#siren Benrey
yeahitstismtime · 6 months
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I drew a quick little mer!Benrey from @wtfgaylittlezooid fic!
He’s just a little guy!
I love your fic and au so much ragagagahahahahwkkwa
For you⬇️ <3
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fan-of-cool-things · 4 months
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aubreyathame · 3 months
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i got too silly again!!!!! the tags are a nightmare. favorite character bingo TWO baby!!! check part one here
anyways as im writing all this i realized i misspelled 'lamby' lamb. its lammy. i hate myself
text below cut because this one is harder to read even though i resorted to just typing for 4 of them
(Kisuke) Urahara: "I'm sure it's just some pretty girl talking about me somewhere"
David (Leatherhoff): "I really need to take these pills" (Jacket says E A 4 5)
(Jill) Lammy (Lamb): "Leave it to...Lamby!!!" (misspelling but i dont want to fix because this took 2 days)
Roronoa Zoro: "I'll become stronger for her!"
Plague Knight: "Hee hee hee!"
Leshy: "Sacrifices must be made"
Z(hen) ((Feat. Abby)): "if we ever actually slept together id fucking annihilate your bisexuality. youd become a permanent lesbian." (real ass quote from psycholonials)
Spectre Knight: The Reaper cometh
Isaac: Who am I?
Nika Allen: "I, Nika Allen, 7 years old, am sick to death of this world"
Agatha (Knife): "I love animals!!" (i THINK this is an exact quote but she gets really close if its not)
Mari: "All it costs is your love"
(Vinsmoke) Sanji: "Defying a cook in the seas is suicidal, you know?"
The Observer: "Fuck Adam Rosner" (real quote from tribetwelve, trust)
Anzu (Kinashi): "If you don't think, you don't have to be afraid"
(The Siren)
Benrey: "Can I see your passport?" (Passport says 'Benrey' 3x)
Lonely Wizard: "STIMULATION."
Zoe: "Eldritch cutie, reporting for duty!"
(Sōsuke) Aizen: "Adoration is the furthest state from understanding"
whiteface: "Look at you...how sad. Your body is all closed up."
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Random vampire AU thought: Gordon's convinced for a while that Benrey's a siren because Benrey likes to sing to himself and Gordon is gay and needs an explanation immediately
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cupids-cringe · 2 years
a post dump of some sad/upsetting headcanons tonight because i don't know how to actually make a post for them in a way that isn't just dumping them here like this & some of them are a bit old-
been a long time headcanon of mine that y2kvr Benrey has claustrophobia and a fear of the dark, his worst fear is waking up back in the computer. sometimes he'll have weeks at a time where he can't even go near the computer let alone go into it. the worst feeling is when a day is going so great and its all fun and well a little too well the fear he'll suddenly see a pop-up appear in front of him and realise hes still trapped somewhere in the web.
have you ever seen an ai have a nightmare??
occasionally Doc (& this also goes for Dr Hypnos) feels like she isn't where she is, she'll feel like shes at a different point in time in different circumstances and situations, often it isn't too bad- it messes with her head a bit and makes him feel like hes a few weeks or months or even years behind but with his mix of bad time management and living in a secret lab where he usually doesn't see the sun it doesn't much matter to them,, but the worst time he had to deal with it was the entire time while his family was dead. while he was alone he would often find himself losing track of time to a point days would pass and he wouldn't know, she would think she was elsewhere and occasionally think "right i have to go get parts for Harold today i was told to-" or "OH [ ] would LOVE this!" before realising where he is and that he hasn't had to get parts in months and he hasn't seen his family in longer. sometimes he'll forget
Sleepless sometimes gets scared the Mad Science Team only keeps zem around since Doc likes them, in times like this they'll avoid talking directly to Harold or Bubby in case ze says the wrong thing.
