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rabbithub · 1 year ago
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Drew this little sketch of siren!Doppio stealing someone's heart (quite literally) on break, and will leave it here while I finish work.
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thegayestcat · 1 year ago
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"but Ori, it's not mermay anymore-" shut up it's always mermaid time!!!
Anyways here's Diavolo and Doppio from my lil siren au I have going on... Still kinda stuck on whether or not I want Dia and Doppio to be the same person, with Doppio as the human form and Dia as the siren form, we'll see lol.
Either way, here they are - Doppio is trans per usual, and Diavolo is based on an anthias anthias whereas Trish is based on a Bartlett's Anthias :)
Did my best to not go ham with details this time too haha, think I succeeded!
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randoimago · 6 months ago
Octroper Event
This is the full list for the October oneshot event. I'll make a new one once I have finished them that'll have links to each oneshot.
The red ones are what have been requested. Everything else, I'm either writing my own thing for or I might just leave that day blank. I haven't fully decided yet.
End Date to Request: 09/01/2024
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Vampire x Reader - Abigail (sdv) w/ Trans!Fem Reader
Accidental First Kiss - Cissnei (ff7cc)
Werewolf x Reader
Merperson x Reader - grumpy/jealous merman / scientist reader
Enemies to Lovers but Roommates - Kristoph Gavin (ace attorney)
Ghost/Spirit x Reader - shy ghost boy
Fey x Reader - Seteth (fe3h)
Slime Person x Reader - cuddly nb Slime partner
Angel/Celestial x Reader - Kizuna (aitsf)
Gargoyle x Reader
Finds Sketchbook Filled with Drawings of Them - Dammon (bg3)
Orc x Reader
Banshee x Reader - hurt/comfort
Gets Mistaken as a Couple - Armin (aot)
Meet Cute
Harpy x Reader
Selkie x Reader - Rohan (jjba)
Gorgon x Reader
Free Space
Demon/Devil x Reader - Doppio (jjba)
Dragon x Reader
Love Triangle Turned Poly - Felix and Sylvain (fe3h)
Android/Robot x Reader
Siren x Reader - Rise (p4)
Sick Fic -Rolan (bg3)
Lycanthrope x Reader - Caleb (CR)
Satyr x Reader
Dryad x Reader
Penpals - Childhood Friends to Lovers - Susato (ace attorney)
Arranged Marriage - Royalty AU
Naga x Reader - Lorenz (fe3h)
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pass1onepr1ncess · 8 months ago
Tell me about the monster au!!!!
One of the Part 5 focused AUs!!! It takes place in a world where humans are unaware of the existence of monsters and the monsters can take human forms or disguise themselves to fit into human society!! Passione as a whole is made up all kinds of monsters! Diavolo advertises Passione as a safe haven for Monsters that works to make sure the underground monster population is well taken care of and lives as comfortably as the humans do, but in reality he's feeding propaganda that monsters deserve to live out in the open and that the humans should be punished for forcing them into hiding.
Giorno is a vampire (for obvious reasons lol)
Bruno is a Siren, but he's more of a squid then a fish!!
Leone is a witch
Fugo is a dark elf
Mista is a werewolf
Narancia is a Harpy
Doppio is a demon
Diavolo isn't just a demon, he's literally the Devil
Trish is human at first, but she has a demonic form that activates after Venice the way Spice Girl was awakened in the Notorious B. I G. fight! She can transform between her human and demon forms at will!
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celestiaras · 1 year ago
the poll is over with 254 votes!! thank you guys so much for voting and for supporting me as a new blog!! the results are as followed:
the dilemma of being shared by xsoleil - who in xsoleil gets the most jealous knowing that they have to share you with the other student council members? (posted)
his voice from beyond - vox akuma (his voice called out to you from the woods, beckoning you to come closer)
his sick darling - hex haywire (yandere therapist hex headcanons) (posted)
the echo in the mirror - doppio dropscythe & meloco kyoran (doppio and meloco finally decide to confront the delinquent who’s been taking advantage of their kindness) based off the dialogue part in the “echo in the mirror cover
back on cams - yu q. wilson (being a hitman with a success rate of 5% doesn’t exactly pay enough for food and rent, so wilson takes up camming as a quick and easy way to make ends meet until a mysterious multi-millionaire is willing to pay him more than he could ever need in a lifetime if he does what she says)
her heart is pierced by cupid - meloco kyoran (the fearful pirate queen of the seven seas is at odds of what to do when her singing voice charms a local siren)
quiet in the library - aia amare (while aia is having the time of her life at the library, you get bored & decide to mess around with her) (posted)
hope you guys are looking forward to these fics and so many more in the future!!
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carmenvicinanza · 8 months ago
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Cher, cantante e attrice, icona e leggenda vivente, dagli anni Sessanta, ammalia per la sua poliedrica personalità.
Si è sempre differenziata per il suo stile e la capacità di stare al passo con i tempi e i cambiamenti.
Musicista da primi posti nelle classifiche mondiali, attrice da Oscar, paladina e riferimento della comunità Lgbtq+, nel corso della sua lunga carriera, ha reso la sua immagine un campo di sperimentazione, anche politica, attraverso make-up, acconciature e moda.
Famosa per un timbro vocale profondo e ambiguo e per un sapiente utilizzo dell’autotune, tecnologia di cui è stata pioniera, vanta un’infinita lista di successi musicali e più di cento milioni di dischi venduti in tutto il mondo.
È l’unica artista ad aver raggiunto la prima posizione della classifica Billboard Hot 100 in sei decenni diversi.
Nata col nome di Cherilyn Sarkisian a El Centro, in California, il 20 maggio 1946, è figlia di un rifugiato armeno e di un’aspirante attrice e modella di origini europee. Dopo il divorzio dei genitori, insieme alla sorella, è stata adottata dal nuovo marito della madre, Gilbert LaPierre. A causa di una grave forma di dislessia ha abbandonato la scuola a sedici anni.
