the notebook.  
“Honey, are you alright?”  
“I really fucked up.”  
“I just saw Chris. He was headed in for filming.” Jennifer sits down on the couch along the wall.  
“Well, I can’t go talk to him now. You didn’t see how he was in that interview. I can’t mess up his takes too.” Carrington gets up from the desk.  
“They’ll probably be at it for a few hours. It’s either now or ten o’clock.”  
“How late are you staying on set tonight?” Carrington sits down next to Jennifer.  
“I was going to stay and send you home. But if want to stay on the set and switch me.”  
“Thanks. I appreciate it.” Carrington grabs her notebook from the desk and then heads to the door.  
“Good luck!” Jennifer calls behind her.  
Carrington begins to walk to the B stage where Chris would be filming for the evening. She stopped by the bathroom first to checker her hair and then went to get a coffee. When she makes it to the set, she notices the scene playing out and quietly walks over to the production team. She watches as Chris and the group of Avengers stand at the top of the steps.
“I’m not looking for forgiveness, and I’m way past asking for permission.” Chris says, “Earth just lost her best defender. So, we’re here to fight. And if you wanna stand in our way, we’ll fight you too.”
Carrington finds herself letting go of a soft gasp. Thankfully no one hears. She admires Chris as the scene unfolds. She had to admit. He looked damn good in that dark uniform, and the long hair added something extra. The director cuts and the change angles of the scene as Ruffalo comes into the scene. As the day grows longer, more production staff leaves. Carrington takes a seat closer to the front, and then Chris notices her.  
“Sorry, I looked into the camera. Can we um restart that take?” Chris says.  
“Take it from the top. Keep rolling.” Joe says and moves his stance.  
They’re done filming after another few takes. Chris looks to Carrington and she gives a small wave. He walks over to her.
“Hi.” He says.
“You looked good out there.” Carrington gets up from her chair.  
“I felt good until I saw you and fucked up.” He seems nervous.  
“It happens to everyone. You did a nice job.”  
“So, are you wanting to talk?” His eyebrows are furrowed and he looks towards the ground.  
“Yeah. I’d really like that.” She gives a small smile, “Have you had dinner yet?”  
“No I was going to eat before we started shooting but I was caught up in something else.”
“What if I came over and made you dinner?”
Chris looks up, “Like to my house.”  
“If that’s alright.”  
“I’d love that. I just need to change.”  
“Text me your address. I’ll run by the store and meet you there.”  
Chris nods and then leaves before says something stupid.
Carrington had only been sitting in the driveway for a few minutes before Chris pulled up next to her. She gets out of the front seat and goes around to the passenger side to grab the groceries.  
“Can I help you with those?” Chris asks as he gets out of his car.  
They make their way inside and are welcomed by the infamous Dodger.  
“Down bubba.” Chris flicks the light on.  
He’s wearing a pair of basketball shorts and a grey hoodie. Carrington could see how tired he was. She followed him and he walked to the kitchen.  
“It’s all yours.” Chris sits the grocery down on the counter, “Do you want any help?”
“You’re exhausted. Let me just make you a meal. It’s the least I can do.”  
Chris takes a seat at the counter. Carrington begins to empty the bags and make her way around the kitchen. He watches her every move as she makes herself at home. Once she’s done cooking, she makes them both a plate and sits next to him. They start eating in silence.  
“Thank you. This is really good.” Chris says.
Carrington nods.
“I read your letter.” She looks over at Chris.
He chokes on his bite.
“Jesus, are you okay?” Cara puts a hand on his shoulder.  
“Um yeah. Just didn’t expect you get right in there.”  
“You know me, I don’t beat around the bush.” Carrington smiles.
“Just keep it nicely trimmed,” Chris says.
Carrington laughs.  
“So what did you think of the letter?” Chris asks and begins eating again.”  
“It was extremely sweet.”  
“I’m sorry I lied about reading your letters.”  
“It’s okay honey. I’m sorry I slept with that guy.”  
“Please never bring it up again.”  
They continue eating dinner and then Chris takes their plates to the sink.  
“Do you want to watch a movie?” He asks.  
“Could we just talk? Maybe you could give me the tour?”  
They make their way through the house. It’s moderately decorated with two guest rooms. They lastly stop at the master suite. It’s extremely simple. White sheets with a white comforter.  
“So this is all you?” Carrington asks and sits on the bed.  
“Mhm.” Chris sits down next to her.  
“I love you too.” She says.  
Chris turns to her. She takes a hand and places it on his face. He gives a smile before doing the same and then crashing his lips into hers. A small laugh comes from Carrington and she returns the kiss. Chris pulls away.  
“I want to make this work. You and me. We really have something.” Chris says.  
Carrington places her head on Chris’s chest. She listens to the quickened pace of his heartbeat. His hand rubs against her back.  
“I know Chris me too.”  
She sits back up. Chris pushes the hair from her face.  
“As I said, everything will be at your pace. I want to make you comfortable. I want you to feel safe.”  
“I know.”  
“Do you know? What you want to do?” He places a hand on her knee and gives a gentle squeeze.  
“I want to stay the night. If that’s okay. I don’t think I can get out of this bed.”  
“I’d love if you stayed with me.”  
Chris takes her into his arms and holds her tightly to his chest.  
“I’ve missed you so much.” He kisses the top of her head.  
They sit there for a while in silence. Dodger comes up and places his head on Chris’s lap.  
“Hi, bubba.” Chris chuckles.  
Carrington reaches out to pets the dog's head.  
“I think someone’s ready for bed.”  
“I’ll take him outside. If you don’t mind grabbing my bag from the back of the truck.”  
“Oh, you brought a bag?” Chris asks.  
“Yeah, just a few things.” Carrington smiles.  
They leave the bedroom and split their ways. Carrington stands at the back door and flicks the light on the outside. She steps onto the patio after opening the door and whistles for Dodger. She watches the dog make his way around the yard.
“Carrington?” Chris calls.
Cara steps back inside and sees Chris standing in the hall. She gives him a small smile.
“Just a few things?” Chris asks.  
Chris turns to reveal the two large suitcases behind him. Carrington smiles again. She walks up to him and wraps her arms around his waist.
“I mean basically everything.”
“So, you’re moving in?” His arms reach around and pulls her in closer
“If you’ll have me?”  
“I wouldn’t want it any other way.”  
Taglist: @katedrexel @denisemarieangelina @smilexcaptainx @winnielinleigh
25 notes · View notes
askiisoft · 5 years
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And to think I was planning to fit all of the OCs into one week...yeah, not happening. With 50+ entries and counting, I’ll be lucky to fit them all into four parts.
Welcome back to Part 2 of “All The Warriors”, a multi-week showcase of the Katana ZERO community’s awesome fan characters! The volume of submissions for this event has been mind-blowing, to the point where I’ve had to create a dedicated Excel spreadsheet to keep track of them all. If you haven’t submitted your character yet, there’s still one week left! If you have, rest assured that it’ll will be included eventually, so please be patient! 
For those who missed it, don’t forget to check out Part 1 of this series.
[WARNING: The work herein is based on fan creations, and should not be considered canon.]
Alpha 13, “Believer” by @DokusatsuMurXer
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What is the loneliest number? ‘One’, you say? Nope, it’s 13...Alpha 13, that is.
Being one of the first Alpha-series NULL, it’s likely that Thirteen joined purely out of adoration for the illusive “Great Scientist”—a noble cause compared to the violent psychosis that defined the later Gamma-series NULL. While it’s clear he’s taken lives in service of his one-sided infatuation, it’s hard not to see him as another victim, still pining for his senpai’s attention even after everyone’s graduated and moved away years ago. Why do we always love the one who will hurt us the most? 
According to @DokusatsuMurXer’s, the drunken swirls in his Post-war portrait are hiding something much steamier. I can only imagine.
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Please, senpai. By @DokusatsuMurXer
Beta 6, “Blade” by @Khwany_kawawii
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In the Third District, there’s only two ways to get what you need: by coercion, or by force. Beta 6 opts for both, and seems to have a reputation on par with The Dragon amongst hapless goons. Ironically, it seems amnesiac NULL like Blade or Zero are the ones who kept going on killing sprees after the war, instead of throwing in with criminal syndicates or settling into an ordinary day job.
Her giant curtain of hair, while a bit ridiculous-looking standing still, would certainly add a sense of dynamism as she flipped and pirouetted in midair, tossing knives left and right. Also, knives.
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“With no drugs, I will die. But with the drugs...I am the Killing Angel.” By @Khwany_kawawii
Ema by @Khwany_kawawii
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Well, would you look at that. Not only is Ema our first non-NULL OC, but also the first...*drum roll*...Cromag! That’s right—as a child, Ema barely survived a NULL attack that killed her family, and she’s dedicated her life to finding whoever was responsible ever since. 
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The concept of a private eye in Katana ZERO’s neo-noir metropolis, especially one who suffers from such intense trauma and racial discrimination, has fantastic plot potential. What if she finds the NULL who orphaned her, but they don’t remember it? What if they have to team up? I can’t help but wonder how long an average woman (bionic arm aside) could survive in this dark underbelly of drugged-up super-soldiers...
Gamma 4 by @camellia_066
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Not every hero dies on a battlefield.
Being a commander means taking responsibility for those under your command. For some that extends beyond wartime, and especially so after the one-way process of becoming NULL; while an Alpha could skip doses of Chronos with nothing more than a nosebleed, a Gamma might require twice the dosage just to stay lucid. 
Maybe the weight of New Mecca’s defeat was too much for him to bear. Maybe he knew that a cure for Chronos was a pipedream. But it was better to die for the slim chance of salvation than witness his former comrades slaughter one another for just another dose. 
Gamma 12 by @wqwrppwu
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So this is who’s been stealing my Uber Eats.
The idea of a Gamma-level NULL—especially one as devious-looking as Gamma 12—working as a pizza guy is hilarious to me. I have a soft spot for features like thin noses, wild eyes, and razor teeth that just scream “bad guy, stay away”. Most other NULL would just kill the cashier and take what they want, but Twelve uses his powers to steal booze and cigarettes and get away with it, every time. 
It makes sense that he’d be best friends with Alpha 25, “Pomidor” (see Part 1)  thanks to their mutual eccentricity and love of mayhem. 
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Camaraderie at work. By @wqwrppwu
Gamma 5 by twink-182
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Beta 6 had better be a wizard to claim the nickname “Blade”, given how many Gamma-level knife experts roam the city’s underbelly. Once part of Fifteen’s circle of former NULL, Gamma 5 evidently saw the writing on the wall and decided to leave before his comrade’s vendetta drew him deeper into danger. Otherwise, who knows, we might have had a quick, teleporting knife-thrower heckling us throughout the Headhunter boss fight...yeah, maybe it’s for the best that he’s M.I.A.
I’m guessing the photo and red string is just another point on Fifteen’s byzantine conspiracy board; I hope we get to see the whole thing one day.
Alpha 4 by @kym0433
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As with any conflict, the end of Cromag War produced massive windfalls for organized crime in terms of illegal weapons, war drugs, and super-soldiers thirsty for Chronos. Luckily for Alpha 4, the Chinese had carved out their own niche in New Mecca’s Chinatown, and they offered him a steady supply of "ke le nuo si”, as they called it, plus a cushy job as a bodyguard; after all, who would dare to start trouble on their turf? Who, but a certain samurai who walked up to the roulette table one day...
While Ted might not be the strongest NULL, he leads the pack in terms of fashion. No musty olive fatigues for this killer—whether it’s a traditional patterned chengshan or tasseled shawl, Ted makes it look awesome. No one would even suspect he’s hiding weapons under there! 
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By @kym0433
Beta 24, “Cecil” by @Tacoyaki86
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Contrary to popular belief, the inability to feel pain is not a superpower, especially when paired with a military specialization as hazardous as demolitions and bomb disposal. Imagine not realizing your hands got blown off until you reached for a sip of coffee. That, and you’d be stone deaf from constant close-range explosions and minigun fire.