Malcom has had times of feeling that he can never fully recover from his actions- he was an asshole once, what if he still is deep down and he doesn't know? what if everyone still sees him as an asshole and he can never fully be more than what he had been?
i doubt i have enough fingers to count how many of them suffer the feeling of "i can never reedem myself from [insert crime/event here]" and i have 3 arms(/j)
Swap is scared of sirens and alarms and garage doors
Freemans memory still isn't perfect, it will never be as good as it had been- his memory was always been not the greatest (partly because he has adhd/tism) but after the events with Tron Gman his memory will forever be a bit patchy. and his time as Storyteller DID NOT do the poor guy any favors.
all of the Admins have gone to check that Freeman is still there in the middle of the night at least once, its happened most with either Boss or C where they've either been laying awake all night or woken up and gone to check that Freeman is still safely asleep, theres still the occasional WORST night where even AFTER knowing Freeman is safe would continue to wander around for a bit and make sure there was absolutely no way that anyone could get in and take him.
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burgerlabs · 2 years
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welcome to a hopefully-short-series called Uhhh... Jack ,, analyses songs
first of all i think it's important to note that i see this song as a frenrey song in the terms of just general dynamic and more heavily "enemies" frenrey. this is also just my personal interpretation as a gordon fictive!
it's also important to note that this song is NOT a frenrey song im just being massively unwell
-------- analysis underneath
0:11 - "tryna lose track of the sirens, tryna make my way back to the silence" - 0:21
i think this first sentence already establishes this song as in my (gordon's) perspective, as it talks about getting away from sirens (which are commonly found in BM, duh,) && getting back into a more peaceful and serene environment which i very clearly ached to do throughout the show.
0:23 - "i can hear the graveyard sing, now you've got me flatlining" - 0:26
the meaning of death like super fucking obvious here yeah but personally in my own interpretation (frenrey-based) the graveyard reminds me of all the fucking benrey skeletons, with 'sing' specifically reminding me of the BMSV and how they use it throughout the show.
another fun detail is that since HLVRAI was made in gmod, every player character who dies will have a flatline sound effect play, and yk they bring that up in the song and i found it cool
0:32 - "suddenly, i've been sitting around wondering, why you've been coming around cutting me, and now my blood bleeds quicker than my heart beats" (x2) - 0:53
first of all, the fact this is repeated / said twice is fucking perfect, as i like to think that one paragraph is fer each person from the pair. this is important because both benrey and i have our own perspectives on the situation but we both think the same thing of each other, this mutual shared thought of "hey I'm just chilling here whys that fucker bothering me" (i.e. "i was just doing my job and you had yer dick out" && "i was just doing my job and yer asking me fer my passport")
second, the phrase "Blood bleeds quicker than my heart beats" works fer both perspective in two very unique ways. in benrey's perspective it can fit into the fact he's nonhuman and canonically a strange alien-like creature, hence why his heart may not line up regularly to the rest of his body. it also applies to me (gordon) through the actual meaning of the song, which is being so injured/hurt to a point yer body cannot keep up with the bleeding.
1:18 - "ten feet deep, but i'm far from grounded. losing my feet and i keep on drowning, i'm on a one-way street, you've got me surrounded." - 1:27
"ten feet deep" really reminds me of BM. Although the facilities are not just 10 feet deep, they're underground and i find it really fitting. the "far from grounded" reminds me of how i (gordon) become increasingly disoriented as the show goes on.
"losing my feet and i keep on drowning" could refer to both the literal scenes of characters drowning in green slime over and over again, but it can also again refer to being lost and disoriented in the situation around me.
"im on a one-way street you've got me surrounded" reminds me of many parts of the show but specifically the final battle sequence with all the surrounding skeletons i have to fight off!!
and a final little detail thats random but the "one track mind like a drive-in" line reminds me of how obsessed benrey is with my passport
ok thats all
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oneofboth · 6 days
Random facts about Alex
Content, let's go! As I wanted, I will do a compilation of facts about each character. Firstly I will do Alex, because you love her guys. You can read about her more here, if you are new!
➤At the beginning of development, Alex was far from being one of main characters in au, but only a funny addition to Benrey, like Lee. But unlike Lee, Alex didn't do anything at all and only used to support jokes and throw in her quips.