A Los Angeles ha incontrato il produttore e compositore Salvatore Bono, detto Sonny, con cui era nato un forte legame sentimentale e professionale. Si sono sposati nella metà degli anni Sessanta e formato il duo, Sonny & Cher la cui carriera è decollata con I got you babe del 1965. In quegli anni cinque loro canzoni sono state posizionate nella classifica statunitense, impresa riuscita soltanto ai Beatles e a Elvis Presley.
Il loro successo raggiunse l’apice della notorietà con lo show televisivo The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour del 1971, in cui i due coniugi  mostrarono le loro capacità di recitazione, oltre a quelle canore. Dalla loro unione è nato il figlio Chaz Bono, oggi attivista transgender.
Il celebre duo si è separato nel 1974, ma hanno continuato a collaborare e sono rimasti sempre amici.
È stato da solista che è diventata una star internazionale.
Anche la sua carriera di attrice è stata ricca di successi, nel 1983 ha ricevuto una nomination all’Oscar come attrice non protagonista per il film Silkwood con cui ha vinto il Golden Globe. Premiata a Cannes per il film Mask, è stata tra le protagoniste di Le Streghe di Eastwick e Suspect.
Stregata dalla Luna, nel 1988, le ha portato l’Oscar come migliore attrice, il secondo Golden Globe e il David di Donatello.
Un altro grande successo è stato il film Sirene, di cui ha cantato anche due canzoni della colonna sonora. Doppio ruolo rivestito anche per il musical Burlesque del 2010 in cui è stata protagonista insieme a Christina Aguilera. Nel 2018 è stata la volta del sequel di Mamma Mia, dal titolo Mamma Mia, ci risiamo!, con la grande Meryl Streep.
Il successo internazionale con la musica è arrivato nel 1995 con l’album It’s a Man’s World, dal quale sono stati tratti successi come One by One e Walking in Memphis.
Nel 1998, in memoria di Sonny Bono, morto per un incidente sciistico, ha inciso Believe, la sua più grande interpretazione, diventato in breve un successo planetario che le è valso un Grammy Awards e ha venduto oltre dieci milioni di copie portandola al numero uno nelle classifiche di ventitré Paesi diversi.
Ridefinendo il concetto di musica dance, ha spopolato anche tra le giovani generazioni che ascoltavano e ballavano le sue canzoni in tutto il pianeta.
Il suo primo libro, The first Time, è stato un cult in tutti gli Stati Uniti.
Dopo quarant’anni di carriera, nel 2002, aveva annunciato l’uscita del suo ultimo album Living Proof, disco d’oro e nominato per due Grammy, seguito dalla lunga tournée Living Proof – The Farewell Tour che è durata tre anni. Ma, in realtà, non ha mai abbandonato la musica o smesso di produrre dischi, il suo ultimo album, dal titolo Christmas è uscito nel 2023.
Nel 2008, all’età di 61 anni, ha annunciato che per tre anni e per quattro volte la settimana si sarebbe esibita al Caesars Palace di Las Vegas per duecento concerti.
Ospite dei più importanti programmi di intrattenimento internazionali, non ha disdegnato parti in film e apparizioni cameo in celebri serie tv.
Nel 2020 ha pubblicato il singolo Chiquitita, cover degli ABBA in lingua spagnola, i cui proventi erano destinati all’UNICEF.
Molto attiva per la campagna presidenziale di Joe Biden, ha partecipato a vari comizi.
Nell’ottobre 2022, all’età di 76 anni, ha sfilato come modella di Balmain.
Da sempre restia a qualsiasi etichetta e definizione, Cher ha avuto un enorme impatto sulla cultura di massa e sulla moda, anche grazie alla collaborazione con Robert Gordon Mackie che ha disegnato i suoi costumi di scena fin dagli esordi. Molto amata, ma anche molto criticata, è stata una delle prime donne a esporre l’ombelico in televisione. Alla fine degli anni Ottanta ha fatto scandalo per il video, poi censurato, di If I Could Turn Back Time, in cui, a bordo di una nave, indossava perizoma, calze a rete e un giubbotto di pelle.
A lei si sono ispirate tutte le più importanti pop star degli anni Duemila.
Tra i vari premi ricevuti ci sono anche un Emmy Award, tre Golden Globe,  Billboard Music Awards e il People’s Choice Award per i suoi contributi nel cinema, nella musica e nella televisione. Nel 2018 è stata insignita del Kennedy Center Honors.
Cher è l’icona indiscussa del trasformismo, del glam, non ha mai smesso di stupire e scandalizzare, recentemente ha fatto parlare di sé per la sua relazione con un musicista di quarant’anni più giovane.
«Ok, qualcuno mi dica PER FAVORE… quand’è che mi sentirò VECCHIA. È ridicolo. Continuo a sentire questi numeri, ma sinceramente non li capisco. QUAL È IL PROBLEMA CON I NUMERI? Sono dislessica e i numeri mi risultano difficili» ha twittato, per far tacere le malelingue che la vorrebbero etichettare e zittire.
Un mito!
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corpuscolo · 2 years ago
... la proposta che Stiegler formula (...) è quella di un reincanto del mondo, da intendersi come la costruzione di un’alternativa all’esito più nefasto del disincanto del mondo di cui Max Weber, a inizio Novecento, ha saputo descrivere i tratti più salienti. Se il disincanto del mondo è l’esito del processo che consiste nel crescente predominio delle logiche di efficienza e produttività e nella fiducia nel fatto che tutti i fenomeni possano essere dominati dalla ragione, in modo tale che l’umanità abbia gradualmente epurato i propri comportamenti e le proprie convinzioni da ogni riferimento a spiegazioni magiche, metafisiche e religiose, per Stiegler tale disincanto si è rivelato sempre più nocivo a misura della costante e pressoché illimitata ipertrofia delle nuove tecnologie. Si rende perciò necessario un nuovo progetto industriale che bisogna inventare e che miri a intensificare la singolarità in quanto incalcolabile, socializzando dei dati che non possano essere ridotti a oggetti di un mero calcolo economico. Si tratta di inventare l’industria del calcolo che impedisca di calcolare (sul)le esistenze – ma inventarla con gli strumenti digitali. Si tratta, in effetti, di reincantare il mondo, ossia di edificare i modi di sussistenza e di esistenza che sostengono l’altro piano, il piano delle consistenze, che è quello del canto – di quelle Sirene senza le quali non c’è nulla.