Knowing that, I can understand Beta 24′s desire to spend a quiet veterancy at a manga café, where the otaku don’t want to chat anyway and the biggest risks are coffee burns and paper cuts. 
Also, is that chevron on his beret the same as Headhunter’s? That must indicate rank, or possibly explosives experts. Given Headhunter’s propensity for sticky mines and suicide vests, I’d believe it.
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“Detonation successful!” By @Tacoyaki86
Gamma 767, “Retana” by @TailWood
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Given how many NULL prefer close-range weapons like knives, swords, and bludgeons, having to fire artillery from kilometers away must seem like a crushing indignity for a Gamma like 767: slowing time just means it takes longer for his rockets to hit their targets, and he can’t even collect any trophies to show off to the guys at the bar once they’re off-duty! But hey, someone’s got to do it; I don’t think even the sharpest steel would do much against a tank...
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By @TailWood
Gamma 9, “Nara” by @couriervictor
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Sadism and sharp objects don’t pair well together. It was never explained why Headhunter chose to wear her old uniform everywhere, but in Gamma 9′s case it’s pretty clear: he’s an elite, and he wants you to know it. Lack of physical strength doesn’t matter, since everyone in Katana ZERO died in one hit anyway, and his affinity for throwing knives reminds me of Biker’s levels from Hotline Miami. More knives.
Alpha 35, “Sako” by @matsumatsu_kou
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For a Gamma NULL, overcoming a debilitating wound is as simple as using their powers to ‘reset’ and try again until they can win the battle without a single scratch. Sadly, that wasn’t an option for their lesser Alpha brethren, as evidenced by Alpha 35. 
There have been known cases of NULL choosing to retain scars and other superficial injuries as badges of honor, but if there’s a reason why Sako chooses to fight with a blind eye and busted arm, it’s beyond me. However, if Proto-15 is anything to go by, battle damage is a huge plus for you ferals out there, and it gives him an extra place to store those KNIVES. *snickt*
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By @matsumatsu_kou
Beta 74 by @cheezysucks
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“Take everything from a man but his weapon, and do not judge him thereafter.”
Even in the far-flung future of New Mecca, it seems PTSD still haunts soldiers returning from conflict, even those as exceptional as NULL—if a near-death experience is harrowing, imagine the trauma of countless actual deaths, each instance being dragged backwards in time to start over.
Still, as far as ex-NULL go, Beta 74 chose as honest a job as his ilk can manage, given their stigma abroad. And oh, wow, is he wearing a pair of those funky four-eyed night-vision goggles? Look them up, they’re real, and just as absurd-looking.
Gamma 5, “Heatseeker” by 6at
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Pour one out for another fallen warrior, Gamma 5 (yes, I know there was already a Gamma 5 earlier, won’t be the last time this happens). Five seems more like a tactical fire commander than your average NULL, with actual combat armor and a bubble helmet seemingly inspired by early concept versions of Headhunter’s gear, replete with a digitized HUD; pretty slick-looking, I must say.
Knowing how far far New Mecca went to cover up the NULL program, I’m surprised they let Five live as long as they did, though his hermetic lifestyle likely made him a minimal risk. I’m guessing he was terminated around the same time the government halted the production of Chronos. Coincidence? 
Seems like ‘Heatseeker’ attracted a bit too much heat, heh heh.
And that was Part 2 of our Katana ZERO OC event. Is your finger tired from scrolling yet? Not as much as mine...
Click here to read ‘Part 3: Was Going To Be The Finale But I’m Drowning’. Thanks immensely to every single artist who’s submitted their characters and expanded the world of Katana ZERO just a bit more!
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By @wqwrppwu
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blackreesemajic · 4 years
Social Distancing with a New Flame
         ✨💕 You just met a new boo and just when the vibes started flowing boom* 💥 💥 the world shuts down and quarantine is turned on. The honeymoon phase should be the time you and your person are going on dates, boo’d up in public, holding hands, and sucking each other's face every second of the day.  😘😘😘
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Your mind is filled with a plethora of in-person activities y’all can be doing during this time to make the butterflies in your stomach flutter like they just popped a perk.
If your situation is anything like mine, You may feel like your coochie was just put on 90-day probation without your consent. Thank you to the reviews of Steve Harvey’s, “Act like a Lady, Think like a man.” And his toxic masculinity perpetuated in his book,  I would have read it and MAYBE had been better prepared for THIS situation. 
Remember, although times are hard right now it’s not always about sex! Your peach  🍑 may be yearning for that eggplant  🍆 but 30-90 days is not. that. long... of a wait to be intimate with someone. 
You could be like one of those people who wait until marriage…
No shade, but I am not one of those people.  
I’m the, “Bring that ass here boi!” type of people. 
The CDC recommends that we “Stay Calm” during this time quarantine.
 It sounds unrealistic to me.  😒
 How can we stay calm when our sexual desires are all over the place. 
There are three things we are ALL doing during this time if we are not daydreaming about the outside land. 
We spend all day bouncing that ass from Insta to Facebook, Twitter to Tumblr then back to Insta again…
 Log on to our ex’s Netflix account and be entertained by the white Trashery of Tiger King and then see the same trashery in the White House to remind us the world has gone straight to SHITS... 
Lastly, switching to Private mode on our phones and visiting pornhub.com or xvideos.com to see who is offering the best free subscription. 
 Trust me, I’m right there with you! 
 Just because social distancing is in effect does not mean you have to distance your heart. 
Let’s use this time to get to know each other on a personal level. 
Isolation could be causing your energies to yearn for one another louder than ever. You may even have a heightened craving of intimacy during this time. This time in quarantine can be beneficial to your dating life if you consider yourself someone who is, “Shy or Introverted” or are attracted to people who are. Many people with introverted personalities would prefer getting to know each other over the phone or on a virtual date. This is the time to bring back genuine connections, open and honest conversations, and my ALL TIME FAVORITE… Falling asleep on the phone. 
[[Pieces of Reese: If he in quarantine at “his crib” but can only talk to you during certain hours or when he steps outside… He in quarantine with someone else, sis. LET HIM GO! ]]   🔑 😒
Here are some tips to keep the flame lit, tea hot, and coffee dripping down your lips. So that when you and your new boo do get back together the connection is stronger than ever!
1.     Self Healing and Reflecting: I know. I know. You were so excited because you feel like you could have finally met your “PERSON”. And now, You can’t even see them in-person. Your mind starts to ponder so many “What the fucking Ifs!” “What if they get bored with me?” “What if they lose interest?” “What if they have multiple quarantine boo’s”  “What if they catch corona and die?!!!” I know it sounds fucking crazy but its a real fucking fear.  You must remember that FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real!
I NEED YOU TO IMMEDIATELY; Reset your mind and Refocus yourself. 
Now is the time you must remind yourself that “YOU ARE THAT BITCH!” Use this time to get to know you. Get healthy Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally... If being in a relationship/ situationship is what you desire at the end of all of this. Use the time to make yourself WHOLE. Thou can’t pick up broken glass without cutting the hand that is trying to put the pieces back together.  
[[ “We don’t fear being alone. We fear getting to know the parts of ourselves we didn’t know before.” - Pieces of Reese ]]
 Pick up a pen and paper and write: Write a letter to yourself. Write in your diary. Write to your person. Write your feelings. Write yourself daily affirmations and post them on your bathroom mirror so that you see them every day. Get connected with the feelings behind your everyday thoughts.
Set a routine; Whatever the routine looks like to you, set it! There is no amount of work you need to force yourself to meet society’s sense of productivity. The routine is only in place to keep your body prepared for what the universe has to offer you once this is all done.
2.       Virtual Dates: It seems crazy but having a virtual date can be romantic and is also cost-efficient. If you or your partner want to be extravagant you can rotate turns ordering the other person a meal (Be sure to leave your delivery person a decent tip for working through these hard times). You can both go into your own kitchens and cook each other your favorite meal. Make something you will want your person to try when you are in one space. Try describing the taste of the meal, who taught you how to make it, and why it is your favorite. Adding wine or alcohol loosens things up and being alone could make you more comfortable with being yourself on the date. A great website to get the conversation going: www.goalcast.com/2018/04/19/deep-questions-to-ask-your-partner/amp/ 
3.   Share what you see: If you are a lover of music, videos, Memes, or GIFs, Do NOT be afraid to share it with your person. With everything that is happening in the world currently, Now is the perfect time to make someone smile and laugh. Remember that MENTAL HEALTH is real! For people who suffer from Mental Health Illness, forced isolation calls for undesired thoughts of not being wanted. Show your person they are the first person you thought of when you have seen or heard something. Make them feel like, you couldn’t wait to send it to them. Let them know they are not alone during this time. You are their person   
4. If you are adventurous: Video or Phone sex has never got anyone left on READ. It actually gets you a callback.
 It's safe, sexy, and Kinky AS FUCK! Call your friends who love BDSM to teach you a thing or two. Virtual sex allows you to push the boundaries between you and your partner. It makes each person excited for what's to come when you are in one space. 
You can set the mood for your virtual hook up by lighting candles, having your space neat, camera angles must be on point,  and start off with a striptease to get the eggplant ripe and keep the peach juicy. 
Playing a ”If I miss, I Strip. If you miss, You strip.” [if you know, you know ❤️ + 🏀 ] type of game may relax you and your partner. Of course, Make it specific to you and yours. Don’t forget to have your #BlackReeseMajic music playlist ready. If you don’t have a music playlist visit my apple music/ Spotify to follow any of mine  
5.    Lastly, Optional, and specific for my Spiritual Souls who believe in the power of Manifestation: ✨💕✨💕✨💕
[You do not have to have a person already to do this step. If you are someone hoping to find your quarantine boo or keep the one you have then this is for you]
 Step One: is to start by writing out everything you want in your person. Qualities, Attributes, Values, and Looks (if you believe in detail). Remember to write out how you want to be treated by your person. If you want to go the extra step. You can write what ‘You’ will be able to offer to your person. Once you have produced the person you desire in the concrete sense,
 Step Two: is to call on your spirits guides, ancestors, and higher power to bring forth your ask. Some things you may need to connect with the spiritual realm but are not required are 1.Pink Candle (Pink candles personify the purest form of love, a love without selfishness with selfless emotions, are ideal for the beginning of a relationship), 2. Herbs or Essential oils [if you have] have a centuries-long history of symbolizing love and devotion (Lavender, Rose, Basil, Calendula...etc). 3. Sage: “Sage is known to have healing properties and with the power of intention and spiritual connection with the source of all existence, the burning of Sage assists with healing and clearing.” 4. Offering: Clean and freshwater is the simplest form of offering. You can also offer coins, jewelry, fruits, anything appealing to the spirits. 5. Bell or anything that makes noise (can be your voice) 
And Step Three: Have a table or space specific for intentions or manifestation. With a clear mind, body, and soul begin my thanking creation for all that you already have. I like to place my “person desires” list under my pink candle. I sprinkle my herbs around and inside my candle. I  use a couple of drops of my essential oils for fragrance (Spirits love good smelling things). I make my spiritual space as pretty as possible (Glitter is enticing to spirits and crystals deepens the vibrations). I give the offering (usually freshwater, money, or coins). I chant (Chanting is specific to you. If you need help with a chant I usually say, “All praises to the most high. God, Spirits, Creation, and Ancestors, I thank you for everything you have done and everything you continue to do. I offer you my purest self and this alter to bring forth my ask…”  I burn my sage (smell, clarity, and guidance to myself and spirits), and finally, I light my pink love candle.
 I let my candle burn for a whole day or I light it every day for a few hours then blow it out.   
I hope this tea has filled your soul the way writing it has filled mine. Stay at home if you can and stay safe during this time. 
If you are someone who lost a loved one from complications of COVID19, I pray for healing and peace over your life. I am sending EACH and every one of you Light and Love from the depths of my soul. 