➤The appearance of the old woman changed many times, mostly it was minor changes that led to the image that exists now. At first, Alex looked like a tired girl in her 30s with a short hairstyle.
➤Alex's anger as part of the character turned out to be accidental. The fact is that from the very beginning she reacted quite sharply to Gordon, and Gordon was in the plot… a lot. Otherwise, she was quite calm, and her mood was close to "good".
➤The main shape of Alex is a triangle, and the color is toxic green.
➤A woman's favorite coffee is cappuccino with almonds, brown sugar, caramel and with a colored sprinkle on top (sprinkling is optional). That's what she always drinks.
➤Alex has a medium intensity shadow on her face. It is unknown what casts this shadow. Or maybe it's a birthmark?..
➤It is difficult to give an exact age, but Alex is approximately 45 billion years old.
➤Alex's birthday, like Lee's, is October 2nd.
➤Alex is the "middle child". Benrey is an older brother, and Lee is a little sister.
➤Alex is really close to Benrey's age.
➤Contrary to the beliefs of others, Alex created her body herself, and did not steal it. Honestly :)
➤The woman is on good terms with Dr. Breen (the Administrator of Black Mesa), but they do not communicate in public and hide it, because rumors have spread that they are lovers and other shit. And no matter how unpleasant Alex with these rumors is, she must keep this relationship for her own insidious purposes, because Breen… He knows too much about her and her family.
➤Dr. Coomer definitely scares the green-eyed one, she tries not to cross paths with him.
➤Alex, like Lee and Benrey, is NOT a NPC, NOT an AI, NOT a player.
➤She has quite a lot of abilities, but there is really only one thing to be afraid of — rooms. If in other cases you will die quickly and without pain, the rooms will be your personal hell.
➤Alex is the main villain of The Benriks AU in the first part. But in the second part, she goes over to the good side, fighting against The Combine.
➤Alex's favorite arcade game is "Pac-man".
➤Maybe Alex felt something more for Nicole than just friendship.
➤The personality type of Alex is presumably ENTJ.
➤Alex has a pet headcrab Luis and a snark named Chip Nibbles.
➤She really doesn't need any glasses. It's just decoration.
➤She has a car. White Mercedes-Benz E-Class Model.
➤Her main weapon is RPG gun.
➤When she gets very angry, parts of her true form appear. More often a tail, claws, fangs.
➤Her style and aesthetic is "Office siren".
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First Alex (and Lee haha) design; 2. Getting ready for work; 3. Some cartoon style; 4. Alex's face is up close; 5. Valentine card "I would have studied you much more closely"
Congratulations, you got here! This is just a small part of Alex's facts that I remembered. If you have any questions or topics to discuss, don't be afraid to use our "Ask" button! We will be glad to have your attention! Ok byeeeee noww
-Blue Opal / Alex
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ghostlyplacetobe · 2 years
people suck sometimes-shiro
Mhm, I’m okay with some loud noises, but stuff like sirens scare me to death -benrey
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syberfire117 · 4 years
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Blue into plum means you better Run
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restlessscribbler · 4 years
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Longest benrey
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space-is-the-place2 · 4 years
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Gordon won't admit it, but that was the best nap he'd ever had
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yeahitstismtime · 6 months
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@wtfgaylittlezooid I made more!
sorry but I might @ you a lot for a bit with a bunch of drawings lol.
This time it’s Benry and Gordon!
Currently just a sketch and I might digitalize it :)
And a flower for you :D
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fan-of-cool-things · 4 years
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Okay, what if sirena au, but Benri-Dunkleosteus? Ancient armored guy.
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prettycoolducks · 4 years
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Little fanart for @crackhead-moss-man ‘s mermaid au because I like it lots (:
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dammjamboy · 4 years
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i LOVE @crackhead-moss-man ‘s fic, the ocean isn’t so scary and i’ve been wanting to draw for it for so long and this scene?? really hit me so :,) 
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raspberry0rain · 4 years
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I haven’t done a fully coloured and shaded piece in a while so I hope you enjoy. A pirate/siren au? What could go wrong! 
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