Explore tagged Tumblr posts
anthonybrxdgerton · 6 years ago
congrats on 3.5k love!! could i please get sirius black + 14
they are here! Thank you!
0 notes
haillily · 6 years ago
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hello everyone! i’ve recently reached 200 followers, and i’ve decided to celebrate by doing a follower appreciation post!! thank you to all these lovely people (and more) who have made my tumblr experience wonderful ✨✨
a-e: @abrahamgreenfxld @alynelsons @arewegroot @asamberg @awstark @ayhtdws @bakctodecember @baracks @bbarnes @bens-hardy @biheroes @blckwdw @blueafsargent @branstark @bvckbarns @captainsamericaa @chinaofrps @chloebenben @chloefraze @chloexhalles @christopherbangs @coruscnts @dacutiehart @deanerys @do-i-have-tooooo @doveccmeron @draamione @eleanorschidis @eltariels @embrontes @eos-tre
f-j: @franlccastle @gamoramantis @ganseysmomvoice @geawaycar @genyalina @girlmeetsfarkle @gothwifu @hannenina @holygreund @hopespym @hug-a-mermaid @imovesoswifttheycallmetaylor13 @injuryresrve @ironarm @ivonoris @iwearyoulikeanecklace @jadethirlhell @jakeperalta @jamescarstairs @jojorphs @jonasaugustin @jonhdeacon @jordietveld
k-o: @kattyrps @kaulhilo @kayascodelorio @kngslayr @ladyofroses @lanacndor @larajeankavinski @lilaicons @lillyevans @lizsutton @lizzeimcguire @lokiofasgcrd @macguires @maggiemurdock @mayahqrt @mockingjaykatniss2 @mysticevans @nadiasatrinavas @ninazenix
p-t: @peggycaerter @pomegranateboba @pureheroinelesbian @pvterpvrker @rainbowdress @randomestfandoms @rileymatthews @rosychvrms @sansastarkr @sendspidermanpics @sereneruby @sherlocksed @shirehobbit @siricusblack @spidermacn @spiiderverse @spohkh @starsthatshines @sundayluv @sunsoyeon @teardropsonsmyguitar @thejasontodd @theswiftreputation @tiriths
u-z: @upsettoland @veturbleidd @viviansternwood @wandazmaximoff @zcbini @zoyalai
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ikarosapollo · 6 years ago
i was tagged by @timdrakee thank you!!!<3
RULES: Bold in what you prefer and tag ten people!
coffee or tea
early bird or night owl
chocolate or vanilla
spring or fall
silver or gold
pop or alternative classic & instrumental
freckles or dimples
snakes or sharks
mountains or fields
thunderstorm or lightning
egyptian or greek mythology
ivory or scarlet
flute or lyre 
opal or diamond
butterflies or honeybees
macaroons or eclairs
typewritten or handwritten
secret garden or secret library
rooftop or balcony
spicy or mild (i am..weak)
opera or ballet
London or Paris
Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet
denim or leather
potions or spells
ocean or desert
mermaids or sirens 
masquerade ball or cocktail party
tagging: @kxgvnes @joey-wilson @aphrodifte @siricusblack @nbwolverine @dusknightlamplight @matmeo @sunshinesuuperman @transpidermen and @whalesharke
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springsfields · 6 years ago
url change!
itsdraco > siricusblack itsdraco > siricusblack itsdraco > siricusblack
thanks to @ameilabones i got the rebrand i wanted, still tracking userdraco
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anthonybrxdgerton · 6 years ago
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sirius black icons + palette 14 for @siricusblack
150p x 150p
please like or reblog if saving
don’t claim as your own
icons on my page and under the cut
want some?
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