Spread Light and Love Every day! ✨💕
PEACE & Be The.      
    Sincerely, Pieces of Reese
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for-a-flower · 5 years
Close Call
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           Flowey pushed up through the ground in a dark cave behind Frisk.  He watched from shadows as the human entered the next area.  There was a stream running through the cavern.  Frisk glanced over the flowing water for a moment then approached some lily pads near the far corner.  Flowey's stem bent as he snickered quietly.  "He's gonna go right to the barrier and die to Asgore like every other stupid human before him."  Flowey grinned.  "And then when Asgore tries to take his soul, I'll come in and grab all seven!  Stupid king won't know what’s coming."  Flowey scowled.  "Serves him right for not listening to me in the first place."  Frisk placed lily pads in the stream in order to reach a sign near the bridge he had crossed earlier.  The sign read, Congratulations.  You failed the puzzle.  Frisk sighed then began pulling the plants out of the water again.
           Flowey shook his petalled head and smirked.  “Idiot,” he whispered.  "Wait.  If Chara does have something to do with this, she probably doesn’t realize it’s me.  Which means I'll probably need to show her to convince her.  But I can't do that until I get a soul.  So what do I do?  Hm . . .”  Flowey paused, his eyes drifting down.  “Should I wait until I finish my plan then bring her back and reset the timeline?"  He nodded.  "Yeah.  That sounds good."  Flowey watched as Frisk solved the puzzle and continued through the cave.  He frowned.  "What am I saying?  Chara probably has nothing to do with it.  Just wishful thinking.  Doesn't even matter anyway," Flowey grumbled.  He sunk into the ground again.
           As he walked slowly, Frisk stared at the cave ceiling above.  It was covered in blue crystals, twinkling softly almost like stars in the night sky.  The child noticed a plaque mounted on the left, rock wall that had blue letters.  It read, Wishing Room.  The letters were glowing with a magical light.  There was a tall blue flower standing to the right of the sign.  Frisk stepped toward it as it whispered softly, as if he was hearing a past conversation.
           "A long time ago, monsters would whisper their wishes to the stars in the sky.  If you hoped with all your heart, your wish would come true," it said.  "Now, all we have are these sparkling stones on the ceiling."  Its soft voice echoed through the cave before fading.  Frisk sighed.  He could sense sadness in the monster’s voice.  He wanted to tell them that it would all be okay one day.  They'd find a way out.  They'd be free soon.  The little human looked further ahead and saw a few more Echo Flowers.  He approached the next which had grown on the right.
           It spoke with a voice louder than the last.  "Thousands of people wishing together can't be wrong!  The king will prove that," it said.  Frisk passed the flower, stepping toward the next which stood beside a fourth.  "Come on, sis!  Make a wish!" said the first.  "I wish my sister and I will see the real stars someday," whispered the other.  Frisk frowned then glanced beyond them.  One last Echo Flower stood in this part of the cave.  Almost feeling the hopelessness of the monsters as well, Frisk moved over to the far corner of the cavern where the last blue flower stood alone.
           It spoke in a soft, sad voice like that of a hurting child.  "It's not fair.  Why can't things be like they used to be?" it said.
           Frisk sighed, reaching out to feel the velvety, blue petals of the flower with a small hand.  "Someday," he said.  "Someday it'll be better.  Just don't give up."  He lowered his hand as a gentle breeze brushed by him from the left.  Frisk glanced that direction.  There was an opening along the rock wall.
           "Someday . . . someday it'll be better.  Just don't give up," the Echo Flower whispered.
           Frisk managed a smile and nodded.  He continued on, leaving the flowers behind.  The human exited the small cave into a large, open cavern.  Its floor was completely flooded with water, the exact depth of it unknown.  A large, wooden bridge extended before Frisk.  It led to a large cliff face that rose from the water.  Frisk casually started across the bridge, glancing over the water’s surface.  He could see tall reeds and water sausages scattered sparsely, meaning the water couldn't be very deep.  He reached the cliff and followed the bridge along it.  He put a hand on the rock to feel it as he went.  It was surprisingly smooth.  Frisk glanced at his hand and stopped suddenly.  The wall was covered with ancient, carved writings.  The child hurried back to the beginning to attempt reading them.  There was a label before the text that read, The War of Humans and Monsters.
           Struck with interest, Frisk read the writings to himself.  "Why did the humans attack?  Indeed, it seemed that they had nothing to fear.  Humans are unbelievably strong.  It would take the soul of nearly every monster just to equal the power of a single human soul."  Frisk paused to think about that.  "Whoa," he whispered.  He moved on to the next section.  The words were hard to make out in the dim light.  "But humans have one weakness.  Ironically, it is the strength of their soul.  Its power allows it to persist outside the human body, even after death."  Frisk nodded slightly in understanding and moved to the next part.  "If a monster defeats a human, they can take its soul.  A monster with a human soul . . . a horrible beast with unfathomable power."  Frisk reached the end of the wall to find an illustration carved deep into the rock.  He observed it closely.  There was something very unsettling about this drawing.  The monster depicted here strangely resembled Toriel.  It was furry, wore a similar robe and had two horns on its head.  But its horns were much longer than Toriel’s.
           Frisk stared several seconds trying to make sense of it.  He had only seen one monster so far that looked like Toriel . . . and that was Toriel.  So who was this?  Someone related to her?  Someone from her past family perhaps?  Frisk shook his head and continued on.  The bridge was wide and lead forward into the dark as far as the human could see.  Frisk jumped when a blue spear shot down from above and stabbed into the wooden platform only inches before him.  He stopped in fear, looking around quickly.  On a higher ledge to the left, Undyne stepped from the shadows with spear in hand.  She threw it at Frisk.  Frisk screamed and bolted down the long bridge.  Undyne jumped from the ledge, landing hard on the bridge which shook with a thud.  Frisk didn't look back.  His boots clomped against the wood as he ran.  He could hear the knight throwing attacks at him.  Spears flew over his head.  Frisk zigzagged as he ran, panic setting in.
           This probably wasn't going to end well.  He had been seen and there was no telling what was on the other side of this bridge.  As spears flew by on either side, Frisk kept running.  Undyne stomped after him.  She followed at nearly the same speed despite the weight of her metal armor.  She summoned sets of three projectiles each time she attacked.  Frisk panted hard.  Ahead he saw the end of the bridge and patch of tall grass.  He tried to increase his pace but couldn't manage.  One of the spears flew over his head, but the next struck his back and shattered with a burst of magic.  The impact threw Frisk several yards forward.  He yelled and landed in the tall grass, tumbling over a few times before coming to a stop.  Sharp pains shot up and down his spine.  Frisk rolled into a ball taking in deep breaths as he tried not to yell and give away his exact location.  He squirmed a little and cringed.
           He could hear Undyne stomping toward him, like a predator searching for its injured prey.  When she stopped nearby, Frisk glanced up through the grass around him.  He could see her towering, dark silhouette staring down at something close by.  Undyne suddenly reached down to grab something.  With one hand, she lifted a little, yellow monster kid out of the grass by a spine on his head.  She stared at him for a few seconds . . . the monster kid staring back at her, mouth open and completely speechless.  Undyne scowled then slowly set him back down among the grass.  She turned and left the way she had come, mumbling something to herself.  Frisk finally coughed a few times and let out a yell of pain.  He rolled over to crawl out of the grass weakly as the unpleasant sensation inside him began to fade.  Frisk stood up in a smaller tunnel beyond the tall grass, still trembling in fear.
           The monster kid rushed out to join him.  "Yo!  Did you see that?!  Undyne just touched me!  I'm never washing my face ever again!  Man, are you unlucky.  If you were standing just a little bit to the left . . ."  Frisk cringed.  He didn't want to think about what would have happened if he had been.  "Don't worry!" said the monster kid.  "I'm sure we'll see her again!"
           Frisk backed into the rock wall in alarm.  The little monster hurried on down the path.  "But . . . I don't think I want to see her again," Frisk whispered.  With great reluctance, the child forced himself onward.
           Flowey emerged among the tall grass as the human continued.  "Don't want to see her?  Oh, don't worry.  You'll get to see her plenty," he whispered.
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bluerosesburnblue · 6 years
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This very nearly became a Kingdom Key Only run because I like challenge runs like that but honestly I never felt like sticking to the Kingdom Key was ever really a hindrance
...so let’s talk about that ending, from the start of the Keyblade Graveyard to the credits, yeah?
I cannot BELIEVE that Nomura gave us the Beach Party Ending we were all hoping for just to rip Sora away at the last second. Good GOD, man, who spit in your coffee?
So I guess we should get the elephant in the room out of the way, first. I’m actually not... that upset by the ending? Like, yes, I find it extremely ironic that the game that made me love Sora more than any other character in the game would essentially kill him off, but... okay, when Nomura said that the ending would be “hard to swallow” I had two worst case scenarios in mind. And I mean “worst case” in the “Nonononono he’d better not do that if he does I’m done” way
Scenario 1: Xehanort unlocks Kingdom Hearts. Either he’s stopped or he succeeds, but either way the damage is done and he’s too far along to stop and the universe is reset. All of the heroes are alright, they survive the ending, but the world of the game is changed irreversibly, forever. It’s all one World again, the Disney worlds are gone, or they’re there but they’ve been forced together in a weird jigsaw-puzzle way. The details don’t really matter, I just didn’t want a status-quo shakeup like that that gets passed off as a happy/bittersweet ending because the heroes survived
Scenario 2: Xehanort unlocks Kingdom Hearts. Either he’s defeated but whatever he started can’t be stopped, or Kingdom Hearts is the only thing that can defeat him. Either way, Sora has to use the power of Kingdom Hearts. He keeps the world exactly as it was, but has to give up his own physical existence to do so. After all, he who opens the door will become a god in the next world. Maybe he persists as a “force” that watches over his friends, but Sora is gone for good
What we ended up getting was... very similar to that second scenario, but it differs just enough to save it for me. At the very least, knowing that Sora and Kairi are connected and that Sora’s in Shibuya in the Secret Movie gives me enough hope that he can and will come back. Which, when compared to what I was afraid we were gonna get, leaves me weirdly optimistic. I still cried a lot (NOMURA I AM TAKING CUSTODY OF YOUR SON THAT’S MY SWEET BABY BROTHER NOW FIGHT ME) but I’m nowhere near as emotionally devastated as I could’ve been
And here’s the big thing, I liked most of the scenes in the Final Battle sequence. As scenes they were (mostly) fine. The reunions were heartwrenching (even if Sora is just kind of... there for most of them), the KHUx stuff was incredible (Ephemeeeeeer <3<3<3), the locales and concepts were all interesting. My problem was actually the order events happen in
So, first off, everyone dies way too fast. WAY too fast. It’s one of the two scenes I have a problem with. Everyone arrives at the Graveyard and fights a swarm of Heartless. They walk down a crevice and see Terra. A surprising amount of people get knocked out or injured trying to take care of just Terra-Xehanort? Then another big wave of Heartless shows up and everyone just... dies? Like, the second big scene in what is a very long finale and everyone dies? Hell, Aqua just gives up!
