@sinfulhumanity ღ
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“Sneaking around is getting more difficult,” Elena pouted. She wrapped her arms around him. “I nearly kissed you goodbye yesterday in front of Elijah. I don’t know how much longer we can keep this a secret.” She wasn’t looking forward to the reactions of his siblings, particularly Rebekah, who only tolerated her because she was useful for Klaus. 
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residentbcdgirl-a · 7 years
❝ why does everyone look at me as if i’m always up to something?❞
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originallymikaelson · 7 years
@sinfulhumanity | 4x07 starter call
“Henrik...” This was a time more then ever where they needed to be united as a family. It didn’t matter what pre suspicions may have been held, they just needed to be together, united. “We need you. Our family, needs you.”
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sirenkissed-blog · 7 years
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             ‘  if it has anything to do with the vampires the answer is no  .  ‘
    something dangerous had flashed from her gaze  ,  lips pressed into a hard line as she peered at the blonde  ,  eyebrows furrowed deeply as she took in the appearance  .  she knew the troubles those of the night had cast  ,  the story of how they had turned a mundane into one of them  .  the blonde didn’t look familiar  ,  possibly from out of state but she didn’t interfere with vampire business  .
              ‘  it’s not that my issue lies with you specifically                  i just don’t interfere with the politics of vampires                  outside of the accords  .  if you need anything else                  feel free to ask  .  ‘
                         [  @sinfulhumanity  |   ❤   ]                  
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incrediblyvexing · 8 years
Vex was in the library slumped backwards in his chair. He was questioning what exactly possessed him to think that going to school was a good idea, when he overheard the girl at the next table muttering to herself.
“Well if it isn’t the British bloody invasion over ‘ere.” 
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“What are you in ‘ere for anyway?”
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wclfgirl · 8 years
                 MEME | ACCEPTING | @sinfulhumanity​
Though she has yet to realize it, Hayley and Lillian have crossed paths before during a short visit in New Orleans when she first came upon Katherine. It was a brief, blink and you miss it, encounter that held little bearing on their relationship now. And given the fact Hayley was so nearsighted on her own goals ( not to mention, drunk off her ass ) at the time, there was little chance of her seeing the blond as an ally. Yet, now, every time she sees her, she keeps wondering why this odd sense of déjà vu hits her and where it stems from.
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demandsacrifice · 7 years
@sinfulhumanity liked ♚ for a starter
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Freya entered a small shop on the quarter that was mainly used as a tourist attraction now. Since Marcel’s exile it was slowly returning to its original purpose - a witch shop. Because Davina was no longer under Marcel’s control, witches were free to practice magic again. Part of this may have been because Davina could tell when someone was practicing, but not who. And as a Mikaelson, Freya could pretty much do whatever she damn well pleased. She had insisted that this particular shop be brought back to its former glory because witches, even her, needed herbs and such.
The chime above the door rang as she entered. She smiled at the woman working - a short little woman who was organizing something behind the counter. Freya’s hands moved over the counter tops as she searched for the things she needed. Her eyes stopped on an amber colored pendant. She had a talisman, the blue crystal that she kept the spirits of her family, Finn in particular, in. Hope would need something when she got older, though. And Freya could spell it until then as a protection piece. Her delicate fingers took the stone into her hand. She was so lost in her thoughts - the plans to make Hope a witch worthy of the name Mikaelson - that she was startled by the chimes above the door again. She noticed that she was no longer the only customer in the small shop. There were at least three others and a fourth had just come in. She needed to be more aware of her surroundings.
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bourbonandheels · 8 years
     A folder full of multicolored party invitations were tucked in a folder on the crook of her elbow as Katherine exited her last class for the day. The handful of students in her Practical Applications of Spellcasting class were mostly Physical students already in the know, but she passed a couple of the sheets out to those who weren’t. Those she cared to invite, at least.
     She cut through a hallway leading past the Botany classrooms. There was a chance she would catch a glance of her ex through the window, or run into him altogether. Part of her was curious to see him again. 
     As luck would have it, Damon was no where to be seen. She kept on her way, and as she crossed out onto the path that went by the greenhouses and eventually through the gardens, she spotted a less familiar acquaintance. Nate Anderson. They were in the same year, so they knew each other, but she never really felt compelled to bond with him. She knew he was a Healer, though.
     On impulse, she followed the curved path into the greenhouse and crossed over to him. “Hey Nate.” Katherine was careful not to touch the table lest dirt get on her clothes. It was rather humid in there as well, she noted, which could possibly not end well for her hair if she lingered too long. “What are you working on?”
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dalphahale · 8 years
@sinfulhumanity liked this post for a verse starter.
Derek had been standing by, only listening to the conversation that was unfolding before him. Clearly this guy didn't understand the meaning of "no" when the girl spoke it. It was setting Derek's patience on fire, his blood boiling a bit as she explained again she wasn't interested. When that still didn't click, the darker haired male step in, his hand going to the other's chest. "She said she wasn't interested, now back off!" The sudden explosion of his emotion shot the other back, sending him flying towards the wall with a loud thump. Derek was going to get into trouble for that. He turned to look at the young woman, slightly embarrassed. "Are you alright?"
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gcvethemhell · 8 years
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“  okay,  you’re  coming  with  me.  it’s  practically  criminal  for  you  to  have  been  in  new  orleans  for  this  long  and  not  have  tasted  some  decent  gumbo.  what  about  tours??  has  anyone  bothered  to  show  you  around,  teach  you  a  bit  about  the  culture  or  history ?? ”        @sinfulhumanity   /   liked  for  a  starter !!
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nolabeast · 8 years
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          “Hmm FIESTY,”  he cocked a grin, able to appreciate the fire in Lillian.  “See, I’m not asking you to bow down.  Just offering some friendly advice on how to show  RESPECT  when it’s due.” 
@sinfulhumanity from (x)
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@sinfulhumanity​ liked for a verse starter 
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Kaleb watched the new girl wander aimlessly around the Compound. He had heard that this wasn’t her first house. After a few minutes of what he felt was being a complete creep, he decided to talk to her. “So what’s your deal? In terms of what you can do, I mean.vI’m Kaleb, basically a living ghost” He held his hand out as he flashed a charming smile.
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gcvethemhell · 8 years
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      “ you’re  not  like  them,  are  you?  you  have  magic,  i  can  sense  it. ”    @sinfulhumanity​  /  liked  for  a  small  starter!
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