Assunto di partenza di Reincantare il mondo è che «non esiste futuro al di fuori di un divenire sempre più industriale del mondo» e tale considerazione, che è anche il principio cardine di Ars Industrialis, sottende due istanze critiche. Da un lato, pungola i sostenitori della decrescita economica in quanto prospettiva non solo difficilmente realizzabile ma anche, e soprattutto, politicamente e socialmente debole; dall’altro, mette in evidenza il “doppio fondo” del cosiddetto processo di deindustrializzazione, dal momento che «la deindustrializzazione è una nuova organizzazione della divisione industriale del lavoro, che consiste nel trasferire i mezzi di produzione nei paesi in cui la manodopera è più a “buon mercato”». Il capitalismo odierno, per Stiegler, è un capitalismo iperindustriale, in quanto ogni ambito della vita umana e sociale è non solo stato raggiunto, ma risulta continuamente stimolato e modulato da strumenti, prodotti, servizi o programmi sempre e comunque forniti dalla sfera industriale. In tal senso, questo rapporto tra produzione industriale ed esistenza, o tra iperproduzione e iperconsumo, è definito da Stiegler anche come capitalismo di servizi, il quale «fa di tutti i segmenti dell’esistenza umana degli oggetti di controllo permanente e sistematico dell’attenzione e del comportamento» e questo avviene, in primo luogo, per mezzo delle tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione, dalla televisione a Internet, dai telefoni cellulari alle carte di credito e ad ogni sorta di micro-chip.
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knavestrolls · 1 year ago
Calmet's name is SO old now but it's literally just a reference to calculator being extremely vague. Mortal Kombat, Rimmer Acenet, Kryton Acenet, and Lister are all just direct reference names. (Mortal Kombat & Red Dwarf) Lonque Lyndis is two fire emblem names combined Bailey O'Brien is a reference to the alcohol Bailey's and also my sadly deceased best friend's maiden name. Barley Tonics is literally just a drinky name Harvey Chavez is another direct reference, but to an actual vaquero name that has his own holiday. (Cesar Chavez if I remember right) Cutlas Eugene is just a nice knife and the name of Flynn Rider from Tangled. Nemasu is the romanji version of the japanese verb of to sleep. Zazzee is an exaggerated snore. Picolo is a reference to the flute needed to wake up snorlaxes in games! Sadhbh means 'sweet' or 'goodness' and Roisin means little rose. so like Sweet little rose. Espoir's last name Beckka is just an exaggerated version of my moirail's name. (And her moirail has an exaggerated version of my name fun fact!) Jugular's name came from her mishearing 'Juggalo' while dreaming after having about a week where she didn't know her own name. She had yet to have friends, so there was literally no one who knew her name before. Syhren Demise is literally just fun silly a siren's demise. Doppio Bombon is coffee chocolate. Feashe Ceanki is just a silly pun name. Esstoc Koncer is a silly fencing name. Milnko Riddle is a reference to the song The Great Milenko by ICP. Aphrou Adonis is a reference to bot Aphrodite and Adonis from greek mythology. Davosi is a female version of my name I've used while playing fire emblems because I like to give the tactician/main character my name and will choose gender based on who I want to romance in that game! (or as of last game, which design I like better) And Lennan is just fun to say. That's literally how he got his name I was just like putting letters together and liked Lennan.
One thing I LOVE about fantrolls is getting to know if there's any sort of like- Special meaning behind their names. Does their first name mean anything? Their last name? Or did you pick it simply bc you liked how it sounded? Or the vibes it gave off? So!!! I'm curious!!! Reblog or comment and tell me WHY you picked the name for one or more of your fantrolls! I'd love to know the meaning[s] behind them as well :>
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jojos-bizarre-sirens · 4 years ago
Merman diavolo pls
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rabbithub · 1 year ago
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Some Monster Forest!AU/Monster!AU doodle pages to ease my worries about the adult things I recently handled over the weekend and this morning.
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notlikethatnomore · 6 years ago
me whenever i see doppio: ohhh ive never felt so violent
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randoimago · 5 months ago
Octroper 2024 Oneshots
Thank you to everyone who participated in sending me one-shots for the event; I hope you enjoy what I wrote. And I also hope you guys enjoy the self-indulgent one-shots I wrote, too ❤️
(note: not every day was taken for the event and that's why it's not a full 31 oneshots)
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Day 1. Vampire Abigail x Trans!Fem Reader
Day 2. Accidental First Kiss with Cissnei
Day 3. Grumpy Merman with Scientist Reader
Day 4. Enemies to Lovers but Roommates with Kristoph Gavin
Day 5. Shy Ghost Boy x Reader
Day 6. Archfey Seteth x Reader
Day 7. Cuddly NB Slime x Reader
Day 8. Angel Kizuna x Reader
Day 9. Reader Finding Dammon's Sketchbook Filled with Drawings of Them
Day 10. Blacksmith Orc x Flower Shop Reader
Day 11. Heartbroken Banshee x Reader
Day 12. Armin and Reader Getting Mistaken as a Couple
Day 13. Selkie Rohan x Reader
Day 14. Unrequited Love, Fiora x Reader
Day 15. Devil Doppio x Reader
Day 16. Love Triangle Turned Poly, Felix x Reader x Sylvain
Day 17. Siren Rise x Reader
Day 18. Sick Fic with Rolan
Day 19. Lycanthrope Caleb x Reader
Day 20. Childhood Friends to Lovers, but Penpals with Susato
Day 21. Naga Lorenz x Reader
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onmyyan · 3 years ago
Dick Grayson
Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane)
Yan!Platonic! Scarecrow x Anemic Reader
Gotham City Sirens
Valentines blurb
Bruce Wayne
Wingless 1,
Menace mode unlocked 1, 2. 