They also blew the KHUx Union X attack WAY too early. A set piece like that (it’s SUCH A GOOD CONCEPT AND THE SCENE WAS BEAUTIFUL) and you waste it on a big cloud of Heartless at the start of the final battle? Guys... guys that’s some last minute “all hope is lost, so here’s unexpected help” stuff, you shouldn’t just have that happen that soon
And the thing is... both of those scenes would be so much more impactful if they had happened later in the finale. Ideally, picture this:
The team takes care of the first swarm of Heartless. (You could have moments in that fight where you get a different guest Keyblade wielder, one at a time, in a callback to the KH2 Battle of 1000 Heartless with the FF characters). They’re feeling pretty good about it. They just all worked as a team for the first time together and they did alright. Maybe a little shaky. After all, most of them don’t really know each other that well. They can’t know each other’s styles or predict each others’ moves. Their teamwork is shaky, but they managed and that gives them some confidence. Maybe they can do this if they work together
Then Xehanort shows up. We can’t be having any of this “friendship” and “teamwork” nonsense. He throws up the labyrinth to try and separate everybody and pair off the Darknesses each to 1-2 Lights so that they clash, but the Darknesses are at a clear advantage. Unlike in the actual game, the labyrinth is crawling with Heartless to break up the tedium of the boss rush a bit. (I liked the idea of having to choose who to rescue first in the actual game, but it didn’t actually effect anything except which order you took the fights in.) While running through the Labyrinth you encounter different friends in different sections to help you fight off Heartless, and their boss fight is at the end of their section. That would give everyone just a bit more time to bond with each other. Maybe put in a few puzzles or something that make use of them creatively, like Ven and Aqua using wind and barriers to traverse their section of the Labyrinth. Just... everyone needs more time together. Some things about the fights and reunions would need to be changed, though. I wouldn’t be adverse to changing it up just slightly so that Lingering Will shows up as a guest for the Terranort + Vanitas fight, and it takes both Lingering Will and The Guardian to wrest Terra’s body back (instead of having Lingering Will only show up for Attempt 2 of the Terranort and Heartless Tornado Kill Everyone scene and then fuck off somewhere? Never seen again?) The Saix and Xion fight is also changed up. Roxas doesn’t just... appear from nowhere, and while this seems to be Xion... something’s off. It’s not really Xion, just a puppet made to look like her using data from the finale of 358/2 Days that had, miraculously, survived. This Xion is like the second Replica Riku (and can I just say thank GOD it’s not the “Riku from the past when he was controlled by Ansem” like they thought for the longest time because that was SILLY. Though I’m slightly disappointed that it wasn’t Data-Riku’s digital heart shoved into a Replica body like I’d theorized based on the trailers). This Replica gets purged, too, leaving two Replica bodies conveniently wearing Organization coats behind at the Keyblade Graveyard. We’ll get back to that
(Also, and this is just me, but I actually like how unrepentant Vanitas is. I think a lot of people forget that his sympathetic traits and background of abuse were novel-only things and the novel canon isn’t game canon in the same way that the Harry Potter movies aren’t book canon. Game!Vanitas has never been anything other than a completely unrepentant jackass, and Sora and Ven still gave him a chance to redeem himself. He just refused to take it, and I like that. It’s refreshing to have a character in KH not even try to justify their evil. He’s evil because he wants to be. It’s as simple as that.)
So, anyway, we have the labyrinth stuff. The team is worn down. NOW is where you place everyone dying. I don’t care if you keep it the same, or the Heartless Tornado is controlled by Ansem, or even just Ansem, Xemnas, and Young Nort pick everyone off because they’re all the same person, so of course their teamwork is stronger. You all weren’t good enough friends. You couldn’t have won, because none of you had fought together before, so your friendship was a detriment as you stumbled over each other and just assumed you’d be okay. Sora is left alone. And then he’s gone, too.
And here’s where you place the Final World. I think there was a big opportunity missed here. We get Namine separated from Kairi here. So here’s what I propose: remember all the talk throughout the game about the hearts within Sora’s melding with his, but they might be able to be saved if their memories and the parts of themselves were placed in the right boxes? Fffffffuckingggg... HAVE NAMINE AS A GUEST HERE and have it be just as much about putting Sora back together as it is separating the pieces of Roxas and Xion from him. Once you meet up with Namine’s star (or just have her have a physical form, too, since she’d be tethered to Kairi, too?) she helps out because now that Sora’s in pieces, it’s just a simple matter of sorting those pieces. Putting the scattered links in the chains of memories in different chains, back where they belong. Two hearts are released, now to find everyone else’s. Chirithy is still there, just give Nami some more time
(Also, add a colored tint to the stars or something that goes away after talking to them they were so hard to see)
Anyway. Dives. Lich. I don’t hate this section, I just think the Lich fights could’ve been a little more interesting? Also uhh... maybe have the characters hearts be found in worlds that actually, like... mean something to the character thematically? I guess Aqua in the Caribbean makes sense because water but it would make more sense to have her in Arendelle because ice is also water and she’s basically Ven’s big sis and there are quite a few parallels between the two relationships? The hell does Axel have to do with San Fransokyo? And since Terra would theoretically be there in the rewrite, we’ll need an extra world so place Axel in Twilight Town. Then I dunno. Donald in the Caribbean because he’s canonically a sailor. Ven in Corona because his isolation by Eraqus has parallels to Rapunzel only a bit less evil in intent. Terra in Olympus because that was the world he learned he could be a true hero and beat the darkness. Goofy in Monstropolis because out of all the characters he’s the funniest and they use laugh energy. Mickey in Toy Box because he’s the face of a major franchise and has so many toys based off of him you have no idea. That would place Riku in San Fransokyo where his Norted Replica counterpart was and also poetically make him and Kairi the last ones saved
SO EVERYONE’S ALIVE. We return to the land of the living. There’s no weird... like, time repeats or anything. The last four Norts are... kind of shocked! But also laughing it up because Sora just abused the Power of Waking to hell and back and they know what that means. Also, the lights are still at exactly the same disadvantage they were before they got revived. Or so they think until two bright lights emerge from the labyrinth behind them. That’s right, Roxas and Xion are here, having had their hearts freed from Sora’s in The Final World and taking the abandoned Replica bodies from the Labyrinth. Now we have the Sea-Salt reunion, sans the stuff with Isa because why the hell should Roxas and Xion just be sympathetic to Saix? Save that for a scene in the finale. Doesn’t even have to be spoken, just make it seem like Saix, Roxas, and Xion are trying to come to an understanding but still awkward around each other
After that I’m a little shakier, admittedly. I know you leave Ephemer’s appearance to summon the ancient Keyblades until the very end. I’d also have given him some line like “You remind me of an old friend” or something. Just... slight reference to Player
I have no idea how to work around the Kairi getting killed stuff and still get the ending Nomura wants! That’s the second scene I have a problem with. Sora doesn’t “need” motivation, he’s already prepped to bash the old man’s face in. I dunno... maybe opening Kingdom Hearts messes up Kairi’s light or something and that’s why she disappears? I dunno, there were better ways to do that if you HAD to kill Kairi, and better scenes if you didn’t, tbh
So in summary, I like the pieces of the ending, just not how they were put together. There was a lot of cool stuff in theory, it just wasn’t executed as well as it could’ve been for a more satisfying and emotional finale. The ending’s fine, and I honestly expected it to be a bit rushed considering how much they had to wrap up in this game, but I think it was a low point in what was otherwise a really fun and enjoyable finale to the story arc
I mean... I think that’s all I have to say about the ending, so here’s some assorted thoughts:
I think it was a missed opportunity to not have a Max Goof cameo at the end when the Disney trio is reunited with their loved ones and Goofy just stands there with Jiminy. Max wouldn’t even have been voiced. Just let him show up
I’m torn as to characters’ outfits in the Final Battle. On the one hand, I like how in the end all of the trios are wearing outfits that match the other members of their respective trios. On the other hand, I would’ve killed for EVERYONE to have had a new outfit with the black and plaid/gingham theme to show that they’re not just disjointed trios that happened to come together, but a big group of companions. Everyone is a Team, it’s not just a Team made of Everyone. They made excuses for Mickey’s shirt and Lingering Will’s cape. They could totally have done some “oh weird I guess getting brought back from the dead changed our clothes isn’t that convenient” thing
Why did they “break” Lea’s Keyblade only to have it be just fine when they needed to lock Kingdom Hearts? Why was that there?
I heard someone once say that KH3 was an “obligation.” And I can see where they’re coming from. While I loved the game overall and can feel the work and love put into it, between the sheer amount of sequel hooks and the rushed resolution, it does feel like Nomura just wanted to move on to the stuff he’d thought of in KHUx but had to wrap up the ongoing arc first. I’ve been spoiled on SOME of the Secret Reports, not all of them, but the Subject X stuff and Luxu’s true role with the box could’ve easily been put elsewhere. Maybe in a game in the next arc. That would’ve freed up some time in this game for a few more things, like giving Dark Aqua more screentime (she’s defeated in the same scene she’s introduced? Really?) and just in general spread the original plot stuff out more. As it is now, I feel the sequel hooks just distract from the current plot arc
I appreciate that they tried to give reasons for the Organization members to be in different worlds, but I don’t think it was executed that well. Yeah, we get explanations, like in some they’re performing more experiments on the heart and in others they’re searching for the New Lights, but they never do anything with what they accomplish in them. I was so sure they were going to do something with Data-Sora or Data-Riku because of the “digital heart” stuff in San Fransokyo, and NOTHING came of it. Here’s an idea: Data-Sora in Xion’s place among the Norts and Data-Riku in the Riku Replica’s place. Have Data-Sora look like Xion or act like her before the reveal. I dunno, just do SOMETHING with them. Have the Norts reference the Lights they found in the final battle or something. Just don’t drop them once the world is done
That being said, the worlds themselves were amazing, I really liked the original plots in Toy Box, Monstropolis, and San Fransokyo. The character interactions in Corona and Arendelle were delightful. I also loved the design for the Ice Labyrinth in Arendelle and Galaxy Toys in Toy Box. Would’ve loved to have seen more of the town in Corona but loved what we did get to see of it. The Caribbean was... alright, but did contain my favorite party member: a shambling pile of crabs that were gifted sapience by an ocean goddess so that Sora could free her, only for her to get freed by someone else offscreen
Funny enough I actually didn’t care much for The Caribbean and San Fransokyo, but for opposite reasons. The Caribbean was FAR too open for its own good (I am NOT an open-world person and bad at navigating, so the ship, while interesting in concept, was a nightmare) and San Fransokyo was too scripted (I felt like I was locked in Hiro’s garage). I didn’t hate them, but I also 100% completed every other world and decided that with those two, it just wasn’t worth doing before beating the game. I didn’t hate either of them, and my feelings may change when I go back for treasures and lucky emblems
I absolutely killed Davy Jones with the Pirate Ship attraction. Pass up the opportunity to summon a neon pirate ship on top of a hyper-realistic pirate ship during a climactic battle? Who do you think I am?
I love how Ephemer’s name in the journal is just “???” because that’s an accurate representation of Sora’s reaction. “Who is this guy? Why is he here? Huh???” But I know. I know who the best dandelion boy is. So typical of him to swoop in at the last minute to save you and then disappear to who knows where
I ADORE that the final battle is Sora, Donald, and Goofy together and that the final attack is Trinity Limit. Sora coming back on his own from no health just for Trinity Limit was AWESOME and such a perfect end to the series, gameplay-wise
And finally, I am a little sad that the one theory I had throughout the game was wrong. I’d thought that, since Young Xehanort and Eraqus are always shown in in Scala ad Caelum, that it wasn’t a flashback but simply their spirits playing a metaphorical chess game in the afterlife. Their dialogue after the final battle seems to indicate that that isn’t the case
Also, and this is just for me, but my final death count was 5
Once to the Tornado Titan due to having a poor grasp of Airstepping and NO grasp of Rage Form, killed myself thanks to spamming Riskcharge
TWICE to the electric arena trap in Verum Rex because I am SO BAD at shooters and ejected myself directly into the Death Pit twice
Once during the ship battle portion of the Zombie Kraken fight
Once during the Union X Keyblade summoning because I was too busy reading the list of names to notice the text on the screen that said “HEY IDIOT DODGE ATTACKS DON’T JUST SIT THERE WHAT ARE YOU DOING”
But for now, I think I’m out of stuff to say about KH3. I’m sure I’ll find more once I’ve processed everything, but for now...
now we’ve just got to wait for Sora to come home
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Unnerving Stillness
I’m not really sure what to say other than here is Part 7 of  ‘Retrograde Spell’ The back half of this just sort of happened...so yea...it’s excessively angsty and there are tons of triggers here i’m sure. For your own safety and reading experience please be advised of the following WARNING: Gore -Graphic Content in the form of Violence, Serious bodily harm occurs below, elements of horror included, a handful of characters have more than a rough time. I am placing this under the cut (except probably not because tumblr never listens to me) Feel free to check out the Master List for my other things here. The rest of this series can be searched under the tag ‘Retrograde Spell Series’. For those who continue I hope you enjoy :)
Admin T~
Tagging @little-mini-me-world
You arrived at the field set as the meeting point the exact same moment your sister did. Kanna jumped off her horse and the two of you tied the reins to your tachi then secured it deep into the earth.
“You’re certain Sasuke knows how to activate this barrier?”
“I have no doubt. I trust him like I trust you.”
“That’s all I needed to know.”
“Awfully careful when it comes to these boys aren’t we sis?”
“What of it.” You knew she was trying to ruffle your feathers, make the mood more casual before it got potentially deadly.
“Nothing.” A soft smile “let me see your stomach.”
“It’s no big deal” lifting your shirt high enough so Kanna could take a look “You’re right.” Her fist connected with your side, knocking the wind out of you.
“What the hell was that for?” you screeched, doubling over.
“For making me worry. Now, what way do you want to go? East or West?”
You had gone off to the west and were waiting, hoping the sky didn’t open up. You and Kanna had synced watches and had a general idea of when everyone should be arriving, which was anytime now, hopefully. Now you just needed to kill time, hopefully this was all for nothing.
You were squatting low, plucking at the single blades of grass when the air grew thick with the smell of electricity. A portal would open. Damn. That’s bad, very bad. Drawing your blade as space time ripped a hole in the sky you took off into the newly developing fray.
You were swinging like mad...because you were mad. There was a spy, someone was using you to fulfill their own needs and that sat terribly with you, lodging itself deep in your stomach. You didn’t stop, blowing through your opponents one by one as you got closer and closer to the group. The outline of the barrier could be seen peeking over the hillside and your body was buzzing, Kanna was close. Increasing your speed and the strength of your swing you pushed forward.
The two of you made eye contact and after two steps broke into a sprint towards the barrier, where a particularly large creature was trying to chip away at the protective bubble surrounding your friends. There was no hesitation, gripping your hilt you swung forward pushing all of your weight and momentum into the swing meeting with Kanna. Your blades crossed in dramatic fashion gliding effortlessly past the other as you halved the creature. Bursting into a fit of smoke, while always intriguing you didn’t have time to stand around and look. Spinning so you were back to back, you continued on.
The fight only last a few minutes once you joined with Kanna. You knew by the quick glance you had taken of the warlords that you looked as lethal as you felt. There were no words, a silent dance, one you and your sister had memorized to the height of its efficiency.  The last enemy met your sword, disappearing in a violent eruption of smoke. This was a problem, a very big problem.
We rode back to Azuchi in tense silence, it was clear this was a serious situation. They looked ever the leaders they had claimed to be, sitting proudly atop their steeds clad in dark armor. The atmosphere was unsettling, mild uncomfortableness creeping in, their mannerisms so far removed from the daily personality we, moreover I, had gotten to know at the castle. Not that I minded. (YN) lead our caravan back towards Azuchi, while her sister took the rear, sure that with all of the attacks as of late it was mostly precautionary, until Kanna bellowed.
“Your seven!”
In an instant, (YN) pivoted her horse positioning herself directly between an assailant and Nobunaga. Sparks flew from the clash of steel, the blow was powerful enough to knock her back out of her saddle, in the moment it took to reset it’s swing, Kanna rushed the creature knocking it’s head clear off it’s shoulders. I hurried over out of concern and was stopped by a sharp look, and a motion I recognized quite well, though usually it came from Hideyoshi, telling me to pause take stock of the situation. I looked up.
Our company had been surrounded by a handful of hoodlums. When had that happened, looking towards the sky I could make out the faintest of purple vortexes closing. This was an ambush. The twins circled us, tightening our ranks, fighting off what they could until (YN) threw up another barrier and took off running in the direction of a  now opened orange and black portal in the sky. Four steps and she was gone, jumping up dissolving into the sky. As if trading places, Yuuto was dumped out in her stead. Clothes a mess, blood running down his arms and face, panic etched in his features.
Breaking into the bubble he pulled his sister with him.
“We were ambushed…(YN) responded to a mayday call. I don’t-” he swallowed hard “I don’t know if everyone’s going to make it.” He shared a look with his sister before planting himself in the grass and in a motion that looked similar to throwing, he moved a screen into view on the barrier wall. 
“It’s a live feed, I use it to monitor all of our officers while they fight. I’m not there but I should be able to tell how it’s going based off of everyone’s vitals.” He explained, finishing by pointing out his Aunt Yui and Aoi, His father Haruto, and (YN) on the different screens, helping us differentiate them from the first through  fourth units. Adjusting the controls on his wrist voices could now be heard crystal clear within the bubble.
The distinct sound of battle echoed off the malleable walls of the barrier, you could hear shouts ringing out from each of the officers, all commands to update positions and re-work the battle formations. I closed my eyes, attempting to envision their positions based on the descriptions alone, trying to calm my mind, wishing I wasn’t just a bystander in all of this. Calculation after calculation to help perceive (YN)’s position, it all seemed alright and they sounded like they had made strides when a sharp cry rang out.
“HARUTO” “DAD” an unknown female and (YN) screamed simultaneously.
There was audible turmoil and his screen flashed, the lines jumping rapidly before it flat-lined and went black. Next to Yukimura, Kanna whimpered as Yuuto gripped the edge of his shirt harder. As his knuckles turned white another shrill cry ripped through the bubble as Aoi’s monitor shuddered and went black. Tears were now visible, welling in Kanna’s eyes, as Yukimura gripped her hard around the waist trying to offer some semblance of comfort. There was a grunt in a familiar voice...and breathing became haggard. My heart rate picked up matching the monitor on (YN). As it seemed to be losing control the familiar orange glow lit up the sky and a several bodies tumbled out of the sky, landing hard in the grass. Shutting with a powerful gust of wind that ravaged the treeline in the immediate area as all the monitors on the screen went black, all but Yui’s and the third and fourth regiments.
Kanna grew visibly more distressed by the minute as more and more screen blinked out into oblivion. She jerked in my arms as the bodies tumbled from the sky and a wail ripped through her chest, collapsing against me as everything went black but the screen for Yui. No...that couldn’t be good, I know Yuuto said people wouldn’t make it, it was par for the course when it came to war...but could they have been completely obliterated like that? (YN) had just been standing here minutes ago, participating in one of the most lethal of dances I had ever seen. Would they have succeeded if Kanna had gone or would she have succumbed to the same fate?
“Yuuto…” her voice quivered “someone has to go get them”
He gave a half-hearten nod, but something didn’t feel right. Everyone was on edge, and as he made to break through to collect his Aunt and fellow soldiers, Mitsunari stopped him.
“I wouldn’t.” bewilderment swirled about the enclosed space as he looked right at Kanna, the pain of potential loss clear in his eyes.
“Something isn’t adding up. I ran countless scenarios and only one resulted in the loss of (YN). All of which meant the demise of all others in the area, that includes Yui and your ranking officers.”
“Mitsunari, man, I know it hurts, and you’re scenarios are good in theory but in practice life is way more messy. You have no idea what went wrong up there. We can’t just let them lay half mangled in the field surrounded by enemies.” Masamune made a valid point
“No. he’s right.” red streaks prominent on Kanna’s face. Pain shot through my chest as I looked at her. “Something doesn’t fit. Why would everyone else go black at the same time, and why haven’t they started attacking? Also, (YN)’s barrier is still up. There’s no way that would be possible if she was dead right?” she looked at Yuuto for clarification “Right?”
“She put this up?” His eyes widened “Mitsunari. You may be on to something.”
“I think if we plan to go get them, we should be cautious. Did you ever figure out who the spy was?”
“I had it narrowed down...but all signs are pointing in one direction and that..doesn’t look good.” Gesturing to the members of the third and fourth regimen standing backs towards one another, circling Yui menacingly while keeping an eye on the growing army of QA soldiers.
That’s right, there was a spy wasn’t there. It’s why this entire meeting had happened like this in the first place. Giving Kanna a quick peck on the cheek, tasting the salt from her tears, she leaned into me before stepping forward towards Yuuto.
“I’ve got a plan.”
You never got calls to your personal line. Ever. But in the moment the monster had been beheaded you received two, one from your Aunt Yui requesting back up and another from your Aunt Aoi pleading with you to keep you and your sister away. Something was wrong, you knew it was impulsive, but Yui had always been the planner, assuming your aunt’s pride as you mentor was getting in the way you sprinted off to respond to the may-day call. As it stood Yui’s order came first, and she had more authority over you than Aoi as the armies tactician. 
The familiar rush of traveling through time hit you and you were spit out to your home on fire, every person embroiled in battle with the Q.A. Oh gods. Mizuko came running up to you, a wild rush of blonde hair and green eyes.
“What are you doing here? Aoi-sama explicitly stated she didn’t want you to come.”
You felt a chill run down your spine as you broke out into a nervous sweat, “Yui-sama called me, her orders for a may-day override Aoi’s”
“What?” her eye’s went as wide as saucers as she parried a blow from an encroaching QA soldier. Lifting her wrist to her mouth she spoke “Aoi-sama, it would appear that Yui is the traitor.”
You blood ran like ice in your veins. There was no way, but logically it made sense, she had known all your plans, every position, exactly how many soldiers you had at your disposal and where they were being sent. The only real question that remained unansered was why? Why had she done it?
“(YN) is here, she got a private mayday from Yui, after your call went out.” a pause “I understand” turning to me as she lowered her arm, eyes burning like the fire raging behind us. “Aoi has given you command of the second regiment as well. Yoshiyuki is headed our way. We randevu with the rest of the team to circle back and hold the line.”
You met up off in the forest just beyond the citadel walls, everyone gathered up. At your disposal you had four archers Hisame and Mari from the first regiment who would pair up with Koharu and Yumi from the second to give ground coverage from different vantage points throughout the citadel. Always making sure Aoi, Haruto, and yourself were in someone's sight. Four tachi, Tsubaki and Shiro from the first and Ohta and Tora from the second would be heading off with the Naginata wielders Hinata and Tatsuya; the first regiment going north and the second going west to hold the line. Mizuko your general and Yoshiyuki the leader of the second division would be coming with you entering through the middle of the fight to subdue Yui and the QA.
If you weren’t sure Yui was the traitor you were now. She stood on the crushed monument to the previous clan leaders, shouting orders to the QA, as she rushed forward. In the blink of an eye she had a sword through the stomach of your father. You couldn’t control it, your scream ricocheted off the tattered building in front of you. She smirked, as he fell from her blade with a sickening thud. Aoi looked up, eyes pleading with you as she engaged her own sister. You advanced in a blind white rage the only things holding you to reality was the swift metallic clang of Mizuko’s blade in tandem with your own and Yosiyuki’s revolver firing off at the enemy between deep swings of his uchigatana.
Everything was a cluster of noise and chaos, people were everywhere, fighting, running, hiding, the citadel was aflame, and now both your father and your Aunt Aoi were mortally wounded, lying side by side near the port crystal at your aunt Yui’s feet. You knew, instinctively, your father had passed already, the one sparring thing your traitorous aunt had done was grant him a swift passing, but Aoi lay in the dirt and blood groaning and gasping for air.
“Yoshiyuki, cover Aoi. Mizuko go find Ryoko and bring her here…I’ll take care of Yui.”
“That’s an order” and they were off.
There were no words to be had, you collected your thoughts, centering yourself. No battle could be won off adrenaline alone, and you knew that. She smirked as she turned from her sister “I’m so glad you could make it to the party dearest niece. Shall I send you off the same way I did your loving father and teacher?”