Cold cases warm faces 1/?
Straight Venomous (YanBatfamily X Venom!Reader) 1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8
Straight Venomous Q&A
Shared Darling
Endless Again : Love interests, 1. 2.
Steven Grant/Marc Spector
Yandere Moonknight
All smiles
Worth it
Surprise Adoption(Yan!Platonic!UzuiFamily)
JJBA 1-5
Multi Character HC’s
Did somebody say harem?!
Brick house
Bruno Buccirati
My soul
Multi character HC’s
Got me spinnin’
Multi character
(Y/n) Enchanted
All/Multi Boys
Reaction to a cuddy s/o
“Would you still love me if I was a worm.”
Sharing is caring (Delmonts x Shared Darling) / (Part two)
Motorcycle vs car guys
Shitty Boss (FT Cas, Gabe, Ricky)
Reaction to morning head 
Their ex makes you sad
Spitting in they mouf
Ricky VS Ashley
Caspian Delmont
Caspian Delmont HC’s
Meeting mama Delmont
When their rival is a violent yan
Crybaby Cas
The Long Game
Caspian at Christmas
When your ‘friends’ make a move at him
Caspian Comforting you
Gabe Delmont
Gabe Delmont HC’s
Gabe smut
Ricky Delmont
Ricky Delmont HC’s
Ricky’s heart grew three times that day
Happy Mother’s Day (Sub!Ricky x Dom!Reader)
Marcos Delmont
Marcos Delmont HC’s
Getting high with Marcos
S’more Marcos HC’S
Manny Delmont
Manny Delmont HC’s
Ashley Hunt
Save a horse, Ride a cowboy
Stuck n’ stuffed
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celestiaras · 1 year ago
note: smut with a fem! reader. all will be written at some point, i’m just not sure which one to finish first
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bd-agent-doppio · 4 years ago
((In concept, if Siren!Doppio exists, then Harpy!Diavolo possibly also exists.))
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lovedrunkheadcanons · 2 years ago
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Chapter Contents
(Arranged Marriage Fic) Read on AO3
Rated M
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There ought to be a law limiting the amount of sugar one could add to a cup of coffee.
When Fr. O’Malley assured Hannah that Satoru would come find her when he was ready to talk, she hadn’t imagined he’d show up at her doorstep the following morning, looking stunningly handsome in a black bomber jacket and stone washed jeans, white Chuck Taylor’s tapping the floor impatiently.
“You’ve got ten minutes,” he said, Six Eyes glittering behind dark sunglasses. “Get dressed.”
Hannah was ready for him in six.
Next thing she knew, she was standing outside a random street corner in Tokyo, herded into a coffee shop far too commercialized to be authentic, and made to watch the world’s strongest Sorcerer alter the chemical composition of his drink. Hannah couldn’t say how sweet a “A Venti Doppio Espresso, with 20 shots of espresso, 10 pumps of white mocha and 7 pumps of cinnamon dolce, topped with a heavy dollop of whip cream and chocolate drizzle,” was, but she doubted it lacked sugar. The espresso alone was enough to put a toddler under cardiac arrest. Whatever Satoru was drinking, it wasn’t coffee.
Dunking his fifth packet of sweetener into the mix, Satoru glanced at the woman, fidgeting uncomfortably in her chair, refusing to make eye contact. She wore a lilac blouse tucked neatly inside her patched jeans, the worn out denim thinning white around the kneecaps and bottom hems fraying. Her long hair was plaited in braids crowning her head, revealing the ivory streamline of her neck, enticing his eyes to roam farther south, past the arch of her collarbone. He caught whiff of lilies hiding amidst the roasted coffee beans and felt a tingling in his crotch. Satoru crossed his legs, cursing himself for it. No. He couldn’t afford to get carried away. Not here. There’d be time for fun and games later. Right now he had questions in need of answering, if he could just draw them out of her first.
“I don’t know how they do things where you’re from,” he said, stirring in the sweetner with a straw. “But I’m pretty sure it’s rude to turn down a fresh cup of coffee when someone else is paying. Starbucks ain’t cheap nowadays.”
Hannah looked at him and then looked down at the green siren printed on the paper cup in her hands. Satoru was “nice” enough to order her some coffee while simultaneously flirting with the barista like he wasn’t a married man and “obliging” Hannah to take a seat near a window, whereupon he shoved the hot drink in her hands. The twin-tailed siren’s grin appeared conniving. A sickening feeling roiled in the pit of her stomach. She knew then that this choice in venue wasn’t accidental.
Satoru snapped a finger in her face.
“Oi, am I gonna have to force words outta you again like last time?” he said. “Cause you’re becoming a real buzzkill, Princess.”
Their eyes latched onto each other. Nervously, the Hannah bit her lip and said something too soft for his ears to catch. The Starbucks was in the middle of its morning rush.
“Louder.” Her behavior irked him. “Speak up.”
A deep breath. “Why did you bring me here?” she asked, peering up at him through wary hazel eyes.
Finally. At least she wasn’t stuttering.
“Whatya mean?” Satoru said, feigning ignorance. “Can’t a guy treat a girl to some coffee?”
“I don’t drink coffee.”
The color in her cheeks flushed a delicate pink. Her gaze dropped to her lap submissively. He felt his crotch betray him again. Fuck. Quickly, so as not to arouse suspicion and avoid disaster, Satoru slipped his hands underneath the table and squeezed the inside of his wrist, twisting the skin hard enough to leave a bruise. The tingling petered out.
“I’m sensitive to caffeine,” he heard her confess. “It gives me anxiety.”
“Oh.” Satoru tugged his jacket sleeve down to hide what he’d done, acting like her words hadn’t offended him. “Well, in that case, maybe I could use the company.” He raised his espresso to his lips and took a sip.
Uh-oh. There’s that stutter again.
“Meaning,” Satoru stressed, placing his cup back on the table. “I think it’s time we have a good honest chat. You and me. Man to woman.”