Be calm. Stay calm. She was trying to goad you, she had a sharp tongue, and every mock battle with your sister had prepared you for something like this. You ignored her, as you both danced a dangerous dance. Sparks flying where steel met, you had to be guarded, pace this out, otherwise she could, and would take you. You were wearing her down, making headway, or so you thought, as if struck by lightning a searing heat ripped through your left arm. You followed her blade with your eyes noticing that it had pierced clean through your shoulder, she changed her grip and striking true once more pulled up cleaving your arm from its socket. You took two more swings, filled with the rest of your will, landing a glancing blow across her face, nothing deadly, but it would scar, a permanent reminder of what she had done today. The world around you tunneled, you heard a menacing laugh, and several shouts, many of which were your name. Your weight shifted and you fell to the ground, landing hard in the dirt just beyond your already fallen family members.
The ringing was getting louder and the deep black abyss you had been slowly growing comfortable with began to glow white. As it did you felt your sides prickle and you found yourself nauseous as you were rolled over, now looking at Mizuko and Yoshiyuki, no longer able to make out what they were saying. They looked worried. I wished the didn’t, I wanted to tell them that I felt wonderful. That there wasn’t anymore pain, that it was going to be okay. As I felt myself slipping I thought of my brother and sister stuck completely unaware of what had just transpired and I thought of Mitsunari, his sweet smile, his clumsy nature, his warmth - oh how I wanted to feel that warmth. My eyes burned as they closed. I’m sorry. Everyone I’m so sorry.
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juun-the-aira-mun · 7 years
600 Follower Giveaway and Follower Forever!
Listen up, everyone!
It has been three long, long years since I started my journey on tumblr and I have gone an incredible way from the beginning. When I started I didn’t expect to even get a doozen followers and now look at where the blog has come to (even though it is still as deserted as back then most of the time).
SO now I want to say “Thank you, everyone.” Some people have helped me outside of this blog, in a certain sense in reallife, others have given me a lot of fun with the roleplays I have. There are a lot of followers I really owe a lot to in one way or another. And while I can’t say thank you to everyone, I can still direct certain people further below.
To that I am going to make a Giveaway that is directed at OCs in the community moreover than the people who play canon characters. While this sounds harsh on said people, I want to give OCs a bit of love or try to at least. I know how hard the community can be on them and how little some of them get no matter what so I think this gievaway will be justified. More about this will be posted relatively soon, hopefully during this very week even.
So, now to the specific thanks that I will direct at people around. Some might be a bit surprising as the people might never have interacted with me, others will very well be no surprise at all. I just will tag everyone I think I should make a note on! And while I usually see these things swamped with tags at all followers, I think I will pass on that for now!
@thecatofdarkness Hey sis :3 I mean, really, my shipping partner, my sister in soul or mind or whatever you want to call it, the one I often have to say “Donchu dare” to in all sorts of variations. If I were to not put you here first, I think I should be leaving this blog right now. I am allways happy with whatever you do for our muses, for me and whatever you message me with to tell me. I adore Ren and our conversations and am more than happy that a thread of a cheeky teasing cat evolved in a more than complicated and incredible detailed relationship. You listen to me rambling and groaning and are there when I need someone to talk to. Really, I can’t thank you enough. So thank you. Just thank you for being there.
@shukuchiisms Tales of Ice, flametales, do you remember these names? And how luna was a Skyrim muse way back? Or a fluffball that you would cuddle before the blog reset that turned her into a bloodsoaked monster that now has to deal with a Shadowlady that annoys the heck out of her and at the same time makes her melt? Holy hell, we never really got to any roleplays. All of our msues history is entirely set up in IM alone and yet it all makes sense. I love your character, I love talking to you and I allways grumble that we barely talk with each other anymore. I really, REALLY hope you come back to your bloga s an active member of the community and as the goofey idiot you sometimes are that gets bitten by his muse who definitly did not try to kill you with that. Thank you for sticking around with me.
You two were the ones who kept me in the blog. If you hadn’t been there, I would probably have abandoned the blog for real 2 years ago. Thank you. A round of applaus.
@crystals-angel Hello owo Remember me .3.? Yes, we barely talk. Yes, we had both our differences and our nice conversations. And yes, we basically talk apart from each other a good 40% of the time. But you are still a person I am happy to not have missed back when I found your blog. It is already so clouded as to how that happened that I am almost sure that it was just a random blog recommondation that caught my eye but what came of it is still incredible valuable for me. I was sad when you ahd deleted your blog back then and I was happy when I found you on skype and you reopened your blog. Your muses are diverse, Fawniss is a total goof that can sometimes just be described as adorable and at other times is just badass. I am happy for our interactions. And I really hope that we can talk more and interact more in the future.
@thecelestialchibi1 Muhahaha, I bet you weren’t even expecting me to tag you here :3c Or maybe you were. Knowing you, you weren’t and since you don’t roleplay anymore or use tumblr it wouldn’t really surprise me xD But you are still here. You are one of these people who I could just take and shake for half a minute while giving you a lecture about why you are awesome and you shouldn’t hate yourself or dislike yourself or ... whatever there is else you could think about yourself that is negative. You are an awesome person and I hope to see you again around in the future. For now there will be more patting and pouting in Discord though!
@castdeath Well, this one is actually surprising. I feel like we parted in a more negative way than I would like, but I am convinced that we can work through that ... somehow. I hope we can set these differences aside. We only did one single play so far but that one was very much important to me. I don’t get to play Aira in her AU that much. And I only that oen time got the chance to actually play her out the way she is. I hope we can return to being friends. I really do. (I also hope you are fine by now. Fucking storm sucking out all joy of the stuff we had going just from the time it forced you away).
@properbalance Boop :3 While the origin between us will remain a mystery, I have come to like you and come to like talking to you a lot. You are very hard to get a hold of though, one day ypou will be there, the next you will be gone for half a year to never be seen again. Just to pop up out of nowhere. I hope we will find the ways to do things in the future. But for now I will gladly focus on the idioticiy that we are doing anyways and will look forward to whatever idioticy we can brew up from thing air from now on xD
@staardusts You are probably the one who just jumped onto this list the most recent. You are the only Soraka-mun who ever had taken the time to show interest in my muse, the only one who bothered enough to actually think would could go on. And to add to that you are so incredibly nice as a person that I simply love talking to you in private. I hope things brighten up for you and I hope that we can continue and build up something special!
@littledesertsparrow I mean ... you and your muse are both adorable in their own ways. So far I had nothing but fun talking with you. Well, disregarding the one thing with my clinginess. Sorry for that once more, I am trying my best to change it currently. Your Taliyah is very unique and I think you play her in a one time way that noone else would be able to achieve. Even though I still don’t know how you managed to start shipping Darius and Taliyah. Then again, I managed shipping Elise and Quinn >.> Don’t ask how. I really, really hope we can make some things happen in the future between our muses and maybe between each other as a person as so far I just had a blast talking to you and sending things in for you to answer. And yes, I know this wording is weird. I am not good at social interactions :3
@rinidinger We abrely ever talked BUT you are one of the reasons I even started this entire blog xD I still have the old things I tried to make for an Ingame Model for Rin somewhere on my PC. Even though we did indeed never interact and there were only a handful of conevrsation, it is very easy for me tos ay thank you for your character and what you did for the community. You and two other blogs alone inspired me to start roleplaying here. And I made lots of friends due to that!
@asknasus-thecuratorofthesands Youuuu are probably dead. I think. I am not sure. But your blog is dead for sure. Thank you for the memories and the time our muses shared. They have helped develop my muse a lot and I am more than grateful for you to accept me just jumping in your inbox as if our muses knew each other and just going with it unlike other people who I did it back then with long before IM were even a thing and plotting was new to me. You helped my character to develop and it pulled it through the earliest stages of the blogs development. Thank you, kind sir. You helped me a lot.
@lillium-the-scout I ... think I should put you in this list as well. I have no clue what happened back then. I don’t know what the entire drama was that you were involved witha nd I honestly care little for it. I am not even sure that the mun I am tagging here is the same mun who played with Aira back in the early months’ of the blog. But for the chance that it was, disregarding every rumour and every bad reputation: Thank you for back then. You were one of the first roleplay partners I had. Even though in hindsight the entire starting ship was a terrible idea. I stilll want to thank you for the experience.
@askspiderqueen  I have to thank you for the single interaction we had with our muses. It might not make a lot of sense but it showed me a lot of things about hwo I paly my character and what she does. I really, REALLY want to interact and talk to you more, but I fear our muses just won’t work out. Elise being pissed and Aira having no real reason to ever visit the Spiderqueen. maybe I will find a way in the future. For now I thank you.A nd silently hope you might eba ctive again. Because your character is a lot of fun to read.
@noxian-rose We literally never roleplayed and we barely talked because I am shy as hell and SCARED like hell to approach you. But your character is amazing in the way you play her. I have been watchng your rolepalys in the past with excitement and am allways happy to see you on my dash. It pulled me back into roleplaying a while back. Thank you for that. Maybe things will come by in the future.
@shorthammertime And at last the mun I literally allways feel like I upset them when they suddenly stop to reply. I think of all the people on this list, you made me laugh most. Your muses are incredible, your love for them is noticeable and you yourself are just a fun person to talk with. I still hope that we might roleplay someday with each other. When I can’t tell. But I can at least hope.
Honorable mentions: These are a few people that I wanted to mention because they give me life in their roleplays or because I roleplayed or roleplay with them. Because I enjoyed our conversations or anything otherwise similar. Thank all of you for what you have given me. I will cherish it. Promise.
@ladyem-s-grimoire @verum-exsolutus @lustful-heavens @sexydeceiver @the-demacian-pariah @grabthelantern @maiden-soraka @the-everchild @ask-xayah-therebel @seliniakocharitos @sacredtempest
Thank all of you so much. Let’s hope that the future stays bright.
16 notes · View notes
yakumtsaki · 7 years
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CHILLIN LIKE A VILLAIN. Pleased with yourself, are you, Becky with the good hair?
-Oh quite, though I’d be more pleased if my damn arm would unglitch.
HA looks like it got stuck while you were putting your filthy hands on Wyatt. God’s punishment is swift. Know what else is gonna be swift? YOUR DEATH. Get him, Waylon Fairchild Dementia Raven Way!
-Ugh, no way, I’m exhausted, everyone is in love with me and I just want to be with Draco, ok? Why couldn’t Satan make me less beautiful? IT’S A CURSE
Waylon sis truly don’t even talk to me about curses and Satan right now, this entire lot is cursed and crawling with evil spirits and beelzebubian energies. Ever since we moved here my life has never known peace. Next thing you know snakes are gonna start manifesting in this house physically.
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-No way bitch, time to suffer. Look at it and weep, look at it with your own two eyes!
First of all I’ve been weeping since yesterday so joke’s on you. Secondly I still can’t believe you did this to me after I generously gave you this whole debonair look YOU’RE THE WORST
-La la la can’t hear you over the sound of your plans crumbling all around me!!
I’m seriously gonna murder you a thousand times. Wyatt what about you, you dumbass bimbo? What do you have to say for yourself?
-Not beaucoup, I honestly don’t know why I’m doing this, it makes absolument no sense! Huhu! 
I hate you both so fucking much I might actually vomit.
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Ugh my poor Jojo </3 I’m so sorry that your love life has turned into a giant pile of crap.
-Please, who cares.. Definitely not me!
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Yeah well that much is obvious! Are you sure you’re alright tho? Because you look, you know. worryingly expressionless and in denial.
-Oh no, I’m just focusing on my new proposal,“Project MKUltra: The Comeback”. It’ll be a cold day in hell before I have to deal with adulterous whores again!
Good, good, pour yourself into your art. Speaking of, maybe it’s also time to pour yourself a refreshing drink?
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Attaboy, milk that cowplant, Jojo!
-Hmm this process feels oddly sexual..
Yea, I can tell by your massive erection, jesus, I mean even for you-
-Ew no what the hell? That’s just because Ti-Ning is dead!
Oh ok, that’s fine then!
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Hard to believe anything can course through your veins with all that ice in there but alright. Now we just have to wait..
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..for the cowplant to get hungry again. I literally can’t with Daniel and Gunther constantly picking fights with Jojo’s former suitors, especially since Jojo doesn’t seem to give enough of a fuck to fight them himself. We are family, I got all my sisters with me!
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Ugh I keep forgetting Daniel has 9 nice points, what a crybaby. How you gonna fight capitalism when you can’t even fight Wyatt?? MAN UP DAN
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Nice, there we go! I’m truly living for Brit’s utter lack of interest in fights happening next to her. Her aspiration bar is about to hit the crapper bc I’m even worse at playing popularity sims than I am at getting couples not to whore around, so the time has come..
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TO PARTY HARD, TOGA STYLE. I really threw this party thinking it would be a success and save Brit from aspiration failure, so obviously the time has come to acknowledge that I’m even stupider than Wyatt. Things get off to a good enough start with the profs tickling each other, which everyone knows is the mark of a wild college party!
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Ti-Ning, gone but never forgotten.
-Hey Brit, want some Ti-Ning to wash down that pizza? 
-Please stop addressing me.
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-That’s right, address moi instead! 
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..........................................................................all I can say is LMAO
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Wyatt, sweetie, full offense, exactly how dumb are you?
-What? I wanna marry Jojό! <3
Ok. Do you have any recollection of breaking his “heart” 2 hours ago, setting him on the path of a complete nervous breakdown?
-Oh, that was just a bump on la route, don’t be so dramatique!
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-Does it count as a win if the only thing you put in the hole.. are your tears?
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Meanwhile and to the surprise of no one, Gunther is being sexually harassed by a professor, namely Down-With-The-Kids-Pink-Beanie.
-Sooo Gunther, half-alien professor told me all about you, you little ginger minx.. What do you say you and I adjourn somewhere private and I see if the carpet matches the drapes..
-EW forget it, lady, you’re not even in the art department and I only have one rule: no whoring without extra scoring.
Um what about the rule of monogamous dating which you are currently doing with Mel?
-RIGHT that too!
Once again...god.
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The one person having a great time at this party is Kevin Beare, who eats half a pizza by himself..
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..and then moves on to chips. He legit came here for the free food and didn’t talk to anyone the entire time, which is what I do at every party except with drinks. Live your truth, Kev!
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Look who’s back from class and still glitched lolol
-Can you please reset me already, I had to take an exam like this!!!
Pfff grades??? There are so many more important things in life, Fran. Live a little, join the celebration.. party like there’s no tomorrow. CAUSE THERE ISN’T
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I’ve no idea what happened here but Tiffany is non-stop bullying this 2006-Oliver-Sykes haired professor. Judging from Pink Beanie and sims professors in general it’s safe to say he deserves it. GET HIM TIFF 
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-Why doesn’t anyone want to fuck me, Frank? What am I doing wrong? Has Woody Allen been lying to us about hot young women being uncontrollably attracted to neurotic, misogynist, mediocre intellectuals over 60?
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Oh great, I thought this party was gonna end as a dud but I see we’re going for full-on disaster.
-I’ve just about had enough of you and your passé casquette, communiste! 
-My casquette is not passé, it’s classic!
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-Aw come on, please? For mommy?
-You should use that line on Jojo where it might actually work!
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Enemies, these bitches my enemies, not on my level so they just pretend to be, yes, why do you envy me? Cause I am the MVP, these bitches my enemies ♪
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Yea, seems about right. Whatever though, cause after the party..
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Goodbye Francis, it’s been nice, hope you find your paradise!
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It’s a beautiful morning and our llama friend is back to spread some school pride and presumably some bodily fluids. We almost went an entire day without seeing him but here he is again!  GET OUT OF MELODY’S SHOWER YOU FUCKING CREEP
Yea don’t worry that day is permanently coming as soon as we milk Frances out of the cowplant. Honestly this fucking llama is the last straw, the time has come for me to take back control of this house..
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..starting with getting sweet, dumb Wyatt back with Jojo! I really think the Frances thing was a fluke, I mean W wasn’t in a committed relationship with Jo, he didn’t initiate it and he rolled the want to get engaged to him for the second time after it. So the whole thing = Fran’s + ACR’s fault!!!1 Also and more importantly we have literally 0 other viable options and college is almost done so it’s time for Jojo to put Lemonade on repeat and get over it.
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Let’s bring out the big guns!
-Mom! it’s so good to hear your insufferably domineering voice. Did you get my latest murder pics?
-Ha! Yes they are great, thank you mom. Soon I’ll add the french courtesan to my album. Now tell me, in as much detail as possible, how proud of me you are!
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-I don’t know how Wyatt is doing, he’s the french courtesan, I’m going to kill him! Are you even listening to me?
-What do you mean it’s probably my fault? Can you divorce dad already, his influence on your brain has been catastrophic.
-Love is a battlefield? Mom seriously. Divorce. Now.
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-Ugh yes, I could imprison him in a gigantic safe for a few days instead of killing him, but what on earth would that achieve?
-Well I don’t care about having a husband! Worst case scenario, I’ll just marry Max!
-Yes, Max does look like dad. Yes, he is as dumb as him. YES, MOM, I KNOW. HONESTLY YOU’RE ONE TO TALK 
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-Well, I have to go now, but you’ve certainly given me a lot to think about. And by that I mean which care home to put you in cause you’ve obviously lost it. Goodbye, mother.
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As soon as Jojo hangs up the phone Melody runs over to autonomously lecture him. Nice move, Mel, let’s peer pressure him till he caves!
-Jojo this is an intervention but please don’t mistake it as me actually caring about you. Your bullshit harem drama has taken over the entire greek house storyline and enough is enough, we demand equal airtime. Just forgive Wyatt already, he’s too hot for you and you were literally dating 2 other dudes at the same time and you also treated him like shit and you are the worst and Gunther is the best and he’s gonna beat you for heir. Melody out.
Yes, powerful stuff, thank you, Mel. Now Wyatt, let’s apologize!
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-I’m so sorry I kissed Frances, Jojό, I don’t know what I was thinking </3
That’s a great start Wyatt, now let’s try it facing the right way!
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-I’m so sorry I kissed Frances, Jojό, I don’t know what I was thinking </3 Also I’m totally planning our wedding in my head you right now.
Ok, smaller steps, let’s get him to not hate you first!
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If there’s one thing I hate about ts2 it’s how ridiculously hard it is to be forgiven for cheating, shit is unreal. Wyatt has been apologizing for about 3 years now and Jojo is still furious jfc, it’s legit easier to get forgiven for cheating irl than it is in this game.
-For the thousandth time, I’m so so sorry Jojό, honestly in the dark of the nuit at first I thought Frances was you and then it was too late!
-Yes, it was also broad daylight.
-Well you know I have bad eyesight, mon cheri :(
Wyatt seriously, we’ve reached the point where you’re throwing junk out there, so let’s take a break.. 
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..from this fucking house! It’s date time! Time for dinner and public woohoo in that vegan restaurant downtown, cause I’ve ignored Gunther so hard his aspiration is currently scarlet red. Mel is doing great though, like all knowledge sims in uni, she’s legit never not-platinum. The adorable couple make themselves right at home, by doing literally what they do at home 20h a day. NOT WHAT WE CAME HERE FOR GET UP
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-Maybe if we act like children they’ll think we’re under 12 and we’ll get a discount!
-We’re so in sync, babe, I brought my monster trucks with me for this very eventuality!
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-Here, let me blow you a kiss, babe. A prelude of tonight’s blowing. 
-Honestly, every time you talk, I just see the eggplant emoji <3
I didn’t vomit from Wyatt/Frances but this date might actually do the trick!
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-Do you think the waiter is mad that we insisted on lobster in a vegan restaurant and he had to go fishing for it?
-Whatever, babe, we deserve it. 
-We really do. I ship us.
-I ship us too <3
Good because I don’t anymore.
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Yaas, aspiration problems taken care of! Mel’s shy ass hilariously had a fear of having her photo taken, but public fornication she has no issue with.
-Having your photo taken is unnatural! I’m just using the photo booth as god intended. 
Ofc, on the 6th day, god created the photobooth for people to publicly fuck in.
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-Wow Mel, my reflection in your sunglasses is so beautiful.
-So is mine in yours, babe.
-I almost wish we could look into each other’s eyes but then it’d ruin our whole look. You know what, screw it..
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-..I was gonna wait till we graduated it and were more mature and crap like that, but whatever, babe, when it’s right, you know. Will you marry me, Melody Tinker, despite the certainty that one or more of our kids will get the Komei nose?
-Oh my god, Gunther! I literally thought you’d never ask, because, let’s be real, you’re a gigantic slut.
-These days are gone, babe, I’m a changed man!
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-This ring has been in my family for half a generation, ever since my mom stole it from Florence Delarosa who was obviously never gonna need it.
-Oh it’s beautiful and the fact it’s stolen makes it even more precious!
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It’s morphin time! Let’s pretend the red around Gunther’s memory signifies passion and not a crippling fear of commitment. Congrats you gross, crazy kids!
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It’s also morphine time, cause damn are we broke as shit. In hindsight perhaps we shouldn’t have gotten the lobster.
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We return home, where I’m trying to fulfill Jojo’s longstanding wish to see Ti-Ning’s ghost but apparently Ti-Ning is an even bigger asshole dead than he was alive. Bitch seems to be deliberately refusing to scare Jojo, I mean we’ve been standing around playing ghostbusters for like 4 hours now and it’s just not happening-
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-but some scary shit IS happening inside. WHAT FRESH HELL IS THIS.
-What!? We’re just talking about our mutual interest in entertainment.
Brit seriously, don’t make me kill you cause I’ll do it, I’m kinda on a roll here and completely exhausted from this fuckery.
-Gawd, fine, I’m gonna go to sleep.
GO TO A DIFFERENT BED. I’ve noticed a sudden and disturbing reappearance of slutty wants in Gunther’s panel immediately after the engagement, which I’m guessing is some kind of regression back to his usual pattern, like he’s rolling wants to woohoo 10 sims and makeout with another 20 and idek. It’s extremely pissing me off and it’s also extremely not happening.
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-We’re just friends!!! Paranoid much?
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Look here, THIS is the distance I wanna see between you two. It’s also NOT the distance I wanna see between Wyatt and Jojo, man this apology shit is taking fucking forever UGGGH
-Jojό, are you still mad at me?
-What do you think?
-Guess again.
-Oh Jojό, I know you hate me but I’m gonna keep apologizing for the rest of ma vie, cause I really have nothing better to do. And also because je t’aime, Jojό.  Why can't I free your doubtful mind and melt your cold cold cœur?
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39 notes · View notes
specificallyeol · 7 years
k d r a m a  r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s
If you’re new to the Korean Drama world or you just want to watch more kdramas, here is a list for you!
[Disclaimer: These are not the only Kdrama choses you can watch. There are a lot of Kdramas out there depending on your suitable taste. This is just a guide]
Kill Me Heal Me
A story between a boy with Dissociative Identity Disorder or Multiple Personality Disorder and a girl who is a psychiatrist. As expected to a good kdrama, there are a lot of plot twists, revelations and such so be ready for that.
Jisung, who played the role of Cha Do Hyun, really did a great job portraying his character especially because he has 7 personalities.
Main Casts:
Ji Sung [지성] as Cha Do Hyun
Hwang Jung Eum [황정음] as Oh Ri JIn
Park Seo Joon [박서준] as Oh Ri On
If I were to give only one kdrama recommendation, this is the drama that I will recommend. This is good for people who doesn’t know about kdrama but wants to watch but they don’t know what to watch first. Tip: Don’t read anything about this drama in Wikipedia if you don’t want any spoilers.