A student to their right, typing furiously on his laptop, released a dreadful sneeze; a bad omen.
“Sorry,” Hannah’s brows narrowed. “I’m confused.”
“How so?”
She gave him a cynical look. “Weren’t you the one who said you wanted nothing to do with me? That you wanted me to stay away? That you didn’t give two — ’”
“Yeah, yeah, I get it. I’m an asshole,” whined Satoru, rolling his eyes with a wave of his hand. “Just forget I said any of that crap. I’ve changed my mind. After all, I’m a human being with free will and can do that, right? Isn’t that something you Christians also believe in? Free will? — Speaking of which, you better not cram any of that Jesus hocus-pocus down my throat like Yaga's friend always does. I’m not looking for a savior, thank you very much.”
She winced at “hocus-pocus.” Though by no means ashamed of her Christianity, Hannah preferred to live out her faith through the quiet example of Thérèse of Lisieux, rather than the fiery zeal of St. Paul. Religion was a deeply personal thing. It felt like breaking an entry when cramming proselytisms down people’s throats. Either way, there’d be no evangelizing on her part. That was already agreed upon in her marriage dispensation from the archbishop.
“I wasn’t planning on it,” she said dryly.
Satoru looked pleased. “Good.” He propped an elbow on the table. “So…what’s it like?”
She blinked. “What’s what like?”
“You know,” he goaded. “The Sight? Being able to see Curse attacks before they happen? What’s that like?” Hannah said nothing and stared forlornly at the table. Satoru whistled lowly. “That bad, huh?”
The seer nursed the coffee in her hands, sad reflection gazing back at her. “I watch people die when I go to sleep,” she murmured. “Of course it’s bad.”
“How long have you had it, you think?”
She watched the reflection shrug. “Since I was six years old. Maybe five? I can’t remember very well. At first, I thought they were just nightmares; mere figments of my imagination.” She forced a strained smile. “I wish that were the truth.”
“Do you know how it works?”
Hannah shook her head. “Aside from its strange relationship to Cursed Energy, not really. What I do know is that it's terrible and I wish I never had it.” She didn’t like where the conversation was headed. “Can we talk about something else…please?”
Satoru felt the awkwardness creep in. This is why he hated small talk. “Listen,” he sighed, combing a hand through his hair out of habit. “I imagine this must be rough, being far from home and not having Daddy Warbucks to look after you anymore, but — ”
“Lord Thames is not my father,” Hannah said at once, a vehemence knifed in her tone.
Satoru’s eyes widened, mildly surprised by her little outburst and raised his hands in appeasement, the sarcasm having flown over her head.
“Alright. No need to get pissy. I was only joking.” He lowered his hands. “Who the hell is he then?” Unbeknownst to her, Satoru already conducted research on the fat bastard after his trip to England. A company called Thames & Sons, S.E. was the first thing to pop up on his radar. From the onset, it appeared to be a holdings company, primarily in the business of producing and selling luxury goods, including yachts and other seafaring machinery. The company logo was the same heraldic shield he saw bedeck the gilded halls at Wasserton; two sirens on either side, one brandishing a harp, the other a trident. However, Hannah added a new piece of knowledge to the puzzle.
“He’s my uncle,” she said, her grip tightening around her coffee cup. “Though, I was nothing more than an inconvenience to him, a blight in need of swift removal.” Her voice rang hollow. “Like mother, like daughter, I suppose.”
At this, the lines on Satoru’s face outwardly softened. There was an emotion submerged in his blue eyes Hannah couldn’t quite fish out. Like a wave it rippled across the surface and then stilled.
“What happened to her?” he said. “Your mom?”
Hannah remained affixed on him. Best to pull the dagger out, she thought. While she’s got him here. The short version will do. For her sake more than anyone’s.
“She killed herself.” Hannah said it cleanly, her voice flat. “They found her lying face-down in her room one morning, lungs corroded, heart ruptured. They said it was cyanide poisoning. God only knows how she managed to get it. Probably through one of the servants.” She looked away as if ashamed. “My uncle disowned her shortly after I was born. That’s probably what drove her to commit suicide. She was barely twenty-two.”
Tragic? Yes. Entirely unforeseeable? No.
At this point in history, it was commonly assumed that Thames women were cursed, be it mental illness, abuse, bad luck, or in wake of Hannah’s mother, a deadly combination of all three. Shoddy nursery rhymes were even sung about it to ward off young girls: “Beware the House of Thames, who hasten maidens to their ends...” If indeed beautiful women lived tragic lives, the Thames could’ve written the book. They amassed enough scandals to rival that of the Tudors, making them prone to conspiracies and vulnerable to gossip; Particularly regarding the Countesses of Graivmor, who allegedly existed, but for some peculiar reason were never seen in public, leaving many to speculate there were no countesses and all Thames children were secretly bastards or adopted. Of course if these rumors were true, it wouldn’t explain how their magic was so excellently preserved. And were it not for this magic, and immense wealth (which was also suspect), the Thames wouldn’t receive so much as an invitation to tea. But Hannah, an illegitimate, wasn’t to be received anywhere besides the usual calls to morning Mass.
Satoru sat vigil, listening intently. “Why’d your uncle disown her?”
A fragile snort escaped her lips. “Why else? My mother was a peeress under one of the last existing Sorcery families in Europe. It’s dishonorable for a lady of her rank to bear a child out of wedlock, especially with a non-Sorcerer. It also meant she couldn’t terminate the pregnancy in case the child wielded magic, which unfortunately didn’t happen with me.”
Satoru shifted in his seat. “Sounds like you regret being born.”
Hannah turned to look at him. She’d never voiced the quiet part out loud. The question that’d been haunting her all her life. “I don’t think it matters one way or the other,” she said. “But seeing how my mother is dead, I’ll let you be the judge.”
The two relapsed into silence, broken only by the sound of construction outside, the chime at the front door alerting staff to new customers. Keyboards. Page turning. Quiet chit-chat.
“I’m sorry,” Satoru said, wondering whether she could tell how much he meant it. “That must’ve sucked.”
Hannah shrugged her shoulders. “I was a baby. I hardly knew her.”
“What of your old man? What became of him?”
Her taut smile lacked humor. “Abandoned my mother when she became pregnant with me and hightailed it back to New York, so I’m told. On top of an unplanned pregnancy and destitution, my mother also suffered a broken heart.” Her eyes appeared distant. “Sad isn’t it? When the people who are supposed to love us... don’t.”
Satoru’s expression was unreadable. “Do you know where the deadbeat is now?”
“My father?” she asked. Satoru nodded. “No, and with any luck, it’ll stay that way.” Her eyes flicked up at him. “What about you?”
He cocked a brow. “What about me?”
She could already hear Fr. O’Malley’s voice protesting in her ears, “Don’t do it, lass. I’m warning you.” She nudged the priest aside. “Well, I never.”
“Your parents?” Hannah said, feeling a bit braver. “I figure there’s a reason we haven’t been introduced?”
She waited for a stretching, agonizing moment, thought for sure she had him, but when Satoru opened his mouth to speak, he unceremoniously clamped it shut and let out an airy chuckle. “Yeah, no. I don’t think so. Nice try.”
“Sorry. Perhaps, you misunderstood. I’m asking whether I'll get the chance to meet your — ”
“I understood you perfectly fine, Princess. You’re the one with the hearing problem. Ask me again and see what happens.”
“But,” Hannah was honestly quite baffled by this veiled threat. “But I revealed my entire past to you just now. I’ve never done that with anyone outside of a confessional.”
“Okay.” Satoru looked as though he could care less. “And?”
She set her jaw, anger rising to her defense. “The least you could do is be polite and reciprocate the sentiment.”
Satoru pressed his lips in a hard line. He leaned forward across the table, Six Eyes wildly close, and said. “I know this may come as a bit of a shock, Princess, but politeness isn’t really my forte. You’re free to ask questions, as many as you like, but that doesn’t mean I’m obligated to answer them. In other words,” he switched to English, “you’re S.O.L.”
Shit out of luck.
Hannah could no longer feel the coffee in her hands, nor its warmth. Her whole body went numb, as though someone had taken a rusty pair of scissors and snipped off the last shred of hope she’d been clinging on to. “So, let me get this straight,” she said, voice even-keel. “You brought me here to this place. Said you wanted to have a ‘good honest chat.’ I answer your questions honestly and truthfully, yet you refuse to do the same?”
The Six Eyes wielder gasped and struck a hand to his chest in mock hurt. “Hey, now. I’m not being untruthful. I’m simply choosing not to answer. There’s a difference.”
She breathed through her nose. Her eyes burned, but she dared not blink. “Well, then…that’s awfully disingenuous. Thinking you could lead me on like that.”
“Oh, cry me a river, sweetheart.” Satoru said waspishly. His voice held none of the savage humor from before. “All I did was ask a few questions. I wasn’t lawding over you, forcing you to say those things. And I don't have to tell you certain shit if I don’t want to.” He sneered into his coffee before taking another swig. “Disingenuous.”
Wind knocked from her sails and spirits dampened, the seer slumped in her chair, accosted by his harsh reticence. Two steps forward, five steps back. They’d returned to square one. This man was impossible.
“Patience, Hannah,” Fr. O’Malley urged. “Patience.”
She inhaled deeply, bridling her anger and consternation. “At the very least, will you answer my next question?” she asked. “Truthfully this time?”
His smirk was too handsome and smug for his own good. “Depends on the question, but go ahead.”
Swallowing hard, Hannah said, “Why did you consent to the marriage.” She couldn’t meet his gaze as she spoke. “You’re obviously not interested in a wife, so why take one if it’s not what you wanted? You don’t have to lie. I can tell you’re unhappy.”
Satoru clicked his tongue at her bald accusation. Not as unhappy as I should be, he wanted to say, but thought better of it. His Six Eyes scrutinized the little seer for a moment, face impassive, calculating. He stacked both elbows on the table and wove his fingers together.
“Have you ever wondered what it would be like if the Sorcery world were different?” he said, breaking their short-lived silence. Hannah didn’t answer. Satoru inclined his head to look out the window, watching an old woman on a bench scatter sunflower seeds to a flock of hungry pigeons, commuters walking past her. “I can’t speak for The Association, but our higher-ups are trash.” He rested a palm to his cheek. “They think because they’re older it makes them wiser, but anyone with half a brain could tell you that’s a load of horseshit. Those feeble minded idiots don’t care how many civilians die, or how many young people they brainwash into becoming martyrs. All while spouting some stupid nonsense about ‘world order’ and ‘tradition.’” He balled his fist. “Pisses me off just thinking about it.”
Hannah didn’t know what to make of this information. “W-What is it you’re implying?” she said tentatively.
His eyes never wavered. Had Hannah been standing upright instead of sitting in a chair, she would’ve faltered from their harshness. “I want to reset this shitty Jujutsu world,” he stated firmly. “To undo the damage those trash heaps have wrought upon society.”
Hannah's heart stopped. She could feel the blood drain from her face. “You want a revolution?”
His eyes were like smoldering blue flames. “I want change,” he emphasized, heatedly turning to glare out the window once more. The old lady on the bench was gone. He swished his coffee cup. “The higher-ups are still wallowing in their own shit after what happened in San’ya. Rumor has it there’ll be a ‘no-confidence’ vote soon."
Hannah gnawed her bottom lip. “Isn’t that a good thing?” Satoru’s eyes flashed at her. She bowed her head. “I-I mean, based on what you’ve told me, it sounds like the issue is resolving itself; The current regime will disband and a new one will take its place. Why interfere?”
He sighed loudly at how little she grasped the situation. “Because, Princess, the ‘no-confidence' vote is just for show. These people aren’t serious about issuing a new regime. They’ll just reshuffle the same deck of cards, and if you cry foul or raise a stink, they’ll either demote you, or put your head on a chopping block.”
Hannah slid him a caustic glance. “Don’t you fear execution?”