Personal opinion about the drama:
This drama is just so good, what can I say more. I love love love this drama so much. It’s such a rollercoaster ride when I watched it. It might be very confusing at first (but seriously all kdramas are like that), but you’ll love it. Rate: 10/10
It isn’t a Kdrama without OST:
Most favorite OST: Auditory Hallucination by Jang Jae In feat. NaShow
A story about a goblin and protector of souls who is in search for his bride that will end his long life and a high school student that has a painful past. This drama will make your mind go everywhere with all the scenes and events. This drama has a lot of breathtaking cinematographies and poetic lines.
Main Casts:
Gong Yoo [공유] as Kim Shin
Kim Go Eun [김고은] as Ji Eun Tak
Lee Dong Wook [이동욱] as Grim Reaper
Yoo In Na [유인나] as Sunny
Yook Sungjae [육성재] as Yoo Deok Hwa
If you can watch heavy dramas then you’ll be okay (i think) to watch this.
Personal opinion about the drama:
I love this kdrama so much especially because it is an hour and a half long, you’ll see yourself too attached to the characters even if they not the main ones. I cried so much, laughed so much, it’s such a mixed emotions while watching this drama. But to be honest, it’s so confusing for my brain to handle with all those scenes and such.
Rate: 9.5/10
Most favorite OSTs from this drama:
Stay With Me by Chanyeol and Punch
Round and Round by Heize and Han Soo JI
Descendants of the Sun
A Story about a captain of a South Korean Special Forces unit and a doctor. Their love story is so confusing because you’ll never know why, when and how they got angry at each other and then make up together and then they had a quarrel again. Their love story might be confusing but their story is very interesting. Also the story between Seo Dae Young and Yoon Myung Ju and very interesting too.
Main Casts:
Song Joong Ki [송중기] as Yoo Si Jin
Song Hye Kyo [송혜교] as Kang Mo Yeon
Jin Goo [진구] as Seo Dae Young
Kim Ji Won [김지원] as Yoon Myung Ju
Personal opinion about the drama:
Why did I even included this on my recommendation? It’s everywhere since last year, it was a major hit. But yeah, as I have said, their love story is very confusing that’s why most of the time I lost track of their relationship. If you have watched The Heirs and Goblin already, you’ll notice that it has the same confusing love story as Descendants of the Sun. If you don’t know yet, The writer of The Heirs and Goblin is also the writer of Descendants of the Sun that’s why it has the same feel about the love story.
Rate: 9.5/10
Most favorite OSTs from this drama:
Everytime by Chen and Punch
Always by Yoon Mi Rae
Once Again by Kim Na Young feat. Mad Clown
Who Are You: School 2015
I actually don’t know how write the plot of this without giving spoilers so I’m just going to keep it simple. This is a story about a girl who got bullied. Yeah sorry that’s all I can say. It has a lot of plot twists and I never been so angry in my life while watching this drama.
Main Casts:
Kim So Hyun [김소현] as Lee Eun Bi / Go Eun Byul
Yook Sung Jae [육성재] as Gong Tae Kwang
Nam Joo Hyuk [남주혁] as Han Yi An
Personal opinion about the drama:
I suffered so much from second lead syndrome because of this kdrama. It is a highschool story so if you love highschool stories, this one is for you. I love how it didn’t focused on just the main casts but there are a lot of side stories. It’s also a little bit of mystery so there are a lot revelations.
Rate: 8/10
Most favorite OSTs from this drama:
Reset by Tiger JK feat. Jinsil
I’ll Listen To What You Have To Say by Yoon Mi Rae
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo
A story about a girl that went back in time during Goryeo Dynasty and she encounters the princes that will change her life. This drama is very emotional and heartbreaking so prepare a lot of tissues for that. The OSTs of this drama are so so good. A lot of plot twists and revelations happened in this kdrama.
Main Casts:
Lee Joon Gi [이준기] as Wang So
Lee Ji Eun [이지은] as Go Ha Jin / Hae Soo
Kang Ha Neul [강하늘] as Wang Wook
If you love historical kdramas, this one is for you.
Personal opinion about the drama:
This is the first historical drama I ever watched and I enjoyed it so much. I love the story line and how the casts execute their characters. I even cried at episode two even though it’s not really something to cry for (I’m a crybaby). I super super love the OSTs of this drama, they give a new meaning to the drama itself. I badly need a season two.
Rate: 9.5/10
Most favorite OSTs from this drama:
For You by Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin
I Love You, I Remember by I.O.I
Be With You by AKMU
[It’s so hard to choose my most favorite OSTs.]
A story about an illegal mercenary with the codename “Healer” and a girl who is a reporter. If you enjoyed watching Kill Me Heal Me, you will definitely enjoy this drama also. They almost have a similar plot but the plot twists are different, obviously.
Main Casts:
Ji Chang Wook [지창욱] as Healer
Park Min Young [박민영] as Chae Young Shin
Yoo Ji Tae [유지태] Kim Moon Ho
If you love action with a little bit of mystery stories, this one is for you.
Personal opinion about the drama:
I love this kdrama sooooo much. I cannot say anything negative about the story because everything is just so perfect. From the chemistry of the main casts, the revelations, the plot twists and everything, they gave me goosebumps. I love the part when they play an instrumental every time Healer is about to do something good or bad.
Rate: 10/10
Most favorite OSTs from this drama:
Healer by Various Artists
You by Ben
[The Healer one is the instrumental I am talking about. I get very emotional by just listening to that instrumental.]
That’s the end of my recommendations! I don’t want to make it very long and I just included the kdramas that really really gave me mixed emotions and kdramas that I can recommend to someone who doesn’t watch kdramas. Also, I’m so sorry if the plot is very short. I don’t really know how to write a plot and I don’t want to give any spoilers and such. Anyways, I hope you’ll watch one of my recommendations and tell me what you love the most. I might do another recommendation in the future.
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mamagabi-s-corner · 7 years
Update the game!
Yes. I might as well update you guys on the game a notch so you don’t worry that I died. I didn’t die, I am just a bit busy with real life cuz, I finally went to get the necessary paper that I passed the state exam and shit and boi it’s hot outside. also my sis is sloowly preparing for her term (September 3rd), so.. summer is going to be fun. :’) 
anyways to cut the shit short, here’s the update list to the Ultimatum (the final update) and what to expect.
things that are in the game
-The only changes I did are the dialogues, they’re a bit short now (I also changed the intro dialogue for Pupper’s route, so the story might be a bit more clear per say.  -If you have followed in on the videos on my gaming channel (which are now unlisted), Pupper and alts don’t say their reason for their existence, they only say they’re here to help you. (Actually, Pupper says they want to help, Asriel has NO IDEA what he’s doing so YOU help HIM, baka just does their baka stuff, and Pipscrap tells Max that they’re there to help him and they don’t have much of a choice, being v vague about shit). I also fixed the major issue where the main route was completely unplayable by pushing all of the alt’s dialogues in one page (if I was to make a game with more alternates, I’d have to rely on switches as well. also I have room for 1 more alternate so.. I have no idea who I am going to add doe as I am saving Alpha’s route for her own game ROUTES) -You start at level 20, but Pupper and Alts ‘tame you’ (no euphemism intended), by resetting your stats to level 1 (In the videos I will do for you, you might notice that it’s different, because I slapped in level 50 as my testing default for when I test the full game. I only use test to test out puzzles.)
Zone 0:
-Dialogue changes, and there’s a hint in the second floor of the warehouse where it hints how to solve the puzzle. (placement of rows actually) -Judge no longer tells you about the mission, but he is rather wary of Pupper because of their appearance in the game, and for Pupper choosing Max out of all people. 
Zone 1:
-Not much changes to Zone 1, beside major dialogue changes, you now have a choice to bond with the character or to decline, Pupper and alts say something different based on the given choice.  -Bob is a bit specific about the shachihata music note puzzle. -Aleyes is. yet again. Aleyes. But now he has reason to attack you back at the chicken farms. -Birb locations are finally implemented.  -Dedan’s personality is tweaked drastically.
Zone 2:
-Major changes to Zone 2 happened. Some things in the game stayed (like cleaning out the monsters back in the upper floor and also the mall event, however that was actually tweaked), and some puzzles were tweaked. I think I managed to fix a serious soft lock bug in the adoption center. Max and Sam are now placed up in the game room while you play as Seneca.  -Some new cutscenes are implemented into the game while some are taken out. -Residential area has a bit more life to it (Elsen actually do something at the beginning before Shedder attacks, and even after, you will see what they were doing.  -Valerie doesn’t explain about the tokens (no longer coins), and Japhet has a drastic change in his dialogue, and also new event sprites are implemented to fit the cutscene.  -Balloon game is FINALLY CHANGED TO THE GOD DAMNED WHACK A FUCKING MOLE!! GOD FUCKING DAMN!! I mean it took a while to implement, and I thought of scrapping it, but last minute decided to try and see if I can fuck around with the variables. -Birb locations are finally implemented. -Theo is now the cafe owner/souvenir giver. -Changed the puzzle in the way upper areas of the library. -As Pipscrap, YOU DON’T FIGHT SENECA. LIKE, AT ALL!! 
Zone 3: 
-I have yet to fix the whole thing, but the plans are to change areas 2 and 4. Area 1′s puzzle is now changed to gem hunt (You have to find 15 gems hidden among the cafeteria and dorms). -Alpha is now specific about the Punishment Game, and reminds you to be careful (if you chose to keep it on, but regardless, she does remind you just in case (some events are going to be in there. aka the monorail event and also the shedder event)) -If you choose to skip the hunt, you will no longer see the cutscene in the last update. HOWEVER, if you complete zone 3, and find Enoch’s memory place (all has to be on Pupper’s route, alt routes don’t work!!) you will be able to go into the backroom in alpha’s shop while the only people there are Enoch and Sucre (if you go back to talk to Enoch and remind him that his daughter is waiting). I will make some changes to the back room and add a new event. I might possibly even add some more music to the radio (non-copyrighted that is ahahahha) -Area 3′s tomato event has been changed. You no longer have to fight a myriad of armobugs, only 4 in a group of 3, and still be able to finish the quest. -Birb locations have yet to be implemented.  -Enoch’s dialogue will also be tweaked. I still follow with the relapsed Guardians, however they might be more in-character than before.. I hope....  -Also Punishment Game(tm) can be turned off if it’s too repetitive. however it only applies for OUTSIDE of the attraction. 
Things that MIGHT be implemented:
-a little minigame for the intro sequence (it’s like those things in the kids’ games.. yeaaa.. ^^; either I implement it in the final update, or I implement it in the final game, I am debating on that one, I have been looking at the original game (the one with the joystick!!) to figure out how I can do that thing.. boi it’s hard. ;w;  -Erika will no longer be the ONLY side-antagon in the game. I am currently working on designing the other three bosses for each zone. -Zone 4 has yet to be worked on, but be patient. I will work on it aaa. -Asriel has gotten a redesign and is in the process of being sprited. yea. he’s going to have his sprite, but the sides are what the shit.. how do you sides? -Might actually implement living, breathing lost souls, albeit unlike Max. Devon and Georgio might get their changes as lost souls, except Puff. Puff is a precious cinnamon roll too pure for this world. I might also work on a game featuring puff as the main protagon.. But I need a motif.. and free time.. and also I need to work on Pretender too danget dffdhgfgh -more punishment games for zone 4. :)
anything else: 
-Burnts now have a floral pattern to them -In order to get something from Pretender, you will have to collect necessary items scattered around the 3 Zones (zones 1 through 3) -as I said earlier, the major bug is fixed and some soft locks (esp the one in the adoption center ahah) -New monster re-sprites (by me and Wolf!) -some monsters’ stats have been changed. Broken time implemented, but still no battle animations set in stone.
and that’s it for now.
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