Satoru released an incredulous snort, “Hell no. You kidding? I’m the one holding this shit-show together. They can’t afford to get rid of me. Not that they could. I’d kill them all, before they’d get the chance.”
Hannah’s throat felt knotted. It was worse than she thought. “Then what’s stopping you?” She tried not to waver when his eyes coined into slits. “It’s not that I condone mass murder or anything, but if what you say is true, why not set fire to everything and declare yourself king?”
The Sorcerer helped himself to another swig of coffee, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed. “King, eh?” he murmured, pausing as if to mull it over with himself. “Nah, I have no intention of becoming anyone’s king,” he admitted. “Sure, for a while I contemplated killing everybody off and starting over from scratch. Only problem is it would be counterintuitive. You can't demolish an institution if you’ve got nothing better to replace it with. And it’s not like people approve of massacres anyway. I don’t want to become the very thing I sought to destroy." He turned to look at her. “Which is why I plan to use a more - shall we say - diplomatic approach.” He twirled a long finger at her, smiling at some private joke. “You.”
Hannah stared blankly. “Me?”
The Sorcerer nodded. "The bargain was simple: I be a good little Boy Scout and get married, thus fulfilling my ‘sacred duty’ to the clan or whatever, and as my reward, they offer me a teaching position at Jujutsu High. Voila. Easy peasy.”
Hannah tilted her head. “A teaching position? You want to be a teacher?”
“Yup,” he said in English, punctuating the “p” with his lips. “I plan to rebuild the system from within. That way I can foster the next generation and gain strong, loyal allies in the process. Plus, ‘Gojō-sensei’ has a nice ring to it, don’t you think? Admit it, you’re impressed by my genius. I knew you would be.”
Despite herself, Hannah heaved an inward sigh of relief. “Then a reformation is your goal? Not a revolution?”
He shrugged. “I was kinda going with ‘nonviolent coup,’ but yeah. Whatever floats your boat.”
“Have you revealed this plan to anyone else?”
“Sorta,” He examined his fingernails like he’d lost interest. “Though, technically, you’re the first.”
“And you're able to do this because of the Limitless?”
Six Eyes honed on her like a falcon about to swoop in on its prey. Her heart ratcheted. His shift from carefree to serious frightened her. The man who saved her life was nowhere to be found. No, this man was formidable. This man was dangerous.
“You know about that?” he said cooly, the fire in his eyes now a glacial frost. He was a remarkable contradiction; both fire and ice.
Hannah shivered. “I know of it, yes,” she conceded. “But Fr. O’Malley didn’t elaborate.”
The Jujutsu Sorcerer’s mouth quirked. “Yeah, bet he didn’t. Just as well. It’s better to show in person anyway. Here…” He spread his left palm out as if to give her a high-five, but in the midst of unfurling his hand Hannah gripped the table and flinched, afraid he might do something…regrettable. Satoru’s face twisted into a scowl. “Chill. I’m not gonna hurt you. Now, be a nice girl and place your hand on mine, okay?”
Hannah froze. “W-What?”
Satoru bore a wide smirk.
“Oh, you heard me, Princess.” He wiggled his fingers suggestively. “Come on. Don’t be shy. Promise I won't bite.”
She didn’t budge. “You actually want me to…”
"Ugh." He rolled his eyes, "Why do women have to be so stubborn all the time? Hurry up. My hand's getting tired."
Hannah swallowed the huge lump in her throat. Hesitantly, with shaky hands, she lifted her left palm to his as instructed. Closer and closer she crept, nearly making it, could practically feel it, but instead of touching callused skin like she anticipated, her forearm went no further, halted by an invisible wall keeping their hands squarely apart.
What on earth? She commanded her hand forward. Nothing. Not an inch more.
“Surprised?” spoke Satoru, amused by her trial and error. “Don’t be. What you’re witnessing is no trick. This is the resting state of the Limitless; Infinity.”
“Infinity?” she repeated, remembering Fr. O’Malley used the term in Principle Yaga’s office.
He nodded, gossamer bangs over his eyes. “With this Curse Technique, I’m able to manipulate the flow of space and time at will, making the theoretical concept of ‘Infinity’ fully realized. You can try all you want, but so long as this Technique remains active, your hand will never reach mine.”
Hannah was troubled by this. “I’m not sure I follow,” she said. “It’s a force field of some kind?”
“Hmm, not quite. You familiar with Achilles and the Tortoise?”
“Zeno’s Paradox, you mean?”
He wasn’t expecting her to know that.
Kudos to her.
He cleared his throat. “Yeah. Well, that’s basically what’s going on here.” He pointed to his open hand. “In retrospect, I’m breaking down motion so acutely to the point it’s stopped in toto, or at least it appears that way.”
“I see,” replied Hannah, still piecing it together. “But Fr. O’Malley said the Limitless gave you the ability to repel and attract? He mentioned nothing of stopping.”
“Oh?” Satoru's grin turned Machievellian. “You mean this?”
The invisible gulf between their hands suddenly widened. Hannah could do nothing but watch as her palm was gently “pushed” back to her shoulder, fully outstretched. A red aura haloed around her arm.
Then Hannah’s hand was returned to his as if pulled by threads, her fingers barely touching the pads of his fingertips. Her pulse ran rampant in her chest, anxious by their close proximity and the blueness of his eyes concentrated solely on her. The red aura became a deep azure.
“Attraction,” he purred.
She heard her breath gasp. In the course of a single heartbeat, their fingertips at last met each other, then their palms, and then finally his fingers began to slip teasingly between her own, pinching the skin where their wedding rings collided. His hand felt massive, rough calluses and scar tissue grazing against her flesh, eliciting the hairs on her forearm to raise approvingly. He chuckled at the rosy hue dappling her cheeks.
A rush of excitement coursed through him at how easy she was to seduce. He didn't impede the tingling in his crotch this time, but rather kept it at bay, wondering how much longer would it be until she was in his bed, naked, writhing, pleading for him to make her his. He’d give her a solid week, tops. “See? Told you I don’t bite,” he said flirtatiously, his voice velvet smooth, stroking his thumb atop their clasped knuckles for extra measure.
Meanwhile the blood in Hannah’s veins felt as though it were boiling inside a kettle. His hold was gentle yet firm and she’d be lying if she said she didn’t like it; Lucifer and his good looks. She couldn’t bring herself to let go, so she tried for a diversion. “I h-haven’t thanked you for saving my life,” she squeaked, wishing she had a fan to cool herself, or a block of ice to press to her cheeks.
This must’ve been the last thing Satoru expected her to say because the tips of his ears also warmed a faint pink. “Whatever, don’t mention it,” he said, quickly looking away, hubris forgotten. “No big deal.”
He released her hand.
But Hannah was adamant. “I’m serious. If you hadn’t arrived when you did I would’ve been — ”
“You would've been Curse meat,” he snorted. “Again, it's no big deal.” He didn’t think she’d thank him. Few people did.
“Only it is a big deal.” She reached across the table and grabbed hold of his hand, feeling the muscles tense up. “Please, Fr. O’Malley said you’d retrieve the Sukuna fingers for us. I may not be a Sorcerer, nor the wife you wanted — In fact, I’d go so far as to say there’s nothing extraordinary about me at all — but for once in my life I could save people. Actually save people instead of watching them suffer and die. I can’t tell you how that makes me feel. I — ” She stopped, fearing she’d taken it a bridge too far, her cheeks blazing. “Anyway, I’m glad you changed your mind. Truly.”
Satoru’s mouth thinned, not impressed, not underwhelmed.
“That’s cute, Princess. I’m touched.” He deftly slid his hand from underneath her’s to pour a sixth packet of sugar into his half-empty drink. “However, there’s something you should know. While I’d love to say I agreed to help outta the kindness of my own heart, I very much adhere to the philosophy, ‘you scratch my back, I scratch yours.’ That being said, what will you give me in return to sweeten the deal?”
“You get an ally.” For all her shyness, for all her foibles, the rebuttal was immediate. “A loyal one. I can’t say whether I agree with your coup, but if it means you’ll help me find the Sukuna fingers, then I’ll support you in your mission. That’s something you said you wanted, right? Loyal allies?”
The Sorcerer pretended to weigh his options, rubbing his chin. “Hmm. My help in exchange for your unwavering loyalty.” He was messing with her really, having made his decision last night, standing outside that bathhouse, ogling her naked body like an old lech. He clapped his hands together. “Alrighty then, I’ll agree to your terms. On one other condition.”
Hannah beamed. “Of course. Anything.”
He internally grimaced. Her enthusiasm reminded him of a puppy, naive and trusting. She shouldn't be so quick to make promises like that, proof she was inexperienced and easy to take advantage of. That needed to be corrected. Asap.
“You learn how to fight.”
He watched her elation flatten into sheer disappointment.
“I can’t control Cursed Energy,” she said.
Satoru could've laughed. “Who said anything about Cursed Energy? I know brats half your age who can fight plenty without it. I don’t care whether you’re a non-Sorcerer, or what level that Curse was. You gave up the second it had its greasy paws. I’ll see to it personally that doesn't happen again. You may be weak, but that’s not an excuse to forfeit your life like that. Capeesh?”
The hint wasn’t lost on her. “I’ll see to it personally…”
“You’ll be my instructor?” she asked.
“Why not?” he replied, shrugging. “How else am I to teach a couple of angsty teenagers, if I can’t teach a smallfry like you how to defend herself? So, there. Congrats. Try not to let it go to your — Huh? What the heck is this?”
Hannah was holding some kind of twig out to him.
“It’s for you.” She presented it with both hands. “It’s part of an olive branch.”
Satoru blinked. Where the hell did she find an olive tree in the middle of frickin’ Tokyo? They primarily grew in Shodoshima where it was drier.
“Right,” he said unsuredly. “Uh, am I supposed to do something with it?” He silently prayed she wasn’t encouraging him to eat this thing.
“Extending an olive branch symbolizes peace and new beginnings.” She nervously tucked a loose strand of auburn hair behind her ear. “I was hoping we could start over…if that’s alright with you?”
Following her escape from Jujutsu High, and a stern talking to from Principle Yaga that she was to stay on campus at all times (Mr. Ijichi bore the brunt of Yaga’s ire), Hannah changed into suitable clothing and went into the greenhouse in search of garden shears, where she noticed a young olive tree rooted in a pot. Either someone placed it there that morning, or she hadn’t been paying close attention, but after finding the garden shears, she clipped off a sample and gingerly placed it in her pocket for safekeeping, planning to gift it to Satoru when the opportunity arose, which came sooner rather than later.
Fascinated, Satoru plucked the little sprig from her hold and lifted it towards the Starbucks window, examining its waxy oblong leaves and cellulosic properties. He noted the color was similar to the green in her eyes and he could smell its smoky perfume wafting from the tiny branches. Hannah interpreted this as a good sign and offered him her hand in friendship.
“I’m Hannah,” she said with a timid smile. “Hannah Thames - er - was Hannah Thames, but you already knew that.”
A perfectly cordial introduction.
Honestly speaking, she was prettier when she wasn’t sad.
Satoru stared at her proffered greeting, peered into her eyes, testing to make sure it was safe, then enclosed his palm around her’s without teasing.
“Satoru,” he replied, shaking her hand. She reminded him of a doll. A little hina doll. Too forceful and she’d snap in two. “By the way,” he added, “You might want to start packing your stuff when we get back.”
Her brows rushed downward. “How come?”
Ooo, she's gonna love this.
“There’s been a slight hick-up,” Satoru said. “After Wednesday night’s fiasco, the powers that be no longer think it safe for you to reside in the dormitories. I told them no, but they wouldn’t listen. So it looks like you’re moving in with me. Soon as it’s convenient.” His voice lowered. "Oh yes, we’re gonna get nice and cozy with each other, aren’t we, Princess?”
Hannah gulped.
New beginnings, indeed.
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